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PAC5E THREE NOTES AND PERSONALS OF SOCIETY Germany Must Answer for These. STRililFOfiil FREE ADVICE THE CUTITRTE DAILY LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1015. 1J $1.00 Shirts $1.00 is a very popular price for a first-class shirt. You can bu s lirts for $1 in any store but you can not buy as good shirts any where as we sell for $1.C). We have them in all the new materials and in all the n e w i models, either turn-over cuffs or regular stiff cuffs. ! The Only One Price Scalp Treated, Shampooing A-ND Hair Dressing AT BATH HOUSE BEAUTY PARLOR USE 7-SEAT MOTOR CAR ON RAILWAY TRACK (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE ) translation was sent to the Thbs. A. Kdison company and by them put on phonograph recordH; and arj a phono graph is a part of the equipment of the automobile, whenever a gang of Mexicans Ih met, they listen to this Aunt Sally's Advice To Beauty Seekers c. !. iay: "My face Is freckksl the ear round; niUliing I try seeing t. help much. 1 there anything lint wih really take off these horrid spots?" Have you tried the treatment recoinnienilert t Admit" l? ''v,! kivwii this lo remove vurv obstinate freckles. Mien ti. A-'ks: "What should I do for deep Hues' undor my eyes and aero a my forehead V ' Sie h lines, and all wriniih s. are best obliterated by bathing affected portions In a gwd nstrt.iscnt and t.eie lotion, whleh strengthens and draws .n the relaxed tissue. Here's a reliable fr iiiuIh: 1 o. r'wdereil saxohte. r witch hazel; mix and use dally until ei -tlrelx relieved. : i Minnie I,.: The undue redne's as well as the pimples, may easily be remo,.d liv usins ordinary meroulized wax. Ay niv nightly like eold cream and erase mornings with warm water, h-.nm ..on I haJ? a beautiful white, elear. soft and velvetv complexion. Mereolized wax old by all .Unguis. I better than r mctics for any complexion trouble .no mmce suffice for most on.l.tio.... Wonian's Healtn. lUMLKSS BEAUTY Beeomina, Inconspicuous nd Durable. Our Screwiest Eye Class and Spectacle Mountings. Greatly Elimin ate! the Breaking of Lenses. Made and Sold by the CROOK OPTICAL CO, 122 W. Okla. Ave. Juthrie, Okla. S. P. CROOK, Ucened Optometrist , THE Clothier In Guthrie. milBUPB!a I talk in their native tongue a talk that seemingly pleases them immenso ly. Then they are invariably given "La Golondrina," by the Mexican Artillery band, this selection holding iu their affections much the same place as does "Homo Sweet Home',' in ours. Mr. Hale will cover practically the entire Santa Fe system before December 31st, probably reaching a total of 20,000 miles in that time. The car attracts a great deal of at tention everywhere, as it did here. All employes are enjoined to "Get the Safety Habit;" to remember that "it ' is better to be always careful than al ways crippled," and that "It is better to be safe than sorry." If you failed to see thin car, you missed seeing the most talked of automobile in America today. x x x x x x i1.', x x x x y. x x LOCAL .AHMI'AT f Five women are now In jail at Ok lahoma t'ily (barged with bootleg'.ring. .lira Noble, Janitor, cuntiactcd small ;ox. He didn't know it. Now all slate house employes must be vacill ated. Jim is in bad. Leamon Currant, 21, was drowned in a pool of wafer near Uandalet yes terday. A. Strong, charged with making bogus $5 "cohl" pieces, was commit ted to Jail by Commissioner Green in default of $1,500 bond. Much rain Is predicted for this week in Oklahoma and throughout the South. Gov. Williams says he will clear the supreme court docket in the next two months. He has appointed three new court commissions to aid in the task. Freeman K. Miller, Oklahoma poet, is now holding the chair of English at A. & M. college. Harry Smith, a dairyman, was shot mysteriously yesterday near Tulsa. Jim Noble Puts Virus jin Offieialc. Jim iNoble. state house janitor de veloped smallpox the other day and nil the officials in thej'Lawrence build ing were forced to be vaccinated. iNoble gained fame In GutMrie by serving as Shaker Pill Murray's -Ptissonel body guard." Prion 5 I "Good nature Is more agreeable In conversation than wit, and gives a certain air to the countenance which is more amiable than beauty." Addition. Today. Auction Bridge Luncheon- Mra. M. Cassidy and Miss Catherine Cassidy. Social Crochet Club -Mrs. A. V. Koetscli. Thursday. Auction party for Mm. Sarchet. Wrs. J. A. MeFdhlmioy. Openoreky Club Mrs. L. Samp-ic-i. Altrurian Club Carnegie Library. Friday. Auction Hrldgo Luncheon Mrs. M. Cassidy and Miss Catherine Cassidy. Acorn Club Luncheon Mrs. Webb Baker. Domestic Science (Huh Muslcale Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Llllie. Annual Declamation Contest First M. E. church. O. O. O. (Tub-Mr. and Mrs. J. !. Loveless. ' ' Friday Bridge Club Mrs. Henry Thompson. Amicilla Club Mrs. W. W. Bishop. Clover Leaf Club-Mrs. W. M. McCoy. Saturday. 1 Kooney Mooncy Shah Club Mrs. ' Fred Cronk. I I'M Delta BreakfastAt home of Mrs. M. A. Hart. t ' l Miss Ellen Bronson Entertains. ! Miss Kilen BroiiHon entertained the members of the Phi Delia Gamma club and Miss Beatrice Lewis at ono o'clock luncheon yesterday in honor of her house guest, Miso Eleanor Han-( ford, who is a former member of the club. A delicious three-course lunch eon was served by the hostess and Miss Nina Bronson. Miss Hulh Sex- auer was awarded the- club spoon for top score at auction. Mra. Harold K Welch of Enid, was an out of town guest. Mra. Henry Thompson will lie hostess to the Friday Bridge club this week. Mrs. Sarchet Honor Guest. Mrs. C. M. Sarchet of Jennings, was the honor guest at an auction party given by Mrs. J. A. McElhinney at her beautiful home at, 714 East Noble avenue. An abundance of pink and white roses were used about the rooms and the card tables numbered eight. Beautiful hand painted china was awarded the prize winners, a cream and sugar to Mrs. Charles Scely for lop score, a broad and but ter plate to Mrs. L. I. Behind for low, and Mrs. Sarchet's favor was a lovely mayonnaise bowl. A delicious two course luncheon in pink and while was served by Mrs. McElhinney, assisted by Mrs. F. L. Brown, Misses Dessa Matchett, Jestie Kellogg and Arlcnc McElhinney, and the guests Included Mrs. Sarchet, Mrs. V. It. Brownlee of Kingfisher, Mrs. O. B. Hildreth of Newton, Kansas, Mmt'S. Webb Baker, John Barwick, E. O. Barker, George Billingsley, J. D. Burke," Wm. Bronson, W. IX. Coyle, Charles Barker, John J. Hildreth, J. L. Houseworlh, Charles Seely, g. K. Van Voorhees, Galen Crow, E. D. Walton, ('has. White, J. P. Winton, M. Cassidy, S. L. Spurrier, Take a glass of Salts to flush out your Kidneys and neutralize irri tating acids. Kidney nnd Bladder weakness rcmilt from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the Madder, where it often remains to irritate nnd inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation nnd is very proftue; again there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it because they can't control urinal ion While it is extremely annoying nnd some times very painful, this is really or.c of the most simple ailments to overture. Get aliout four ounces of J ad Silts from your pharmacist and take a tnhle sioonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or tlirce days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary or gans which then net normally again. lad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splen did for kidneys and causes no bad offects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent lithia-water drink, whichtquiekly relieves bladder trouble. Lenore Burke IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women suffering from any form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman's private correspondence de partment of the Ly dia E.rinkhum Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to o woman ; thus has been established a confidential correspondence which has extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consentof the writer.and never has the Company allowed these confi dential Jotters to get out of their pos session, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of the Vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth ing is aslted in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of thia generous offer of assistance. Address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Mass. Every woman onprlit to lmvo I.ydia 13. Pinkham's 80-pago Text Hook. I tin not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is fro and only obtainable by mail. Write for It today. Oorgo Anderson, L. I. Behind, J. II. IJurford, A. L. Evans, L. F. Leach, Henry lirann, W. H. lioasen, J. J. Haymaker, Will Barwick, A. II. Hus ton ; Misses Ida Niblack, Dean uiid Foley. The Allrtirinn club will meet ut the library club rooms tomorrow for I he annual election of officers. Announce Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindeiimann ol 1902 West Noble avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter. Bertha, to Mr. Arthur Scverin, the wedding to take place at their home on Wednes day, June 2nd. .Division No. 2, Woman's Auxiliary, will meet on Thursday at 2:20 at the home of Mrs. K. A. Humphrey. Divisions 1 and ii are also invited to lie present. Merry Go-Round Club. Miss Kathorine Stainbaek was hostess to the Morry-Go-Uotiud club last, evening ut the home of her sinter, Mrs. H. K. Watklus, on Has! Cleveland avenue. The evening was spent with auction at which Miss Beulah Cavoll made top score and Miss Lenore Iltirko low. A dainty ice course was served In the dining room where the fable waft made altraetivo with pink roses. A tiuantily of roses were also used about the rooms. Miss Jtiuia Williams, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Williams, who last week received her A. 11. degree at the Fnivcrnity or California at Berkeley, iias returned from a visit to the Panama-Pacific exposition with the I'nivorsity Treble Clef club and in now located at, the V. W. C. A. at Asihnnar. a beautiful summer resort on the coast automonile road. She will re main there until late in September. Reception to Faulty O. M. U. Chancellor and Mrs. Edward Ilislop opened their home at 111! Kast Noble avenue, to lite members of the fin ally of the Oklahoma Methodist university for the annual faculty reception. 1 he rooms were prettily decorated with roses, and a pleasant evening was snent. with music, and a guessing contest in which Miss Alice Conkling and Prof. W. A. Coodell carried away the honors. At the close of the even ing Mrs. Hislop was assisted by Mrs. Lucy White ami Miss Clara Hoyt in serving a delicious two-course lunch eon. Tbore invited to attend were: Profs, and Mines. W. A. Goodell, W. A. Howard, George Pritrhard, Albert D'Avignon. H. If. Ryan, Mrs. Cora Moorehcad, Mi res Alice Conkling. Lyda White, l'aye Trumbull, Clara Hoyt. Mary Harris, Profs. K. G. Green and L. A. Mclliil. On next Wednesday evening the members of the senior class of the university will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hislop. Snent Afternoon at Needlework. The members of the Six Hundred club enjoyed an afternoon at needle work at the home of Mrs. L. A. Hahn yesterday afternoon. Dainty refresh ments were served and the club mem hers were: Mrs. A. II. Boles, Mrs. J. 12l Captain Alfred Ounter. Wireless Operator C. C. Short. The Gulfllght. President Wilson's note In Germany demands satisfaction for the lives of wireless, operator C. C. Hhort and Captain Gunter and for the attack on the Gulflight off the Keilly Islands. is well us for the .American lives lost on the Lusltanla. In fuel, the Gulflight will go down in American history as one of the most ruinous of ships. The Gulfllght with a deep bole made by the torpedo of a German submarine has been towed Into St. Marys, Scllly Islands. Her cargo will bo trans-1 1!. Pairl'letd, Mrs. It. It. Carlin, Mrs. J. I). lltirke, Mrs. A. C. Dolde, Mrs. A. A. West ami Miss Anna Koley. Mrs. Jack Morris arrived Ibis morn ing from Kansas City, Mo., to be the guest of Mra. Fred Cronk and oilier friends. t ShakeBpcare Club. The Shakespeare (dub met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. J. J. Aboil and completed the reading of Henry V. Questions on the first three ucts were taken up. Next Tuesday I ho club will meet at the library. Prayer Meeting. Division No. fi, will meet Friday at 2::'.0 with Mrs. Chan. I). Long of 1X2:1 Hast Grant, and Mrs. Ilixon will be leader. For Sale or Kxchange 11 oz. tennis ra'ket ror 12 o.. one. yddrei:s .lim cute Leader or phono 121"" J. Court Helps Subdue Daughter. When M'dsay IT. pear oliMMus lii. gee girl divided lo join a .carnival company her mother objected. The (curt: was; asked ilt'or aid and little liva must go the reform school unlil she gels the foolish notion out of her pretty head. ' snu'iCAi. ma(;M'Ts Paris Mnv Hull - In the ho-ipltal s ! Pr.-nii-p ui.iiini'is liav been devel oped that will draw fragments or shrapnel to 111" siirlaee tn.m a (' 11 In Ihe flesh of even sis inches, and steel -'jacketed bullets have been ilrnwn out fr m a depth of ;rore limn two Inches. At the Invalids' Hotel in Huff-iR N, Y. are many as wonderful elec tric machines, high fre.piencv cur' rents. X-ray. viol I tins. Then Dr. Tierce has cipiipped the Siiiiilariiiin with everv known device to aid the sick and In the Surgical I lepartm-nt every liistruiiient and appliiini'e ap proved by the modern operator The pern anent cur- of rupture Is a'-com-,.111,,.,! without uaiil vvlt't hi'-al anaeslnesi.i. Stone In the liladder and Gravel are reiuov d In many yi.-es without pain and the patient can re turn home "iircd III a few (1'ivs. Dr. H. V. Pier'o. nearly half a en turv a-io. d' visei and used iwo pre scriptions wtii:h were almost unfail ing Thev were made without al ni''' cr narcotics, extracted from roots nnd herbs bv using pure glycerine and the Iii2r;dl nts re made putiiie Dr. Pier c's Golden Meli a! D'--Tvery Is a tonic an-1 hlo'id purifier that cures p! 1 pies, blolr'ies. ?-,;'(" humors eruptions and d!s:.."("s "' the -kin Nothing standi as hich tobiv In the estimation of thou 'and or wo'ii en as Dr. Pierce'.-, Favorite ,'rerr!i-Con-this Is n f tliln? ii'T.ine whl h cures the functional, deran'-ements and painful disorders of women. F")r clrls about to enter womanh-ie I. wo i about t-j l.'eccme moth'rs and Hr the hanelna dv of in! Idle a !r I'ier vc's K.ivor'te Prescription s'io;i; 1 a.vas he on hand In li'l'ii 1 o" t:i!i le's. ' Write Pr. PI Tee. Invalid-' 11)-U-l Huffal"). X. Y.. for free I i. a :o br k on woman's diseases. I'-. very woman should have one. Dr Pierce's Medical Adviser, cloth bound, sent free to you on receipt of f! dimes for stamps! to pay expense of mailing only. Adv. ferred and the ship will be repaired as noon as possible. James Kennedy, superintendent, of Hie marine depart ment of the Gulf licfmlng company, sailed May 8 on the liner Philadelphia for London to lake charge of the com pany's interests. The Gulflight is owned by the Gulf Herining company of Pittsburgh, Pa., the largest Independent, producer and termor ol' petroleum In the world. The company is not a subsidiary of the Standard Oil company, but is owned and controlled by the Mellon Interests In Pittsburgh. k v. :u x y. a m m x x k st a: a ii;uso,l axi i.ocm. w & w m h jk wasaiiRWJ5 Mrs. Ileiilon Lovclady was called to illriscoe yesterday by the notions Illness ol' her father. Mrs. Harold I'l. 'Welch ol' Knld Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. .1. C. Post- Airs. A. (). Itii ti kin and daughters, Mlgnon and .Margaret left till morn ing for il'aris, Term., where tliuy will spend i In; siinruer. Dr. and I.Mrs. Fred i('ronl( spent! yesterday In liillings nnd Marshall & y. y. '... x x X x x x x x x x x a TOPICS OF THE K TOWN AND STATE. M !SRS!SK3!SSSSSaXSfs Ottawa County Superintendent Here. .1. M. liowlev, county superintend ent of Ottawa, county Is here today I'roiii ,Miama, visiting tlio laiiiily or . II. Cu n field. Grain Dealers Meet. Grain, dealers ol the state, ;:.i(i strong are milliii", today in OMul.oiua City. Was Rofcblng Birds' Nests. VVhilo in a lull tree lookiiu for birds' nests, Sam Selfcd, 12 years ol I living near l.ovell. fell hi the ground and injured his npine. lie may no' n cover. Be Kind to Animals. This is "He Kind to Animals' v.-eeh. The period will lie 'f served all ove" tin; Cnitcd Slates. ''Humane Sunday ' will he observed May 2:1. Lookinn for Main' Booze Dispenser. Ol laboma City officials and Countyj Attorney F.mbry are ror the "Man higher up" in the booze Dusl- j ui down 'here. Widow Gets $20 000. ' 1 The widow of K. '' roie, killed !) i a Frisco train near Fletcher. v. ,n . given a $2'i,u- 0 vcrdic: by the u-: ; trine court Tuesday. The largest ever giv.ii for af.'.ath in ti.e state. Presidents of Colleges Mee;. Presidents of deiimnlnatioual col leges of the slate met in Ol.ln .10:...'. j City yesterday. i "Coin" Harvey For Good Roads. f 'Coin" Harvey well known O.-la-' hnma politician has become an ex ponent of tie Ozark ,'rail and is vi; ourously jushiiig U. Ccl Rain and Some Snow. Cold rains ad low temperatti-e pre vails i "'I !"' 'f s a"' 1 "'';lV' Light fall of snow is reported rroin tt,u northwestern part. I I Buildings for Feeble Minded. Two brick buildings, providing ac-j Many Guthrie Citt.-rcn3 Have Profited By It If yon have backache, urinary troubles, days of di'.-incss. headaches or nervousness, si l ike at. the seat of Ihr. trouble. These are often the symptoms of weak kidneys and tiiero i.l grave danger in delay. Doan's Kid ney Pills are es; ecial'j , prepared for kidney ailments- are endorsed by over 20,(11)0 people. Your neighbors, recommend this reiiiedy- have proved its merit in many tests, (iuliirio read ers should take fresh courage in Ihe. straight forwurj testimony of a Gnth rlo citlnen. Mr3, J. K. Cotton, SOT W. Mansur Ave., Guthrie, says: "1 have public ly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills on two previous o.ensUiis in view of their good work In my family. Sineii giving my last s'alometit. I have pro cured Dean's Kidney 'ills at tlm Corner Pharmacy and they have cured my son of a distressing kidney weak ness," Price r,0c, ut all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy- get Doan's Kidney Pills- the same that Mrs. Cotton recommends. Foster Milburn Co., Props,, Buffalo, N. Y. Get .l Leader war map. Coupon: 1f)c. eoiiimodation to 200 patients, will be constructed this summer by the stale fur the Oklahoma Institute for the Feeble Minded at Knld. Miss Brown Meets Accident. Miss Lena Brown accidentally sus tained severe cuts on her right wrist yesterday afternoon by coming; in con tact with broken glass, while vlsliing at, her father's ranch. She was hasten ed to the city where medical attention , was given the wounds. Today she Is reported as resting easy. Resale Big This Time. Thy county treasurer's office force Is busy I 111.) week with the resale ot property for taxes. The sale is the biggest In years, nearly -.S.0Otl In back taxes ha"o icenicd t ) the county as a result. Fruit Farmers Should AttervJ. livery fruit, grower in Ixigun coun ty should attend the spraying de monstration by the A. & M. college at the idawley orchard east of town tomorrow (Thursday) at l:.'!il p. M. The de.iioiistralors will have much new and valuable information to tin iarti ";; : Show People are Married. John 'It. Fowler, 27. and Mary J. Collins 2 I, both of Canada, were mar ried by Judge John ii. 'Chappelle in tlm county court rooai today. They are members of "The Campaigners" .-how company. Kill Russell Tax Law. The supremo court Tuesday. Iu an opinion by 'Chief Justice Kake, held that the Campbell KusseH school tax tiineiid i cut adopted by the people in August, pilil. was not self-executing, hud not been vitalized and therefore was not iu effect. The amendment provided that public service corpor ation taxe.t should lit' used for school purposes and distributed a other fiuides. The case came up fro 'Choc taw county and was styled Ad thicuui vs School Histrl t No. 4, t'hoelaw county. Why is a turtle i d much harder to snare than a fish? Well, a turtle doesn't have to go it blind, lie is c-iuippeil wi'h'a perl scope. II c. I'.illiy of Arkansas City, is SAGE TEA TURNS It's Grandmother's recipe tr; bring color, lustre md thickness to hair , when Idvk'J, stieuke.1 tray. That beiiti'H':!. even shade of dark, plc-y h.ur ciu U- !,i;.i by brewing a mixture of Sag-; I pa aid Sulphur. Your hair is y-ur charm. It makes or mars t!a- face. V.'h.-n it fades, turns gray. !re.ike,l an! ' dry, wispy and "lagsy, .;:!-'. an .'j ; n ation cr two of S.U'-. af:d Su!;' !." chi. atices its ap:ar ai;e n I. ccl' c.j ;,.;.. Don't D.tii'T t" , i -pa re the tone': yon call L'-'t tioiu .(T V iru' -tf-ic a a'.) cent bott'e of "U';,.ii:'i S.ij,. and Sulphur ( "uipoiiTsl." ready to u-c. This can al be lie; , " i, .1 u.i..n to bruu; hai'k the natir.;! ..;!.ir, tliicknes and luttro tit your .." 1 .-" dandruff, stop fccain i;. i. :::: 1 : tiling hair. K.ver' body n - "'VYyvthV Sago and Sulpiiur t ' cau-c i' dukciis ho naturally nnd in-.iv ti;.;t noU'dy can tell it had been a i . i. bm pimply dampen sponge " iruh with it and draw this throuet, ti v hair, taking on small strand at : l:nio: by morning the gray hair 1ms dir-ipj lan d, and after another application it lvoiues t-autifiil!y dark and appears glossy, lustrous sn.l abun dant ' Kor sale by Owl Drug Store.