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PAGE BIS JTOEQTTTIIRIE D A.ILY LEADER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1915. California Boy Wins $500,000 Estate By An Ea ( ) j Teddy Slmgsiy, who was bom in San Francisco loi:r years ago, hat won ?300,000 baronial cttate in England by an ea.-. Kis father is Charles Raymond s;ingsty, forme lieutenant in tlie British navy. His .mother was the former Mis3 Dorothy Cutler Morgan cf Han Francisco. When he asked the British courts to confirm the succession of his son to his title and fortune, a younger brother protested and went to court with the claim that the toy was not. LVrrs. Slingsby's at ail. There was testimony that her baby had died and that she had substituted one for him. But the probate judge in London found the boy had a peculiar ear, one that matched his mothers peculiar ear, and therefore deoid-a in hi3 favor. This is what he had to say on that point: J called in a personal friend, a well known artist Sir George Framp'i ton. 1 did not tell him my view, j merely asked him to come into court and watch. "Sir George immediately noted the extraordinary resemblance of the boy to his father. The mother was not present that day. Sir George said ls would like to see her, as he had noticed an odd shape of the boy left ear 'which did not resemble that o? his father. Accordingly, iMrS. Sl'ngsby was brought to my room and introduced to the artist, who immedll observed the extraordinary similarity ietween the left ear of the molher and the left ear of the son. f fi8K' Why "No Coffee V For Children? Many jwi rents who drink coffee would not allow their children to touch it. The 2l2 grains of the dm?A caffeine, in the av erage -ui of coffee, is far more injurious to the sus ceptible nature of a child than to an adult, but, ,ust as constant dripping will wear away stone, so wilt the repeated doses of caffeine undermine the strong est constitution. Parents who would protect their own health a they do that of their children, will see the reason for quitting coffee and using ALLIES WILL DE1D 34 BILLIOII THIS SUM WILL BE DEMAND ED IN EVENT GERMANY LOSES Paris, Fob IH.-Jeap Finot in his review arrives at a grand total of 34.000,000,000' as the final hill the allies would have to render tn irw- many, lAustralla and Turkey In case the latter were defeated after a year's warfare. Taking Jual iLcroyjBeauIieu's es- tomate of $10,000,000,000 as the di rect outlay of all the belligerents for four months' of hostilities, and as uming that the war will last a year, .Monsieur Finot arrives at a sum of ver fourteen billion dollars as the ireet expenditures of the allies alone To the sums already expended must bo added the value of property de- astated by the invasion. This he considers can not fall 'below the sum I expended for the .maintenance of the armies, and thus arrives at a total of nearly thirty 'billion dollars. To this should still be added, he considers, the value of the lives lost the conflict. Taking the French ibunal's valuation and sunnosins per cent of the full strength of the allied armies to be killed, he be. lieves this item would be over four billion dollars. '''-.. We said if the allies were victorious they would probably find Austria and urkey, incapable of contributing uch toward the liquidation and that erm'any alone would have to fool the bill. He believed she was frilly capable of doing so, since in 11913 the German economists estimated the fortune of the Empire at $.20,000,00-0,- 000, including land values, buildings, securities and other personal propar. of the state. The Germans pay to the govern ment only 12 per head, wnile the French pay over $11), and the equal!, iation of the public charges wo'ild therefore produce $400,000 0()0 a year To this he said would be add'id $2T.0, 000,000 as the result of a reduction of armaments. From such sources iingui ue ooiainea the interest on $20,0)0.000,000 and the rest IMonsieur Finot believed would be found In the provisional exploitation of state mon opolies. mm US. MISS HELEN CLARK, Frima donna In "Ilelieve Me," Dilly Clifford's big musical piaj Vwhfcch comes to the Guthrie Theater. Satur day, February 13, A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder' cures kidncs and lb ladder troubles, dissolves gravel cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all Irregularities of the kidneys and baldder in both men and women.. Regulates bladder trou bles In children. If not soid by youi druggist, will be sent by mail on re ceipt of $1,000. One small bottle la two months' treatment, and seldom falls to perfect a curey Send for tes timonials from this and other states. Dr. E. XV. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St Louis Mo. Sold by druggists. Adv. OIL LIB! FLOCK TO CAPITAL OSAGE LAND LEASES SOON TO EXPIRE; MANY NEW V PLANS OFFERED GREAT MUSIC IT TULSA . y. H. C. I MEET Children's Coughs children's Cold Both Are Serious. When one of your little ones shows symptoms of an approaching Cold, give It Ir. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey at once. It acts quickly, and prevents ixucl growing worse. Very heal mg soothes the 'Mines loosens the mucous, strengthens the system. Jt's guaranteed. Only 23c. at your drug, gist. Buy a bottl3 today. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Sores. 1 rink )i)taiii-: not hi 113 that i- hut is, oil the contrarv, health-' ihis k;ire food- harmful or injurious. i'ul and invigorating. I'ostuiu is easy to make; has a delightful snap py liavoiir, very much like Old Uov 't Java-; and is good for hoth children and adults. J'ostum is soil in two forn is Regular Postum, AvlucJi i(iiurcs hoilini;. una ! packages; In stant Postum, which is soluble in hot water made instantlv in the cun, HOc and A)e tins. Moth kinds are equal! v delicious, and the cost per cup ahout the same. "There's a Reason ' for POSTUM sold by (Irocers everywhere. WHITE WOMAN WHO CimiilEO NEGRO IS IS- BAND RON OUT OF TOWN Oklahoma City, Feb. ,11 iReba Stanley, the white woman, who was arrested several days ago in com pany with a negro, was released from the city jail last night on the prom- Ise that she leave. ''Major 'Whlttaker. ; the black companion, was also re leased on the sair.e condition." Both left the city jail taking opposite di , rection3. When arrested they gave the names of "Mary Crown" and ' John IJrown" and claimed to he hus band and wife. 1 ue oianiey woman told the po- lire matron that she Intended to se cure a job and live a respectable' lif in th future. 'We are glad they are gone. IWe don't want any of this class of peo. pie in" Oklahoma City," said Police Judge Price. Tulaa,1 Feb. HI. The musical pro gram of' the state V.- II. O. iA. con. vention being held In the magnifi men,t municipal contention hall Is the greatest and most diversified ev er arranged for a state convention 1 in the southwest. The program In cludes brass bands, orchestras, so. I03,, fluaBtettes. ' duets, ehurch choirs, and even, torn torn music. The musical program follows: Thursday night. First M. ,E, chur-:h male quartette. iFrlday afternoon, Organ recital by Misfl Kimmons. Saturday noon, mixed ' quartette, 1 Boston Ave, M. E. church. ' Sunday morning, vocal solo, IMrs. Josephine Story AVhite. Sunday afternoon, ' Presbyterian Male quartette. : ' 't .: ' Sundayhight, (Anthem, First Meth odist church choir. The Chilocco Indian Band from the Chilocco (Indian school, is to be the real musical feature of the con vention. . This band, composed of thirty talented artists, representing seventeen Indian tribes will te here during the entire convention. It will be the chief attraction at the Fridy night session and at the men's meet ing ISunday afternoon when it is 'be lieved that Jim Goodneat will speak to an army of men that will fill the 4,200 seats of the great auditorium. Washington, D. C, Feb. 11. Now hat faecreinry of the Interior Ijne has announced the date for the public hearing on the question of the re newal of the Foster blanket oil lease on CSMM)0 acres in the Osage nation tor Tuesday, 'February 1(5, It Is ex pected thaO Washington will be the Mecca for oil men, Indians, bud- losiees, aitorneys and onlookers. The Foster lease expires on March H ot next year and a battle rcyal will from now on be on to , ser ure the necessary approval of the renewal ot tn; lease. Karl Oliver, a BartlesviUe attorney, who is said to be closely allied with large oil interests of i national char acter, hw recently held several secret night conferences wi,th Indian Com missioner Cato Sells upoa a proposi tion which has been submitted ty Oliver to lease the 1'500,00!j acres in tho Osage nation for oil development. The Oliver plan contemplates the building of an oil refinery to refine he products taken from the Osage oil wells, the Osages to receive a one sixth royalty upon the oil and forty er cent of the profits from the re fined oil,, provided there should be any such profits. ;,! . . . Wesley M. Dial of Pawhuska, Okla., who is said to represent the Uncle Sam Oil company interests, has been given permission to. file a brief with the inferior department, setting for'h another proposition for leasing the Osage oil fields. It is not known what- nsove tn roster interests will , make, as Mey j are fcarefully guarding itheir plans I and the policy to 'be pursued in ask ing the department to renew tihelr . lease. Interest in the renewal of the I bianket lease is nation-wide. Former Governor Frank, Fiantiz and Jmlge J. J. Shea of Bartlesvlllle, ara already on the' ground representing the hundred or more sub-lessees at present opera'ing 0 nthe lease and it is expected that from now cn oil men will be fairly pouring into Washington. The Girls Are Wearing Them- TOUCHWOOD Tie Magic Charm for Luck Latest as Pendants Only 25c BenWeinbergeitf fke Routt cf Quality 120 West Oklahoma Guthrie, first on second on pullet. cockerel, first and ft. k . ivv hita Leghorns: V. R. iMax iiutnne, tirst on cock, second and third on cockerel, first and second on hen, third and fourth on pullet second on the pen. ,C IB. Hill, first on cockerel, first on pullet, first on hen. Mrs. HI; (A. Montague, Guthrie fourth on cockerel, second on pm let. . b. It. .Brown Leghorns: R, E. Moore, Guthrie, first, second and third on cockerel, first and second on hen, fU'st, second, third and fourth on pullet, third on the pen. Ttose Comb a. Leghorns: C. Kneed ler.'Kaw City, first on cockerel, first and second on pullet. iBourbon Red Turkey: Mrs. J. P Khodes, Guthrie, first on cockerel. first on pullet. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A S HOI SOCIETY OPENS SESSION ,-.,11 1 r.',ii,Hii I, 1 -, in -i-v . I " ' li if'")'- 1 "j Ufl W 4 1 V To Cure a Cold In One Dav Take LAXATIVE flROMO OU1.VIXE tauiets. Druggists refund monev If H fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature is on each box- 2Jc." Hat Used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for 20 Years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedv has been used in rry household for the Mst twenty years. I tegan giving it Iri my children when they were u,all. a quick relief for croup, whoopin; -oiieh. snd ordinary colds, It has no equal. Efrfng free from oiiium and other harmful drugs. I never felt afraid to give ft to the children. I have rwommended ft to a large num- ilicr of friends and neighbors, who Jiave recommended it to a large num iber of friends and nelehhors. who have used It and speak liighly of It." writes Mrs. Mary Mlnke, Shortsvllle. N. y. Obtainable eve-ywhere. Good Entertainment. lAt the First Methodist tonight by The Starrs. church MIES NOW RECOGNIZE WILSOISJ!00SE WISE ihe jackics on board the United States warships, although very anxi ous to get into a scrap with Mexico following the demand thit. Mexico salute the Americi.a flag several months ago, are now unanimous in tho opinion that the course adopted President Wilson, preventing war. STOP THE CHILD'S COLDS THEY OFTEN RESULT 8ERIOUSLY Colds. Croup .and Whooping Cough aro children's ailments which need immediate attention. The after-effects are often imost serious. Don't take the risk you don't ibave to. Dr. King's New Discovery checks the Cold sootheB the CouKh, allays the inflammation, 'kills the Germs and al lows nature to do her Jiealing work, e at your uruglgst. 1 Buy a tody. The seventh, annual meeting of Guthrie District Woman's Home Mis sionary society of the IMethodSst Episcopal church opened yesterday, Feb, 10th at the First (Methodist church. Oevotlonals by Ttev. T. S Pittenger. Mrs. J. E. Thackery of Stillwater district presided in the bottle chair. .Mrs. Have The Leader delivered, 45c mo. AWARDS ARE GFANTED 5 ON PRIZE CHICKS (Continued from Page One,) ond, third and fourth, on hen; first and second on pullets. Single Comb R. I. Reds: Wrs. j. B. iFairfleld, Guthrie, second on rock; Joseph I.Vehr, Guthrie., svcond or & Moore first oh cockerel, first on cock, first and fourth on hens, third on pullet, first on peri. R. C. .R. I. Reds: .Mrs. R. O. New, Guthrie, first on hen, first arid sec ond on pullet Light 'Brama: Dr. J, W. Duke, 'as the wise one. This is the sta.e-1 a".d ,EeC.nd. Mrel ttr 8eJ" meni of Don Cross of Guthrie, who""0' , ' , 0" nen; r"'St' w. in Jennings and OiHon this1 SeCOnd' fourth- od pullet, week. Cross but recently returned , " pen of ten' : ' ' from a four years' enlistment in the 1ark , Bra,m: Dr' iB' H111' fir8t! navy, serving as an electrician in the v...., lul.u a,.u wireless department. Every man in foUrth on "ullet' . TIl'UI. .... 1 1 1 . ' n x, . 'Miiiiu riiHingiun; w. v. uicner son, Piedmont, firslj on fockirel,; fjiiflt loxnerei, ni6 on punet, second 1 on 0f tho habits and customs of the Un pen; G..8. Brown,( Oklahoma City, dians. fourth on cock, second on hen, '"""" J""""-. -m noggs, mira on u a missionary meeting, a great cock, third on cockerel, third on hen worker in same, gave a report of the secono on puiiet, third on pea, Moore national meeting at Syracuse. N. Y Some remarks by resident minis ters closed the program for the af- Senator Moses E. Clapp, progres- fllVfi ' vaiiiiI.II,,,, .w,uUi,i:u ol inmnesota, snub bed President Wilson the other dav when hei was invited to the White House to talkl about the ship pur chase bill, over which there has been tho most interesting fight In which the President has been concerned. As the story, goes in Washington, Senator Clapp was called to tho White House with two or three other progressives whom the President was trying to capture tor his ship .purchase bill. Senator Clapp saw the President alone and waited only long enough to hear .Mr. Wilson mention the subject of the ship pur chase bill, Then he told the Presi dent that he could not discuss that matter and intimated clearly that lis disapproved of executive Interference in legislative matters. Senator Clapp said the views which hn nnn, IiaI.I. . . ..u.uo were expressed by mm in a speech delivered last session, In that epeech Senator. Clapp said among other things: "Since I entered this chamber no IMrs. J, V. Warren, who is at home 111311 nas 1,een the keeper of my con science, and high as I hold a seat m this great body I will retire to privateX lif t before any man shall become the keeper of my conscience or my Judg ment. I have perhaps this advantage over sotne, that I took this .position whea the party I was then in har- J, H. Schlapbach, missionary of Whlteagle, gave a very interesting talk on 'lOur Work Among the Pan. cas." She with her husband are resident missionaries there in a home established 'by the society. IMiss Bitha Pittenger pleased with a solo In ber Impressive and telling way. IMrs. Lucy Boyes of Perry gave e very complete review of the text book, '.Redlands. 'Her paper j was full of Information and explanation ternoon the navy wanted to fight Mexico, he says, and they were extremely un complimentary in their remarks re garding the President because of his watchful waiting policy. Now, how ever, since the first enthusiasm has blown over, all the men are praising Wilson for his action. Cross was on gunboat that! started for Vera Cruz but It win forced to return to (New York, b Cuba. tuse of an accident n't, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A on hen. f tiutr urpmgton: w c Batos, sec ond on cockerel, first on cock, first, second and fourth on hen, fouth oa pullet, first on pen of ten. Geo. A Garrison, first on .cockerel, firet. second and third on pullet, -IB. G. Towle, Guthrie, third on cockerel, third on hen. Blue Andalueion: John A. Huber, La Crosse Kans., first, second, third and fourth - on cockerel, fir3t. second, third and fourth on pullet, first on pen of ten. (Partridge Cochins: C J. tRowell, haskell ?mm 10 . BUILD ANOTHER RAlLROAf . ' Oilton, Okla. Feb. 11. Former Governor C. N. Haskell, who with nis wife and son is now recuperating at Hot Springs, Ark., is planning the construction of another railroad 'n y.lilnhoma upon his return heme, ac- $iding to close friends, who do not however, indicate where the proposed road Is to be. It Is known thai" he hat. been planning some interurban lines for Sapulpa. NEEDLES! We carry a complete line of needles and repairs for all kinds 01 sewing machines, liberal allowance for old machines In exchange for a Slrger. .- SIXGBR SEWING MACHINE CO. 114 East Oklahoma Avenue. mony with was. in power, and' I cant speak for the freedom of declaration an J purpose of a senator." j 'n the same speech Senator Clapp said: - ' - "It is time tnat American senator. rising to the dignity of ambassadors of their states, shall take their re- sponsltili'y for legislation and acce-it tho declarations of no man, whether he be within or without the Whil3 House. 'The danger of this one man Power is that no matter how tmo. bow .pure, how ideal a man may be m the White House it Is impossible that. he shall know all that is going on, and any influence that can surround that situation can work untold iujury to this republic." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Public dance at Owls, Thursday; eve. Admission. 50 cents. Senator Clapp Snubs President Wilson