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PA (IE TO"K NEVER NEVE NE 2C SINCE 1889 to 1S1 THE CilTTTIim" DAILY LEA PET J. AYTCPXTCKPAY. MAY in, 10M. ER. Have the people in the history of Guthrie had such an opportunity to buy high grade Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, etc, at prices such as are now offered. REMEMBER Our entire new Spring Stock of 1915 is included in this going out of Business SALE such as Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing, John B. Stetson Hats, Edwin Clapp, Crossette Shoes. Dress Shirts, Work Shirts, Overalls and all other high-grade merchandise. YOU SHOULD GET BUSY GO-GO-GO a RICES OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUITS $30.00. $25.00, $22.50 13.85 OUR ENTIRE LINE OF GENUINE PALM BEACH REGULAR PRICE $8.50 6.65 ENTIRE STOCK OF BLUE SERGE AND GRADUATING SUITS $20.00, $18.00, $$16.50 11.85 BOYS CLOTHES Sold regardless of cost clean 'em up. ONE LOT OF MEN'S SUITS WORTH $20.00 to $25.00 NOW 8.85 ONE LOT OF MEN'S SUITS WORTH $18.00 AND $20.00 NOW 5.85 ENTIRE STOCK OF SUITS $15.00, and $12.50 9.35 WE HAVE A TREMENDOUS STOCK OF SHOES AND FURNISHINGS AT GO GO GO PRICES ONE LOT OF SUITS WORTH $10.00 AND $12.00 GOING AT 3.85 . . m,-. . -.-.-. t . rn-rr n iTTTT.iTm a ktt- httt r c T T Ti AT ri Ti nnttMTT) fT TPTT'TPT A Hn A KTT llPPVl'T TVT r--r nil Trt ALL SHOW CASES AND STORE il&TUftiia. U rAlim JNUion Uf u ujn v jmn i i.vtu jmlx i,l,oxmjemiviu uiwi wxxj mwxj au. uv rUI sJM.jL.I1. QUIRE AT OUR STORE OR WRITE TO ED C. PETERSEN, HUTCHISON, KANSAS. col o 1 GUTHRIE, OKLA. TTT) Tut1 il IL-j "iP TF 5 IE FT I! s ' . , ,1 iSSS ' I H.l.l . 1.1 HI" 'Irfl . M,,,NI ""' " ' - .... II.,. ... ,,..1-1. ..M--L. .1 '' I . Millions Will Greet Historic Liberty Bell on Its Way-"to the Exposition ff , ft i .5& ASki ff fe'A ijsk . fen 1 v I , fa. i i X-Ji m . Mi cf f v llw .i L S f 4 , , i ' i fill I fpB, fji ' ' '-it-.; S's.s.: 'im.i.r)iigiiLii I I ' " S , ' 5 V LIBERTY BLl. ;i . ; ' br" i -rr: ; ' ir ' "4,, i U -.iTSr" rs-tr r--4-4 - 'i vt h-41 f-va f r " N ' - J TJJib 'i CTTt. ' 4' )u Lin, HV I r 11 ! -j- rr K.f; 'it" - t ,.r 1 ? '-,,4 Vj - If- , , ,4 IN WORLD OF SPORTS RKJHHHSiSJSiKHJaSSSJS W NATIONAL LEAGUE. JS & 2S SS SC X K 55 Jfi . 8 3! S Standing 0 the Teams. W. IMiiliuMlililii 17 ('lli('UK') Itoslnn ... Ili'iiiiUlyii . I'llt:ll:lirnli (inriiimtli St. I.oiiIh . Ni-w York 16 It i:i 1:; ! 1:; 10 I,. !) 11 U It ir, 15 17 15 TYt. .B54 .G9:i .51)0 .4M M .411 .CI.! K WESTERN ASSOCIATION M Standing of tho Teams. W. Slicniiiin lfi Oklalmimi City ....AH DciiiHdii 17 1'nrlti IS Tul;i 15 MllHkoRrd Vi Fort Sinllli 14 MrAk'Htcr 10 L. lo' 12 14 11 lfi 15 17 Pet. .B4'J ,ii(MI .548 .517 .484 .44 .453 .313 K 58 S St S5 ; '.n W iS a r: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. M Standing of the Teams. I ti t in llil pollH Kansas City l.fiuisi illi? .. Milwaukee S(. I'iiul Cli'vcliinil . . M 1 1 1 1 n ; l 1 1 1 1 i CiiIiiiiiIiiis . , W. t!) Hi 1H If. II I,! HI 9 U IS u II 11 1 1 It 15 1 i't:t. ,i:i .5:1:1 .5s:i .5s:i .5110 .4 SI .loo .::oo ii s t : ?! k K S; ft ?! x y; ?i k ?s a v; AMERICAN LEAGUE. X K X 5 3E SS JK .V; X)6 35 X J- RHKSKaRRRSiaJIBai WESTERN LEAGUE. 5! v. y. :: s: x m s? : x as 28 k ai Standing of the Teams. Tiit'ka .... i s Moines ( llllllllil Denver .... St. Joseph . I,im nln Sluiix City . Wieliiu ... W. 13 ....14 12 10 ;;,;.:-n .'.'17. .' ' 10 i; L. 7 9 11 9 II) I' lU 13 Pet. .682 .543 529 .524 .474 .385 .28fi Standing of the Teams. WHERE THE IIBEHTY BELL WILL BE INSTALLED. .. -c . D.nn.ulwr: ctata oavilion. rsprodueing the principal features of Pennsylvania statehouse, from which the bell pealeu its message of liberty on 'uly 4, 1776. Magnificent Pennsylvania a . p specially constructed steel vault, where the bell will be placed at night, being under guard during the oay. seWt and common councils of rh!l:i- councils eonriirr. l In lux honor dilohla. An honorary committee com- J'lans arc n.-w under w.iv in nfl nf ten or more of the most diatin- Kr.ineisoo. h' i't. d by direei In this building !3 a eft with WITH the cumins; of the summer vacations, releasing; millions of American younnsters from their 9 Mudles. the Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition will be the moc- for thousand ot Kiuiiies no, their ri"pnts, will tloeK to tne irreiit Exposition at San t raneiw o. Kcallzlng that the coming- generation Is interested In the wonderful exhibits and the general beauty of the Exposi tion, the Exposition directors made a strenuous campalKn for the acquisition -f the greatest historic relic in Ameri ca, the Liberty bell, and today that treasured emblem of the birth of the nation's Independence Is being prepar ed for its lont? transcontinental Journey. Tho city council of Philadelphia, which at first opposed the exhibition of the great relic at the Exposition be cause It was feared the widening of the crack that came Into it a century ago might be greatly Increased, finally ap propriated 130,000 to cover the expense of transporting and safeguarding the MX across the continent. In appreci ation of the action of the Philadelphia offlrlals 200.000 school children of Cali fornia have Joined in a petition thanking Philadelphia for allowing the famous treasure to be sent to the Exposition, g A special train will carry the great national relic to San Francisco, with an I escort of twenty-four members of the guiohed citizens of the United States is also expected to accompany the bell on its long journey. School children along the route to be traversed by the Liber ty Bell Special win be given an oppor tunity to view the beloved relic wher ever the special stops on its way to the Exposition. Mayor Rudolph Planken burg of Philadelphia, in a special mes sage to the council, urged that5th Liberty bell he sent to the Exposition, declaring that Its transcontinental trip would be the direct cause of, one of the greatest patriotic demonstrations in the history of the United States, and tho Panatna-I'aiilie Infrnnllonal l.'v;.- i tion, to gr.-ei the arrivnl f jh'- 1 :i with a inmtiT cele(,r -lion. Kv.t" school hoy ar 1 girl in Han Kniti'-:-" and surrounding territory wilt line t!v streets throimh which the tH ii on its v:;y I t the Ex isitlon. and i;--final Installation In the manili. i i;t 1 Pennsylvania t-Mildinif then, will te tie' occasion of one of the mos-t im;'rviv' and patriotic romories In the tnt.rv of the Exposition. State and city of flelals will a rivn-ti r pro. .-i.oi of school chii lrn and military orm izatl'MisJaufl ff rf M !ei .tieh will : :ne. and it n f..H.i.v the hell to It E'"slii..n lmri:i Its : -lay at tiie E.p.i-iti I . il ill I..' vi.o.v.-il t y the pn ri.-iit'r ;eti. r.ition-. atiil a r.iusi-i e till!. .to Is tl:-t fully i.OaH.lieit ' x i'l upon it In awe It- :?:;. The in' Ivani i huil ling a 'he p. ..iv,. in.. Lifrruti'iual ::;"-i-ii n s n ni'llei .if th" f ne.otis :n-!.'-p.O'd'-.i'-e II. ill. wt'en- tM" I ' ll :ir ( . i.- It i: . .. of III .tiv. T' l.rii w'l I" p: 'r d in a ri'irwl'T vpilt l:it-;''t ali.l t;oar.''tt hy a sp.-ri il 1' t.r 1'::.' at of Ia; .--:tioa guards. A lio :II ' ' it that H'i harm ' f to the t:i..- revered M.-t'-rlo::! n-Ilo of nation. New Vork .. Iii'tmit .... Chicago . . . . lltistoti .... Washington ("iNeland .. St. Lotiif. . . l'liilallihia W. , . . I ti ...Is . . . IS , . . i:: . 12 . . . 10 . . . ' L. s II 12 ' 1 I M 19 IS Pet. .ff.7 .2I .000 .5:11 .102 .to? .::t5 Best Thing for a Bilious Attack. "On account of my confinement in Hie iifinllim' office I have for years hei'it a chronic sufferer from Indiges tion and liver trtiiihle. A few weeks ami I had all attack that was so se vere that I was not able to go to ttio east! for two d.iys Falling to Sft anv r- ! i r f from any other treatment, 1 took three of Chamberlain's Tablets and tho next day 1 felt like a ne man" writes II. C. Kailey, Edltof Carolina News. t'lia;iiii, S. C. Ob tainable overv Aliere. 0A3CEALL LOTTERY SAID TO NET $60,000 A WEEK : '.v : y. v. rx x x s :a a ; FEDERAL LEAGUE X ssa;3is:si5KSS x x a is Standing of the Teams. T. 11 12 1 ! 12 12 1 1 is ! w- ritishiTKh i: '.Newark 17 Cliicann 17 Kansas ity 1" l'.rooiilyn 15 St. Louis 12 Baltimore 12 Ituflaio 1 I Tel. ..";l; .ln .too .27t FOLEY QTHAnc TADLETS Chiciico. III.. May IS. -Tho police moved today t put a "'"P to a forui of hetlini; on hasi liall games which j I hey said had sprung up here as well :s in all other important t itles since 'tin oeiiim; of the season. Two raids I thi'-, attertioou brouu-ht in n doxen men ! charge.! with gaiiiiiliii'-- ami further anes's ar.' txpeeted. The tame is a form of lottery, ae coiditiir to the police, and has spread so rapidly that the weekly receipts in this city alone are more than $00,000. There are s-veral forms' of the game, varying only !n details, accord ing to the police charges, and the growth has been s.) rapid that there are at present several concerns with offices in the luain cities competing' for business. LEAOEll WANTS BRINGS RESULTS