Newspaper Page Text
THE mJTHHIK DAILY LKA 1)111', TIHIUSDAV, MARCH l1.l!Mr. VM',1) I'lVl. WANTS WANTS CLASSIFIED WANTSISMS SEX Ql M CLASSIFIED III CLASSIFIED DA ! UNION uKylLABEl THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma .State Cap ital 'March 8, 1911.) Official lJauer ot Conbtittnional Convention. Official City and County Paper. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In the event ot delivery being lm perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted cr mutilated, subscribers are urged to make tin mediate c omplaint to the y business office In person, by telephone or mall. Mall subscribers should examine the address on the label of tholr paper, it shows when subscription expire. When you remit the latiel Is changed, it not, notify this office. It you wish your subscription discontinued write the office, otherwise the paper -will be continued. 'In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. . Telephone your want ads to 75. V TERMS CASH. ' Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. HELP WANTED MALE HELP WA'NTBD Male. Young men "and women 'to learn newspaper and magazine drawing by All. Seml'lfor BUSINESS CHANCES RELIABLE manufacturing company y. wants business man, open office and' uiahftge?lBiiles force Exclusive our Illustrated macazlna and list of , territory, you naiwto own money. successful students. Associated Art Studios, Flatlron Building, New Y&ru. WAiN'TEDTwo ladles or gentlemen to work city and adjoining town3. This is a good proposition for a live wire to make from $3 00 to $7.00 per day. See ,p. C. Warren, lor.o Hotel. Hetween the hours 7 nnd 8 P. M. TO EXCHANGE WANTED to trade ; a pair of lots. clear, for a good typewriter. J. S. It. Hall. . EJMIBA.'.YUE Six houses nnd lots for. land will pay -cash difference if required Pour-room house, 2 lots and cash for an SO. . Five-room residence, close in and cash for seven room residence. 13. J. ULlVOKi.MIAlV . Should net $10,000 annually; $401 to $1,000 Investment in goods required. Salesmnnager, 575 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. IRIS fie Jim - . . ' . . .lie LOST ANU FOUND. GONK AGAIN, gray tiger cat, black stripes. Phone 20N. Reward. BTKAVED or stolen, a Scotch Collie, one year old; wore name-strap col lar. Reward. Return to 521 S. 1st. FOR RET IWOFKSKOI. SAYS M EN snoi iJ) iti: iiiiu:ssi:i WITH WOMAN'S KK.IITS AT THE FOR SALE VOU SALE $65 Singer Sewing; Ma chine, sllglitly used. Price $18 cash. Call A. P. Leader Office. - Transfer ind Storage ffem M.Oct, AXXOUXCEMEXTS. TREASURER SCHOOL BOARD Harry C. Carlin authorizes The J eader to announce his candidacy for rc -election as treasurer of Clie sf-noo board, subject to the city priniane FliED 3 BECK hereby atitliorlzas tho Leader to announce his candi dacy for election as Treasurer of the sohool board. FOR SALE $23 baby carriage, slight, ly used. Good as new. Price $10 cash. Call C. P. Leader Office. 'FOJV RENT Close in, 5 room mod ern? furnlshel or unfurnished house cistern, cellar barn and chicken lot, J',' Chap. Phono XoI214 . female 'lass conscloiiHiiess and that . . I New York, 'iMarch 1.1. iCJcorgo W. Klrchwey. dean of the Colombia .Law school, told the women lawyers' as sociation here last night- that 'there Is no such thing as a 'sex war'." nils statement was made in a de bate In reply to the assertion 'by the Rev. iPercy S Grant ot a male and FOR RENT 'Six room house. Matchett. . m 11. essentially tho two sexes are at. war. "iSo far as differences exfet be tween men at 2 women, replied 'l)f:an Klrchwey.1 "they ar explained through dhferences of individual tem peraments I do not believe that tho male Judge it wilfully uufair to the FOR RENT Three housekeeping .woman offender il do not believe a rooms, modern and convenient. Mrs.' woman judso W01lM ;be ,n.ore .. Martha Neal, 418 East Logan. 1 to be fttir , 1er jm,?ment, bllt i ,j0 know she would have a sympathetic FOR RENT Pleasant room, closo In, . privilege of the home. 311 East Vilas. Phono 149. MMORY HALL 3rd Floor Victor Building Corner Harrison and First Street 12. '15 MUSIC By Company Orchestra FRIDAY, MARCH Admission 50c Ladies Free FOR JiKi.vr Five-room modern, fur nished house, with sleeping porch, I FOR SA'IJE ror, I'M X. iBarber Chair and Jiilr Flrst. Phone 131. Pi ku lh.oud fawn Indian Runner duck eggs for sale. Phone 1041 J. S, Morrison, 1122 W. CoMeral. : ' FOR SAUJE 40 volumes or Einperial Encyclopedia, almost ne.7. Cheap. Address H. E. C. Care Leader. COMiMi'SSIONER PUBLIC SAFETY 1!. F. HARRIS authorizes tho Leader to announce his candidacy for commisaioner of public safety. W. H. Mitcholl authorizes Tne Leader to announce his candidacy for Commissioner of Public Safety, In ttia April election. Chns. C. Ailing authorizes The (Lcadier to announce his candidacy for Commissioner of Public Safety. HENRY H. REYNOLDS requests Thf.- Leader to announce that he will bo a candidate for Commissioner of Public Safety, Biibject to the will ot the- voters at the spring primary election. kFOR SALE Pure lired Barred Rocio eggs'. Incubator orders promptly filled. Phone 1415. 2114 W. Cleve land, Mrs. A. C. Hirzel. j knowledge which for psychological cistern, wash house and garage. On reasons ""-' n com" never nope iu car line. 1S17 W. Cleveland. Phone . attain' 272. ' I '( believe women have their right- i ! I ful place upon the ben ch of the jtt- FOR ' RENT Light housekeeping venn, court, because my Knowledge rooms; all modern, at North Side! of child nsvcholocv compels the be- Everybody Welcome J. E. Fislier COMMITTEE C.C.Webb ; H. E. Conner Clifton Warner Inn Ella Hilling 401 North Division FOR RENT Good 4 room house; good barn ana cave. Cheap. In quire at leader Office. 'FOR' RENT 5 room modern house, 300 block South Broad, city water. gas. barn, partially furnished, win rent cheap, Address C. P., Leader Office. . :: i 11 .'" iUJi mai a uoy or gin win i-uniiue ni two parallel lines, wan uamst tlu or her secrets to the 'mother ralner principles of the superintendent, st than to an equally loving father. Ms niece, not to disappoint the gov "I am in favor of any means short eminent, nor oaune it to lose business of felony" said Professor Klrchwey. removed the principal calendars nnd "which will impress on the dominant thus relieved her uncle of a strain WAN fED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Six room, house, 4 lots, trees and well on West Side hill for sale at .bankrupt price. See F. U. Burford , ' WANTED A god home in the coun try, "preferred for a widow with 2 small boys. Address 314 East Logan. FOR 'SALE 320 acres, 200 bottom land, 175 under cultivation, some.ness. alfalfa, good Improvement. Only $27 per acre. Good terms. E. J lllackman. TO BUY Would like to buy interest In real estate and Insurance busl- X," care Leader. The Leader Is authorized by ED ROBERTSON to announce thut he wil be a candidate for Commissioner of Publin Safety In the Bprlng pri maries. I Bert Wolverton authorijes The Leader to announce his name as a candidate for Commissioner of public Pafety, subject to the spring primaries. ifil) ACRES Improved rich level land under cultivation. In winter wfiaat belt Lincoln county, Colorado. Farm ing, dairying and stock rals'ng. Ad dross A Harris, Mankato, Minn. FOR SALE '. Bed Oil & care Leader. 5 Shares In Ark. River Gas Co Address 2t FOR SALE - At a bargain 5 room modern house. Inquire of owner at '620 East Noble. Phone 185. WANTED Fire proof safe with in side vault, full description. Ira Stout, Gushing, Okla. sex the Justice of the demands of wo men." , ' The Court of Last Resort. Around the Ftove of the cross roads grocery Is, the real court of last, re sort, for it finally over-rules all oth ers. Chnniberln Ill's Cough Remedy has (been liiought before this court In eery cross roads grocery In this coiintr, and has always receiv ed a favorable verdict. It is in Hip country where nmn expects to receive full value for hU money that this remedy 13' ir.ost appreciated. Obtain able everywhere. c tt f lr'Jff '! ' 1 i i ; which might have brought on a dls oaac. Then sho believed it had be come truly necessary for her to re coive her instruction In grammar." A housencid remeay in America foi 25. years 'Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil For cuU, sprains, burns, scalds bruises. 25c and 50c. At all drug stores. BOARD AND ROOM or roem, cheap, at 414 East Springer. FOR SALE 1 Black Jersey milch cow. Call K. B. Gordon, 523 East Warner avenue. Phono 12tiC. FOR SALE A good 3 year old Jersey milch cow. Call 711 East Mansur, or phone No. C22. FOR SALE 40 bit. seed oats. 1810 West Warner. Phone CH2. A. Dillenbeck. H. M. ADAMS. , Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm 'Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. iHouses for Rent. Office over Bank of Commerce. Phone 414. iR'es. Phone 1115 TYPEWRITERS. Oliver No. 5, little used $25.00 Manhattan .... ;.. 10.00 Remington No. 10, rebuilt,,.... 40.00 Underwood No. 4, rebuilt. 45.00 L. C; Smith No. 2, rebuilt 45.00 Royal No. 5, second hand 40.00 Rentals $2.50 and $3.00 per month. Typewriter ribbons 50c. Carbon Paper $1.00 per 100 sheets. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 114 E. Okla. Ave. Phone No. 7. All Work Guaranteed 114 N. First Phone 131 AT SECOND HAND STORE Repair work we repair anything Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Washing Machines, Bicycles and Guns. We Sesilver Mirrors FOR SALE Good fi room cottage, well located on the east Bide, close in, fcuo, Willi small payment aown and $10.00 a month. Want a good or 5 room cottage In Guthrie, will give 80 acres of Improved land subject to $500.00. Try us for real estate. Insur ance nnd notary work. M. Garrett, 11CV4 East Oklahoma avenue. FOR SALE Second Hand, drop-top, American Queen sewing machine. cheap. Leader office. FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing STEELE'S 115 South First; and mirror plat. Inq also done PERSONAU IADIRKI A.k yoat DrareM fr Cklrhratoi PIIU. lb PI.mMl klnanrf. 1 or yar ItBowa M Hesl, hr,l. Alwtv It-,v ol ytwt kmo.'-! Talra N other. I'kli-lifwtcry llaw,Ht4 Itru I'llU mrw Ml a bracclata Tr a Ura. LADIES When delayed or trregnlar use Triumph Pills; always depend able. Relief ana particulars free. Write National Medical Instlt ito Milwaukee. Wis. OFFICE WORK AT HOME. WANTED Reliable persons to do writing at home,-mail goods, etc. Liberal commission nnd good pay. Promptness and neat work necessary. Send dime for package of our goods and particulars. - Brilliant Gloss Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. FOR tSLVlJE Two houses and 2 lots In good location, at a low price for cash. 2 lots on iNoble Ave. for $300.00. 4 Room house and 2 lots for $i"0 E J. BIJtt'KMAN. FOR SALE 120 h,-;g incubator; also good washing machluu. Call 1512 East Springer. FOR SALiE We have ihe exclusive sale of houses at HI! 2 and 914 E. Cleveland. Ixiw price for cash. lXiol el & Armstrong. 1124 E. Okla. Ave. Phone 39!). GREAT BARGAIN We hav two - houses, one a .l-room. the other 7 rooms, placed in our hands to sell Parties obliged to raise money No particulars over phone. Dooley & Armstrong 1112' E. Okls. Ave. " ' SUDAN SEED grown ; in Lubboclt county, Tex., priced right. Ten pounds or less, thirty-five rents pound; over ten pounds, thirty cents Write for wholesale price. Certifi cate of Inspection. Robinson Bros Lubbock, Texas. CITV GARBAGE COMPANY. Let xtM furnish yon a Sm'iarj Garbage can and keep it clean for ;oo. Phone 811, EHBSBSSKaSSIEESaHSSH H L. L. Billings, dealer and t Si shipper ot Guthrie Mineral Wells 5S 18 Water Shipments made to any m nolnt ' in the United States. 35' Phone 629. Res. 913 E. Harrison. IRRKR'iiSiBZIilllSIIII LN1E STREETS FOR flMERICfl 5? X K K W. X X X X V. Si ss w "FRILLS AND FURBELOWS." x x a K'm ss s:s xss ij.ondon;' .tlar. h. - ll.-The decision of the municipal authorities of Lou vob.i( .'Belgium, to give American names to certain s! reels of the ' city Is set forth In a formal resolution ot wlilch: was adopted on Wash ington's birthday by' the burgomaotei and aldermen of Louvaln and sent to the American commission for relief In 'Belgium. The resolution states that in "the new parts of the city, as they rise i(1 a))mjt Uk) deROct0 aU(1 skirt- froiu ruins, three streets or squares Skirts are cut circular or gored, as a rule, In the firmer materials, and aro shirred and gathered at the top In the more filmy net or chiffon models They are often stiffened at the edges by a piped cording, which holds them In pretty godet folds. While there nre n few puffed sieve evening models, sleeves as a rule are scant ruffles of luce falling over the arms, not quite to tho elbow, or little lace festoon draperies that, cover onlj the top of the arm. Lace is of the cobwebby sort nnd j seldom white. Cream, ecru, cream (embroidered with ecru, and ecru em broidered with gold or silver are shall receive the illustrious names or President Wilson. Washington and American Xation." For dyspepsia, our national ail ment, use Burdock Blooa miners Recommended for strengthening di- Eestion. purifying the blood. At all drug stores. $1.00 a bottle. LAW BOOKS FCR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Also 2. 3, 4 and 5. One toI. each of Washington, 15; Illinois, 158: Missouri, 191. Address Dally Under. Guthrie. Okla. TOWEL. SUPPLY. Towels and aprons of all kinds fur nished at very reasonable prices. See before you buy. J. D. Crays. iLetter files for saie at The Leader ofllce. Price 35c 3 lor $1.00. METZ The Cleaner and Dyer . I-adlcn Suits Cleaned and $1 flfl Pressed JlliUU tidies ?klrtsy Cleaned and Ttit Pressed I vb IE Indies Gloves Cleaned LOU Mens Suits Cleaned and CI 00 Pressed .M lUU Mens Pants "leaned and Kfln I'ressoii ... UUU Your old hats made New Clothes called for and delivered. Phone 809 '09 S Division 58 SB Si 95 i 8S SK K SE K 35 Sis 3 SB ; CAN YOU SPELL? K K V g K S? X $ S S5 25 X At Kokomo, Indiana, a few days ago the superintendent of the schools held a spelling contest. Every person of the city was eligible and six hundred took the test. Of that number only fifty-two made a perfect score. Newspaper men,, doctors, lawyers, merchants, teachers and scholars sub mitted lists of twenty words each and from that total, twenty words were selected. The complete list with the number of times each word was mis spelled, follows: Miscellaneous, SC4; calendar, 224; parallel, 273; privilege, 270; super intendent, 248; principle, 242; niece, 223; lose, 201; separate, 196; disap point, 177; disease, 164; principal, 142; necessary, 137; business, 130; relieve. 125; receive, 109; truly, 5; government, 84; grammar, 79; be lieve, 73. One woman, who made a perfect score, had been a servant for sixty chree years and had had only eight eeks' schooling. A county official, who had been in business all his life, missed every word. Another man only got one right. One woman missed all but three. Here are the words, arranged in the form of two sentences. Hand this to a friend, ask him to dictate the sen tences to you, write down the words and see how many you mis-spell: 'The privilege of separating ninety miscellaneous calendars, arranged hi Fringed rnchings, made of the ma terial, are seen a great deal on the new models, outlining square and triangular decolote, sleeve edges nnd skirt hems. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Seattle, Wash. -Six yeuM ago ,.Mrs Ellen A. Helm grubstaked Jeremiali Wilson, a prospector and sent him to Alaska. Wilson struck It rich and a court ruling has just ordered an Al aska mining corporation to turn over to ;Mrs. Helm and her I'.'i year old daughter I.Marie, their share in Wil son's discoveries. The shine is $C, 0)0.000. The Lyceum Arts Conservatory orchestra will appear at the First M. E. churrh tonight. March 11th. HAND LAUNDRY, 515 South Third Street. Work done strictly in style. White resses, Men's White Shirts ami .ndie-s' Waists, a specialty. ; All work tuaranteed. hone 1152. C. J. BRIGHT, Prop. FOR SALEScholarshlp In Capital City Business Collego Leader Office. J P. V M M M KM ar X X S K U.k 4 X T. C. VINSON. , 'A M The time to take cara of the fi X hair is while you have It. Elec- '4 X trie Face and Scalp Massage. 2i y. S.-aip Treatment a .specialty.'!! Sfi Huir cut, 25c. 119 So.' First; ai X street. Stop in 1 for a scalp ft X treatment.' '" ;?'; t SNHKiaRIMlllIlii Report of the Condition of Guthrie Savings Bank ' ' ' "'' ' ",: at Guthrie .' ' " r ' Mirch t, 1!tir ' Resources. Discounts .... yecured and Loans mill '-K'tTiIraftH, F. K. ili.niiH on lutml roniiumH on V.- S. Itmuls 4tK'kt, Honils. Wtornmt., etc Hanklnif House ..v Kumiuirft himI l'Mxrurca :!n-r Ual lOstuto Owneil .... ne frtXil lljinfcs Mie'Ky mii othfr ';iih Iti-nts. Kxh:inRts for Cit'iirinif Mis ni Kxi.-limige !;i.-:h in I'-.u'lc .... ilmiwt- ,JM!i.::l.3t I'J.-f none none . r.,nlJ.lU none 2.M)0.nO 4. 2011.(11) ll.'i,x).!l 22 1. Si noni S. 1H6. 52 Total Liabilities. nilal Stoik Paid In -orpins fnntl Jmllvl.lwi Froriis. less rcxpn i anl Taxf-s I'aiil s ;nu to Imnks (ivUli-mlv t'npalil nllvlilual J)-poit Sulijwt chwk . ,J:;iio.4N2.t;l , .$ sri.iiiifl.nn 1,700.1)1) !. l,im.7:! .. 74.3.16. is liono to . i 1.11, w.u Dnniand CertlclfatPii of deposit" 130.00 Tlriii- Ortiriraii-s of Dopnsit..- 4it.;.n.7.1 Ci-rtlfliM f'hpi'ks ivctie Cishler'!! (.'hwlii SMitsuiruHns; Noli- nnd Illlls Ri-illsrountfd. none Mills Playable lions Total 20().43.(H Hlritn i,f Oklahoma, Comity of I.ofJti'! I, Arthur A. Heyer. Cashier -Pt th aliovi1 iiiinml Imntt. rt' nolHrtinly eir tliat Hie uhovn ntuterneiit 1 true to the of my kimwleiluo and belu'l. i ts I i inn !im1. ' ' . ARTHUR A. flRYUR. x'jaliien ftuhrrnfd ' fnrt sworn i'o h'forft VtiS thi-i 'Jill day of March. 1SI3. V": , - PKANK !rX. Notary Hiiblle. My .'oniniissiim expites March Zl, 1917. Seal. Correct Attest: .1. S. SHEAP.RH. Aivrm-rt A. UKVRR. Directors, No- 973. Report of the Condition of The Oklahoma State Bank :, j ', . .- v...:.,. i; t ; at Guthrie f ' .March 4. 19 l.i Resources. l.;. .founts ... s-t;urtil ami iin- AUM aim Jv. -rill alls, soc:iietl . S. llouds on hnnd roniluins on lT. S. Horids . lot-kn. Itoml.-. Wan-.uu?, eti'. HifnkliiK House urniiiMP and F:xtnri'S Other Ileal Kftate Owned Pup from It. inks I'heiSis and Ot!-r ("ash Items Ki-li.i!i-i- for i'li-.innu l iii I'.l'.ls of i:i-lmn((e C.tili in H-nik Sti;,K.".'' 2.27:1.11 none none 4:.i:il 27 none .1 mio.on im.i'2 ci.sis.: 4.1i"-'.2N l..17.S'i none l.2-.:l.t7 Total .$:. 1.771.: fipit:ii sto.k r Surplus Kund fndivid.-d Profit and T ixi-9 One to P. inks klen.K 1'ni'iid . Iri.t'vlilual li-poils i'lifik Liabilities. Pa d In less lOxpens-lid ,-.( 1iNl.0fl 3. .1i 10. tl ' lS.t;74."J.1 none Subject to 117.01 Demand rertlfientes of Deposit 75.I171.S2 Time iViiirii-ate ol lieposn .. J.ii.ta .32 Orilfl.-il Cheeks none C.hier'-i 4 !. OuRtunlln. t Notes ni-d lIUUi Rediscount'd. - none K'.lls I'ayaljle , none. l.Iahillties other tliaa those ahove stated ................. nnno Total .3tt.77.t.3 State of Oklahoma. County to Igan: i I. E. K. I'arsoii. Cailiier of the illJOT named bunk, ito solemnly swear that tha above statement !s true to ihe beat of my knowledge and be:tef. so help in God. E. K. PARSONS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before m this li'tu d t.v of M ui h. THIS. il i:. cwPiKt.rv. Notary Public' Correct Atte?t: t.YJio.N .1 HRAV. 1 V. H. OKAY. i-S. K. KISK.XSCHVIOT. Direiitors. I No. 850 Guthrie Garage ALL PARTS AND LABOR STR1QTLY CASH PHI Will Be Presented When Job is Finished. s Report of the Condition of The Logan County Baitlt .: r - at Guthrie : ' ": U I'Ur. Resources' secureil aiitl Phone 58 Overdrnfts. Is'mljj i:..-i.l-. Warrant-, ell-... I With IMnkiiiK i;...nd I'lirniin e and KiM'ires Other lieal K-ia'.e owned I Mi. from It. inks ' K. '.iimi.-i's fir CleiHna llous' . Hlils of KM-lianye I'.l-'ll ia Hank ....Sit un- ,2I7.S: 2. Tin) ml 7' ii HI.' 2 1..MS e.S 3m.4 :..t SC 61 Jo D. Van Hoozcr Proprietor Total - - l ;" Liabilities. Caplt il ptn.-k Paid In J no., en Suiplin Kun. I .4 in"' Ml line to Hanks .12 2!..: lliOiri.lual m-;hIs Subjecl to check l.ilHI.'tl. Tune Certifi. itej ol iKpjsit.. 2! )'' ' Certified Checks -l.lii.vj Cn-hli-r" Checks .Votes and lliils 1! Hills Payaloi- ... Outstanding S.4.21 .dtscoilnled. . S.,l hi i ifc- a. no Total Suite of Oklahoma. County I. V. I:. Curl. Caahier . . .j.t:..2 11 f ,a T i tie sbo. t I It ink il -elmnlv . r thai l;tt il,o.. siainicnl U true 1. Ill Iwst of ntv kn..wi.-dse and belief, s.k help m Cod. v. n. oup.u Cashier. "n!'S"-;lc1 And swam lo befora m this lltll dav- ot Manh, ltiti. t'oriert -Altt: Notary Puhltc. Seal: My ,-omntU-sion expires Veil. 11&. I!. J. OIVNEWAT. V. B. M'KI F. L. tttxK. tor tjrs. 1