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PAGE FOUR T H t: DAILY L E V I) E It BY LESLIE G. N1BLACK Pulillxlipd from The l.illj- Lender liuiM itilC. Went Harrison avenue, and enii'O'l t ihp tluttnl,. ftnffici a" wnrul ! (lllttrC- MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES t'r month. by carrier ( .15 rr yw. hy currier, in it1v;in,e. . . . i''.'1'1 fvr yp.if, liy mail. I" ailvaiiff 4 lk" OKLAHOMA Six imintii.t . . One TCir (WEEKLY) LEADER t .: New York office: Ppei-lal Agency. Tilriifro office: N'. M N. M. Sheflli-M. 1 I Sheffield Agents-, The Leader reserves Hie fight to reject any ndvt'rtlslng matter that it may deem improper and not aeeonllns to contract. The deader is not rernil'e tor n.i vertifecnents ordered or discontinued by which la 1,505.000 tons; also that! since the war began the Germans have I learned to do with far less meat foods Hum formerly, nnd find that mentft nrp I . . , I ( not oy any means necessary to goou ! health mid hrain and brawn. I Possibly the eminent scientists who have discovered Immense benefits to arise from the war and argue that ! strife has taught their nation to he ' self-sustaining in the matter of foods and that the vast importation of meals from America has simply been so much waste, are vegetarians. The American doctor who quotes them is ceitainly of that comparatively small element of humanity which believes' U:,it what grows from the soil is bet- 'ter consumed by man before it is transformed into the meat of animals. j At any rate it is safe to predict that when the war is past, no matter what changes may be made in the map of telephone. "all for society meetings, thanks, obituary notices, resolul ciely and church socials, lecture :. - calls for church meetings fexc-ep: Stism i sermon) are considered a advertising nnd will be charged for. Kindness office: No. JW V. Harrison. Composing nnd Tress mom?. No. 3"T VV. Harrison. Kd'torinl room?. No. Hit's W. Harrison. To reach all departments phone extension Ta. And ('apt. Kidd only scuttled a few galleons. Europe, the lesson learned in relation to food economics will soon be for gotten, that the gustatory desire will again become dominant for meats as well as for vegetables and fruits, and that appetite will not be limited to weights and measures of foodstuffs as at present in some of the countries involved. Quite probably the tenta tive fasting will lead to the other ex treme and that the lean tables of the war will groan with the richness and fatness of peace. "See America first.' generally adopted. will now be There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than ull other diseases put toVethcr.eanil until the- last few years was supposed to lo incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, end by constantly failing to cure with loc'.l treatment, pronounced it iricurahlc. Sci ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional tre.v.rncr.t. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitu tional cure on the market. It Is take. In ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tea epoonful. It acts directly on tlie Mood pthI mucous surface of the pvstem. Thev And Elbert Hubbard had intended olTer one hundred dollars for any case It I fllo tn mm Vend f ir clectilrtfQ finH ten. to write a denatured account of the ; iim0niaiss. China gives a wonderful exhibition of sparring for peace. V-i9 must belong to the union, ja ."subbing" overtime. It war. Vanderbilt's millions are intact. The intellect of Hubard is gone for ever. ' The Titanic disaster was an "act of God." The Lusitania disaster may come under the head of "me und Gotl." ' Umonlals. Address: V. J. CIIENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Trui?r!sM. 7.V. Take Ball's Family Fills for constipation. Rich Philadelphia!! and Children Among Victims' !y as he ut-iined what steps be should icccmmend if his advice were asked. Senator'Owen declared that ho should expect .President Wilson to 'call tho attention of the 'German government to the repeated violations of Interna tional law; that he should expect the president to demand a disavowal from the German govern moiit of any purpose to kill neutrals; that he should expect the president to naUfv i ne i.erman government mu3t at once instru.t its subordinate nav (1 and military co.r mantlets that the . rights of the United Slates must he protected and that he should expect ; the president to send neutral govern " cuumm oi tne united states I note, requesting their Immediate ad herenec to the policies laid down in senator Owen declared that "he would hesitate to indicate the "rlex ftep" should the German answer be unsatisfactory, hut he de:lared that In hi? opinion the T'nited States could render a greater service to the human race hy exercising self con rol rather than plunging into war. ne asserted that rm nation in n, world could the courage, reso lution or power of the United State?. but said that the people of this coun try must renumber that the people of Germany are suffering a great af fliction as tho result of ihe war President Wilson, he said, had.doubL less prayed dally to the Great Father of Men for gttidan.e in the Lusitania matter. hi ..1 I5-r- J e7 &rc fly trw S E E VV. Sterling Hidges iid His Two Boys. W. Sterling Hodges, who was a Lehigh avenue. passenger on the Lusitania, wan the "u'"c Paris repioccntative of the Baldwin Locomotive works, lie was returr.- They closed ss sfi i S K S ss S IS ' 55 S5 T a BRILLIANTS. a a x is s m :-s :-s & m God never repents of what he has first resolved upon. Seneca. Europe so far has issued war loans aggregating nine billions. This will come pretty near to "staggering humanity" when it comes to paying it. Purity of heart is 'heritance of woman. the noblest Claudius. Knemies carry a report in form dif ferent from the original. Plautus. The latest gospel in the world is know thy work and do it. Carlyle. A mysterious painting, three feet by four, has arrived in New York ai;' ha been valued at $18,750 per sqn.m ! - ' , foot. Art threatens to rival nealt.v. j Trl,st not ,l,e worlJ' toT 'never jpayetb what it promiseth. Augustine. j lpperary is reported is reported to have averted a panic at an easlern movie ebow. In some places it would have ben more likely to have started a riot. Special Envoy Dernburg is in some danger of being a man without a country. He is being as roundly abused ill Berlin as he has been in New York. Huerta's aid is to star a bank in New York. But the financial genius exhibited by the ex-dictator in Mexico was loo personal to be much of n i advertisement for ?i rjositors. As you can not do what you wish, iou snouiu wisn wnat you can uo. Terence. It goes a great, way toward the mak ing of a man faithful to let him un derstand that you think him so. Seneca. Words are like leaves; and where they most abourul, much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found. Pope. It is believed that the trip of Mr. Hodges and Harry J. Koser had to do with plans for the sale of equipment Rheuma:..Ti Y.elua Cuick! to Sloan's You can't prevent an altack of 'Rheumatism from coming on. but .von can stop it almost Immediafote Sloan's Liniment gently applied to the sore joint or muscle penetrates in a few minutes to the inflamed spot that causes the pain. It. soothes the hot. tender, swollen feeling, and in a very short time hrinirs n relief ing to Paris to take up his duties af- and posaibly other munitions by the i that is almost unbelievable until you ter a short stay in this country. He Baldwin Locomotive works to the was accompanied by Mrs. Hodges, and allies. It was reported that the tiip their two small children. Sterling of Mr. Hodges was in connection with Hodges and Dean W. Hodges. Vh;m the sale of locomotives to the govern in Philadelphia 'he Hodges live al ment of France. UNKNOWN STfMB STOI experience it. Get a bottle of Sloan's ilJMment for 2,,e. or any Druggist and have it in the house" against ifolds, Sore and Swollen Joints. Lunrhago. Sciatica and like ailn.ents Your money bark if not satisfied, but it ooes give almost instant relief, EtGrilstovd In Our Window Come in and ask us about it. We'Jl be e'latl to demonstrate and explain fully i by E, (JrilstoVo is the most economically opera ally operated 1.. ... ; e,. eimnc appliance on the market today. , . .. hi ui'ilstovo is a combined grill and stove. ', It broilcs, fries, boils and toasts two operations at the: same time one above and the other below the glow ing coils. Operates on any lanip socket.' . Regular price .$.1.00. ' V T-' Reduced to $3.35 During Hotpoint Week, May 3 8 Si:: pound flat irons reduced from $3.50 to $3.00 Let us send one out for a free trial. s a; js si :s js m 8s ;s 38 a: if, y, w. & tub imu:ss m s AXD ftHTIIIUE. a London. May K'. A Renter i'a patch fro : Amsterdam says an uni dentified steamer was torpedoed ami et afire off Schiermomiik-Oou, an island in tin? North sen- The wrecs is stiil bnrnins i'-'ti iiolMii;; is known regarding tiie fate of the crew. Reserve bank of Kansas .City, .Mo. Asa E. 'Raiii.-iev. oi" Muskogee, dep uty reserve agent of the 'Federal re- I serve bank of Kau-as City, .Mo., will address . the contention Friday on j Practical Openuious of a Federal Given Royal Reception. Reserve Ban it, " raited States Senator Or en's sr.eech .will be From Ardmore Ardniorite: The city Rcbort L. of Guthrie was host to the Oklahoma Plans i for Press association the past week, and Federal Lesisl'ttipn on Rural 'Cred-jthe men of the profession were never its," Governor Robert. L. Williams given a more royal will ppeak Friday morning state mm n FOR ONE OF WAR'S RECOMPENSES;' An American physician, while ad mitting all the atrocities and horrors of the war in Europe, argues that lessons are being learned which will A man who does not possess him self enough to hear disagreeable things without visible marks of anger and change of countenance, or agree- ble ones without sudden bursts of joy and expansion of countenance, is at the mercy of every artful knave or pert coxcomb; the former will pro voke or please you by design, to catch. unguarded words or looks; by which ..r o. mran-uiame oeneiu to Iti" race be will easily decipher the secret nf "If they are taken to heurt ; forgotten." He believes th: has already taught economic! , tion that may save more lives t your heart, of which you should keep the key yourself, and trust it with no man living. The latter will, by this absurdity ,and without internum? it destroyed by shot and shell in battle,.. 'produce the same discoveries of which lie quotes i from the fled net inns i,f German scientists that .t.000 calories is sufficient for the daily healthful requirements of an average man and about four fifths as much for a woman, which is the equivalent of 1 1-2 pounds of bread and 1-4 pound of butter, but that the actual consunip- nuii uiiiomiieii to .s.iiuu calories per person. In Ihe use of protein, the most valuable frxd clement, thev found that the German people had med 2,::ii;,0(i) tons per year, or nearly f0 per rent more than was necessary. oilier people will avail themselves. Lord Chesterfield. Item Welcomed By Many Men ThS will prove n IMtji iiuili.tti (i.r u rrwurkru. H"i-'i,. ,1 Vuiei uixl Imip t!, inl,; pi 'filiation. lizac-it-M. Hlt-H in,,imii.i l, ur tliiit.lit in w-nt.iMii lill!l. tu li i i ikitiim nil) t ,.1'ie r , , ., Itifftl .vmM.M in ,,f tin j- i im i4f1;.ihf,f at,, I t.ii.w.t u kmw llfic. ,r ;mv (..,-. If rr Imit h, t f tmni.t.,,,, 'el.'H Irt tl'v il lu-t K.', t,i nil iitvH k.-J ti nr Mor a'. t !! -if. uin 4 ,!,, im-n tH nnt turn t:K ai'.ii: ,1 1 :)( !, Ih ,1 ii -,-t , ,f1 j liK'h r!N.niiiiv .-.j. h c li.-,J r i t I. IrllHC IllVlpt.," ilii ivlttrr j f.'ll Mtitl ter h.v n: a letiithv I,,!. l!-jwtiJ 4iv ir,ini,nrnl ''li 'n e l )lu rma, j I.w. I,.,. k.-.l iiih full tlir. .n .r v rr ni'nj-ii. Iifltt.m. o I'm! :f wi,!'- ii It. a a li. i.m f.n i... fltitOf Itlrw i i. niiif li!t at M- m h,i .ie u - I.JMITHI.-J.I, I - "8 UiiiI.k, l,..;iil ij elr,-iii- II H-Ut , ,.,)si nil tf.ii.'r.ii im i mm r.itrn I'll-.' thH !!..( II! IIILlelr rai iiiM "' v l:ir-'-. rour t,nnos Cought is a Ca!.' fjr Help Hint put on treating your Child uugii. it not only saps (heir strength, but often leads to mor. serious ailment Why risk? You don t have to. Dr. King's New Dis covery is just the remedy your 'h:Id neeias. jt is made with soothing, healing and antiseptic balsams. Wil! quickly check the Cold and soothe your iChiid's Cough away. No odds how iiad the rough or how lona standing, Dr. King's New Discovery will stop it. It's guaranteed. Just get a bottle fron your Druggist and try it. Tulsa. May 13. Three hundred bankers arrived in Tulsa Wednesday io attend the nineteenth annual foh- letition of i)ie Oklahoma Hankers' as 3cciation which o;.ens Thursday rnrirnir.g fcr a two-cays meeu.ig. The forenoons v. ill be devoted to busine-s sessions and the afternoon 3 and evenings to entertainment. Prominent oft-of-state bankers who arrived Wednej3ay for the tion included the following. Ii. I.. Oil;, vice president of the Seaboard iNa'ional tank of C'ew York City; W. K. I'ni'Jv. a.-sists'nt cash: of the Chase National bank of New York City; M. It. Stnrtevant, vice )ire'"d'iit of the "e;i;ral -National bank of ?t. l.oiti-; Fletcher Farrcll, vi-e president of Ft Dearborn National fcirk of Cliitago; R. S. llaw er, vi'e prr'?i,ent of the Third 'Na tional bank of St. lmis, and Wm Huttig. vice ); trident of the National reception any where. Tho home folks seemed to I vie with each other to see who could TO TAKE TRIP TO BOLIVIA , do most for the visitors. The city was A scouting trip to .Bolivia. South decorated with United States flags, America, to consume several weeks. and ,lle f,aSS stretched in a long line is to be taken -durins months by former Governor Public Service Go. of Oklahoma (Light Co.) Telephone 111 it... . . i p n nn ami 'I'lm v.-. w.i i .i. ... ... '"'- ' ' "'" nave not lost it-. s& SB 3J ii S S S H SI 1 uuir iiiterest in Aua anil lnado many iS VAGRANT VERSE M inquiries concerning their friends II I K2 88 88 RR R N urn v,-. C. N. from the depot to the main business portion of the city. Many of the editors were accompanied by their wives and daughters. A number of Ha-ke!l, who is how in Washington, I). C. The southern trip is to l,a taken, if is said,', for both oil and railroad investigation. He is to be accompanied by .Mrs. .Haskell and several of hh .Oklahoma as.wiates .,., and the voyage .will Lie western coast from San Fran !' Wi . - brilliant receptions were provided for the ladies., So many arrangements were made to entertain the editors, that President Ruck Campbell' had a in session. be irade down The meeting was harmonious through a out, and when the association is ready I to convene in session again, it will jhave a $15,000 home built at Medicine TOD.WS yiOi.ATIOXS Park, near Lawton. While the next 'Best Ever Held." From Shawnee Herald: The Shawnee delegation to the meeting of the State Editorial association report a most enjoyable meeting, declared by many to be the best ever held in the stnte. The entertainment at Still water Sunday, where the editors were fed a splendid menu of all-Oklahoma products, was an especially delightful feature. j The trip back to Guthrie Sunday In a THE WOMAN'S THANKS. There is so much strong men are thankful for A nation's progress, or a ' alow strife's end; And though I join my praise with their's today! Grave things are these I scarce can comprehend. So vast are they. And so apart, dear God. I pray thee take special from Stillwater was My thanks for these, thy . blessings' MARKETS 0Y WIRE TULSA Si m, mi ME FII :attle: Kansas City. Mo., May 13, Re eipts L'.iij. Market isironjr and active. Price hee; steers $7.7.") to $8.40. Dressed beef steers S 50 to $9.25k Cows an! heifers $1.50 to $11. Oil. HOGS: R?celpt. fi.non. Market, 5c higher. Bulk of sabs $7.10 to $7 45. Top price. $7.50. WHEAT: Kansas City. Mo May 1.1. .May. Jl.'id -2. .Lily, $ii.20 f!-. J " September $Ufi fi-8. Intxperienced. j 'I have had no children, ma'am." "iio.v is that?'' I "l'e only worked ! families, you know." in the best' Mrs. Wyatt's Doctor Said She Could ot Lljc. bit Gie "Feels Like Ne." Mr. Mary Wyatt of 2i" Cinn ave- experience with'nue, Tub;a. Okla.. had serious s'.om- I-j '? troi.h!" i ,x r.. .1 !. -i yt.-.irs. For a i.e. r t vo vea-s of tint time tiio doc tor.; h' .il mat she v.aj in tit" sraveft danger. She took Mayr'g Wonderful Remedy and found relief Kite wrote: "! r.ave lakrn !'.i!i trcaii.ient of your woi'ler'iti remedy. '' bii" Tbe Ta Wonder cures kldner' for ne-rr v -'"...,' ',i ,i. i and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel Mlic Lr-t ' 1 f- i 'like a new hot cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, "R Two -rheuniatibm and all irregularities or ' ' ',;'!'J w . i-. i -I . . s n ' u ,Himy anu bladder in both dipii i,.vf ;in.. ,r1.ti,.... -( . and women. Regulates bladder tron. lan v m'r. bles in children. If not Sold by your j Msyr's AVonderri.l dnigist. will be sent b'v mail on' re- I l,p"inanent resulis for ;inu inie; i::iai aiintrnts ke. CORN- -.:..... .Lily, fi J.t; -S: split l:t ii:;. ( meeting will go to Tulsa by unanl imous vote, it is planned that all sub j sequent meetings following it will be held at the home. While in Guthrie, the editors were given tickets to shows, to the bath house, ctreet car tickets were fur nished, and hundreds of automobiles .were at the service of the visitors. Saturday lunch was taken in the icily Mineral Wells park where the I school of officers of the militia was j being held. There were in camp ! about 100 officers of the Home Guards. Federal officers were there training them. After lunching with the men. the visitors saw a demonstration of digging war trenches and building wire entanglements, such as are being (built in real warfare now in Europe. jThe federal government is conducting the school und paying the expenses, j Receptions and balls were plentiful mm tin- younger set were given a ; most enjoyable time. No tov n in j Oklahoma could nave done more than :did Guthrie for tho p:css boyj of Ihe i state, and tiiat city will for all ti ne to come hold a pleasant place in the memories cf the men of the p.-cs of Oklahoma. marred by a very deplorable tragedy. t he special hit a buggy at a crossing. Instantly killing Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tietz, aged Germans. They had stopped to lot (he train pass, when the horses became unmanageable and dashed nnon the track immediately in front uf mo engine. TO suke. SCOTTISH RITE MASONS. The tri ennial installation of officers That mmr,! oi uuuine i nupter of Knights Rose Croix will be held at the Masonic iHiupie tonignt at S:00 P. M. AH members are urged to attend. FRANK A. DERR, Secretary. The little common joys of every day, My garden blowing in an April wln.d A linet's greeting and the morning fall Of happy sunshine through the opened blind, The poplars tall my threshold, and the peace that falls ",K saunatn stillness from humble walls. my Best Thing for a Eilious Attack. "On account Of mv confinnnnt In the printing office i hr,ve for v.... been a chronic sufferer from Indies. tion and liver trouble. A few weeks a on I 1, .1 .... ...... ..i. .1. . . i mi u uli auai-K mat was so se vere that I was not able to go to the I case for two days FaiHnn- i any relief from any' other treatment, ' cnipanlonEhip of those the heart The little simple joys that we forget l'ntil,we luse them; for the lamp that lights The pages of the books I love the best, The hearth's red welcoming on win ter nights, That moves within its circle, and the near A TTXAS WOMJF.II KO? .May M il!r3nd!n.x tho A Ford Story. From Ada News: Whilo at Gu;hrie the editor of the Nr.vs was the guest of C. C. Ford and wife at dinner. Mr. Ford suffered a serious accident some d. i!c;-tor told me inf. thnnk.i to i e.' -. I do not 'i my stomach Ru-redy give- sioniarh. liver Kat as mii h No more dis- ealinz, iri'?j.!!r' of tas in iii-a-ri aiil around the h.-ati. C'-i one ho:;!e of -.our dnmWt noiv -in.I tiy it cm an ai.Folutn o.Dir ntee r rifll .1 ! fjl.-L.Tl. tiw...n.. t.-HI I. r Sold by drugglBU Ad 'aored. ' M it s:nkin.; of the Lusitania by a German months ago In which he brole a leg -i:'iii'aii!i! ivi'Li the loss of over one He is just no able to get about with- the Cl'l-lfOf ft DO flno email hntll I. ' and w tat - vi-r you v uiuiiiuB ireatmen:, ana leidotn treps af: n r.nd barbarous." 1'nited h'enstor Robert I.. Owen in a ni o'i'taied Wednesday night. ness which covers several towns, In lai.n to pencct a cure. Send for tes-l'i.e ; titroniaU from this and otber s'aies Mr. K. W. Hll. 2!:'fl Olive StrfL SL 1 oi la. 11 U. d lives, including over one out the aid of crutches. However, he hundred Americans as an , act 'illegal, is doing well with bill posting huui- iniMi , Plat; a : ta'eir n.' "m ;1 the i !:izr ns of Ihe 1'nlted ?:-H-3 t-i rt-i'id by Preaidrnt Wilson, whatever his roiirse mar he. I took throe of Chamberlain's Tablets' and the next day I fP;t nke a new man." writes H. r. Uailey. Editor . aronna uNews. Ctiapln, S. C. Ob tainable everywhere. holds dear. Belrfj the Ravings of an Auto Salesman. C-'rem a Kansas auto ad.) Ur, sircming lines of beauty are as evqu.'cllcly fashioned as the modeled orr.i of the Venus de Milo; iu com- o"t a:i luxurious as the car of ;-:ry (,i:eon in Hie rose-tinted clouds ' I be upper el her. 75 22 el" t" M:it f.ipltiil klfitiiiuti; l.l-.t Ul , I ill iw 20i nill- i.f muiiiil-iliin; & minut Walk ftnin b)t,ir,(.i r.iu I... .... Tii lenator r,ioke slowly and an- ". rnm)riiteu--iii-l,-i:'ma frLm $1 , . .', ... t . . . "P- M-al l-ilf dti.ile nnj n In eai to . pareutly weighed each word careful- .valll. Colfax car iruu Umoc in Coon't. When my daughter bail whnnn. ing cough she coughed so hard m nno true that she had hemorrhage of the ungs. 1 was terribly alarmed about her condition. Seeing Chamberlain' v "iign nemeny so lilgiily reconiiiiend ed. I got her a bottle and it re'ievcd the cough at once. Ilefore Rhe had uniMieii two uotiirs or tais remedy, Him was entirely ui!.- wri(. Mr- I F. flrimes. Crooksvllle, Ohio On-J tainable ever) where. The dear, accustomed Joys we lightly take Too much for granted sometimes, as a child. His father's gifts; and, so remem bering For these my thanks, for these my treasures piled. , Each simple thing. the Tho- wiser may forget, dear father, I tune My thanks for these, thy little bless ings' sake. v nieouosia Garrison in Bazaar. Harper's 1lt&scaSlJb it 93"HairTonic stop- the bair frsni fallinj out Gray's Drug 8tor, i ; .311431