Newspaper Page Text
PA OH FIVE N WORLD OF SPORTS NATIONAL LEAGUE !S ccidlng to Senator C. t (Barrett ot Shawnee, who has had charge of the editing j.and compllatin of the laws. Tl Is will be the first time In the his T TT'iiriT-mnr'Trnr i rnrm rn " mi in m i i n mini iiiiiiwimwiw Five of a Biz Deliver? Fleet That is All "Nobby Tread" Equipped '"St tory of the state, it Is said, that tha. session laws have been printed antt n'BtrHmted before the non-emergency acts of the legislature, become ef fective. Tho non-emergency meas t'ics become operative June 22. "Where the Nice rcoplo Go." TTTE CSUTITRTE DAILY LEADER. SATURDAY, MAI 2 ' 1915. 3 ft h f 11 Hb HE ALSO NEEDS SWATTING; HE CARRIES GERMS AND SCAT TERS DISEASE People are learning to "swat the fly" but while most people loathe Standing of the Teams. Aitnllifi' o!' i iiosc uith h'ich.ii-il C;U'lc Woi-M J'ili.i. hi;-!', . I.i in fiii;(.l!cs W. L. Pet. Philadelphia ... ....19 13 ,51)4 l.hicogo ....20 -14 .588 Brooklyn ... 16 16 500 Boston '; 17 17 .'508 8tvLouls .... " .17 ' 17 .500 Pittsburgh 16 17 .4S5 Cincinnati ..13 17 .433 New York .. 12 ,18 .400 A WESTERN LEAGUE. 9! Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. fces Moines 18 11 J621 Topeka. 16 11' OT8 Omaha ....16 11 .593 Denver 14 11 .560 Sfr Joseph IS 13 .'500 Lincoln 10 14 .417 Slimx City lil . 17 .303 Wichita .i 6 16 .273 k.k J8 s: x : $ x ; w. ss & at K' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. 9! HHHWKSSiSaSSR'aSSHSS! - Standing of the Teams. W. U Indianapolis ...22 14 Kansas City 18 14 Louisville" ....20 15 Milwaukee 19 15 St. Paul .... 16 18 Cleveland 14 17 Minneapolis 12 19 Columbus 13 23 Pet, .611 .503 .571 .559 .471 .453 .387 .343 Worlds Exposition "TWO MRK jyNE. FARE Account' expositions now op en at San 'Diego and San 'Fran cisco, the Santa Fe offers tick ' ets Guthrie to San Diego, Ivos Angeles, San Francisco and re turn for $5'1.60. On sale daily until Nov. .'10th. return limit. ? months from date of sale, with final limit on all Fair tickets,' Dec. 31. Liberal stop-over privileges and numerous diverse route op lions are also authorized. Trains leaving Guthrie 8:18 a. m. and 2:25 p. m. via New ton. Kansas, or If you prefer going by Kiowa and Amarillo. Texas, we have a train at 3:25 p. m.. making through connec tion. Standard or tourist sleepers run through from Newton and Kiowa. For tickets and sleep er reservations please call at or phone Union Station and oblige. Phono 9. M. N. COCHRELL, Agent. What a Bank Should Give The greatest possible service to j. ' the greatest possible number of people in the greatest possible number of ways. THAT IS WHAT WE STRIVE TO DO AT ALL TIMES. First National Bank Guthrie, Oklahoma N. Ilolman, President. x George Tipton, Cashier SUPPOSE IT WAS YOUR CHILD Tho Guthrta Street Railway eompany has been very fortunate !n havlm tow serious accidents, careful and use every means to prevent them. We ask your lupport to prevent accident. - . r... Ti'iTiini'T P??'I tiiS REAR OP CAR pON"T CARRY ANYTHING IN THE nr 1 W There are almost a score of cars in this big delivery fleet On every (vheel, each tire bears the same imprint:' " Nobby Tread." The use of one make of tire on a fleet of this sire, by one concern, Is most convincing proof of "Nobby Tread" efficiency. This Pitts burgh Company, demanding economy and dependability in tires, adopted Nobby Treads" only after the most exhaustive tests. The greater jest, however, is the constant, daily service which these tires must and do give, through the four seasons, indifferent to roads or weather. i5i8 1ES!fI!5!r:S!iS!i3!5i5a AMERICAN LEAGUE. K m & z Standing of the Teams. W. Li, Pet. Chicago 25 12 .676 Detroit ., 23 14 . .622 New York 17 14 .54 S Boston 14 13 ,5S I Washington 15 16 ,484 Cleveland . .. . 14 18 .455 St. Louis 14 20 .41 i Philadelphia 12 22 .353 SI FEDERAL LEAGUE SS Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pittsburgh 21 11 Pet. .OO'I .600 .567 .51.7 .484 .382 .294 Chicago , 21 14 Kansas Cily 19 14 Newark ... 19 if, Brooklyn 17 iO St. Louis 15 16 Baltimore 13 21 Buffalo 10 24 WESTERN ASSOCIATION Standing of the Teams W. L. Sherman 23 12 Oklahcna City 23 117 Denison 23 H6 'Fort Smith iV.....,.20 19 Pet. .D58 .56 1 .530 .'-il3 '".4S7 i Tulsa 19 i20 Paris"".".". '"?. . . .7.77.17' 20" Muskogee 15 21 McAlester 13 2S .459 .417. .4 19 Childn !H Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A TOUArS OUOTATIOS MARKET8 BY WIRE CATTLE: Kansas City, .Mo., May 29. Receipts, 200. Market, stead". , Dressed beef steers, $fs.7,i to $9.2 Prime fed steers, $8.10 to $S75. Cows and heifers, $1.50 to $9.35. HOGS; Receipts, 2,000. Market, steady. Bulk! of sales, $7.60 to $7.65. Top .price, $7.75. S3 The campaign tint Ihl company Is maklne fur the prr-ventton of ne-Jc1'nts can !e B.ststed In no irr-fL"r rnpaure limn hjr the waniltiRs that par ent and" tend era lv to the rhtlrtfii asnlns! children plnng on trecta near street car tracks. The acld-nt lllutnited hrre would not tmi' If you would warn the r liililri-n If you could pr vent thorn from coiir:ln DAN'IKR by Jumping on our cars. They do It for fun--"'i I' The condurtor is the man who knows. You will not find HIS children playing on streets. Tonvrvrt potii w ivs-nAN'T JtrMP WHEN ALIGHTING DON'T Ft?T ARMS LEFT HAND OR ARM WHEN ALIGHTING. WHEAT: Kansas Ci'y, May, 11.38 1 Mo. May 29. 2. July, $1.19 . September 1-8. $1.14 1-4. CORN: May, 73. July, 74 1-2. September, 74 -S, split. GUTHRIE MARKETS. Livestock. Steady to strong. fueers, prime, 6 to 6 1-2. C'owsj 5 to 6. Heifers, prime, $6.00 to $6.00. ' nogs,- $7.00 Grain and Hay. Corn, per bu., 90c. Wheat, per bu., $1.40. Kafir corn, per bu., 60c. Oats, per bu., 48c. Prairie hay, per ton, $7 to $8. Alfalfa hay, per ton $7. to $9. Straw (wheat), per bale, 15c. Straw (oats), per bale, 20c. Bran per 100 lbs., $1.25. Bran, mill run, per 100 lbs, $1.35 Corn chops, per 100 lbs., $1.70. Kafir chops, per 100 lbs., $1.45. Alfalfa meal, 100 His., $1.25. Cane seed, per bu., 90c. Hides. iiidts, i?reen, salt, 12c. ltidea, green, 10c. Horse bides, No. 1, $2.50. Horse Hides, No. 2, $1.50. Horse hides, damaged, $1.0 Produce Live Poultry. Ducks, So. . Broilers,, under, ,2 lbs., 22c. Springs, over 2 lbs., 10c. Hens, 9e. Turkeys, No. 1, 9c. Turkeys, No. 1, 10c. Turkeys, old i ouis, Sc. Pucks, Sc. Geese, 6c. Roosters, 6c. Kggs, per dozen., 12c. Cotton. Bale, 8 l-4c. For volume, texture and color Sun Gold gives the best results. OLDEST CHICAGO WOMAN DIES Chicago, 111!, May 29. "Gran jina Sal;- .'oyr.e Chicago's oldest resident is dead iv re today at the ago of Vfa yearn. S-'hu came to Chicago from Ireland when she was 21 years old. Mrs. Joyce once refused to trade a span of horses for what is now the mcst val-uide pieco of property on State street. She was taken, to a tins-. 'ml five years ago for treatment am! lidded io remain there, although she had retained her health. Her husband died thirty-five years ago. Use Sun Gold, the Southwest's most famous flour. Made in Guthrie. it: x :: :: :k :s :s ,s a s r s-. a . TOPICS OF THE R S TOWN AND STATE. H Bumped Auto. Eugene Beyer's Hudson wa.3 bump ed $."..()() worth by a street car on Weat 'Harrison. Saturday. Laws Compiled. Hound volumes of the session laws of the regular sessfm of the Finn legislature will be completed anil n ;.dv fr distribution by June 10, ae- Our men ar 1 1 V OR OFF A MOVING CAR OR HEAD OUT OF CAR WINDOW- Give Farm Implement Parade. ' Bennett and Burst gave a parade of harvesters, Saturday, headed bv u hand, indicating the pcrity. Acme of piiii- Memorial Day.. i After the memorial services at the nnnra hntise Siinibiv iiriernnon tilt) Ladies of the O. A. K. will i.i 1 1 .i.niH regular service In memory of those v ho lost their lives at bi by strew ing flowers on the water at .Mineral oils park .bridge. George Wadkins Dead. George Wadkins, who has lieen suf fering; for tho '.past five wet.fts from henJorago of the brain, died at the home of his father-in-law, W, L.I Evans, Saturday about) 2 o'cloek Crylo Clipper. Prof. Parrick Resigns. Prof. C. II. Parrick for; (wo years s inerintendent of -Uy schools at Cashing has resigned and will tat.c mi u..HI( In a different field 'l'ltit ... , i .. Watts of Claremore lias ileen chosen his successor. Gtabs a "Stick-Up" Artiat. Just as a stick-up man, who gave. bis name as UoliuKKI the coin extracted from a victim, Ue ipcty Sheriff fterig appeared on the cue and captured him. , Congressman Coming. It. B. Thompson, who represents district in-fom'.reiw is scheduled .address,' the1 annual mcetin;; in j .masters in Guthrie, Monday, -May Rev. Plt .lngcr Delivers A(iarcs. Rev. I'ittinger returned this morn- ing from Cushion where he delivered an address to a graduating1 class ot 23 in the high school there. Honors Requisition. Governor Williams Friday bon'.ired a requisition from the governor of Texas asking for tho .AiMlph LMayiier who return of one Is wanted in Guadalupe county, Texas, on a ciuu -e r-f forgery. Mayser is now under ar rert at Falrview. Will ADDoInt Republican to Office. A republican member of the slate electlon board will be appointed by Governor Williams next week. A. K. Haines, appointed by Governor Cruce, ia still holding. Vernon waning 01 I'awhuska, James Hepburn ol ouin- rie. and II. B. Heeler 6f Checotnli, are mentioned for the place. W. R. C. to Meet at I. O. O. r . nan. The members of the W. II. C. are re quested to meet at tho I. (). O. F. hall Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Con veyances have been provided for the school children also. Please be prompt. Postoffice Closed Monday. The postoffico will bo open for busi ness from 9:;i0 a. m. to 10::i0 a. in., Monday, May 111, 1915, a legal holiday. The city carriers will make one com plete delivery. Rural carriers will make no delivery. W. M. McCoy, Postmaster. Mrs. Gray Meets Accident. Mrs. W. II. Cray sustained a frac tured shoulder in a fail today while working around her home. The In jury, while very painful, is not seri ous. Coyle Citizens Here. Thirty Coyle and I.angston citizens: are here toilav attending a co irt of.ecsary. inquisition. Put Her in Colored Ward. The Oklahoma Sanitarium company, sued for $25,000 damages by Joseph Collins for placing bis daughter in the "colored ward" of the asylum, has filed an answer that no slamb t was committed. Collins is a white man. Gruber Should Ee cn Pay Roll. Foni er fire chief Mark Kessler of Oklahoma City was granted a fire man's pension of M per month for " opcranou o. uie uniuvii it js a custom throughout the pension act passed by tho 1913 l"i's-',., ry for pn nl8 to sell children, lature. The city commissioners ot cit,r 1)0VS or p,rUt wh(.tl lh,.v an. . Oklahoma .City met in special session a,,,. t ul,,,or. tbem. As a rule, the yesterday and pa.'scd the rlai i'. I., parents of a child cm obtain a num I). Slaughter, first fhief at Ardmore 1)(,r (lf ,iiiiirSi aecording to the child's was also placed on the pension li''t H-e; but in famine districts, where this week :i-. far ' mer chief W .- poverty is increased prices have run liam Gruber of this city has fall.' I . n.-.ow fifty cents per child. In the to connect with the pension depart- ment. Gruber began fighting fire In Guthrie In 1SS9. He has put in 21 years and seven months actual ser- vice and Is entitled to a pension, cockroaches the cry "kill the cock- roach" is not beanl often enough, say a ncaitn nutnoniy. ror tue cockroach, like the fly, is a spreader of disease. Their legs are not hairy like the flies and consequently only curry ap- proximately tti.tiuu oisease germs whereas Illea otlen carry fliea often carry more than Hut cockroaches do carry 100,000 germs. Cockroaches feed on filth contain ing typhoid germs and on discharges from the mouth and nose Hint contain germs of pneumonia, consumption and colds. They Have No Wings. Because the cockroaches have no wlims tlit'V do not have the same Jcbanie of Bprendlng disease thai the flies have but. as cockroaches' are i10t,t "n"" f"m"1 in "ir,y k,,r",,.w ,l";rp " K1 ol them . '"nl.. ...... t Koaches breed fa at. and the house wife can not be too careful In her of- forls to keep them out or the home ' . , Just, an in fighting flies, keep the I kitchen free from decayed foods and 'filth. If there is damp, evil-smelling woodwork, have It ripped out and ro- placed with new, which should he kept well painted. i The lemulu roach. lays about 2 eggs and she can curry them about with her for two months, if necessary until she finds n good crack in which lo de posit tliein. The eggs hatch in 12 days. Can Use a Trap. There aie traps on Hie market which are fairly effective In ridding a .bouse of roaches and poison judicious ly used Is good. But back up these things with plenty or effort spent in k)0,illg )mi,jnB places .lean and fr(!,ih, )ant,.,i. The paint fills in Hie cracks and kills whatever eggs have been deposited there. Buy your milli at the Boston. We handle milk again. Chicago, 'May 20. The second Cae- sarlan operation within 3 ,cars has left .Mrs. KdRar T. TJavles, wife of a former stale factory Inspector, righl- ing lor tier lite in nie Augusiana nos pitul. 'Hcside her bed, hnwn (er, filnmM a j tiny crib, and in it. is a baby daugatei whoso cbo and laugh and cry are no different and no less energi'lk than those of a child whose advent. Involv ed no operation. Prom the apparent sUenptli of the baby the physicians In ehari-'i. H... clarc Mrs. Davies Is taking ltopo and gaining vitality. Both mother and daughter are declared to be on I he way to health. At the time of the I'irst operation. i.Iune 7. HI 111,. .Mrs. Davies was ill with uracil l" poisoning, This Illness made the operation necessary. It was no: thought that the child at that time could be saved. An Inrmbator was brought furii however, anil Kdgar T. Davies. .Jr.. made a bard battle for life agalii-d j tremendous odds. The battle was lost a month later, and at the boy's death. Mrs. Davies suffered a nervous collapse, which kept her In a sanl'. ir lum for several month:-. Insufficient recovery from the tc vlous operation ct.ade tin? becoml ii"c- F.iiy your milk at handle milk again. the Boston. We PARENTS SELL THEIR CHILDREN IN CHINA j Peking, May 29. A Renter's tele gram from Kweiyang .stales that "Hie ('anion traders continue to carry on a traffic in women and girls, who are taken through tho TatangliKien dis triet to ('anion." I Conditions of poverty nre so intense i.irce cities, however, to whieh the trader 1 1 out the interior bring the tl ibinn fi.i Mile. Ihe price may run tip. for i !-:trong ml Rood looking girl jit' In r t- rr. ; to ever ?r.0, OPENED BY MISTAKE Tomorrow (Sunday) - '(''l (Npe-i:il) Keystone Hogan's Aristocratic 'Dream, in :i l!itiun to our ir.t,'u!ar ji'otiiih. Admission 10c 1 Si, lif'tVi V , . m i-t , , Wv t t 1 t vi " ;i , t r 'Mi I at .! i - , ' .r- i iJ T i ! ' , 1 i ; i' v J J 'j" i y ' s, o " Mm Ij d. i k ' " " . 1 v, ji a il " '' .' a,V 'v "t 1 W t ' i w rv "v M f tlx '-''.''''. 5 ! r. A . t it " i J1 itf m i it. ' v a ? -1 j- 2 ji , f t i-vi ' , . . C Mine. OLOA IT.TKOVA Ono ot the Mom( Brllllnnt Stars of the Dramatic World, Mule. Petrnva Will Soon h I'ruNculed In "'I he Itcirt ol a I'jliilcl Woman", a l''ir I'liiya and Player'a Company I'roducdun, on the KuKu-Metro I'nmrum AT THE THEATRES At the Rom. j "Km- Cauli," willi Kevrl.'an In the I lead,, wiiu. a , .strong (valu w,vcl at the (Icai, Friday night. The Lyric. I Tim Lytic Is imam I in; stmiaiy features Willi good comedy adjunct Croun T!i" Willi Hie ' rub-. sign t Hinhland. I !ii;li liinil n ori d i iiutaM" feiiliiie. Friday night "The t'.lgn o.' oa.; A a with I'atnnm in tin' iiiellar b-gillinale product ion ibis play lias been the v hlele of aeva.-i KlronK iiilor.i. An a photoplay It i !-?iiially strong. The fperla'nr I gripped from (In; Ktarf. The dig! Ian. I'., b.g ntcs.dy Mcroen Is ailmirabl adapl 'd for j ucli execplioiial picture) Selicj Girls Travel. I Travl-stained and over' .1 wr jUlust. three in.'i'h'UH liaiiiiii; fro ! t'lii Icaim ui'rlvc;! Ill (Irecly, Colorado, till ! week enrimte lo Ihe PaeiU'e Ci.hh 'I'lirir lost niop will be at v en lit- i ai: .' til! : I ! tn Nature. !- -."ien a aasrii'-. 5 .1 (.11" o o'i -:i . a ,1.1; eonilt. r 'i "V !' til" taming r. elar. "f i" v- In it he m'km a parahze- lain at Tie l-vttm. ,ei!l n iii'fure pl.i Fire"- e.' I 'i. K,H 'in '-a -' ti P v: fa!I over a cliri ar ii till. as on tie Ernni Millet' ta'e a.n '',tnt'' tinman cliitk and ii'. A- his ('.'. in a be?:in fi f -' I Faxons on a: Their fares .vain hprnzeil l..v f.;.o and llielr noi'es were siiuburpe.l ri'.l i nt liiei r (lisp si! ions v.( '!'. iiniia!!", Titcy are tuill; 'from ' 'hi. a :.: to '-'an Fra n i to (;ir" eeem;.';' ri iial hv :'.'!." n--! ".Ia:'!i." Tl"' Mils ..-tarle.l fnim ot Hi c i of the Sell ; I' (i;ia '.' pali) . at S'lV.esarj. 1 A Suffrarjette Leader in Ccliscn Film. One of the lwt known s,ifi' railar:;- Ale- Siiila r r.urke, nf lii'i.av Otnty Hit ; i'ra ae ,(,iv I a oaeai Js t i 'iri is omia ; ! M , eeii;.', . , ", , t t,v fit : t-.ff Tlie H!n. ;i" .as ! .-r In raaia. i-. elli l'Lli-I ! ,;h ."'la s v. i' ..':! a, , r, . v a jalwa..s at 1 1 't'i : T:.i .! ;. tine, N t.-v Vor'r T '"' rn .: I , f. it r of f." N.. K.-i . Ravieii-el -.-!.', an I i' f'Jrt ct.-d tl; I!."'.- "1! .i!" a.-.r. W! l.-t M' Ki-.- aaaMT-a iu a " inis;' "' w throat a . i.- c. -t-1 ' tV'-'l M nl is Miaal' : :-!( in a hi-My lud;. r. ! i" a !' i e he f, '.I he had actually in tin . "i him ii if l:i the Dili. I'causo i I' t lie pi, I: ilhl not dare move, I t-iii a St.: ',i iuvi .-'..kallon afterward fmiml he bad been I Ing In a tu:ilof . v.:'!'. i.iir.', ant . uiin were Jusl then ' l"!-ln hid elan! - features. Th'i f!av v v.rl't'.'n am! ilirci-ted by Aail ' : -''): I !;. ..!:! Hub-tie j.l;i.v a I'm j !i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in ! UlSll V. had Hid Ta I iii'ltoii King the - I home Is that a use for religion in his life I'oun 1 seeming nilra le C'OlIt. bad I ll'l i until L-r. Is h; i I ail in For e; a-ie toot liaebe, pains, ore throat, try Dr. oil, a splendid rem- SlI'H. 'Cleel ri mcr.v; 'I'lioiaas' 1)m1 , IT yna sny trouble with your bak Weil then, Mse Sun Cold. tim; ui.'.i vwui.iwM MATINEE EVERY DAY Saturday. Mcy -Ren" Iliaa r.a I I;.-, dr.fti.i I .b.-lirnevs On.' J l!h Hen Wilson and This is a srron?. real heart Hindu, ii '':-,( r from a vil tri' .l and eonvi ted, nnii"t" is pardoned, .a-.- . t.fivvever. , ' ; f( "'ii. t mil be :i:i," been eonviat t iii l t,. sal this if n Wi:.. a really ions of :.r rtecpea! 'rein. ,,.:.,d. il lie. 1. .1 i ", h. "i.i' - e lis- r.'.iy 30., s" a rcal in; dram i i 1 elison, iuari-ie. A novel and Ja r a "-in.; 'hris n tha midst of !" I in iur.'d tn :- ! I the rta? il in love w it'l '"onvab'S'eiit. iii-- love, but Is I'in.lillH other Mi'.ihi rises In oiii m n n- t,. ie is Inler- 5 "vho mak"s .. the dauilit i. of her fath t a, i . at ' -t'-h -her e!mr!i ' I .i.i'aen heart and ii.; fa: her kne'd- Want" I a Cbaper Moran an I "i.-'l !a two reels I . lii.iititi.n-l as one, M.iii? man i! t.'.O I." b Mll'l in t ie old n an's i ma u;an the r a! youn nian'j widow. And then i e ; iow and ev ail have a grand itOl " coil; af"a road." Powers jM'll.l.