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THE OTTTTTRrR DAILY LEADEN, FRIDAY, APRIL Ifi, 3913. WANTS CLASSIFIED THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma Suite Cap ital 'March 8, 11)11.) Official Paper , ol Constitutional Convention. Official City and County aper. i NOT I C E TO5 UB SC R I B E R S. ''In the event of delivery being im porfe. t. or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated, subscribers are urged to make ..Immediate- complaint to the business office In person, by telephone or mail. ,. Mall subscribers should examine the address on the label of their paper, it shows when subscriptions expire. When you remit tbe label is changed, if not, notify this office. II you wish your subscription discontinued write the office, otherwise the paper will toe continued. In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ' RATES On Cent A Word, , V No Classified 'Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75, - TERMS-CASH. . Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. tore TTransf ir asd Sterags All Work Guaranteed 114 N. First Phone 131 AT SECOND HAND STORE Repair work we repair anything Sewing .Machines, liaby Carriages, Go-Carts, Washing Machines, Bicycles and Guns. We Resilver Mirrors , ,. . FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing STEELE'S 115 South First; and mirror plat. Ing also done, . ' HAND LAUNDRY 517 South Third Work dono strictly m stylo. White Dresses Men's Whito Shirts, and Ladles' Waists, a specialty. All worn guaranteed. Phono 1152. C. J. BRIGHT, Prop. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. imEHS.MAKJNU-YVill open a -dressmaking parlor at 111 East Okla homa avenue. April 19th; prices reas onable. Fancy and plain sewing, H. M. ADAMS. Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm 'Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent. -Office over Bank of Commerce. Phone 414. Res. Phono tin TYPEWRITERS. Oliver No. 5, little used ....$25.00 Manhattan .... .... 10.00 Remington No. 10, rebuilt 40.00 Underwood No. 4, rebuilt. .1'.". . 45.00 L. C. Smith No. 2, rebuilt 45.00 Royal No. 5, second hand...... 40.00 Rentals $2.50 and $3.00 per month. Typewriter ribbons 50c. Carbon Paper $1.00 per 100 sheets. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1Wj 13. Okla. Ave. Phono No. 7. KKBBJEKlKMfSJEXXESHK 35 T. C. VINSON. Iff The time to take earn of the if 58 hair Is while you have It. Elec- iH trie Face and Scalp Massage. S 5fi Scalp Treatment a ' specialty, a Hair cut, 25c. 119 So. First; M 3S street. Stop in for a scalp ft V. treatment KKKRRKKBMKISKHHXS fiH3SSKSaSB3SKKB9EH H I.. L. Billings, dealer and fs & shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells 'A SS Water Shipments made to any Jd SI point in the United States. ftl'fcone C29. Res. 123 North Broad. , KKK Kto-imaKZV! X 9 m & & x & is K x ss :. m is ; w w t is : $ : x ai w i M THE OKLAHOMA STATE BANK M .Deposits protected .by. Guaranty law. Interest on time deposits K Safety Di'i'osit Boxes. Firtproof Valills for 'rent. ,, ,Mijiiny W loaii.' , M 'a'K,:x k j! H.r''ifi k xx,:r. x h k m x x km k m yi . 'A X 'A X X K X 'A X X X A9i if' M 'AX XX X A X X X X X iS a J. B. FAIRHELD Established 1889 Phone 20 31 Transfer, Coal, Wood and Storage. Receivers and Distributors i4 of car lots. Goods packtd, stored ar.d shipped. 407 West -Harrison. x x ss x x x x x :: x ; x x sssxkssxsixsx x x x x x x a ' e s k a W. M. BRONSON, Pres. Incorporated. The Oklahoma Mortgage and Trust Company, Guthrie, Oklahoma. FARM LOANS: Lowest Rates. Interest and principal paid at onr office. i I ; Phone 308 Blank Building. WANTSIWAOTS CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED FEMALE WAViKB Steady niiddlo aged lady lor companion .fop .tydorly, ',tn ami fr (Luo utri; of small rounilifg house. Il West Cleveland WHITE woman ut tillS W. Noble, wants family wash. Worthy. W'ANTKD 'Live, energetic woman or girl, excellent proposition, good pay local work. Call for Mrs. G. Getrost, 2J2 X. 2nd, afier 5 o'clock p. in. LADIES Inimediutely. Home work evenings. Addressing folding cir culars, etc.; $5.00 per 1,000. No scheme. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Enclose Btamp. Erina Specialty Co., Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTED MALC MEN Increase, your earnings. Learn the barber trade for which there la always a demand. Many jobs waiting at wages higher than you would ex pect. Taught In short term by our system. Earn while learning., Write today. Moler Barber College, Kansas City, Mo. TOR RENT FOR RENT Close In, furnished rooms, by day, week or month-; every convenience; use of piano. Phone 949, or call 314 East Vilas. FUR Ml SHED ROOM Close 1 U o J-'- Pleasant and largo. Inquire 40; Vilas. Phone 1092. , FOR HEfNT 3 light housekeeping rooms, cistern. 320 E. 'Noble. FOR RENT A Modern C-room house f l U HUH V.1QUUU nmvju mlL UUDl Washington. Call 1st dqor west. ; FOR RENT Threo housekeeping rooms, modern and convenient. Mrs. Martha Neal, 418 East Logan. FOlt RENT Good 4 room house; good barn and rave. Cheap. In- 1 quire at. leader Office. FOR RENT A l-room modern house furnished or unfurnished, for (i mouths or a year. Reference re quired; no children. Phone IMG, or call at 117 North First ' , . I.08T AND FOUNO. liOST 'Hot ween I I DO West 'Noble and Division St, one bunch of keys. Finder please return to Leader office and got reward. LOST Pink Cameo -necklace penant. Ixist. April 0, 1915. Engraved on back "M. Chilton." Return to A. It. Swank. Reward. LOST A largo Mack handbag, with small purse inside. Money in bills wrapped in cloth and some silver. Finder retur nto Oklahoma State bank and receive liberal reward. Lost be tween College and Vine streets, Sat urday morning. Mrs. F. M. Durall. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy young calves. Harley Kellogg. Guthrio, Okla., Phone 015.KP WANTED TO BUY 100 acres with in five miles of Guthrie. Must be good and a bargain. Dooiey and Armstrong. Over Brown's Dry Goods Store. TO EXCHANGE TO TRA'IHS Wanted to trade VMM acres of improved land in Texas county for an automobile. 'Sec W. D Packer. WANTED To trado modern six room house, within block of court house, large barn, cistern, fifty feet of ground, for farm property close to Guthrie.' Prefer land east of city. Address, "D. E. II.." care of Dally Leader, Guthrio, or Box 64, Guthrie. FOR 'EXCIIAJsCrE Good 4 room brick cottage In Sapulpa, Okla. This i3 a good cottage and rented for $10.00 a month. Want Guthrio prop erty clear or encumbered for a like amount $2 000.00 clear property in Orlando. Want clear Guthrie. Ex changes a specialty.' Insurance and Notary work: M. larrett. Room 9. Plfitt East Oklahoma Avenue. x jk msastsx a a a a a L- D. BRONSON, Sec. and Treas. Js CLASSIFIED PERSONAL 1AIHPH! A-tr ymr Pnu'l'W l rhVh'.DUirA flit, ilif IMnm'ind Hruntt. l-t'r ymts tliwn V. He't! snlfl, Alwlv1, k..t., Kifv "I v'ir lii!i'.i Tftlin no other. Cl,l,'lti'u-n l'lftiwoil Itruiid I'HU r mum tor lftrvitlrtl M-vwli"r. FOFi 8.MT KOIt SAUK Fresh Jersey. Cow, at 51C K. (Harrison. FOR .SALE--Fresh cows ami calves, cheap. 1'. W., Gilford, Route Guthrie. I'houn H 35. FOR 3ALI2 -Ml volumes of Emperhl Encyclopedia, almost ne.f. Cheap Address II. E. C. Care Leader. FOR , SALE Puro bred fawn and white Indian runner duck eggs, cents for 13; single comb Rhode Jslund red hen eggs, 75 cents for 13. Mrs M. A. Hutchins, Route 8, Guthrie. ARKANSAS farm for sale, CO acres, four room house, good burn; cheap, for cash. Will take new Ford or Saxon car as part pay. K. R. Herbert, 421 East Springer. ' FOR SALE Pure Bred Barred Rock eggs. Incubator orders promptly filled. Phone 1415, 2114 W. Clove Mrs. A, C. Ilirzel, . GET WINTER EGGS Our S mo. old pullets at 50c each, will lay all win ter. Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, Leg horns. Our famous ever livo baby chicks are 12c each. Our hatching eggs, 20 for $1; 100 for $4.00,. hatch 90 per cent. ' Talking Poultry Yards, Ilalnesport, N, J. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent for 3 years, SO to 1.60 acre alfalfa fanw with priv ilege ' of buying. Address .It. T. Spencer, 116 West Main St. Okla homa City. ',..' LAW BOOKS FCR SALE Oklahoma Roimrts, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, i and C. Also 2,' 3, 4 and G, One vol. each of Washington, 15; Illinois, 158; Missouri, 191. Address Daily Leader, Guthrie, Okla. TOWEt SUPPLY. Towels and aprons or all :imls fur nished at very reasonable prices. See before you buy. J.VD. Crays. CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. Let us furnisH yon a Sanitary Garbage can and keep It clean for you. Phone 8J2. NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE. W?hercas, It appears from an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court of the County of Logan and State of Oklahoma, bearing date the 31st day of March, A. D., 1915, to me directed and now in my hands, that on the 29th day of September, A. D., 1914, in au action then pending in said Court, wherein L. W. Hoge was plain- I HIT nn,1 Moliaun A Wlllhniiie nml Bertha Fisher and Melissa A. Will- bouse as Hie sole heir of D. M. Will- liouse, deceased, were defendants, a personal judgment was rendered in raid Court in said action in favor of eaid plaintiff and against said defend ants for tbe sum of Six Hundred Fifty six and 84-100 Dollars (656.S4), "debt. bearing interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 25th day of July, 1914, and for the sum of Fifty- six Dollars (50.00) attorney's fee and costs of suit, taxed at Sixteen Dollars. ($10.00) and which sums were de clared and adjudged by said Court to be a first mortgage lien on the real estate therein, and hereinafter de scribed. And Whereas, It further appears (hat it was further ordered by said Court in said action that an Order or Sale issue out of said Court directed to the Sheriff of said County of Logan commanding him to advertise and sell said real estate, without appraisement, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgment, interest, attorney's fee, and costs, ar.d costs of sale, and all the right, title, interest, and equity of redemption of said de fendants in and to said property or any part thereof, as in case of sales of real estate on execution without appraisement, subject to confirmation by the Court. And Whereas, I am commanded in said Order of Sale now in my bands, to advertise and sell said premises pursuant to the order and judgment of said Court, as aforesaid. Now. Therefore, Public notice is "hereby given, that on tbe first day of May. A. D., 1915, at tho hour of two o'clocft P.M. of said day, at the North door of the Court House. In said County of Logan, 1 shall offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the real estate mentioned in said OnliT of Sale, and described ns follows, to-wit: Ail of Lots Five (3) and Six (U) and the Fast one-half (1-2) of Lot Se"- (7) in Illock Forty-plght 4S) in tint part of the City of Guthrie, known as West Guthrie, according to t'ie r--Logan or so much thereof as may be Did It Ever Happen To I yf-y&yk i .'w iv . . - BMrt i y. W" ' .-v' I.',.--- WA A A, " -.'rZA t, , .V - -Vi-';.;? M S S ,r ft YA TAKE HtKT CAb 's . N I a ivy - . ' 1 s . ww. i ni cad 's -.'.'J"- . ' ' " 1 i-J. corded plat tliereof, in said County ol nu(.c.,sar to tat-My said judgmeui. attornev's fee, and cons, and tosts of sale, and all the 'right, title inter, si and equity of redemption f mul d. fedants in and to said iiiiinisis ! r an t art 'thereof'.' as' in caoc of sic nf real estate on execution.- without appraisement subject to confirmatio - by said Court. Witness my band tills 1st day of April. 1915. W. 15. B. SIIKltWOOIv . SlierilT. By GRANT REDMAN. ITnder Sheriff. , NOTICE OF .SALE. Notice i i hereby .given that I. W. K IS, Sherwood. ' .Sheriff of Logan .. omi.- - "-"'"" r,. : ' mill - mm -uinus re om. on the '17th da'v iCompiiny. 'tire (Icfi'tubiiN ', ,n ijt,,,,,, .apprai-cnicni, and fiat th" of' May. .9!5, at "the hour of !0:l'U wTtich the f-cil idaintiff rr.over.vl " ()f pjahiiiff agalnsl said real cs o'ciock' A M' of said .lav tmd at the I jildjjnM-nt the r.aUl l.ou!a V-(;it,, ). r.-rcclo'cd. front door of, the Court House 4 - I. !:, (luHirie. Logau. County. Jahoma. sell to the highOBt biddo, W - -U, i,..,re, H , j ;, i;,pn 'rilt,t;. m,a. la har ; the folioMng dVibe , W nt - ' ; , Jy '.. u,.(lm:i. ,Ultll,r shwiff. real estate, situated in Lonan Coun- nm.i and tae Hi, t i. r .,um J-' ; , ,r.-..v, Novel 'Nanufaduring Exhibit at Ffarvelcus Exposition ! ! - i 4 . i Jo ; 1 ,J -V1 U.USTUAT10N- .lows ono of ,..e I tcnialional Kvpositinri, San I rinciM.-o. '11118 tjprncs u.e m-,;...- ,. v, the great Exposition. One of the Stale m ;.3"ri.;OT the en.ranc. IT 0..n. Sn r'n.n-1-. TM, a U mnti-h the color at the Exposition 1 A N t ' -f 'TTfl;:-- .; - : 7- I ' " ' .,-- - I . .e-,-(-t- - '- " ' 1. ' l V , - I ' . . J . ' : - ' ' ! :: . : . . - , . . ..' v- - -i! -.-V t - " . . . - ' :fT- ' , .J H. -S .1 - ' T . -..... j 1 i " n i- - : , - ; ! . '-j i ' r ! r 1 i ; i.:..-. . Li ,,!., -j ts -j I . 'h.iv V'-? -v..:-, ; ; - t , V. ,,...,' ? : . i y Is, - i. - J- i; You? v " .V. J -X. 1 '; V fV'l' '. S - lfr y I i .. ' HIS OflM IjOti -V.j,, ',v d us sJs J vf .' r ... ,..,. " ' The fast Iluir of 'tlie ' ovi'ciist. or Seaion T-.wjitr-l. c(fr. ( J.), innlin Mi'U n d' V'i t .u P.liis ( fit) al'erncys R-in-e Three C) West of the Indian fee ami wlu. u s;.h1 jmlument v.:.i ad rri,llln ' ''' '"' indsred an to all ol said defendanl.s, iiiil 'iir is under an oreer of -Fid a in mv hands issued out ot lit,- Dis trict Court of Lo.ttaii onnly. nia. on the loth d-v of April, ,i:.)!5. and directed to me 'as Sheriff, lipon a certain Jnd.a ent, n'nd.TCil in said court, on the -Otli 'da.v Svplem- tier t:il l. ill H ' 3H?" I'HTC'.il !' ' ' !n? wln'rein the National Lif. '!!l'.fiir- aiico Company is phiiuliff lul f'rMI" 1 .tl,,,,.-. r -rnlrr. .-d in' Ibis cause and It is lieuunv. Leimie I. Il'-nshav,-, .1.' .! )f further orilered In Maid .imUrent .loii'M. t:sicrfi-ot! ..Ions" and; t!,u,ot' piaintirr. rendered on Sept-inber su .i t mx 1 - ' ' -r Interest exh.mts In L.e '':;'-.:;f: f Buildings at the. to th New Tor State ending at the wonUerf.,.., handsom. suture nemo 01 io v.. - , By Mort. M. Burger. ' much o 5. n. er i W 6 I!1- ,V!..i-i, f(i-4' . i i : 0 j with -X!n! and 7-l'0 Dollars (i interest from .late at Id per cent pc .annum, and l.i further sum of Six- to be a ftMI mnrteajrc hen upon Bald id) estate l be sold and from the proceeds tin root ):e paid: firiit; rost.i of this action: second: l'Uiin- , tiffs ,iidmeiit, Interest and iitlorn i'vh fee. anil the balan-e to be ap- . idled upon the Judgment of t'le Em- ., r, il,.,, l,l,,m,-nl Cm... 4 ! t,;iri v. airVn.-'t the said defendants .f. , ,() j,. .ol,cS and -Kxi.erleiii-" viwnwnnn , . . i"i 'MU i v t -:T,. " ? ,rf ... - ."""'."."v - lV;. '.XbUWo"' of Great Exposition iZ'Z TlTt -'T ,..... ( ""TP J -'ii.ii u,; ill H?u7" V '' i JOS. H. NE-HER, Breeder' ftf- "' : . SINGLE COMB RHODE ."ISLAND REDS,,,",',, -Ciook for Sale. Egjjs in Season, . $1.50 per. Setting." VOCR PATRONAGfl " SOLICITED. Plume G I5-J. 'K. Lincoln. Guthrie, Oklahoma.'- ' y. ss x x x s. ft & a n 'A J. C. STRANG, Attorn-at-Law M Has oiien.'d un 'offlco'lu the W Dewey -llullding, CSrnbr Div'Ii- X XInn. and Oklahcma av'cnwefe, IX Room 9, GittUrle, OkU. j.U w'm X " iiractite in all the coum. t, Si ''. X X X- X X SC X X E M R.K LOOAN COUNTY ABSTRACTCO ONDED ABSTRACTER INSURANCE SURETY BONDS FARM LOANS Phone !t. , Offlc Rear Logan County tank. Three Stallions and a Jack "tew ' ,i:'"lMh-MjA Jt-.r ft .i now havo tuy t-uti',,1 famous stallions "Council H" t'Hogerleer", and "Sourbon Wave" nil1! "'Mani mth Bill" the wonuei .iJack jack Willi white'.s. - exhibition at tlic Cimarron Valley' fair grounds. c Vi ; ' -i!..l .r.'U Servloo can bo secured' - any timo by calling there,;, yViVcrftl at tention will be given tut prevent iicc-Itlonts. I'm",. ',"'. Mammoth Bill is ;i Jet " black with i.-,nly no?. l- hands" lirah. wiih c;.tra bcivy bone. Serylt'e fee. $S.00. .'?" - t "Bourbon Wave" is pedigrwd, (American Saddle Horse. JlpsUt ryi Service price $ i..).: i -.. "Council R" and "Ro3crleer,, arc both pedUreed ti-o.u-H!iorsea. registered in American - l!-st!stry. Service fee is $12. IiiSiir.-lne for livim; colt is guaranteed. If you want good stock don't fail to see me at the fairground's.- E. A. Rogers if : 1 f i T( - , . - ' It V C i, Try a Leader Want Ad Phone 75 " d -. , t 3 Lines, ., 3 Tiroes, : 25 Cents , a a : s s k s; s-: i' a; i: s s a s; a a k s a . s ?