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fAOE ETCH IT SATURDAY, MAKOH V 191"). - ' rrm? nTTTTTTCTTC "DAILY LEADETC, v J.illi v - - . , , ' "I Our Third Annual Silk Sale TONIGHT TONIGHT The Third General SILK SALE Will Continue Tonight and Monday. Tuesday All Silks Will Sell at Regular Price. COME We offer some nice savings MONDAY MONDAY Store of Values Store of Quality THE HAUTE "REPEM" nr.1 IBITIS LOCK HONEST OFFICIALS IN JAIL AND VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN ITALY ON VERGE OF WAR STEP (Continued from Page One-) forts to clear the mine fields. "The allied fleets," says the Matin, "still bave eight or ten foris and a certain' number of .coaat batteries ti reduce, tat it is the general opinion they will enter the sea of Marmora within a fortnight, if the land forces co-operaiting with them, also can con tinue advancing." Will Enter Constantinople. Paris, Mar. T3.-Vice Admiral Oar den, commanding the British fleet op eratine against the Dardanelles to day expressed his opinion that, the allies will be- a'lle to hammer ihroush the straits before Easier. British Cruiser Destroyed by Torpedo. London, March 13. The admiralty announces the loos of the auxiliary fi-niner Bavano. while the vessel was engaged In patrol duty fln the statement of the disaster the admiralty sayB: "On the eleventh of March Wreck age of the Rayon and bodies were discovered and circumstances ixiinl j to her huving been sunk by an enemy torpedo, - ''51 ".Right officers and eighteen men were rescued but it is feared that the remainder of the crew, were lost. "Tho captain of the Belfast steam er Castlereagh reports passing Thursday morning a quantity of wreckage and bodies floating in life belts. He attempted to search for possible survivors but was prevented i by the presence of an enemy subma rine which gave chase for twenty minutes." The Iktfast correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says the Bayano was torpedoed Thursday morning at 9 o'clock off Corsewall.Wigtowshire, Scotland and that nearly 200 Uvea were lost as the cruiser sang almost immediately. The vessel had a crew of about t!;16 men on board, Wigtownshire is the southwester moBt county in Scotland. It lies on the north channel "which leads into the Irish sea from the Atlantic. The survivors of the Bayano were rescued by the iBelfast steafer Hal- nierino. They were afloat on a raft. Another steamer picked up one of the Bayano'a life boats which was adrift and also two of her rafts. The survivors were landed at Ayr. The Bayano was comparatively a new steamer. She was built at Glas gow in 19113 and was owned by (Elder and Fyffes before she was taken ov er by the British government and fit ted out as an auxiliary cruiser.. ' The Bayano was of SJ0O tons dis placement and 4(16 feet long. -tnionhnii bills for the month of March are past due. If no" paid by p. m. of the 15th, service will be discontinued. Pioneer Tele phone and Telegraph Company. You Can Write a "Help Wanted" Ad Which Will Find the Worker You've Long Wanted to Find! Write a "human' sort of "Help Want ed" ad-detailing, in a few words, the kind of work you want to have done, and how WELL you want it done. Tell what sort of PRESENTnd FUTURE prospect actually await the worker who can do your work. The mere offer of work attracts the mere searcher for a regular payday. It's worth while writing a ''direct and definite ad" in order to secure the worker who can earn twice as much as you'll ever pay him. Indianapolis, lnd., March 13. The methods used for making out applica lions for registration figured here again Friday in the Terre Haute elec tion fraud trial. Cortland T. Record testified that Mayor Don M. -Roberts supervised the making out of at least ten applications in the democratic county neaunuari ers. 1 He declared that In making out the list Robert told him to fill in "just any age." The witness also told of visiting the county auditor's office to compare the poll with the registration books and that he found many names on the registration books that did not show in the poll books and copied them on the poll books with the registration numbers; He declared that he copied ibout 200 names in one precinct. Lester Hull, who had pleaded guilty, testified regarding instructions he re ceived and how he registered thirty or forty men and that he was paid $8 for the day's work. On election day he said he and another man voted in nearly every precinct of the city. Other testimony concerned registra tion and alleged repeating. Mayor Roberts thanked Robert Lloyd, a policeman who had pleaded guilty, for the work he did on regis tration day last October, Lloyd testi- tied Thursday. Llovd previously had told about driving a city automobile and hauling negroes from a number of saloons to the "Bagdad" precinct. . - - Lloyd told about building two special detention cells at police head nuarters which he said were filled up on election day and the night before. William House,, an election official, who. District Attorney Dailey assert ed could not be controlled by Roberts, ...a ninfPil in one of the detention cells late on the night before the elec: tion, Lloyd testified, ad abuBea House when asked to give bond. Llovd also told how p and two other policemen assaulted and placed In the detention cells three men wno had been assigned to guard voting machines. Seven persons, all of whom have nleaded guilty told how they had made illegal registrations and cast a number of ballots on election day. William Taylor asserted he was a Canadian, never had been naturalized and was under 21 years of age at tne time of the last election but had, voted eight or ten times, receiving a dollar for each vote. He said he voted tne straight democratic ticket each time. go: John iK. .Wilson,, of Columbus: John A. iMc.Mahon of Darton, O.; and others who never appeared In the court room but were at , work for months in every state in the union. Another 'big item was the mainten ance of the defendants during their stay in Cincinnati for the trial, A whole floor was engaged at a reaClns hotel during the three months of the trial and for five days each week the business of the National Cash Reg ister Company was engaged in these quarters. Clerks, stenographers and other help were kept here. Special trains 'bore the defendants back and forth between Cincinnati and COay ton on Friday nights and Monday mornings. The government's case was handl ed iby (District Attorney Sherman T. MriPherson and his assistants, IBM ward Moulinler. and special assist ants to the attorney general, . E. Harrison of Columbus and John tLott of Tiffin, Ohio. ' ' "Oa mnr m OOTIIT SESSION FOR SALE-Scholarsnip in Capital City Business College Leader Of fice. ,. ' , - ATHLETIC ENTERTAINMENT LAST NIGHT, GOOD The exhibition given last night at the city hall by Prof. Shover and hia boys, demonstrated to the spectators the value of supervision in play. Much enthusiasm was aroused and hv the Ibovs. This is the advantageous way of disposing of youthful activity, not only because of its physical value but Its educa tional value also. The following program was carried out in good snape: 1 Dutch Wind iMill Pyramid A Cap itol mm. Benita Caprice, walking, pyramid bv the. pupils of Central. .rtiimh Hell Drill fan pyramid, by pupils of Central. Stick Drill .Rump Pyramid iXo. 7 Central. Teddy Bear drill Tall .Pyramid Central, . . . 1 . . Tumbling break , down 'Capitol. The entertainment was well at tended and the work of the pupils exceptionally good. t ' The Booster Band gave a street concert before the exerc'.Bes.. The "Kangaroo court" held an ad journed session yesterday afternoon and the police patrol rounded up a large number of offenders men who were not members, members who had not been attending meetings regular ly and others who had failed to per form duties assigned them. John Mahoney, John Golobie, Will Rejahl, Harry Ardery and John Hart man acted as policemen and arrested the victims, loaded them in the patrol wagon and hauled them off to court. Attorney Chas, Smith, in cap and gown, officiated as Judge Caught-em-all. He 'promptly found everybody guilty, denied all motions for new trials; scorned pleas for appeals, and sentenced the prisoners to join the Chamber of Commerce or to work on the roads, or both. In some cases, where the exigencies of the occasion demanded, he compelled the perform ance of other stunts. He made an Ideal judge. Judge John D. Chaooelle was the only prisoner found not guilty but he was fined anyhow, for not being guilty. , , Sheriff Sherwood gave the force a merry chase for two hours but was finally haled before the bar of injus tice and pleaded guilty of everything charged and many things not men tioned. : -A (rood tlr 7 ( V is like a man' fif ' 1 . , who is fit If , jf ' '! th 1111 in I id 1 11 like a man , M333 II f a i I I llSIrV I IS! I I I I KSStf I IJ PI! AM AJWW MY way with a Jim tire. If it has Iff I more than 'I1 just enough l rubber, it is lan , whoistooat,lfj it tt.nas n i enough rub if J beritisweak niL Die mondTirea 1 t.n..A thn im right amount f -I .J .n..nK ' utter much nor too. ill little to make f vv Muter ir FOR SALE Seholarsnip In Capital City Business College Leader Of fice. ' weDO uaKcr was a iroumesome i 1 , . J tussle; it was necessary to carry him I marie bv Diamond IireS last into court. Later on he held up the t-nxri that thev are . 1 VCCU it w w " , - - . patrol wagon ana appropriated it to -... 'i.i,,raii his own use, covering the chauffeur nBM Structurally. with a galling gun and compelling him U. oroves tJiat the materi to drive him over the city. .. I", . .. . . rr: I n-- irTr iiurnrii ii im At the city hall Mayor Nissley and 1 " w Z tViA wpmht. strenGrtn ana unaware and loaded in the wagon, wearing qualities inai wuiuum but commissioner carter, asKing one 0 give uie most etunuiiuirt" of the officers to hold his overcoat Lpiipaffp in actual SerViCQt vrhflA ia wunt hnrk fnr Mnmethlnir. I . . 1 escaped by a window and hid in the iRpppntlvWe COndUCted 2L hayloft of the police stable where he - tQ find out what urtiu latnr f mi nit hv Dnter'tive Hart-1 3 . . . . . . j man, a plain clothes man an hour joNWS and tire dealers nMU ,ater. say about 1914 Diamond Tire noon Ahrams. of the National I remrds. ' The hunuTeas oi iei- Biscuit company, was convicted on terg received from them snow the evidence of Ned Holman, who testified that he had known him many years ago in Russia as Gorgl etta Muskovits, alias Cheesovits. Heintz Braun testified that he person ally knew him to be here In violation of the neutrality laws W. H. Humphrey was convicted of beine a horse thief and an- antl ..... n . - i luis juili e J horse thief, but was given Immunity I crete evidence of the big mileage OIL CGNCE NOTICE. A Sociable Social at First Methodist church, Tuesday, March 16, from 5:30 to 9 p. m. Cafeteria Supper, Games, Fun. Everybody invited. 8!!aSI8!8aS8SIa V DEATH OF ANNA E. CARSON 'A "0. .Anno F! Tlnr.zard was DOrn uiay 1S30. in Washington county. iPa Died March HHv .10116 at the home ot her rfauehter . 'Wrs. William Bennett north of Guthrie, at the age of 73 I rAn tur A ITi rill fha nnH VI davs. She I J VOI Of " w.. v..- was united in marriage In 1IS6S to I Carson. To this union was hnm four children; kiwara arson of Stewartvlll Mo., Minnie Bennett of Guthrie: Alice Brannock and Joe Parson of Missouri. Mrs Carson was converted in her early girlhood and united with tne Christian church. She was a goou and loving wife and mother, a kind and helpful member of the family where he had made her home for the past few years. Mother Carson leaves, to mourn her loss, a son and his wife. a daughter and her husband and sev- erl erand children; hor husbanV l aha ann atl Iuim v mm - ed to the home above several years before. (Mrs. Carson was laia to rem by the side of her husband at Stew IS MUST PAY FOR POLLUTING STREAM because he was already a member of the Chamber of Commerce. As a policeman John Golobie proved to be the Btar attraction. By unani mous consent he was given the largest star and declared captain of the squad. Stillwater, March fill. 'A- ase of unusual Interest in district court was that of D. IE. Pearson, a Tai'mer liv ing near dishing, against the con- . t . . rfnl - anmnra' Jteflntng compuuj. onial refining company, the Chanute nrtninv enmnanv. and the iCity or dishing for J5.000 damages for the a 1 levari noilution of Skull creeK which flows through Mr.PeaTSon's . m. .ooo -a-hirh was begun luriii i no last Thursday, was not concluded un ii Tndav of this week, when a jury brought in a verdict of $1,800 ..o.iini' lamaces of ror ireaiouu. an""'-o - against the Consumers, retln ir mnianv. S400 against the Col1 !i oftninc enmnanv. and $'00 Umax ..........(a nfKinst the Chanute refining com pany. A good treatment for a cold set tled in thn lunzs is a MSIRIRI.CK'S RED PEPIPBR TORCIJ (IlliAIHTKR aplied to the chest to draw out in flammarlnn and BAliLA!RD'3 IIORE ITOIMD SYRUP to relax tightness Vnn vet the two remedies for the price of one by buying the dollar size llorehound Syrup; there Is a porus nliinter free with each bottle. Sold by Owl Drug Mtore. YEGGS BLOW SAFE i CAUFOBKlAfnCTS AT A GLANCE PRICE 25c " artville. Mo. The family have the svmnathv of the entire community In their bereavement. A Friend. NEW TRAIU GANTED IN NOTED CASE (Continued from Paje One.) rah Hreistor Company Some of the best knewn legal talent in the country was engaged to defend th" Indicted men. The list of counsel i,.i...i. T .au rwsnrp Tt. MalWell. Of Cinclnnaa; John S. Miller of Chica tawdr California Independent Information Bureau LOS AKOnXS. SAN riAN CISCO AND - SAM01ECO. 4um orrKS 02 Datoa BM. Bn MK CO. 5 ft JO popoUlwn l . WhMi" WhrrT -Wtal " t-Whal ixi h" jkCfTh. "f liflrcm donuic eondW nwd Iro" fx"' ii"""""" to Mind bDKil. Wrill E.chK Md an auncHiduif tamtf k fix 6nfrr ttM. 1 lUflfd on recfipt ol ?Ktr VMf tateVBUdSiiniiCaA thatDiamond Tires have more than made good. These letters from dealers in all parts of the country, ehow that Diamond Tires in laii- estaoiisneu a service record which . stands supreme. We have put these let ters into a door. 1 ney iurnisn wu- Diamond users get and the free dom from tire troubles tney enjoy. Write to Akron, Ohio, for this remarkable book of letters. It's a wallop! and we tf"mt you to nave a copy. In addition to the extraordinary mileage and freedom from trouble that you get in Diamond Squeegee Tread Tire, you can buy them at the following "FAIR-LIST" PRICES: . Diamond Siio Diamond 30x3 $ 945 34 x 4 $20.35 30x354 12.20 36x4J4 28.70 32x3 14.00 37x5 33.90 33 x 4 20.00 I 33 x SV-, 1 46.00 McAlester, Okla., March 13. Rob bers blew open the save In the office of the postoffice at Krehs, early Kri- dav morning. They secured $19.a in money and $343 worth of stamps. In the debris, $300 worth of' stamps and $35 in money was found by Hie authorities which the robbers over- lojked. The robbery' a8 ,he second to occur in Krebs, within 24 hours. tho Powell Mercantile company store havlmr been robbed the previoui night. PAY NO MORE t S ",.11 j J nYv? BTftStaTtfo 1 1 In the Malay Peninsula an English naturalist has discovered a species of ant that makes its nest in tho fleshy stems of ferns that grow in the limbs of trees high in the air. . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ' C ASTO R I A TODAY'S QUOTATIONS MARKETS BY WIRE r.ATTLE: Kansas City, Mo., March 13. Receipts, 200. MarUet. steady. Dressed .beef steers. $S.23 Xo $3.5. ivimo fe:l steers, 17.00 to $8.00. Cows and heifers. $4.23 to $S.35 HOGS: Receipts. 1300. MarKet, steady. Imlk of sales, $G.S3 to $(i.'J3. Top price, $7,00. WHEAT! Kansas City, Mo., March 1... . Kansas City, Mo., March 12. I May. $1481-8. July. $1,14 1-2. September, $1.03 H-4, split. CORN: ' May, 71. July, 73 5-5. September, 74 1-8. NOTICE I have leased my repair shop to PHIL" TRABAND Who will take charge on ' MARCH 15th 1 1 will devote my time to the selling of cars, accessories and supplies, and doing auto i livery. JL D. Van Hoozcr Proprietor