Newspaper Page Text
THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1914. PAGE THREE c a oave n Ul u nrnPN ficney on USEFUL rui.i r linu i Men's Overcoats Coys' Overcoat Men's Balmacanns Boys' Balmacanns Men's Suits Boys Suits Men's Mackinaw Coats Boys' Mackinaw Coats Flannel Shirts Valises Suit Cases Duck Coats Corduroy Co.ts l) NOTES AND PERSONALS OF SOCIE TY cenore Burke Phone 245 'Kor when the heart goes I a lami and illumines the many thing! are made clea: He hidden In durknes.-. il. ifore like pathway, that else CALENDAR Monday. Cambridgi Party Df IM, Oil Iff horary, 1 1 an. ty 'Atra. iFamil,,-Swanson. Ogg, X. 1'. Kellogg, Daymon Walke and X. ('. Orr and son John, of Okla homa City, Floyd Calvert and son of Nowata, li;ses Jessie, Helen, Delia KellosK. 'I ois Kellogg, of Nowata, and Messrs lA'llen Kellogg of Montana and Harold, Artiiur and Harley Kellogg. Vr. andi.Mrs. vl B. Leo at : MM 'West Warner had as their dinner guests yesterday Rev. and Mrs. n. G. M -Callister, Mr. and 'Mrs. F. K. Leo ami daugatei and Mr. A. B. Wiseman. Miss Garnet V'. Yoeoni. formerly ot this ity, was married IV em bar 1 t3 Mr. Keith K. Runimerfield at hi home in Denver. Col Mlsi was a member of the r'D.,:s of V ' Mr. and many mends pie of Gutjhrie. msn: the Abells The Only One Price Clothier in Guthrie Hcu i .ten i . utcr. Thea wedding of Miss August Houghton and 'Mr. Wifburn Houser whioh took place yesterday afternoon at the lloughton home, 'was one of beautiful simplicity. The state flow er and emblem and the symbol of the Christmas season, mistletoe, was the key note cf the jccarattcB and wreath tied with while satin 'Lows hung in the windows, At one end nf the li brary was a 'Canopy of green and white under winch thr groom watted and the ceremony was preformed by Rev. Or,. Finc'ley. The bride in a white satin and la e gown, and a rhlf Fcn veil caught with mistletoe entered the rocm cn the at'i of ker fatter, P. the maid of honor and the bride.; maid, i.Miss Mary Niroiey in white crepe do -chine and y.' phlffcn and '.vs Grace Houghton in blue chiffon r.nd lace. I.ohengrin'fi wedding march was played 'y Mi3 Ethel Douglas with violin accompaniment by viissca Gladys IHoughton and Lai: He Burke. iMlcs Ethel Cohagan sang At Dawn ing 'by Cadman. Little IMiss IMarjorle HoUghton, dressed in white with pink rl'j'jcns carried the ring in the center of a pink rase. i.MJ Cntcrtaincd at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cook had as their (ininer and supper guests Christinas day i.Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Finch. Mr and Mrs. Jesse Finch, Mr. and Mrs Tony Finch and eon, Mr. and iMrs. Fl mer Finch and two children and Mr and Mrs. Tro Hlesch nd two chfldron alj of Oklahoma City; Mr and Mrs. Karl Cock oT Bromide, Okla., and -Mr. Glenn Mitchell of Saprlpa. Wcodwr.M - Rober ts Wedding. RtlSS Adi Blanche W daughter of Mrs. W. K. Wood' m o Ki .ic , were united in mlrriag C. H. Woodward, c! Groat B the uncle of fhe bride, en i night at Baven o'clook. With ing strains cf I nbcngrlns Br: U3 piaved by Miss Lillian the ribbon bearers Miss Douglas, Lulu Townsend, Furrow, and Lenore Burke I ward, rd and ! Ci'.V. t Rev 3 Kthel Blan "he wen rlii" pink frocks and corsage bouquets ot Kilaraey roses formed an aisle for the bridal party. Miss Louise Bierer, the brides maid ame first , she was "nwnnil In m'riV n r'nivl In ti itlmlnil .Vi'f fon and over dress of silver lace nn.7 Ethel .Horn caught carried Killarney roses. Mrs. Rae M alone of Oklahoma OH v. bile maid the brides shower boucuet cf ro and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Hough- of honor wore pink chiffon with vel ton was assisted in the dining roon't 'basque and also carried the pink by IMlliea Florence Thompson and arm 'bouquet. Ruth Woodward strew lOlma Houghton. The wedding was ed rose petals before the bride who ;verv quiet, onlv the immediate fam- ! was lvly in her wedding gown of mm The Justrite Corsets which we sell and guarantee arc winning more customers to our corset section every day. We believe in handling the corset which is the beat fitting and has the best material. For this reason we are offering tlife Justrite to you. There is something about Justrites that makes them different from any other rset. Every (!-!) Justrite corset is rustless and will hold its shape as long as you wear it. Look for the little G-D Justrite t:t; antee of satisfaction. inside cadi corse It's your guar it's GOOD FORM to wear a , C 7 j v V . 7 ZrnrnrEBS" TS) ily and friends cf the bride and groom being present. 'Mrs. Hourcr was born in Guthrie and has lived here always. Chantllly and rose 'point la"e over satin made with raglan train which was caught with orange blossoms; her ie was graduated from L. 0 (y g veil of tulle formed a bo oming c in lifmo and attended school in ML Oaiwell in Wichita and has since been teaching In Coyle. 'Mr. Houser came to Guthrie about ten years a?:, is a graduate cf L. 0. H. P. and has intent some time in the navy, lie ll now engaged in business in Concordia wedding ibella Kansas, where they will be at home stood smllax after the first of the year. HHM;iHl Rill assume his duties as county M TOPICS OF THE & Judge after the first of January. hS TOWN AND STATE. M t 8 K.' S K K IS JS 1: X S Jf. )( Christmas at the Churches. I Santa Claus was in evidence at ah rvairie People Will Fight. of the churches in the city Thursday Mtorneys for the l'rairie Oil and Might, MlM Durling Entertains. Las company have filed their briels m lM1m Maild Durl:ng entertained in- the state supreme court, setting out Guiet Christmas For Police. formallv Chrlltmai niglit for a num- tiieir contentions for a writ of pro- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day . f t f town guests The ev- hiblUon against the sUte iboard ot vtre the two quietest 'periods in the ening was spent wjth story telling ecualization preventing the proposed history of the police department here. fortunr.s an(j taking pictnres, aftei increased assessment of $10,500,0 1 1 Not an arrest was made nor a com- w;,jp ;)nt refreshments were so:' c , I ro;icrty valuation. : plaint of any kind filed. ,() lr,, Wllllama cf Color 9 ' Springs. IMrs. Baixter. Misses Beu!" Complain Against Gas Service. ! Entertained Bridal Couple. Cavalt Florence iCMBpbelL Fay Bax Corporation i'ommissioner A. P, On Christmas Eve the bridal party ,er p-.srs serene Durling of Cusb- Watson has gone to Collinsville to of the Roberts-Woodward were tho j n Prm)htrr9n of Wichita conduct a hearing on complaints dinner guests of .Judge and Mrs. A. K Eugene Blv of Ft. Smith an n:ado by the citizens against the K. G C. Bierer. The reception room and vV'lliam Wilkrrson. ! G-D Corsets $1.00 to $5.00 1 Henry (las -company. Fiecuit Men Receive Gold. All employes of the National Bis cuit company of Oklahoma receive l lusiers of wedding bells and smilax a 5 irold niece from the Mmnu v . hUM from the chandelier, and the parlor were in the reds ae.d greens of the Yuletide season, but tho wed ding color note of pink tnd white was carried out in the dining room. Announce Birth cf Son. Mr and Mrs. Wade H. Luster an nounce the birth of a twelve pound foi a Christmas i resent. Oklahoma Horses to War Zone. bVlore than DM cars of horsea have be"n shipped from Oklahoma to Fur ope since the war began. France alone wants r.O.OOi) more horses. Ceshing Greatest Oil Field. 'ushicig now is the greatest oil llcina field in the Americas with enjoyed prociuc an ave barrels t)d fashion bride's bouquet of Kill amey and bride s roses and lilies ot the valley made a beautiful center I 'ece, the nut cups were hearts ot p:nk rosebuds and the name cards Mere dainty 'bride's, bridesmaid's and cupid brides and grooms. The chairs Cf the bride and groom were tied gosgxajx via wnite satia bows. A delicious . A, H I niA"wiic uune i as sti eu aii'i gv m stated with .ludge and Mrs. Hierer Fam ly Reunion The Kellogg fam uaion yesterday at 'he i of iMr. and Mrs. Walter of town. Thos? present and 'Mmes. '. H. Kellog with cluster of orange Hossonn and rbe carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. She was met by Dr. Roberts and his 'best man, Mr. Oofby Lauderljaclt of Kansas City and stood 'beneabh the large white vhne on both sides entwined pedestals. which 'held French baskets of brides and pin'k Kearney roses. Immediate ly following the ceremony, the recep tion was held during the evening. As- sistinz Mrs. Woodward, who was I t-rtained Christmas Fve and gowned in Mack tissue over green, j honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fug were ,Mesdame3 A. G. O. Bierer. J, a. and son of Oklahoma City. McElhinnev, i.M. A. Hart. Misses Marie t:ee beautiful floral li ctatl cP3n. Marparet Bvrne and Marlon a 8 o lock tw Ive-plul dine Midspn. while in the din'ng room and the features. Tt the door were a group of Miss Woodward's younger pupils and friend Ml?so. Tens Wr-'laee MfMred ' Aivis. Mma .Ho-i?iiton, Torotv P Kj-,N"--8 A,,w ,man and Arlene IV "C'lhlnrev I p-o j 1 rfusion or southern snilnx wa osel ,'n Cue scheme of decoration as were ,the brides and Kilarney roses. The .dining table was beautiful with Its charming brides bouquet a3 a central , ;ecoratie,n and a delicious luncheon in ,pink and white was served. The wed ding was the culmination of a ro- , nance regun two year3 ago in VI ianna on 'Christmas dav, while Mr3. CORSETS Style 2614 A Mi'cJel De..iOnd to give a slender appear ance to the wearer. The long unboned extended skirt does away with any unsightly break at the bottom of the irorfcet. The extended batik gives c smooth effect either when walking or sitting. Three sots he. vy hose supporter?. Sizes 18 to 30. .Made of good qualitv COUtll, fancy trimming, duplex rustless boning Price iPliUU Style 371 A New Model in Tricct. The new Idee in dress is strongly emphasized in 'this model the broad waist i'ne giving a n a figure effect. Ixjw bust and straight lines. The clinging tkirt with elastic Tie. r gives a trim Bhape to the lower figure. The light sup ple boning is so placed to give a free hip Three sets w,.le lUpporters, M.-ie of Tricot, open Crt ijieth. Sizes IS to 28. Price 0ivU mm n Front Lace $2.00 G-i) , , h and will 'be at home in Kansas City, county. Missouri, and died Dec. 21st, the blare of the heavier orchestral Mo. at the Buckingham hotel. 1!M4, age 82 years, G months and I instruments the tree and the star days. She was married to Dr. vcre illuminated. The vast irow.i Entertained With 6 O'Clock Dinner. Matthews Woodson (iaihrL'ht Apr. I delighted with the exer ise ' place sh Mr. and LMrs. Edgar S. Lohman, l!7th, 1853. at the same pisted by Mrs. L. S. Van Horn, en .grew to womanhood. i "' Fire i hii iren wer, bora of thtl union, four sons and one dmghter, al 1 ' or whom lived to be grown. vb.'eli op ned the week o Chris festivities The very incle:. weather Fridai ninlit i.ri -tented hi r tin Oilier Side ' she has L Miss Mamie Kessler ame ov. from Muskogee Thursday evening t. spend Christmas with home tol-ts. .!. F. Ke t herts was a nder Leshetii vas studying s' leparture from jtudent of ithri. Vrs. F. M Curtis at Guthrie Okla where she was tenderly ca'ed for She united with tl:e Christian church early in life and remained a consistent member through her en tire life. T. A. Hlggins. city at'omey ot The fimera, aen.icea were heM ftt Cushing, is spending the ho'idays herj fhf homfi of Mf &nd Mr8 F m. the rMiest of relatives. ( urtls, 101 North Sixteenth street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'( do k, Hattie I .ay ot I oteau, is visu- . ( niwlii. teil liv Hev Cur 11 Pindley who was assisted by Rev. .li hn T. Owens. n v'ow Y ars Fve the grand orches tral concert, as originally announced, will be given. M'liU OF ANNUAL MEtTiNB Mi I'oteau, is visit- inr Mrs. Elizaiieth Patterson and family during the holidays. Midi Mr and Mrs. Nathan Patterson ilv produ ticn of Notice to Frienda. I wish -to thank me in the F. O. and Miss Woodward and Dr. Roberts vere: Mrs W. E. Woodward; Misses Fay Trumbull. Ruth Woodward, Fthel Dr.iiglas, Blanche Furrow, Dulu ) voted for Townsend Lenore BuiCe, Louise hi v contest How To Make the Quickest, Simplest Cough Ketnedy Methodist uni end thereby made it ipossibl" for me to win "Ginger.'' Carl Hathaway Kansas City, ant jrdon Bierer. "" 'rr,vr a,..i:.opei6 mm mmn spend the holidays with Mrs. ratter CHRISTMAS TRFE SIWESS n's parents. oper is here from Ada the holidays with hla Mark Brttrr thnn tk Rm&j Madr Kind and on Save SX Fully l.uuraotrrn The ( t 'uht at trte was Another Insane Person. Another insane ease was u. betore thf Insanity hoard in ounty court' K.oav. Marv Randall, of the east OFFICERS MUST STAY 1 art of the city. juoge John D. Chappelle Returns. Judge John D. Chappellle has re turned from a three weeks' visit with mis nonie-maur rouph syrup is now used in more homes than anv other cough , remedy. Its promptness, ease and cer tainty in conqueri" distrthsing coughs. fiiesi and tinoat ttld, is really remark Public dance at Owl ball, New able. You can actually feel it take hold. Year's Fve ' dav's use will usually overcome the ordinary cough relieve even whooping cough quickly. Splendid, too, for bron chitis, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma und winter coughs. Get from anv ilrinrcrint. ?L. ornirps nf AT CAPITAL Pinex (50 cents worth i , pour it in a pint (Continued from F-aoe On.) b.-ttle and fill the bottle with idain gr.inu ' lated sugar ayrup. 1 Int. gives you at a ; cost of only 54 cents a full pint of ltetter i.CHiin eoimnitmiuiiri, dibjcu -t r; i-!- g rup than Voll (MM buy for 2.50. 'Shawnee and also in Oklahoma City i akesout a lew minuic to prepare, full musical talent has made for her i host of friend3 who owe to her th( oming of Miss Fay Trumbull as di rector of the Cniversity piano depart earn program the municipal carried out in I The earlv Thursday Christmas ill as an- !.. i ... Uo .--.., roni OWa i i'umt u. i lit" t uiiv iuii n i ii i ij nil' - and has taken i.ossesslon of a farm ''ded materially to the 1 he ourehased from R. A. Gaffney KM and a-ain at 9: 'JO th several weeks ago. The farm is lo caied south of the city. f snow brilliant light ikes made the scene more Amid the falling snow and Tt, the Stockholders of Employees Building and Loan Association. Guthrie, Oklahoma Dec. 32, 114. You will hereby taie notice that the Annual Meeting of the stock holders of the EMPLOYEES BUULO IN'G A.VD LOAN ASSOCIATION, or ( uthri Oklahoma, will be held at Utt ( ffice of the Association in the City o" iluthrie, on Monday, the 11th day of January, A. D. 191". at 1:30 P. M. of said day, at which time will occur the annual election of officers and diicctors and such other business as may come b?fore the meeting for ( 1! VLbi-lS SEELY, Secretary. .'lob 'r. his parents and friends n bora? in Alabama Judge w hilf i sjlea g. ! and WEINBERGER'S Open Evenings Until After JANUARY FIRST i i rOi t i na witli I'itt4T loratf-rl at ,r I j I -t AJ i Oi.thrie. The question, however, was You will be pleasantly ourprisod how Chappelle quickiv it loosens drr. hoarse or tiaht i.ot raised then, and no attempt was cough, and heaU the inflamed mem rude to test the provision. In the hranea in a painful cou-b. It alo stops iie lormaii. n ol pliiegm in llie throat opinion of legal minds if ihe constl- and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per- tiition is worth anything at all It iatent loose ci.ub. I inex is s most valuable concentrated means that no state offi e. what- compound ot genuine Norway pine e- eer it is roav be maintained at any rrart rjfh in guaiacol, which is so heal ing t the mem bra nc. other place than the seat of govern- To avoid disappointment, be sure and c,f ak your druggist for "2 1 ounces Pinex," and don't accept anything else. 4 guarantee of absolute satisfaction. Dance the old year out at the Owl g. PMWMfr lWtf i Wm :repared Mrs. y with Leschct i one of Kansas ig surseons He med! al depart- i)r. c K. Sexton is over trom Still -ter on legal business. New Years Eve. this preparation. Wavae, Ind. The Pinex Co., Ft icnt of the Kansas nn! Vienna 5pcijlized in ei se A ases. 'He. t .many friends among the .bride even though hi been of short duration own gurj '. last cvenin H Woodward of Great Mrs. T. J 3'.iumwa of ind Miss Crumby cf Al Mrs. Roberts going t of black broad rail an trinsaed with martin. of broadtail with paradise. The;, left on the eleven o'clock south bound train. They -will visit at Dr. Roberts 'ermer iMMSe in Concordia. Kansas rt- Engrne Gill, former Guthrian. now in!''1 the nswspaer business at Okla ndhoma lty. spent Christmas de relatives aers. I visits have Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Morris. Tom Ths out of aid Trimmie Morris, Mr. and Mrs. fc. e-c Rev C . Pol e Bernire and l)is Pope. and J eona and Oscar I Kan , inas Day with H. I f .mily. Ch-ist I broad cloCi Her hat was X MAvRY CATHERINE BRYAN. IliXllksIIlIIIlII Mary Catherine Bryan was born June 3rd. 132, near Fulton, Calloway, PURITY QUALITY-FLAVOR Baker Cocoa Possesses All Three It is absolutely pure, it iz cf high quality, and its fhver is delicious. Guard agaiact innitallrr.c:- ihc genuine has the'; aa tho pacltags and is MADE ONLY BY WALTER BAKER & CO. L imied EuL'l!irJ 1783 v. ! -t. txr.