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PAOE ETGTIT THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 FIRST AUXILIARY TO THE NINE DAY CLEARANCE NOW GOING ON AT THE LUTZ STORE This sale i? creating possibly the most continent of any we have heM at this season of the year notw ittotamKng the fact that the season is just beginning,, you'll find prices that are equal to passed season's offers. ,- . - . , ' iSattirday night our buyer leaves for the New York market. We will need all the room possible for his purchases. That is why we are making siu'h 'exceptional prices. Special Values in Staples This season we devoted an unusual effort to our staple section. We have bouglit with utmost confidence .merchandise that we are certain will appeal t'o the economical mind. The advertised' num-, hers show only a few of the big money saving items. k v "" . " Table Oil Cloth Regulation widl'h. light and dark colors. An oil cloth usually sold at 20c. Our sale price, per yard IK ..iui 50c Conestogo Ticking 39c .i."t; inches wide, positively will hold feath er?1 !)ihikl c;iiaiaiileed the best 00 feather tick made. 50c value, a yard L.JJU 10c Dress Gingham 8 1 -3c Standard width Zephyr Gingham. Late style stripes. Plaids, Checks and solid colors. Plenty for all. The best on die market at the price. joc value for 8 1-3C 10 yds Bleached Muslin 67c High standard extra quality, full thirty-six inches wide. Round thread. . Bleached pure white. Fine soft finish. 10 yards for 67c. 25c Shirting Madras 14c Thirtv-'four inches wide, aw excellent cloth for skirts and shirt waists. White with green, Blue, Lavender and Black stnpes. Also the Jaquard et tects. excellent value tor 25c. bale price 14c 10 y'ds Pepperal 77c Enough for a pair of sheets. The highest grade unbleached muslin on the market today. 10 yards for 77c. 10 yards Brown Muslin 48c The biggest offer of the season. A full vard wide. ' Round thread, wire twist, soft smooth finish. ' Full L. L, Muslin; 10 yards for 48c. 7 l-2c Apron Gingham 5c Staple checks, full bolts not mill ends 'fifty pieces. Green, Crown, Blue, Black checks. Old Reliable for aprons. A yard 5c fE TRIED TD Mllfl HIE III HIS HEART prn INSANE WATCHMAN I'SES A .WHITE HOT POKER ON SELF UIIJI DLIIU GENERALS DIE - III BATTLE PRESS BUREAU GIVES NUM BER AT 43; 31,276 OF . FICERS LOST Women's Hose Reduced We have two lots of women's &i!k hose that are marvelous val ues, purchased early in large' quantities at our price. It is our de sire to make a quick disposal of these hose and in view of that fact have marked thenn down for the nine days clearance. LOT 1 At 19c Women's Silk flose really worth 35c. Our former price was 25c. Fourteen inch boot top triple knit heel and toe. Linen finished soles. Air sizes. AH Mack. Splendid summer weight. Extra good seconds. Our sale price 1.9c,. LOT 2 At 35c A regular 50c Silk Hose for women wirh deep garter hem, re-inforced heel and toe. Very serviceable quality. All black. Extra good values. Sale price to dose out quick 35c or 3 pair for $r.oo. 25c FLORAL VOILES 19c 36 indies wide. A few of the new tape striped lace voiles in the lot. There is not a newer or better one. Truly a 25c .value for 19c. $1.00 KID GLOVES 25c For Ladies' small sizes, 2 clasps, white, black and col ors. We must clean them up rig-ht now. Choice 25c. JVVIIbingtou, Dfl., April 8. Gurnle Mangine. 80 years old. watchman ot Ihe Concord crosslna of the 'Balti more and Ohio- railroad here, tried to burn out Ills own heart today, (He placed a poker In a stove in the Watchman's tower and heated it to a white heat. Then,-holding it against his chest, squarely; over the heart, he pressed (f inwardly with all his might. ' U :;.";;.;';.. ' '..'; iwhen the hot metal burned its way through his flesh; he fainted rrom tne torture; 3ie was discover- ; "Out of 7.063 cavalry officers, M e unconscious a half hour after-lhave been killed. SSI hava teen ward, when the crossing gates were Wounded or are missing; Out of tl'2. not raised., and was taken to. the Del-1 10S artillery officers, 912 have beer aware hospital. , He will die. f killed and 8M have been woundet' (Beyond saying he wanted to end I or are missing, his existence he would give no rea- '"The rraml total of officers of th Paris, April 8. The press bureau of (he war office gave out figures to- day., compiled from different official German lists of losses of German of ficers. These figures show, the- press bureau says, that of a total number of Generals in time of peace. 43 have been killed and $7 are wounded or missing. -.;:.:"'; .-t.. III1 "Out of .03.134 Infantry officers, 8. 604 have been killed and 18,184 havf been wounded or are missing," th bureau announcement says further. son for the deed, die berame sense- less before the hot poker reached his heart. . Aoe is Not the Causa of your hair falling out. It is the con cilium 01 your scaip. 60. "93" Hair Tonic will destroy the germ which is the cause ot this trouble. oU cents a bottle. Gray's Drug Stor. German army at the beginning of th war. Including men in the active ser vice.' reserve and' landwehr, was 62, 805. out of which, tin to ATarch.: If 9.92C have been killed and ; mjSu have been wounded or are missinp This makes the total of losses 31.276 'This shows that the grand tota of losses, among the' officers of th' German army, Is more than half theb number on the day of the declaratior ot war." r vs..,.,": . A hundred sacks of Sun Gold flour to be given away this evening at the Old Time Spelling Match at the City I Cough. Hall. mid ESCAPED PRISON IN MEXICO Santa Fe. Sk M.A'pril 8.-iDr. Wil liam B. Davis, American Vice Consul at Cuadalapars, escaped -J imprison ment by Carranza adherents by hid ing on the roof of ihe consulate af ter an assistant had locked and seal ed the doors, according to private let- Your Child's Cought Is a Cs.'' for Heir Don't nut oft treating your Child Jt" not only ; saps men strength, but often leads to mon serious ailments; Why risk? Y01 don't Havfl to. Dr. .King's New Dis covery is just the remedy your Chile neeids. It is made" with soothing healing and antiseptic balsams, iwil quickly check the Cold and sooth' your Child's Cough away. No odd' how bad the cough or how lonr standing. Dr. King's New Discover will stop it. It's guaranteed. Jus get a bottle from your Druggist anf try it. $1.00 SILK GLOVES 50c For ladies, slightly soiled. All white, two clasps, Kayser make. Literal assortment of sizes. A pair 50c. BLACK MESSALINE 73c Thirty-six inches wide, only one piece to sell at the price. This inessaljne is just on our shelves. A yard 73c. Women's Underwear Specials . y Summer Union Suits and Vests of fine Sea Island cotton. Most remarkable values. Bought early at a big saving. .We had this sale in view at the time. .'Roth items are interesting from point of price and quality. At 25c Women's Union Suit, tight or lace knee, silk taped neck and shoulders "of fine bleached , cot ton, open gore. Will compare well with most 50c sellers. All sizes. We w'ant to sell them quick. Sale price 25c. At 10c 3 for 25c Women's Summer Vests, lisle finished, cut full and long, silk taj)ed neck and straps. Full Weadied. It is a regular 15c quality. All sizes. Nine Days' Clearance Sale 10c or 3 for 25c $2.50 Kid Gloves 98c 50c Silk Gloves 25c or ladies 16 button length. Real Kid Skin. For ladies. White, Black and a few colors. Jadc, ran, Wmte and evening shades. A few Odds and Ends. Our sole .purpose h to clean pairs of a kind. .Some :of them real $2.98 values. rhem up. Sizes 6 ami 7. Two clasp gloves. .lo clean them up-Sc- RegllIar 50c ioTJ2 Values O.J2ry$Oi SQuaity MMMVMHMaMBBHnBHWMMBW I ' ' " - .. ,, , ,i Notice Settings of Pure Bred Barred RocV ' - 1 . il eggs, incuuator omerg prompny ii ed. Phono Mrs. A. C. Hirzel, at No 1415, or call 2114 West Cleveland. Ir ters from Guadalajya received here! this connection I wish my patrons tc today. He remained on the roof two know that 1 retain me ngni w sen m days during the evacuation by the produce of our place, Carranza forces. 'fiie new war ioan'inrposed by Villa at (iuadaiapara, there . advices say, include the following sums on Am ericans: .. ' f Amparo Mining Company of Phil adelphia, 170,000 pesos; A. W. Geist 'and John it Kipn hardware .mer chants, 7,000; A. R. Downs, real es tale man. 1,000; h. Gas & Co., the principal French Dry Goods firm, has been forced to pay 220,000 pesos Or the natives Joaquin Cuesta, a prominent ' citizen, was WW pr at 1 niir. 1 l ' vssi Foe firec Fortified Tires NIWCat Tlr"On Aif" Cur .4 WithAU.W..lh-Tr..d.or Smooth 3 PriceReductions Our last biff reduction on February 1st made the third in two years, totaling 45 per cent. Thus, as our output in creases, you get more and more (or your money. Be (air with yourself try these tires. Any dealer will supply you. f-Have Pushed Millions or uocks rrom me . Tire Road They have saved waste and trouble to hundreds ol thou sands of motorists. The result is that last year, despite some hun dred rivals, men bought about one Goodyear for every car in use. , , The rocks that remain are MishaD and Misuse. No tire t can ever avoid them. w But, if t iyoull judge tires by merit, not fp & by luck, you are bound to come 1 VJ? to Goodyears. You'll find they I average best ' ' ' r The Rocks Avoided W have saved millions of rim-cuts, blowouts and loose treads by features exclusive to Goodyears. ' " AVe have brought you security through our piano ; wire base. 'i-i fi'W 1 Oitf 'All-Weatferh-efld- exclusive' td! Goodyears has minimized punctures, tread wear and skidding. It is tough and very thick. The grips are sharp-edged and resistless. All these protections the best ever developed are in Goodyear Fortified Tires alone. Goodyear Service Stations Tires in Stock NEW YORK HARDWARE COMPANY .-i:C.:V..McraLU he number of dependent widows with SCHOOL ' hlldren will Increase. . " DEPARTMENT PRUNED. (For baby's croup, Willie's, dailv :uts and bruises. (Mamma's ' sorti hroat, . Grandma's lameness. Dr. rhomas' "Klectric Oil the household emedy. &:c and 60c. ; i , ust As Advertised. , 1 ' . The forms taught by Prof. W. A.'L. loff are just as advertised; the iriefest known, hence the eaniest to each, learn and use; and they admit the greatest possible, speed readi ng nearest perfection in legibility of ny work on penmanship.. WILL PENSION THE WIDOWED MOTHERS Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1 A (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) within tho purview of the law, and the payment of which will serve to hole the family together. The payments tc be made are $10 a month to tne mother and $10 a month to the first child under 14 years of age; to each additional child the sum of $5 a month This law will not mean the abandon- promptly I ment of asylums and homes tor de- shot by the Villa forces when he re- pendent children, but it is a step to fused to pay his assessment. lthat end: it is the beginning of a sys tem of home care for such children. Many states are abandoning the whole system of asylums for dependent children and are giving these over U real or foster mothers for a character of guardianship that may not be had in institutions. Twenty-three states now ' have mother pension laws. In most of the states that have thera they have work ed well. To be sure, there have -been arguments and theorizing without end having this pensioning of poor mothers c,.toi t Tvn To.or as me suojeci. n nw ueeu "h1 w ' " " ..... . . i .... ..... Oilton. Okla.. Aorll 8.-Althoueh some legislators imu tne move ' - I X . ,-.., -.-J t- t tnhn H Murium Tr nlH tila nil inieni 18 Olicuwwu lu mticnoo ywnj holdings recently in this vicinity for rainer man 10 remeuy . .v . t2.nnn.ono.thn nri- onnM hv oil entering wedge for bills to pension old men, his father, John II. Markham, People, women wno nave tost ineir Sr.. orefers to keen on workine. and husbands and every one else who has i, i- hot an adequate income. "But that is j J5 nun aumiiiiB iiar on iuDa ui tnnl fn th fil,l wnrkine on the fiim not argument. It may oe consiuerea Yarhnla loase fnr h Carter Oil mm- mere a&aertion. fS-whi, h hi. i m hi n. On the other hand, mere are legisia- I . . t . 1 1. .. f n,t,..i,a, 4a crtr,A erty. ; The Senior . Markham is close for a widowed motner wun nungry Beat Enid. Oklahoma City, Okla.i April 8. In signing the general appropriation bill Governor Williams eliminated several items, among which "is a sal ary,,200- a year for the assistant ohicf clerk )n the office of state super intendent, of public instruction, this being stopped at the end of the pres ent fiscal year. An appropriation of $1,800 for a salary of field geologist is cut out, as well as another of $2,000 for, educational work in the same de- pratment. Several other minor items are eliminated. Forty thousand children in lear Los Angeles have savyd almost 51,000,000 in bank deposits. The children are all under 16 years of ago. LISTEN L . JUST RECFIVCn AT and I OLSMITH'S, CASE OF LA LUEBANA MANILA CIGARS (IMPORTEO) 5C EACH. FRESH AND FINE, TRY THEM, AND BE PLEA8ED. HE KEEPS WORKING ttatt Charters. The Right Way Scales & Novelty corporation of Tulsa, capital $10,000; incorporators: B. Brubacker, M. L. lirumley, Mrs. Eva Brubacker, Tulsa. IVi'd Wat?r Heater company of Tulsa: tapiial. $10,000; incorporators: Floyd A. Sanders, W. C. furrier, J. H. Mor gan, Tulsa. Berlin. April 8. Crown PrinceBS (Cecilie gave birth to a daughter Wed nesday. The mother and child are Let the old time crack spellers aoln e"- 1e crown princess, who (niiif out and "tspcll down" the youths i is a daughter of the iaie Friederich w luay- . - - m- JFmux III t STORK VISITS HOME OF GROWN PRINCE Me klenburg-Scherwin married Friedrich William, the Ger man crow now have emest noy 9 years daughter. , old and a widowed mother with children is good for society at large. It has not Tllese abSrt that a chila 18 Dettcr oM in its mother's care, even ir it be an inefficient mother, than It could be under the averaging influences of an institution; that the cost can not be balanced against the benefit to society in having its children better cared for. itI A ALL 1 A 1 .fk in,lpnpnilnf nrl loon on In th ntlv 1 " lesiaiuuon umi mi8ui game. Prior to the sale of the Mark-I " ' to 70 years old and has been in the oil fields all his life, always in the drilling end of the game. been very long since he was running from five to six strings of tools in this field. It is said by oil men that give n prince, in June 1905. They 'the sod has asked the; father i gi five children, four boys, the up his work in this fluids, 'fxf-ep Oft er- one ing to put hi in on a salary if neces- i sary, but that hte father prefers to be J TficPatcntccI KcdPky. rrevents Slipping mis fa-pi rsei', ajfciKi? WidkKgM-h2onft Over 4 Million up-to-date people wear these heels. r They know them to be the real economy-comfort heels. Learn the real joy of walking on Spring-Step Rubber Heels. Shoe manufacturers are rapidly adopting Spring-Step Rubber Heels. Such famous makes as Queen Quality and Dorothy Dodd are equipping with them. V These new Spring-Step Red Plug Heels cost no more than ordinary rubber heels. Don't accept inferior heels get Spring Steps. Any of these reliable dealers will put a pair of Spring-Step Rubber Heels on for 50 cents. A hucdred sacks of Sun Gold flour hanj gtuff tQ fte Carterj th(j gcn(or experiment is obvious. But nobody oe given away tn evenmg at tne wa, ,uperintondent on his can Prove tliat thls wUl ttctua"y naP Old Time Spelling Match at the City' Hall. Baseball tomorrow. Guthrie High vs. Enid High. son's properties. Adler's Orchestra will furnish thej music for the grand march Thursday night, City Hall, pen, because states are passing laws that enable widowed mothers to keep their little children together by hand ing them a pittance out of the tax funds. Neither can it be proved that h. inskeep shoe shop. Okla. Ave- 124 BOWENS NEW .32$ W. Okla. ELEC. 8HCE SHOP,, Okla. A v.. E. R. B- WILLIAMS, 110 S. Division St. J. W. STEELE SHOE 8HOP, 1t9 S. TBI Ot. MIKE LANZL SHOE SHOP, 116 E- Okla. Ave. ASK FOlt THE HEEL WITH THE HED PLUG opnngotepKubber Heel are ir made by the Xargest Rubber h Comnanv in fl.. V vJ" J i, vi iu.