Newspaper Page Text
' TTTTC OTTTIITITE DAILY LEADER. SATTRDAY, APRIL 17. 15)15. PA (IE Til RLE $ 1 5.00 Spring Suit " As a sample of what we can show . you in - .Men's, and. Youn'g !, Men's -Spring Sunts at $15.00, see display in our East window. The materials in thase Suits are vool the tailor ing is first class ih.e fit kr.d models are the very newest. We &re per fectly wiHing for you to compare ' them with any price suits. We have these new sit its in stripes, checks, .. overplaids, Tartans, blue serges, light and medium shade grays, and all staple colors. In addition to the sty 1 33 shown in our window, you will find many others to choose fro! mat notes and Personals of SOCIETY Lencre -Burks Phone Compare these with the suits for which you are asked to pay $20.00 and $25.00. fia Biii tei sac TV5T 0 tH TVS The Only One Price Clothier in Guthrie. Scalp Treated; Shampooing Hair Dressing AT - BATH HOUSE BEAUTY PARLOR Saturday. ''fill Bella Ganiuna anil Saturday iictkm Club. --'Miss Eleanor Bust'. Kooucy Alooney Shah Club, Mrs. .f. 12, Woodworth, : Ilia a good aud safe rule to sojourn in every" place as. if - you meant to J spend your life there, never omitting an opportunity of doing a kindness or speaklng a true word, or malting a friend. -John Kuskin. Monday. .Works Club Mrs. Charles Seely. IV H. O. Chapter Mrs. K. M. Chil eot.t. ..-. ' M. M.'C Club Will not meet. Cambridge Club Library. McZetewar Club Meet Mrs, Webb tinker and Mrs. Sam Smith nlaved substitute, bauds at auction bridge at the meeting of the McZetewar club, which took place yes terday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Tom Welch. At auction top score was made by Mrs. Webb Baker and low by Mrs. F. B. Lillie. The next meeting place la undecided. Mrs. Charles Seely will entertain the Works Auction club on Monday. New Idea Club. Mrs. 15. Ij. Hirschi was hostess to the New Idea club yesterday after noon. ' Several hours were pleasantly spent with crocheting and needle work, after which Mrs. Hirschi, assist ed .by Miss Mao Hirschi,' served a delicious two-course luncheon to the club members and Mrs. Tom McNulty. The next meeting will bo held at. the home of Mrs. W. I. Ma this in two w ceks. Informal Party Enjoyable. An informal party was given last night at the home of Miss Lee Hughes. CARNATIONS TONIGHT All Colors 39c DOZEN ,: ImM ; Stdref i in. j cut oon finds that lie. luui very ! occasions to tlodg the issue. few , : ' A,; woxan mver worries viuueh ' about 'whether the waist line Is at Iho i knees or shoulders until she dlacov ers that alio ha lost hors ntx it n : a a '.qaaat: do i once. to church tomorrow at least Seniors Held Ficnic. The Seniors of the Cuthrle high school held their annual picnic yes terday. About sixty members of the class, chaperoned by Miss Hikea, left the high school buildiniS at eight-thirty and spent the day on the Skeleton. The usual picnic dinner and supper wore enjoyed anil they returned to town about, ten o'clock last night. Mrs. S. M argue rite day where end with Mr L. Spurrier and Miss Dolde went to Ollton to they will sjiend the week- Odith Siirricr. Miss Nell Whit ted went to Perkins this morning to spend the week-end v.iili her bister, Miss Stella Whit.ted. . Mrs. Charles Moore of Oklahoma City, who has been ti.e guest of Mrs. George llillingsley for the past few days has returned to her home. Mrs. John HavighorM and Mrs. K. 11. Walton were special guests at the Friday Bridge club which was enter tained yesterday at the lone hotel by Mrs. Ceorge Dillingslcy. The club favors were awarded to Mrs. Galen Crow and Mrs. Henry lira mi. The Domestic Science club will meet next Friday al the home of Mis. J. 1!. Klink; she wjLH be assisted by Mrs. Carl Fairfield, Mrs. M. Cassidy and Mrs. Hunter. Misses Harrietfe aud Katherine The evening was spent with games j Spiece came over from Kingfisher this and dancing after which light refresh ments were served to Misses Nina I'ronson, Mary Humphrey, Arlene Mc Elhinney, Ioua Wallace, Genevieve Scxauer, Mary Neal; Messrs. Lewis Stat ton, Charles Ailing, Eugene Be hind, Lloyd Douglas, Homer Hirzel. John Brick ner, Floyd Ball and Bob Langston. ial music at the Sunday services. .... Tiie women. gospel team will lend j the meeting tonight; afternoon to visit Mrs. J. C, Post and Miss Fleauor Post. Mr. and Mrs. Spieec will motor over tomorrow to spend the day. Miss Sarah B.isworth of Wichita a former county superm;-ndenl of Lo gan county, is the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Carter. Clarence Eaton on Christian Science, i Opera House, Sunday, April IS, '2:ir P. WHOLE FAMILY DEPENDENT j Mr. !:. Williams. Hamilton, Ohio, I writes: "Onr whole family depend I on dMnp-Tnr-d.Ioney." .Maybe somc i one in your faa ily has a severe iCnl-J 'perhaps it is the baby. The orlg ' Jnal Br. 'Bell's Pine-Tat-Honey is an i over ready household remedy it ! gives immediate relief. iPine-Tar-1 Honey .penetrates the linings of the Throat and Lungs, destroys the ; Germs, and allows 'Nature to act. At j your Druggist, 20c. vn v; i-TH i Mr. rfai r.nnn The .Mount Hope gospel Bam had charge of the service at the Con gregational cliur.'h evenin:;. Five alalwart young men. rl.-hly e :.bued with Cod's love. hrou.,!it a. massage that was worth while. They took for 'their text John P.-'Iii, which treats on the great love, of tli" Ma-ter for tl-! children of men. Each one of thr?" young men made Inspiring talks from tli !! subject of love, which passeth all uadcrstandiii?. !uhrW has bootleggers, you know, th't siiine as other town- in Oklahoma- which used to be patron ized by some of our member, but a' hange has teen worked In 'Mount Hope we now pntroni.e the li'iuse of th' Lord Instead or Iho rendezvous (if the bootlegger." was one of the caustic sayings of n speaker. "If water is to save you. then all the ducks are saved.'' euotcl one of the young-men, who selected thi--(IiirJiit. saying rrmu one of the fam ous sera ons of Billy . Sunday. "In stead of water baptir.'n yon must bo baptized with the blood of was a snoi at mose ua ---1 tirelv uoon water bai'tbm clea using of all sin . Sun-lav afternoon at ;! o'clock A. Verier will have charge of iho ravel in n. and a religious feit awaits all who attend. I'unday evening's service will In charire of Rev. D. B. 1.'?. His s jeet will be "The Judgment." Ar rtingcnifiits have been .rude for spt AT THE THEATRES 9 Mascot Club. The Mascot club met yesterday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. W. M, Bi'onson. The afternoon was spent wilb auction and high score was . Fai quhasron-Durling Wedding, made by Mrs. George Anderson. The! The Wichita Eagle says: A pleas next, meeting place undecided. ant surprise was in store for the friends of A. O. Faniuharson and Miss The Six Hundred club will meet: Maude Duiiing yesterday when it be with Mrs. A. C. Dolde next. Tuesday. came known that they were iu..rr'ed Monday evening. The ceremony was Clover Leaf Club. by Iter. Percy T. Fenn al The members of the Clover Leaf .the rectory or Si. John's Episcopal club and Mrs. L. A. Maim and Mrs. church in the presence of a lew rela Charlcs Eisenschmidt spent a delight-fives and friend:--. The bride and ful afternoon' crocheting at the hqme ' groom left Wichita for Kansas City of Mrs. Clifford Porter. Late tn tho'last night on their honeymoon. Tliey Kfirt'oon a delicious luncheon was 'will be home iu about ten days al served to Mines. F. L. Hurst, J. S. U.h'0 Parti Place. Hall, Scott, W. T. Coleman, Maurice j Mr- Farnulmi'soa is engaged in the Fourteen Guthrie jieopie is. , 1-' , lot oourso reallv, but doesn't automobiles were .-iui:e Marcii sul.l Mth. it's no one's business. a short skirt in combination witit grey shoes over ei phasixe the feet? 'Beware of tho tempter who urges you to go fishing on Sunday. Spun 'aim and go to church Instead, Jtoscoo Jovtei", private secretdry to Lie president protein . of tin- senate was visiting liev. Proctor here yesterday. Tho - "City iful" campaign Is i winning new converts, t no pui) grounds committee Is working hard. Clarence Eaton on Christian Science, Opera House, Sunday, April IS, 2:45 p. m. A Lesson of the European War Once more, anion; count less times, Jia.s tyo. great food valuo of chocolate ami cocoa' (icon..: dl'tiion- slrsited, hoth servinj: as a part of the -futioti uf tho troops in ACTIVIO SSKRVICK." Baker's Sweet Chocolate has always had this guarantaa , ., "Tiv. ingre.diciits of this Chocolate are gtllirantced : to be pure fjoeoas of superior blend and Xltsjar." . 1 : 1 1 - . - - - The (It iitt 'vtc hn lids trade-mark pit,. c the -package, cud iti made oidy by , Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. ElaiLsh-d 1730 DORCHESTER, MASS. a w lie Li :: 1 11 - S.aiasi'a) J i: !nc!Qr'Qr;nc Galen 'ftmv Is improving his Har rison Awniio property by adding an addition to the Guthrie garage. ilJruiuright citizens will give the Oil Belt Terminal railroad a bonus of $S"i,0im to build to that town. The fat. headeit mini can anloinal- lcally grease Ilia own wheels. N. II. Bunis & Co., will, move hit of May to t lie Patterson building with a complete line of trunks, suit, cases, gent's furnishing, shoes, ladies' ready to wear goods. Dr. and Mrs. ,1. L. Ilouseworlh and son, Lemuii, motored to Wichita to day Where they will attend a House- worth family reunion. Ir. House worth's twin brother, Br. A. L. House worth, and wife of Marshfield, Ore., will return with them on Monday Toaf y TTie Lyric . l ijiiifJnuvv-JUiMav "In the Sunlight" and "Runaway June." 5 reels M ' IT - -"1 I Admission .'5c Oliildren Ory FOR FLETCHLR'S C A 3 T O R S A 3 TOPICS OF THE S 3 TOWN AND STATE. i& a m jti m a: a : ts : :k s AS thi . Schmidt . and Schmidt, the fumou Baiujiinlon jierforniers are playing to large crowds at the Highland tills week. They will be at the Highland again tonight with a compl.'te change of : usi-c Fanai'.iarson, L. A. Halin, ('harles 'JliivUM.t.i.if.i'! !t. XI. liichardson and yih-i Anna. Wehmeier. Tile next ir.e'jtu'.g pluco has not been decided. The I'. 11. O. Chapter will meet Monday with Mrs. II. M. Chiicott. Capitol Commission Meet. The Slate Capitol commission is in session today at Oklahoma City. Bids will be asked for the const ruction of the building. To Euiid Motor Car Road. A project to build an independent motor car railroad between Brum rigbt and Gushing is being planned The road will be fashioned alter the Ucntouville-Kogers motor ear road, which lias proven a great success. Wilci West May Come. .Mtdhall's wild west show ringing to exhibit hero next day, anniversary day. is ar-Tliurs- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A : K S ii K s s S K s s a S SS i Judge ingion. A. (I. C. Bierer is in W'ash- Ciiarley Mulhall is here from Slui-hail. Eil!l cloiliing business, his store being lo civ!ei at. EM Ivust Diiuglas uvt nue. He is prominent, in Masonry, and served two tonus as mayor of C.u'hrie, Okla. The bride is a Ciuilirio girl and a. grad uate of the Boss Conservatory of Slit- sic. Bece.ntlv she was chosen 1'rr.m amrmir .M.'hte. n enn-r 1,,,1,-e, tiw, New Cotton Compress most popuiar girl iu Culhrie. The prize was a trio to (he I'anaina-Bacil'ic .,v,..-it;.. ....-,.,-..1 ..... .i: . !at Hugo .capaci'y , null bales daily j Library Association to Meet. J Oklahoma Library association I meet in Oklahoma City May Mb Itfth in eighth annual convent ion. low in i state, t'lio custom in vogue tn rcl)Udi.a!ed tho warrani. the McAlaster ConsiEtory Officers. At the McAlester Scottish Kile re union 5.'1 received the consistory de grees. Those are the officers elected: Joel Baker of Oklahoma City, presi dent; Barley Temple Karrold of Ard moiv, secretary; C. B. Johnson of Salii'.'uv,", vice president; John W. llayson o!" Oklahoma City, orator; 10. C. Hopper of Kiil'auia, hL-ilorian; I'ere.y Llino L'iiotl. of Tulsa, tieas-u"e;-. CORN: Corn, 71 July 70 il -S, split ep'emher, 7G !!-1,,,'sldit. Children Cry F03 FIETGKF.R'3 C A STOR ! A TOIIAVS .Si "Vi 3 JO.XS MARKETS BY VIRE CATTLE: Kansas Cily, Mo., 17. l;eccipls. lei). Mni'kct, roths.. lu'css beef sleers $ (o sLltl. I'rime 1'e.i sleers, 57. 10 to Cows and -heifers, $1X0 to $8.:;.. HOGS: P.ei eipls, T. '0. MwV'fl, lu higher. Bulk of sah.'S, $7. Iu '.o $7..".u. Top iri'-e, $7.i;n. WHEAT: M'l.fHtt Ci'V .May. (.":: : JuB-, l.2s : t't'ieniiifr. Mo..' April 17. GUTHRIE MARKETS. Livestock. ' ; Steers, prime, 5 11-1,10 ti I-2 Cows, 1 ;; -1 to a 1-2. .... Heifers, p;-ime, ?B;Wto-t.G0. Hogs, $!1.25. Grain and Hay. i Corn, per bit., 90c. ' Wheal, per bUHh,,' 5 1.1(1. ' Kalfir corn, pu;, l))isi.,,ii;e. . Oats per .t'lishcl, .jdc... Brairio hc.y, per Inn,' Jlt.OO. Alfalfa hay, per ton, $12 to $13. Straw (wheal), per, bale, 15c. iUrawr (oats), per bale,. ?0c. . Lrun, per 100 lbs $1,110. I ran, mill press, ier ton lbs., $1.W Corn chops, per 100' llis.,' $1.70. Kafir clieps, per MO'jljs., $1.00. Alfalfa meal, I11O lbB., $,1.30. Cane scud, per husiv,, fLOO Hides. Hides, green, salt,, Ililes, green, 10c. ... Horse hides. No. 1,.51'0. Horse hides, No. 13. $I;.!V. Horse hides, damaged, $1.00, Produce Live Poultry.,.'.'',. B.rollers, under 2 lbs,,, 15c, t?t rings, over 2 'lbs., 10c. Ilelis. 10c. '"'' Tur!;evs, So. 1, 10c. . t , 11... Turkeys, old Toimi,;.lpiV, tell Avlin, you'll .1,1,1;' Ijriilse; mash a burn or Neve - ran f;m;cr 0" sal -..-a!, I. Be pn-pared. Thousands rely 011 Dr. Tiiuma.V Kl'ectVtv "Oil. Your Jrng;;ist sells if. 2Sf and 00c.' will and 1 I Tnaiscontinental Cotlon Compress ; company will creel a huge compress Si) tri "at"' It n Rl til j B Thi3 Lady Was Very Nervous, A't;ourit of Serious Won aniy Trouble. But Now She Praises Cardui, '.Mrs. F.d He. for two weeks. d lias been unite ill Mur: from . plaeo: ' of my I Cardui I ,iuv lit' 1!. H. Wilson, state superintendent Christ." 6f public instruction, was a Guthrie, icnd en-j visitor last night. j for .the , Miss Mali 1 Jones of Lauiont, is iu cro.-s, Ala. The follow ins is rs. V. .1. Dangheny, this "1 will v, rite a condition biu'ore I had taken 1 vas very weak. 1 had 11:11 '.i' at all ami could not stand iid had - female ijm- ral years ago Miss ::r!ir.g was appninted as a meniberj of the Betsy Bo.-.s ussociation, the or-, g.' nidation thai fashioned the new I Bag With forty-nine stars the symhoi . jot Oklahoma's admission as a state. On; For a number of years .Miss Bur-, jling was employed as a secretary in I Che Culhrie city hull. The romance; j which culiaiuatcd In Monday's wed-1 I ding had its inception when Mr. Far- ', ip.ioarsou weni (o 1110 city haw as mayor of Guihi ie. any 11 eu. plaints. At hist my doctar told me to try Cardui sad 1 did so, -in;! I can saj. it sure has cured me sound and well, -.'jil a 1; glad to till anyone what it did tor me. and u will help any saf- Outhrio this week taking the mineral tViing woman. water baths. 1 c.u.'t pruise Cardui etiou rh. I ; w ; h c er.. wonian would believe it I ta..- ami g:ve Canitn a trial, A i For Infants and Childreti tn Use For Over 30 Years Always boara J? ii-.f yc y y Signature of tUScjQ Divorce Granted Plena Dlackwell. Charging non-suppiort and cruelty itena Biackweli vas granied a divori" from Noruiau Bhielvwell in tlistrici court. Many Prisoners in Jail Here. an1 f,: feiicral and 'oun!y prisoners in the federal jail here a.viiiting trial and sentence. Epworth LeaTuo to Meet Early. F':v..rti .oa"Ve sf Ihe first .Me h. odisi church will 1,-Ciin io minutes before seven o'eloe'; -Sunday evening. A rousing mei liug is desired and all ari iired to he on '..and earl;-. Clark Declines Place. Judge Ceorge ( la"k has deeii'ied a place on ihe supreme court commis sion. The bur of Oklahoma coun'y i sura S una mum xat e v- v 5 Li J a H. li ai eh I We will pi act or. sale three hundred siiort quart jars of Colonial Pore Fruit Jams ! t CHICHESTER S PILLS na. i:a:.iom nn r v:, a J-i7V 1-I. Ur .i A .1. J -nf r,ix-:l i'of A t (( lL& l.l-',i-..,.-r ll'i.wo ij il,A (r!!:i':';;r I I - ,'V l--j t i. -' ' n: V ii. . v 1 c .1 y ft .... l, j .... j Ciareuee Katon on Christian Science. j,0 Opera House, Sunday, April IS, 2:4.1 , ,'p. 111. City Attorney Til-bets is in 'New ''oik. The report that Mrs. Tibl.ots ha 1 returned to Guthrie is erioneoiis. She has rettirnej to Neiv York from til" Bermudas, where her hejh'i wa innc'i iiu proved. will fin J my nrd to be I the way of !i'ii it in the a ..--.rr : 1 11.:.-. I .. - Ai. n . FOU -SLVIi"E Scholarship in Capital City Business College leader Of and Un true. ( ardui is all I take meilicine. We always house tor my benefit. Wlii-n I was laid to ffy-Caidui I did no- think i would my triemis ke;-t en at lae smtil i sot. one bottle, mid it dl I ie so much goad that I kept on taking it. My !:-.'. K lias got well, my nerv-" is .ill right and my old tired feeling has gori. and I am t-'out and strong as a ,ri!..:i 1:111 he. 1 aai glad to say it w:m Cardui that I car, pra!-e for my hea'.tn." Your druggist sells Cardui. Try it. .'. . .'. .'i A.. A A i.ocvr. iNnii;T isKiu: : : 'A x y. ' .leii j'oiied him ai . . trict bench. to reinaNo on the d:s- Nid 'lire Holman , lUUlltl V Heint Br 1111 the mils urn 1 c bus arriingiau to a. ' :gunng on tak-.n; es. , Following Custom of State j Scii was s urted today b -:n c.iont;.' Ban!- against to.vusiii'i, quovc.b icunty it is belie. cd that Th.' man ,is friends who never stands up !YM' when :hey are not pn --- nul.'.ri Culwrt lomp.iny. b'Cii''U of a wan an' :- culwri compuny by the and later unsigned to the tiie Uollaiiil ty tr.d the for the col. ned 10 th-t-juif-i;'. hank. The At Twenty-Eilit Cents ihe quart. This celebrated brand needs no introduction, as its superior quality is universally known to housewsves. Place vour order early .is we will sell only SCO at this special s?.ie price of 28c. '. ale at all of our stores IVionaay, pril the 13. culvert company furnished corrnga' cd culverts on order of :!'.e townsliip for which a warrant ef t:loo v. as is sneil, Afterwards tho township ,!')- rtougnton'-iLo. j vho'' 'uwt.-.