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VMIK KTflUT THE OUTIIRIB DAILY LEADER, rONDAY, 3fAY,ld, 'lOlS: A Double Header 0 -n vii7 II U III I V I . If ssl I ft ifcfi&M ii UAM MM II W ISM 4 II M VO II V,r-L"LP II .J ill ll ll or a Two in One Sale Our May Merchandise Festival Tukva ;i. new turn. WVari' i sni'iriHe vou .with a vc- uiarkalth' Suit Sale aixl Coat Kale -a doulilc header. ' ; 25 Snif Wfirn $1Q FX) CHOICE 15 Suits were $15.00( 10 Suits were $15.00 2 Suits were $22.50 1 Suit was $25.00 See Window Tonight. V do not need fo into details ahoiit these Suits. Your iutelligeiiee will tell you wIh IIici-they are new styles whether they arc worth the original price and whet her t hey ;ire a j.cood pure phase at 10.00. Yon may t hink we are foolish to selMheiu so Hie;ij). We , -ire f olruwiii"; the jh-oiviim we made up for our May Fehtival, anil if you will watdi laitz advertising this month you will lind some equally start lin-r aiinoiiiii'eineiit.s from tinie to time. y f; ;A I &HK uoais were $19.95 - CHOICP 1 2 Chinchilla Coats were $19.91 15 Cloth Coats Were $15.00 2 Silk Coats Were $17.50 3 Cloth Coats Were $19.95 See Window Tonight This afternoon nt 1 o'eloek tlie window trimmer will start (his double header by putting these remarkable gar ments in the window. Tonight yoiv will do your part; by eomiiitfdown to look them over tomorrow we will take our first los's of the season which is a part of present day jLfood merchandising. All this Week a Millinery Sale Worth While Leghorn Hats $6.95 Former Values to $12.50 Sometimes an open confession is good for the soul. It ought to be in this ease for it will establish a reason for such remarkable reductions in May. Leghorn Hats are good. They are serviceable. They appeal to a woman because Ihey lend ihemselves readily to the art of the trimmer. The ones we offer in this sale are beautiful. Why then the reduction? We bought too many. We overestimated our sales. . . l r i f .. ii iim - .i jl'ikmi inn line ior vou. e of them at this one price if(i.f)."). duced, although their rato of profit Is still high. In general, this compe tition as seriously reduced the prof its of the other companies. -Thfa reduction In profit has not been caused by increased cost of man ufacture, but by Increased expenses of distribution, and principally by tbe.Jncrease in expenditures for Ad ortislnsyAs, Ua al of dobaco jira- 1 tiers 'defends "largely OHitbe udvy- I lament ' of" brands, ' competition' In Hie tobacco business necessarily fn: creases advertising .expenditure. , In other words, for tobacco products. and it nnay be true also fop other brand articles, the social cost of the system of competition Is largely found in extraordinary advertising expense, and this would seem to be inevitable for brand articles so long as they have a proprietary character." If "- 1 ii ; Hi :$ I 0 PRESS PEOPLE PLEASED WITH MEETING HERE II CAUSED DOUBLE KILLING --IT-lttUIC Here's the Summer Shoe for Men BA.N'KKIt ItltOTIII US SIIOT AM) Kil l IMHA.N llltO-' tiikiis ovi:r ivorii Ardmore. Okla.. Mav mijii Hut tirdajr aftenoon, folfcjwlng an alter-' cation over a settlement of accounts the Slotts brothers, respectively cash-! ier and bookkeeper of the First Stam" bank at KlngllnB, shot and fatally (Continued from page one.) I injured Oetorge and Tom Mycra, to whole entertalnnipnt was fine." I Indian cltlzenB living near that plu'.'e. Byron ' tXorrell, Ada: "The hathl Tho two wounded men wera' house entertainment was reKul. 1 J brought to this city for medical trea, J took six wlms. The water In fine. Intent and George, the elder brotin-r l ow mowing . jfljl put the. jnunlnlpal I died a few hours later. Tom Myer hath, house and iiercnlns on the map lingered until Sunday , afternoon when more than ever' ' I bt died. - r 11 - . W. p. Campbell, Oklahoma City: J Before dying Tom Myers made a "Royal entertainment." I statement In which,. ho said that so IBuck Campbell. 'Waukomls: "N'o-Mtr asi he-knew tbero wag no ill- thitis heroro half so good." yks Frank. IllarOeavtlle:.. "The prettiest reieptlon and ball I've ev er attended In the stale." feeling between any ot, the-partles un til the . shooting , began. The Stott3 brothers Sim and:, Ch4r)le; on the other hand maintain that; the Myers 'President Foster, Wagoner: "I I'folhorswere, drinking and made t tno wiint io say that, tho whole associa tion Is iilwwawi, Oufhrio has hos- rirur ilMnnrmnl rtnifiin . f The remain of the wt brothers Our mistake will have an entire table I BTJTTERICK FASHION Vnt) TlTMf ATJf toVkTwr pitallty down to a fine point "Walter lds, Tulsa: "it just comes natural to !uthrle." J. W. Kaysar. Chlckasha: "The municipal hath house Is a big card." John Shcplor, Lawton: "And an we start h,me they give us quart bottles of Hercules water, eut3 and press dope. That's fine." Horace Shepard: "licst entertain ment In years Otis Weaver, Shawnee: "Enter tained? Well now listen: Met us at trains with autos; check our hag gage, arrange oir rooms, sunnlv us with cuts and literature; give us five receptions; merchants glv up store time for visitors; round table; ball, Masonic treat. 0. M. IT. treat, dinner at hotel with sparkling cabaret, from vaudeville houses. SSer shows, street car and .fiilo' 'rides entertained? : Reception committees' of Guthrie la dles always on hand entertained? Well I guess affirmatively." vera shipped ihaek to TUngtlng today for Interment. i BOOSTER CLUB IS PHEPflH- BRUTAL DOCTOR IS LYNCHED BY M03 AIL TOBACCO CONCERNS NOW IN COMPETITION (CONTINUCD f ROM PACE ONE J "I'or . angular brati.ifi" r-aiR the r i . "iH-itlii-r tin. iiir's to JuMn-rs Mir 1d nui -miiiit nhiiw iinporlaiit nmiifci'it following tin- iIIm uliiliuii (if Die n (iiir!iii.ilioii. j uiiipt jllton )i luiR 4let eloped among the iiece. Kr iii!iii,'iui n did not t v u',1 In price ViiMlng." iif.t. of irihiuifuctuie since the dls fuUttion a. fiiund titiiiftlv higher bfcfcii,o (,f vliijili, atimi nf rfml. and cbh-flv. l ailu I'tiniiii.-. Where the uilvi'i 1 Ihliiji Mil for Hic lii- combina tion was about Jll.Oft'i.Oi'ii in fi Mevrit tiuccessor con.panles pcnt more timn $L':l,Wn).0l0 In While there hs an iucreane In the volume of hiisflnrns. the ratio of advertising expense to Hales doubled between COO ami :;::. The aggregate profit of ihe Kiicc'h-,or 4-ouipanlex in Iftl I was f.'!l,';:r,,!i:,S or about fl2.(l30.tMlU lei.s than the profits of the combina tion In UIMO, on the hasis of nn itl vettmeiil of approxinialely $L",00O0,-00(1 "In view of -tucli a high rate of profit" ays Die report, "the question naturally arisen: Why hag there been no competition in prices? The an swer to this question Is partly found lu Ihe peculiar price nisiMng condi tion in the tobacco trade" A SIMPLE WAY TO i , REMOVE DANDRUFF ! There Ik ene sure ay that . w-ve laili-d in t tew dnndriirr at ' i(-e, pod fhst Is to dissolve It, then j.M destroy it entirely. To du thit, j't dluiiit t'.ii v ,fl ii, ooin- !' srnni ftvnj t-fc. trv .4'lflsl la all ou w ill need i, apply It at n-ht )n retlrlmt; use enough to niolKteo 1h walp and rub ft in genu. nit'rMlie fttifer t!i. Jir nut. If not all. of your taii(!ruf will tH gone, and three or four more application !ll completely tl.ilv. ahd entirely deatror, . ery tn at,l trace of It, no mi.tter ho Usn.lniff you may im You will find nil Itching atul illitslpf Ibis has been espeilally marked In navy plug utid Turkish cigarettes. On the other hand lu lung cut smoking they have ione much better since the dissolution. In scrap tobacco alone their profit's have been greater Uuio the K'oaihlnation or successor cohi panles. One of the principal causes of this unfavorable profit showing of smaller companies has been a much higher ratio of manufacturing; costs to sales. The chief explanation Is apparently found In their small scale operations and lesn efficient organi zation. The smaller companies have been at a marked disadvantage with respect to the cost of distribution." The decreatlng rale of profit of the Independent Is ascribed to Increases In (telllnfr find n .1 vi.rtlai,i a .,n..n '' of tobacco packages, the te-i.. .. . ,, . - , , "the rtlstuilttiin. Tlio-vnnerAl .finf.liia. Ions of the Investigation are thus itated In the bureau's report: ' . "Jn conclusion It mav be statod that tint study of prices, costs, ami port points out are affected' In- Inw nd ll (suggests that price con. peti tion might be facilitated by amend ing the law (o establish a larger num ber f KUyl .if (,,l:-ic.-i L..i..u uICi ,, ... - ' ' . ' ,' profits In the tobacco Industrv, wltH nealler rfer.mce ticttteii 'tnm i ' ' ' ' 1 . proMiuug liiai all liinTis of tobacco (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) Mrs. Ward could he heard calling for help and Ward could be heard telling his wife that if anyone broke j School of Mines, down the door to the room he would kill her and them. Neighbors finally broke open the door and when they entered the room they saw Ward s'ttlng on the prostrate body of his wife In one hand he held a surgeon's knife, which he sunk Into the body of his wife before the neighbors could Interfere. The knife blade was six inches in length. ilr. Ward stab bed his wife twice, the blade pene trating the heat at one stab and go ing just beneath the henrt at. the other. Neighbors grappled with Ward and two of them were slightly cut by the frenzied physician before he was fin ally overiiowered. . Committees In charge of the prep aratlons for the annual meet of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Athletic as soclation, May 17 and 18. already are very busy Work on the program is about, complete and local athletes are enthusiastic over the prospects for in Interesting meet. The track and grounds are being put in best condition, and soire ex ceptionally good work Is expected. As (luthrlo will not he a competitor this year she expects to play no favorites, but Will "cheer the winner" With gen uine eclat. The contestants will this year come from the following Institutions: Ok lahoma university, Norman; A. and M. college, Stillwater; 'Kingfisher college. Kingfisher; Northwestern normal. Alva; Phillips university. Enid; Central normal, Edmond; Southwepturn normal, tDurant; Wilburton; East Central normal, Ada; Northwestern normal. Tahlequah; illenry Kendall xillege. Tulsa; Southwestern normal. Weatherford. The tennis teams will have the field on Monday, iMay d". and the track and field event will be contest ed on Tuesday, May PS Skeleton Lined for coolness an exclusive Florsheim feature. If you have warm-weather foot troubles, sweaty feet, chafing at the heel or that burning sensation Come to us and be fitted in Florsheim Skeleton Lined ox fordsthe cloth lining absorbs perspiration and wears longer than the leather lining ordinarily used.. Why wear leather lined low shoes for Summer when we can fit you in cool Skeleton Lined oxfords. mSF. O. Lutz D. G. Co. Guthrie, Okla- ''Our trov pursuing the enemy have crossed the Carpathian ridge and the, frontier. Blungury is now free from the enemy. The battle continues in Ualic:nu territory. The enemy is relreaiiii;; tilong a front of more than .'00 kilo- tlin I'zsok J'ass and on the front. la, foutheasl tialicla more violent bat tles are developing. We have cap tured several Itussian positions. SI rone hostile, forces attacked oaf troops on -1 lie - heights northeast or Ottynia, where the .battle Is fontl'i- mcters from the Vistula to the' tTzsK n'nR. 1'ass. j "Though etrongly reinforced thai "The Teutonic allies have passe I bridge head at Zaleszekl was yesler victoriously' Uio lino of the fzsnW day stormed by us. The Russians Tass, Koniancza, Krosno, Dehica and are being pursued across the Duies- Kzczucln. tor. We have captured 3,"iOO of tb.3 In tho Carpathian section east ot. Jtussians." , E 1,000 MILES FOR BRIDE Chan. Henry Howan, 22, came all the way from d'rovldence, H. II. to marry d'retty Jtutb Tarpening,. 20, who has waited for him for nearly o year. The young folks met In Ok lahoma City about a year ago anil de cided thev would irrarry. At that time the young man was not finan cially able to care for bis Intended wife, .but he started out to make a place and in less than a year he suc- A nlmiilv face' will not embarrass I eeeded bevond his expectations, lie PIMPLY? Ml, OOHT BE! People Notice Ht. Drive Them Off With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. you much longer If you get a package of Tr. Kd wards' Olive Tablets The 3kln should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, the bowel and the liver with Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablels are the iiiccesFful substitute for calomel there s never any sickner-s or pain af' ter taking them. 'Or. Edwards' Olive Tablels do that whh calomel iloes. and lust as effec tively, but their action is gentle and sa'e Instead of severe, and Irrltatinz. iNo one who take? Olive Tablets Is pver 'lined with "a dark brown taste." n hart breath, a dull, listles. "Yi food' feeim. co1! ipt!on."tor "Id liver., bad diwn&Jtlpn .orolitmplf fa''". ., . I ' ilr. Edwnla' Olive Tablets are S iir..- vegetable en'tioiind mixed x-ith oi'v oil vou will know them by th"'ro"ei 'n'or nr. Fdwird snent rear? amone -at'enta irflictnii with liver and hoVel complaints and OHv Tablets are the trn"ietifelr .ffetive result .them lu some bran.hes and lost to, v t i ..,' I I " 111.' II ll,.-' I W I- ...II I IIIITI on the whole. Jhem In others. As a conseouence of liviV -.- nor hn n jn,. ;!., xtikT ana soft una loos nd ( " ' 11 ''"'ngiy poor snow ins compeiition me rate or profit of tlio P.'""- iiubdrcd Utu bHr, lot protita auJ iiuctj the dlsi-oiutiou Isatcessor companies has been r.' Tbe Olive Tablet Company, Colum- 1 " ' wljiud pUJitptkl in. ujti- if the Si-alp nt-t iimtantly vnd Ilia . ,m 'u! 'in T the vo-called Independent com patili-, otM'rating apart froa: the sev en s'.i, et-sors to the Trust, the re. port mi yit few or them have shown In ereasej pr- peril y since the dissolu tion. "Compare,! th eilher the combi nation or the sili censor cotniinules" 11 ce4--.Br out itaklng Into ' conslderjitlon oilier faetor-i In tbo" cpmpetitlveltu Indbates tba' lhetletroie Jf dis lion ua resunfii. in tfit-1 succci conipanli'S competing with each otiier for business In mot branches of the industry, but -ha not affected whole sale or retail prices. The huccessor ompNolcg have also competed with the smaller tobacco concerns and. collectively have won business from is now a trusted secretary to a large corporation in I'rovidence and was given a .10-days' vacation at full pay when his employers learned he was going to marry. The happy couple leH on their honeymoon today. They were married last night by Judge John 1 Chappelle. ( . Pumpkin Rollers Victors. i ili'-n :,: . '.;f! , ' The E -li. H. Baseball team of (iuthrle beat the Pumpkin KoUerfi yeslerday afternoon by a score of ,21 to S. T LanifHH jisiFei !at . ie 4f Till:! mi: ; XEPPELINS DHOP BOMBS ON LONDON r ' .' , , ': What's In the Cup? (Tlic flavour may lie u;rcc;il)lc, litit ;ipietiio isn't the utilv tliitifj U) lie cnnsiilfi'fd. - . - - ''- The avvragi' ctt t rnffcc riitiiainv alsutt 2 i-j grains nf -;if fciiic,' a pinvcrfiil drtt;' wliiih is a freiiicnt cause of iinlijjrestiott, cotistipaliuii, heart trouhle and oilier ills. '" Suntf pcrstnis arc slrntiej ctiuiih to use coffee, for a time without npparcnl harm, hut n pealed lov-s of its subtle cumulative drit, caffeine, snomr or lalcr affect-; even the strong nuin or woman. Any coffee drinker will Ix-iu-fit fruiu a change to Instant bsJtum m-, "they bav bus, O. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE ) ists have left Italy." Hungary- Freed of Enemy. Vienna, Aiay 10. The Austrian war office Sunday night made public the following official communication - This pure food-drink Jias a 'snappy 'lanjf, very like the (lid Gov't Javas. hut it contains thi caffeine, nor , any other harmful ingredient. It is made of .selected .tt heat, a little wholesome jnolas-es and is pure, jnvioratiuij ami delicious. And Itist.-mt l'ositmi is s-.v .'va'syto make, 'IHit a level tcapooni"ul in a t-np. add hot. wakr, and sugar and cream to taste. - ' ;Ji The convt-nit'iic- of Instant Po-ltnn is seen at a dance. Sold in .?v and 500 tin. Some prefer I'o.-tum Cereal the orit'inal form which must he well boiled, 15c and 25c pkgs. Croccrs sell both kinds, the flavour is equally delicious and the cost per cup is about the ame. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM t'flf '...V. .-.: