Newspaper Page Text
M THE (.UTIIRIK DAILY LEADER, MONDAY JANUARY 11, 1015. ii s CLASSIFIED PAOE SEVEN TT IT w HELP WANTED FEMALE THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma State Cap ital (March 8, 19110 ' Official Paper of Constitutional Convention. , ' 1 ' Official City and Codnty Paper. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. .In the event of delivery hetug Im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted 'DRHaaAlAKUMO and Ladies Tailor J ing by the Misses Severin at 210 E. . iClerveland AVe. Phone 831. JFIVEJ BRIGHT, capaWe ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell deal ers; $26 to $&( per week. Railroad ,fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 601, Omaha, Neb," ' ' " " WANTS CLASSIFIED SALESMEN WANTED WANTS WANTS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED FO',. 6ALE S AiLBSM RN WAITED - unneCeBHury. eaay.worK. big pay. Writ, for large list of openings of fering opportunities to earn $109 to $500 a month while yoti learn Address nearew office,-: Dept 237 National Salesmen's Training Asso-1 elation, ,qhcgo, 'ew,. York, , Kansas (Flint PitbllKlied 111 Tlie Guttirla Daily IjfHUt!!', January i', KH;K) : s..t-. WTO iiaJA imo. . r- "2.'.""" "?P,."L common or tit. iwi'cuuatp """ ivtMiuca ui iwuijciiui uu I nnlb BU1L.UIINQ A LOAN ASS EncvHnnpilla nlmnot n i- jhoan OI Outline, Oklahoma, December SI. Vj I... I' " ' " - Anet. Address H. IE. C, .'Care Leader. . : Cah on hand '.......$ 604. o: Loans on .mortgage security .. 64.TOO.VO 'WfTO iQtfliiahm Loans oa iook security 5,965.00 tuuee urn, Furniture anil fixtures 142! flat ton writing desk, at M. Collar's J"'"1 t t.MM instill',! a.,,1 Iflvuu ill, a f.nm store. ' I borrowers . 945.03 Total X'tn oa.ti. r. -i 1 . wiv amuit t tuuui, an iiim:uru tu. , LiabilltlM tage, east front, on North Broad Due on installment mock . .- 4 ,. , , . , Con:itisent or reserve fund street H. M. Adams, phone 414. Total $74,S73.06 $71,174.!! 3.698.1 ...$74,873.08 City, Iskn . Francisco. DO YOU WANT another $2 dally . 1 ' -J ; No experience, constant snare timJ AGENTS 305 per cenV profit. Krea or. nr.utllatod. aabscrlbers are urged to woric, knltttag hosiery, machines! Cold sign letters for store FOR SALE A 7-room modern house. Sulte CMltt:,.S0UiL",' h?K?' ,s,f; turnished on contract we take u "lmo winnows. Anyone can put two lots on east side on car line, for alx,ve "amen axswiuti. . . ' . -iit. , ... ... ,., . . . . , twear that the above s proauot. Helping Hand Stores fine i -", ciar-i quic-K sale, fnone Chicago. ' St., Chicago. make Immediate co:nplaint to tne biiBlneEs office in iperson, by teleiphone or mail. " Mn'A subscribers should examine tho address on the la'bel of their paper, it shows when subscription' empire.. When you remit the la'bel is changed, If not, .notify this office. If you wish your subscription discontinued -write the office, otherwise the paper will 'be continued. "'In changing addresses gke both old and new addresses HELP WANTED MALE GOOD PIANO phone 414. for sale or rent SALESMAN covering Oklahoma, pre- ferablv sellintr drv trnnrls. tnnn'a - ... GOVERNMENT, positions are easy to furnishers to carry our celebrated r0H; SAILE-White Spitz female dog, " ,r tU 4 Art -W7 4 ft t I OLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH. ' " ' Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. get. My free booklet, H-366, tells. Sealed Handkerchiefs; 7 1-2 per how. Examinations In this state cnt commission. State present ac ucon. Write today JNOW. Earl counts and references. .National Hopkins, Washington, D. C. VOUNO MEN and women to learn bewspapor and magazine drawing by mnll. Send for our Illustrated magazine and list of successful nti dents. Associated Art Studios. Flat -Iron Building, New York. Handkerchief Companyi Passiac, N.J, ESTABLISHED .manufacturer wants state manager High class article. Should pay $10,000. annually; $500 to $l,00a capital. 5-ROOM1 HOUSE In West Guthrie, for sale or trade for team; 6-rom Louse on Cast Vilas for sale ot trade. Write 211 East College. ny on. do te.emn the above statement is true to tne best of my knowledge and ibelie so neip me uoo. , " W.M. ISItONrtON Secretary. SnbecrJbed ami sworn to before me this 6ih day of January, 1315. L. Tl. BRONSOX, Notary Public, My Commission Rxpireg Nov. 7, 1916. Seal: ' Correct A,' test: A. O. !. BTTJRBR. CHAS. F. BISBX-S'CTMDT. firecSors, (First Published in The Guthrie Dally Leader Janunrv 7. 191:",.) Publisher' P.:;xirt of the condition of the FMPUOVEbS BUILDING A LOAN AS'N .. MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex- nl'lfntt Vin-.. ... i. t. L i -i " ----- - .w lcttl:u tne oaruer GOOD TEHRITORY open to live, trade In short term, mailed free, "energetic salesmen to handle our Write Molcr College, Kansas City, Mo. iino of advertising signs, calendars i FOR' SALE-r-6 room .house With good of Guthrie. Oklahoma. December 31. 1914 barn; 4 lots; nice location. Terms ,-,,,, h. Will pay expenses to an(j ri(.eg , rio-lit. ne sure nnd see Loans on ninrtgfinw sectirlty Chicago If you are man we want. alout thl8 u you want ,t0 ,buy. aliTfiStSrei1. . ! I '. Kerorences. Salesmanager, 573 Ol.i noiD ,i no 1 t?af "'lu" , v..- C4..M ....o.uu, 4- wo. ienrriuent Colony Bldg., Chicago Oklahoma aveiiue. Phone 209. FOR RT I-"-:rance and boriowers . . Interest and prem- taxes due from 286,99 13,7711. N' 23,R55.O0 iliT.S.i 1,666.72 1. 984.66 4.3S0 76,3.1.' Traisfsr mi WANTED--Names and addresses by and novelties. Commission basis. mail order houses; big pay; home Gocd money' Wr"e for particulars Direct 1ouav "e'erences requirea. xne FOR BENT Light rooms. Two large, east rooms down stairs. 811 East Hararison. Total , $: , L.abllities. nousetceeinnK Due on lnstal'.meni atonk. . . . . .$I!M.9:!0 20 Artvtince payment ot stock ... 17.9oO.00 Dividends on stock DO, 718. 39 IntereH" ;aid in advance -N.34 Undivided inroflls 12.694.82 work; Information for stamp. "Appeal Co., Plymouth Ind. j Scioto Sign Cov Kenton, Ohio. W. (CIct. R. R. TIME TABLE C, R. 1. P. RT. No. 707 west bound, arrives 9:EC a, m. Depart .11:45 a. m, Nj. 7u8, east bound, Arrives 2:20 p. m. Departs .... .,..3:00 p. m. Station division and Perkins. WE PAY $80 monthly salary ana 'SALESMAN Able, ttalny, aggres furnish rig and expenses to Intro- sive: for Oklahoma; attractive duce guaranteed poultry and stock Proposition;' big deals; paying com powders. Bigler Co., X JSo, Spring- ,;etent men 600 month. Address field, Illinois "Specialty," Box 497, Iowa City, Iowa. ' FOR RENT Modern, furnished room for light housekeeping prices rea sonable; within one-half block oi Postoffice. Phone 1146. 117 N. First. $2,600 ANNUALLY Co-operate with HKJH CLASS Salesman wanted by me evenings at home. Everything! f15000 onration. . '.'Year's con- furnished, non't worr. iihniif lct. Retail experience desirable. Total $276,321.7 State of Oklahoma, County , of Logan, ss I. Charles Seely. Secretary of th above named association, do selemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the oest ot my knowledge and belief, so help me UOd. CHAltLBS SURLY. Secretary. Seal Subscribed and pworn to before me this itli day or January, 191j. HARRY P." OART.IN enraor Vim an if ' T nsran itrtinnipn ' ... . Notary Public. ....... correct Attest: FOR RENT 3 light housekeeping rooms cistern. 320 E. Noble. , . ' " i FOR RENT A 6-room bungalow, 616 East iNoble. ' Phone 147. ' A., T. & S. P. North Bound. Departs 406.. K. C. and Chicago Ex.. 5:35 a. m. 16 K.. u UoJo and Calif IS K. C. and Chicago... . . .6:00 p. m. tii tv. c, ctiicasa and Calif Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. Genulnei ' opportunity. i . , 'bristles with merit. Proposition Endorsed by. FOR JliaX.T Five -room modern, fur nished house, with sleeping porch, A. HVGHKS. L. SPCRRIBR. L. WILLIAMS, Directors. j $80 ( MONTHLY , and expenses to Million Dollar firms; 1915 has started cistern, wash house and garage. Flyer travel, distribute samples and off with a rush. One .salesman car line. ;!' take orlers or appoint agents; per-earned an even $200 in commissions 272., .uauuu Jap American CO., cnicago. ast week. Reference. .Bond requir- 117 W. Cleveland. Phone' ...8:25 a. m. ' South Bound. I WILL PAY honest men tin to Sot Arrives Dopttrttt -411 Texas Fier .. 7:35 a, m. 8:00 a. m. ' monthly. Spare time. Home work. ifc'PS6" .l- IKM? Xo canvassing. No capital. Mail ed. J. A. Kidwell, President, Dayton, Ohio. , I sue xexas jsxpress 11:00 p.m. H;l)0p. m, EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Departs 418 For Ripley, Cushing and Skeedeo, except Sunday 1:10 a. m. 410 For Stillwater, I awnee and Cushlns, dally .,.5:30 a. m. Arrives luy From Cushlng, Pawnee and Stillwater, daily 10:15 a, m. 417 From Cushlng, Ripley and Skeedee, ex. Sunday.. 4:15 p. m. D., E. & O. , Depart 442 Enid. Kiowa, Panhandle, Texas, dally 6:10p.m. 444 Local, Enid and Kiowa, except Sunday 7:10 a.m. Arrive 441 From Enid, Kiowa, Pen handle, daily 10:05 a.m. 448 From Enid, Kiowa, except' Sunday 6:45 p.m. FORT SMITH & WESTERN Arrives 1 From Fort Smith dally.... 7:80p.m. From Weleetka, ex Sunday. 11:05 a. m. Deparu 8 For Fort Smith, dally.... 8:18 a, m. I For Weleetka, except Sunday 4:40 pm, ST. LOUIS. EL RENO A WESTERN 19 For El Reno, except Sunday 8:00 a. m. Arrive 20 From El Reno, ex. Sunday. 4:81 p m. Depart M.. K. T. No. 14 leaves Guthrie for Fall! at 7.00 a. m. No. It leaves Guthrie for St. , Louis and IC. C. at 11:35a.m. No. 15 Arrives Guthrie from order business, Omaha, Neb. Voorhles, Desk 149, MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach the ibarber trade la short term, mailed free. V"'r!te Moler College, Kansas City, Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES i NEW SEAPORT on Paclfls. railroad and hartior work, Great On (First Published in Daiiy 1eatler. Dec i aa, lH.) WANTED. BIDS AND PROPOSAi-S Proposal lor the construction of the FOR RENT 4Ci acres near Convent, mechanical equipment of the Oklaho- . . , nt, nia State Capitol Building proper at 6 room house and good well. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma rom modern house with large barn. Office of the State Co pitol Commls 618 East Springer. Only $1.2.50 per sion, 'Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec. 14, month. New ji2 1-2 West Phone 399 Dooley and Armstronpj; 1914. iSanlpd nrnnnnnlo will hi rpppivnd Oklahoma avenue. B4 ,y,i- .. ilnm m nn hn j 14th day of January. 1915, and then 'publicly opened, for the construction, including tt.echanical equipment, of business opportunities. Lots $11U 1, Write Oeo. Maivin Minor r,wnr FOR' RENT The etore room now oc Flor'cnceOreeron - . cupled by, Thompson Teg. Cofroe the Oklahoma State Ca.pitol building riortncer..wegon.- -r- L. 0eo, , lVwl propsr at Oklahoma City, Okla., In WANTED AuENTS accordance with drawings and speci- PERSONAv Jplven Jan, 1, 1915, or would rent all fixations, copies of which may be , up stairs. Have a suites oi rooms naci at tuis oriice or at tne oince ar- BACHELOR, 38, worth $kl,000; up stairs. would marry. Confidential. C-Box modern. Inquire 35, League, Toledo, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED everywhere. 'Start your New Year . right Our Topnotch Specialties are fine sellers. MAURY If ypu are lonely. The FrofiU good and sure. .Write today. Reliable. Confidential, Successful Fashion Store, Belleville, Illinois. C1u! has large number of wealthy Steam, well ventilated and chitects. Layton & Smith, 701 Majestic .4 r,. t.. Building, Oklahoma City, Okla. Ap nquire at offfce or phone i:eatlons OTlU8t be accompanied by 372. The W. H. Coyle Co. WANTED TO RENT. OW.V A BUSINESS 1 '000 per cent profit manufacturing Inks at home "Kclble members of both senes. wish ing early marriage. Descriptions Capital and experience "ruu. "oil Zd. uaiana, :caur. ze. free. spare time. unnecessary. Enormous commercial demand. ' Our secret formulas and LADIES-When delayed or irregular sure selling plans Insure lucrative, steadily Increasing business. No can vassing. Investigate immediately. Particulars free. G, F. Covert, Sec retary, .'6935-6939 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. LIVE AGENTS Sell our Easily demonstrated specialty. use Triumph Pills; always depend able. Relief and particulars free, Write .National Medical Instltite. Milwaukee, Wis. IADIESr Ask for nruirrfit fm etlf.hrtr Pins, Vho IMuraon.! Hruuil. P'tr aj yan kowo h lUct, Sate!. Ala Kellitile. of your l:rni.vliit TM li olher. tiloh..i.n illami.rol Jlru4 J'lIU ftr sold br lruKgil ovarywUbr Falli at 10:06 a, nit , ,44... ? . ,. , No. 17 arrives Guthrie from all W rite today for free particulars. Cole northwest joints at... S:0Sn. m. All trains arrive and depart from Union Station at Junction of Oklahoma and Harrison avenue and Fourth street. Supply Co., 6157 Page Ave., Dept. IA St. Louis, 'Mo. LAW BOOKS FOR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5. One vol. each of Washington, 15; Illinois, 158; Missouri, 191. Address Daily Lndr, Guthrie. Okla. .4 - I.O8T A mo FOLND. AGENTS Something new. Needed by every automobile owner. In crease your earnings by filling a de mand, already created. Particulars. Decatur Supply Co., Box 198, Deca tur, 111. quick seller. 'pair MOUNT MATERNITY HOME For confinement. Publicity avoided. Adoption free if desired. Doctors, nurses, care, kindness and home com forts. Price? reasonable. Write for booklet. Call or address Mrs. T. B. Long. Office, 2024 Montgall Ave., Kansas City, Mo. IOi-iT An envelope containing a pension certificate trade out to. Austin Gatewood. Kinder will return AGENTS- to 1101 West Vila g. AGENTS WANTED everywhere. - Start your New Year right Our , topnotch specialties are fine sellers. Profits good and sure. Write today. CALIFORNIA i-ADS. I certified check for $230.00, which will be held Until the return of the draw (inirn and specifications. J Sealed proposals will be received at WANTED To rent a farm on shares, this office until 2 p. m. on the 14th .Write D. E. Frederick, Guthrie, i0"8? of January. 115, and then open n, .en upon the following suo-contracts: UKia., tren. Del. ,Relnforced concrete and rough car. 11 penter work. Cement floors and con- TO EXCHANGE , cr9te fining. Water proofing. Brick and stone work. Structural steel and IMPROVED 120 acres in northeast iron worA, Roofins and sheet metal Missouri to trade for Oklahoma work. Ornamental and miscellany land. Box 1S7, Bowling Green, Mo. I0"8 lron work- "Hollow tile partitions. j Plastering. Interior warble and ter- fn razzu. riuuow metal uuora ana trim. , .Man cnute. a'aintiiis. uiazmg. Plumbing and drainage. OLD MIRRORS MADE NEW At Beasley & Eagle's 'Second Itand store. H t North First St. Phone 1SK (Will call for and deliver. ' 'A LOVELL ITEMS. m NORTH LOGAN NEWS. 'ill The iLovell school .lommtinced Monday, Jan. 4th, arter a ten day s vacation. Miss Elizabeth Lovell, of Oklahoma City, is visiting frien.'i and relatives here this week. Born .to Mr. and Mrs Garrett Rouse, o nWedriesday, Dec. H;, a girl, Mrs. iewell is visiting friends and relatives in Enid this week. John Lovell transacted business til Oklahoma City, Tuesday. Will 'Goddard and family and Wright Taliaferro and wife visited Mr, and Mrs. Swaim are still under the doctor's care. .1 mmmim Ettie Bailey spent !New Year's with friends In Cashlon. ' Mrs. Young ami family tooY Sun day diner with Mr. ad Mrs. Drew at Crescent. ; - - 1 Harrison Lldyd and Arthur l)ran- at the parental McCue home on New son each have a new 'baby at their Year's Day. ! '( homes. ; Little Ferol Taylor is on the stc Mr. Batch of Guthrie, preached at list at this writing. the U. B. church Sunday night 1 I L. T. DeWitt and Will Goddard are two of the busiest men la town this week. They are Invoicing their stocK of hardware and implements. Ralph Keeler Is the new livery; man now, having leased the barn or John Lovell, having taken possession January Jst. '"'"' 1 5-i L. L. Billings, dealer and H Grandma Guthrie haB returned from her trip to Missouri and is visiting with her daughter, .Vis. L. N. Denny. I We are glad to learn that Mrs. Cathers is able to fcto out again, after her spell of sickness. 1 Willie Shaffer and wile spent Sun day at the home of her parents, Jlr. and Mrs. Thanp. . 9i shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells K SS Water. Shipments made to sny S Mrs. Ward entertained a number point In the United States. of relatives and friends New Year's $ phone 629. Res. 913 E. Harrison W evening in honor of her son, Clifford's aSS&.8KKiKJ82K8IK fifteenth ibirthday. Nice refresh-1 ' tuents were served and everybody had pleasan time sure surprised. TOWEL SUPPLY. Towels and aprons o: all kinds fur ami, (Gilford- was nlshed at very reasonable prices. 8e I before you buy. J. D. Cray. 1 CITV G'RBAGs. COMPANY, Let ut furnish you a Sanitary Garbage can and keep It clean for you. Phone 832. FOR SALE Scholarship In Capital City .Business College Leader Office. Have The Leader delivered. Ci- m.i HAVE GOOD dwelling house Vinita, Okla., to exchange for hotel, ' jjar(jware. rooming house in Guthrie or for farm. L. H Johnson, 105 1-2 W. Okla. ave READ THIS A good 5-room house on a lot and a half of ground; city vater, well, gas, garden, In East Guthrie, to trade for vacant lots or small tract of Improved or unimprov ed land close to Guthrie. Call or ad dress 305 South Second street. Fashion Store 'Belleville, Illinois, $100 every week making nee, nilTATnAhlla ' (.Ma ,iinnttiiA.fnrt T DAIRYLAND FARMS in uie famous Ban Joaquin Valley of California, wtih climate, rich soil, good markets, artesian water at from i06 to 300 feet 1 for Irrigation, you are sure of big crops. Ten years to pay for your, . farm. For information and liters-1 hire write Stlne & Kendrick shaw- Okla. FOR TRADE New, late improved $75.00 White sewing machine tor good work horse or household goods. '214 South Vine street. Phone 774. Heating and ventilating. Vaouum system. Flectrl; conduits and wiring. Elevators. (Bids shall be made In duplicate, the original to be filed with the Capitol Commission and an exact copy of same propeilj" sealed, must be filed with the Secretary of State. An af fidavit shall be enclosed with the or iginal bid to the effect that the copy filed with the Secretary of State is a true and exact copy of the original bid. Each proposition must be accom panied by a certified check for the sum of 5 per cent of the amount of his bid to be forfeited as assessed and liquidated damages in ease the bidder fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the conditions or agree- EXCIIANGE Four good dwellings in Vinita, Okla., to exchange tor, ments of his bid rnnmino- hmiu I,, ifinthrio t. hJ All bids will be submitted IF YOU RECEIVE YOUR MAIL BY RURAL FREE DFI V ERY OR STAR ROUTE. OR AT A POST OFFICE WHERE THERE IS NO NEWSDEALER HANDLING IT, YOU CAN GET THE ST. LOUIS v ',VU,.YA Daiiy Globe-Democrat every day except .Sunday, six days in every week, under a special of fel on yearly subscriptions only (not open to-Mibscfibert who'live irrtowns served by local newsdealers) for - ! $2.50-One Year.$2.50 Not an incomplete and imperfect "Rural Route Edition." The paper for which other subscribers regularly pay, and are willing to pay, $4.00 per year. "I lie Real Daily Globe-Democrat. All the news of all th. earth, without bias or prejudice. An interesting and helpful page for women every (lay. Brightest and fullest sport nexvs. Correct Market reports, unrivaled Special 1-eatures. The best and most complete general newspaper printed or circulated in the West, absolutely clean, reliable and up to the minute. THE WEEKLY GUBE-BEMICUT ISSUED TWICE EVERY WEEK A great senti-iveekly newspaper and journal for every member of the family with a weekly Farm and Home Magazine Section in colors. Regular price $1.00 per pear. Special rate, 7'tto years or tzvo yearly subscriptions for $ Just the thing and a BIG BARGAIN f those readers who do not care for a large daily paper or who desire to supplement their home dailies by taking a' metropolitan paper for" the news of the world. ORDER "the edition you prefer TO-DAY. SAMPLE COPIES FREE THE GLOBE PRINTING COM. PUBLISHERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI :l-2 West Oklahoma legislature or duly to the authorized coni- 1 LOST A'green illume, on Oklahoma Costs yu 60 cents and 8elIa for lu ider ParUcuIar free. Addr He Box 147, Waterloo, Iowa. avenue. Mondav momine- vinnor particulars tree. Address uhww, return to 6vl2 East Oklahoma, vnrd. WANTED MISCti-UANEOUS J AGENTS WANTED Agents make "j 500 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards. Merchants buy 10 to I WANTED to hear from owner or t good farm for sale. Send f asn , price and description. D. F. "Bush, j Minneapolis, Minn, mlttpA thorpnf fnr. its artvipp and an. j proval. , I The Commission reserves the right W. B. vAnthony, Chairman. WANTED, for the winter, the use 01 100 on sight; 800 varieties. Catalogue a driving and saddle horse for its free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Bureiv board. Phone 147S, or call .60S East St., .Chicago, 111. Noble. 1 I Ftr toil j WANTED A good team, wagon and to re.ict any and all bids harness. Will nive a trood 5 room I STATE CAPITOL COMMISSION rri t j cm ixtt rtf h I ty paving and subject to a mortgage of ra Mitchell, Secretary. $300.00. We have hundreds of 5000 1 traoes. we ao notary worn ana write fire insurance. M. Garrett 116 1-2 East Oklahoma avenue. FOR SALE Scholarship in Capital City iBuslness College Leader Of fice. H T. C VINSON R The time to take care ot the M K hair Is while you have it Elec- H trio Face and Scalp Massage. M H Scalp Treatment a specialty. 9 H Hair eot 25c. 119 80. First K S ...... Cm. la t a .jialn SCI BilWb OWL 441 IU1 . . K . . treatment j AGENTS 'Listen, make $40 to $65 weekly. New iproposition. Fascin ating work, quick sales. Mattis, Ohio, closed $14 first day. Thomas, Illinois, made $:)2 one week. Evans, Iowa, rtys, great seller, send 10U quida. Conway, Wash., reports big sales, $1S1.65 Dec. Hurry. Write mkk! for details. Sales guaranteed. Every woman buys. Just address W. E- R. Weed, Pres., 811, Lees Bldg., Chicago, I1L 52 (Csa Is to Per fffc Msll oozes tor saie at The Leader 1 j office; price $1.00. TYPEWRITERS. Royal No. 1 $35.10 Royal No. 5, (salesman's sample) $50.00 Royal No. 5. new j. ..$75.00 Royal No. 1) $100.00 Typewriters rented. Ribbons ni supplies. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 114 1-S East Okla. Phone 7. . H. M. ADAMS, Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses tor Rent Office over Bank of Commerce. Phone 414. Res. Phone 1119 (First published In The Daily Leader, January 11, 1915.) ' NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. The 'bond holders of the paving tax are here cheeking my office, and aro going to buy all paving tax cer tificates that have been sold to the county, and collect 18 per cent pen alty off of you. They are also going to attend the re-sale and huy these lcert(fioates where there are more taxes assessed against the lot than it is worth. I This would lower the financial standing of the ity of Guthrie in the eyes of the state. j .In view of these facts' I would urge you to look into this and see that your paving taxes are paid as well as the general taxes. , , R D. STEWART, j f J County Treasurer. ' War Taxes Are Not Usually as Heavy as "Negligence Taxes!" While the Nations arc devising forms of war taxes calculated to raise revenues with the least possible hardships to the people, individuals continue to im pose upon themselves far heavier taxes that are not at all necessary, and that serve no useful purpose whatever. The "negligence tax" is the heaviest tax in the world, and it is self-imposed, and always paid! .. The work-hunter who fails to advertise persistent ly pays a negligence tax which can be ill-afforded. And the owner of property who allows a vacancy to become "chronic" pays a daily negligence tax which could be stopped at any time by some aggres sive classified advertising. This tax often amounts enough to rent any good property anywhere, would -ost. You may be compelled to pay war taxes but you to as much in a week as an advertising campaign, big decide foryourself whether you shall continue to pay negligence taxes.