Newspaper Page Text
I THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1914. PAGE FTVE GEM THEATRE Saturday, Dec. 26. Bolftlr Western drama puts) "The (Url Stage Driver" Very ex citing. Joker comedy: "The Wise fin:.' a roaring fan e. Matinee e.ery day except Mon day. SUNDAY, DEC. 27. "The Mystery of the Sea View Hotel," a detective drama in VWO parts with .Ben Wilson. A rip-roaring comedy, "Papa Buys a Bale," founded on the cel ebrated "Buy a ibale of cotton' movement. MONDAY, DEC. 28. A good frontier drama "A Ctrcl of Gold." '"The Young Philanthropist' featuring 'Little IMatty". Farce comedy, "l.ove, Luck and Candy," Gord slapstick featuring Max Aisher. TUESDAY. DEC. 29 The Third episode of the Master Key. ''Fido's Dramatic 'Career," a com ed, played exclusively by animals. iFor matinee with above "Thr Fo-.ndlings of Father Time", a ua..u from life in 2 parts, featuring Mur doc (MacQuarrie and "oMther" Benson. lllHilll as ati m :: :.. n S AMUSEMENTS. S. k y. ss 'a x : j. x rnxn A Popular Play. ""The most popular Harold Bell Wright novel, made into the most popular play of 'the season," is the way the 'press agent describes The Calling of Dan alMtthews, the dram atisation of Mr. Wright's novel of the same title, by IMr. Wright and Els Ibery V. 'Reynolds, whicih comes to the Guthrie Opera 'House Sunday night. Dan Aiuitnewi romos to Corinth, a singularly Innocent young giant iwiio has chosen the ministry as his call ing because of his great passion for service. Eager as a 'bay .4 1 with B boy's knowledge of the tragic depths of life, he entered upon the ministry of service. He soon began to realiz" that his ministry had not. so nutc.i to do with interpreting the message of the living 'God as with conform ing to custom and pleasing the church dignitaries, His gradual awakening to things as they are was doubtless accelerated by iliis intimacy with illope Farewell. This efficient young woman was n trained narec who had well defined ideas of iwhat service to the world meant and the.y did not lie within the range of dogma and creed. Her experience in life having shielded I her from none of the rough 'pla 1 she was able to be of far 1 ore prac- Opera Sunday Night.... The Dramatic Sensation of the Year ki:u: Have Read It has created WOrt ii u-sin than any work , Literature in aues. Seats on sale at Corner Pharmacy. Prices 25c to $1.50 Mail Orders Accompanied by Money Orders Now Received HIGHLAND THEATRE Opening Tomorrow All Week Musical Stock Co 15 People Complete change of bill every day Matinee 2:30 p. m. All Seats 10c tieal use in ter himself. than t; ig and t strong cnara 1'reo from t:. Other chai ter at. Hypocrisy in alga places; i.ttu Danny crippled child of poverty who is always so cheerful in his gar den. and the others who all are tv of the s - ('.'ill im d die -west in Matt 'm Thero ia moro Cc Ilia countrv than together, and uat Wcs supposed to i) rn-ny years d 1 t . olacaso r. . 1 preiicfl by constantly fail: treatment, proSOU: cr.o b - a nr :n C rr'.i in thil tsnrtlon of I otlior dis aoj put ti. : last l' v y uraT curable For a trriat ironounped it a local I 1 oai t it to euro r.'it d it Incurabl local '1 to bo a cotiKt!- tuUonal dlscaso, and therefore rv;uir s constitutional tror.tmrrt. I fall's Catarrh, inanutoct::red by r. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ol'h, b tho only Constitu tional errs en t':o tr.aruct. It 13 taken In ternally !:i .'. isea front to dropa to a tea Spoonful. It arts ilireetly 01 tho bl-od and mucous surfaces of the system, Thtv offer or.o hundred ('"liars for nny cts It f-i to rurj. end f;r circular:! nr.J tes timonials. Address; V. ,t. nrrY & CD., Toledo, o. f-- 1 -T Pf,.ia!t, 7"". Take Haifa Canity TOIs for coastiputiou. To mail subscribers : Take rJvant acje of The Leader's Chrisim-is o'fer One year, $2.50. House D i H the Book SUSIANN 'I )ec. 1 7 t SEE TESTING SUPERINTENDENT WILSON ' WILL START CAMPAIGN AMONG SCHOOIS stru linn Wilson is making carl: preparation for a second Bee i ami aim among the school test in ; children of the state. 'The seed testing done j in the schools last year was estimate J to have resulted in the saving ' 1 many thousands of dollars that would have Seed, bet u lost bv the use ot poor. Tiie cammalen this .vpa ill p.iygurated In January. Sn, erintend 061 Wilson has sent the I''t letter to all county superintendents in the state as the first campaign. in the : m ora to encourage and Interest the jiupiis and the farmers in supplying them- selves with a 'better quality of seel lor the farina, a large number of the county superintendents took an active Interest In tliis campaign and man ; Of them have n ported to us very en o uraglngly. Some too end, therefore had no n no Interest art to make, w PLANNED Qt January, but we do not desire to go . j , A, ,,. Whnever You Need a General Tonic t the expense oi furnishing the sui - wnen vcr Take Crove,3- piles to counties Where 'lure Is "'Tllp 01d standard Groves Tasteless Interest or where it is thought un- chill Tonic is equally valuable as a profitable. The purpose of this let General Tonic because it contains the Irani trom be tlicr in moting this SI 1 ds. If so not later th worll In vour iropositioi indicate I 1 January ounty is lime and testing r reply if the tat you I ot (lis- ; Have not the tii ; osed to take , ai let US know " Yotirt in this work, please R. H. W "State Superintendent nstruction"' Public 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children Irs Use For Oves- 30 Years Arwaya bears 4fA Signature of S:j&l6. mi LOST 215.00Q INMfSEfl lWM Berlin via The Hague and London, Dec : ;. The Neueaten Meehrichten prints a Hr;issels diepat h estimating the losses of the allies in the YSAl campaign at tl& ',, no up to December 1. This total is made up of 60,000 ileigici... v , English and 75,0(nT , ''rt'"ch- 1 m C c fl cues alu 1'hnra ters Pan ..Mat tin from "The Guthrie : . th. A Good Thing Cowing Cording Sunday t Theater iSusie k&Sfl ind stock 0 one of tl patty on straig'iu. I .rill. in. Matine 1ST NOT PUT ARMS mm BOYS' KECKS 1 awrence, Kan T ierc j thlt dsn ,v oni en 01 Kansas -tantly standing ,,in( (,)c ferc ,n , in, in-. The on ojj rise i;lvc.n tne gria tb "Don't hut youi man's ne.'k so as es. ( dil: contact; don't allow tho ma-i to bend you over tho floor: and dflfi't dalite all evening with the 'a:9 :oun:; an. well known tonic properties 01 141 i ME and RON, Drives out .Miliaria, -iches Blood, Builds up tho Whole System. i.0c. To mail subaenbers: lal;c advani age of The Leader's Christmas o'fer. One year, $2.50. MASKED MEN HOLD UP RlNGLING RAiLHOAO AGENT Hingling. t.'l:t..' Dec. 1M5. "Masked highwaymen held u;i "Buck" Stigler, the Hingling railroad agent at Ixme Grove, and Tom .lonc-s, the I-oii" Grove COttOfl gin nuin, last night, at Lone Groe and relieved them of all the money they carried, amounting to a'boul $.""0. As they left the station, Stigler turned out the lights and im mediately they were confronted with itiins and orders to "throw up their hands." THE LIVER REGULATE?. THE BODY ; A SLUGGiSH LIVER NEEDS CARE. Someone has laid t'aat people with Chronic Liver Complaint should bo shut up away from ihumanlU, for they are pessimists and see througn a "glass darkly." W'h. ? Because mental states depend ujion phsial 1 States. BlUOOeneM Headaches, DIS- z"s and ConatipettoTl disappear 'alter' using Ir. Kings New Lite Fills. 23c. at your Druggist. 1 AT HIS BEST AT SIXTY BUT YOUTH LAYS FO'JNDA TION FOR LATER EFFI CIENCY Eugene, Ore, Do . investiga tion by keen men has shown that man's ibesi work has been done be :vr(n the ages of 60 and ",l years of age" said President bi, 11. Bryan of Colgate university, In an address to day before the western division of the Oregon Teachers' association. ' Six hundred of the most Important scientists, statesmen and old world famous men were selected," he said, and it was found that only per cent of them accomplished their world's werSi before the age of 40, 10 per cent between 40 and 30; 20 per cent be tween Zi and CO; 'M per cent between CO and 70; (29 per cent between 70 and 80, and 9 per cent after they had reached the age of 80." The speaker added the period Oi youth W3 the most important man's life, as the foundation for fu ture accomplishment was laid then. STOP THAT COUGH NOW When you catch Cold or begin to Cough, the first thing to do is to 1 .. I. r 1n1TV, Dinr. Tan llinnv it ,.,Ke w, and Lungs and rights the Germs of the Disease giving qui k relief and natural healing' "Our whole lamuy depend on Pine.Tar.Honey tor nousjhs and Colda," writes M. B. Williams Hamilton. Ohio, it always ilUS at your druggist. KAGTOWN IS POSTOFFICE POINT Ringling, Okla., Dec. 26. Through Congressman Charlie Carter, ;i post office has been estaldished at Rag town, the ((liter of the Ilealdtoti oil Held and John Whiteman, formerly ol Ardmore. has been named post master. The town's official name is Wirt -named foi Wirt Franklin, president of the lkaldton field inde pendent producers. THE WIFE'S MONEY By Mr?. Eva Leonard ".Margaret. 1 have asked you t" name the day so many times anil ;. ui always defer it. Don't you want to marry me? Don't you love me'.' asked Arthur Manly, taking her Chin in his hand and raising her face to look into her eyes. 'Oh, Arthur, it isn't anything or that kind. Nothing would make mo happier than to be your wife but " she stopped and drop ed her eyes. "Gut what?' he insisted, tumin-r her face until her eyes again met his. - "I suppose you know we are des perately poor," she began and stopped. "Did you imagine 1 was trying to marry your money,'' lie laughed. "Did you know that I am the only support of the family?" she forced herself to ask at laat. "I can't leave them, you see, " ana she hid her face on his shoulder. "Now tell me all about it." he saiu, seriously. "When father died I was alxteen at.d Ik oldest Mothers health was very jKXjr and we had no'hing, ' be gan Marcaret. "Surelv that wa situation!" hs exclaimed 'I went down to the library asked for work. Some of and Um 1 librarians were away and they were short of help I was too young, tliev f.i id. to consider tor a permanent SUPPOSE IT WAS YOUR CHILD The 'Juthrte S'ret Railway company haa bfn rery fortunate. In bavin few aerloaa accident, careful and ua every means to prevent then. We ask your support to prrvent acclJents. not WITifOfT DO position, hut they could give me tempo fart work while the force was .,w. I went in there with the do- t rmtnatlon to mnure myself indis- i. nsilde I Ke.'t every faculty alert; I anticipated every want: nothing escaped me When, the idrls enme ack 1 was n Ined another month ; tad then Grace Olney got Mid they gave me tier plao aid witli pride. nrricd 1 she "That was a on!" appleudc irlng some. Good for Arthur. "1 began at $1'..". and have worked up to $7:, in the six years It takes it all to (keep us running, you ina be sure." "How a' out the other girls'.' DOttt they do anything?" asked Arthur. "I don't know why Julia can t SUC ceed, She has tried hut never can keep a position,'' replied Margaret. ' Site appears to me too indifferent 10 su ceed at anything," said Arthur. ' 1 low about Madge?" "Madge is going to lie n cracker jacik of a Stenographer in time. She rau not tnlie rapid dictation, hut when she has worked up more speed she can get a position. She tyres Well," and Margaret sighed. Von see wliy 1 can't marry now''' and she looked wistfully into tbe young eves opposite her. He did not answer; lie seemed too busy making calculations. Finally he said: "1 am not willing to wait through all the years of vour youth little girl I would rathet 1 1 dertake the support of tho family until the girls get on their feet. I l ave 'a money enough to do it, you know." "No. dear, I never could consent to that it would be like accepting charity," answered Margaret, trem- uously, p .'! "What I hen, my girl? Do you ex pect me to be willing to wait while Madge works up to a $7:. salary'.' T.iat will taJke four or five years, No-slr-ee! that will never do," and I" patted the hand h held to em- ; !iasize his words "There's only one other way, then Arthur. Let. me keep my j'lace In Die library till the Rlrls nro launoharl as money makers." "I do not like that plan but It v ill do as a compromise, Th cii"l must, understand that this is a tern porary thing," said the yoUUg man Ith a troubled look. "Oh surely, they would see that When l iii married," said .Margaret With a happy face. Get a war muf uoupon and H'c a! Dally leader offtca Col. T. G Payton O. K. Cab, Baggage and Livery Service Day and Night Phone 275 18 J. B. FAIRFIELD Established 1889 Phone 20 M Transfer, Coal, Wood nd Storage. Receivers and Distributors I of car lots. Goods packed, stored an shipped. 407 V.'eit Harrison. M WMxKatiifiiiHMs:3ii'jiaxaMaaM Tk s k x K iffiTsi 1 xK:Jr: si x vTm'ifm m m mm I W. M. BRONSON, Farm Loars, Inaurance. Abstracts II 1 Only complete, abstracts of title in Logan CouDty. You pay inter- K A est and principal a', our office, lie W. Oklahoma Avenue, Guthrie. K IKBiSKKO 55 5J H 3! aillSSKMIII ic m k m u x x k :Knirii' VVa S R "k ""k S S w I THE OKLAHOMA STATE BANK S II Deposits protected by 'Vifcrmoty Law Internet on time deposits. 'I Safety Deposit Hoxea Fireproof Vaulu for ront Mon'ey to loan. M niKXUXXgliKillllllllllMVIIIHlKllgl! What a Rank THAT IS WHAT WE STRIVE TO DO AT ALL TIMES. First National Bank Guthrie, N. Ilohnan, President. The ram pa I en this company la ntakinjr for the prevention of aroldnta can be anxlete In no Src:cr meaettre than by the warning thai par ents and teacl ere give to the children asalnat etllWren plat.-ig on atreete near street car tracks. The aeddent Illustrated hen waulJ not happea t 1 ' aid warn the children If yon could pre fer; t th-m from rour:in( DANGER by J'lmplng on our tars. They 4 It for r"T OH ( , The conductor Is the man who know. Tou wtU find HIS children playing on streets IXX)KIN. BOTH WAT OHTTSO no: .NO OR A flit HURDEREH nirn m MILL. I HI 1 1 1 r 1 1 iy UILU 111 PRISON CELL JAMES WOOD, SENTENCED FOR AIDING WIFE TO KILL CHILD, DEAD Leavenworth Kan , Dee. 21. -James P.. Woods, serving a life sentence at the Kansas state penitentiary was re. leased by death early this morning. Bj his cot when he died sat Woods' wife, who is serving a. sentence for tl." same crime of Which Woods wav f envicted. Woods was onvicted of Inciting his wife to kill the Infant of MT3. Woods' daughter in gnnwof count?. Mrs. Woods pleaded guilty to smoth ering tho child to death i eeuutsc of throats made by her husband. V00d3 v.ns enii'doyed in thetiwlnf plant and six weeks ayo fell trom n ladder, sus tnining injurira which caused &1I death. Children Cry FOR FLhTCHER'S C ASTO R J A Local Poatofice Handled Mail Ruah. Ht the full forca working day and 1 ight, the . Ik rush at the local post effice was handled without loss or delay of packages this year. Th ;arcel post businaaa was greater than nvtr tvfore For dyspepsia, our national ailment, use Rurdock itlood Hitters. Recom mended for strengthening dlgeatlon, purifying th blood At . 11 drug stores. 1 00 a bottle. WEINBERGER'S Open Evenings Until After JANUARY FIRST . 9 Should Give The greatest possible service to the greatest possible number of people in the greatest possible number of ways. Hie 1 11 . Oklahoma George Tipton, Cashier Our Str S" OR OJT A MOVtNO CAR RAD OUT OF CAR WINDOW Scenes and Characters from t itlio of tan M4theva. Gnthrtr Opera I I