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Behooves to give royal welcome to the Odd Fellows and Elks this week. (VOLUME XLIX HOME uno mi F TEUTON ALLIES, SEEING THE INEVITABLE, MAY DE CLARE H AH FIRST SOON AFTER ITALY ENTERS ALL ITALIAN SOLDIERS IN SWITZERLAND ORDERED TO REJOIN REGIMENTS (By Associated Press.) On Italian Frontier, May 1.1. Ht Is now universally felt that Italy's par ticipation in the war is but a ques' tion of hours. Paris. 'May ill. It is being persist ently rumored In Paris that Germany and Austrlal have already declared, or are about to declare war on Italy In anticipation of such action on ber part, directed against themselves. In this respect, however, there has been received no confirmation of any kind. Another rumor current on the Bourse today wa3 that the Italian govern ment .has signed an agreement with the Allies England. France and Rus sia to take part In the war not later than 'Slay 2-fith. This ruiror ap parently al30 without foundation. Military writers are presenting the argument that war for Germany and Austria, on the third frontier, would undoubtedly make resistance of the central empires of their other fronts, more feeble, so that with the advent 'of Italy, victory over Germany is set 'for the Middle, of summer. Italian are Active. Geneva, iMay 11 All Italian o'rflc ers and .men In Switzerland, up to the age of thirty-four, were ordered yes terday to rejoin their regiments im mediately. Austrian and Bavarian forces are concentrating in Tyrol. Automobiles belonging to the Ital ian royal family, which had been as sembled at 'Monha. near ..Milan, were sent to Verona yesterday for use by the army. Shipments of freight from Italy to Germano, through Switzerland. h:u virtually ceased. All passenger train sJervifco to points on the Swiss frontier is dimin ishing daily. ITERS CI OP MORE (By Associated Piers.) Queenstown, May 11. The number of bodies of victims result of tho tor pedoing of the Cunard liner, Lusitania. recovered it Baltimore, a small sea port on the southern Irish roast, was Increased today to ten. Two other bodies have been brought ashore al Castletownsend, near Baltimore. Of the bodies at Baltimore, six are of men and four of women. SISTER SHIP OP ILL i FATED UNER CANCELS "V. (By Associated Press.) tondon. May ll.Thn sailing date of the Sunarder line steamer. Mrmre tania a sister ship of the Luai!.u:ia, advertised .for.. May 2th h.vv en ,tiilcelledi,;,ft ') ;.. j , f. y. x v. y t x x x x x x x x x x K ' COMING EVENTS X X Militia Officers s 'nooi, iay -- .'. M Odd Fellows, May 10. 11. State Elks Association, May 1 X 13 and 14. X State Intercollegiate Track X X Meet, May 1M8. X X Post Office Clerks' State As- X X sociation. May 31. X RESH AH INTO THE 111 The Guthrie daily Lusitania Leaving New York ; ssJ' IT f.'i 'I ;i' OIL: t r ; v ' y' i '::'v;;;,:;;i;V:;::.. .;b;-;::: !::l!.:V',,,:;'. ::-:':::'v";::':':':'r d i.. a I I 1 UUULvl T CIO f 11 uiuvi V ..." Charles Frohman. IB PLANNED FOR STATE ELKS TWO DAYS' SESSION, WITH LAUGH ATTENDANCE, TO OPEN ON THURSDAY Local KlUs are preparing on a large scale for the entertainment of the eighth annual slate convention of Elks. The opening session will .be held Thursday. The .convention will last two days, May 13 and illth. The state organization of Klks was formed in 'Muskogee, iXbruary 21, 5 90S with the following state officers elected: Thos. V. Smith, .lu,koge', (Oontiniifil on Tsup i TRIP OF BOIS TO C. E. Many young people of this city will . be interested in the trip which two bovR, Lloyd Erwin and Lee Smith, are making from Waxahuchio, Texas, to Chicago. They plan to leave today, from their home and walk the 1,250 miles to Chicago in order to attend the World's Convention of Christian Endeavor, which convenes in that city July 7. I The young ni n will carry a mes sapa of grafting froiv flin-frnor 'Per- j ciLson of-Ttxas, to Piiiiuhnt Wilson,' who is expecteil to deliver the open ing address of the convention if af 'fairs of state permit. It is expected that rallies will ne hePl in eai n ion I . ....... Tlin where me ooys mop n,, , , j young people of this vicinity, w ho be long to the Christian t.nueaor society, expect to travel by quicker routes. It Is anticipated that there will be 20.000 young people at the convention, which will be addressd lj Billy Sunday. William Jennings Bryan and other leading speakers. i MUCH IE RICH GUTIIRTE, OKLAHOMA, TUESDAY. MAY -v. i:i'.. ' i j1' , , m, ,'ijT5 -.t. . - cht Who Went Dnwn on Lusitania ; - - K 7S M 1 t' t .jr -V" tui Charles Klein. ET RSLD! SESSIOI THIS UK MEMRERS NON-COM M HAL, RUT ALL ARE GRAVE; SIT UATION VERY TENSE (By Associated Presn.) Washington, I). C., May 11 The cabinet was in session nearly three hours this morning, the longest meet ing held for several months. None of the membeis would deny that the Lusitania incident was discussed, but all of them refused to make comment. The demeanor genreally of the cabinet members was grave and re served. At the White House no Intimation was forthi oming as to whether tho President had yet decided on a course to pursue. The ship disaster is the all absorb ing topic of the dny. Everything elso has been sidetracked. TULSA PAPERS GIVE - PRAISE TO GUTHRIE The Tulsa Democrat of Monday, and The World of Tuesday, pay tributes to Cuthrie on the- entertain ment of the press convention. Both papers carry large pictures of the bath liouso. T7-ni T FOR STATE FRESS HOME ' General J. C. Jamison has offered I? 11 I one hundred copies of his book, "With called order. Walker In Nicaraupua," to the State 1:00 v- M.--A. t S. W. V. conven- Press nsociation, the proceeds to be 'tion called to order. used as the start for an endowment! ::uo l- !. G. A- R. business ses- fuud for the new borne iu Medicine!8'011 ut convention hall. p . - - J . r .- (Continued on Page KiKht ) Harbor Before Gome- for Trousseau When Toroedo Hit Shin Miss Eva Baker. STGRY OF A "STAY IT HOI HOLLAR" ARKANSAS COMMUNITY WATCH ING A BILL THAT WILL ULTI MATELY BE FRAMED Arkadelphia, Ark.. May 31. An economic scheme for promoting homo thrift has been evolved by It, 0. Couch, prtsiJeut of tho Arkansas Power o. lie started a new $U bill by purchasing a liome-niudo product, the recipient of tho dollar in turn do ing likewise, each tima placing the signature and art article bought, with the profit made, on a paper which ac companied the dollar. H is 'remarkable how many times a dollar k tiatit;i'H hands, This dollar hus in two weeks been owned by doz ens and it ij looked for with inter est. It is calltd the "stay-at-home dol lar," and the motive is to show what money kepi at homo and Tii circula tion can do toward enriching a city or a community. The dollar will finally be framed and displayed. G. A. R. PROGRAM E TULSA WILL ENTERTAIN VETER ANS AND THEIR LADIES THIS YEAR. MAY 12 TO 14 The following official program of , the Oklahoma ehcampmlMit of the ,tL A. R. and kindred organizations to be held at Tulsa, has just been is sued: " ' Wednesday. May 12, 19t5, ' , S:00 A. M.-O. A. M. Welcome. Reg istration and Assignment to Quarters. !):00 A. M W.-lt. C. Council int-t ing a! lirady hotel. 9:00 A. M ladies' Circle, estab lishing headquarters at Brady hotel. 1:00 P. M W. K. C. convention ss e.i - ' ' 1 .fiililiis .11, 11)15. She Was Sunk Off Irish Coast Novelist Went Down on the Lusitania Justus Miles Forman. KEEP PEACE PRESIDENT WILSON MAKES REMARKARI E ADDRESS IN PHILADELPHIA AMlvRCAIl 12 SI IT (By Associated Press.) Washington. May 11.-President Wilson said today that his speech in Philadelphia, last tiiglit was not a declaration of his pulley in reference! to tli a il.usitaiilu. disaster, he added that he was not thinking of any upuc- jlalial matter, but of the newly natur lali.ed Americans in his audience. The President used tho expression that ho was thinking of the "caiu" some peaple were trying to raise, Philadelphia, May 111. President Wilson gave to a gathering of four thousand naturalized Americans last I night the first intimation of what course the United States government will pursue In tho situation resulting . from tho loss ot more than a hund red American Uvea ou the British liner Lusitania, He spoke by implication, but his hearer.-! interpreted his remarks as meaning that while the United States n'oritinuM on P;ipr' F!x 1 LOSI WITH WORLD IS IN THLOCCD CASEiSLAIN, DAUGHTER IRIS Mii,.kn?.i. Okla.. Mav 11. I Dho d- . . . w- iug the juiigmeni or me iawes coin-jjnu . ir-,,, .miiviitun. j ui mission, l in'ted States District Judse i mer living near Splro. Casey Moore. Ralph E. Campbell handed down a himself badly wounded, married decision in the Bsrney Thlocco $2.- .M'nrheart's step - daughter. Miss ,000.000 oil allotment cr e throwing Pearl Uod. Mineheart. h, had the giivernment's claim out of tor., t.' heard Mo.r- and tbe girl intended Notice of given. ajpi-al was immediately Leaderi PRICE 2c J Football Player Who Was on the Lusitania Lothrop Wlthington. LIST ue city anus ROARD ARRANGES EOR .MM MONTHS' SCHOOL TERM; TEACHERS NAMED The city school board met yesterday afternoon and selected teachers for the next school term. With the ex ception of Miss I.enore llurke and Mrs. Mark Uouch all of the teachers now employed in the graded schools of the city were re-lectcd. Miss Iturke and Mrs. (touch were not candidates for reelection. The hoard passed a resolution thanking t It --in for their excellent work during ilhe past term. At. the high school Prof. Mct'ormick, Mis'.s Susan Fielder and (leorg I. llaiiuu were dropped from the rolls. I All have Becured better paying posi tions in other fields, j The vacancies caused by the resig nations of Miss ISurke and Mrs. Rouch and Prof. Green, principal of the high school, were not filled at the meeting yesterday, but will probably be sup plied at the next meeting, j Nine Months' Term. A full term of nine mouths is now assured the patrons of tl Guthrie si 'boots. Knoujh money was carried i rntivii1 on P'iiT Six.) Dl Ml HL, I'.iteau. .May li Alter no saoi I , .. , i. : i , i , . , , ! . i .. f .. maming aeut to Moure's Uoine The fight followed. 1 I R "' TEACHING Decorate and give the hand to visitors. It's bread on the waters. NUMBER 100 rule mm 3 GREAT INTEREST IN INITIAL SESSION ENCAMPMENT OF I. O. 0. I LARGE CLASSES TAKE DE GRESS WHICH ARE IM PRESSIVE; PARADE Odd Fellows from every part of tha slato are In Guthrie to attend tha fifth annual session of the Depart ment Council and Grand Encampment. Preliminary sessions were held yes terday. The real work will be put on tonight and tomorrow. The first session of the Encampment opened at 9 o'clock this morning at the I. O. O. P. hall. At 2:30 this af ternoon the big parade of all members of Encampment branch and all can didates for tho Encampment degrees took place from tha I. O. O. F. hall to the city hall, where the Patriarchal and Golden Rule degrees were con-, ferred by tha Cherokee degree staff. Arte, the exerclss at tha city hall tha parade re-formed and inarched to the First M. E. church where a delightful banquet was enjoyed by the visitors. Tonight there will be a line party to the picture shows for tho .visiting ludles. The ladies will meet at tho O. O. F. hall and go to tiit- fhowi In a party. , ' Confer Degres of Shlvalry. One of the most beautiful and im pressive meetings of the Rebekah branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows held In the state of Okla homa was staged at the I. O. 6. F. hall In Guthrie last evening, when the Degree of Chivalry was conferred on nine ladles of the order. There were several hundred of the order and their friends present to witness the ceremonies. After a short but beautiful program the de gree staff assumed their office and the degree was conferred. The obliga tion w hich' the ladies took In the presence was one that no woman can sincerely tako, without being a woman of high Christian character and In tegrity. The most impressive event in the entire program was when little Mls ltuth Ch-mdler decorated the candi dates. As they knelt in a circle around tho pedestal on which was placed the Holy Bible, and where they had consecrated themselves to tho higer and noble life of woman, tha little girl placed the decoration of each lady, and In her sweet, innocent child voice, said In clear tones: "1 now. by the, hand of innocence and purity thus invest you with the decoration you rae entitled to wear, lie lust, be. merciful, be true." Golden Rule Degree. As the little hands placed the dec oration and the little voice pronounced the touching words, the mother heart showed in most of the ladies aud they drew the little form to them and kissed her on her hand . Many of the ladies and men in the hall could not conceal the tear in their eye as they watched an,l listened as if charmed by a spell. The Patriarchal, Golden Rule and (Continued on Pag- Six.) THE WEATHER (CopyritM. by ItcClurw 8rn:. i tHy Associated Pres.) New Orleans. I-a. Mjy 11. Tonlfilit and Wednesday fair, t CHEROKE I IT GDLDE I i