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PACK TT70 TllK GUTIIRTE DAILY. LT3 ADHTl, HONDA V, FEBiirAKY 1,1:15, cv:;m leads f TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh is as ninth a blood disease 8 scrofula or rheumatism. . It may lie relieved, but it rannol be removed liy simply local treatment. It causes Ji'eadaehe and dir.incss, impairs tjia taste, smell and hearinp;, affoda the Toiee, deranges the digestion, mid breaks down the general henllh. It weakens the delicate hrUg tissues and leads to consumption. llood'a Sarsapaiilla Rncf to the seat of the trouble, purifies the blood, and is so suecessf ul that it is known as the best remedy for catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla strengthens end tones the whole system. It builds op. Ask your drupgist for Hood's, and insist on having it. There is no real substitute, , AILING SPEAKS TO THE POINT ' Tn -connection with, my announce ment for the office of Commissioner of Public Safety, I believe that the people should be allowed to change their officers as frequently as suits them. If elected under the present six year plan, J pledge n;yself to hand In niy resignation sixty days before the next spring election, and if the people feel that I have made good and want me to serve longer they will have an opportunity of say ing so at the polls. Yours respectfully, . CHAS. C. A LUNG. ; Ladies Hats . ' -' " i'; -- $5.00 Values 98c $10.00 Values $L98 $15.00 Values $2.98 LUTZ STORE OUR SPECIAL TICKET To Guthrie People Only Worlli of BATHS c & TREATMENTS for J 25 W. W. Brown THE Shoe Fixit Man , Has moved to 103. W. Harrison, between the Eagle Drug Store and The ally Leader office. Makes old shoes look like new. Don't throw away that old pair of shoes until you first See Brown Garage Phone 58 J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor II I VWIUNICIRM. BATH H0USE&V . V&v OUTHRIE SWS Guthrie SWEPT BY FLOODS DAMAGE FROM WATER WILL REACH THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. '-l.Sou'tliem and central Arizona were visited try storm and food conditions approach ing those which swept the same sec. tions with disastrous results a month ago. , (Rains which began last week have put under water many productive ar eas between here and Bisbee, render ing .homeless scores of families on ranches and Isolating two cities Globe and (Miami. Un the Salt river valley Carnage amounting to more than $lOO,t00 has been done since Saturday. ' Ranchers in the low ands wer3 cought unprepared and were chased to the house-tops .by the waters. They were rescued "by county offic ials in boats. The boaies of 75 fam ilies were swept away, according to ! latest reports. In Phoenix the streets were turned into raging rivers. Riverside park was flooded and the animals in the menagerie were drowned. All means of communicating with .Miami and Globe were cut off. ', ONLY ONE "Bromo Qndnlne," that Is f axative Rromo Quinine Cores a Cold in One Day, Crip in 2 Days on box. 25c ' FOR SALE. One National ' cash, register drawers, total adder for each drawer, cost $323 new, will sell for $75. Also one tent. 10x12. new, and 3 iplate glass mirronr. jrONARCH DRY GOODS CO. If a better cough syrup than (Foley's Honey and Tar Compaund could be found, we would carry it. iVe know this reliable and dependable medicine has given satisfaction for more than forty years; therefore we never offer a substitute for the genuine. Recom. mended for coughs, colds, croup, whooping congh, .bronchial and la- grippe .cough. No opiates. For sale by all druggists. TO RAISE AN ARMY OF CHILDREN (Continued from Pas One.) tendents, teachers and others are urg ad to address at Cak 'Hill, iNewton Center, (Miss., for working details. One half the ;fund Is to be used to relieve local suffering and will be distributed through home charities as far as possible. The other half will be distributed to the sufferers in Europe fcy the national committee. Arrangements have "been made for the free transportation to .Be'glum of all gifts of non.perlsha'ble food or new clothing in packages weighing 20 pounds or more, lit Is announced iht the; plans for carrying out the movement hare .been based on suggestions received from over 5,000 practical educators. Thej call for free use pf the public school buddings for entertainments to raise funds; the cc-'operation of teachers in getting the children to earn small sua:s out of schools hours; the man ufacture of useful gifts! ty hoys in manual training classes; and one day a week devoted by all girls in sewing as a part of their school" work. ."How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollar Re ward lav any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ty JIall'a Catarrh ' Cure. .. i F. J. CHEJfEY & CO.. Toledo. O. ' Cheney for tlis last U years, end believe him pertBCily honorable In nil buslnesi traruiactionr and financially able to carry cut any obllgatlona made by his firm. NATIONAL, BANK OF COIUIERCE, Toledo, O. ' !!!!' Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally. ' acting direqtly upon tho blood ar.d mu cous uriac'8 or the BVHiem. Testimonial prire 75 cenu per botue. Sojj ' by oil IiruKfrtsta. IIlirilMciiiini v?L?rM r c' ,r!'yr' ;S K The time to take care of the y. hHlr is w hile you have It. Elec- : Xtrlc Face and Seal.) Massage. t . . i A Scalp , Treatment a specialty. K Hair cut, -2:c. 11 So. First JS 'f. street. Stop in for a scalp if. treatment" " ' - ...... OUCH! LITJ? Try Mustcrolo. 'Set How Quickly It ... Believes. ' . You just rub iMd'SriOROLK In ihri.1t-ly,- and usuallv the pain is gone a delicious, sootning comfort con os o take its place . i.M'OSTiMliGMO is a cle.iu. white ointment, made with oil of mustnrd. se it instead of muHtaid plaster. Will not (blister. - Doctors and nurses use 'M.USTNK. OLIH and roeomu:end it to their pa tients. . w 1 ' . They will gladly tel,' you what relief it gives from Sore Throat, iBron. hltls, Viroup, Stiff .Neck. Asthma, Xournl gla, (Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheuma tism, 5,u:i,bago, (Pains and Aches of Jhe dlack or Joints, Sprains. Gore Muscles, Bruises. 'Chilblains. Frosted Feet,1 Colds of the Chest (it often prevents iPneumonia.) At your druggist's, In Kc and due jars, and a special large hospital size for $2,50. .He sure you get the genuine ftltJS TEROUE. iRefuse Imitations get what you ask for. The 'Musferole Company, 'Cleveland, Ohio. TEUTONS AND TURK . ALLIES SUFFER DEFEAT (Continued from Page One-) Germans have resumed their attae'e, artillery has been the only arm en gaged on the western front. The Germans again claim to have captur ed some trenches near Labassee, while the French say that the Britiuh have recaptured all the ground which had been temporarily lost. ... At that place the British official eye-witness. In a description of th battle of January 23, says that after some of the most desperate hand-to hand fighting of the war the Ger mans were driven out and suffered severe losses. Refuse to Give Up. -Notwithstanding that it la evident that the Germans still are set on breaking the lines which guard the French coast ports, as dispatches coming by way of Holland say the are gathering another fresh army for an attack on the Yser ijjie. In additions to the operations tthi li they are carrying out in many parts of tliii Afrifan continent, the British are faced with a rising of th natives of 'Nyarsaland, where thre settlers have been billed. The situa tion now is well in hand, according to official information. ' The apearance of the German sub marine "raider 11-31 In the Irish sea, where she sank three small steam ers. has caused a momentary flutter in shipping circles. AU the faster steamers, however, have been able to elude her, and it is said she has returned to her base, and traffic be tween Ireland and England has been resumed. TOWEL SUPPLY. Towels and aprons of all kinds fur nished at very reasonable prices. See before you buy. J. D. Crays. SRAV HAO THE LAUGH ON OFFICE FOX OF "THE FORCE" Sargeant Fox of the city police de partment, following his usual custom, drove "old Dobbin," the police horse, when he went to lunch last midnight. Turning A a' , comer suddenly, the "hnsegow Cart'' turned turtle and ca tipulated tVe officer Into the snow. When Fox re-overed his equilibrum "old DolAIn-' and the cart had disap peared. The officer had a long, cold walk back to the station house, where he reported the loss. Several hours tramp fafd to locate the missing horse and cart. Then up spoke Of ficer Gray; "Why il took up a stray horse and sart several hours ago and put "erd in the pound. Maybe it was "old Dtlbin." And it was. Fox cuased and Gray grinned. YOU CAN'T BRUSH OR WASH OUT DANDRUFF The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destrol It entirely. To do this, get aJbount four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retir. lng; use enough io moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger be pone, and three or four more ap- Plication, will completely, dissolve and enUrely destroy, eveny single alga Md trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you nicy have. You, ")n .oo. that all ItehlnR and digging of the scalp will stop at an(, your hair ,win fluffy Iu,. trous. glossy, silky and aoft, and looK and feel a hundred times better. e llul ,nron nJ. trug store. It is inexpensive and Hit iiiij F0H CHILD MURDER i i i' t - W,M. IRWIN, MUSKOGEE LAND GRABBER, MUST SPEND UFE IN JAIL Oklahoma. City, Okla., Feb. 1. William. '.M.', Irvin, once a prominent .Muskogee land man was condemned by the criminal co.urt of appeals Sat urday tp spend the rest of his life the McAlester penitentiary. : la an opinion byj'reslding'' Judge Doyle. the court held' that the evidence was1 sufficient on which irvin was con victed of the murder of Castella and Herbert Sells, negro children, who were burned to death, when theii home near Taft was blown np by dynamite March 23, 1!11. Of seven men Indicted vith Irvin "Doc" Allen, a negro, confessed to the dynamiting and took; a life sen tence, F. iL. Martin,, brother of a former mayor of Muskogee, was ac quitted; cases against John Ccombs, Jim Manuel and Stout Hum were not ineu. ;." - - filpnn -,-iniil 'nil f pld was the Staiie for which' lrv(n and his alleged co conspirators in the dynamiting plot ""'BU T'..""?''" ' , " 7, quire iJussessiuu ui in.o iuuu, iv ui ... .v, -- in Mexico . city to impersonate Sells, the cmidrens- lamer, ana deeds to the allotments of both be fore the American consul general. Hardy Sells is believed . to have been drowned in the Grand river et least ten years ago. The deeds Irvin secured were signed in 'HKO, , 1 91.(1 and 1911. The Sells' housfe was blown up on the night of March p. "im. On March SO, Irvin was arrested in Mexico City where he had started the day aUer the explosion.- Fred ,S. Cook, a government-special 'agent and Joe De- pew, now chief of police or Muskogee, arrested Iiim as he was trying tt make his escape from a hotel. Irvin is in the penitentiary now and has been there since 'shortly after his conviction. , A Quinine That Won't Make You Nervous FBBRILIXE, is a trade-mark name which designates the first, original and only reliable Tasteless Syrup of Quinine. An Improved Quinine, pleas ant to take; does not nauseate nor cause nervousness Children take it and neVer know it Is Quinine. Espe cially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Try It next time you need-quinine for any ipur pose. Ask for 2-ounce original pack age, rne name f-rjtvn.iiji.Nr., i blown in the bottle. 25 cents.' KSSSSaSlfiiSKlSKiSJiK 8 TOPICS OF THE - , r f TWN AND STATE. "18 '& X $ JK J8 !K w SS Negro Killf Rival, i Fired by' jealousy, Brad Colen, killed H. Pnllen at Tulsa, "aturday breast, igni Dy snooimg riuen in int urcani-i with a revolver. Both parties to the tragedy were negroes Colen orl Pnllen was mnrrlprt Saturday Officers here have been notified to be on the look out for him. Store Is Robbed. By gaining entrance through the floor of the Kiefer Mercantile com pany, at Druroright, robbers serured) 14..rS5 in money and 4. small amount of clothing. Officers have been noti fied and have a clue to the robbers. This makes a total of seven rob beries to ccur here within' the Past two weeks, al o which have been on the same street and in the same block. Oil Rigs Blown Down. A wind end rain storm visited Ard more Sunday. " Sixteen rigs ' were blown down Ii) the oil fields. A cold wind had been blowing from the north Monday afternoon and a mist Is fall ing that threatens to turn into snow. Mill Worker, Injured. Ira rhillips, an employe of an oil mill at Arduiore, was caught In. the machinery Saturday ; and was found in an unconscious condition suspend ed from the shafting. The belt which operated the machinery slipped from the wheel and Phillips' life was saved." ..,..! Banks Consolidate. The Citizen's bank and the Guar- ""!Y ve n v;;;ole. FOLK CRM Kansas City, tMo Oct I'Wt. "iMy husband had a rash all over his body, nnd soon the IWllTiOMS FAI.YIIILY was in the same condition. 'It looked scaly and raised up on tho arms and body in big bumps. This trouble burned and it oh ed -no that it wnuld nearly drive one crazy, It was'alwaja worse at Mgiit. so we tould not sleep. We all had this trouble for about two or three years, and during that time tried many remedies and prescrlpt'ons with no results, '-We tried Resinol Ointment, and 'Resinol Soap and It RELIHVBU 'AT ONCK. , and Ibeforo the third jar of ointment had .bopn iused, we were all completely 'cured. It has ibeen four - '.months since we were cured, and there are no, traces of the trouble," (Signed) Mrs.. S. A. Clarkson, -j52( il.awn Ave. Bvery druggist sells Hesiiloi Oint ment and iResinoI Soap For trial free, write to Dept. 1-R, ;Resinol, Bal timore. , anty State bank both of HenryisUa, have consolidated, with J. E.,.Whiten ton formerly of the Guaranty' bann. president of the new institrtion. , it is now the only state bank in Henry etta. ". ' .'N ' " Merchant Kills Self. ( j a. F. Jtrown, u store keeper pi Erani, sixteen miles east o Okmu'l I gee, shot and killed himself in his store here, llu had been despondent over financial troubles. Early In the I day he had delivered his will and A W'idow ,nl(;iness nf'.airs to friends w. . i and four daughters, I Ileggs, survive. . who live at ! Meetings Postponed Revival meeting at M. 13 1 ctuircn W1U be postponed for a few dnj's an nonnccments couccrnin? F.:Ttces jn due tmeTi g. vmcn hger. Boys of Capitol School Industrious. The grounds of Capitol Hill school are being put in good condition by fie boy pupils of that school, under the I personal direction of Mrs. Cora Far- irell the principal. The boys, who are just now Intensely interested ' In agricultural studies, are very en thusiastic in the new work, V Mrs. Wheaton Hurt. Ulrs. Bhianna C. AVhenton who Is ng her nephew and nieces in lawrence, Kansas, " sustained a pain; ful accident recently when she fell downKtdir.3. ('SUe.Js ,no.; ,egtIug,Jeasy and will soon visit her daughters Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Olive Wadkins, both well known- In Guthrie One More For Asylum. ...... .'. The county insanity board was in session today tor a short time. Cicero Vincent, tenant farmer, living near Crescent City, was adjudged insane and ordered taken to the Norma'ri ih stiutlon. He is 80 years of age and has been mentally unbalanced tot some time. . Percy Daniels Is Held. M Fercy Daniels, charged with burg lary, was arraigned before Justice Soward this afternoon. He waived nre.llmlnarv examination and was bound over under bond fo trial in district court. Double-Header Basket Ball Game Tonight at University. Jn addition to the regular, gnme between O. M. U. and Stillwater, the Musiiuss lioys (from uowp town) wm the boys or tne vapiuu v-uy BUElness college! I tie town '"0 have organized a team and have been practicing and no doubt will play a good game, which starts at 7 :"0. ; A "Jitney" bus service from thp West Side to the high school might a paying proposition OUVUANUV OIL FINE FOR WASHING HAIR It you want to keep your halt In good condition, the less soap you use the better. Most soaps nnd prepared sham poos contain too much alkali. Tbl? dries the faln, makes the hair brittle, and Is very harmful. Just plain mulsifled cocoanut oil (which ii pure and entirely greascless, is m.ich better than soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, as It can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will n ak an abun dance of r':-'h. -creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thorou ghly. The lather rinses but easily, and removes every particle cf dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and ev-nly. and it leaves It fine and silky, ibright, fluTfy and easy to manage. i You can get mulsified co:oanut oil at most any dnig store, lit Is very cheap, and a few ounc-ls Is enougtt to last everyone in the, family for months. ,;,,nii;;iiL BANKS 10 CHANGE SFATt CHARTERS SEEM TO BE MORE ALLURING JUST NOW Since the decision of the state sd pretme court that- national banks, formerly operating as state (banks, would cbe forced to pay their part, of the 5 per' dent levy toward the state banking fund, several of the banks which nationalized in order to save this expense, have signified'' their Jn tention to denationalize and apply for state charters again. 'The board determined that the charter would be issued, but that the bank -would have to come into th state fold under the same' provision as would a new Institution, Notwith standing the fact that these banks will liave to pay their assessments the believe ' that they, wil', : bo able t save money, as they, will derive the benefits of the fund now in existence t)n account of the few failures, th fnnd has grown to such an extcn that s,tate ibanks now receive protec tlon -il licit more cheaply than do na fional'ibanksAppliciitlons from many Of the, erstwhile state Wnks for char ters are looked for in the near future ,by the banking board. After being In session for a week at lOklahoma 'City,-, the' members ot the board adjourned Snd left fo their respective homes. ''Nothing wr. done by the board except 'routine matters and perfecting an organiza tion. . . CROUP AND WHOOPING COUGH t -IMrs. T. iX'enreuer. iKau Clalro, W says: iKoley s "Honey and Tar K oni fffiound cured my boy of a verv' se vere attack of croup after other rem edies had failed. Our milkman -cured his children of whooping cough." Fol ey's has a forty years record of sim ilar cases, Contains no opiates. Ul, aya' insist on Foley s. X St.Se JK Si 2(5 i& iK C S 32 K K,3 k v, OF LOCAL MOMENT. ' ' A IT K ?5 y. K W SS ii 5?, 'X 52 ': t J .'f. -t The six farm loan appraisers drop pcA from the nay ro 1 of the school land -department last week were re instated by the commission and will be put to work im-n ediately collect lng i$ 1,000,000 of pat due loans, , The "jitney" bus business Is , en countering competition In Oklahoma City, a new company composed of di rectors of the Classen Rati. 'way' com pany having been organized to oper ate in co-r petition with the origiual company. Governor ir Ij. v illiams has ae. cepted an invitation to deliver an ad dress of welcome at. the opening ses sion of the Southern Commercial con gress at LMuskogee, April 2(1. t The quail may be given a 5 year respite by the present legislature. That (Representative Norton, a member of the legislature, will be a candidate for mayor of Oklahoma City on the Republican ticket, oppos ing Ed Overholser, Is a late annpunc ment. Cs'ortpn Is well known here. "I don't find so many poor in Cuth. r!e, as was reported" said Chairman Jack Xangston of the'eounty board today. "A number of able bodied persons applied -for heljr early in the game, -but I eet them back by offer lng then work." The- gospe; team has been Invited to take charge" of the opening exereis es this evenlrfR at the evangelistic services to be hold iu the First IM. E. church. AH members 'are urged to be present. The president, iM. T, Ar mantrout will conduct the meeting. The time is 7:30. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fOH BAUKAtHS MUNttS Alio BLAOOtR Tj. II. Lohr Is prepared to do all kinds of gas -piping at a. reasonable cost He keeps on hand a supply r.t gas mantlesj globes and burners. THEATRES The Highland. '. The IHighland touched orf the the atrical fireworks in good shape with fllenrici's ".Merry Maids." This' is a Etrong company 'Manager Stapleton i'f r i in j . r Rudy Cheeka-Sparklinfj Fj?f T., -.nvinat women can navo 11 ulu.jI uu,.jLt;....i ' Says Dr. tdwards, a Well -Known V Ohio Physician . : j Dr. V. iM. iKdwards for 17 ycra . iu.naH enrkpoa, nf wnniPTi for liver nnd,' bowe ailments , -During these w . lie gave to .his patients a pres-.Tiptlcn -made of a few well-known vewta'.H lnarodlcnts mixed 'iV.;.ith olive cil.ft naming 'them .Dr. 'K(arris Olive Tab. Ic.ti, yni i will knowfj them by t!i;.rjf olive color. , k " , " Thfse tablets; are wonder-workci'si.;." on tire liver and bote's, which cir-e a normal action, caVrylns ' off tiiej. waste and 'poisonous matter that cne'sj system collects. Hf you have a inle face, sallow lai't. . dull JeyVs, pimples, coatod tonsuV, leadiffhes. a listless, no-goad feei::iu alltc(it of sorts, Inactive bowels, yir; take one or Dr. Kii wards' Olive Tf.bjf lets nightly for a time, and note thj pleasjng result?. " " Thp iPands or as well asl ihen.jtake Dr. Edwards': Olive -.Tab lets iiow and t,h?njnst to keep in; tin (ink " of roqdltlcn. ' ' t: ., Or! iKdVards" .Olive Tablets, t'- emnJcariil otilhatlfiiM fnr eii tnmel A UK i md 23c per 'box, All druggists. scored a rl:h point in booklnj artists..v,.,: ,,' aw-'.'"- H'.'i'i The Lyno. The I.yilc of serials. la running i"" t a new l'uw . ' . itf ' .' P : i ' ':."' ' '. i ' Thk Gem H tops-llnlna wfthf direct cum 14. till: . i "WhemKast Meets West," a fouufy coming Tlia'tfhottscr. release In- V1 Mutual rrogram, me tarken- on tiw fa'r-ous itt'alsh : rapfijt,; ncyr., .Denver. It is the ib'j'thp acb,pf ta,fainous,;i, . 000,000 Mt;t.ean baby'jirlie r 'ideju! ; Eurnislics an ex-cellent illuslratioii jgf life on a -weli ordered ranch. The wild r.'dinst mid milling herds are the same as , in the old days, .but grtl, ?i:itstantia, ibariia and ibuildinj? hac displaced the "dobe" shacks H'j1 fence'' corrals. This picture is one of tllo iiimfh "Wru'dod releases n;ii.e, by 'the.; T5.hoiur .'"Yellow ;-;toi" company and features IMIgnoit Andw son' and 'Morris Foster. ! . 2 : ft was 'William .S. Hart's work 'as Cash lHawkins iu "The fliiuaw 'Uty:' and as still unother westerner In Iiiji gene Walter's "Tho Trait of the l.oue some Pine," that convinced ""Tiiorrijis H, Iiko that, llapt-jwas.lie manrlo star in "gun men" pur's prepared, by t,he ('Ncft- York 'xiotiori picture (Cor poration for the (Mutual -program. ' , .f. ,-111 , tf ,., 4 , FIVE 'CENTS." PROvfesSt' A Generous Offer. at out this ad. enclose with 3 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago. 111., and 'they, will send you our trial packages of Foley's .Honey and Tar Compound for coughs', cold?, oroup, bronchial and iagrippe cousin; Foley dvldncy Pills and Foley Cathnr- ' tic Tablets. For sale by all drua- gJStS. - - ,'. . w '.'v. .Vulgar man Is captibus nml Jeal ous;, eager anil impetuous about, trifles. He suspects himself to be slighted, thinks: every thing ' that" is said Is meant at him; if the com pany happens to laugh, he is persuad. ed they laugh at him; he grows an gry and testy, says something very impertinent, and draws himself into a scrap, by showing what fie calls a proper spirit and asserting himself.. Chesterfield. rtrr-r-rr"r. '" 11 "' 1 1 ". i . 1 1 ... Nervous Period ical Headaches 'Succumb to Anti-Kamma Tablets -liffl ti-ntihlA f-omniDnlv called MHlrk hna.l' ache," in oatd to be du to the retentl. n of urea Ih tho system. Otten It )3 suut-d tlmt a ponrcunditlonot the blood la a caiiao ot thpHn hniLin(!hHN. or thafc it la a nervou.) condition; Bud la certain coacia, no doubt tniH ia true. -Where trptttmpntla demanded, it la more for the pm than anything elne, and Hr. A. F. Hchfllschmldt ot - LouIhvIUb, bna found Ant,l-.uinula 'J'ableta to give prompt and aatlsfuetory relief. "Kest should be liitiiHted upon" he says, "and the patient should ro tn bed, darken the room, and all the attendants and family, should be as quiet aa possible. An emetto will some times shorten the attack. ThetowelHSlimlrt be kept open with "Actulcla"! ttbotbath ftnrt a thoroiiith rub-down with a coarse towel, oiten give Krateful relief. Two Antl-kninula Tablets when the first bbiis appnat, will usually prevent the attack. "During an tackoun tablet evory hour of two will shorten the attack and relieve th nausea anil voinltluK." These tablets muy b obtained at all druggists. AsktoCA-K Tablets. Thoy are also uneioelled for ner vous lieaducheb, neuraUsiu and all palna. The Cleaner and Dyer t-adfes Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 Indies Skirts Clea ned and, , 7C !. 1";.. rressed ...... 25 c readies Gloves Cleaned', Mens Suits Cleaned and $1.00 tressed lens Punts Cleaned and : Krt Pressea ; WUl Your old hats n:ade iew Clothes called for and delivered. Phone 809 , 109 S Division M ETZ