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PAOE FOUR THE aUTJTUIK DATLY LEADER.'FRIIUY, MAttOH 20, 191o. THE DAILY LEADER my LESLIE G. NIBLACK " i Published da II from Hie L.cad.-r build IbS, Wnt Harrison avenue, and entered art til Outline iiosioffice us scctind class mat fr. - - MIMEW OF ASSOCIATED PRESS OAI4.V UBSCmiTlON RATES Par month, t carrier.. t JHir year, by tamer, in aovunce... . i.uo rer Jraar by mail, In advance 4.tX OKLAHOMA (WEEKLY) LEADER l Ix month . , j ,bo Ona Year .. i.imj New Tork office: N. M. Sheffield, Spe cial Agency. Tribune buildmg- Cliicaito office: N. M. Sheffield Agency, U, S, Kxp-re-- building. Business office: No. 109 W. Harrison. Composing and Presa rooms. No. 107 w. Harrison. Kdltorlal rooms, No. I07V4 W. Harrison. To reach all department phona extension 75. Imperative: . Good roads. Those Zeppelins seem to be distin guished chiofly as "bum" throwers. Deserving of encouragement: The Auto club In Its work for good roads. SJIFE RHEUMATIC REMEDY has been prescribed with excellent results in cases of Lumbagof Sci atica, Gout, 'Rheumatism, Neural gia and all Rheumatic affections. In Rheumatism an Important thing to avoid is iConstiputlon. For this condition Warner's yafe fills. used with Warner's Safe (Rheu matic Remedy, according to direc tions, are splendid. if you suffer from either do yourself the justice to try these Warner's Remedies, a better en joyment of life awaits you. At your druggists or direct postpaid on receipt of price. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remtdy 1.25 Warner'a Safe Pills 23c Write for booklet. ' Warner's Safe Rem" edles Co. Dept. 427 Rochester, N. Y- Gen. Villa says that Col. Roosevelt possess a back yard to raise a garden, is a man of bad principles. Gen, Villa jt is often said that these little home himself is the head Of the progressive patches do not pay, that after you party in Mexico. i have deducted cost of fertiliser and . B , . . . : seeds and Jabor hired, that you have A sad example of majority rule was nothing left. It is true that a first the commitment of a New Jersey man year attempt . shows many .failures, to an asylum' for the Insane because Mother Nature is a shy sort of a cus he said he had a wooden head. jtomer. It takes experience and prac- ' - - . .' J tice to adapt your beans, ' peas, or The Igorotes of the Island of Lu- ' squashes to her habits. Once you son may misconstrue the statement tearn the game, the power of sun and ( of Gov. Whitman of New York, that soil and rain are sure. Many of us have become too averse to physical labor. As boys most of us dug and hoed in our father's garden and thought nothing of it. As men we hire some superannuated laborer to work over the land, who charges come ug $2.00 per day for what an active home from the lodge at 1 o clock in man couid do in British Say Germans Violate the White Flag. he is' hunting for heads with brains in them "" - ' ' . Gen. Hugh L. Scott, who went un armed and brought a Piute outlaw into 'camp by the gentle art of per- euasipn, Is a man who could the morning and persuade the Missus that he had been to the lodge. half the time. No wonder there is no credit account at the end of the season. Any indoors workor will be sur- Taking Great . Britain's statement priSed, if he will , give four or4 five mat. tne cobi-oi me uie euuea . ,our8 a week to back yard agriculture Is "about' 18,000,000 daily, and adding t0 fm,j now much better muscle, wind estimates for Germany, 'Austria and an(J digestion he has at the end of the Turkey, the total cost may be figured 8ummer. There may be no money s close to $10,000 a minute. It makes profit tne first "time. Another sum the imagination weary to try to think mer should Rivo you all the fresh vegetables of the season for practical lly nothing. . , what' that means. 'All will be. delighted to know that James Whilcomb Riley is getting back his health. The testimony on , that point seems to be. conclusive. Not only .is he - enjoying - a ' vacation in Florida, but he attended a Florida dinner and listened to a poem dedicat ed 'and read to him by the author. jSo the navy of the United States is in the' hands of a lot of men "whom a former President of the United States once "described to . me as a lot of wheezy, onion-eyed, old stuffed pud dings.". All must admire the thorough manner In which Senator Root guards hs secret. No , one. .could possibly fuess who the President was. AFTER MANY YEARS J. iL. Southers, Eau Claire, "Wis., writes: "Years ago 1 wrote you in fegard to great- results i obtained from Foley Kidney Pills. After all these years I .have never had a return of thoise terrible ibackacnes or sleep less nights; I am permanently cured Men and women, young and old, find this relialblo remedy relieves rheu matism, (backache, stiff joints and ills caused Iby weak or diseased kidneys or bladder. For sale toy all druggists. ;THE PROFITS OF GARDENING .The : motives that persuade the householder to start in spring a back yard garden are perhaps more philo sophical than mercenary. Many men have a contemplative and pastoral liking for "seeing things grow." The culture of infant beans and potatoes offers something of the same pleasure that comes from - raising babies or dogs. The battle with pests and ob durate soils is a game of wiu When the harvest is reached there is satisfaction In your good mess of "garden truck" not to be had from any vegetables bought of the grocer. The cost of tood has reached a Doint . where the money motive ought also to tempt a good many people who KjessKHseassasssasKS X LEADERETTES. B DYSPEPTICS . .. m . SHOULD EAT '.A-PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE ...uMswion and practically all forms . . JT " luo"- nine limes out ,.ft l? idrty; therefore atomach u Zt, ""0,u"i ..rnver ...possible, uin. " inai is ana in its ih J" , " ? ' mic awtion in i ,7it.i . - i ""'w "CMiiy. Lnfor Buvll n ruic e.ltnlnalea m..t T nith are to the taste as , .X. wui.uiiia; propertj.-c. Tins h J,rV ' "Wrptu and atom - .. .rc uauiuiy no inin. ema- ...v. ...niu, ,n inai vital energy -"i umy come ironi a well fed ?y" . ur the benpf" of tlKixe xuffcrera rl' tiave .ben obliged to i xtlude 1r,m mi aiarcny, swi-et ot fatty 1. .. , ,i -.'- jiiib m - p im a mil. V- nr " ,u"'n ,r.idurts. 1 jmt.M mm you slmiild try ' , w - r loon -nifh vou may like, in moderate amount. ta'Kin fnTOM;lieiy aflt-rwar-ls a tis.wnful of ..,....1, n,aVnrKln l u little but to.1i '.mer i in. will neutrallae an arid w,.k-o mny ne (.resent. r wbkli ma Im; na instead ot the usLal feeiinit m unenum-M and ruilnesn. you wi.'l fiid -ur inoo irre' wiih you nerfecily ll-uratl maiineaia Is doubtless tbe W-n 'ood crr-rtlve and ania.-ld known. It b no dire.-t action on ibe Hiniarh; but by nt cabling the aeiiiltv nt iv orf conirnx. and thus rernovina- liie iitr or lhA i1 trntrtll.m -',,-h in fhunes th dellrote stomaih lining, li wore than r.oiJH ) d,-. l- anv dr-'S- or mtk-!ne. Ai a pliyf n(n. bclire In tb its'. ' "lr lunever mi-eswry. but t mii admit ini i rinnnl ee the enf ot dos'nit itf.i,m-d amf brttatel etomafb with 0r-. nm--J n eitin rid "f tli m-W - Ibe f M of nil ti trouble W a btti b(orted mstnSriH trom yom rtruxit. t a. hat von ant at vour neit el, tdke f tite lH.-itrat-,l tnsg- i,.,,' a bi. t-d l"". and see If im ti,t liiibl.'' It is estimated that throughout the world blind men outnumber blind women in the proportion of two to one. The yellow poplar, or tulip tree, the largest broadleaf tree in America, has been known to reach nearly 200 feet in height and ten feet in diameter. In view of prevailing high prices for necessities in Santiago, Chile, it is planned to establish municipal pro vision shops there at an initial cost of $500,000. In the opinion ' of an English scientist, the wear of macadam roads is not due to the suction of automo bile tires, but almost entirely to the crushing effect of horseshoes and iron tired wheels. Mrs. Kate Penner and Gertrude Pendel, English nurses connected with the Constantinople hospital, have received Red Cross medals from the German Emperor for gallant service during the Balkan war. j All-steel cars are being experiment ed with on several railways in India. Metal freight cars have long been in use, but pasenger cars nave usuatiy been built of teak wood resting on steel under-frames. The hlgbeBt determined point in Florida is Mount Pleasant, 301 feci above sea level, according to the United States Geological Survey. The approximate average elevation of the state Is 100 feet above the sc-a. For the first time in about a dozen years mackerel have been caught in the New Haven waters. In recent years porpoises are believed to have driven them away, but in the last month thousands of mackerel have been caught. ? 'Si r r . ,:r"1 -7 I V I r- immmmmmmmmmmm 1 i - i L I li . - '.; ' " f il ; m mm ' X r--4 y ; - u wmmmxmmmm li fa, i 3. j. vVa 6 a - v attftb-aA ikf-r if. x x x x : ,x x x x x Sf 3s V VAGRANT VERSE. i K X X X X X X X X i5 X X X K g. THE LAND OF HEART'S DESIRE girds our chosen The blue Aegean homo, ever-ultausing sound and- With Ltdri ream, iig:.t,lic!siiioJ 'si light This photograph sent from British sources to the United States is offered by Englishmen as proof of their charge that Germans have violated tho white flag of surrender. The specific instance is given of a body of Turks fighting with the Ger mans near -Serapenum, Feb. 3. They are said to have held up the butts of their rifles as a token of surrender. The British advanced to take them, whereupon, the Gormans, taking them at a disadvantage, it Is declared, opened fire. ' - : This flag is said, to have, been at tached to a captured German officer's sword. ; '. ' U ' . ' The flag itself, is ;about. two and a half feet, square, and, as will be seen,. has on one side a small canvas pouch, a ring and a cord so that it can be hoisted on a rifle or sword. KiaSiijg!.t,lie!siaod sands and caverns , hoar; And alt the winds wandering along tho shore Undulate -with the undulating tide;' There are thick woods whore sylvan forms abide; ' t And many a fountain, rivulet and pond, . , I As clear as elemental diamond, Or serene morning air; and far be- ' yond, -., . ' The mossy tracks made by the goats and deer ;' .. , (Which the rough shepherd treads but once a year). Pierce Into glades, caverns and bowers and halls Built round with ivy, which the waterfalls Illumining, with" sound that fails. ' Accompanying the noonday nightin gales; ,. " ':"'" ' . And all the place is ' peopled with sweet airs; ; ; 1 . lyersatility no longer is the achieve- The light clear element which the isle.ment it once was. ' wears . , .' Is heavy with the scent of lemon flowers, ' ; ' Which float like mist laden with un seen showers And falls upon the eyelids like faint sleep.; ,. Shelley. K:;::SVV I0u All Dealers ; I eIii:::::::::::::-- r . Bill h m m - v' , t . ficult for a man to procure liquor In a strange community. A, few are geniuses. Others inherit their bad manners and their disagree able dispositions. If you wish to interest idle men cir culate tho story that the hull of a sunken ship is full of treasure. If you wish toexelte them circulate the story that it is full of fine old whisky.. . Probably the speediest journey is never tna' negotiated by a prize fighter who is on his way back to obscurity. It seldom is necessary for the effi cient workman to "double in brass." The , most " flagrant example . of phraseological fiction is the one to the effect that men die by the sword. h-. v Stor55-.Prii:v.ltotE . .. . Jy Frddd SEV2NTY-S!-vk; YEARS OLD George W. Clough, Prentiss, Misa., who had suffered greatly with kid ney trouble, writes: "Foley Kidney Pills are the only remedy that ever did me any good at all," Just think of the relief and comfort that means to him. Foley Kidney Pills are rec ommended for sleep disturbing blad der troufbles, pain in aides or back, rheumatism, and kidney and bladder aliments. For sale by a'l druggists. X X X X X X X X X 5S as !8 X 35 X X BRILLIANTS. X &X'SS5SXXXX38XXXXX& Love your neighbor, yet pull not down your hedge. Herbert. Weeping may but joy cometh Psalms xxx, 5. tarry for the night in the morning. : There are times when it is easy enough to write a brief for honest toil. The last member of the party impli cated in fixing the clock that blew up the Los Angeles Times was arrested recently. ' If a better cough syrup than Foley's Honey and , Tar Compaund could be found, we would carry It. We know this reliable and dependable medicine has given satisfaction for more than forty years; therefore we never offer a' substitute for the genuine, ilecom. mended for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, .bronchial and Ja grlppe cough. No opiates. For sale by all druggists. Vienna, (By Mail.) Forty-thousand i The staff includes more than 200 letters,' in more than forty languages voluntary workers, who are divided and dialects, to be read daily; secret' into groups according to their famili- messages written in cipher with in- arity with Russian, Czech. German, visible inks to be discovered anlis,avic- Serbian, Croatian, Italian, puzzled out; all manner of questions iRumanian. Ruthenian, Polish, French from distracted parents about the n" English languages and dialects. whereabouts of their sons to be-Tne Russian censors in turn are Al- answered; thousands of complaints vied up into groups who know the from Austrians regarding their treat- Esthenian. Finnish, Lettish, Armenian, rnent in foreign detention camps and lie who calls in the aid of an equal umierstaudlng, . doubles his , , own, Tiurke. .. If a man could half his wishes he would double his troubles.-Bcnjainin Franklin. . , Those who are formed to win gen eral admiration are seldom calculated to bestow individual happiness. Lady Blessington. , . He who reforms himself has. done more to reform the public than a crowd of noisy, impotent patriots. Lavater. ,If you have no friends to share or rejoice In your success in life, it is no less Incumbent on you to move stead ily in the path of duty. Walter Scott. Vyhere Maple Sugar Comet From. ' Farm and Fireside says: "Little wonder that first class maple Bugar and syrup are scarce. Only one tree is tapped for every five people in our population. Counting both sugar and syrup, New York is the leading state for the values of its maple products, Ohio ' is second and Vermont third. When Women Suffer, No remedy gives greater relief than Anti-kamnia (1-K) Tablets to all condi tions generally known as "Women's" Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last found the remedy she baa ra long been look Ing for. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are you distressed after eatingT vo you have nausea when riding in the cars or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab lets and get Instant relief. Genuine A-K TaUet bear th IK monogram. At all Druggist. But Vermont is far in the lead for maple sugar alone. The maple prod ucts of the country 'are worth over five million dollars a year." A: Specific Against Colds. ; "If there is such a thing as a spe cific against colds, It is to be found in . the sleeping porch or the open bed . room. Next to that comes the cold sponge both in the morning," says the Youths Companion. Be as careful as you can you will occasionally take cold and when you do you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. ' "I Never Closed My Eyes Last Night" . 0Mm. si How often have you ' been forced to say l these very word. You evidently have never ; tried '!-! -' Tutt'slPills which gently regulate . your system and stir your liver to action. Sugar coated or plain at your druggist. prisons to be investigated. These are some of the duties of tho censors between 200 and 300 of them who form the personnel of the cen sorship bureau of the Austrian em- If thou wouldst be happy and easier in thy' family, above "all ) things ob- Every ' one In it duty; and there receive ; letters in Bessarabic and should be a time and place for every Sanskrit. thing; and whatever else is done or At the head of each group is a omitted, be sure to begin and end responsible official, before whom must with God.-r-VVilliam Penn. be laid each suspicious letter, and Persian, Turkish, Tartar and Hebrew: serve discipline. tongues. The Russian prisoners even should know their Get it 1 It'sCheap Dire which is located in the war niin : - a J .l, iU I. . . ,l..l.l.,.-t cratai llllilClYC LUU Ld 1 11 111 K 11 I til III- ihirv, aim whilu uob uku uuuueu -- Mother firav'a Sweet Pnwrlara for . , . , . . . , formation Hp in turn makes a ' ' " . ine urganizea caoei. isotn incom- ' - -i Children. ' ing ana outgoing letters nave to oe ' -k - vcUCTv,.,. or irevensnness, , waa awmaca scrutinized carefully and the varietv anu me.iatter reports to uie minister Teething msoraers, move ana regu- nf fllalafto in tha ttmniro In a,1,Illb,n Ol War. to the large number of tongues spoken in Europe. late the Bowels and are a pleasant More .or less innocent attempts to Temefy f"r Worms' JBei by Mth: am frr fi vfion Thou n ovnf f n 1 1 by the Austrian prisoners, make it deceive the censor, especially in noti- At all drugglstas, t25c. Sample FREE necessary to keep the largest bureau f'in5 friends and relatives .of their Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, X. exact location and condition, are made repeatedly, particularly by the . . Russians. Ninety, per cent of such ef- X X a X X a; .t. X X X X X 5J forts originate among the Russian SS WHEEZES OF OZ X prisoners who appear from earlier ex- & X X X X X X X X X X X X X X perienccs in their own country to be ' familiar with tho ways and means of Prohibition Is the moral and eco icndir.z out secrets, and whn think- nomlc measure which makes it dif- that even innocent information must, bo '.'ent in this way FIVE CENTS PKOVE3 IT I. Generous Offer. Cut out thin ad. enclose with 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago. III., and they will send you our trial packages of Foley's Honey aod Tar Compound for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial and lagrlppe coughs; Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathar tic Tablets For sale by all drug gists. stops itching instantly! The moment that Resinol Ointment touches itching skin the itcliinir stops and licalimr begins. That is why dc birs have prescribed it successfully f'.r twenty years in even (he severest caws of erjctna, rinj'wonn, rashes, and many other t'irmenting, disfiioiriiiff skin di seases. Aided by warm baths with Kesirml Soap, Resinnl Ointment makes the skin or scalp )erfcot!y heallliy, quickly, easily and at little ct. Try them iii id ce I buld by all dru-ux i. ,n liedi! of hcaltn articles appear In r.snaors and .maKazincH, and in prvrlirally every one of them the Im portance of keeping the bowels reg ik i.ii!iasised. A constipated condition invites disease. A depend able physic that acts without Incon- Transforms Complexion': Wins Social Favor Mad I been unable to traiiFforK-i my complexion so quickly, so completely,, by an lllibiUf. procen I hail Jnt learned of, I never could huve attend. -d the Charily IHall." A certain social favorite, a pie- .trnn.inu ur i touna in v oi. iiM till. "I hill been iimeh run down.' ey ('altiartic Tablets, , For sale 'by all.she snld. "When I lieheld myself in tli dr:ic;isls. I mirror fter a nlirht'ai troubled aleon, I ; " ' " " - i' r-i.. (f.r !i!w,f wa lu'eomlnK beavy-eyed and , . ; i -. -. v-t , -. ., J pale. I ould not take, and atttind the inill. tne lona; rem my pny'icrian auvied Kvcry member of the family of Sir RAopcr Lcthbridgo of England has gone to the war or training for it the men to fight, the women to nurse. FOLEY KIDNEY PIIXS FOR HAtKACHE KIDNEYS ANQ ULAUUfc FOR SALE? Second hand, American Queen sewing cheap. Leader offlcaj. drop-top, machine. A friend puujested ret an ounce of mercollzed wax Ht the druvfflst'fc and una It ns I would coM cream. 1 did the r ault Ik Hf.purent. In a week 1 bad a new complexion. The -wit took off the old skin so a-rudimll..-, there win no discom fort. Nrr vou seo the freh, brlifbt un dernkin. with Its youthful glow nnd ex ;rcslori The worry line and wrinkles, which had become ijultp numerous. I removed very easily by simply bathing- tny face every morning In a harmless lotion made by dissolving an ounce of nowdered ilie In a half pint of witch hazel You see the result my skin an mnooth and firm ns a Mboolsirl's." Alloen Cooper in Home Queen. Many people live uncomfortably because they can not afford to do different; Many others" are in the same fix because no matter liow much they are able to pay, the comforts they desire are not within their reach. -- - This however, is not the case with electric light the greatest of all comforts. The electric wires pass by your very door and Edison Mazda Lamps proviue me most oeauiuui ngiiu outainawe at one third what it cost even only two or three years ago. So if you are not enjoying the beautiful electric service like your friends aijid neighbors whose fault is it? During the month of March only we will give a six pound biectnc iron with each house wired. - - - ..' :,' I. ; -." : . A half hour's talk' with our house wiring man win jirove lnieresung aim proiiuiuie. USE EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Public Service Go. of Oklahoma (Liht Co.) Telephone 111