Newspaper Page Text
TTTE (lUTIIRiE DAILY LfiADER. FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1015. PAfiR three Palm BeacK Suits They're here a big stock to select from. PALM BEACH Suits have become a Man's summer necessity. We are now ready to meet every requirement in Shade, in Size and Style. Our Suits are the Genuine Palm Beach Suits with the "Palim Beach" sewn in each collar. These Suits are handsomely tailored. Perfect in fit.' '. , Price $7.50 New Straw Hats, New Union and Two-Piece Underwear. New Manhattan Shirts. New Neckwear, MOTES AND PERSONALS OP SOCIETY Lenore Burkt Phone Zb Op not lopk for the nays aa you go ' ' through life. And, oven when you find 'them It's wjso'and kind to be somewhat blind,,' ' HAVE YOU A CHILD? Many women Ion for children, hut because of Some curable physical derangement an deprived Of this greatest of all happiness, The women whose names follow were restored to normal health by Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Write and ask them about it. by .Miss Will Tatter n on Wednes day. ' And' o:k for . them. the virtue' ' behind Wilcox The Only One Price Clothier In Guthrie. Scalp Treated, Shampooing AND Hair Dressing AT BATH HOUSE BEAUTY PARLOR , itifon is 161 miles. i ..... ' j.i So "Thompson of the Vanalty." Friday. Auction Sr'.dgc Luncheon iMrs. M, Cassldy and Miss 'Catherine Caeiidv. Acorn Club Luncheon Mia. Webb Bilker. Domestic Silence Club Musicale .Mr. Mid Mrs. F. B. LUlio, Annual Declamation Contest First AL E. Church. O. O. O. Club Mr. and Mrs. J. I. iLovelesa, , ' 'Friday, Bridge Club Mrs. Henry Thompson. Amieltla Club-Mrs. W. W. (Bishop. Clover Leaf Club Mrs, W. M. IMcCoy. Rcyal Neigh tors Social .Circle 'Mrs. Geo. Flold, 20S N. Sccr.nd St. Dance for Minstrel Cast Elk's club Saturday. Kooney Mooncy SMah Club Mrs. F, L Brown. Phi Delta Breakfast At homo of Mrs. M. A. Hart. Tel for Mrs. Trader and Miss Trad er 'Mrs. W. A. Frasior. Saturday lir'.dge Club-iMtss Muriel Van Jloozer. ; i The Monday Luncheon club will hs entertained by 'Mrs. Chas. iSeton with a plrnic luncheon, next week, Mis3 Minne Walker will arrive fro:r IBartloBvillo this eventug to vis it, IMlsa Virgil Taylor for ' several week 8. , Openoreky Club. Mrs. L. Sampsell was hostess to th Openoreky club and two additional guest, .Mrs, Maggie Haws and Mrs. Hayes, yesterday afternoon. A two course luncheon was served after the afternoon at needlework, and the members present were Mmcs. L. U. Matchott, Laverty, Waitqr Kellogg, rM. Vandervcort. J. W. Hall, w. u. Burnett, Chas. D. Long and John Kc'. lpgg. Mrs. John Kellogg will en tertain the club on Thursday, June 3rd Bnidfla -Party.. , i.i -, : . -i The second of Mrs. J. A. McElhin- ney's attractive bridge parties given in honor of Mrs. C. M . Sarehot of Ethel Leonard Diet. TCtTiel T-ennard. tha votine cirl who leaped from a window in the fifth -Tannines was enjoyed by about fifty story of a building at Oklahoma City j Rts yesterday afternoon. As on hivt Decenrbclr, uustaining frightful Tuesday, pink and white roses were : injuries,, died last night. She was at. ' used in great profusion to decorate tempting to escape from her mother the rooms, and the two course lunch lojoin her husband when the accident1 eon carried out the same color note, happened. She is a daughter of John Mrs. L IE. iPaymal received the favor Taimer, shoemaker of this city. K JS 85 83 28 85 S8 !E X . S S5 K 85 3 K TOPICS OF THE , 3i K TOWN AND STATE. M For volume, texturo and color Sun Gold gives the best results. The Uaual Way. ...In one of the Central Bchool grades Thursday the class was given a word and asked to form a sentence in v!hich the word occurs. The word was "notwithstanding." One bright b'oj; turned in this sentence: "Father wore his trousers out, but not with standing," V Ctrl Cross Country Trip. Miss Ethel Petersen writes Culh rie friends from Hutchinson, Kan. "t left Guthrie in our Hudson nub at 6-15 Tuesday morning. I arrived in Hutchinson at 5:5.". the samo even ing." Miss Ethel Is regarded a3 one I'f.the safest drivers in the country The distance IVom Guthrie to Hutcn- ' CHRISTIAN COLLEGE And Conservatory of Music r A Junior College for Women. Sixty-fifth year. Historic obi colleK. fcocated in a "rlt.v- wlt-wc busine I education." Schools of Kducatlon, -Muf-Jb: Art, Kxpreislon', Home Bcoroimlm. college-trained instructors, B large build in jm, !-a-re rumpus for outdoor sports. Horn care. For yr o"n" unnrea' MHS. I. W. ST. -'UAlU-M(KS IT . 600 Colleje Place, coiumoia, frr top score, Mrs. .1 Gilgis Payne for low. and Mrs. Sarehct was pre sented with a guest prize. Assisting Mrs. McElhinney were .Mrs. F. L. Brown, Mrs. E. iC. McElhinney, Misses llessa iMa'chett, Jessie Kellogg and Ari'.ne -McElhinney, Arrong thove Mmes. Sarehct. Two Marriage Licenses issued. Two marriage licenses were issu od today in county court and Judge, wa attended were: Oha'piK'Hc performed the ceremonies, roy Charles Williams, 23, of Guth rie and Myrtle Geneva Taylor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor ot Seward and Marcellius Mach, 22, and Georgia Jones, 19, of Meridian were the happy ones. cormr.K. is common THIS WAIt IX Sun Gold for lightbrcad, bisiuita pies and pastries. Lost Part of His Ginger. When Wiley Ginger stuck his fin- Jonrton. Vwy 21. Every English--t an, knows how to die bravely The Irish, -Scotch and English soldiers face Ihe bayonets, the machine guns as thoiuh out on dress parnie. lit is the men who si-kr-n and die in the trenches, or at home after an arduous campaign that cur sympathy goes cut to most. There are thoiiFands of such it en behind the battle lines who lde:it Mo. THE HI SI LESS BEAUTY lensttt: Becoming, Inccnepieuous and Durable. Our Screwless Eye , Glass and Spectacle Mountings. Creatly Elimin ates tli Breaking of Lenses., " Made and Sold by tha -CROOK OPTICAL CO., 122 W. Okl. Ave. Guthrie, Okla. 8. P. CROOK ,. . Licensed Optometrist. ger Into a bunch of cogwheels In the ? went' to the front without the strong oil' field yesterday, three of them '.constitution and good pure blood to were torn of" iwitnstana tne deprivations, rne nan- Sllips Ol l iih ' hmi jut.Kll III nriiium uii'i France. ft's a warning that we should pay strict attention to our stomach, liver and blood. If one is all out of sorts he should take an in vigoratlnK tonic and altrat!ve s"ch For sale a few odd pieces of fur- as Dr. .Pierre's Golden (Medical IDh- ndnra in rt,nil rnnriitimi fall ini.t.r-rverv wtiicti cures OlBeaSPS oi tn FLUEY CSSHAimc TA&IxTS twi-r biontiK'h - hvei Active -I'tofttli kciula East Cleveland. Rlonnch and organs of digpition and nutrition It, eliminates from the I lood disease breeding poisons. Tt makes the blood r' h and pure, and fi-rnishes a foundation for soun 1. plnsical health, iftv vearlt ngj. Dr. Pierce, '"f 'ho Invalids' Hotel a"d Ann is Some Speller. Little Ann Hager of Marshall won. tii'.rd place in the spelling touiest at Oklahoma City. Tuesday, missin? institute at Buffalo. N. Y. but two wijrds of 6ri0 prounouneed. found that certain barks and roots Tim unrda n-ir -trannnilit v' an-l n anufartured by using glyeerine gerrymander.' first 'without the use of alcohol or opiates. Into a eotif'enlrnt.'S'l eract Thn iirl a-innlncr the " , inndn place was from bins county, h) h , , ,nr pierce' fJolden She spelled atl the fi'iO words cor- Mcdi-al Dis-overey. made a slimulat rcclly and the wimier of Bccond place ing tonic for the s'omach. helped the missed but one i digeFtim and acsimulaUon of the m.Bsed DUt one- . fooa and Pradcated poisons from Hi " " blood. This is nature's cure for in- For Sale or Exchange .14 oz. tennis fli,Tegtinn, snd bv correcting the racket for 2 oz. one. caie Leader or phone I Address Jim stdrach. and thereby feeding the 1210-J. blood on pure materirls, the red blood Use Sun aost faniou: I'-'ornusrles are in-reased ana the Ibodv established In a hea!ihy sttte uu.u. The South we -0 one ..jffprj from catarrh who has Hour, jtaue in uumn , plenty oi red uioou corjiuai n,i G II. S. Play, May 27. good digestion. Catarrh la all its forms is a stagnation of the blood. Jntroduee pure red blood into the Evstem by taking the ".Medical Dis- LEATJER WANTS BRING RESULTS covery" and health is assured. Adv. f"rs JoT fVXMI, MHf,rt.Qofrf mm Hn.MowBJjkilu I .flrsfffSanJfrj. Z4 "I took your Com pound and have a fine, strong baby. " Mrs. John Mitchell, Mas sena, N. Y. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a 8ooial Affair) Scheduled. , A number cf liifoniiBl social l fairs aro .'clieduled for next week, honor ing .Mrs. Jaclt i.Mi;rr.s of Kansas City, Mo., rroK Uicni bvmg tw. lun :h- j eons. Mrs, F. J. Fltnpatrlck's on Wed nesday and Mrs. Clunk's on Thurs day, Rook Party. Mr. r.nd Mrs. F. AV. Llntat wero hosts at a rook party of charming in formally given last evening for their brother, Mr. Cart S. Taggart. A ! 1.... nr. ...,. Itinnhonn ltIU K1V(lil n f - wonderful medicine for r )e gftmea an;, tlle pu0Ht included expectant mothers. " Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor- donville, Mo. il I highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound before child-birth, it has done so much for me." Mrs. E. M. Doekr, R. R. 1, Con- shobocken, Pa. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound to build up my system and have the dearest baby girl in the world." Mrs. Moss Blakeley, Coalport, Pa. the boys of the Kappa Phi fraternity and the rororlty girls. I praise the Com pound whenever I have) a chance. It did so much for me before my little girl was born." Mrs. E. W. Sanders, Rowles- burg, W. Va. "I took your Com pound before baby was born and feel I owe my life to it. Mrs. Winnie Ttr.T.t.q Wintpi- TAVpn Reagor-Harvey Reoit.-,!. rtoager-Harvey Conservatory of Music, Recital In piano and song. Tuesday evening, May 25. " Pupils of Mrs. Reager, PROG HAM. 1. Etude No. 15 Csorny Catherine Marzolf. 2. Pixies on the Water Mildred Canlleld. 3. Tho Mill ' Jensen Ruth Curl, 4. Pixies Waltzing "Mrs. V." naks: "Whiil fan I -1 1 f, r a Unlit contliiupil ciiHi- of (-Dnstlmtlin? 1 have heiidttt-lx- and illsr.lui'HK ami iv ,' I'ompli'Xlim is sulliiw. At ululit 1 eua t .dc-ttp tlm eo urrvous," iAn&ver: ronllnin'd ooti.'t li-a I Ion u;' fei'tH the .blood and iniikm it Impuru. 'i'ou ni'fil a M'd blood purU'lrr nn,l lux" -tlvf. IImo threi- ruin sulplii'Wi tuitileU (not stilphiiri. Tlii-y aid dltti-stloti, "t Mia nn.l (,iin ftn! nni'llV tiw A. L. Brown j,i,mmj. (KeUOCTOR r'r.lcrisdAcrK The qnesiloiifc anpwer-'d below are KTt ernl In ohuriH-ter, the eyrtiptnins or iJIs nnsMi are rIv-'ii mid thi answers will ap ply in nnv case o Unilar nature. Those wishing further advice, free may a-litresn,' I'r. I.ewi B.'ker. College ftl'Uf, trulli'Be-Hll'Aoiiil sis,. Itnyt.on. O . enelim Inir HL.lf-i"l(lri-fld stamped envelope for rt-ply. Kill! damn and adilrewn must b ' Blvr'n. but only Inl'uiU or fictitious name will be u-Jt-'J In my answers. The pre- -, Herlnllm ran lie -filled at any well-Ktor-ked (tr-iisr sine. Any druffiflt can order of Wholesaler. "Ml 'ery'' writ- ': "F have t;eee. a warn ' out uiv,.i fi t- thi- past few months. I am only ;!T yeais M, tint feel mure like a man "f na. Mv plivaital -md Tii--.-nt?il farei'M a'o. nta- !i iaip-iirel. 1 ill nat seem to lie ali:e X:i ih'vik eleaily, I (l in much , d-pit'eit all tin' Uaie an-l my uual am- . lat!-ui inn. enetf-'v f-a a an tt- havi diefl. t , have h-at.-' he ;iiai palaa In my lau-k." Answer: V i ' v-m-tltl-m I Identleal ta thoim.i-,.1. f other hrotiKlu la my-titU-ntlon jeai'-v Via. our physical a nil mental fnvi'es are, you say. mueh tm pnlied, but yon need not be alarmed over your eondllion. The use "f threo Krain eaihuiuaie lal.U-is should kui put you liaek In nonniil eamllthui ami fit to eam il,u t any troubles. Cultivate regulas habli.v of Hvlns. ....A. L. Brown ; "'l.7",nt Tell Walton, Charles Billingsluy, Loiils 'Bronson, J. A. Brown, 'Frank Burford, Fred Crcnk, Halph K. Hag er, Fred Juiksoir, C. 1). Lillic, Cil;;i Payne, Will (Martin. Tom Welch, Jlar rv V'arlin, F d Drown, Will Patter son. Chestnut, J. E. Woodworth, W. F. IBickford, Vernon Curl, Helntz Braun, Benton Ixjvelady. I. TJ. Tay lor, Fred .vers, Frank Fitzpatrlck, E. S. Rexroad, John Ik'land, Fred Green, 'Eliot Lyon., Sexauer, E. L. McElhinney, J. I. Loveless. MaurL-e O'aourke, J. E. H'tiymul, vv. -u. 1 ahl, iHenry Thomiieon, A. J. Hem- street of Ardmorc. Jack .Morris oi Kansas City; Misses Florenco Aiiler, Jane itinehart. Edna Gray, Betiian tavolt, Edna Graham, Catherine Cas sidy and Dessa Matchott. Mrs. W. A. Frasler will entertain informally at tea fcr Mis umite Trader cf Oak Hall. Va., and Mrs. Trader, tomorrow evening. The Cecilian Ladies' Quartette, Mrs Marley F. Smith, Mrs. W. G. Roe. Mtes Vira Pittenger and -Mlvs Fern Miles, and their ' accompanist, Mr. Thoburn Taggert went over 'to Cleve land this morning to give a concert tonight. Tomorrow nlgr.i nicy win lnjr at Jennings, returning hone Sunday. Altrurian Club. A full memlirr-ihfp of the Altru rian club with the exce; tion of the sick, was present at me mrau j terday to hear cn unu;.- ly interest ing program cn French :slory. Mrs R. C. Buindiiio was leader and gave an excellent report of the First 'Dis rict convent :on at Cleveland. Roll -all w.-.s re-.p-nded to with famous men and women or the Frcn h 'Revo lution. Mrs. Fred Hultne disciu-ed causes that led to the French Revo lution; Mrs. E. S. Ijwlhcr's charac ter sketches were left over for the special M ccling to bo held next week. Mrs. J. R. Mcf-'.nger described the "Fall of llastile and the Heign of Terror." Mrs. Carter tcik Mr-t. Miller's subject "lAfayctlfc,. patriot and friend of Ameri'an. Vislls to Fnitcd Stutc3 after war of Independ ence." Laying of the cornerstone or nw, HMl monument. The club s discussions of Napi'leon were of ex ceotional interest. A sjiecial feature of the pros ram and a most entertain ing cne. was' Mrs. M. S., Black's re view of "The Tlirec Musketeer" by ibnndro Pumas. Mrs. J!-r Speer was a club visii'r. iMJrs Kste iSiiutls wh? baa been 'erching in Khawnce will arrive this evening to be the guest of i.Mrs. (W. W. Uu-ikB and attend the O. M. V. Elum.ii brnqurt ;-nd th Phi Delta ir,.aVr.Kt Miss June Mos: will be hero from Crc.-:cnt 'o be present at the breakfast '.oii.crrow. Informal Thimble Party. Mrs. ,R. C. Porter. Mrs. F. D. Prooks. Mrs. Chester A. .Marr. Mrs. Ethel McQueen; Misses Grage Fcr nandcx. Zelia .IVrter. Eleanor 'Morri and Bess Williamson were the guests at an informal thimble party given 10. 11. 12. 13. Pixies' Drill ; Betty Plekard. Tho Fountain Dohm Marlon BilllnKsley, Tho Butterfly Grieg Polish Dance Sclmrwcnka Au Matin Godard Janglerlo Godard Dorothy Hopkins. Pupils of Mr. Reager. Heather Rose ........ Lange Tho Spring Has Come ........ Maud V. White Miss AgnoB Gaffney. Tho Midnight Sun Kern Miss Vera McNulty. Night Piece Schumann Miss Ora Scrutchfield. Tho First Meeting Grieg Violets Roma Miss Louise Askew. Toccata In C minor. . .Chamlnade Miss Gladys Fasken. That Sweet Story of Old.... West Turn Ye to Me. .Malcolm Lawson Miss Winifred Station. Valso Tristo MacDowell Polonaise Miss Loulso Askew. "St. V. VI" writes: "I have a very severe eu.e of dandruff. My sealp Itch es1 and my hair la coming out lu haml luln. t'ltiHse tell me what, to do." AtiKwer: (let n Jar of plain yellow your driiir Blare. nsii tun while tltlll wet, rub well lllla Ihe cal: tlle plain yellti-.v -nilnyol. ltln;i out thnrnuKhly mal your ncalp will feel clean and active. Itepeat ihl.t tieaiiunnt three or four times after waslilim. mat In a Tew week nil your dandruff nlmiiht illHapnear and your hair became healthy and soft. Vorpulcnt" Halts-. "What will ove -come enepulency? I am au fat a to ha In in own way. I'm ehiirt of brcatli and etinnot stand excrclee."-1 Answer: To reduce Barely, use, five Kraiti nrbolone tahleta. They ' the nioal reliable reduc-UB 1 could prescribe. Many ui'o pleased Willi- resuus n ao urlxilone. "Mile" uaks: "I seem to be shrinking In Bl.e. I am very pale and Ihln. f do not tee! Kick, hut I'm vry weak. I want, to liicreusc my wHuht." . Answer:' Ton arc anaem and the fond von e it doon not properly nou-.i.-li vouv 'sy-tem; three gmin hyp.i-nuchino tiib'.etn- ' ciiiimo proper fond nnxlmllntion and lacn-ase weight tm'l atreicth. Take Ihem with yjur meals. Hold In settled iiac'.cae'i "Mtn. Kllft M." vrit'-i: "Please pre--erltie for me nunln. This time for mf kldncvH. 1 have ehiiisi and lever, look had, have puffs und' v my even and my m ine la dat k In color and of had odor, tiumcllme?. iny back hurlii." Atriwer: You may have a severe ea- if kidney Iniable. Vou fhould ttet al in.i ,t -n,.r 11,1 nei-tnaneat lan- cril fiom the ue of I almwort tablete. I have pre crllieti lic e in numerous (-axes of kidney trouble and they have Klvnn excellent resalta .Most ilrmr stores farn- these tablets and they enmi- In I sealed lab.. with proper dii'-ctlone. PERSONAL AMI LOCAL FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fun Uftftftt-nt Munaia nnu duouuci. See the Paramount Picture, "The Lnrgain," at tho 'Highland tonLght, featuring Win. S. Hart, tho famous Lroadway favorite, and The Lady Killer a comedy drama, also a good iciean act of vaudeville. :i as a w x s : : x .s x a .. m LOCAL MOMENT X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X Did you say frotibin with your bak ing? Well then, Mse Sun (Sold. The newly appointed board of agri culture will hold Its first meeting June 1. Mrs. A i a Karris is slowly eon vah'KcliiH after her recent eiciiotis Ill ness. Dr. J. 0. Marh, former tUnLo heallli rommlssloiier baa opened a lanie tanitorlum at Oklahoma City. BOARD S Nl COMPLETE Oklahoma City. May 21. Governor WiaiuniB loiilglit announced ap-. poinh i cut of I -ur memliera of the dale board ot agriculture as follows: .loo Alexander, of -Sequoyah county. d)!ck i.Yii'l.iHli, of carter county, , B. Campbell, of Grady county, and J. J. aavagn. of Harmon county, 'Frank '(iaiill, elected president, Ih the fifth member if the board. The .state law rmn:irca ti;e governor to name fann ers to tbe board. S. 0. Dawes, state librarian is tak ing the mineral baths. Mrs. Sarehot returned to her bon o in Jenning this morning. Misses Blaneho and Ruth Hopkins and Miss Ercle Hall aro spending the week-end in Oklahoma City with Miss Jewel Luughlin. Mr. end .Mrs. Harry (painter of Marshfield, Ore., arc the guc-ts of her sister, Mrs. E. Cook and family. Miss .Madeline Calkins will go to Kansas ( ity tonight to spend lilie summer with her aunt and i nclc, Mr. and Mr.. W. L. Thompson. Mis Rcglna Uorber ban gone M Kdmond to attend the summer ;e-;-sicn at the Normal school. Wm. Bronson has returned from a "business trip to Kansas City. Bert Cotighlan is in the east buying new goods for his store here. Lorena Beyer and Phern Hart or Crescent: are guests uf the lone ho Ifl. T. H. Simmons is hero trotn Oke tna taking tho hathhf. Mr. and Mrs, Karl Kruse are gueats ot the lone today. Albert Shields of Knid spent yes-! terday evening In Guthrie. Mrs. Wm. Sherwood and children :eturncd last night from a 6 weeks visit in California several weeks of nich. were s:cnt at the world's ex-, tesition at San Francisco. Mrs. J. Flem Smith is visiting her friends and relatives at Caldwell, Kansas. . ?! l!ut it isn't cvcvvtliiiijc; III liOHllllill I Money! Money I here s tar nion licalth and ability to he Wlicu licallli lias sli Jialiits of diet- the only I'liantic food. ali-slai -linn coiiiitH'ianic. wav aw 1. ,y t iii'iiiitrji wroii 'ct it liable i.s to G rape-Liots is ycicntil'if.'illy prepared food, and i-vii-ii niitrinieiit of wheat and laH tlieir iiivalualilo mineral eont cut--sound lioiirisiinieiit of w'.- 1 1 1 -1 1 1 ; . I forces. iiitains all the y inchidin.u' iccosaiy for and iiliv.wii"d With a clear head to steer a slnni.v lody you Sun Gold tor economy, is always the cheapest. The best can do things ami win. Molii cau proper In'", .'Hid tui'i'etl to !:'ot e a. innit iy illli'ol't. (Ji -ipe-Xuts fo-i 1 is iie'. and easilv diucstil'lt scienlilii- foo'.l i'.i t!if world. li'-i.n s. rit-lily iioiii'lMi--piidispn'.cdiv t'u- mot 71 There's a Reason think it over!