Newspaper Page Text
I rfUST received by ex jj press the new polo and aviation caps grey, navy, maroon and white. Prices 75c cvLSO a full line of sizes j( in the new yellow Chamios Gloves. end $1.00 n ITT F1IIM ri tiiu 1 1 i mini UflMC DIG vim uiu TAX CASE after having been forwarded from Augusta, to Fredonia, il'herryvale and a number of other towns. Dr. Swartz believes that the ipecan mer chant operated in all of these places. I United States postal authorities have (been asked to call on (Mr. Rol- land to find out the whys and where fores of the pecan deals. :: Price 1150 en. Weinberger fke Xcmc cf Quality 120 West Oklahoma STATE MAY NOW COLLECT $10,500,000; TAX FERRET'S SHARE $30,000 REM SOUS AGAINST ESTATE OF KISHGEN Tulsa, Ckla., Jan. L The estate of the late R. C. G. Wiskaddon, oil mag nate, was attacked this afternoon by four suits for damages aggregating a quarter of a million dollars. The 'largest suit was for $21933.13, which was brought bv the Federal Oil com pany of which Kiskaddon -was presi dent, The suit charges that Kiskad don fraudulently obtained this am ount from' the company without au Itbority of, the executive committee. -The -'Other, suits were for recover,;- of notes and judgments. 4 Xiskaddon was noted for his phil anthropy and money making propen sities. He made $2':0.0!K) a few years Ego and spent it all on a 'tour of Europe. I.'le returned here and en gaged in the oil business and made snother fortune estimtaed at $300, 009, when he died. He willed it to his sister-in-law tnd her two daught ers and his mother, who live In Pen rs.vlvania Kiskaddon died myster iously and was found in his room in the Hotel Tulsa last May. WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL FOR FIFTY YEARS Washington, ,' D. C, Jan. Col. Y.'illiam H. Crook, who was Presi dent Lincoln's personal body guard, ((Xlay celebratei J the fiftieth anni versary of his service at the : White House where he is disbursing officer. Colorado Governor Whom Country Will Watch . Oklahoma City, Okla,, Jan. . 6. Power of the state board of equal ization to increase the 1914 assess ment of the Prairie Oil and Gas com pany $10,500,W0, was upheld by the state supreme court Tuesday, deny-j ing the pipe line company a writ pro hibiting the hoard from certifying the added valuation to the various coun- ' ties for tax collection. Justice Kiddle declared that thai provisions of law relating to the levying and collection of taxes and prescribing certain periods within which certain formalities must he od. I served, were tor the protection, of the state, and not to afford the tax-! payers a loophole. The board of equalization raised the f35,0W,uOU assessment of the Prairie by $10, 500,000 after its attention had been' called to the value of Prairie stock by Charles 'H. Pittman of 'Muskogee,! a tar ferret. Pittman is working on. a 15 per cent commission basis,1 which makes his share of the taxes now held valid about $30,000, assum-' ing that the average tax will be 20 mills on the increase. FIOR JtiEIXT five-room modern, fur nished house, with sleeping porch, cistern, wash house and garage. On car line. I'M" W. Cleveland. Phone HUSTON'S DECISION UPHELD vti- .:-:';- 4sr A rK . y-:mg I -, ' ' -4 v.ii5 U'JS.''"t"-i -','" I 'rf-S V'i- - i ? I v s-k,-.:' 'J 1 . wlw.;- I la.fc-i' u n I m ;- ;;.'..-. , j Rfe " . - ' y V ' (Continued from Page OneO signed by lAlden Speare and T. Jeffer son Coolidge, president of the Santa Fe. for more than a score of years large surr.s of money were made by Speare and the railway company. Iat er Speare transferred the contract to the Arkansas Valley Town and 'Land company, which instituted su't against the Santa Fe for alleged future 103se3. Other Opinions. By tCh;lef Justice Kane: Lawrence Lee vs. Henry McCreary, county clerk, and FA L. Spears, coun ty assessor of iBryan county; from district court of Bryan county. Judg ment for plaintiff affirmed. i3. -T. Yoder vs. J. William Taylor, Belle Taylor and tF. K. (Robinson; from the district court of Lincoln county, judgment for plaintiff affirm ed. Uy Justice iRiddle: Joe Tracy and E. H. Martin, plain tiffs in error, vs.. J. M. Dennis, de fendant in error; from county court of Creek county. Appeal dismissed on motion of defendant. j W. B. Tucker and E. H. Mess vs. V. V. Thomas; from the district court of N'owata county, lotion to dismiss overruled. By Justice Jxmfburrow: Bfjuthwestern Surety company vs. Board of county commissioners of arter county and iM. J. Gill; from district court of Carter county. Ap peal dismissed. Letter files Tor sale at The Leaflei office. Price 5c 'or 1 0- NEW NUT GAME; MANY SWINDLED (Continued from Psge One.) housewives and citizens also ordered necans from iRoliand, but the orders have not -been filled, nor has their money lieen returned, they state. After waiting several -weeks Dr. Swartz wrote a letter to Rolland, mailing it to Augusta. The letter was returned to the writer yesterday, V Co-:sor-e!Kt J. (A. Carlson of Col. r. Jo s:;i le watched over tlie y j) zh organizations unt ! .; : ansiou. about the great Cec 1 !ri'e. w'jen be taktis office. thcr.i will be Tlie new gm-ernor glvtn a chance to see what be can do. 1 If be is iLe to haLdle the situation i federal troc;is will have nothing to di. ! Presidtn 'Wilson has just named roiumUslon consistl.Tg of Patrick o:is have ca'.lid civil a , r h vxiud in I'oiorado for mt- Gilday and Charles W. .Mills of Pen ' nu:.i, In the figut tielween the nsyhania and Seth Iw of 'New York -!.- cmrs end thfir employees J to investigate the cane and act as a .!..'. ; r.-js hai e put dnn dis- . board of arbitration if the miners ei3 Wit mi re tvnl io the ttate j n ine owners will coept their ser- WHAT CAUSES COLDS) This question and "How to Prevent Colds" is asked a thousand times ievery day. A cold is really a fever, jnot always caused by the weatherbut due to a disordered condition of the blood or lack of important food elements. In changing seasons fat foods are essential because they dis tribute heat by enriching the blood and so render-the body better able to withstand the varying'clemeuts. This is the underlying reason why the medicinal fats in Scott's Emulsion nvprrnmf colds and build strength to prevent more serious sick ness. It contains nature's medicinal II JUDGES ARE N WO EXHIBITS Special to Daily Leader. Oklahoma City, Okla., Jan. 6. J. C. Roberts and J. B. Cullison, both republicans, were declared , legally elected district Judges of the Gartield, Major, Kingfisher, Wohds and Wood, ward judicial districts .by the joint session. The vote was 71 in favor ot the two judges and 51 in favor or tut one judge,, Democratic factions fought on the propositions. No -Exhibits at Fair. Oklahoma will not be represented by an exhtbit in the palace of educa tion at the Panama-Pacific exposi tion. This determination, was reach ed after the committee appointed to look after the educational ffeaturjif of. the state's showing at the big ex position held a conference with Governor-elect Robert (L. Williams. C. W. Briles of Ada, chairman of the committee, states in a letter to the general Oklahoma committee that the exhibit would entail an expense or $1,000, and that the only source from which there was a reasonable ex pectancy of getting the money was iby legislative appropriation. Must Retrench. . i Judge Williams listened patiently to the committee's representations on behalf of the exhibit. He is quoted bv Mr. Briles' letter as follows: "I am in sympathy with your ef forts to arrange for an exhibit at the exposition and I should he very glad to have the schools of Oklahoma rep resented in the palace of education but I have pledged this administra tion to a course ol rigid retrencn oMnnmvn Briles has dropped the project. Cet a war map. Coupon and 10c at Daily Leader office. AW, tlio niHlersignctl, as pltrtion board for W. AY. Bishop's SIXflEB SEWING MA'; CHINK contest;" find there lias ken sonic errors in the counting of the votes. Wc employ ed three young invn'to count the votes and after checking "tore carefully find thtrc are some errors, so we are going to give a recount. The machine will not be awarded until the rc count is completed, which will be in a few hours. Wo only mean to see this is done right. If there is nnv change, caused bv the recount, it will be announced at Bishop's Gro- eery Thursday at 3 p. nu at 102 West Oklahoma Avenue. Effie ,.Trimm 11740 Mrs. Dean Gertrude Patterson withdrew Marl Backhaus 430 210 RUSSIAN DEFEAT OF TURKS CRUSHING BLOW (Continued from Page One.) Legrurie, near Ravine of Courte-Cha-ussee and in the forest of LaPretre. In Alsace the Germans regained one of their old trenches in the vicinity of ISteinhach. . , , . The statement identified the se: nnHT.artbaldi. killed in leading the charge pf the Italian volunteers in iRavine of Courte-Chaussee as cmti Adjutant Constantino uanoaiui, w.r.t-hr f .nontenant Colonel i'lppino Garibaldi, who was killed December 30th. BAKELY ABLE TO HOLD LINE. ioi France. Jan. 6. 'Now mat, the allies in the west have taken the offensive and made some rogress French, army officers are wining i, froplv of the scant margin by which they have heen able to hld the positions in northern ''- southern Belgium. The lines barely hoi anil no more. nrt rln violent oerman tacks were barely resisted, first at one .place and then anotner, -seemed as though Just a little more pressure on the aiart or me mans and the lines would nrea. Two British regiments, wnica . 1 ... hnyVb- nTlP 2 400 yards on Yser, mrew day sixteen attacks. Each time tne advance was less violent ,.on wan each time teeuier. ICOlomu'-v r When the assaults came to an end only iOO unwonnded Brltisn o.uK. were holding these yards. One more stuck and they probacy would have succumbed. n dar passed tnai very critical situation XA not arise on some part or the line from the sea to the Arras. TURKS PUT TO FLIGHT . ..nee ATTACK. Petrograd, Jan. 6 It is offi-ialiy announced that the Russian troops have gained; a decisive victory at Sael Kamysh. The entire ninth army corps of the Turks was cairn.. The followins received from the Russlaa' headquarters In the Cau casus was made public last night: ... -lot,! nur troops won a com- J-0"- - plete victory over the TurKS at feael , lxBten two Kamysn. c - Turkish army c6n and male the entire ninth Turkish army eon. In cluding its commander and three division commanders, prisoners. -Small bodlc of Turkish troor whk h succeeded In etkaplng were vigorously pursued and destroyed. Beulah Hackney' .....11670 Mrs. lOhandler ..1130 Mrs. Gobble B'180 Mrs. Byars 2440 Mrs.4IIerber 2200 Lillian Jackson Margaret Dean , 2140 Flossie Johnson S280 Mrs. Short M90 Mrs. Ray Davis '. Irs. Eagle J" ......... '140 , , , 310 Mrs. Oberholjier 7800 Mrs. Hartgell '. . UUoO Mrs. Goodpasture 1)920 Mrs. iNewman 6060 40 30 Mrs. Ed iSmlth .............. , 'M Mrs. (M. M.. Haws 10 Marie Alurphy .............. 8440 Mrs. TJanlels ., HMO Mtb. Burton 110 Mrs. Beymer 1)440 Vera tflall Mrs. Hoghan ........... S90 Mrs. Yark h. Butts 8."0 Mrs. Malloy ...v... -W0 Steve Harrlnian ............ W With fairness to nil concerned in our machine contest we feel it our duty to explain why Miss Gertrude Patterson after winning the machine fair and square withdrew before the announcement of the winner' At the time Miss Gertrude ' Patterson ' filtered the contest, none of her friends was employed by our store. During our large Christmas trade it be came necessary for us to employ more help. We added to our force Mr. Claude Patterson and Mr. Harry Patterson, who are brothers of Miss Gertrude Patterson. Having had some kicks registered at the eleventh hour. Through fairness to all Miss Gertrude Patter son withdrew in order to save any disatisfaction. Miss Gertrude is due a large percent of honor by so doing. With best regardi to all contestants end many thanks to Miss Gertrude Patterson, I remain, yours truly, W. W. BISHOP. We, named as election board, find the above to be the winner by majority of votes. Rev. T. S. Pittinger, J. D. Rimare, Prof. C. S. McCreight, Election Board. W.W. BISHOP Phones 66 and 311 102 W. Okla. Ave. 701 W. Noble Ave. Deadlock in Galicia, General headquarters has issued the following otflcial communication: "On the left bank of the Vistula on January' 4. rifle and artillery r:re continued. Round about and south of Borjimow there has bee,i separate flank and rear after having made engagements. their way by mountain pads ob- "In Gallcla no essential modifies- structed .by snow, this notwlthstand- tions to te noted. At Uszci!;! Pass the Ing a violent snow storm. In this Austrians in retreat were attacked we captured ten officers ana .by our cavalry, which 'fell upon their more than 4501 soldiers." Your Classified "Ads" Will I YOU don't know the name or whereabouts of the person , who OUGHT TO BUY YOUR PROPERTY. But you know there is such a person. And you feel quite sure that this prospective buyer is a wine enough man, or woman, to catch the real estate "ads" pretty carefully so that, to the extent to which any human affairs be forecast, you feel sure that your classified "ad " will DELIVER your message. The same argument applies to "messages" entrusted to all other! classifications. Their "delivery" is assured by the fac? that; the people for whom they arc written ARE OX THE SHARP LOOKOUT FOR THEM. Try a LEADER "Want Ad" PHONE 75 fix: so ki!!M!v prepared that the