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PAGE FIVE vatice GIRLS WITI BIG FEET Genuine Castoria ICOCK ALCOHOL 3 PEK CUNT TELLS D.VXGEllS OF "TINY , TOOTSIES"; 'ADVOCATES ' COJHIONSENSE AVcgelable Prcparalionror.Vs sirailalingiheFoodMlRciJula lingUtc StomacItsaiidJJowcisof Always Bears ti THE OITTIUUE T)AILY LEADEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY, 5, 1915. HUM DOGTDR Ad. This mmm DEFENDS " mM?V J or infants and Children. ! i' SYirS MothersiKnoviThat I in Ili Promotes DigesRonJCkrful ness and RestXoutalns ncilltcr Opinni.Mor)hine nor Mineral Nonnarcotic. BmpHa Seed" jtlx.StaM JkkftWs- jvustSm Signature h'armSefil- I ClarifialSiirfir. 1 YiUajamt'lmR I AnerfectRemedv forConsllpa- Inn . Snur Stnmar li.DlarrllOCa Wonns.Covulsions .Feverish nessandLoss of Sleep. EatSintilc Signature of j The Centaur CoMPAtCf, ; NEW YUK1V, "ran f In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. c Binnniiriimw THIOITUHCOMMNV, Nil YOHK OITV. "Second Ty Cobb" Cause of New Fight of Federal League and Organized Baseball. :sv r"" .VV ,,; s Vt ' x v Mf4 Pittsburgh, Pa., May 5. Once upon a time, when Prince Charming was the puzzled possessor of a diminutive shoe or slipper divers would-be Princesses were at great pains to crowd their pedal extremities into that slipper. In these changing days, however, the possessor of a. Cindrella foot can only hide that one-time prize, while her step-sisters of the angular feet find that those whilom curses have now become a mark of caste. Such, at least, would seem to be the case from a proceeding in the Carne gie Institute Teachers' room last night, during a lecture by Dr. (. W. Kurniker on "High Heels versus Health," before the sections of hygienics and pictorial art of Academy of Science and Art. There were "some' To Investors: There are -only a few propositions that offer the moderate investor a real chance ami to Rive nil goad citizens an emml opportunity to secure a part of. thin valuable .tool.- licforn It nd raiH'cd nearly I'mi ni, th date of the Rdvnnce will he Jlonilav, May '.Mth. rrhwiiish r(lia.blc newspapers rii is notice will reach nliout Ten Million people. If the ''ven Two Thousand remit promptly the ixnnpany will lie once push its retinnries i at lncrea.'-'ed e:acllles and drive ahead dainty feet intl,a di-ills on at least ten different prop- j. . . ,, . ., . - , i' uics, mm.v un: in wriicii niay develop the feminine contingent that formed -into a rich oil field and soon force this one-fourth of the audience and somei. 8 Y"11' hlKh pnee. teg manager stalling Boston XAtFF MANACBIS. MGCAW ... xui - Uenny Kliuff. crack outfielder of, rencra, aKuu Federal League chin, nlm "" l" tno jvationai league. The umpire , ordered the Boston men to play, and on their refusal forfeited the game to the Giants. Later what McGraw called an exhi game was played without the Brooklyn called often the "Second Ty Cobb," has been the of another stir in' the baseball world, and his action in joining the New York Giants may lead to another legal fight between the new league and organized base ball. Kauff. who is one of the great est ball players in the country, sud denly appeared at the Polo grounds. New York, Thursday, April 2!), aud was signed by John J. McGraw, man ager of the Giants. He was sent out into the field for the game with the Boston Braves in place of Jim Thorp, the Indian, who it was learned at the time had just been sold to the Jersey rtl.J f T,.f ornulinnul t.Pafflie. L.njr miu i , ,,,; , them to the last difch. If the Giants aanrvn sta ties, manager or the. , . i . ti on fh..n or an' other club in organized base- tfosion c.u. bal, wftnt wa(. t wUI u If called nis men oil me m-m. i ,... !, .. , Kauir, saiu ne, i i""i"-" U Lt.t, tvs (I, Ul UlllVU uuuv ,uii regret that they ever ' souaded the call. We will get out and take, play ers who have iron-clau contracts with clubs in the National and American leagues and will fight to the limit to retain them." of the larger kind. As Dr. Kurniker eloquently plead his case against French heels and modified examples of that creation, the same owners chopped their up-to-date modified skirts lower and lower to cover up what was fast becoming incriminating evidence, while other owners just as steadily pushed forward comfortable- looking, if not altogether large, feet with evident traces of satisfaction. When Dr .Kurniker brought forth au entrancing French dancing pump with a three-inch heel, and,,a sedate and almost flat shoe, which he pro ceeded to pass out into the audience, as contrasting illustrations of his talk, tlT-r entrancing little slipper was pass ed by, while feminine effusions over the grace and common sense of the sedate article gushed forth. With the foot bones of a skeleton and examples of extreme shoes Dr. Kurniker, illustrated , his points.'; He told, and showed with chalk drawings, how high heels cause nervous prostra tion, and traced headaches, back aches and other ills to this cause. In opening, he aptly showed the relation of shoes to the history of a country, to the character of its people. Danger to Children. - Serious Illnesses often result from lingering coughs and colds. The hacking and, coughing and disturbed sleep rack a child's body and the poisons weaken the system, so that disease cannot be thrown off Fol ey's IHoney and Tar Compound has eased oughs. colds and croup for three generations; safe to use and quick to act. There is no better medicine for croup, coughs and colds. Sold everywhere. IN WORLD OF SPORTS m m as ss m & $ s sa si ss 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE & ;s m m ai k & as m if. s w. ra Standing of the Teams. billon luilli in nit: lair up. Robert B. Ward, chief financial backer of the Federal League and owner of the Brooklyn club, was at a whiio heat when he learned the 'Giants bad signed Kauff. He de clared war in these words: "Kauff has a contract with the Brookfeds that is absolutely binding for the next three years. If the Giants believo otherwise we will fight V. L Tit. Philadelphia 12 4 .7."o Chicago :( 7 Jitsi Boston s 7 .5:',:'. Cincinnati ... 9 9 .."00 St. Louis 9 10 .474 Brooklyn 7 10 .fT2 Pittsburgh ..7 11 .389 New York 4 10 .26 K WESTERN ASSOCIATION W. You should not v.-alt too loiior but net when you can tnnke yourself a useful member of a giant organization to ac complish real results In n worthy cause Another big advance within thirty to sixty days after May 21th can he' ex pected. A real Crisis n the oil field-. causes- this stock to -be offered to the -American people at a real Investment fiartfain and the future will prove that it is now or never If ,vou ever seeure a part of this stock under an advance of three to five times. The ITncle Sam nil Company Is the OXL.Y 1SO.VAFUDB. Independnt, produc ing:, reflntuK and market injr Company In the Middle West, it has been orsantzed and built up as a practical protest against the Oil nnd flan Monopoly, that raised the Itilaek flair uRainst the Kan sas OH Fields in the memortiblc Oil War in Kansas about ten years a(;o. It built the first two refineries in Okla homa and Kansas. It built the first In dependent pipe line West of the Ap palachian mountains. It. was the first competitor or the Oil Monopoly to build distributing stations and establish -marketing agents. AND MAINTAIN' TH.K.M. over the States' r Oklahoma. M'sm-i and Ka.nsa. The pr.wterful Imfluenoe of the Oil and fias Monopoly tried to kill this Company a few years ago. but Its wolves were bitten. Like everv cause of Right. The Uncle Sam Oil Company has m(vt with vicious persecu tions until It 1ms. .won victory after vic tory and the chances now lire about a thousand to one that Its great Osa;:e Oil and ft-is Lease of about Four lliu"-.lrd and Thirty-six Thousand acres will yet )e protected, The Uncle Sam Oil Company now has three refineries located in the proper trade distributing centers- where, with the best marketing facilities it can reach tile people of the middle west. It now has 12- oil and ga wells in operation, it has at lea it ten different properties in the big oil districts wher,. It i-i deter mined to start additional test avells. The authorized ' capitalization of The I'ncie fhm Oil Company is three hund red million shares. About two hundred and fifty million shares of this stock is' "ned by over 11.(KM red-blooded Ameri can? who believe that an Independent OH Company hn a right to produce and market oil products to the American people In competition with the Oil and Cas Monopoly regardless of the dictates if a foreign thieving combine. There l In the Treasury of the Company about ene-slxth of the capital stock. At the last meeting of the Hoard of Pirector the President of the Companv was nu Mioiized to offer tliis stock for sale to ti.p f'i,innendent public. Over 5aA new stockholder have joined tlie Company In the la?t ninety days1. Several thousand Investors are now figuring on purrh:;s im ft part of this stock. The p'n lines of The T'nel Ram O'l Company have been exempted from com mon ea'Tl'-r hr-bliitv t,v tlie Shnremo of the raited States in n recent decision. All along our exeuipled pine lines are score- of oil rirodncintr proner-Mefe- that can n"w be nureha?ed for about ?" centi on the dollar of their actual vahte to ns In an effort to steal control of flf rub n-cigo nil nn-1 -ai fleMs. the greatest oil nnd ga field under one ow"T-b!p in the world, tbe Oil and Cos M tiio,-Vt- ln 1,-otitTht about n ,-,-! -i-- la t he 0' l-ihnm-K:e,c'i oil fields. Tt Iv- A r.( this to rv and eeenre a M-innnnh- r.--'lie bitld'np- f n- thl great nre.i of oil and ga.i landp. The TTncle Sam Oil rin--, pany. backed by its Independent army of luvcetoiv-. aud Its aliemly big priper tles, and splendid husineaw is winning out- In spite of everything and ever.v iiuiiy. I'eopa especially in Kani'.-is nnd neighboring states. wliero the Hed. W'ihite aid Itine tank wagons and auto mobile trucks van be seen dally deliver ing to tile people good oil at reasonable prices. In colupetll inn with the rieii nil Monopoly, are among tile citizens who are Inlying up the stock still left lu tlie Treasury for sale. The t'ncle Sam nil Conipatiy- during the .past five m.mtlut has completed eighty miles of additional pipe line con necting m arty all of ltst big properties with two of lis refineries !u two states and has added one substantial block of leases- on Itanch Creek in l'awnee Coun ty, Oklahoma, and has just drilled a very Important lest well thereon. It nmv has a completed pipe line through the ell fields for I r, l milks. The company has three big leases In Pawnee 'County, a part of which are rigiii in line witli the grcut lJostutt oil I'ool in uge County on the north and the iblg dishing gushers In Creek 'Coun ty on the south. A part of one of our great leases is only seven niiies from a l,.iiH-barre! well drilled in a few da "s ago In the north end of the t'ushing field, It s (he determination of the or:r.l i Izers and stockholders of The 1'nole Saai Oil Company to get control of at least one million acres of ell and gas leases lu tlie rich Oklahoma nil fields, and it Is demanding that tills great Osaye lease, that luus been proven in the Federal Court was honoinhly secured, shall be validated either by tile Secretary of the Interior or by Congress with a provision written in the lease that shall nut harlze the rtillly or Corpoi-at'lon I'omniissioas to fix tlie price for which the oil unci gas from this big (l.ivernment Indian Lease sitall be sold I-i the pcopie. The oil Trust rrowd seeks 1hrou;.'h their corruit and secret methods to donate large sums ti I rcsidca I iai Cam paigns and .til 'U criutro! Cabinet officers and oilier hlgii-up official? and then secure this great: Osae Lease ttne richest plum In the entire Oil World! oelivered to the Oil and 'ias Monopoly without thl provision to- protect the geneial public written In the lease. Then the Oil ami lias Monopoly can make h ic,t many, many .millions off the people o!' tlie Missouri Valiey. Hut the fight of Tlie I'ncie Ham Oil Company has edu- alnl the voters In the I.VU'aa dame-die gas consuming homes in ol lalioma. Mis souri and Kansas, and ttie people are watching tlie seerei silent oil Trust mon ster that still seeks to control the (iov- erninenl and then steal from the Indiri tribes and uiso rob the public by ex tortionate prices. There is a new day dawning and The rncle 'Sam Oil Company is winning, and Hie Oil Trust gang is on the run fr en its Ludlow murderers in Colorado lo Its Interior Department thieves in the o-age and Us big banlcr-s-hi'iners in Wiisn. Ington. The Stock of The Curie S m" fill Com pany would be sure to advance fift-' limes in a few years, by securing .IfVi TICK in. Its Osage l.c-ise l'i;;lil. The Coin liny Is driving ahead all along tlie line. You have read the advertisements of till- Company hi this I 'a per during the past ninety -lavs and this l to notify ymi that this Is your last, chance to m cure tlie stock at the old price. F.vei y re mittance not started to the C -mrwuv on tlie old price ,,o or before MON'IIAY. MAY illtb. will be returned. A I that time the sto-it 'OiU left in the Treasury will be AHVAK'l'l-'l) IS' I'ltll'l-I FIFTY I'K'l OFN'T. Olio-i- advance.-, are sun to folh.w. The Cotcp-mv is gaining and II s hound t-i go ahead and succeed on big dignified basis. If vou want to gel Into a proportion that has every Indication of acoom-piMi-ing splendid success, nn-1 in a few ..ears Increase In value from twenty lo fifty times, or possibly a hundred times, at tach your check or draft payable to The I'ncie Sau? Oil Coinnmv under the spc ch.l offer that ro'.loivs. OK W'I'JTK ijllif'K FOItTIIWmi F'H: AIlITIoX Al, Il'VHMATION. for if yi, u do nit get your remittance .started by MoN' CAY. MA Y 2 ITU, thw stock wi.l eel you lll'Ti' IT-HI CUNT more If you arc able lo gel, it nt all, Time will he money to yuo in this trom'action and lt t no Company hear from you rorthwilh. We value our combined properties-, Inchnilag exemplified p;w- line and trade and trade name nt Four Mlilion Hollars. 'I'lierw Is a piovilion lu tlie charier protects the Company from Oil Trust control. Any luguth a new well piny open a great oil pool that by drilling other wells can soon pour out million and make ihe large slocMiold er.s rich, on one of our big leases lu l'awnee Connly we have one of the deepest producing webs in mat dlslrlct, II Is 2.M.' feci deep. In u stmt il nvn a few days last fall this well I'iilcl up nnd Unwed out over the too. The next, loca tion around tills deep well (over O'to liall' mile dei-in may he a five to ten taoiisunil barrel ,a ell. There ore very few opportunities ,,f, where tlie mod erate investor cm Invest a few hund red or a. few thousand dollars and secure a real bargain Investment oppor. tiinity. Tills stock should now sell fa FIV'I'.' CM NTH pcr share. It OFFFIi-l-j) at a bargain Investment offer to raise new capital 'pilcl; so our Company can take advantage of Dm many oppor tunities In tiie oil fields along our c.iin pleled pipe line. We can liieleiise our capacities' several times without Increas ing our general expense over leu per cent. The winning of Ihe Osage or the sinking af a J.imio to ft.nilu-barrel we'd on some of our many pronerties should drlvo this slock up id to 'j times this offer to you in n few hours'. Y-nir ir mlltanco may he small, hut combine! witli u tlinusan.l more, will enable Tim I'ncie Sam oil Company to push .-liietul on a big basis. We refluid tlirou.tli two of our refineries oyer one thousand bar rels per day for every working d.i.r dur ing tin. month ending April in. We should reach forlv lo forty-five fan,.. and barrels per month lu a few i-., and with sufficient cipttu can in a few month-: refine ami market three thous and barrel daily al each refinerv or a total of nine thousand barrels per div. With the gieat Ossga t,en-e ared tile Company wiil build, a new big direet 'Pipe line from the heart or the Os-iue Nation to Kansas City, and in a ft !'V years he on the man as one of tlie f.-oal concerns or the Middle Wcl. This Com pany l;i gaining, Its friends ere leulou. Coiiie and join a real live army and gi-nw rich With U-'. ,fo tint det.iy inilil the stocK is advanced to even three or four times Ihe special offer to yon. fie- sure the stock now. When the advance spirts oa Al ay .'I it may never sto; until Il reaches ;a to u,,,,,,, il offer herein. 'I his company is on toe ma and doing business and will Ive growing In value wltlie you sleep, Wake I'll and heed the hour of opportunity s.i Hint your reniiitance 1 1 started at once or I -.- MMNIiAY. MAY aiTll, Foil ItKMK-IM-JN'l-KS Vol' CAM WdllTK 'I'o Kl'l HKIl OK ril'IO l! MF,ltCA,VTj;l,.M Ai;i-;.'i'U!S or we will be gl;,, to s-nd .ton further pa rt iculat . hut do not Walt too long. I!, member AloN'OAY. MAY -ITU will soon arrive and after, that dale the price ,f stock' will be fifty per cent higher ami other advances m.ty oc cur every tea or fifteen days as pnigresa liiMlflcs mull the price reaches nt lea it five time,, tills orfer, still In your reacn at the old price. When you buy tills stock you wll own your proportionate Interest In all'the present combined prtip eitles ami la all the company secure: and develops In the future. The Com pany is coutrol'.eil by a Hoard of 21 Di rectors, all ol whom are large stock holders, jeveral owning from two hund red thousand lo two million shares each. The slock sold a few years ngo as high as twenty cents per sanre and was beat en in value by the persecution of the Oil and (las Trust and lis henchmen. Now Tin- dele Sam oil Company has iKiilen "If tliis persecution and is win ning one victory after another. la other words. The I'ni'ic Sam OH Company is' 1 ''VliINi; ftM'lv. (let In now and 'win with ns and remember this' l your last opportunlly until the price Is nearly doubled. Oil is cash. Therefore The I'ncie Sam Oil Company can prosper even When other business Is depressed. If vou have los on other Investments make it luck on this advanchiB oil stock that is sure to soon boom In vulue on a so'.id basis. Toe -toik i; r.uu -assessable, and the ash iM. itient. together with your agree ment to 1, main tor;,! in the company. Is accept"'! 1-y tin' Company as full pa-v-metit. if ,b- Company approves you as a stockii (hh-r. It waul none but loyal, patri die. liherly-loving cltizeni as Its siockholdei-'. and therefore reserves the right to improve or relect any ."Ubserlo tlon to its stock. If you should not "ne mrirnved your money will be promptly returned to .vmi. If you tire approved, yolir stock will be Issued -full paid In cnnslderili'in of your payment and your air'i-cinenl to remnin loyal to the Com pany, which agreement Is contained In the em-til icate of stock. Special offer is as follows: SPECIAL STOCK OFFER I'lc lo Sam Oil C'lmpany. K ins as city, Kansas: remittance for stock as advertised per X opposite the Find . .-imouiit designed b , 1,000 Shares .... $C 2,500 Shares .... $25 , 5,000 Shares .... $50 . 10,000 Shares . . . $100 . 25,000 Shares . . . $225 . 50.000 Shares . . . $400 . 75,C0O Shares . . . $600 . 100,000 Shares . . . $750 of Itemilter.) City and Stall- A. bin: Ttespceifuhy suiuniltcd, THE UNCLE SAM OIL CO. By H. (Address H. TUCKER, all letters, to JR., the Pres. Com;, in), KANSAS CITY, KANSAS SsSssKJssasasrssijs: K FEDERAL LEAGUE Standing of the Teams. Standing of the Teams, I' IT B n An S- JU'flU'lUH' yRROW collar;. CJ If KTT T EABOOY f CO INC AlAK tKS W. h, TcT. Sherman 12 4 .750 Oklahoma City ;....ll 7 .Gil Denison .... 11 7 .611 Fort Smith 10 8 .Son Muskogee S H .500 Paris t....t 7 10 .412 Tulsa .... fi 13 .311! McAlester .... u.... 6 14 .300 W. L. Pet. Chicago 12 , f. .CG7 Pittsburgh 12 7 StJL . Newark 11 8 .579 Brooklyn i0 S ..'if.; Kansas City 0 ! .frill' Baltimore 8 12 .400 St. Louis 6 11 ..'ij:;1 Buffalo C 13 0,16' J5 SS IS 52 St J9 K 85 3S S il S5 iS K !?. AMERICAN LEAGUE. '. When'jWomen; Suffer., No remedy givr greater relief than nti-kamuia (A-K) Tablets in all condi tions cenerallv known as "Women's Aches and Ills.", One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last found the remedy she has so long been look- Lame Back. , ;';: .... I.acre back 13 usually due to rheu-I Inrilff PSTlfTrl - I IVSnPnJ.I matism of the muscles of the back, j o 1 Hard working people are most likely Are yoa distressed after eatlngT Do 1 to surfer from it. Relief mav be had yon have nausea when riding in tne care bv massagintf the back with Cham- or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab bcrlaln's Linitrent two or three times and Eet instant relief. a day. Try it. Obtainable every- j t Cenalnm A-K Tablet bmar tt If where, , x i ji ri jJ fnenogram. At all Lhuggiit. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. S Standing of the Teams. Standing of the Teams. W. L New York 10 '1 Detroit 14 6 Chicago 11 8 Boston 7 G Washington 8 7 Cleveland 8 10 Philadelphia 4 H St. Louis .... ... 5 14 Pet. .711 .700 .507 .r,::s .533 .444 .267 .263 BIS PHI IS REFUSED FOR FORTY ACRES (tly Associated Press.) Oklahoma City, May 1. Failure to sign a journal entry in Oklahoma count s klggent tax case v. liica Jid not provide for any kind of appeal and saved 110 execptum. may cost the omity $.100 odO or eviipmorc. The j P;vcr that n ay prove so GERMAN BOMBS DAMACE CUSHIM3 Washington, May 1, American mm islcr Van Dyke at The Hague rJ lortcil to t o stale uvpartmeiit that Ihe American s-camcr CiiMliing froul I'l.iladelphia for Ko'ti -rtlaui, was dam. a'i',l by bomb.-, i!ro;;td from Ger man air craft in tlie North Sea, but that no lives were lost. Whooping Cough. "When my daushter had whoop ing cough she roughed so hard at one made a miner of record. Ills motion! ti:ne that she bad hemorrhage of the il. was j made public today when County At- lorney John Kmbry asked the court j to modify the jouvnal entries that ai j answer, ex option or appeal may be. Swat t!u: fly now; one swat now will save a million swats later. I1.n1 I was terribly alarmed about t. -II :1 rttDrnovE ' W. L. Indianapolis 13 6 Louisville 12 C St. Paul a Milwaukee 9 ! Kansas City 8 8 Minneapolis 7 9 Cleveland 8 10 Columbus . !i 1 4 J'ct.1 Iter condition. Seeiui? Chamberlain's . '-ns r"sent-j prop-j Ms 1 -rope rly owners w-ioi Coneh Itimioilv so Merle roenni riien-l-I ,. ,.,..?.. ;-!.'- , ,.,a -.,ot.t ""led, I got her a bottle and it relieved j 1x.ltjon .667 i Ihe cnugb at once. Before she hittl i ..yin finished two bottles of this remedy j the amount of money involved would! I she was entirely well, writes Mrs. reach JIM.'VKi w hich the county I di a 4a Cue county official -aid .500 ! J S. F. Crimes. Crooksvllle. Ohio Ob- ) .500 , tainable ever where. .467 .444 .263 Sun Gold for lightbread, biscuits. pies and pastries. LISTEN: JUST RECEIVED AT OLSVITH'S. CASE OF LA LUEBANA! MANILA CIGARS (IMPORTED) 5C EACH. FRESH AND FINE, TRY THEM, AND BE PLEASED. would 'use under the decision. TTio taxes for four years. 1910-11 are in volved. There are more than a doz en li!g property owners in the suit. Did you say t ronton with your bak ing? Well then, use Sun Gold. Be Sara Yon Cet RUCK'S THE GRIGiNAL HALTED fVIILK The Food-drink for all Ages For Infants, I nva!i Js and Growing cruldrMi. Pure nutrition, upbuikiingllie whole body. Invigorates the nurshgmoiher and the aged. Rich miilc. rfalted grain in powder form, A quick !uncl prepare J in a mianfe. Take a Package Home I'nioeo you say "HORLIGH'S" you may gat a ubtltut9m