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PAGE TWO THE (iTTHRIK DAILY LEADER, HIURSbAY, DECEMBER 24. 1914. OOCH! LUMBAGO? Muiterole. See How It Relieves Quickl You lust rub I.MMATKBOIJ3 in briskly, and usually the pain is torn a del. iou'g, soothing comfort coxes to taku its place. iMlWKROhK :s a dean, white oint raent. made with oil of 'mustard. Or It instead of mustard plaster. Will not blister. Doctors and nurses use M USTEDl ftiJB and recommend it to their pa tient. They will gladly tell you what re lief Jt gives from Sore Throat. Hron chltls, Croup, Stiff Ne: k. Asthma Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy. Rheu matism, LunVbago. Pains and Aehei of the back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, rhljblain:', Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest i It often pre ert Pneumonia), At your druggists', in 2"c and Jars, and a special large hospital size for HM. Be sure iou get the genuine 34QS TOBOUA RsfOSS imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, "Cleveland, ObJo. OREGON TIRES OF HIES BE PRETTY! IIM M 1 Try G.-andirctlisr'a eM Favorite Re cipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. lAlmost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, proper!, compound ed, ruing back ;he natural color and 'lustre to the hair when faded, streak . ed or a ray ; also suds dandruff. it; V ; ' l.v j to 'g t this i. I ON THE OAS: LEGISLATURE WILL MAKE EFFORT TO WIPE VIM OUT; TOO COSTLY ie. w) : Soi. . mumv and t : 01 resofni .Vo laya, b afiMing at arty drug stare for "Wyeth'o -Sage and Sulphur f'o:n- ;o inu. you win g"i a larwe nottie 6t 'his famous old recipe for sll on I ."0 cents. iDon't BtB, gray! Try it! So one can pofilblj tell that you darkenel m V.rilr A J, 14 11 Portland, five . IW. 21. ,1 i ..!! V Jr " ,' "V "UB 11 " ",ri"" iclld i , ( til. (1:1 ili'iiri.n :i cni ni. out the direct primary and have one L,..-. i,,,.k uith t ..j h-,,,. i 'wi n" If fwp ' UIJU Ml It. 1 ii i tion 'instead Of a prima: ad a 'through your hair, taking one small general election is ihe pgrpese of j Strand at a time; by morning the the iblll which will be tntrod 1 la ? riir awimMs. ana alter an- otner application or two, your ha r I be cornea 'beautiful!;- dark, thick and islature. Such a measure will belcinaav. For nl b Owl Timm warmlv suppof d and ' .ic-ed w.tli ASPHYXIATED WHE THEiR CANINE PULLED HOSE FROM HEATER There is Danger in Neglecting a Case of Catarrh! If vou are sufferinp; from catarrh it is wrong for you to neglect it a single !moment. From a troublesome connlaint it soon develops inko a sorious illness. The whole body soon feels its weakening in ibonce. Yon can rid yourself of this curse if you seek the right remedial help. It xms been proved in thousand of ea.-s by actual trial that Fit DiAvtA'c HaIHah A film. CHRISTMAS TIME. (Written for The leader by Ruth Millard, aged 12 years; 7th grade, Meridian schools.) i t'i J fj f) mH'l , - The jingle bells are ringing;. And Christmas time Is here. We have gathered all the holly, And mistletoe so dear. And Santa Claus is on his v. ay, With all the lovely toys. And all the pretty dolls and trains, For little girls and boys. And soon will come the happy night When we are fast asleep. When he'll fill our great long stock in,!?, From the top down to the feet. But what do you thinlk little Helginns Will ever, ever do, When Santa 'laus sends them a letter, And tells them he can't get through. And some one will have to clear (hp way, .For Santa Claus to go Over to the ipoor little children, That are starving to death you know. Xcw what do you think W would ever do, 3f Santa Claus couldn't get here And hadn't wo ought to be thankful, That the war isn't going on here. 1 TOOK LONG j the primary e.e. t lot eoeri l el (Orion, as much m t ie I ill the t'r or. l;. trod tired on (li It is estim aj 'IM, ooo. Then is followed by a which costs albout primary. It the propo'jd m for office will .i.m in running tint: tai-y now enj ij th winners ji t primar. ! considered elected. il'roponents of the measure - all at tention to the "get Oven" spirit which is one of the developments of the primary. The men defeated for nom ination generally throw their support to the su.cessful nominee of the op posing party and not to the man who beat them for the primary no. i. (na tion. This brought about the blttter ness and knifing within the parties which have been so common of rec ent years, 'A proposed, an,y one, with the uj ual stipulations and refutation!, ca.i be a candidate us a party man; thru when the votes are counted the agony Is over and, presumably, the ibeai men have won. Of course, under iu h a system electors revolved a ballot on Wbtcb the names of all candid it shall he printed, anil this will do away with a ipeciaJ ballot fot each juirty, as Is (he cftffl with the pres ent primary nominating law. TRIP TO 5E LYNCHING GIRL TELLS COURT SHE RODE 18 MILES TO SEE NEGRO BURNED Shreveport, I. a., !eo. 24. Miss 15. Alexander of this city testifying here today at the hearing before Attorney General Plomint. who is conducting the investigation of five reel tit lyncli ings in this palish said that she rode eighteen miles in an automobile to witness the execution of Walk in S Lewis an aged negro, who v. as lilt ru ed to the stake by a mob. .Miss Alexander said the automobile was filled with men she did not know, but she denied that she rode in the Philadelphia, Dec. 21. .Hugh Mc Caffaty and his wif.- Catherine la; dead in their gas-filled home at 7 Morris street from Saturday after noon until yesterday morning. Ther the house was broken open by tht R . Williaa: 1 Haves, of the Church (. t!i" annunciation, and PoMcenian Ho; lo, of the Moyomenapng n veuue y nJ Dl Vinson street station. It v. as In the same Siouse that Mr. McCaf freys urr le was killed by fall downstairs. . I"s. 'McCaffrey was found on a rhair in .the parlor. Her husband had collapsed on the floor of the tchen, and their three nets, a dog, a cat and a canary, all had been as phyxiated. The i;as escaped from ;i rubber hose 'which had been pulled off a heatet pTOtotib'.y by the dog. The tragedy was discovered through -e:i r old Becky t'ollins, of ""! Mor ttreet, whose parents were friend of the M'K'aft'r with Mrs. MiCCs hopping tour turned c.uly In when the girl i Caff ley home ; Mrs. -MeCuffrey window, seated parentis- aslee;i. pone her visit mid went boa. 12-rls d b- aaturd it rte an Th noon to the Me lt 1 o'clock she r.: through the fn.nt In a chair, and a p iSlic decided to iost int 1 1 Mindav mormn Medical Discovery (In Tablet or Liquid Form) Is a blessing to all who use it to relieve this distressing complaint catarrh. It has a curative and healing effect upon all mucous membranes and so removes the cause of the trouble. In Nasal Catarrh it is best to u?e I)r. Sage's Catarrh Kemedv to cleanse the passages while relying upon Dr. Pierce's Golden MedicafDiscovery to permanently restorehealthyconditions. A little book has been issued containing extracts from the writings of eminent medical authorities, and it will be worth your while to get and read a copy. It will show you just why Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery will eradicate catarrhal conditions of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs and why for your lasting good you tlWU Id rid youraelfoi the danger of catarrh In any form. A copy will be sent you' free on request. Dr. Pierce Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Dr. Pierce. Golden Medici Dicoery ha been sold for over forty year, in liquid forni, always uivinif .ati.f action. NOW it can be obtained in tablet or liquid form from all dealeri in medicine-or tend 50 one-cent .tamp, to Dr. Pierce for a trial box of (he tauiei.. Srnd for Pr. Pitrct't Common .Suite Medical AMHr tells in eimph- language all about the contmon ila oj humanity -100S pages of inntrui-tive reading. Free tJ you on receipt of SI one-cent itoHljM to cover ruil of wrapping and ma.ling. Address Or. Puree, Invunds' Uute , Buffalo, A' ' y iiin under and A nn un. SUM Any skin Itching Is a temper tester. The more you scratch the worse It Itches. Doan's Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. ,50c at all drug stores. machine In Id Oft The n in which the oli lad attai wat d and Ih'Mi the iM' H -afray home, and was startl ed to see 'Mrs. Mc'V.f.rc,, still s?at- i in the c:ift(r in trie same liosuioi as the preceding afternoon. Th Sunday papers and nfiHt bottles hi not been taken in, and when Be i failed to get a response to her rin. and summoned Pat9ier Hayes. When the priest and the pollcemar HE KIDN1VS t and tone it enres si! 1 l.v lb tin ir ai See SweArentfen for Photo.' "" "1IS Bnd THE -il'.- araaparilia iiienis, pains in BACKACHE sitions found We Greetings! Wish to Express Many Thanks bodies Wfi trenl that tin ditatcd. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take l, AX ATI VK BROMO QUlNINt Tablets. Druggists refund money !t falls to cure. 10. V. (JROVE'8 S nj'ure is on each box- 2."c. Our To each and every customer for the patronage received during the past year. We also hope to continue the same business relations in the future. Wishing y m a Pvlerry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year, we remain Yours truly, W. W. BISHOP Phones 66 and 311 102 W. Okla.701 W. Noble THE WIFE'S MONEY By Mrs. I va Leonard Thf fine snow whitened the air ami a stnr uate uiew tne nny ir les against the face like BtiOflBI edles. A traveler was toilsomely riding u p the mountain gorge in the teeth of the wind. The tough little ronv bent hei head and slowly pi kM her way over the rocks, made sir pery s ith the its Sty co i r-iii'-'. I be traveler raised his head iind, shiebltcj hb face with his lur glove, p e e r i 't through the ite air Finall, b discovered a bla. ', spot against the whits mountain side. "Surely tha' i-- the pin e. be opined. "(let. along with yo.' 1 it le Molasses Ann! an I le- Htriic.. tin atJi of -the l oiiv with saw 1 irvi ' nut niv little .Molassc cover, will you?" The boy grinned and went out. 'Where's Jake?" asked th- do tor "Working in the logging camp. He hopes to get home Christmas, replied the woman, hanging up his coat. The doctor was a red-headed red bearded little man, as cheerful and companionable as a robin. iN'OW, where's my sick baby?" he asked gaily, as if ordering a confection. The mother led the way to two chairs placed against the wall with a board tied across the front to keep the mite of humanity from falling to the floor. He took the little ttP. piilow and all. and laid it on his lap still asleep. The anxious mother stood near, watching every move. "What is the matter, doctor.?" she whispered. "You gel a big (kettle of hot water and ;i foot tub. The little chaps try- lai to have the measles and they won t COBie out. We'll li him all runt, ne answered. COgethef they worked over Ihe baby until far into the venlng, the wind howling and shrieking around the tiny cabin hugged against the bunk. At last a jink rash all over the little body told them the danger was over. Now ikeep him warm and he'll be all right. Isn't he ft rose."' lauuhtd S little man. After suptpSf the doctor lay down on the lounge and slept, and the chit-. aren went to bed, wiuie the niottnv watched the baov and led the lire. The next morning was clear and cold, the dazzling snow reached up to (he blue mountain peaks that stood out like jewels. The do tor scraped away the frost and peered out the little window. " The snow no) very deiip, except in a few places where it is drifted. Well get through all ri-'ht. I'll see .Take when he comes throu-'h Iftsosr and send up some medicine " Peters was sellln a Christinas n, ' said his bite's ings until Jewelry Store ( bristnias. open even- wit Try Our Electro Facial Massaijc K bousencid remedy in America for 25 years Ur. Thomas' Electric Oil. I For etito, sprains, burns, scalds, J bruises. 23c and fiOc. At all drug , stores. Prcgram at Wett Side M. F. Church. The West .Side Methodist -Sunday lool will render a delightful 'pro- Bath House Beauty Parlor , StliraiffilrTBEIBHSMlEHilP: oration trative scen s belibe ii t r: ' it. is I van wil eatables I :indv, nuts ant" frui y distributed to all as poi ll oei je:ni 'will be at the doer, into Which IheBC contributions can ibe put. Ben Weinberger's, "the House of Quality," for your Christmas gifts to Jewelry, Baggage and useful articles for women, children and men. E PLURIBUS UNION. (From the Philadelphia Ledger.) "Why is tin1 orchestra playing so awfully fast?" "Union rules; time and a half alter midnight." To mail subscribers: Take advant age of The Leader's Christmas o'fer. One year, $2.50. Do You Seek a Musical Educn ticn? Let us Direct Ycu to Music Department - . v- OF.; r- - i The Methodist University PIANO VOICE VIOLIN The management (a pleased to announce Miss Fay Trum bull of Chicago to succeed Miss Aila 0, Woodward, as head of the Piano Department. Miss Trumbull continues the same teaching methods em ployed by Miss Woodward, hav ing been a student for several years of the famous Leschetls- I i S3 a HIHHlHIBaifllflllBIBIlPhV 5? k y. y. y. y. y ?. .-. y y x L U Hillings, dealer and y. shljmer of Guthrie Mineral Wells K X Water. Shipments made to any 8 K jKiint in the United Sta-ten. X SI Phone 29. Res. 913 E. Harrison. X y. y. : : y. y. y. : y. y. y. y. y yy. y WEINBERGER'S Open Evenings Until After JANUARY FIRST hhi band -urousi'. I n bobbed her In n . iiid SSrl forth rene.u . itlors to reach the journey s en I She f,oon i limbing the sie. p trail to the ' abiiu The door opened to I r on ailing knock and the visitor. loo In j like polar bear, his fur coal, cap, and gloves covered with snow. Stamped his feet and st . I inside. oh. doctor 1 am so glad you have "hir Us an awful storm we nre having. I v. as alraid you ccmhlri ' Rd here " said a thin, cari- Now. Mrs. Santa Clans." said the doctor to bis wife that evening, ' have you anything for these llol leStSfS? I tell you (hey n"ed cheer ing.'' TH order stuff by the wholesale hell year; it will , ( heap r," laush 'I Iks bright -eyed little woman, "i eaa'1 complain, though, for Molasses Ann and I get all you colls t. Vou re sorely good to your women folks.'' fhe doctor shook a STftmini flngSI at her as he departed and Mrs. anta went to work. From a drawer she took some baby lcth carefully wrap d in (Issue. "I'll i;ive Mrs. Hollester mine or tl."se." she said, kissinu tne UftJ garments on whbh tin- tears I'll "It is better so; (hey shoiil I be used, not left iii a draw r. Tne re arc mirely three or four toys left. Yes, here is a rag doll for the little girl, and I .'nc ia and I leg Tor Ihe hoys, and I'll uive her half of my and three airs of mit- oman. (akin,- his a,, and i;!cw llCOSl Crandma Field gftSO ne to di- 1 ' 1 .. ..... I 1. A . . " . i r km uir i'vm ear on itn in 'in, (rack," laugh, d the doctor, shaking (he snow from his coat in a room so " I saw Jake Hollester at the Miial! that the stoe h'srecl vicioilslv ?tore." said th.. ilr-mr rr rhncim the i; art., les stni k Ihe hot sur- eve. " save him the pt kace aad e- the ii. . Ine He w.nt home I Here, bub." he said, thruntin; a e i : siifi f.r cfifiiicr inmorrov k or randy into a Lid s hand. -oe Me tftck of the hildren cand I Holiday Rates Accounl f Thristmas Ilolidayi reduced Pare tickets the Santa Fc wil in many points line Kansas City and Return $13.10 St- Louis and Return $21.95 to many points in Texas we offer cue r f.iic and one-third for the round trip. Tickets on sale De cember LMicl.LMt li. 25th and 2itli. Return limit January 8th. All " an vini; linal M. N. COCHRELL, Agent. m tel H W HI