Newspaper Page Text
PACE EIGHT THE GUTITRTE DAILY LEADER, SATTUDAY, JANUARY Hi. 1913. CANADIAN Li IT 28,410 pounds of genuine fresh fish Just caught out of the freshwater lakes of Saskatchewan, Canada, will arrive and be on sale at our stores Monday, 1021 OKLAHOMA fli 701 j. NOBLE They are the real PICKEREL, PIKE and WHITEFISH Far superior to any Southern Fish Remember the date, MONDAY, JAN. 18, and get your order in early y W. W. BISHOP STORY OF ONE f.1'5 SACRIFICE FRENCH SCHCOL TEACHER GIVES L'FE TO SAVE MANY OTHERS i, QUAKE GRAVITY GOWS (Continued from Page One,) possible to house the noteless. A list of the dead Can still only be estimated, but from what is known. 80 far, it is believed that the number lost 'Will reach 20,000 persons per ished and twice that number injured. ATezzauo, with probably lO.OfiO and flora, with four thousand, dead, were the Heaviest Bufferers. at the direction of President Wilson following the increase in food prices since the outbreak of the European war still stood and that the situation would be followed closelv. l'f ' .1 IRADZ Undermislins WHEAT DROPPED 5 POINTS (Continued from Page One) prices for flour and wheat was re sumed here Friday ty Oarles F. Clyne, United States district attor ney. (Members of the "board of trade millers, grain dealers, speculators and elevator operator were questioned. The threatened advance ia the price of bread was among the subjects tak en up. Will Prosecute Illegal Combinations Washington, Jan, lii. Prompt pros ecutions will follow the discovery of any evidence of illegal combinations Vatic of 1he recent marked increases in the cost of wheat and flour. Attor ney Ceneral flregory said Friday. lie added that the instructions sent to all Fnited States district attorneys piles cured at home by new absorption method If you suffer from blooding, itching, blind or protruding J'iles. aenil me your ad-Iron, and I wll tel! you how to cure yourself at homo ly the now absorption tri';i!ini-nt; and wi:i also boihI some of till home treatment' free for trial, wl'.li rt"frence from your own locality If re quested, t'scra report Immediate relief ami speedy cures. Send no moncc. but te: others of this offer. Write todav to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, South Bend, TODAY'S QUOTATIONS Markets by Wire CATTLE: Kansas City, Ma, Jan. 18. Receipts, 100. : ( arket, steady. Dressed beef steers, $.8.75 to $'... Prime fed steers, 17.35 ta $8.50. Cow and heifers, $4.50 to $S.50. hoos: Receiits, 1,000. arket, steady to strong. Bulk of sales, $6.70 to $W80. Top price, $0.S3 WHEAT: Kansas City, Mo.,' Jan. May, $1.21 7-S; split. July, $1.19. Ifi. CORN: May, July, 7-S; 3-S. a:-lit. Have The leader delivered. 45 mo 2ST What a Bank Should Give The greatest possible service to the greatest possible number ni people in the greatest possible number of ways. THAT IS WHAT WE STRIVE TO DO AT ALL TIMES. r OJie --- (By Associated Press.) Paris, Jan. J 8. The , story has ! reached Paris of how a school teach er sacrificed himself to save the mayor, cure and a number of citi zens of his village in the Aisne, a few aiiles from the Belgian frontier. After the battle of iCha-rlerol, the Germans captured the vilage of i without firing a shot, and a company of the (Prussian luard3 made It their headquarters for two days. Toward the end of the second day, while 'the, Germans' were preparing to leave the village, a shot rang from no one knew where. The German officers in corxj nund hastened at once to the mayor. A dozen hostages were required upon, the spot, to 1)9 before nightfall, if the guilty man was not denounced or did not give .himself up. Xo one had been hit by the shot but the of ficer declared that he had heard the "bullet whittle '-close to his" head. ' Very well, said the mayor, "you want -hostages Here I axi. to begin with." "And J, also," declared the cure. ' Three of the older inhabitants of the village came forward, which made five. Then the Germans -took seven more inhabitants into an open field near the church, The firing squad 'was ready, and the hostages lined up against a wall, w-hen the school teach er, M. IMith'on, ran up. ; ' ' "I am the guilty one," lie said slm plil. Yes, It is I who fired just now. Release these n en and take ine, 1 am ready; II am not afraid to die." . 1 Several of the villagers present had 'eec-n (Miction leave iis school with his Vupils at the exact moment when the his declaration and at 7 6'clock in the evening he was shot. mm. by proxy is Bridegroom in Far Off Java Sends Glove (Not Mittenl to Own Wedding in Denver ': fot. lUiuls, Jan. M. -a'apers author Iing the marriage by proxy of 'Mfis Eugenia Camipbell of Denver, Colo and John 'Meter Scholton, a minin engineer, living In Sounbaya. Java w-ere signed todayi by J, J. Houwink Dutch counsel here'. IMiss Oxrtpbell has been trying for eight .months to get permission marry .Mr. Scholton by proxy, and had to take the matter direct to Queen Wilhelmina. The wedding will take place next Wednesday, iiliss 'Campbell will stand at the altar in Denver with Harvey Duell, a Denver newspaper 1 1 an,, wht will -be ibrldegroom by proxy. Durin? the ceremony, Mr. Duel! will hand thf bride a glove sent br the -bridegroox' IMIss HamptoH had Intended to be married in (August, but at the advice of ulr. Soholton she postponed the wedding on account of the (war. Bfr. Scholton feared that as a reserve of ficer In the (Dutch army lie .might be called to the colors. Miss Campbell fe the granddaughter of Alexander Campbell, founder of the church of the Disciples. Ml CAPITOL BIBS USE flfJEClEO Special to The Daily Reader. Oklahoma City, Jan. 16. Only three bids on the construction of the call ted building were received by the capitol cor mission and they were turned back unopened to the bidders. The commissioners, with a subcom mittee of the senate coiwrittee on public buildings and capitol. met this afternoon to open the folds. Ther; had teen no Intention to let the con tract todajT, but the bids were to ! e referred to the legislature with some suggestions (front tno capitol con -mission The capitol commission and the. noEtrUte) i.-cm Ue senate did not indkat? whu will be done, but ii is certain other 6.1 w ill be osIms!. n e other method employed to re ceive bid en Uifc building. FEED THE n LIKE CRIMINALS IF LETTER, RECEIVED BY OKLAHOMA, IS CORRECT; WAR NEAR END iRingling, Jan. It!. The Austrian armyi is without tread and the gov ernment is forced to' feed the army like -criminals, according to a letter received here yesterday by J. J. Sol. fa, an lArdmoro -merchant, from hit sster-ln-law in eastern Austria. If this Is true of the -Austrian army, then the Cenran army Is being iworly fed also at the present (i'.me dec'jl res Stclfa, wio is well acquainted with conditions 'generally-.-in that section of (Europe, fills opinion is that tbo war can not continue long with- that condition existing; IStolfa's brother is -In the army, go ing to the front on AugU3t 2 with the ammunit.'on department. The letter sa.ns smallpox and other diseas es have broken out aitong the sol diers and the contditions are lad. The people in that part of Austria Slave Tieen promised their independ ence it wussia wins ana tney are fav orable to Russian armies. . SHORT SESSION UNLIKELY Advance Spring SENATE PUTS ASIDE RESO LUTION TO CLOSE FEB. 6 -LEGISLATIVE ROUTINE Special to Daily Leader. Oklahoma City, Okla., Jan 1. The legislature will continue In ses Hon 90 days. Tuckers bill to ad jpurn Feb. 6, was Indefinite por,t' toned. Campbell Russell got on a in Urn norse today, saying he liad Veen mis Jtpreseniea Dy, certain paiJers. The privileges of the floor were denied tho correspondent of the Muskogee Times-VDemoerat Cefective State Titles. Senator Thomas called attention to the defect in the title in the lands of the GranUe reformatory; and in the site of the state penitentiary at Me Alester and asked that it be referred to a committee as an appropriation will probably have to lie made to clear the titles. New Bits. Among the new 'bills Introduced ere: By Waters: Authorizing the gov-. :iiiur iy pay uamages to lamilies ot I J 'il;-'4'vfMcCA" v Smart New Flare Frock M.Calt I'.-HU-rn One A tltc,.4-t iK'W Ft'Liua-y Uc lObtalnablo only in Mc Call iVttterns The Newest Flare Frocks This latest Fashion JK.ifi'Jy made at home, With these new Patterns McCall A.VD EARLY SPRING FABRICS -Now on Sale Watch the Special Piece-Goods Sales a-id make, at horns yourself, the stylish, but economical clotheB which aro acoulately rdscrlbed and beauti fully, illustrated in the new ..VloCall fashion Publications. : : Styles Tho Nwct Stylo FUro Skirt McCall puorn fijsS O.Wi. 'I'"" of 41 ni vv a n tl attractive February Jctigu.. Get Hie Xeti ' McCall Book of Fashions Today. IF ITS STYLISH irS BcMLLHF "IT'S WcCALL IT'S STYLISH FOR SALE AT ALL McCALL DEALERS, OR DIRECT FROM THE McCALL COMPANY World's Largest Manufacturers of A Paper Pattern McCall JJuilding 236 to 246 West 37th Street ' New York ersons 'killed in attenuating- to ar-, coat of the 1914 model,-a good sharp rest robbers. , .pair of shears and slas-h it off so that By Edmonston, Cordell and Bow' It strikes above the belt. Or you can :ua:- To dlvoree ownership of cot- have a coat made just a little below ton gins and oil mills ' j the waist line, but it must have a By Bickel: Restoring custody ot very famcy flare. The weekly style school district funds to district letter of the Fashion Art League of treasurers. . (America sent out yesterday through fly Thomas: i K'eitealiug law' pro- its president, I.M,me. Alia Ktpley, fiTin First National Bank Guthrie, Oklahoma N. Ilolman, President. George Tipton, Cashier GERMANY SPENDS S48.- 000,000 ESCHJBH FOR WAR Berlin, Jan. 1C The socialist newspaper, onvaerts, in V.y) cur rent issue estimates that the aggre gate war expenditures for the first five months have been $7 500,080,0-1. Ihe daily expenditure is $1S,C1)0,'K)U. FOR STRICKEN ITALY. IMcAlester, Jan. 1G. The 4,t-90 Ital ians frcx the Oklahoma coal fields will send aid to earthquake suffer ers in Btaly, according to John B. Tua, atallan consular agent here. Tua Is appointing committees In various coal camps to, solicit donations. Have The Leaiir delivered, 45c mo. ?r.i SUPPOSE IT WAS YOUR CHILD ; Tb Guthrl s'.rert RIlwjr eompany hi been very fortunate In hvir. ffir serious accident. Our mm r csrefu! and uh tvery meMni to prevent them. We ask your support to prevent accident. The campaign this company Is making- for the prevention of aculd-nts can be anKlrted In no rea:r rneamre (han by the warnlns that pr and teacl era g-lv to the children aalnt chit-1rn plaj'.jg on atreets near street car tracks. Tlie awtdent tlluatrated here would not happen If you would warn the children If 70U could pre vent them from eour'n-e DAN'JER by Jumplti( on -nr eara. They do It for fun l ilt r--' ( ; Tl;e eond-iotor l Hie man who knows. Tou will not find HIS children rl)-i- on streets. rnlVT fRdSS TBAOICS W ITHOCT IOOKINO BOTH WATS F-OMT JtiMP ON OR OFT A VOVIVO CAR xN T TAfK THE KK AR or CAH WI1K.V ALICiHTING T -ON'T KI T ARMS OR HEAD OUT OF CAR WINDOW WIN'T CARRT ANYTHING IN TUB HAND OR ARM WHEN ALIGHTING. . ... VISITEO THiBTi TOWNS IN THIRTY DAYS ..Riugling, Okla., Jan. I6.-J.Mrs. A. E. Swisher of Oklahoma City, assistant manager of the Cornish state orphau's home here, clalxs the record over any solicitor in the entire state. In that she made thirty two towns rec ently In twenty dayj time, calling up on a number of -children who had been placed in good homes, and col lecting more than $0t for the in stitution. The home is maintained only partially b.w the state. BURTLESMIE BUNKERS POT COIN IN POCKET 10.( KO- liiblting planting of Johnson grass. 'By. O'Xcill: Abolishing offico or ily attorney and chief of police In ities of twelve thousaud population or less. B;!ls Signed in the House.' In the house a resolution was re ceived urging the legislature to re- ain from, 'passinis anyt "anti"rall- oad legislation. It tamo from the liamber of commerce at Westvlllc. kla. Commercial organizations all over the state are adopting resoli lions of this kind and sending then to the legislature. All are referred to tlie committee on public service corporations. Extending Taxas. Ihe committee on revenue and taxation recommended that House bill No, 4 Iby Afoney of Garvin, ex tending the, time of payment of all taxes for 1914 until May 1, 1915, do pass. It was ordered printed and placed oupon the calendar. A joint resolution calling for an election on a constitutional amend ment to section 55, article 6, iprm.t ting the legislature to levy a mileage tax for the support and maintenance of tho higher educational institu ti'ms, was introduced by Harrison ol Hughes and laid over until the next legislative day. -Vaximum Charge For Gas. One of the most important of to day's new bills establishes a maxi mum charge for gas, electricity, wtter and telephones. It would ;ro fc'hit any corporation from charging tin individual consumer more, tKn. ten cents per kilowatt for electricity, 75 cents per J.OIK) cubic feet for artificial gas or 25 cents for natural gas and a graduated scale lor water, the largest Item of which is 40 cents for the first l,il)0 gallons. The ma;: lmum monthly telephone rental is placed at -',50 for business phones. $1.50 for residence phones and $1 foi "party line" connections. Another new oill today would 'pro hibit pool halls frosin operating out side the corporate limits of a city or town and another authorizes court c'trks in towns that are not county seats to issue marriage licenses. For Free School Books. Two hills introduced today i ro- ido lor free school books in the pi . lb schools of tho otate. A bill by Guilders of tlie house and fir.-se the Heague'8 style headquarters in the -Auditorium illotel, says: for 1911, was filed yesterday with the board of trustees and shows that eleven veterans and one woman, in mate of the hoxie died during the year, death being caused, as a rule by general debility, The average age of those dying was 70 1-2 years, and the estimated .mortality rate per an num at the home Is '10 per cent. Those who died 'were iV (5. IBarnes, S2; John 'P. Sitwuons, S2; W. H, (Smith D; W. A. Kvans, 72; S. E. milliard, :; W. O, 'Ridge, V. B Sams, ''The smartest, coats this spring will uc -u,,., -"-,;!; Frank Soiomtm, 7; D. 'P. Smith, cring ti waist line. But they differ 5(1; W. J. Hargrove, 70; Mrs. P., IP. rrcm the thort coats worn last spring (Weibourn, G and (V. J. Harris, 79. ' in that t'aey are, mueli inoro dose " fitting; (so, wOien the coat reaches lielow the waist line, it I'Liist flar-j out at the sides. This is good for slim figures, but not good for large women the Eton 'without the flare will suit Iter best. There is a circu lar cut skirt laid In shallow box pleats like panels, about six inohes apart SHIPPING TO 1 ORIENT! AM WACO Itnigliug, Okla., Jan. 16. Shipments of oil tank tars are now being made that is a good skirt for tailor- fro the Oillard pipe line Into Rinir- li T. 1 cu uii. 11 huiu vo resume wiuc the extremely s'hort coat will lie ad opted by American 'Women. There has been a tendency in this direction for a year and this spring it will prch ably rea?h. its -greatest vogue. The features will be its extrer.e short ness, its tight fitting effect and also the- flare." TWELVE CONfEDERiTE VET ERANS DIEOJIiRINB 1914 illingling, Okla. .Tan. 16. The an nual -reiOTt of iDr. J. 0. aitiXeese, cov ering the state confersnce home liere ling to Orienta, Waco and other Tex as points. The shipments are from the Thehna On company's lease in the iHealdton field, the pipe line be ing ibuilt as a private concern to take j the stored oil from this .lease. These are the first shipments of Ilealdtoo oil by rail. Wrlghtairian & Foster have completed their 4-inch pipe line and are running their stored oil via Magnolia pipe line to -Fort Worth. Their line, however, is a common carrier. FOR laVI-iE Scholarship In Capital t'ity Business College Leader Of ffco. ' Bartlesville, Okla. Jan. luembering the "tad days'' of the Dalton gang and tlie report that e band of outlaws are in (hiding in the Otage mountains getting ready to held up other banks, bankers, hust ings men and others throughout tli;s section are arming themselves. ,To ink robberies In ono day Is too tiuoh. for the people of this section ot the senate (provides for t'ie levyin.; of Oklahoma. of a si eeial tax for this purpose in In almost every one or the larger all school district, upon Vote of tee towns extra police officers have been people. Spcet ot Stephens county, tworn in and many men l'ave 1een introduced a bill embodying practi given commissions to arry revolvers.' ft-lly the same provisions. Many of the border towns across t!i?j Kansas line have laid in a supply of arms and ammunition, and it known that a dozen or more oiitlavs pre "scouting" in the Osagl liills.' Four of the men known to lie in the ' gang re wanted on charges of mur-, ilehold a new one! It Is the bob- d(r, while the others are wanted tor tailed "coat. So if you want to lie other crimen. in style this wpring just lake the o'.'l ' IT'S A BOB-TAIL STUNT THIS TIE On Hand Painted China Gold trimmed--the kind you like. SiVe lasts this week only en. Weinberger She ZLcUife ef Quality 120 West Oklahoma taSitSaSSKSSSS