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The Guthrie daily leader. [volume], March 22, 1915, MERCHANTS' SPECIAL SPRING STYLE EDITION, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8
About The Guthrie daily leader. [volume] (Guthrie, Okla.) 1893-1996
Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
THE GUTHRIE DATLY LEADEK, MONDAY, MAttCIl 22, 131.-. IK i Mw eart Welcome Is extended by this store to the visitors home folks as well. In fact this is an opportunity we have looked forward to with delight. . sprint! "is:, ahah best menkihk Mrpnf pfunt'ftf 'lipaufitul .tctaatiofr And it is with great pleasure we in vite the- pirb-Iic to come and pass judgment upon our efforts. YW in vite criticism. Spend as much time as. is convenient Avitli us. Make vour selves at home in every section of the store. The store will l-emain' opeii 77hs Spring Opening Is worthy of the deepest consideration. Being participate! in by all the business men of .Guthrie, representing every line of merchandise. A feature that is a rarity in the annals of mer ch;mdistng ? Each jiaitipalit is :doing, his "utmost for yom en tertainment. for these special davs. . . , IT BEHOOVES YOU TO VISIT EVERY STORE This is not a one man propo sition, but comprises every busi ness institution in Guthrie,. '. ; ; . . , -. - v - 3 ii i More tor the feotole . " . , i The sweet things of life are not so much music, flowers and poetry as they are man's humanity to man and the elements of sympa tic,' fairness and dionesty, which hav a direct bearing oh his hour vfcense, buUthe: bi.Uers.-4lwu:the; heart. Hence this store for, all the public, while it revels in locality, elects to cater to the material wel fare of man and all his depend ent? and to please his pocket rath er than his poesv.' R O.'LUTZ Visit Our Shoe Section Late styles in Ladies' Footwear; any thing you can imagine: icy come to us by the time thby nrc.jitnMaiH!?t (yvvUlv-Avo-iifr;.Th- s?lf same., things, onl) 'the imfortimatc. ladies oY Fifth vtnue pav a lot more for them than the ladies of Athrie'' You'll pa find i lie good 'styles 'lor-men, women atfcVduldrty.' jiftMl L WICHERT and GARDNER LINE FOR LADIES Shown in GuthiTrforlliTFirsTtiineT-Widths AAA to E. SPRING FASHION ' f OPENING 4 Gopies of Paris Models Silk and Chiffon Dresses Tor the first .timeJn our store historv we will sIioav some real copies of Paris models from such well established designers as "Worth-CalLt-Redfeani, and a few copies from Altmans. These dresses are for sale ana may be priced during the promenade if one is interested. '' ' - oprtng rasnton rromenade ' ' New Spring Suits, Silk Dresses, Millinery Displayed on ,r,,,, r,,, ing ModeWmusic : " .,M v,r;? :1-T,A v" ';- g Wednesday Evening at 7 :4 5 ---Thursday Afternoon at 1:30. Millinery 'ji. Our Suit Display Will be doubly interesting since we've just received fifty new suits also twenty-five new coats besides new silk skirts, waists, etc. The Models will pass in' review on a raised promenade about 60 'feet ; long, and high enongh Jrom the floor that all may see. 1 I ' . The promenad will he beautiful andWill prolra) the ' correct' styles ;for coming spring. v Six oung Ladies will promenade and four deslinct showings will he made. One promenade each of Suits. Afternoon Dresses, arlu Dressed Whirls an J Coas ana eacn time Millinery, Shoes and accesssories. And all the while as these beautiful models promenade for you---music. Si 6 i;mmmm$$mim Mmmmm :mmmtm Beautiful Greatly Surpassing Past Seas sons Gage, Rawak, Fisk and Smart Set ., A Remarkable Assemblage. , You arc cordially invifrd'to view our ex ceptional display of' 'street and dress hats, ranging in price from $3.1)0 to $30.00. Our customers generally have 'told us our millin ery far surpasses, our showing in past sea . sons and tell us our prices are more reason able. We present this department and its merchandise. . You are invited ; you will not be urged to bu v. Wednesday Evening, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I. S , i 'AT BIG REDUCTIONS ! n If- .! i0 THURSDAY SPECIAL . $5.00 GOSSARD CORSETS Any inodc! in the store, in any size, of our $5.00 Gossard Corstts, will be sold Thursday, your choice, for $3.98. Included in this sale are all the new model in the hest fabrics, mercerized Batiste, Brocaded Batiste, French Ba tiste. Sterling Cloth, etc. Long or short models, straight or modified, low bust and closely fitted skirts, or the medium bust, with wide waist and light 'boning. The best $5.00 Front Lace Corset en the market. Special for $3.98. .uitiSi ...i.'i.i:. I' ..i v'Jr. i. FRIDAY SPECIAL $1.00 Gordon Silk Hose 75c From the new spring stock. All colors and black and white. Gordon hose are yarn dyed, with pure veg etable dye Nothing but the pure worm sdk thread is used.' Every pair is critically inspected before it is released. Every woman who wears silk hose knows the No. 300 Gordon Silk Hose and knows it to be all that the word implies in silk hose perfection. For Friday only, you can buy your supply of these $1.00 hose for 75c. EASTER Is only a few days awjy. Take this opportunity of doing your looking, becoming accustomed .to the new styles and forming your likes or dislikes. This store presents an unusual selection of splendid quality merchandise which should appeal to the substantial element in this community. Quality Service One Price ; SATURDAY SPECIAL -ADVERTISER MUSLIN One yii il ' wider, extra soft finish,' bleached pure, lasting' white. A stan dard 10 cent suality eVerywhere. For good reasons we will- limit . the pur. chase of this to twenty yards to a customer. This muslin 'has been one of our leaders and has never been ' sold at this price 'before, and only such , an occasion a,s , this could make us reduce the price at tins time, ; -There . wiil beplenty for all., I Friday 7 I-2C. SATURDAY NIGHT M'! 7:30 to 10:00 O'clock . 1, PRINCESS DRESiSE$ ! ! 1-4 Qff m 1 Boy's Oliver Twist Suits ' ALL THE LATE PATTERNS sV t Sizes 2 to 9 Years : Washable F abrics of the most de-si rable kinds a line of values unexcelled 111 attractiveness. Let your bov be a bov start him with an Oliver Twist. In the boys section you will also find all the things in woolen suits. w Hrnfi'ite yot6 - g febjW . The highest suality house dress on ,the market today. Percales, Ging- ' ham ' and ' ' Madras';- 'AHitiie new spring patterns.. - Princess dresses . stand aloof in the house dress circle. Every dress is made with the same tailoring perfection "that is incorpor- , ated-jn the making f 'high grade ev- -erring dresses. ,.', Thcrcgujar prices', -range from from $2-S'tot dSat'-. - . nrday night ' ' .V -';'. . One-FourUi Off , x .. K ii 'ffaf' Schaffner and Marx Clothing THE HOUSE OP KUPPENHEIMER This opportunity will undoubtedly be taken advantage of by the men of this community to view our selection of high grade lines. Having just added the Jlart, -Schaffner & Marx line, we feel our department should especially appeal to men who like good coltJies. , ; ; .- " '