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WANTS CLASSIFIED THE DAILY LEADER. rXbBorbcdthe -Oklahoma State Cap ital March 8, 19110 Official .Paper of Constitutional Convention.' " ' '- ' ' - - Official City and County Paper. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In the event of delivery being im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated, subscribers are urged to make immediate 'complaint' to the business office in person, by telephone or mail. , 1 Mail subscribers should examine the address on the label of their paper, it shows when subscription expire. When you remit the label Is changed, il not, notify this office. If you wish your subscription discontinued- write the office, otherwise the paper will 'be 'continued. 'In changing addresses gWe both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . RATES One Cent A Word. . No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH, Your advertisement on this ;,paqe will -be ecfl by more than 20,000 people. Transfer asd Storags H OLD MIRRORS ) MADE NEW fit Bcasley & Eagle's Second Hund J store, 11 North First St Phono J tot. Will call for and deliver. J R. R. TIME TABLE '! " "C R- I.' 'P. T. ' Noi 707 went bound, arrives 9:65 a. m. " Depart U:4 a. KJL 708, eaxt bound, Arrive 2:20 p. m. Departs : P- m- t, Rtation division and Perkins. A., t; & 8. v , North Bound. K. C. and Chicago Ki., 5 -k. c. coioana caitir:: -K. C. and Chicago 5 Peparta :3a a. in. :Wa. xu. :00 p. m. 16- Hi- -K. C, Chicago and Calif Flyer South Bound. Arrive -Texas Fljer .. 7:35 a. in, -Texas Kxpreas 10:50 a. m -For PurceU ..8:25 a. m, -Texas Express 11:00 p. m, 8:25 a. m. Depart! .00 a. in. :50 a. m, :50 a. m. :ii0 p. m, in- 17- 'I EASTERN OKLAHOMA. igFo-r Ripley. Cushlng and til,MHi0 prvnt Hundav 8:30 a.m. 10 For Billlwkter, Pawnee and CuaUine, aauy.... :'" Arrives inn H.M. rfittnc PftSIIAA Mid , V i kj . i . mu....., - Stillwater, dally 10:15 a.m. 417 From Cushlng, Ripley and Skeedee, ex. Sunday.. 4:15 p. m. O.i E. & O. Departs 442 Enid. Kiowa, Panhandle, Texas, dally 5:10 p. m. 444 Local, Enid and Kiowa, . except Sunday 7:10 a.m. Arrives 141 From Enid, Kiowa, Pen handle, dally 10:05 a.m. 443 From Enid, Kiowa, except Sunday 4:45 p.m. FORT SMITH 4 WESTERN Arrives t From Fort Smith dally. ... 7:80 p. m. ;, Krum Weluetka, ex. Bunlay.ll:2 a. in. Departs For Fori Smith, dally....... 8:10a.m. I ST. LOUIS. EL RENO & WESTERN 111 For El Reno, exeept Sunday 8:00 a, m. - V Arrives 20From El Reno. sr. Sunday. ;it pm. Departs vr v t. NO. 14 leaves vjfuuino iw at i.uu a. ni. Ko. It leaves Qutlirle for St, T.miU and K. c. at. ...ii:30 a. m. No. 16 Arrives Uuthrlo from F.lis at iy:w) a. in 17 arrives Guthrie from all No. northwest points ai... :p p. m AH n... arrlv.. and riPTlflrt from UntOH Station at junction of Oklahoma and Harrlwin avenue and Fourth ctraat. GUTHRIE MIRROR PLATING WK'S. 115 S. 1St. Street, J. W. Steele, Prop. V Old mirrors " ' new; New glass ' urnis,h,':'.-ii broken; all work gunr- Sr'-'r, Wrork done by French uro pss. Elastical hacking work. Shoe I mending done also. ti SITUATIONS WANTEb WANTED SiHuation, general house a.uui , o ( work, tree ..planting, bandy man ( about house and premises. 'Best ot references. Fred Armstrong. Call phone 100. f IIVBBIilllllll ! js THE OKLAHOMA STATE. BANK - H Deposit proteotod by OWJinty lm. Interwt oa tlm depoiiU. H Safety Deposit Boxes. Ilrepioot Vaulrt lot rent Money to loan. IXIIIIlllll,ll'illlll"l"1 - I J. B. FAIRFIELD Eatabll. had 1889 Phone 20 I Transfer, Coal, Wood and Storage. Receiver and Distributors K I of car lots. Goods packed, stored and shipped. 407 West Harrison. KBl"l"i:)HJi"'" "mum' "" i m '' Tst:a I w. M. BR0N8ON, Farm Coana, Insurance, Abstracts I Only complete abstracts of title la Logan County. Ton pay Inter- I est and principal a our office, 11 Oklahoma Avenue, Guthrie. SIXXXHKHIlllaRHHKIUIII WANTS CLASSIFIED HELP WANTEDMALE "MOVIE" Actros and ; Actresses in Ibig demand. 1 Largo' salaries. Pleasant work and travel. Become popular and Independent. We teach you Write, Mutual School of Motion Picture Acting, Gaff IBldg., Chicago, 111. GOVEBNMBN'iv positions are easy to get. My freo booklet, H-366, tells how," Examinations in this state scon. Write today (NOW. Earl Hopkins," Washington. D. C. HELP WANTED Male. Young men and women to learn newspaper and magazine drawing by mail. Send for, our Illustrated magazine and list of( successful students. Associated Art Studios, Flatiron Building, New York.' $80 MONTHLY and expenses to ' travel, distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents; per-1 manent. Jap American Co., Ogden c Taylor, Chicago. I WILL PAY honest men up to $o monthly. Sare time. Home work. Xo canvassing. No capital. Mall order business,, Voorhiea, Desk l4'J, Omaha; Neb. ' $2i50O ANNUALLY' Co-operate with me evenings at home. Everything (urnlBhed. Don't worry about capital. Boyd; H., Brown, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Names ana addresses by ( mail order houses; big pay; nome work; Information lor stamp. Direct ' Appeal Co., Plymouth( Ind. O HTlHt'I S lost office clerk -carrier and other government examinations this siprlng. Good salaries. 1 con ducted examinations, can help yon ett position, Trial examination free. Write, Ozment, (25), St. Louis, Mo. WORK SPARE TIME stamping au:t addressing ; envelopes. Trial lot and particulars ltC. Eureka Puhlisn. ine Co., Sta. A, Columbus, Ohio. LADY OR GENTLEMAN, fair edu cation to travel for old-estaulishod firm. 'No canvassing. Salary, P'i per year, payable weekly, (pursuant tu contract. Expenses advanced. Addi-pss, G.. M, ... Nichols, Philadel phia, Pa., Pepper Bldg. M EN-i-Our ' illustrated Tatnlogms --explains how we teach the .barber trade in short term, mailed free. V-Trite Moler College, Kansas City, Mo. . -; " ' FOR 8Alt UAlvGAINS We have two very good bargains on ,the East Side for any one who wants a nice hom and can pay cash. Also several that can be had on terms. . Dooley and Ann strong, Phone 399. 112 1-2 West Oklahoma avenue. FOR SALE Second hand, drop-top, American Queen sewing machine, cheap. Leader office. RICK WOOD for sale. Phone 615 on L. ' FOR SAIUE 40 volumes of Emperlil Encyclopedia, almost ne.7. Cheap. Address H. E. C. Care Leader. FOR SALE Defiance check pro tector cheap. Leader office. FOR SALE Second hand, drop-top, American Queen sewing ' machine Cheap. Leader office. I PERSONAl. WEALTHY", Cclif. ranchman, 4, would marry. N-Box 35, Leagus, Toledo, Ohio. IADIERt A-ik mir nnircht f"r r1.Klr Pill", (ho HUmmiJ llrand. 1-of H y-" ' frttoM. H..v" y.r 1 ..riiiKlsl Te no other. ' lll.m.,nj Brl I'lll. are "old y UiwUU Hr,tor. LADIES When delayed or Irregular . use Triumph PUls; always depend able Relief and particulars free. Write (National Medical Institits. Milwaukee, Wis. MARTtY 4t j(ou r lonely. The Reliable. Confidential, Successful Club has largo number of wealthy, eligible members of both soxes. wisn- lng early marriage. Descriptions freo.- Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland Calif. 264. WANTS CLASSIFIED HELf WANTED FEMALE FIVE , BRIGHT, ; capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell deal ers; $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., De;t. SOI, Omaha, Nelx DO YOU WANT another 'i daily? ' No experience, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery, machines furnished on contract we 1 take product. Helping Hand Stores (inc.), Chicago. MADAM; -Earn $15. to $25 weekly. Co-operate with me evenings at, heme. No canvassing. Everything furnished. Don't worry about capi tal. I will help you. Boyd C. Brown, Omaha, iNeb. " ".MOVIE" actors and actresses in big demand. Iarge salaries. Pleasant work and travel. Become popular ami independent. We teach you how. Write Mutual School of Motion Picture Acting, Garf Bldg., Chicago, 111.'. LADIES for home work. Nothing to sell;' 23c per hour. Enclose stam;. IRankin & Dodson, 171 Elm St., Hills dale, Pa. WANTED Ladies aud gentlemen to travel, wonk" in city, $2.50 day, $18.00 and expenses for traveling. Call at lone hotel Tuesday. A. A. illoskins. LARGE KNITTING mill invites cor respondence from women desirous of earning money, part or full time. iGood pay. Experience unnecessary. International Knitting Mils, West Philadelphia, Pa. LADi ES Immediately. Filling and labeling boxes. Home work. Even ings. Steady. . No experience; $12 weekly. Not canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co , Toronto, Ont. BUSINESS CHANCES SAbES MANAGEKS wanted to open offices and manage salesmen throughout the state. ' New, but thoroughly": proven article; $30i0 to $G00 required ( to carry stock, fuHy secured. Possibilities unlimited. RMerenles exchanged. Gibson, 4Jb OWN, A BUSINESS, 1,000 per cent . profit manufacturing inks at home spare time. Capital and eperience unnecessary. Enormous commercial demand. Our secret formulas and sure selling plans insure lucrative, eteadily increasing! business. No canvassing. ' Investigate immediately. Particulars free. 0. T. Covert, Secre. tary, 6935-6939 Kenwood A'e., Chi cago, 111. Iin OIL STOCK in $61,00O,0UO eomiftny, just organized; grclund floor proposition; 100 ipcr cent di''. dends 90 days possible; 20 wells at once; quick action on your money; limited number shares at 2c share; i$10 buys $500 par value stock; big advance in stock soon; selling fast; remit now; write for free informa tion; dividends declared soon. Amal gamated Oil Co.,' 1145 Colcord Bids., Oklahoma, Okla. TO EXCHANGE WHAT HAVE you to exchange for a 5-room house, close in? Phone No. 013; Barrett, the man that makes trades. FOR TRADE New typewriters lor second hand automobile or horse and buggy. . E. C. Miller, phone 7. ROOMING MOUSE For pale or trade. 'Well located and price right. Phone 268 or address D. M. care of Leader. FARM near Marshall to trade for clear residence in Guthrie. Ad dress Lock Box 268, Marshall, Okla. WANTED A good home n Guthrie or a farm closo to town. . Will ex change a good 160 acre farm in unr Minis county. Clear of en cumbrance.- We have' hundreds of fine trades. See us for fire insur ance and notary work. M. Garrett Room 9, 116 1-2 East Oklahoma avo. FOR SALE Scnolarship in Capital City Business College Leader Of fice. LAW BOOKS FCR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, J. 3. 4. i and 6. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5. One tol each of Washington. 15; Illinois, 158; MlBSom-l. 191. Address Dally Leader. Guthrie. Okla. FARM'- WANTED. WANTED to hear from owner, otj good farm for sale. Send cash price and description. P. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn, CLASSIFIED SALESMEN' WANTED SALESMEN RANTED Experienca unnecessary, 'easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings of fering" opportunities to earn JlOD to $500 a month while you learn Address nearest office. Dept. '237 National Salesmen's Training Asso ciation, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. BEST ;)rppition ever offered agents. Every woman wonts this handy practical ..specialty, Showing it means selling.1 "Write quick, J. i)'. Woodard, Nardin, Oklu.' ' : v WANTED Salesman experienced in any lie to sell general trade n small country towns of Oklahoma. Unexcelled specialty proposition; 30 per cent commission';' $36.00 weekly for expense. Crown Cider Company, 20iT S, Commercial St., St. Louis, MoM Department E. SIDE Hj'iNE, pocket samiiles; 10 minutes, JLOS commission; . high grade men only; no other need ap ply. Advertising Novelty Co., New ton, Iowa. !. , , ' SALEf JviEN wanted for country .towns; i'5 Weekly' salary and $5 per day allowed for expenses when t;ravelins. , Western Cider Co., St. Louis Mo, ' ' 1 WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ' appaarande to tall on mer chants In their territory. Salary ami commission i to hustlers. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. SIDELINE Salesmen to- market rep- rcscntatlve, medium priced line showcases, walleases, mirrors, cloth ing raoks, garment hangers and gen eral store equipment. Straight com mission only averaging 20 per cent and over. -Applications strictly con fidential. State territory desired. American Fixture & Showcase Mfg. Co., St Louis, MO. WANTED Salesmen, to sell restaur ants, farmers, and all , big consum ers, by the largest grocery - house in the world selling the consumer direct. The most complete and .perfect stocic of goods most.liberal compensation, best and' promptest sorvlce to agent and consumer, permanent Control ot your territory, absolute guarantee with all orders, and many more ad vantages -impossible for any other house to give. Enlist with the bis house. John Sexton & Co., Import ers Manufacturers and Wholesale iGro'cers, Lake & Franklin Sts., Chi cago, 111. FOR RENT FOR, RENT-2 story modern bouse, opposite library, March 1st Luther West. - ;' ' .." '- 1 FOR RANT On Feb. 1 dwelling at 5117 E. Warner ;in whole or in part. Desirable location. Phone 1427. FOR RENT '3 light housekeeping fooins cistern. 320 E. Noble. FOR -RENT, Five-room modern, fur nished house, with sleciring porch, cistern, wash house and garage. On car. line. 1S'17 W. Cleveland. Phone 272.' ''.-. FARM FOR RENT Good bottom farm, '5 miles north of Pii;e street, Guthrie. Best cotton land in Okla homma. Will raise anything: s'' acres in cultivation. Good barns, pasture, running-water, ' two houses, v, pnnvpnience. Cash or shares, long term .preferred. Going east for my health,, must rent quiet, " Rush, R. 10, Guthrie, Okla. FOR RENT 5-rooni house, modem, cistern, hl ken yard and house, close in; nice for railroad men. In quire 512 East Vilas. WANTED MlSUti-VANEOUS FIRST CLASS shoe repairing ut Steeles, ' iH-5 South First, and mirror plating also done. BOARD AND ROOM or room, cheap, at 414 East Springer. H. M. ADAMS. Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent, Office over Bank of Commerce. M,nna 414. ; Res. Phono 1U :.. TYPEWRITERS- Manhattan,.... ,... uo C TlromlPf 15.00 Roval No. 5. (nearly new).... 50.WI Roval No. 6. new ; 75.0U1 n...i vn 1ft dOOOU Ribbons tor all makes, 50c and 75c. Typewriter Carbons, $1.50 per box- TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 114 1-2 East Oklahoma Ave. Phone I. Have The Leader delivered. 45c mo WANTSIPHI CLASSIFIED WANTED AUENT3 AGENTS WANTED Agents make ' 500 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards." Merchants huy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Burea St, Chicago, 111. PORTRAIT Agents' Supply Co., La Porte, Ind., guarantees 10(1 per cent delivery. Cat. free. Dept. SO, AGENTS 500 per cent profit. Fres samples,: Gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 43 N, Clark, Chicago. DON'T BE AN AGENT. Make $50 weekly. Co-operate with me even. at home. ' Othors are growing rich. I will help you and furnish everything. Don't worry about capi tal. Boyd il. Brown, Dept. 10, Omaha Neb. AGENTS make $!) to $18 daily sell ing new auto specialty. KItty-KIt repairs punctures one minute. Write Nueces Valley Company, Box 201, Agua Dtilce, Texas. AGENTS write quisck for big free sanvp.lo case proposition. Meximol Toilet Accessories, Resurrection Plants, Arizona Diamonds, etc. New line; exclusive' territory; nn compe tition. Big chance for hustlers. Lester Company, Box 42, Mesllla Park N. M. .WANTED Responsible rei rcscnta tlve In each county. New combina tion; 12 tools in 1. Sells at sight to farmers, teamsters, fence builders, etc. Weighs 21 lbs.; lifts 3 tona. Stretches wire, pulls posts, hoists, etc. Colored circular and big liberal agents' proposition on request. Har rau Mfg. Co. Uloomfield, Indiana, Box H, 20. POULTRY. FINE YOUNU Bronze turkeys from niy state show winners. Stock', un related to birds of previous sales. Mr,s. H. E. Bachelder. Fredonia, Kan. PURE BRED Bourbon Red Turkeys. Toms $4, hens $3. Mrs. W. M. Shackelford, Roosevelt, Okla, GIANT Bourbon Red Turkeys. Toips 1(5, hens $3 Mrs. J. F. -McDonald, ingersoll, OMa. FOURHON RED Turkeys. Toms $3.50, hens $2.50. ' Mrs. L Elliott, Gollry, Okla, , PIONEER TELEPHONEANO TELE GRAPH COMPANY. Notice of Annual Meeting of the Stockholders. Guthrie, Okla., Jan- - uary BO, 1915. To The 'Stockholders of the Pion eer Telephone and Com- "'vn Ira horrihr notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders or this company will do neu in n; nrri.-B of the Company in the City of Guthrie, County of Logan, State of Oklahoma, on Wednesday, the tenth day of February, nineteen t,.,ArA ni .1 flftflpn. at the hour of 1IMHVI11.14 . - ten o'clock A. .M for tho following tuirposes: 1 To elect directors lor uiu en suing year. i 2. To transact such other business aa mav properly come 'beforo the stockholders. Yours 'l ruiy, E. E. WESTBRVBLT. Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Voters of Guthrie: I hereby announce myself ss a candidate for the office of Commis sioner of Public Safety, subject to the decision ot the voters at .he spriug election. I came to Logan county when Oklahoma was first opened to set tl. Tnont, and have never before run for any office. I am not a politician, but believe myself qualified to fill the office with credit to myself and the city. If you feel that I am the right man for the place I shall appreciate youf support. Pol. Yours respectfully, (Signed) - CHARLES C. ALLING. S21 North Vine. t. L. Billings, dealer and K shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells 11 !8 Water. Shipments made to any .: JS point in the United aiaies. w Phone 629. Res. 913 E. Harrison. K Postoffiee Examination. There will be a post office cxaml- nation held in Guthrie, Okla... on thei firs. Saturday in April. For any in- , E jIanewinckel was a Guth ifnrmaiion desired, and the blanks on ,.,,,. -..,,,. .which to make application for tins examination, call at the post office." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A A DEBT CONSIDERS WAR ONLY ALL DOMESTIC LEGISLA TION IS SHELVED UNTIL CLOSE OF (ONFLI T I London, Feb. .6. 'Premier Asquitu presented a resolution in the House of Commons today, to devote the present session entirely to govern ment measures. i "There Is no precedent Tor this resolution," said the pre.iier, "but all our energies as a nation aro con centrated pn tho war and every In terest must be .subordinated to thU overmastering purpose. lAccordlng ly, the -government purposes to tako away the opportunity for private mei.ibers to introduce bills and will pontine Its legislative proposals to 'measure for the prosecution of the war." IA, Bonar Law, speaking for the op position, agreed to the resolution. He said that the opposition intended to treat the present silting of the house as a war session, as had been done in Canada and France. In support of his resolution, Premier Asquith said further: , "So long as war conditions prevail anil untH they arc determined I hope and trust that at no distant date they will to determined in our favor we must postpone discussion of the Plural Voting bill and all domestic legislation Insubordination to the one national purpose." The house adopted the resolution. Baron Lucas, replying for the. govern -xent to questions concerning auen enemies, said that exclusive of pris oners of war, 18,K9 aliens, all males, had ;been interned in the United Kingdom. Of these l;91f were re leased subsequently with the consent of the war office, after their rec ords had been investigated by the police. ... ..,. i a tbyas wnfrnER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and Ibladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all Irregularities of the kidneys and baldder In both men and women. Regulates bladder trou bles in children. If not soid by your druggist, will be sent by mail on re ceipt of $1,000. One small bottle is two months' treatmcnL and seldom fails to perfect a cure. Send for tes timonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, S926 Olive Street, 8L Louis Mo. Sold by druggists. Adv. MONUMENTS We are making up orders for a car lot of monuments to reach us this spring. Farties wanting work before Decor ation Day will save money by seeinr us at; . once and) having the woik come in this car, CHAS. C. ALLING & SONS, 316 West Oklahoma Ave. NEEDLES! Wo carry a complete line ot needles and repairs for al! kinds oi sewing machines, liberal allowance for old machines in exchange for a Sirger. SINGER -SEWING MACHINE CO. 1,14 East Oklahoma Avenue. How Mr. Oavls Got Rid of Bad Couah. "Some time ago I had a very bad cough" writes .Lewis T. Davis, lUackwater, IDel. "My brother IMc. nvi.'la ffoi-a mo n anlfill hnttlfl of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Af ter taking this il ibougnt half a dozen bottle of It but only used one of them as the cough left .me and I have not 'been troubled since." Ob tainable everywhere, K V. S3 K Ss 33 K X 33 33 ' '.f. 33 K 3S J CRESCENT NEWS NOTES 33 33 : S? JK X S3 33 Ss 33 3A 3tf 33 5E 33 3. Mrs. Lefevor was a Guthrie visitor Tuesday. . Judge Ellison was here from the oil fields. (Monday. ... jfaKKle Uoollttle spent Sun- home Mki Uncle Jonn wrigai was a tiuiune, .visitor IMonday. ; IMr. John (Miller, visited with his oincle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. m BE5T REPAIRING UNDER THE SON INVISIBLE PATCHES Neat workmanship repairing is a branch of our .business which is giv en especial attention. Send Your Torn Garments to Us We can repair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? Keep-U-Neat MAR LEY F. SMITH, Prop. 115 E. Okla, Phone 555. lie is manager at Dallas for the Queen City Printing Ink Co. ill. F. -Elchinger and family were Guthrie visitors Saturday. Deputy Sheriff Will Defreese was in Guthrie, iMonday making up his monthly report. COunty Commissioner George W.: Bloan was in Guthrie Monday, meet ing with the board. f Mrs. F. E, C'rabtree, ot Los An geles, California, is visiting her sis ten Mrs. ited Alley, this week. , Jim Woman and Jim Meyers weru .Guthrie visitors -Monday. They went as jurors and witnesses, , Ed. Hull, J. W. Rhlnehart, Jim Shafer and L. R. Houck were court visitors at Guthrie ihe first of tho week. Han Used Chamberlain's Cough Rem. edy for 20 Years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used In my household for the past twenty years. I 'began giving it to my children when they were sti all. As a quick relief for croup, whoopln.? cough, and ordinary colds, it has no equal. Bclnr; free from opium and other harmful drugs. I never felt afraid to give it to the children. 1 have recommended it to a large num Ibcr of friends and neighbors, who have recommended it to a large num cr of friends and neighbors, who have used it and speak bishly of it." writes .Mrs. 'Mary i.Minke, ShortsvlUc, N, y. Obtainable everywhere. L. H. Lohr is prepared to do all kinds of gas piping at a reasonable ccst. He keeps on hand a supply c.t gas mantlesi globes and burners. Constipation. When costive or troubled with con-, fitipation take Chamberlain's Talblets. They are easy to take and .most ag reeable in effect. Obtainable every, where. Jim Vandeventer Insane. ' , James IH, Vandeventer, an early day resident of Guthrie, and later a saloonist at Orlando, is insane. He attacked his wife in a fit ot madness, ilte is 52 years old. A housentid remedy in America for 23 years 'Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. For cuU. sprains, burns, scalds, bruises. 25c and 50c. At all drug stores. ANNOUNCEMENTS For Commissioner of Public Safety. W. H. Mitchell authorizes Tiia Leader to announce his candidacy for Commissioner of Public Saicty, in to April election. ' For Public Sa'ety. Chas. C. Ailing authorizes T:i- Leader to announce his candidacy Tor Commissioner of Public Safety. HENRY H. REYNOLDS requests Th Leader to announce that he will bo a candidate for Commissioner Ot Public Safety, subject to the will ot the voters at the spring primary election. The Leader is authorized by ED ROBERTSON to announce that ht wil be a candidate for Commissioner of Public Safety iu the spring pri maries. 1 For Commissioner of Public Safet. Bert Wolverton author'jes The Leader to announce his name as a candidate for Commissioner ot puMipA Safety, subject to the s;rinS Pri maries. HKSH3S05aK"" a T. C. VINSON. y. The time to take car of tha ;3 K hair is while you have it. Elc- A 3 trie Face and Seal.) Massage. :l 3S Scalp Treatment a specialty, rt X Hair cut. 25c 119 So. FirsB 51 X street. Stop in for a scalp m X treatment. IIIIIRIIIIIIIIII