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PA HE SKYEY WANTS CLASSIFIED US IIS Opening Jlzy on The Zone at the Panama-Pacific International Expetk-n CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED THE fUJTIlRTE DAILY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1811015. WAN WAN A K THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma State Cap ital 'March 8, 1911.) Official Paper of Constitutional Convention. Official City and County Paper. NOTICE" TbSUBSCRIBEFtS. . In the event of delivery being im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated, subscribers are urged to make immediate complaint to the business office in person, by telephone or man. . Mail subscribers should examine the address on the label of their paper, it shows, when subscription expire. When you remit the la'bel is changed, if not, notify this office. If you wish your subscription discontinued write the office, otherwise the paper will be continued. 'In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ( One Cent A Word. , No Classified Advertisement accepted far less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. m w. icist. awoUickii:nt.s, TREASURER SCHOOL BOARD J lurry C. Carlln nMhorizes The Leader to announce his candidacy for ra -election as treasuror of mescnoo. board, subject to the cliy irlmane FRED 1 BECK hereby auUiorizos 'Jio Leader to announce his candi dacy for election as Treasurer of the school board. ' sCO,inStiiONER PUBLIC SAFETY H. F. HARRIS authorizes tft Leader to announce his candidacy roi commissioner of public safety. W. II. Mitchell authorizes Ttir Leader to announce his candidacy foi Commissioner of Public Safety, In ttu April election. , CHAS. C. ALLING authorizes T Loader to announce his candidacy for Commissioner of Public Safety. HENRY H. REYNOLDS request! Tuk Leader to announce that ho wii bo a candidate for Commissioner a; Public Safety, subject to the will oi the voters at the spring primary election. The lender Is authorized by ED ROISERTSON to announce that hi wil be a candidate for Commissioner or Publis Safety in the spring pri maries'. TWt Wolverton author'.Jes The Leader to announce his name as candidate for Commissioner of puotic Safety, subject ''to the s;ring pri maries. All Work Guaranteed, 114 N. First Phone 131 AT SECOND HAND STORE Repair work we repair anything Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Washing .Machines, , Bicycles and fiiins. We Resilver Mirrors OFFICE WORK AT HOME. WANTED Reliable persons to do writing at home, mall goods, etc. Liberal commission and good pay. Promptness and neat work necessary. Send dime for package of our goods and particulars. Brilliant Gloss Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE Second Band, drop-top, American Queen sewing machine, cheap. Leader office. ; : y. 11 & THE OKLAHOMA Deposits .protected ,l;y Ouaran ty Iw. Interest on time deposits Safety Deposit Boxes. Fireproof Vaults for rent. Money to loan. v y. x v. a' : x x x x x x xx y l A A A A A A A A A r .-Jv .J- j. b. FAIRf-'lELD Established Transfer. Coal, Wood and Storage. of car lots. Goods packed, B'ore.l and A A X X X A A A A A A A Oi A A W X X ;:b1kis!ssi5Ssx ax BRONSON, Pres. L- Incorporated. The Oklahoma Mortgage and Trus Company, Guthrie, Oklahoma. FARM LOANS: Lowest Rates. Interest and principal paid at our v ofrice. rhone Jb .. Black Building. . Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxvjexxxxxxxxy HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG men and women, trip to the Exposition in San Francisco if you will demonstrate our products on the way. Box R-981, San Francisco. HELP WANTED Male. Young mm and women to learn newspaper and magazine drawing by mail. Send for our illustrated magazine and list of successful students. Associated Art Studios, Flatiron Building, New Yorii. MEN Increase your earnings. Learn "the barber trade Mr which there is always a demand. iVIany jobs waiting at wages higher than you would ex pect. Taught in short term by our system. Ham while learning. Write today. Moler Barber College, Kansas City, Mo. ; BUSINESS CHANCES KtijlABLIS manufacturing company wants business man, open office and manage sales force. Exclusive terri tory. You handlo own money. Should net $10,000 annually; 400 to $1,000 invested in goods required. Sales manager, 575 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. WANTED MI8CEJ.1.ANECUS HOARD AND ROOM or room, cheap, at 414 East Springer. TYPEWRITERS. Oliver No. 5, little used ....$25.00 Manhattan 10.00 Remington No. 10, rebuilt...... 40.00 Kuderwood No. 4, rebuilt 45.00 U. C. Smith No. 2, rebuilt...... 45.00 Royal No. 5. second hand 40.00 Itentals $2.50 and $3.00 per month. Typewriter ribbons 50c. Carbon Paper $1.00 per 100 sheets. 'j i'PKWRlTKR EXCHANGE, 114 E. Okla. Ave. Phone No. 7. H. M. ADAMS. Attorney and ftptary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. .Houses for Rent. , Office over Rank of Commerce. I'bone 414. Res. Phono 111 PERSON AU f AOIKKl A frnur rnrcft fnr IlklrliuioMi PHta, J j lha IHttmund Hrttiid. 1-or is years kauwn a rf Iiet, Salr.t, jUwlvs l!lal-!r. Hnv 'ifyuur l;nij,Trlt ffilre nt other, Chtchrflfftrf IHumund Brui I'llla art, Mid bjr lrmrll vlrrwUvr. - FOR RE POR RENT 2 lars front rooms furnished for lig'.tt 'housekeeping. Address 111 E. Dkla. Phone 851. FOR RENT A well Improved farm, 5 miles north of Guthrie. Apply it. Patterson & Paymul Undertaking Co. FOR RENT 3 room furnished house cheap. Address 512 East Vilas, FOR RENT Furnished rooms, use of piano, housekeeping !f desired. 314 East Vilas. Phone 949. FOR RENT Six room house. Matchett. L. H FOR RENT Pleasant room, close in, privilege of the home. 314 East Vllus. Phone 149. FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms, modern and convenient. Mrs. Martha Neal, 418 East Logan. FOR RENT Five-room modern, fur nished bouse, with sleeiring porch, cistern, wash house and garage. On car line. Islv vv. Cleveland. Phone 272. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; all modern, at North Side Inn Ella Hullng 401 North Division ' FOIt RENT Good 4 room house; good baru and cave. Cheap. In quire at Leader Office. FOR' RENT 5 room modern house 300 block South Broad, city water. gas, ham, partially furnished. 'Will rent cheap. Address C. P., Leader Office. FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing AT STEELE'S 115 Soi'th First; and mirror plat. Ing also done y. x 11 ; ; x : 5s x 11 55 k . STATE BANK W x x : x x x x x x xxx .r. r. . . . .r. .r. c. a-; .-j .r. .4 1S89 Phone 20 A Receivers and Distributors it shipped. 407 West Harrison. S jf A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 a' x x x x y. x x x a x x : a D. BRONSON, Sec. and Treai. X I.03T ANU FOUNT. FOUND A child's gold ring with tur quoise sotting, Samo can be had to Utile's Drug Store by paying for this notice. . F3R SALE FOR SAM3 Mare, harness and buggy All In good shape. Phone 12.'9. FOR SALE or trade, five passenger UUWK mmnuB orucr. Au- Monuay, MarcIl 29th, 1915, and dress K. E. M., care Leader. . e)ecUon tQ ,)0 h(?M on Aprl, fithi FOR SA1,E Ono'' span of raules amj, W13 tho following persons ore hero set of harness for sale cheap. Call I)y nalllerl nml appointed as Judges and Phone 1070. FOR SALE Four Buff Rock- cock erels; also a few hens. Reasonably cheap. Phone 295. , PAUH FOR SALE We have 80 acres near city for sale. Very desirable and priced reasonable. Also a school quarter at a very low price. Dooley and Armstrong. Phono 399. FORe SALE 40 volumes of Emperlal Encyclopedia, almost ne .r. "Cheap. Address H. E. C. Care Leader. FOIt SALE Pure Bred Barred Rocn fggs. Incubator orders promptly filled. Phone 1115. 2X11 W.. Cleve land. Mrs. A. C. liirzcl. FOR SALE Six room house, 4 lots, trees and veil on West. Side hill for sale at ,l;ankru1it price. ( See V. '. Burford. FOI! SALE A landy 6-room mod ern, two story residence, Weil lo cated, and close in. Price J. 1 00.00. terms. We have a hire list, an'l jet we bayemany calls for property that we cannot supply. Please let tis know what -j-ou have and what you want. ,M.. Garrett, 'Room . E. Oklahoma Ave. PRIZE IWI.VMNXl iltrown iLeghorn eggs for hatching. SOc per setting. Mrs.,J.'R. Clark, 414 S. Oak 6t. FOR SALE Good .6 room cottage, well located on the east side, clORe In,, $600, with small payment down and $10.00 a month. Want a good 4 or 5 room cottage in Guthrie, will give 80 acres of improved land subject to 1500.00. Trv us for real estate, insur- ance and notary work. M. Garrett, 116 East Oklahoma avenue. FOR SALE Scholarship in Capital Cy Business College Leader Of fice. ' T TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Kansas City cottage for Guthrie cottage, or what? Ford, Phone 738. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy a light weight tennis-racket. Phone 1210 J, after 6 P. M. (First published in The. Daily Leader, March 13, 1915.) ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Pursuant to authority vested in me by law, I, J. E. Nissley, Mayor of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, hereby, proclaim and give notice that a pri mary election will be held in said City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, on Mon day, the 29th day of March, 1915, for the purpose of nominating two candi dates for election to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, and for the nomination of four candidates for election to the offices of members of the Board of Education and for the nomination of - two candidates for election to the office of treasurer of the Board of Education of School District Number Sixty In said City of Guhtrie, Oklahoma, and territory at 1 tached thereto for Buch purposes. All candidates for nomination at said primary election must file their peti- tions for such candidacy as provided bv the Charter of said Citv of Guthrie in the office of the ICty Clerk of said City not later than twelve o'clock P. M., on Thursday the 18th day of March, 1915. I further proclaim and give notice that an election will be held on Tuesday, the Cth day of April, 1915, in Ruid City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, for the leection of a Commissioner of Public Safety of said City of Guthrie, Oklahoma and for the election of two members and one treasurer of the Board of Education of said School District Number Sixty, under and pusuant to the provisions of the Charter of said City of Guthrie, Okla homa. Said primary election to be held on Monday, March 29th, 1915, and said election to be held on April 6th, 1915, will be held at the following places located in the City of Guthrie, Logan County,-Oklahoma, to-wit: First Ward, Precinct "A" 803 East Oklahoma avenue. First Ward, Trecinct "B" Capitol School building. Second Ward, Precinct "A" Cen tral School building. Second Ward, Precinct "B" City Hall. Third Ward, Precinct "A'Opora House. . Third Ward, Precinct "B" 212 Second street. Fourth Ward, Precinct "A" Banner School building. Fourth Ward, Precinct "B" 107 S. Fifth street. Fifth WaK-1207 . West Noble , nl.imarv olectio!1 to be held clerks of elections for the respective voting precincts in said City of Guthrie, as follows, to-wit; First Ward, Precinct "A." Judges. Clerks. t-, V, H...1 I IT T..l J. H. N'elir M. I. Armantrout First Ward, Precinct "B." I Judaes. Clerks. Chas. Woods . A. O. Whitcomb I A. F. Rankin M. F. Morcer Second Wf.rd, Precinct "A.". I Judges. Clerks. S. Evans J. N. Curl G. W. Bail William F. Stiles Second Ward, Precinct "PV Judges. Clerks. W. D. Williamson J. B. Fairfield Shelton Morris Rev. II. T. Mansfield Third Ward, Precinct "A." Judges. Wra. Rltzluuipt L. F. Loach, Sr. Third Ward, Judges. C. L. Nichoia J. II. ('assali Fourth Ward Judges. O. B. Marshall J. A. McCright ' Clerks. C. If. Scrutchfield II. I). Todd Precinct "B." Clerks. ' Win. A. llroxson Holit. A. Traver Precinct . "A." Clerks. J. E. Jones Fred Humble Fourth Ward, Precinct "B." Judges. Clerks. Mike White Robert Henderson Furman Upham J. E. Phelps Fifth Ward. Judges. Clerks. J. D. Maurice I. L. Blair ' B. B. I'lickett W. P. Hardwlck , j The polla at said primary election io be held on Monday, March 29th, 1915, and at said election to be held on Tuesday, April 6th, 1915, shall be 'opened at the hour of six o'clockjn t lie forenoon and shall be closed at the hour of seven o'clock in the 'after noon on each of said days. The result of said elections shall be returned and canvassfnl pursuant to law and the Charter of the City of Guthrie, in such cases made and pro vided. Given under my hand and the seal of the iCty of Guthrie, Oklahoma, this 112U, day of Marc, A. P., 1915 if xtssi.EY Mayor. (SEAL.) Attest: R. N. DUNHAM, City Clerk. HAND LAUNDRY 315 South Third Street Work done strictly in style. ' White Dresses Men's White Shirts, and Ladies' Waists a specialty. All worn I guaranteed. Phone 1152. C. J. BRIGHT, Prop. yT7rBBBWW18MittHigiaL. ETZ The Cleaner and Dyer ' I-adfes Suits Cleaned ! Pressed and.. $1.00 Indies Skirts Pressed Cleaned and .1 db 25c " - ames t.ioes 1 icanea 1 Mena Suits Cleaned and $1i00 ...50c Pressed M(jng r,in(3 .1(anp(, an(J lressp( Your old hats made New Clothes called for ad delivered. Phone 80J '09 S Divisicn Try a Leader Want Ad Phone 75 3 Lines, 3 Times, 25 Cents. M S. " . , " v 1 ,VS ?r ' -, -.'1 . . v rn I 0MTKINO dav Fob. 20, ynst ro-a throned The Zone, the amusement and concessions section of the 1'nna-ma-IBClo' international Kxpo.tion. The Dayton Flood is shown on the left, the Chinese Village end Toy h,nd Grown t'p on the right. Th. ening day was marked by the most striking manifestation, ofnthu otncim ever known in thu west. PROCLAMATION. ' . The early adventurous birds, the l.ositlnn of the sun and a thousand less obvious but quite as certain sl;ns 6f sprins are at hand. tSprins means, or should mean, house clean ing. and not only house cleaning, but yard cleaning, street and alley cleaning, painting, furbishliiK; it should moan order and harmony and beauty. ' '" ' To tile end tliilt the campaign al ready started by the Ladles Kedr aled ('lulls mtvy ho a great sue ess and make of Outhrie. already noted as one of the cleanest cities In' Okla homa; I hereby proclaim and desig nate Friday tlie 19tli day of iMnrch, as "Clean-up Day" and I invite the earnest, hearty and hnmioniotis co operation of our daily paper our vir ions societies, dubs and organiza tion?, civic leasues, ,-f-tly schools an;', all other spools. May I urge every citizen of C.ut'ir'o to make an effort to clenn up his horn and property so as to avou! fire risks; to clean up-his front ani hack yards; to paint his premises U neces?ary; to a'bolish all places that might breed flies and mosquitoes) to eliminate dandelions and weeds and lo clean up vacant, lots. '('it Izens should not put their ruhbis on the sidewalks or streets, but in some kind of recetitical. a box. can or bag. The street department i putting on extra men and teams an will collect all such rubbish. This is an opportunity for ever citizen not only to chow his per.;nn al pride, hut also his ciyl? pride. I.e us all work together and clean up and if necessary, to paint up G.ith rle, not only on this day especlr;!!' set anart. but throughout the entire year and years to come. Let plant grass flowers and .trees. i 11s make Guthrie not only clean but beautiful, and the result will le a cleaner, healthier and more attrar tive city. "Little beds of flowers. Little -cans of paint. Makes homes attractive ' . Out of them that ain't." Given under my hand and the sen1 of " (City of Guthrie. Oklahoma IVm l.'.tli day of March. 19.1.. J. E. NISSLEY. Attept: Mayor. R. N. 'PPNJTAM. City Clerk. FACTS ABOUT THE CITY ELECTION For the guidance of those Who are not. familiar with the election law the following Information has been pre pared by the election board: Can a man vote if be hus lost his registration receipt? Yes. Satisfy the inspector of the precinct in which you regihtered that you have lost it und that you are the elector named in the duplicate in the hands of the inspector, and he will issue a duplicate receipt. Suppose this same man who lost his receipt has moved into another pre cinct anil has been there more than thirty days before voting. What must he do to be able to vote? First, get a duplicate receipt from the inspector, as just explained. Then havo the inspector endorse, "Trans ) KoMT i cuicr; We an, thcrrfr. mw irtrJ t Mkt fam Inh at Ttry literal Irrtaa LOW RATES uchvartaiuUebrtioM becitn .L. I J J 4. J J NO frjcur "WRITE TODiY iv wm w vats, ivuMcraw win mri , f vhkh t alt Mr Imm, r Writ. M hay if ya. tMj TJ fYX Ff IF Y Qrk; II LOAN AND1 i t Ma4T INVESTMENT COL tJ-tt StJts Nat l Dank Dldy. OKU. City fla i fcrred to Ward , Precinct ." on the back of the duplicato and dated and signed by the inspector. X. When must one have the transfer endorsed by the Inspector? Any time up to and including elec tion or primary day. When Is (he next registration? j April 1, 2, 3, 1915, the same being I'liursday, Friday and Saturday be fore city election on April 6, 1915. Can Vote In Primary. Can a man vote in the primary on March 1G, 1915, if he did not register in the 1914 registration? Yes, It since Hie last general elec tion he has acquired the right of suf- rage, us becoming of age or because of residence, or if bo was sick or ab sent tit the time of the last regulai registration; affidavits will be provid ed at the voting 'places for such elec tors to make before voting. What are the dateB for filing foi office by candidates for the primary February 24 to March 6. Can a man get on the ticket for 1 he election April 6, without i'lrsi goitu through the primary? No. This Is true of even the inde pendents. . What is the date of the primary ? March 10, 1D15. And of the city election? April 6, 1915. Sunoose a man lias properly regis tered, but, bis precinct bus been changed, will be have to get his regis tration receipt transferred? No. The inspector for the new pre cinct will bo instructed to accept tile receipt. The fact is, he has not. re moved or changed, but the numbering if his precinct has merely boon changed. EKKfeHS5S.,S L. L Hillings, dealer and a f. shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells 'A fi Water. Shipments made to any A K point tn the 'United States, a s l'bone 19. Res. 913 E. HarrUon. K !i K X V. to .-n . 1-7. bs iK X !t S 55 i" 3fi K 3? J! K X ?, X X T. C- VINSON. VI ii The time to take cars of the ri K hair is while you I .: it. Eiec- aj trie Face and i .:, Massage. ?S 'i Scalp Treatment i specialty, ?1 Hair cut, 2Se. So. First! J X street. Stop in tor a scalp v treatment. SI KK(;Riiixsas!!"in In the future the voters of this late will look more closely into the moral turpitude of the man who of fers himself for public office. Some of them should J)o subjected to an X-ray examination. BARGAINS FOR SALE One American Queen sewing machine . . One Kitchen Cabinet brand new .... Tnree Phono $4.00 One Piano Piayer, slightly used . . . Leader usa urn ut FnSiMHfiWi ..won wiiiu iiiuuoed you o leave your last place? Bridget Worl:oi!;-The man of fie house offered an extra nionliru ;av, an I acceplcd, mum. The Court of Last Resort. Around ,thc stove of the erica roads grocery is the r?-! ourt, of last re sort, for it finally over-rules nil oth- er. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aas been wrought before this i.ouit in .llmost fcvi'i-y cross i-oada grocery In this country, ana has always rccolv 3d a favoraitie vordkt It Is In the oi::;!rj i in i i i ( t lull value tor ti:.i monev a) receive tllitt this .emedy 1; ;i ost auiirecnited. iblc everywhere.- Ol tuill- ilurdep (io do tor, you ar. u'o:;t inn Really-; in; o-K'istc-ni. iloc- Vou tea me not i have sen' me arm. worry, and !:ere im a bill as Ions n:; yo'ir Well everyone knows Cie effect of Pine 'Forests on Coughx Dr. Mell's Pinc-Tur-iloui y is a ronied which l.rj;' i', k relief for Whoop ing -.'jimh, lon.-Tin tile :i: li-ous. soothes the lSiiing of the threat and luiitfLi. and makes t'ae coughing sprlls lr-ss seierc. A family with 'growing c'.ildren sii.mld not be witli I out It. Keep it h.cidy for all I'oughs and .folds. 2.c. at jour Druggist. ' Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic graphs--new each $20 Of nee ' 1 ,AM VP