Newspaper Page Text
- fCity Can't bulW wlthY I" On End pulling against ths othor; Close up. I VOLUME XLIX HIS '.'ICI On HI I FAST 1 tKT Drive the Allies From Trenches Argonne Forest and Capture Many Men and Guns CRACK FRENCH REGIMENT In Poland, and on Eastern Front Ger mans Also Advance, Slowly En trenching Closer to Warsaw; Russians Defeat Turks Berlin, Jan. 30. (Iwman troops piptuml seven hundred and forty-five .French soldiers and twelve machine guns in the western part of the Argouue forest yisterday, atvoi-diug to an official announcement, which says: "The enemy's losses are heavy, four hundred to five linn-' dred dead wen left on the field of battle. One French infantry regiment numharinf,' 155, seems to have been completely anni hilaretl. . The (Its man losses are npntel to he comparatively slight."' ... '"" ' ; .. ' , v 0EBMAX8 CLAIM SWEEPING VICTORIES IN EAST. London, Jan. 30. Sweeping claims of military successes along virtually the entire eastern front, except in the .extreme, north- are made in an official report issued today from the Aus trian war office: It is asserted that in Poland, on the Warsaw front- in Cal kin, Bukowlna, and the northern part of Hungary the Austro Oerraan allies have been battering down the strong Russian re sistance. Rearward communications of the Russians in Oali cia is threatened the report says, by the Austrian, while the Russian forces, which invaded Bukowina and northern Hun gary have been successful. In Roland the trenches of the Avtstro-Gimian armies are slowly hilt fuirely approaching ; the Warsaw forts. No mention' is made in the report of actions in East Prus sia, which, according to Petrograd reports, now is menaced by the new offensive movements started by the Russians. The Russians have inflicted a 'crushing defeat on the Turkish army which invaded Persia, and have re-occupied Tabriz. TWO SUITS STARTED AGAINST L0ML01L COMPANY Two actions were brought today by County Attorney. Arthur Swank against the Coyle Oil company of this elty on charges preferred by U Mc Lennon, state pure food inspector. In each count tho Coyle company Is charged with selling a commercial ' feeding Stuff, known as cottonseed .cake, Contrary to law in that the 'food contained more crude fibre (ground corn cobs) and less protein food than Is permitted by the statute covering the sale of food under tin pure food act One shipment of 40,000 rounds ot t-h cake was sold to X W. Eldridge of Red Rock, and another. Bh!?ment of 2,500 pounds was bought by J. H Piirvlance of Logan county. Trial ol Wn cases ar: set for February nth. . . CHMES THAT THE MAYOR H TERMS JuiP Rusch writes a letter to The Leader charging that the city com mission loaded the tax payers with the expense ot a bond election, and that In order to carry the bonds ,ine . wim iii uiuci w , mavor must nave umuo inu 1 inwma wlfrll I .. innna uMmi bootleggers for their support of the bonds. It Is said that law violators have had no trouble lately, xsuslu . . Vnnw .hnw thA mavor IS gO- Ing to square the -creamery circle? I L- ' , i Ni mm MTV in INFANTRY CUT TO PIECES BOOSTING G0U6HLIN FOR PRESIDENT The chamber of commerce held an election Friday and named eleven di rectors to serve the ensuing year. The directors will organize next weok and sele:t a president and secretary. Fred 'Wenner will be reflected sec retary. There Is a . wide-spread dexand among members of the chamber for the election of iBert F. Coughlin, of the Monarch Dry Goods store, for president. 'Coughlin is a persistent booster, tactful aud aggressive. '-Not beln aligned with any factions, It w held that he will be admiralbly adapt ed toward bringing all interests to gether. Coughlin is on the go con. stantly, In and out of the city, but the duties (of president are not ardu ous and his selection will give gen eral satisfaction. The new directors selected are: B, F. Coughlin, .1. D. Burke, Dick W'olgattiot, George Tip ton, IR. J. Tonneway, Al Leer, iW.m. Rejahl, John Furrow, F. S. Cres ham, John Colonic. Dr. E, J. Sharp. NASTY CASE BEING TRIED IN DISTRICT COURT A very gaincjoug caBe ja being tried toda ln district court. It is styled louay iu uiDnfc . to - - . . the State vs. JacKson mrown. nrown wag arre8tej on complaint of tbe ,parellt8 of a 16-year-old school gii'l a he a now. being tried on a '... ,.VnPnli Cminlp gwany is prosecuting. TfflME GUTIJRIE, OKLAHOMA; SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1915. Great Battleship Bluecher, and fa ? I rj $ I S . LllW.llll. I 11 I.--! : . ', '-fSl IcF or RILLS BURIED HOUSE AND SENATE COM MITTEES PRESENT COPIOUS ADVERSE REPORTS Oklahoma ICity, Jan., 30. Adverse ommitteo reports were received on the following measures:. , ; . lOhanglng the name of the gins in dustrial school,, providing pay 101 state witnesses in certain' cases, pro- 'idingbonds tor district treasurers. The following bills were reporxeu upon faivorably by committees: ' : iRenuirins -county seats naving state agricultural school and no high BP'nnnl to contribute to the support of the former, changing the .time of hold- j ing court in INowata, Pontotoc, Semi nole and other counties, auiuoiii.i.a the secretary ".of state to repnlni. iUe session laws of 1910,1911 and WW. nrnhlbltins physicians In the employ of corporations or individuals to take statements from Injured persons un. der their care to e used by the parties or firms employing them, au thorizing the county attorneys to em ploy stenographic assistants, provid ing for : the Inspection of hospitals, charitable; institutions, eleemosynary Institutions, ate, establishing a coun ty court at IShattuck in Ellis county, providing for the appointment of con. stables as deputy sheriffs, relating to a county court at Gage in Ellis coun ty, requiring .the county attorney to appear for the defendant in divorce caies whn no lawyer is employed. Investigate 'Divorces. . The last named bill produced some discussion, as a minority report rec omxended its passage. The 'bill would require county attorneys to in vestigate every divorce suit filed, seo that there was no corruption or fraud Intended, represent the defendant In default cases, see that the court's de cree provided for the minor children of the parties to the suit, etc. The house voted to ae:ept the majority report, killing the measure. Wcrk on Streets. : Cartwright of Coal county intro duced a 'Mil giving specific authority to cities of the first class to pass or- (Continued on Page Two.) Mayor Refuses Receipt The petition praying for an election n amend the city charier, was filed by the "amended charter committee today. (It contained the names of 105 bon- i .1 . , .i TKn nttl(nn a : W 3 fnr a iwuc; juvi-io. . . 1 Tnayor at )' jeauy mar.auu wm coirmissioners who are to (be paid f2 each per meeting The mayor refused to give the com. 'yer," said the mayor. j Daily I : . 'Mh I' . . .. h1 HMO. -J, f '?1 ... Vice-Admlral .Beatty is again a he ro in England. (Ills sinking of the German cruiser Bluecher off the Ger. man coast Sunday, and the, disabling of several other lGar:nan war vessels, haive aroused (England. The Bluecher was one of several German war vessels believed to have SAYS LIFE IN COLORADO COAL CAMPS UNBEARABLE; LIFE HELD CHEAP OBy Associated Press.) (rew foik, Jan. 30. John R. -Law- son, executive board mienvoer ou me United 'Mine Workers, who yesterday denounced Rockefeller before the In dustrial (Relations Commission, con tinued his testimony today. "There' is no social life in the Col orado camps," (Lawson. said, The company owns all the houses, grounds schools, churches and storeB.,' Com. plete despotism exists." Lawson read into the record a long list of men killed ' in the Colorado mining camps, This was done so the commission might know how .many widows and fatherless children there were In Colorado. They get on an average of '$305.40 if the father and .husband Is killed," he said. "What can they do in life with this? What chance have they got?" He also declared the company controlled the Inquests and generally verdicts of suicide or carelessness were rendered. HOUSE VOTES $12,000 AN NUALLY TO FORMER CON FEDERATE SOLDIERS Special to The Daily Leader. Oklahoma City. Jan. SO. 'Following cross-fire debate and a bitter denun ciation of the Socialist members by Representative CCesbitt, Democrat, the houre passed finally the Hargls bill to pension ex-Confederate soldiers. The bill carries an appropriation of $12,. for the first year and a like amount j for the second year and limits the penslons to Je received by Individ ual old soldier to f 10 a month. Wid. ows of "Jonny Bvbs" would ..... , . . . . . v. . aiBO i&eneni. unuer ine terms 01 mv bill. i To Cut Salaries. The gaisrr 0f the president of the (Continued on Pags Two-) LSeprio conditions PENSION BILL IS PUT OVER British Admiral started on another raid on the (Brit- J !lsh coast But Vice-iAdmiral 'Beatty . spied them and with more powerful vessels chased them toward Heligo land Ms pursuit was given up only whpn ho came within the German mine fields, where he feared his ships might 'be sunk. ;. , TALKED II ALL NIGHT SESSION OF SEN ATE IN EFFORT TO KILL SHIP BILL PBy Associated Press.). Washington, Man. 30. T!.e senate mnmlnorl In an nil nlirllt session. Calls. ei by the Republican filibuster over ! the administration ship (bill. (Sena-. tor iSmoot led the Republicans by sueaking continuously for eleven hours and thirty-five minutes. The fight was resumed at .day-break when Senator Sutherland took up the Re- nn'ltHpnn flirht. Democrats are on the alert for parliamentary entry to stop the debate ana rorce a vote, nepuo. licans declared they would carry the filibuster on continuously to beat the bill. DAYLIGHT ROBBERS SE CURE $50,000 FROM NEW YORK STORE AND ESCAPE (By Associated Press.) New York, Jan. 30. Between forty and fifty thousand dollars worth of diamonds was stolen from the pawn shop of lAdorp-h Stern on the upper "east side" today by four men, who drove up to the store in an automo bile, held up the three clerks with revolvers, bound and gagged them, threw the jewels into three suit cas es and escaped in a waiting car. DEN. VILLA SHOT BY BODYGUARD (By Associated Tress.) Kl Paso, Tex., Jan. 30. Ueneral Pancho Villa was shot three times last night by Col, Rodolfofierro, hi personal body guard, according to a semi-official report, which, however, has been denied by Juarea officials. "Business is picking up gradually,'' said 'Will tWtbb, advertising manager for tia I.utz Store today. "In fact our business has never been better at this time of the year than now." 9iM SMDOT HOURS FORTUNE IN DIAMONDS STOLEN PRICE 2c Who Sank Her LOVE LETTERS IN CODE TOLD OF PAIR'S WRONG DOING Wichita, Kan., Jan. 30. The iulns of a once happy home were dragged forth to public gaze in the city cou.-t this week. ' ; On the side of the prosecution sat ru-v. T. H.'Lent, (pastor ot the- Meth1 odist church at Wtmlom, Kan. On the side of the defense sat Mrs, Lenora Lent, wife ot the prosecuting witness. With Mrs. Lent was Dr. T. H. Clover, an osteopathic l.hysiclan at Winfield( as co-defendant With Eeverend Lent and the prosecution sat Mrs. Kan. Lent's father of Howard, I Arrested a Week Aflo. Doctor Clover and .Mrs. Lent were arrested in Winfleld a week ago on complaint of JXeverend Lent, who charged them with living together as man and wife at the Grand hotel, sua East Douglas avenue, in Wichita. At the demand of the attorneys for Mrs. Lent and Doctor Clover a jury was empanelled, though the trial is only a preliminary hearing. ' Code letters alleged to have been written by Clover and Mrs. Lent were Introduced as evidence. Rev erend Lent and a detective employed by him worked out the key, evi dence showed. One of the code letters alleged i" have been written by Doctor Clover was sent special delivery to Mrs. Lent at 151 North Market street. She was gone from that address when tbe letter arrived. Reverend Lent found a notice of t' e letter when he went to the place seeking his wife.. We got the letter at the postofflce and opened it. Husband Learned Code. The single sheet of paper in the envelope bore nothing but a series ot figures. With much study. Reverend Lent testified he worked out the code. The letter read: "Will meet yon at Arkansas City at A. Disregard previous letter." The letter was not signed. The address on the envelop was in Doctor Clovers handwriting, Rever end Lent testified. A second letter in the same codo and alleged to have been written oy Mrs. Lent to Doctor Clover was translated by Reverend Lent, who testified the handwriting as his wife's. The letter reads: "Dearie, I am on my way to me.H Smith. I an the same bad girl i was yesterday. But the sun is shin ing. Every time I wakened I saw your face, so 1 am cheerful this morning." Missed Her Baby. A third letter written by Mrs. Lent to her husband was Introduced. It was written January IS and s;eaKs of the couple s separation. One por tion says: . -Don t think yonr own life Is the only one ruined. Mine is too. There (Continued on Pag Five.) PASTOR'S WIFE LOVED A DOCTOR NUMBER 17 DERWIN SUCCEEDS i. ra NOMINATED FOR POST MASTER TODAY BY PRESI DENT WILSON APPOINTMEHT 60ES AT OilCE TO THE 5EKATE Term of Present Incumbent Ex pires on March Third ' . Next (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, JAN " 30. HENRY E. DERWIN WAS AP. ' POINTED POSTMASTER! AT GUTHRIE, OKLA., TODAY 6Y PRESIDENT WILSON. iHls nomination was sent to the senate this afternoon. !Mr. Derwin was named on request of Senator Gore. There were five candidates for the office. ' - ' ' All the candidates had large lists ot petitions and letters1 filed with the postoffice department, with, the exception of Derwin. . ' : " Tie-did not have even a formal ap plication on file, " ' 'It is understood ; that ' ono of : the ; candidates! : iIea charges against; Derwin. i1 . (' y - - . r " (When these, charges - were" placed s before the President, he smiled, and. ordered a , commission, to be mads out . , . ' Derwin, on continuation will sue ceed W. M. McCoy, who has held lh post for sixteen years. The salary of the Outhr'e office Is 13,200. Henry E. Derwin .who was appointed postmaster today, has been a rest dent of Guthrie since l.S93,and dur ing all that period has been, connect ed with The Leader, as vice presi dent and general superintendent ot the plant Aggressive, active, square and absolutely loyal he has achieved a good name and record. ' His ap pointment is ar (compliment toj his ability and a; substantial recognition of the paper he has so ably repre sented. His appointment gfVes gen.- . eral satisfaction. ,; PERCY DANIELS ARRESTED (MEED WITH BUBEUDT Percy Daniels,' Guthrie bey, is itt jail at Cushiug and Sheriff igher wood is on his way to that place ti bring; him to this county for trial. Daniels is charged with breaking Into the Vencedora Cigar store last summer and stealing 8.50 in money and a set of ivory billiard balls val ued at $9. The balls were recover ed later at Oklahoma City where Daniels is alleged to have sold them for 15. He will probably be tried at this term of the district court ' THE WEATHER (Corrvlstit. br MeClur Syndicate) Wtiat Government Foroatr Raporta Vis Ophll (By Associated Press.) New Orleans La., Jan. 30. Cloudy, rain tonight or Sunday; cloder Saa- day- . . . .. .1- .A.i