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PAdl'l VWV, THE OUT! HUE DAILY LEADEU, MONDAY, MAKCU S, lii: TS CLASSIFIED THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklaliuuia State Cap ital (March 8, Wit.) Official Paper o Constitutional Convention. Official City and County Paper. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In the event ot delivery being Im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted, or mutilated, subscribers are urged to make. Immediate complaint to the business office In person, by telephone or mail. Mail subscribers should examine the address on the label ot their paper, it shows when subscription expire. When you remit the la'bel is changed, if not, notify this office. H you wish your subscription discontinued write the office, otherwise the paper will be continued. 'In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ', One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ad to 75. TERMS- CASH. Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. i , "i? FtBili, Ma Oct AXNOLjXtOIEXTS. TREASURER SCHOOL BOARD Harry C. Carlln authorizes The 1. tailor to announce his candidacy for re-election as treasurer of tne scnou board, subject to the city :nmane FliKD 3 HECK hereby authorizes the Leader to announce his candi dacy for election as Treasurer of the school board. COMMISSIONER PUBLIC SAFETY II. FY HARRIS authorizes the Leader to announce his candiducyjor W. H. Mitchell authorizes Tne Leader to announce his candidacy for Commissioner of Tublic Safety, in the April election. f.. Clias. C. Ailing authorizes The Leader to announco his candidacy for Commissioner of public Safety. HENRY II. REYNOLDS requests ,Tu Leader to announce that he will bo a candidate for Commissioner of Public Safety, subject to the will ot the voters at the spring primary election. The Leader is authorized by R.OBERTSOX to announce that hf wll be a candidate for Commissioner of Public Safety in the spring pri maries. Tviui-inn anthoriles The i,eri nui.v.w- Leader to announce his name as a candidate for Commissioner of Public Safety, subject to the spring pri maries. All Work Guaranteed 114 N. First Phone 131 AT SECOND HAND STORE Repair work we repair anything Sawing Machines, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Washing .Machines, Bicycles and Guns. We Resilver Mirrors FOR SALE Second tand, drop-top, American Queen sewing machine cheap. Leader office. FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing AT STEELE'S 115 South First; and mirror plat. Inn also done PERtOIMAU. TanilMI A- T" TVi-euM f"t CMkIm SW i.t,Sft. Always m-. I'llla ara aala ' " ' ' LADIES When delayed or Irregular use Trluc.Ph Fills; alway oepc-uu-abla. Relief and particulars free Write National Medical Instil He Milwaukee, Wis. .! OFFICE WORK AT HOME. ... . v,-,.c-ri ,,iinilp nersons to do uritlne at homo, mail goods, etc i ii. ,i nnmiission and good pay. t'.. nnd neat work necessary I I Willi""' j Q.i riimn for nackage of our goods l.,.i rticulars. Brilliant Gloss Mfg WAN IWinwfflvfofill WANTS CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Male. Youne men i and women to learn newspaper, and magazine drawing by mail.! Sead rot our illustrated magazines end list of successful students. Assorted Art Studios, l-'latiron Rullding, New Yor. FARIVtP WANTED. CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. Let, us ' furnish you v Sanitary Garbage can and keep it clean for von. Phone 832. TO EXCHANGE WANTED to trade a pair of lots, clear, for a good typewriter. J. S. B. Hall. EXGHlAXClR Six houses and lots for land will pay "-cash difference if required, . -,' Four-room house, 2 lots and cash for an .SO. : " . Five-room residence, close in and cash for seven; room residence. "' ':. J. BUAOKUIVX . FOR SALE FOiL&VIJEdlarber Chair and .mir ror, 1'14 X. First. Phone 13,1. PURE BLOOD fawn Indian Ktmner duck ggs for sale. Phone 10 U. J. S. 'Morrison, 1122 W. Coieral. FOR SALE 40 volumes or Emperial v Encyclopedia, almost nev. Cheap. Address II. E, C. Care Leader. ' 160 ACRES improved rich level land under cultivation. In winter wnaa! belt Lincoln comity, Colorado. Farm-In1-', dairying and stock rais'ng. Ad dress A Harris, Mankato, Minn. FOR SlVLB 25 Shares in Ark. Itiver Bod Oil & Gas Co. Address 2t care Leador. , . , ,; FOR SALIS At a bargnm 5 room modern house. Inquire of owner at !20 East Noble. Phone 165. FOR SALE 1 Black Jersey milch cow. Call E. B. Gordon, 523 East Warner avenue. Phone 1266. FOR SALE Defiance CuecK tcctor cheap. Leader office. pro- FOU S ALIO A good 3 year old Jersey 'mlltTT cow'.' Call 711 East Mansur, or phone No. 622. FOR SALE 40 Im. seed outs. 1816 West Warner. Phono 662. A. Dillcnbeck. FOR SALE Good li room cottage, well located on the east side, close in, $600, with small payment down and S10.00 a month. Want a good 4 or 5 room cottage In Guthrie, will give SO acres of Improved land subject to $500.00. Try us for real estate, insur ance and notary work. M. Garrett, HG'6 East Oklahoma avenue. FOR MAUE Two houses and 2 lots in good location, at a low price foi cash. 2 lots on (Noble Ave. for $1100.00. 4 Room house and 2 lots for $1C0 E J. BLAC.RMAN. FOR SALE 120-Egg Incubator; also good washing machine. Call 1512 East Springer. FOR SALE We have the exclusive sale ot houses at 11113 and 11,4 E. Cleveland. Ixw price for cash. (Dool- el & Armstrong, 112 E. Okla. Ave. Phone 399. G IMS AT BARGAIN We have two houses, one a 5-room, the other 7- rooms, placed in our hands to sen. Parties obliged to raise money. No particulars over phone. Dooley & Armstrong ilH'2 E. Okla. Ave. SUDAN SEED grown in Lubbock county, Tex., priced right. Ten pounds or less, thirty-five cents pound; over ten pounds, thirty cents Write for wholesale price. Certifi cate of inspection. Robinson 'Bros. Lubbock, Texas. FOR REVT FOR RENT Pleasant rocin, close in, Drivileee of the home. 314 East Vilas. Phone 149. FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms, modern and convenient. Mrs. Martha Neal, 418 East Logan. ' FOR ftHXT Five-room modern, fur nished house, with sleeping porch, cistern, wash house and garage. On oar line. 1S17 W. Cleveland. I'hon 272. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms: all modern, at North Side Inn Ella Wiling 401 North Division tvri hext Good 4 room house; pood li-.irn-ana cave. Cheap. In riuiro at Leader Office. Am.-riraii Oueen sewing machine cheap. Leader office. WAN CLASSIFIED WANTED MI8CEI.VANECU8 TO BUY Would like to buy interest in real estate and insurance busi ness. "X," care Leader. . . . . WANTED Fire proof safe with in - side vault, full description. Ira Stout, pushing, Okla. BOARD AND ItOOM or room, clioap, at 414 Kast Springer. H. M. ADAMS. Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent. nvor Ttnnk nf Commerce Phone 414. Kes. Phone m8 TYPEWRITERS- Manhattan .... ".. -i W Smith Premier 15.00 Royal No. 5, (nearly new).... 50.00 Royal No. 5, new ........... io.w Royal No. 10 '1M.IJU Ribbons for all makes, 5flo and 7oc. Typewriter Carbons, SI .50. per box. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 114 1-2 East Oklahoma Ave- Phono v. tssasisasjssaisajassa IS L. L. Billings, dealer ana re 5S shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells 'A K Wpter, Shipments made to any A 8S point in the United btatcn. S Phone 629. Iloo. 1)13 E. Harrison. & SSiKJfilawwSiSSEJHaiHKM LAW BOOKS FCB SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 6 and . Also Z, 3, 4 ana t. uue vol. each of Washington, 15; Illinois, 158; Missouri, 191. Addrest Daily Leader. Outhrie. Okla. S T. C. VINSON. Sfi 58 The time to take care of the XH hair is while vou have it. Elec- SS St trie Face and Scalp Massage. S. Sk Scalp Treatment a specialty. K K Hair cut, 25c. 1.19 So. First ftf $ street. Stop in for a ' scalp S '4? irontmpnt SSWinsiSHBfttaaBSBBB TOWEL SUPPLY. Towels and aprons or all kinds fur nished at very reasonable prices. See before you buy. J. D. Crays. HAND LAUNDRY, 515 South Third Street. Work done strictly ill style. White Dresses, Men's White Shirts and Ladies' Waists, a specialty. All work guaranteed. Phone 1152. C. J. BRIGHT, Prop. PROCLAMATION Whereas, ,liy virtue of a resolution passed by the Mayor and' Board ot Commissioner ot the City of Gut'hrie, Oklahoma, on the 13th day ot Janu ary, mr, the certain proposed amend, menu to the City Charter of the City ot Guthrie, Oklahoma, were direotea to be submitted to a vote ot the peo pie at the regular Municipal Election in said City of Guthrie, to be held on the first Tuesday In April, 1015, tUf substance of said proposition being as follovs: A proposition to amend Section of Articla 1 of the Charter oi im City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, by reduc ing the terms ot offices of the Alayoi and Commlsisonera of said City oi Guthrie from six years to two years on and after the expiration of the re spect ive terms of office of the pros cnt incumbents in said offices am fixing the date of the commencement nf terms of! offices of persons sc Plotted on the first Monday in May succeed!!!!? the election at which hf is elected. Now. therefore, by virtue of tne authority vested in me by law and bs in aforesaid resolution, 1 hereb proclaim and give notice that the salt proposed Charter Amendments will s i.ihn.itted to the vote of the qualifier electors of the said City of Guthm at the regular voting places in sate city of Guthrie, at the Municipal Election to be held therein on we first Tuesday in April, 1915, and thai correct copies of the said proposed amendments may be obtained by ap plication at the office of the City Clerk ot said Clly of Guthrie, Okla homa, where copies ot the same are on hand for distribution.- nnn at the City ot Guthrie, Okla homa, this 6th day of March. 1915. . J. E. Mb&ii, Attest: .Mayor. N DUNHAM. THE PASTOR S MIND Chicago. "March C Jamea iMorri- Darnell, the 'Kenosha, son Wis., preacher under Indictment on HBO WILL E Dr. Pittinger of Methodist Ghurch Delivers Forceful Lecture Ttev. Pittinger of the First Metho dist church, gave a splendid address to a large Sunday night congregation, on th ) subject, "What Guthrie Needs." It was a Btronu. clear, forceful appeal to1ho citizens of Guthrie to make the moat of their preoont opportunity and (ast unavailing regrets behind. For get you ever had the capital! was one of his first earnest picas. "There are certain manufactories that would do well here; and others that would prove unprofitable." His practical Hii!?Kcstioii3 marked him as a man of affairs as well as a good preacher of the Gospel. His Gospel for the peo ple of Guthrie was apparently a sug gestion for them to secure and keep health, wealth and culture as progres i . ...... , sive measures added to the essential of a moral town. Ho had been in many places but had seen none where there was as little drunkenness and dlsordiirliness,' The water supply must be pure and abundant to con serve public health; factories that do not require cheap fuel or gas; and our educational Institutions and cultural societies, he commended the efforts of the City Federation and Young Men's Booster club, Chamber of Commerce and all other, organizations that are working along lines for civic advancement. Most of the problems to bo solved are the self-same prob lems that confront every municipality whether commission .. or aldermanic. The main proposition was to keep up spirit, and use all the reserve force in one supremo united effort. His charges of violating the '.Mann act, is to undergo an examination into his sanity. This was learned toriaj when Darnell was kept in the federal marshal's office after an order that ho be taken bac to .Milwaukee Sat urday had been entered before a United States commission. Darne'ls bond was fixed at $o,000 The inquiry by insanity experts will be conducted Yy two physicians selected by Darnell's counsel and one selected ay tao government. Darnell said today lie hoped after the conclusion of the Milwaukee trial to go to Europe and join the Red Cross. FOLEY KIDNEYPIIIS fOR BACKACHE K10NEYS ANO BLAOUtR DEATH OF AH HONORED LONG Til CITIZEN Death visited another home Sat urday afternoon and took away an honorable, well known citizen. Wat son K. Sheriff -aine to uuinne in 1S.T2 and departed this life ;Mart h 6. rai.". We was horn In Lancashire, England August 30, lSJO and came to lAmerica when .but hi years of as. He served with the federal army dur ing the war ot 'l'StiO-iS in the 7th New Vork cavalry. He is survived by his wife, 'Mary Sheriff, one. son, V. D. Sheriff, both of whom live in fiuth ;Io, one daughter, Mrs. Minnie LMar ;ee, California, ilo. ' The funeral will take place at the residence S2CJ (East Okhihoma Ave nue, Guthrie Tuesday aftgrrtoon at 2 o'clock The services will be under the auspices of the Grand lArniy of ;he 'Republic. All friends are invit ed. Notice G. A. R. and Ladles Orders. You are all requested to ireet at ;ne O, A. R. hall Tuesday afternoon. .March 9th, 13113. at 1 :30 p. m. to at tend in a body, the funeral of our late comrade Watson E. Sheriff, at his residence Tuesday afternoon March 9th, at 2 p. m. By order of George Latta, Post Commander. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fOR BACKACHE KI0NEYS AND BLABBER BEWARE OF THE DREAD BAG WORM (Continued from Page One.) States are interested in municipal house cleaning. As Jane Addams puts' it, a town needs city mothers jas well as city fathers". The chief func tion of club organizations is to criare civic Pride, public sentiment: that eliminates selfish Individual sand that civic laxity, mithrift, ugly, unsanitary surroundings, unsightly buildings, the tin cau nuisance, tho unspeakable condition, of stables nd barn yard filth, the pestilential breeding places of the deathly diseases, thai menace life and helth of the tender child and bodilv visor of adult lives. Th-: late Mrs. Sarah Piatt lacker. brainiest, president the general deration ever had hurl?! her an them at the club or club women was too "exclusive" or too literary to in terest, herself, in: promoting civic bet- , r. illustratoins for public accord were Rood. The old-fsahioned barn-raisins of his boyhood was a good exanipleif scores of men making a mighty lift of the first barn-side where all men were as one to lift and hold up in the one great raise; and another, a per fect sight was the 800 soldiers march ing as in one great step and the per fect of guns or bayonets; and then showing the inharmonious picture when one or more were out of lino. The address was able and heartening, dignified and tactful, and ho revealed that he was a practical man who had been educated in the school of hard knocks, had been in towns through adversity and that he. had been a man who had done things him self, and who knew every obstacle to be overcome and how hard tlio prob lems wore of solution, but that lie liail done his share in town-boosting nnd lown hulkling, no one would question. His sermon was such as would calm the fears of the weak and doubting citizen, but It was an iron tonic to the people who are the burdon-bearo,rs of the social and financial as well as the educational and cultural problems of Guthrie. Hundreds of healtn erttclen appear ln newspapers and iiiaRazineB, anil In practically every one of them the Im portance of keeping the bowels rep ular is emphasized, A constipated condition invites disease. A depend able physic that acts without incon venience or (rripins found in Fol ey Cathartic Tablets. For sale 'by nil druggists. :erment. The writer once heard ner relate a visit to a city in a near-by state The club ladies introduced themselves to lwr supposed approval and administration by Intormlnii ner tlicir's was he most exclusive flu,:, i" town that their annual dues were s" and so, and their banquets were the envy of all other club ladies and then Mrs. Docker went on to say ihey wad. ed through miry nnd tinpaved streeis to Ret to their place ot club meetin?. She said she thought, "you poor "pus ilanious" crealurrs, but when the club began Its program on art of the Ken- aisance. it sclassical and literary ai- lusionstoShakehpeare.urownmKuu Tcnnsson, and to a finished product or. a stuuy oi iui, . r.i. . i. lvuntr died over OUlt years as". ern club women ought to live in the here and now. Today the most ac complished and studious of club wom en still write better papers than ever before beeauso she vtializes them with a heart sympathy . and Invests them with human interest and every pa,i ' ( on literature and art Is a conlribu- ( tion made to public welfare. i" modern dub woman Is behind the times if she ignores local cleanliness. Why should any cbib woman not participate in the annual municipal house-cleaning. DETECTIVES STftRT HUNT FOR J1M4M BUNK LOOT Chicago, 111., March 8. Search for the hiding place of a sum supposed to be $120,000, part of the loot in the $317,000 robbery of the branch bank of Montreal at New Westminster, B. C, on September 15, 1911, was begun here today by a score ot cietecuves as a result of the arrest yseterday ot two men believed to be the ring leaders In the robbery. The men under arrest, George Webster and. John Umgham, wen caught when they appeared at a private bank and attempted to change Canadian money Into cnueu uiitr mrrencv. They had been trailed for several months by private detectives. FOR .avLlv-Scholarship ln Capital City Business College Leader Of fice. Oil Well Work Resumed. Miii.r ppDons that the nil? Star Oil conn any has dec ided to re same work on the Douahoe farm o miles south of town.' The company was holding out for the peorte here to raise $Km. but these who had charge of the project dieided Ihm this amount could not possibly be.K 1 tile tilll A HI. ft ?f Infonned . r. raiotHt i- in" -. - ( Miss Certrudo Chatite, s(rreianr the company, who mstrtnica uin by telephone Monday to remove the canine from t'ae railroad to the wi. and start the work at once Mulhall Journal. fitter fib s Cor saie at The Leader clfice. Trice 3."c. 3 for 1100. y .ii.. yiioa fur Mb lit The Lead- r i . i , , . . . " . - office. Price 35c. 3 for J1.00. rsffeSTI'If youwantawall board thai w2i gwa you B r J the best service at the lowest cot one -Mlj-lhlM 14 ' nii rainier about Wall Tests made on six high grade Wall Boards show that Certaln-ieed in the strong- ... . . t . ..t.i .-1 ..... lit. ' - Xir.,11 est and that it resists aatiipness ana waierueiuT man an vwu ... a ..... t .... t m a t. t.:- h. 111 u niiilcf th ful It enn ne used in nouiws, omccfl. ificioricw. riu. Quickly in ill itiexTM.! i lively built with Cernm- teed Wall Board. It enn be applied by any cuixTul workman who follows directions. Our CerUin-tertj roofinci are knowa and hW made goud ail over the. world. For aU by dealtrt tvrywhret at rauno&!c 0ricei General Roofing Mfg. Company World'n laramt matntftH'titrrr ofltvojlug and Vaitdmu iVirr RtwTorkGKr Bortoa Ckican P:nlnr,li rUUtlpkii Allutl CknluJ Detioit St. Law Clwiutti KantuCitT Miueapolut SaaFraMK Sc.ttU Itaiom Umbv$ Siif SIT GIVEN TB 61 Ertrn nrr runiiiTPP Mr I Ln urL mmm VISION CLEARS WHEN OPTICS ARE FREED AS IF BY SNAP PING OF MEMBRANE. Mai'blehaad, Mass., -..March 8. nrlv totally blind sirke her birth. ' .Miss '.Maud Unco:n, 2'l, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William V. Lincoln of Market Square, has been given the I use of her eyes lira manner which 'has aroused the widest interest among physicians. Without any' Warning the young woman felt ft certain loj.-eness in her right eye us if a membrane had broken. A short time later the same thing happened .to the ,left. eye and she .found that she could see almost perfectly. The on! difficulty she experiences is when she attempts to see by strong light, such as the sun. This pain, physicians say. will disap pear when she gradually becomes ac customed to the light. "',-' etp attomach Sfeei -Lra Acuve -Jioweli Keiluutf , VIjESrholBrBrllp , Capltal ' - . f. - ( r nee. B. C. BATES Breeder of SINGuc COMB BUFF ORPINGTONS Stock for Sale Eggs in Season lm. per setting YOUR PATIIOXAOI'2 SCUCITKij Phone 3T5 1!) 'v- Mansur j Guthrie, Oklal . men- 9 HOUSE-CLEANING TIME -GLEANING, PRESS a. a B, BSPa I gss I X I aak LFT IHE PEOPLE'S 00 YOUR MIL WHAT WE CLEAN AND DYE Ijidie- and OnU -nothing. Hats. Plums, i-aces. .Silks and a:i Ma-teri-ils tiid (llovfs. Purs. All kinds of Presses. Uugs. Carpets, Lac Curtains Piano Scarfs. Wool, Fi lt, straw and il'ana.i a hat,: 'Ants mobile Vovr. Rain Coats. Furs of til Pefcriptian. and hi fact any -thins that is used and worn by the human family. We can fix it. for you at a nominal cost. ACCORDI AN PLEATING BO.', FLT. FLL'TING1 Send L's Vjnr Next Work. People's Cleaning and Dye Works Phone 646. E. M. HooPer, Prop. t24, N. 1St St. MAIL. ORDERS receive our prom p: Et-.cntion. We pay post.. 'a y. y. x x y. THE OKLAHOMA STATE BANK X Peposiis protected y Giiarau ty Law. Interest on time deposits U Safety Pt- osit poxes. Fireproof arils for rent. Money, to loan. X . .', . ; ..... . -j. i v v v v v v " v v v v; X X X X X X X X s j B. FAIRFIELD Estabtio ltd 1ES9 Phcne 20 f. Tran'sfer. Coal. Woou and Stor0.;p. Ileceivers and Distributor H oi ar lo'i l-oi-is la k.d, s or.'l ar.d sMpncd. 4cT West Harrison. X ...... vv"vv -,- v v :: xxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxx?5X w I- .s ; W. M. BRONSON. Farm Lean Insurance. ADraci (!nly roir.-dete abstracts of title in Logan County. You pay Inter- . .'.s . Mlr nffic. ill W Oklahoma Avenue, (iu hrle. .Ii ' X X X X X X X X x x x x ----- in lummer- au vuur u cater $(3(3m Board m .i.i nf nnr hiir mill j we make Uie ful lowing products: SUla Surf aead Sbiack Aspnaic reiia Deadening Fall Tarred Fall BuilJinj- Papars tnaulatinff Papars u.ll H,J. Plastic Roofina CaBMBt Asphalt cameras Roof Coating Matal Paints Out-door Paint Shinula Staina Rafinad Coal Taf ' Imr Coaling W$.s8m&. s-.v ..d;.wr. aOOCgBgllg Power j (a iry in iour vn i.wii, Tr-lll nlRUt into ilay. OWx bijtwr Upht tlin ira3, clwtr'.ty or 13 ordlaary bnwatuiwtc-JtbUococt. Forllomoa. ri-.n rVii. hM A phUd ran co-ry it nJ.fcM Iti "'"''By'r"1? cojiraoa B3WHI"1-'. t'i CISTS 1 $mi A SIGHTS Willpsyfor ItjeK in ninety days In .mlH Nu wick, no chimney, r.o mantlel f trouble no dirt, no ocnr, no rmokii. Vlllir tiuariuiteed6yea;s. 1'OB Salk Bvl T. F. ARNDT, No. 101 ... , West Harrison, The Cleaner and Dyer Ladles Suits Cleaned and J1 flfl I'rcssed V "v Indies Skirti.' Oleanea aud I'resscd ...75c 25c $1.00 Ladies Gloves Cleaned , Mens Suits Cleaned and i'ressed Mens Pants 'Cleaned and t'rpKse.l ... ... 50c Your old hats made .New ; Clothes called for and delivered. Phone 809 09 S Division Guthrie Garage ALL PARTS AND LABOR STRICTLY CASH ; P'U Will Be Presented When Job is Finished. Phone 58 j ): Van Hoozer Proprietor -x . . . & :-k x s x x & x : s A 4 ; :x x x x x x x x x x x x x rs x s An Y Co., Kansas City, Mo.