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PACK FIVE a: Made in America" Life Size Photosfravure c f us THKMJT1IUIK DAILY-LEADER, lA.xrAliV . i!ii,v CLASSIFIED THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma State Cap ital March 8. Mil.) Official - Paper of Constitutional 'Convention. Official City and County Paper. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Jn ihn Rvpnt. of delivery belne im rerfect, or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated; subscriber are urged to make immediate complaint to the . business office In person, by .telephone or mall. Mall subscribers should examine the address on the label of their paper It shows when subscription expire When von remit thn label la changed It not, notify this office. If you -wish your suDsenpuon aisconunuea wrue the office, otherwise the paper will be continued. 'In changing addresses : gtve both old and new addresses CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No' Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cent. Telephone your want adt to 75. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. U.4D IT LID 3524 W. Oct. R. R. TIME TABLE C. R. r. ft P. RT. No. 707 west bound, arrives 8:55 a. m. Depart 11:45 a, m. Nj. 708, east bound. Arrives 2:20 p. m. Departs ........3:00 p. m. Station division and Perkins. i A., T. & S. P. .'' Nurth Bound. Pepart 406.. K. C and Chicago Es..5:35 a. m. 16 IC. C, Colo and Calif. ...8:40 a. m. IS K. O. and Chicago 5:00 p. m. 412 K. C, Chicago and Calif Flyer 8:26 R. m. South Bound. Arrives Depart 411 Texas Fljer ..7:35a.m. 8:00a.m. 17 Texas Kxpress 10:50 a. m. 10:60 a. m, 15 li"tr purcell .. 8:25 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 40a Texas Express 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Departs 418 For Ripley, Gushing and Skeedee, except Sunday C:30a.m. 410 For Stillwater, Fawnee and Cushlng, "daily s.a a. m. Arrive 409 From Cashing, Pawnee and Stillwater, daily ......10:15a.m. 417 From Cushlng, Ripley and Skeedee, ex. Sunday.. 4:15p.m. D., E. & Q. Departs 442 Enid, Kiowa., Panhandle, - Texas, dally 5:10 p.m. 444 T.oral. Enid and Kiowa, except Sunday ...7:10a.m. Arrives 41 From Enid. Kiowa, Pen handle, daily 10:05 a, m. 448 From Enid, Kiowa, except" Sunday t:45p.m- FOUT SMITH ,5; WESTERN Arrives 1 From Fort Smith dally.... 7:J0p. m. 8 From Weleetka, ex Sunday. 11:05 a. m. Departs ! For Fort Smith, daily. ... 8:18 a, m. (For Weleetka, except Sunday 4:40 pm. ST. LOUIS. EL RENO A WESTERN 19 For E! Reno, except Sunday 8:00 a. m. Arrive. jo From El Reno, ex. Sunday. 4:22 pm. l)epart M., K. T. Ho. 14 leaves Guthrie for Fallls at : 7.00 a. m, No. 18 leaves Out.hrle for Sa Louid and K. C. at. ...11:35 a. m. No. 15 Arrives Guthrie from F.illla at 10:05 a. m No. 17 arrives duthrle from all northwest .point at... 5:05 n. m. All trains arrive and depart from Union Station at Junction of Oklahoma and Harrison avenue and Fourth xtrMt. LAW BOOKS FCR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3. 4. 6 and C. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5. One vol. each of Washington, 15; Illinois, 158; Missouri. 191. Address Daily r,ider. Guthrie. Okla. FOIt SALE Scholarship in Capital City 'Business College Leader Office. .tad PETEY ABROADThe .Storm Spoiled Petey's Whole Day OLD MIRRORS MADE NEW At Bcasley & Kaglc's Second Hand store, 1.14 North First St. Phon.? 13K Will call for and deliver, SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED POaiTlO.N-rExperience as court reporter, secretary to presi dent of college, deputy in county of fices and clerk in law offices. Best of references. J. 0 caro Leader. LOST AND FOUND. FOUNiD iA male Spitz dog, pure white. Owner can have same by. calling at J22J West Washington and paying for this notice. WAN TED MISCELLANEOUS H. M. ADAMS. Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. ( Mouses for Rent. Office over Bank of Commerce. Phono 414. Kea. Phone Ilia TYPEWRITERS-" Manhattan I0.o Smith Premier 15.UU Royal No. C, (nearly new).... GO.W Royal No. 5, new 75.1" Royal No. 10 Ribbons for all makes, 50c and 73c. Typewriter Carbon3, $1.50 per box. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 114 1-2 East Oklahoma Ave. Phone FOR SALE WANTED TO SELL Ungshang pul lets and two cockrela for sate. Phone 376 or call at 1911 West Man- sur. TOR SALE Second hand, drop-top, American Queen sewing machine cheap. Leader office. FOR SALE Second hand, drop-top, American Queen sewing machine cheap. Leader office. FOR SALTS 40 volumes of Emperial Encyclopedia, almost ne.v. Cheap. Address !l. E. C. Care Leader. FOR aXiUE Scholarship in Capital i City Business College leader Of fice.".:. ... - FOR SAiLE Defiance check Trq- tector cheap. Leader office. FOR RWjE Scholarship in Capital City Business College Leader Office.-" .-:: . . . FURNITURE IFOR SALE Leaving town and nust sell boarding house chealiJ. Call at 407 East Oklahoma avenue. ' FOR 'SALE One organ, cheap; au tomobile, roctoers, 1 davenport, 1 Hoosier kitchen cabinet, 2 Axmin ister rugs partly used; "will taite some of your furniture as part pay. M. Collar. TO EXCHANGE FARM near Marshall to trade for clear residence in Guthrie. -Address Lock; Box 2GS, Marshall, Okla. WANTED A good home n Guthrie or a farm close to town. Will ex change a good 160 acre farm In Roger.. Millls county. Clear or en cumbrance. We have hundreds of fine trades. See us for fire insur ance and notary work. M. Garrett Room 9. 110 1-2 East Oklahoma ave. GUTHRIE MIRROR PLATING WK'S. 115 S. 1St. Street, J. W. Steele, Prop. Old mirrors made new; New glass urnished when broken; all work guar anteed; Work done hy French aro ces's. Elastcal hacking work. Shoe mending done also. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOK HBNT 5-room modern house cheap. Apply to owner, 1720 West Msnsur. Phone ItSt. " FOR It'KlNT 5-room houte, , east front. In good neighborhood, one block from car line; 1.2 barrel cis tern; barn and chicken yard. Phone 10l3 ' VOK R3CNT llutiRalow, corner Kim and l.ogan. Knquire 610 Kast Nol le or phone 147. FOR liii.VT On Feb, 1 dwelling at 017 E. Warner ;in whole or in part. Desirable location. Phone 1427. FOR RENT '3 light housekeeping rooms cistern. S20 E. Noble. FOR RHN'T Five-room modern, fur nished house, with sleeping porch, cistern, wash house and garage. On car line. 1817 W. Cleveland. Phone 272. PERSONAL. JADIKIt A.k your Dmrelit f. 'at-ka(er. Pllla, d lb Dlaauad Uraud. i-wr a; years kanwn at Nalst, Atwlv. K.liil.l. Huy nfyour llrLWist fair M otfcefv 4'alptiesUt.a IHamond itrnd iIUa art, aultl by DrvirgutU afirywlMira. LADIES When delayed or Irregular use Triumph Pills: always depend- abla. Relief and particulars free. Write National Medical Institute Milwaukee, Wis. JIARTtY If you are lonely. The Reliable. Confidential, Successful Club has largs number of wealthy, eligible members of both sewes. wish ing) early marriage. Descriptions free. Mrs. Wrubel. Cox 26, Oakland Calif. 266. PIONEER TELEPHONE At'.Q TELE GRAPH COMPANY. Notice of Annual Meetinr,' of the Stockholders. Guthrie, Okla., Jan uary CO. 1913. To The (Stockholders of the (Pion eer Telephone and Telegraph Com uanv: ' ' You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders or this company Will hp held In the principal office of the Company in the City of Guthrie, County of Ugan State of (Oklahoma, on Wednesday, the tenth day of February, nineteen hundred and fifteen, at. the hour of ten o'clock A. M., for the following jurposes: 1, To elect directors for the en suing year. 2. To transact such other business ast may property come 'before the stockholders. Yourse truly, E. G. WESTERVELT, Secr?tary. 'TAGXEY MASK BALL" For the benefit of the Cimarron Valley Oil Well No. 1, we will give o mask 'ball 'at the city hall Monday bight, Feb. 1st. Tickets will be sold by ticket sellers throughout the city and county for one dollar per couple. We want every 'booster for Guthrie's interests to buy as many tickets as he or she psoslbly can as the pro ceeds will 'be alpent for drilling. Five reasons why this ball should be a success: First. '. I'roreeds go to pay the drillers. Second. Its a town and county boosting ball. Third. All who buy ticftets will boost. . Fourth. You will meet no knookers there. Fifth. Fine ' music a ' C-piece orchestra. Ten dollars in' Cimarron Valley Oil stock will be given to the best wnltzer8, "one couple." .Order of Committee, Admission 50 cents per couple at public dance at Owl hall, Thursday eve. Have The Leader delivered. 45c mo. 1 r a 1 'A. ' 'V . : : : ihm it p y a First, a foundation of white goldenrod satin, gathered a bit about. the waist, and with a wide tuck so placed as to , simulate a deep hip yoke. The bodice of satin was laid in deyji crosswise tucks, and draped over this was gold colored daphne silk embroidered arross tho top with gold and white sequins In flower de signs. A straight shawl of daphne silk, squln spangledj draped the iMore than forty mon.bers of the Elks Ix)dge of this city marched in a body laBt night to the Baptist Church . to hear "Jlilly" Chappell preach. The evangelist took for his text: "I saw Jhe book opened." He preached a masterful sermon that was listened to with marked attention by a large congregation. He said: Every Institution opens books when It begins business. 'Men set down their transactions with each other, reckoning among them is always made by the books. (Entries made by men in their bookB In the usual course of business pre prima facia evidence of the correctness of the transactions 'The dead Were judged out of the things written in tlu book." Men are mere imitators of God. TJiey too are Judged out of the things writtP;! in the books. Fl Illy Moliriun 1s under sentence of five years, convicted of the crime of Iff If " "Bill Chappell Revival 4 tJVtA k "X'M ! shoulders, ending in a point at the tac;k, wtii,ch. . was 'heavily weighted with a tassel of beads.' .. Over the foundation skirt was draped a double tunic of gold em broidered daphne silk, the edges fin ished with deep scalloped bands ot Cloth of gold. Slippers of ytellow satin were worn, with hoso of silk- neitihor dyed nor bleached but or the natural shade. embezzlement upon the entlries made by him in the books of the state aud. itor. VValnwrlght, county treasurer of Muskogee county was convicted of feubezzlement and is now serving a fourteen year sentence In the peni tentiary because of entries made is his books. The things we write ir this life do rise up to condemn us. I saw the book of opportunity for success in business opened, its pag es were marred and blotted with Id leness, drink, gambling and immoral ity. Tho book of health too had its images soiled with vice, self.Indulg ence and gluttony. We allow most of the beat of life's opportunities to :inss and our pages will condemn us in eternity. !I saw the book of the past opened. 1 see selfishness, ungodliness and de spair written over its pages. Oulteau the murderer of Garfield was idle, selfish, ungodly and in despair he sent 'his soul Into the great eternity 1 PRESIDENT W FREE Clip 10 Coupons herewith attached from Daily Leaders of different date and bring same to Leader office and secure photo FREE. The Daily Leader, Guthrie, Oklahoma: Enclosed find 10 coupons for Picture of Wood row Wilson. (If out of town enclose 5c for postage.) Name . Leader Printing Company, Guthrie, Okla. with the pages of his book covered with the blood of our president. 1 .see another paga of this book. On II are written kindness, industry, pa tience, love and patriotism. Presi 'dent Wilson., staggering under the; qreat burden of a nation's leader aud grieving over the loss of his 'beloved wire, jet writing on the page of tliia book peace on earth and good will to men. "The dead were judged out o." the things written In the book." Brother, what a.e you writing on this page, so fair, I see the book of the present? Will t you writo power., wealth, and pleasure, , or will you write humility, sacrifice and service for man and God? I ace the book of opportunity for church life opened. Many go through Sunday school church and revival and never accept Jesus and so are lost. I would, ya would not, "Behold, now Is the ac cepted time, today is the day of sul- vation" says Cod's word, I saw the book of the, future open ed. Shall It be to a misspent life, wasted chance, tad purposes, or shall it be given to home, church nd.God? I saw the book of influence opened. What is it? I can't see it, I can feel it. We feel it In the effect of the European war on our Industries. Brother, what Is your Influence in the neighborhood, homecommunity? Does it bring peace and plenty or docs it, lika tho sewake of a great city, cause pestilanVc to stalk and de stroy? Are the boys and girls made better because of your example. Ar-s homes safer (because you live here Gol. T. G Payton 0. K. Cab, Baggage and Livery Service Day and Night Phon275 filfil wTm urn imiiasssiii i M J. B. FAIRFIELD Established 1889 Phone 20 Transfer, Coal, Wood and Storage. Receiver and Distributors of car lota. Goods packed, stored and shipped. 407 West Harrison. niHJUIKi: MKIIIIiaiaSHliKHI II M MX MM K M M M M M M M M' MUSiSlllKSKIIIII W. M. BRONSON, Farm Loans, Insurance, Abstracts M M Only complete abstract of tlU In Logan County. You pay Inter- M H est and principal at our ofBca, 119 W. Oklahoma Avenue, Guthrie. H Illlllllllllll 13 III 81 M IIIIIIIII iiiiirkiii aiiiiiiiiiiini g THE OKLAHOMA STATE BANK I II Deposits protected by CKiaraaty Law. Interest on tim deposits. M A Safety Deposit Boxes, rirrorool Vaults tor rent Money to loan. M iiiiiiiniiiii iimiiiiinniE 150 or do you curse, blight and destroy because of your evil Influence? '1 saw the book hi in "mory opened. A drowning man remembers all. So too, brother will all the deeds of your life pass (beforo you In that (lay when the book, of rr.emory shall bo opened and your evil deeds will, riss to blight and curse you. Some day you v.'il! say, "If I only had. If I only had." I taw the book opened. Is my name written there? In the lamb's book of life? ,., . ; , -: ; 'The ''Elks attended In a body last night. Why wasn't you there? God can't uso warm weather servants. "He wants you to make some sacrifice He is trying how to' see IE you are a fair weather Christion. Are you? Services tonight at 7:30. A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidue and ll'ladilcr troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all Irregularities of the kidneys and baldder in both men and women. Regulates bladder trou bles In children. ; If not soid by your druggist, will be sent by mall on re ceipt of It.bOQ. One small bottle la two months' treatment, and seldom falls to perfect a cure. Send for tei tlmonials from this and other states. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2S26 Olive Street. St Louis Mo. Sold by druggists. Air. Public dunce at Owl hall, Thurs day eve. . - ' By C. A. Voight