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PAGE FOUR THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER. TUESDAY, JUNE 15, im r II E DAILY LEADER BY LESLIE O. NlBLACK " ' III! , " furnished from The Hilly Leader (milit ias'. West Harrison avenue, and entered t the Outhrle ponofflce an ttecond class Miter. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per month, by carrier ...t ,4S fr year, by carrier, in advance..,. 5.IH) ter year, by mall. In advance 4 0 now. Russia in getting tlie worst of ft all along the lino. England la at a standsilll in the Dardanelles, and withal losing men. . munitions and Fhtps. Italy h:is barely unsheathed the sword, and St Is Improbable would now give a thought to ?eaee that did not, at the culBst, guarantee to Ior what she is after, whi:-li would be cut of the question. Along the French Belgian frontier the nations continue at dead!; grips, neither side able to make noteworthy progress. The great break-up is no yet in sight. , It is possible, of course, that Gelde .rees tor nught find an opening some where here, and somehow, toward peace, but If it exists anywhere no- Te leader reserves, the right to mJc fcodr has vet been able to discover H. nr advertising matter that It may dec." The mlitiion ot M,yer Gerhard from Envoy Bernsiorff to Germany may ronta!n the sserms of a peace propo sition; and then, again, nothing might be further away frcr. the real object than uch a guess. But one thin? would seem to be perfectly lear, wbirh Is that the ostensible object of OKLAHOMA (WEEKLY) LEADER It months I -M One rear 1-W New York office: JiclaJ Agency. Chicago office: Jf. M N. M. Sheffield, Sheffield Agency, improper and not according ti contract. The larter la not responsible lot ad itlement ordered or discontinued by telephone. .Calls for society meetings, card of Ibankfc, obituary notices, resoiutione, so ciety and church social, lecture notices, calls for jhurch meetings (except Sunday sesmon) are considered as advertising and will be charged for. Stories fmm fck 11 ITliTieffltei (pfe aura. I I M I f ' ' 4 1 n.kivJ molnn Vlv rt B S n II A 1 1I t the German E;meror with the real Business office Composing and Fress rooms. No. w. gtates over lae l.ueitania tragedy s Harrison. Editorial rooms, No. 107' TV. ..,, .,... ,.,,. Harrison. To reach all departments pretty much of a diplomats stlbter- phone extent-ton !5. i fuse, if not whclly so. Bernstorffs Loudon, (By Mail.) Admiral Sir work at the admiralty, his particular Heury Jackson, who has just succeeded task being Jho direction of the naval Lord Fisher as First bea Lord or the part of the operations agulnst Ger- Brltish Admiralty, has long been many's oversea colonies. known hera as ''the cleverest man iu He was promoted to be a full ad- the navy." He is the only naval of- niiral just a year ago. ficer who has been honored ' with i . election as a Fellow of the Royal! Am i goillg 4o Joiu tUe army and Society, this high scientific honor fall- allow monopolists to grab our food ing to him in 1901 for his researches supplies and make' it well nich im- iu electrical physics. , possible for inv denc-nlnt tr. r- A timely subject good roads. Admiral Juckson was one or the i n, ,,,...,1.,., . l,uo v,, ....... . . ,v uttti j-muus meu bsk No. 108 w. Barrtson. tenement of the Pe,:,le of tne I nitea earnest experimenters m wireless wno have held back from enlistinir" telegraphy .and -was asso- iated for declared A. J. Williams, organlxer of many years with Mr. Marconi. He is the . National Union of Railwaymeri, a specialist aiso in naval torpedoes. ' before a labor conference at Cardiff' I - . . i 1 channels for supplying the Kaiser He has only once in. his career com- To break up the present monopolies, with all the information he could .manuea a group oi snips at sea. , w Ullams moved resolutions addressed Just pas; sixty years of age, the new to the Korcrmnent, which were unani- bea lora is younger Dy tourteen years mously passed. than his predecessor, fie entered the all the time: ; The Petrograd a an Is to be given credit for not referring to the contia vei falling back of the (Russians as a "strategkal retreat." Winston Churchill says the Allies are "within a few miles of victory" st the Dardanelles, but those few miles are proving to be hard miies to tra vel, t The announcement that the Indica tions point to a billion-bushel wheat crop in the United States this year ought to l) encouraging news to toe belligerents that are largely reljln? upon this country to feed them while the war lasts. The Scientists tell us that there are ens hundred and eleven kinds of snakes In the United States, but there are times when we are disposed to believe that the different varieties of the "snake in the grass" number in themselves more than that. jioss'.blv want or ned. touching the !lusitania affair, are just as available bv wire or wireless as through the , Use of a courier. Gerhard may navej"" " "ul assume control of the wheat ships fix .enoush to say about popular senti- -navigation. But the possibilities of the the maximum prices of eoal, fix coast meat as to the LusiUnla to make torpedo, vitich had only been invented shipphlg rates and control railway good the claim as to that superficial "uuc freights. mscinauon over nun, anu ne soon transferred to that branch of the . 'eguiarnorning operation of the TIME FIRE FIGHTERS 1 V, C, Gruber, of 401. W. Springer was host at a. luncheon given at Beasley'a Cafe, at rioon today, ills guests comprised , seven cld-tlme .friends who were members of the first fire department organized in Oklaho n, at Guthrie, In May, 1SS9. Anecdotes and reminiscences or early "day activities - enlivened the spread, and the bunch of old-timers vied with each other in re?allin names and scenes of the first days. The ranje was from the sublime to the ridiculous the latter ipredoml nating. Laughter, "first aid to di gestion." a ade a merry meal, and the event was a success. , Tnose present were: I). S Mitchell Guthrie's first fire chtt f : Frank Me- Cann, of Oklahoma City; Ssm Coombs of Kiowa and Jlobart; A. H. (Ualdy) Richmond; Wm. C, Gruber, a. W. Ken nedy, John Golobie and H. C. Olds, of Tulsa. - i .:. Thy-re here to testify In the hearing before Mayor Nissley this af ternoon, wherein Wm. Gruber Is proving 'Ma, years of service as f Out in 'the Open Air in the Gool Shade fire-ran. He will be granted a ilrs- ih government was called on to ,, . . ., , . vnuur ueau ui lire ugniing t:u reer more than a quarter of a cen" tury ago in Guthrie. . phase of his mission, but the vita) matter at the bottom Is at this stage of the case, something else. No one would venture a guess as to what It ' Attacks. When yon have a bilious attack your liver fails to perfomi Its func ' 1 o Pi'ts you in fine shape for tions. You become constipated. The The only vessel on which he ever the day's work. If you miss It you food you eat ferments in your stom- actuallv is. and indeed this may never .""s"'' " .""l"1"' caunl p" "L"a T.l5aa .ol alfes"- Anls ln" oaitiesilip, lO WUlcn Was appointed On J nun-i, ru ill naiuco mc iumcu lutl raunca nan- the same day a young lieuetenant, John remev "L" And R ,te,r1b,l - ... . , t. , ' , remedy. It purifies, strengthens and ache. Take Chamberlain s TabMs. Jellicoe, now commander-in-chief ot the regulates. Price 50c. Sold by Owl They will tone un your liver, .clean A gain of one hundred and fifty yards along a three hundred and fifty yard front is hearlded by the Paris war office as a "great victory." At ! that rate of progress Berlin will be reached at about the time the ehild reo, of the children of those now fighting on the western battle front are ready to take to the trenches. i ENFORCED IDLENESS OF HEN Nearly six million dozen eggs were .Imuorted Into this country in 1914. according to "Commerce and Naviga tion of the United States, 13J4." Only a million and a half dozen were Imported In 1913. Of dried yolks and frozen eggs there ... were im ' ported in 1918 only 228,000 pounds, but in 1914 the importations grew to .400,000. an Increase of 1,500 per fiit. Why this increase -In 1913 "gg paid an Import duty of five cents a doien tut in 1914 were free. Yolk3 and frozen eggs were kept out by a 25 per tent ad valorem duty in 1943 but this was reduced to ten per cent in trai4. Rome were laid In Germany, And some in far Japan; And some were laid in China. in the days of Genghis Khan. But whence they came or where they went. This thought gives small enjoy ment. The hens and roasters in this land Were robbed of their exployment. Allowing an average per hen of 120 eggs a year, the Importation of these 72 000,000 eggs threw 60t),000 bens out of work for 1314. or .put 1 200.000 on half time. It is dangero'is to comment on this for fear tbe re joinder of the Democratic party may Ji that we are espoui-ing the cause of the hen rather than that of the American working 1 an, and besides the hens whl h suffered enforced !dneBj had just so much more time to improve their minds in the study of psychology. be known, but It mnst be of more than ordinary significance. It is open to any man to institute (peace proceedings, personal, national jor international, tut when he begins to operate on a large scale he must be a personage cf some considerable Im portance and unless Geldea eester can establish a broader foundation than that he is son of the pastor to the Holland Queen he Is unlikely to be weighed down with official con MARY SHERR HEIRESS TO LARGE ESTATE Wichita, June 15. Withia two years Miss Mary Shcrr. 16, residing at S57 'Xorth St. Francis avenue, will be about tbe richest girl in the south west. At that time she will come in to possession of an estate valued at J213.0M. Miss Sherr is the daughtet and only heir of William Sherr, whose body was found ln the Arkansas river near the Douglas avenue bridge last week. iHer friends say she contem plates a religious work. She is a (Catholic. - HAVE NO MONEY TO WORK ON Oklahoia City, Junes IS. The city commissioners of Oklahoma City ar np against the situation of not being able to appropriate all he money they need for the annual budget by reason of the state law which prevents a clt tax of more than six million on the total asses.'-trent. A big reduction in the assessed valuation by Countv Assessor J. S. Morrow makes this condition possible, , w ar staff. Drug Store, Specializing in torpedoes, Admiral Jackson attained a wide knowledge, both practical and theoretical, of elec tricity, for the torpedo officer 7 of a modern ship is responsible for the ef ficiency of the whole of the electrical equipment of the vessel. It was in 1S91 that the idea of employing Hert zian waves as a means of communi cation first suggested itself to him. At that time the navy was seeking for some method by which a torpedo boat could announce its' approach to a friendly ship. For four years he con tinued his experiments in wireless communication. Though the necessi ties of the service have prevented the full story of his works being given to the world. It is known that at the end of that time he had succeeded In send ing messages from one end of his ship to the other without wires. About this time .he met Marconi, and the two be- MURDERDUS PRINTER IS WHILE ASLEEP out your stoxach-and you will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. Obtainable evarywhere. BRYAN TO TALK (By Associated Press.) Kansas City, June IS, .Fred Wing, "ho killed his tather-in-law, Monday v as arrested today while asleep in a printshop here, where he was employ, td. His wife and mother are re covering. , thn COUntrv than rill nther iliaeaaaa nut t4cether,and until tho lnst few yeara was supposed to bo Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease nnd prescribed local remedies, and Dy constantly failing to cure with tonal treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore reiuln came rln!i friora mutually n..!t,tl constitutional treatment, iiaus Calami came close lnec-ls, mutually assisting Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & each other in developing their ideas ?," ,Toledo- c',,io- the only Constitu . , F " " , tlonal cure on the market. It la taken in- and Bchenies. ) ternally In doses from 10 drops to a tea- ci 1 1.. ,ij . , . spoonful. It acts directly on the blood bir Henry remained responsible for and mucoos surfaces of the system. They the oroeress of wirelf-Kn lelcm-9nh. in pffer one nundred'dollara for any case It ' r-ius to cure, eena lor circulars ana te. tne navy until lsoe when he became a umomaia. Address; p. j. CHENEY CO, Toledo, (By Associated Press.) Washington, p. C. June 15. W. J. Bryan did not issue his promised statement on the "causeless war," but aunounced today that he is preparing it in three parts. The first will be issued tomorrow, dealing with the war There la more Catarrh In this section of as 11 s and the injury to neutral na tions. The next day he; will consider the origin of war and the influences causing it. , The third statement will consider the means for restoring per manent peace. That's the plaf-e ironing, and sec how- to til) Volll" simple it is. Runnier Just' at tach an EJcctrie iron to the nearest socket or receptacle. A good plan is to have an extra outlet on your porch. Most likely you have not forgotten the hot days of last sunnner when with even the windows open, the Avarm ove made ironing unbearable. Let us send out an Electric Iron for a free trial. Public Service Go. of Oklahoma (Light Co.) . Telephone 111 For volume, texture and color Sun Gold gives the best results. rear admiral. During these years his appointments were such as to facili tate the experiments and research work which he pursued and which won him many scientific lionors. He then served for some time as .Controller of the Navy, being thus. responsible for the material of the navy during the laying of the epoch- making battleships Dreadnaught and Invincible. He was one of the four Sold bT Dnnr-rists, 7g. Sake Ball's Family Fills for constipation. ATTENTION, BACHELORS E'S r: EL RENO AND GUTHRIE BALL L MEET HERE ! ike the Eats. Did the new cook come this morn ing? . . Dropped in about twelve. How do things soem to suit 'her? Well, she liked the lunch I gave I'fr so well that she has Bgreed to stay for dinner. Arguing from a Trench. "How's the war arguments aroun I Ibere?" 'Pretty warm, ' wild the groctr "Jn fact, one feller hag fi:ed hlmstif , a trench out of some'vsoap boxes and . cod fish barrels." ; The El Reno ball club will be here next Sunday and cross bats with the Guthrie nine at the Cimarron Valley Fair grounds. The club will come over on the Fort Smith & Western Jitney For Weaknesa and Lota cf Annetit The Old iStaudard general strengthen ing tonic. GROVES TASTKUESS chill TO.Vr.C, drives out Malaria and builds np the system. A true tonic A sure Anpetizer. For adults and children, 60c. ' A bilious, half-sick feeling, loss c energy, and constipated bowels oan' le relieved with surprising prompt ness by HiERWXK. The first dos brings improvement, a few doses puN the system in fine, vigorous condi tion. Price 60c. Sold by Owl Dru Stote. E County Judge John D. Chappelle re- anl be accompanied by a large crowd captains on the committee of design celved the following letter today, of El Reno people who will spend the which recommended the construction wnich should be of peculiar interest to day ln Guthrie. The game will be of those ships. a number of our "old men" bachelors: called at 1:30 so as to finish by 6, the In 1911 he was selected to command ',DeaT SiT- As I am a widow and hour ot tne departure of the El Reno SHERIFF, MOB LEADER; . the new Naval War college at Ports- D0W KoePfnB house with my brother, train- The entire . proceeds of tlio ' NGRC) fft tlf Ah mouth. nlnir lrunufuaj rt- and have one child t U.n on(i nna.ttlf came will ko to the Cimarron Valkv o w "uo'Vi C I WM - - " " i yecrs to the post of chief of the war years old and not treated right so I oil wel1 fund tne visiting team donat-j staff. At the beginning of the Euro-iwant fo et married and get an old lnK tnelr share. This will be a good pean war he was assigned to special gent witn a ni(:e home o 1 will be enace to iiee a good game of bail and , nappy once more. . I am of an age that neP alonS the ml well project a little 1 1 want a good home and would like to at tIie 8ame tlnie- Bring your friends out mere to live, t am a woman '""s (Of 30 and 6 feet, 8 inches, dark hair (and gray eyes not real pretty, nor real bad looking. Can give good references, so please aid me In getting .a good husband none unless got a good home of hia own. Address, Mrs. OUR PUBLIC FORUM Winnesboro, S. D., June 15. A. 1). Hood, sheriff of Fairfield county. Caude Iseahour, leader of a mob and Jules Smith a negro, are dead here as a result of an effort to hang the negro. The negro was charged with sttacking a white woman. TOD.iS QUOTATION'S MARKETS BY WIRE CATTLE: Kansas City, Mo.. June 15. Recei.- ts, S.OO0. Mar&tt, uteady. Dressed beef steers, $8. 0 to 9 15. Prime fed steers, $7.50 to JO.mi Cows and heifers, $:.2Z to eS.OX THE HOLLAND MISSIONER The advertised fact that rtm Ghell Ot'ldemeester is a son of the spiritual dvf.,r of One en Willie! iina give him no (funding more than woul.i be a4orded any other Hollander ln hie mission to this country In behalf of mediation to end tbe ar. - liut if he were the son of the Kelser on U'h an enterpr! It would be vast with im portance. The r:?.ht place fur mediatory in fhieorvs It aatong the marring na- Cutis th.'i selves. And one of the Dtimtwr is usually ready enough to jlsni'v, in some way. 'wiiMngnt-ts to talk of peace h'0 the omens and IKtrtcnts r favorable. There is no- thin of this sort in the heavens Jjsi LEADER AVANTS BRINGS RESULTS HOGS: Iteceirta 14, MaK:et, steady to 30 lower. Bulk of sales. fi.Yi to $J.50: Top price, $7.45. WHEAT: Kaneas City, JIo., June 13. July, . 1-44. - ; September 94 1-4. ' f December S7 1-4. CORN: July 70 3-4. September 69 5-8. December 39 3-4. ' Use Bun uuiu. srost famoui flour. TS Soi;!bwe'f Made in Gtithr! Resinol a healing house hold ointment Tlie same $xptliinf.', licilinf, anti Septic properties that ma lie Kesirol Ointment a standarj prescript'on for skin-erupt imis, al: make it the ideal iiotrSclmld remedy f.jr Cuu Son- P"'mp!e IrriuiuHU and a hereof ot!r r tr'.iblt-s which constantly arise i-i every lioine, especially !n.Te l.urearc clni'In n. J hat is why lie, rml Ointment sli'Nild he on y,n:r incjicine slicif, ready I.r instai t use. S44i 1, .U 1, rrt tritl. wt;.:c la lict L ,J, Kcl..l, lull B 11L T jChas. Biddie, Hiilsburrow, 111., Route No. 3, Box 187." S3 SHUTS BIG SflCfilFICE SMI f 1 ' " ' Vn II L. E. Johnson On Two-Cent Passenger Ratea The farmers of this nation are vitally Interested in railroad rates and equity Tie- tween passenger and freight rates is especially im poHant to the man who follows the plow for the farmer travels very little but he is a heavy con tributor to the freight revenues. Some of the (By Associated rPess.) Little Rock, June 1. iLoy iey, the negro who shot and killed Roy Lester, a rich planter, Saturday, was taken from Sher!ff Boyett by a mob and ljnched, ln the woods between Hope and Lewisville early today. ' The shorlff was hurrying the negro" E. H. Knauss has created a sensa- to Utile Rock to place him fa. the tion in Oklahoma nianoilom. I To lenitcntiar v ln an effort to aava hla i-iaugi'rated ' a cut-and-sale this life when overtaken. Tjesday, on all his pianos. Knauss carries the bluest line of pianos In the southwest. "I am going to wak en u;) tJlns during the next SO days," said Knauss. Those who want to bnv- pianos will lie the beaefici- r.nes. CAMINETTI LOSES. i Lfrew cam.neui, convicted xm y'Me slavery charge lost his fight Monday in the I'nitad Ff aes stt i feme court. Ho must now serve a j fiur year sentence in the Califorala th the open air aad the leisurely piison and pay a fine of $2,000. His life, I fiHbber Is commissioner of Immlgra- H'mespun and spanb ls, and honey, Urn of the Cnited St-iteg and Is very An Mve-full of swallows, a suu-. wealthy. browned wife, 'Ic's never a' thought for money. Farquhason. Cse Sun uoiu, tne Bouthwest's most famous flour. Made in Guthrie. states have a two cent passenger rate and whatever loss Is incurred is recov ered through freight revenue. The jus tice of such a procedure was recently passed upon by the Supreme Court or West A'irginia and the decision is' so far-reaching that we have asked L. E. Johnson, president of the Nor- . folk and Western Railway whose road contested the caso to briefly review the suit Mr. Johnson said ln part: om6 ten years ago, passenger raree were fixed by the legislatures of a large number of states at two cents a mile. As a basis for such economic legislation, no examination was made of the cost of doing the business so regulated, nor was any attention given to the faot whether such a rate would yield to the rail way companies an adequato or any net return upon the capital invested in conducting this class of business. "Such a law was passed in West Virginia in 1907. The Norfolk and AVeetern Railway Company put the rate into effect and maintained' it for two years. Its accounting during these two years showed that two cents a mile per putenger barely paid the out-of-pocket cost and noth ing was left to pay any return on capital Invested. It sought relief fr0rn the courtB. Expert accountants for both the State and the Railway Cot. pany testified that the claims of thr railroad were sustained by the fact Two cents did not pay the cost ni carrying a passenger a mile. Tl, ' State, however, contended that tb. railroad was earning enough rurpliH" on its state freight business to give ; fair return upon the capital used l i its passenger as well as its frelgh' business. For the purposes of tfc case, the railroad did not deny thb but held to its contention that tb': State could not segregate its pas senger business for rate flxlna- with out allowing a rate that would t; sufficient to pay the cost of dolni business and enough to give om, return upon the capital invested in doing tho business regulated. Thi: was the Issue presented to Urn Si preme Court Its decision resnond. to the judgment of the fair-mindeo sentiment of the country. The Su preme Court says that, even thoua';. a railroad earns a surplus on a pai ticular commodity by chareln M.. sonable rates, that affords no reasoi. for compelling it to haul another's person or property for leaa than sx-tal The surplus from a reasonahla rot.. properljr belongs to the railway com PRny. If the surplus Is earned fron. an unreasonable rate. thn w ..... should be reduced. The State tnav not ven np by requiring the railroad to tarry other traftin tnr nni.i for less Uian cost ' The decision is a uhi,. and demonstrates that the ordlnarv rules of fair dealine annlv ,.n companies. The fact that on m...'.. a surplus -on his wheat crop would LnwbMUrfd " reaB0" for com : h m Jo sell his cotton at le than cost. Tt would rmt ...,. . , . ..... BUUBl V 1111 Who wnntoa Kp.. j . . . . that i. Mk l oe loin mat ii rich nr ce en..i,ia (k. ...... manufacturer to get his raw prod uc for less than cost, in court reamrmpa v.'"' ' " ln" that pnch t,,K T ""'npy maxim own bottorn!".1' stand upon its