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t-1 PAGE SIX .ONDAT. A HTL .1, 115. A U,'"!,.UI German Olympic j firn r,"kr Official Is Rilled, f " it. (Hi irii.j lilt v.'t J itfO U'i ! ill '.!" SMv'-j avu. Ui v m ..(-. 111. .VI, IJOif iuJl UU l,ie U.tKtU iivvll. . '4'oi AtU tlrCtta- J,. M,u 16 l.tfclli Wi;i a ulit, UUiCAua w.nuivr t.v ia wuiy J wi" mti, iLUi iie i.iuitfai-itt ( .. t..i.ti .tea i. so'.teti u, U'.e au.-.uu or u;rs. Uiam ititj nuuo' xvuliut:u au.t ' t-e it. vfi tuu I-r.nj, Hue iu an., kmvh iiuit! tuoaa J u-At Siva" we twiater tat-on a iu- VVCUliCt.-. iji'dl fU-I.V .tiff Blil..U'l-f uu'wtiiiis. i. i .:i ur eeryiiwy to i'tu tfte 1,..khI tu gjua order, wu . tn-ie wiu neaiUi; . two pre.-iuu a icsicisiya. ' ) ti u ;ntn3s to nesievt tie Jittl j , fJor.v-d.jy KiUil t.f aiiisitiits. t.i in trifling, to take tuctlt.ines of un- nou or touu.'iu ra.tiea:Ui&. I. soar siouuicj ijo'.s out s. urser. oi. ; uoa u not digested aaJ- of course,; j ' Jr i your Mood gets t!im aud jou become! " y atak. rtatJy ta be a puy to ttie dfs-; j g ; a swms always r.'a.ij to atUi-i ( I RUDDY CHEEKS SPARKLING J EYES MOST WOMEN CAN i - ' HAVE . Says Or. Edwards, Wel-Knwn Oiuo Phyiean lr. f. M. KAwards for J7 jimm trtted fcoort-s of wo.i.t'ii tor auJ boi'l tSoMnt. Diirtas; tice years Jt pare to hCs patients proiirln- tion made of a ftw well-known vck- etaiiie itigrruton: uixea with o.ive SU UI IS IT ol. naming t!xm IV. ti.anU tt.tre fIJKH IS FOt'M IX IIIOST TsUfis. you 1U kno t!:f:n i. thpj t of corvniY va n I he Red Huff Prevents Slipping o.'.ve cj.rr. These Ut-leu arc waadrwirJtrs ca liver ant! bowels, whi.'h irsiisc a :J isMsal acMoa, carrying off the wii&ti? a.nd nottotiaaft matter that on' si stem cllwts. j look, .j.s. i innUi. t-Mie4 t.n- la'1" aa "clllsl,e suburo of Chuaso gwe. S(eal;w!e3 a listless " noood. muRt tttla Angela Lunanif, all nut of sorts, ina.-tiv hiwt!a. you l'Pr, until war conditions in Europe bae mo of IV fMardsv o:ij Tab- tniiit his saft return to Italy on the trt. nurttlv tor a and not the Tew . SUCJETY Clii-aso, 111., April 3. Highland CAI TAI.V Tke frSijlitfiil stortal.t.r iu tiit great war oDiors nien iMiinc-.-tod iritti ana leur athletics has caused Ame.-iv.n r jtar !iv r oaniuu n ork. year Moci lvalues ;:niore anl inuay iM'.ivlcs fjll.r joar ioeis re irrejcUr. ;avin a:rantuUt ia Oir bty. IK. i-Mca .Med-. S- al l?t.s..usry Ua tablet or iKjuid fw.iu heU'i the itousacis to thsft ' iood jro;HTly. striastiieus tae iner. . tAu:atvd tie tunls. As a tvue murtre von arc vigorous, full of snai and life! Fifty years ago Or. Pk-roe followers of the port to duaW the u.bcoiered t::at a pi; cenne extra t of possibility of hott.g intornat tonal (.iolJea tt-a! sajl Orescn ?ra.e root- olrnu if rar.nett'ons for years to of qaetns fxt a:U blivdieoi -i:a rbl laU.3t athletic offivial :o Wc eherry Mrtt o-,U aid ul the h, , cr fc js tistestl organs to work s Naturo . Undid the saoald. Thousand OapU.n U.weler. who was pr!n have found tiat the 't&hfca Medical aently corneeted with the IratH-rist lMso-0 ery" he tlien! ed t Ovrrcaa O'ytajle committee and sa"J ! te vrM fca restored t:ie:u to health to ti Trst m:in t. prros.e th?, ,.. c holding of th 191S Oljmp ?an,es i E'r!ir.. laptain Ewseler was kTIud at the bead of his company m a des perate rfcarce whfn th latjer's nea ! nere driving the Rusans Ijiadlooc thrii;h the iictaraB tales rvpKW l.leains results. ThoasABdi cl aotets. as rl! a country. i Over 4 million up-to-date people Kaye dopted this nev rubber heel this up-to- liver trouble. 'Xo is the ti:ne to f tilt fjraiQU reauvtiy . Adv. ffisro i una. ( ) m..n. take P.- .l?rd' o;he T.0. j ' c'a ot-eis-oa or tue iramlfratton an- m . " - - m ! ! 1 lets no and !Vp jut to ket." in t.'.c thontit-s fa WVvhiaron was received firsTf HaTTaY OCalf KlC Srlir Of-Sf" ATI IlPPL 3 of ?att:o!t. IT EJ'Aat'Js .!;u TaMoti tlto here tj(ay h- Ir, iVrey I Prent's. hat 'if fin l,j.t a....;..,., t ?--.Vt ...It.t.i-iio jr ,.ilian-:-!.l- " ....-... and l-V i er Hx .:i ,n. rit.-. ' "J,!'lJ('on order -a as iv r out' The U'.he Tal'M . on.wa'n. tVtit 11- "BS k1 hut a itulc to lltwtor I'rvn'as' hv.s. . . .. jcsrla-iu-d that as Me North Cersaft i Uoyd sicarttrs re n.t clear ir;? from C...-rve ?e .. .. .' " ! nmer line ran l t-.MijHu.eU to rarry tV Knr. I.t'!arh will t,ae to ret i n ca Anienrja wrl for toTi.e tluie to eonse. . - j I unarm emnleyed s& a wateh man at th? Kstuoor rosntry tiub whea iSi&t aTered te was ! t'eaf. ?nl 1'rof he.t.i liauia o? U tf-i.iBS for fre eet c-t i;i ia'J sitlst.c faahtn a p-'s of eris and va' le BIG SMOKE" JOHNSON EESTCO SY WiLL1P ICO-tTtN'JEO FtCM FACE CNE HIM Mi 01 HFE'c riitUdeli'Ma, April S. Ler.uel T." Kashe'.S, a wtaltt- .3er'3.:nt, d't-j ; list a! from Icjariej Ssustainei ia " restiiing a. Jsktea front the lt?;ry ( vT'i x'Agt of his s'.is fkylifit aSrne his t-e:l- . .iflKjee, - tcataen erasae terwto ta ikyll.Tht ana Tell h,;iy f-ot. TS? Ncad,tisa i e'.t ,kson for a:s "Misay benevelences tu needy atoaj tie rner front. .MiilfiEClilCfl IS BSH m f:re .. jviliy far tie rev- ia June s I'.'fl At t'oitj'-s- rbnd. A," V., Jus J a-I ir.'S ,.ri isvd est". IV' Eiirjin'on. ii r.a .Nov. 3. Iv-i A: Ci3 y is..':U, a . " J. -4. : Jefri ww trsnji.Ttwnaaai . ; NipM, April H.h. Learn the real joy of walking on Spring Step Rubber Heels. These ne7 Spriiig-StepRed Plug Heels I ujjj. iiu muru man oroinary ruuuci nccid. Don t accept inferior heels get the best Any of these reliable dealers will put a-pair of Spring Step Rubber Heels on your shoes for 50 cents. ATHLETIC CONTEST WAS E!G SUCCESS v" il a u .'U. - w-J-.U 5- rran-l- tCONriNcED from page cne i i'al.. J. J. inJWkeii oat lij.1 1;-ji.m.os. clen-cjr, ! ry;.n Is. Av..eji !,". it J At siaa rs Cal. J. .v A'is t San JYanffis fjraU-ed ia Ir.-nJ o? aes.S.1 r Ci3 J. J. J i Sens. i.:-etS-.d ct Ja r. M-e t"aa ; - piu, .o of ej.j , Mcurvse. clli.r- 2 r""" jisa ti ja;r a:nrs la-unzei t Jiily j.-J. .J. Jwt.' oa' uss cimf. At. u tract arret af: prvtoly ' atteKBre4 -a mtreaji. tie fitir rsanj.& croi Kaal aaij as rt:re at Rstr Nf- a-lUeii?- r-Jd ss t.h aat delaret Mar'n I '.art tSusj.JSerealed ai e3a?'..j::, i;.;;:-. ' wfceu the latVr .no---vt tir j-. - Paradr. Koe?S. 12 round. . . f -.TSt rrt!M f ti iay spenei t tCONriLEB Ffia. FACE ONE I a;";u-r a ?njt j vcoaared sa tress I . -' i.v iw wa aeau, .v-a-.i..-.i t J.rlts kal . J. Ui irj ;i - iset ai - at; Saturday; , -Ti weajster traa I laravtvr Main A aseetiojt ef lriaes sc iers cI t.e A'!'.; tli,:a and aU ot.-f ra.t, a Pro' H. H R.. An ac; S;s choir of tlstrtv trci gave Bart-I-'""s cjrt-U.! for l!.si T. "Frox la'i t. iafc"" at a (es'ir'r seru. at ta Eirit cV-irra e;efiay. j Tie sj:-e.f-?,'s lV:-v.a;2i aai jaias uliSig.'' worV wa 4ifJt.L-i by tat . .-2'cj1".-'..vo ti TV wKie kroaran. A . 'r i vm. !.- n . . " . to sll-iie taer wa tswt . Cm baraoa ictweea tlsfwt aa4 liearera. CO?? IwEW CLEC. SHOE SHOR. Z-Z W. 0ia. tia- Ave. r 1 , . .-: J. W. STEELE SHOE SHOP. 1t5 S. 1st St. MIKE LANZL SHOE SHOf, 2I6 E- Okta. Ave. AM Fr.U lilK liFJi UITj, njr: KrI) iug opimg-oiep iu;.ur,3r j'ietis are made bv r . be Largest Rubber Company in the World. IPJ l is-fesc?! kie fcSi times in Guti-f? Feli. t$. isw AS L AJt3v.T-;rt ronsmy l "f-s "t 'rJI" ..d iJ-ir .r.i 1 wand. Pee 5 At Sf4an AwtraUtj fa ad.eiea to tie ve&. ti .-.Vvrsoas lateresieJ l.gsa roads i'?- atcaadei la Kit , fi'.'oi rJ? t . viisjfr of coaierce , -i ."a:'-a:i 5-is sad tse.- -t .Urfieat tiiis mstec t eoa-i weJl Stut4 ay . R.-H- y.ttp the- r'j-is for c-s:t-.'" f a"d -A.- .A. VVst.-iSSrss .Marsd.-.fltt scot K&$fiZS oa'Vreic"4'y aad Brows- !ry aaiaat- lsai.el 'Jssvw. Yi:.-.r5iar ti r .. r.,v;j:ijl Des Stewart. Sot raaaa: Mr iatrestcd .la better ruad nil ia ib ' . i'arier saitta. js:$-es tt-TH' jie .ite rmaia.'.es cm tae swat -trass. Eeftaa PWieaer.. ttr Pintagift. ai waiaeusal !i:sjwav uti bar tfc-!w;- Sr. FneJt S'iwil. tar: Mr Ft 4 cy all tia WarUU to aa-3 Irt tie E. Wife's, laritcae. isi Dr. C. B. I"arx!i. ejLJCNt.'cE. rcaie ojS asi he! " lis Vrs. H. H K aa wis a. :if ----- t - nu tae- aieettas aad ii wo.- t he ora. fer or a -awosBtAaJst fc- aw ts.;s weH-s. a &. . ' uti " a o.'sa order. s May- it'j?' is J o.t ?:: r aiJ-i i-i-. fV;..-'e i j? Ct lr f r day t knap aj. wica wat .'F4-tnofc is 1 nir.ior- 2 -sSi4 as a tK:Sis;a v!"t ar diiiLt --.c'r: Ave jna a4 as pt- t'i be." s-b the 'i r.ctt bere la - Ii'-r; Tr-F.y- a wsa:re Tciue aaj fcrfsg yuar tr ltaa;tts. tie -Ssfa.-diy. Every fe-o-fiy 1 was la ;tv,irs. nejjoa. a ct.-aj ;...l r.-j ia!' !ia;.es ef .tcl : w.v ex's: 5 ei .n t.-e j i.and.? Tie p.r5i?4 were aaariei as JUsei Js dso Prat Me fir tie n.aac-. . t-f Js t. iS . 1 orsiicE is e-.aa cf Lie Mi s- aooL t o..t. f. .- :s j ii.-t.-..t is largi8 aaa'aer pf iKirais of d:s rr:ct ia Krf S:ea i-t. U.r.r: : r: i-arfst r cea!- jT earoHed bxS C- i ct :2s. trav in. i; iwa-i. Jltr -t - - t 1 J Ftatst decarased ,C-:-aa. lis'r: i .i1 ? -.9. Kt"T, J led It r iea's cf d-s- es. I ;v,ihi-' , Ue ft i re. !. tscsaccr f cvis:a. c i"!'. rf tie wrL'ry and a br carl? cf rrv4ji mput ntwr it.m.i;ch t. r,.,lry ae'4 a t-u.--l potiikm reitortid ia a Renter Pelrograd Jis tit .!..$ij vf ff-Ll vi-tiy ctsl patch. A scmi-oifictal eommanlcation- ;"C"-T- cf noasJaa from fvlastofKil to.', Petrograd says 'fa-i'j theft ur.J tKiopmi tin..; M: JledjWfth struck-a mine near i.r tnnx n tt.A B.Ltn.r of Man-h. tt,'RBssteB cwtaf'Saturday night and c!'iif fr.T. thf ttortH aad wetii Jon. '' the s.,,aiii. ' Th MediKca wan member of the -h.!e tie t:.-ps d.-S rered s,,., K,!8!i!an pom on several oc-nas-y a-iarts. ..- uv -t. Cat, 't;aSfMi sank Russian vessels. On .si, .t e? zrA , t They 3aBtterjp 3l it wa8 announced at PKro- . r -! r-:-i .; c- s - y:4 dii.jwere earrtetf. 'Meat'-. !t at tl.e t of fio tm e ! I -laadt aa-t .-a k Lest ftctti fa:are.. Soci S!-i3itit ost ,t,r S03JS, cf tit. Sa Artlsar Fftibf-e. a lr wsssers isext ear. " j-rad that the Medjidieh with the Tnrfe ' crater ''Mtdirit formerly the Ger- :i,e. Hu- "f?ta :iv;.?.r;h n Ak ' &ESM t? the R.iau - -r ..j..... -A OHM a tUlift UV4K -baytiat-t- The Aairtrlaa ' " jjtujuea'-waa nn Atuorican briii sttip, haing bcett laid down In f, . .. , . . .. PliifaueJphia in 1903. She was not a tt.j .sr.-i:-b?s ai 5'.ra :s i .er ,r ... Apr. ,-U-, ' froot.- X .v. Jalf t.' IS IS AS Ui ess- Jack JcfcEaoa oa :rc3. 4-.m rovsrsis. r.E.e T. i-i i'.av;&.. lorT E-.ereu; -i;4sr ijin t-..- -fjuri"" 1 orly aiea jtrcra uui last "ar 'rear. At pwtfss. Fran-re V Track Meet. , ;Tiy er ;-; f-,2 ti Iteititlt ai t clsc. Aawacrj :;.-a F-irnt.vna t ---i-i; t- eft- Tap Gathr'i Efficiency Expert Dies in Philadelphia. A Prrf. IfrCor- l"tl S-.-Jt' o ri'i s ast-ave a i ? ! H u H ii CAPT. HUGO Ili'; I;.tr with AiiU-r; .h; V- v f -rf 1 - 5 "T I trf.: cf Uk Cajari H:a was ti? ksoWtriek aih-ti:s tie e.T. -:j1 '.irti-r. AS tjt-'" Ji. J . ... ftrU aad iwree fc.aaai. ww? Tae c-hfidrve www ksw" Sar .... :xayr wT2 rBtirr. . wza . B1t a!m a,'- 1 tc&w fraat 2 toys a-;eti r!-r'f. aaJ.i; , proifast fcasist--- mm. ferce veM'l and her armament was S(.h to the er,mtwrtvo1v lirf.f ' --i, t .. j-;. r - i . fc'-'- -m.v -.. t vi i-Td s-T-r. T jU- y,ts,e forty-two feet beam and ltv! C' --r"!,"'1.1?.' . a Jlsp!aeeanat of 3,132 oos. She was ' -'W: fcM cn,t Uh two alx-toch gun,, eight f V " S"''C 4.7-imh ran, ,U Spounders. six 1- 7 " VT' f-tee lTOit- and wo':turne)o tubt. Hit . . ...n.A.ay wu a c.U-tttent was 80S iwti; j-....y. ..(.! ro tn tHe cvr.tfi-io- .' . ;.s?vTr aruvtty in that aa-ttr" i ' fiZ SUv Scholarsiiip Jo Capilii t,7"rtd Cru"tr u"'h Wi. Ciy Easiness Coliew leader Of- . hoasM. Apr I S.-rt ?5.iia .f tfe .:.-e-" . ;-;zcr for tic T"--f.Ti w-e fBf Hse atS i r J I ! r. gir i; ?-r of j .IT.J Frea Attract;-! r, i a t .iii t 1 f " cr T ,aj-f-; CUi I :-ifi.S2j sa S3a U Fr .r tt5 -'! "- as- . t:a it aaa a--t f'-aaJre-J fr-anal wit "-ii-!5iai coi as ie t Jff-.a-.' rt sf as ec fa ek- aal t c e-ars et-tinireK wt"l ws tie s - tati V f-r- :"-. T' v : r 4 fi'!'j 3! ? - ' tt It ry Wcissr t-f tv-ii-,tr e.x: rear V-.--rr- r. a :' ' " " t-fr - Tz t -.'T-.l . w3i.ri wrre ai- ? . I ri -;--t a. '( 1,11, ' i; 5 ir "I -', .ri so bb M. ! t- t :.- A i U wrc: Tr-- '.' r.sTi c-! v r fx- aal t-.;i - r i H. Oarw. list. aa-ie ie:5- , " t"aa,--e".l r-t. T ra I ovists, j s s Claw A ftr- t"-I wS'.i t WiTXasa Haa-oc. C"?-a. tASt.,1 " It Wara!l. r-it.: -f- '-Cii 3. tw i-yy t5J :! ' :-"a: a.-. Ja Ji.x. t-jreK. S'-ft- - l.'il.-e l-i:"f fi"..3 t: . Ti: . ' i 'li y. - f'i i i rr R.- i.- ii uy tlre u! fei ;1fa? ir-J ttrtry n tfc f for tae VeV.ewa. ff i :! i -. ti t;i s ;'t:u"jt;e L "ae; iiJ'. -v i---e . F. W. Tiy"--. c.r.jtit:-ir i.sT tie -ira av;sir.e Ec :it cLiTn- aest. d ia hit i.zte Ft.'ii!- r9H.-a-!y fnva jf-'TEj:. If ras Rftyaiaw yr oJ-.L ax4 a far- f prwiiest of AsMritraa Sa:icy if Me-aaaa.Ttl rn.'.in. Ac.-rt kls jaair;s feteat. est! S-jorer;-s r -- "- .'- r-- raa tie Tayar-Wa:"e reatiaj osen fcjs eed t-x.s. 1j ctJS - C"- raj tie aa:a,3f ef arwefe o !- ' i-n-T 1 c-' farts wMrfc s.3e--te4 !----a-';.:a..: j ific eK3aer. aad laSaI5d i si -2s' St $ayt j; st fa ftiaajr &rr tc4a.ral - f-.- ti ; ;-!J Tfce ssri'. were rf-'f-iiie.i tr-i ' .".ir t zs tv r--c-:-l -H-i""! ia put A r" .-'.-a cf'i j tV:E!t SEA ATTACK iaxvtktat f tiw '-it ? ts A-it"as!( arscl All Week BOOSTER'S CARNIVAL Oklahoma Ave. ard North Vine St. 3 Big Free Acts 3 10 Big Shows 10 2 Band Concerts Daily 2 "BOOST THE BOOSTERS" Meet Me on the Midway" j Cle an, m Usssy, Clever Attractions furrJs'ied bv 11 WHAT CO. P! I