Newspaper Page Text
PACE EIGHT TIIK QUTHKIE DAILY LSADSH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915. . ''"'i 1 1 i 1 1 ' ' if 6 a i i 1 1 1 200 Beautiful Wash Skirts Just received by this mornings express $ 1 .48, $ 1 .98, $2.48, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Sizes from 22 to 39 waist We have great faith in v.ash skirts for this season so much so that we have opened an extensive wash skirt department. Owing to the fact that our annual White Hale begins Friday and we need the window for our MutJin Underwear we can't show these skirts in the window until next week. ; But our new wash skirt department opens tomorrow and we invite our friends and customers to visit this department while the' as sortment is so complete. . ... .v.'.; . ' .'-;;' y 7 I ...-. "'.":.:-'U ' ' . : ' r IJLW I i.ii TO ELOITE nmbedb TO IITKIHS S fCWEIH FREE SAMPLES OF POISON' SEXT OUT; Sl'ICIDE RE VEALS GHASTLY TALE Don't Miss Cur Hammock Sale I To-Night atjhe HIGHLAMDI I Our June White Sale Begins Friday UNFOLDING OF HORRORS OF WAR IN POOR MEXICO COUNTRY MOUSE By Hohart Boswortli, a corned' in four parts, fea turing Miss Adele Farrington, a well known actress of the legitimate stage. THE BLACK SHEEP A two a' t Hiograph featuring Edward Cecil, Violet Reed and Vola Smith. NO ADVICE IN PRICES -5 AND IOC (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE.) In jtis army; Gen. Pablo Gonzales 13,- m, while there at at least 15,000 more m en under arms In Sonoro and the vest coast. There are 100,000 in these armies and If emtt ptOH a year to keep eaich man in the field. Based on these fig ures, it now costs Mexico $96,000,000 a year for its warring elements, or a total of S4.000,000 for the Tour years that the conflict has raged. $350 a Year for Ammunition. It is figured that every Mexican soldier uses at least $X0 (goldrf worth of am-i unition each year. This figure will scon be increased because of tiio jump in tne price of cartridges and guns sin:e the outbreak of theJ European war. Prior to the Euro-I VICTORY NEAR, SAYS THE - FORMER ADMIRALTY HEAD (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) ; Heavy fosses must oe 'accepted on land and sea. The fleet employed there was composed of a surplus of warships, afte- all other needs have been provided for. "Those who feuppose Earl Kitchener embarked on those operations without tr-orougnly apljcarefuily considering every requirement, in relation to the army of, France and Flanders are not only mistaken but are presumptuous, ne continued. in looking at our losses fairly and squarely, we must not forget the prize for which we ere contending. The forces are within a few miles of a victory such as this war has not ewn; a victory, which, when it comes will faake amends for all." Mr. Churchill said he thought the pean powers to-coming involved in newspapers should not attack leaders warfare ammunition could be pur-'of tho ration at home or afield or csascd by Mexico for $22 a thousand, publish anything calculated to make Slate .that time the price has more Da1 blood. If there were any criticism than doubled, it costing $15 a tbous-." should be la parliament.; That was ill l-r hex llBSjSr and at the present Hie. Since the outbreak of the revolu tion, four years ago, piore than 73,- '000 men have met their death on the battlefields and nearly' 10.000 haze been aralined for Hfe through belns deperalely wounded." Fully SO.OOn women have been m ade widows by the revolts and thousands of boys aci girls left orphans. Threee Mexican generals and 10 other 'Mexicans connected previously with, the army of General Eulalio Gutierrez have 1een executed by In dians composing part of the Carran za army under General E. J .Vafar rafe. The executions occurred some time last week at Alda:i as, 'N'euva Leoa stale, according to Carranza advices in Matauioros. a matter of self preservation. - "What does the nation expect of the new cabinet?" he asked. "I wllf an swer that in one word Action.- That is the demand ; that is the need. Ac tion ,not hesitation, not discussion nor agitation. The duty lies upon the gov eminent, to declare what should be done, to propose it to parliament and stand or fall by the result. "The submarine menace has Been fixed within certain limits. The per sonal ascendancy of our men and the superior quality of our ships on the high seas have been established be yond doubt or question. Bigger Navy This Year. ' , 'Our strength has been greatly in creased, actually and relatively, from what it wis at the beginning of the war and is growing every day by leaps Spencer, Ind.. Juno 9. with tho suicide of -Coroner F, Edward ipresch- er, who also was secretary of tho Democratic county committee, tho residents of this county have await ened to. tho fact that poison has been distributed by wholesale, either boom business for an undertaker or to vent a. political grudge, d'ostof fice inspectors arrived here last week and began an investigation into .the sending of numerous bottles suppos ed to contain quinine, and marked "Free sample'1 to prominent residents of the county. It has developed that these bottles contained strychnine and that several persona have been killed through using the "Free sain pies."'.' When Coroner rescuer learned that government agents were at work on the case, he wrote a note saying his heart was affected and he Is be lieved to have swallowed a quantity of the sane. kind of poison that has been distributed so generously. The fear that mnnj- persons had been poisoned to boom business for an undertaker was general through out the country tonight, and those fa milies who have lost relatives began an investigation. In nearly every instance It was foitnd that the vic tims, had received a "free "sample" just before dying suddenly I and that Drescher had been the undertaker. liesideg booming the undertaking business, IDrest her is believed to have employed subtle .ireans to - avenge what he considered .bis political wrongs : Thirteen prominent rasi-l dents have received "samjile hottlf s." Death followed in four cases. , ,. PRIVATE TAKES SITUATION IX OUX HANDS WHEN 'CONDITION COM WONTS (By Associated Tress.) Dunkirk, France, June a. The story of the -British private who niude himself King of Ypres after the first bombardment of that city last 'No vember, is being told at British headquarters. When Ypres was bombarded in November, the (British withdrew their troops from the town but did not remove the civil popula tion. There was one British private who did not leave with the rest, for! he was asleep In a cellar. Next imorn lng he awoke to find Ypres without any authority, and not liking that condition of affairs, he set about gov erning it himself. He kept under an iron discipline, had looters shot at sight, and though biniseif Inclined to the bottle, prevented drunkenness in others. . The inhabitants' called him the King of Ypres, but his kingship lasted only for a week. Tie was ar rested by a (British officer and sent before a court martial, which duly tried him, found that his efforts In the cause of order had been good. and forgave him his other delinquen cies.' '. II I ' s IK tOlEX KIDNEY PHIS F03 BACKACHE MUKtlJ Mil BLAUUCK GOOD BYE" SAYS BRYAN AS NOTE GOES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONF) resident Wilson was unchanged and that he knew that, Wilson felt as warmly toward him. s There were tears in Bryan's eyes as he shook (bands with his associ ates. . ' . The story of his fight to sway the president was unt'.ld. He made an effort to align otl of the cabinet with him. LOGAN'S TAXABLE WEALTH . , The president natt uryau resig- G.IVEN MATERIAL LIFTnat'on un(,lr consideration since last Saturday, and tho secretary did not FOLEY- KIDNEY FiiXS Th Clitl. Un or black, tu tou like, $8 and 6. Are you admitting that a cheaper man could do your work as well as you are doing it? Then don't let yourself believe that a cheap- shoe will serve your purpose as well as a good shoe. Convince yourself that the Florsheim Shoe is the she-, for you. Put a pair on your feet enjoy the comfort that you can only obtain from scien tifically built "Natural Shape" shoes and oxfprds. We'll vouch for the quality and are "on the job" with styles and sizes, so come in as soon as you can you'll agree that Florsheims at $5 or $6 are the shoes that will serve you right. LUT Z D.G. CO. It l claimed by Carranza' offkers and bounds in all classes of vessels that the three generals, accompani- needed for special purposes of war. ei by 10 men, had been permitted ,BJ' tue of the year, the British MONEY, ,. - The greatest Velodra-n, n-ver feajje " Ixm't '.Mls Seeing It Kothing to surpass this. AT THE LYfS TO-DAY Adiulxsiuncl So Cents. Special Muie by Gutierrez to withdraw frot his army and start for the Texas bor der with a million and a half pesos with . which to organize another revo lution In Mexico, they were cap tared ntar1 Aldamas and promptly ex ecuted. J I The likt of executed Included, ac cording to statements in -Matamoros, Jen. Kugeulo Aguirre Uenavldes, Gen Julian IHgado, Gen, Kulllerao Mo- ran. Anton Tellcz. Alfoniion Itulanoii jCacho, Romingo Zvrtiii-he, fil'ardo Corrol Terrazas, Arellano lliilz, Mag daleno -Roblei. One of the part). Jose Robles. is said to have escaped during a flgbt preceding tbe rapture. navy will have received reinforcements which would be Incredible If they were j adjusted if any errors not actual facta. made." '- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE ) Personal property, 19.1-5 Personal .Property, iW4 TSO.&SO Real . (Estate. 1915 3,062,710 Real Estate, lM4' 3,842,001 There Is added to the total taxable personal of the county $;:10,6;:7 atore this year than in 1911. while there is decrease of approximately a half million dollars - in real estate, as against last year. ' Tbe figures for Guthrie city show an increase of $171,333. on personal property aud a decrease of $179,291 In real estate over the assessment of 1914. Assessor Carter has finished hi assessment for this year and cert) fied the valuations up to tbe board of equalization Tuesday. The county ommissioners and the assessor are now sitting as a board of equaliza n to hear protests from the tax payers of the county and city. Outh io citizens will have their "day in court" , beginning next Saturday aborning. .. . The above figures show the 'valm ation as it was certified to the equal! zatlcn -board; There is apt to be considerable change made before the board finally adjourns; at least that as been the custom in the past; Said Assessor Carter today: . "1 made a careful assessment. An ef fort was made by myself and assist ants to return as near an equitable assessment as possible. -, -Property-owners now1 have an opportunity 'o ascertain the axcunt .of the as3B3 ment of their property compared with their neighbors holdings and go before the county tuard and have It have . bee.l LEAD EH WANTS BELN3 EE8CXT3 New Quaker jjdclf CUars JUST HERE BY EXPRESS 1 ri ? lU ' Tbe very latent stylos in nock wear for ladies, Made of Organdie Voilcp and Transparent Linbii. Priced 25c, 39c, 50c, 60c. go to yesterday's cabinet meeting un til the president'! letter of accept ance had reached him. Mr. Bryan, In taking leave of tho stale department employes, told them that the "rewards of life are not to be found in either the money we make or in the honors we enjoy." Me said the "real honors are the aftec tlons we feel for each other. The best reward Is the appreciation ac- 'compauled by good will." The iierman note was started on the telegraph at two o'clock Wednes day afternoon. Dramatic Sequel. (William Jennings, Tiryan, three times Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States and author of nearly thirty peace treaties with., the principal nations of the world, resigned as secretary of state as a dramatic sequel to his dlsagree- mept with President Wilson over the government's policy toward Germany. The resignation wa accepted by the president. ' iRather than sign the document. which he believed might possibly draw the United States Into war, Mr. Bryan submitted his resignation in a letter, declaring that "the Issue In volved is of such moment that to re main a member of the cablnrt would be as unfair to you as It would be to the cause which is nearest my heart. namely, the prevention-of war." First Dlssention May 13. The real disagreement dates bach: to the famous session of the cabinet when the note of May 13, following the sinking of the iLusitania, was drafted, informing Ger.n-any that the United States would not omit "any word or any act" to protect Its rights. At that time Mr. Bryan made a speech counselling peaceful measures and cautious action. IIS KRKISlSSSIlSiSRSSail !i AT THE THEATRES. "Money" at the Lyric. Money, an exceptional! strong pbo to play is the high card today at tho l.yrK At the Cem, The Gem put on 'cxceptfouall fine stuff. Tuesday. The Black liox. as usual, was loaded with thrills,' whllo "The K'oralcan Brothers," a 3-reuler with King Baggot, in a dual rolo. was one of the i)et features Been for some time. It was well played, whil the photography was uncomii:onlf keen. At the Highland. The inlmUable 'Chaplin, llgeljier with a clever vaudeville was the card, Tuesday, at the Highland. It was all round good entertainment. THE GEM MATINEE EVERY DAY. Ft HEY ?0f tBA(:KAC(filONrs;AN0; BUoBtK Wednesday, June 9. toee the "Dylne Hero" In the up roarious Sterling 2 reel farce. "The Battle of Running Bull." A scream ing military picture full of surprises and brimming over with hearty laugh ture. The ferocious general Delivery his pretty daughter and her love affairs, with the uprorlous adven tures of "Cookie," will keep the aud ience In a roar. "Celeste" Big U drama. Kgg Matinee. Thursday, June 10. - "A Modern Jlelnottc." J'owers drama in two acts, with Edna -Malson and Roy Gallagher. . "Fate's Finger." An Eclair dra-ma. Mildred (Bright and Rob't Frazier. Friday, June 11. "'Fate's Alibi." Ianille drama, fea turing :Holen Islie and XI. K. Wil son. The story of a girl reuorter and a pickpocket. Animated Weekly, showing the Ill- fated IJ.usltanla, war news, fashions, t'nele Sam'a submarines, cartoons, etc. ; IFollowiiig, Father'. l-'ootsteiil" N'es-:ir colm dy with iloran and Blllle I Rhodes. According to the Adage. I Saturday. June 12. "Vou promised me a company,'! 'Harry llyers nnd Itnstvrarv Theby complained the manager of the Puuk , '"""jf"! Ultturo of the n- vme Op'ry House, "and here you show nl0t screaming farce ev'er shown u.) with (only your wife and your- the screen. One succession of roar self, inar taueh fmm onA r. , "Two Is a company," declared To-f,m",v Inimitable a feait pUre ri1c Kamm. "But how about you? " MK" y "arr-v '" and v I 'Rosemary Theby have set a new hlih ou guaranteed me an audience." water .n ark In hJ ? VrJ "Well, there's three people out in kind. See Harry Jlyers tg "Daddv " front Three Is a crowd." - I Ben Wilson In "A Fireside Reali- I nation. Iteic dranin, . - .