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VAQE SIX the ouTiiRin daily leaden, tttindav, .ttxh u uv i!rr v 1 TA tajfe 3t Huni&rJ!., r.:v .'citiW'Uie 4,OVAT10A- liar. VMniid.W.V.Y Cirwv mr.v diV'ribiM.d by "W.i.v ou seewv J Ti r it an: . I.. ; -. .. . many r 1UW lUlU ilOLUCi t- ckli.J or r..':iu:, w '(in r5 i v i jui". : it" you ( it ruiii t .en )",. th.' j.:orc ihnn is - i-nu h kef,p.?' w.i-. $ in ? loir': i eery crowing 1 or! j have this tV .-on:an a -t yourg Mid the failure ol t!: j.o-! ou-;:e s to recognize .;,' for such -policy, h?-s plseedj ..I . f- ri -"if,'; c !.V;1 11 I I ite navy pie wild us in a position of tnferloritv. wliv h, ciiciii sfinifi may load us to war. r: f 11 as discredit tJ t!e coiitmi "Tlie investigation of our ni'uoua! (Iclt'iiso and a foiniiiTbcnsivf yian fur tin- fururc should lie an ol:u-.,at;,v iraltfr in our ncit i' ps;r.'!-s fr ilir navy Oolongs to t:ie iic; ;1 r of '!i ooiinirv, p.nn tiicy, navo rt ru'it know its romlilion und ho- ' k lip-; in; man'iq.'U. TIio liii"f ii,H n,n 1 1 (ion of vastlv iiirrpasrt!. sum; ho:i'1 not ?o fnstni.i mal in 1.; r . ii 4 i r . .hoari tlio nrco'sai,v ri'fonns or nii'Jiin f j fiiiciK.v of tlia o.-Tinla'iop t.tit '.inj only be aroomtihsncd -bv an nu'o-'i-' ation of cocditlotu. uul a !' - m.tnd f t iit'c Jid ('ur'm .i 1 if of military rofoniiB, h'ci 1; Li forced upon congress by an ;?n'!c;;ui:n ed public HPiilimcnt.; "Tills investigation and Sit;owkd3e r v L Qki-O'CidoJ Instant RcScf Far Aching, Burning Himitint, uw two ptioiifiitn vf Cal ivtdr fa foot bttth. any tiruflttora For ail Foot common use of Individual : driuUhis tho causa of 'failure lu after Mfo. cups nrw olld -fof-Provlalbna' should t ' "Muuufforti of factories hold own. and! or foutitains, and for sultabl spittoona reipopsihle for keeping - niacliinea and thlr,dlinfctton In all public Workipg at full rapacity. . It is , not buildings. The public should not ;ul- Quite as important to ace that hoys tlvate an exaggerated fear, but has 0 and. girls do not sit listless, stupid, (riKht to Insist upon clean and decent half-asphyxiated, or with sense (nop- .'' precaution. .' orative, because of defocts. throush ' V.T7T"" "3. The siiiiiury conditlona of six or eicbt of the most nrecloda vfiars Says ExcCSS of Hydrochloric Acid Am 111 ATnuinn Villi If! l lll ' Mil1 1 mu in oiuni-vji 'hotels,': lodging houses, ,. theatern,'ot their lives, and all the tlino under LOi5 WITHIN churches, schools, ambulances j, and tho, supervision and control of duly Tranhtmt PllS!,0"Ker sorvice, should bo under the appointed representatives of organized "' ufiiu wpariment, ami society, tno school teacher, .house cleaning should be accomplish-1 "More than BOO open air and open jed as far as practicable by the vacuum window classes In the United States is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority states that stomach trouble and imligestion is near-, ly always due to acidity acid stomach and not, as most loiks believe, ir.otn i" v 1 r- wr ft - arc gottlng results with such children. ' V ""H,, u Antrmec with a tubcrculoaiit First of all the onen air Reboot triea ' i. .li. .a. Ui..ti,U -,vl .i-.. j person should not only be discouraged, to understand the child phynicnlly nnd food fcrmcntalion, then our rheals sour a luoorcuiosis mentally. It jrives him a regime, in j (CO.NTINUEO FROM PACE ONE) immediate N ' r.-,;l lie I-)'!.- "I. In view of the faot Mint f-oin 6 to 7 per cent of the samples of the 5- IsolaUoij, of tuberculosis pati- menui into a process of education and average market milk cont.-Un bovine icn!s Kl'ou)d bo insisted upon in hos-'a hviricnlc way of life'" 'like garbage in a can, forming acrid but prohibited by law " ""'I - TtaT 4f' n;"'S", r V" heP'e,Udi"' mM n"d m'rg SchlLloy then Ai;eocat.r.a. pr. Kakw aadoj '"" the sektijon of a. wet food, sunshine, fresh air, Interesting get that .heavy, 'lumpy feeling in the u iiLMirara 01 Maim should be mid diversified work, comradeship. It demanded., , , ,.'; undrrtal!CS 'to weave all these elo- haa been denM' to the pOjiio by the leaders of the ' party in pn-Vi-r It is de, !;i,i tlia there siiould b an inf! 11 n e to deceive the pedyla in a i.i'n'r ot null vital inriofiance. Wc tubercle, btu'illi, let us urge by educa tion and otherwise, that ail milk, un less derived from tuberculin tested anion)) ,be pasteurized or scalded. "2. Since the mortality from tiiber- rulofis a tunas' ir.'.aales nf nn.'ntt!irv " " 1W"UU im ur'1'' hemes is often double and treble that history aen it must bo re.-oaizcd of the Imoulailon. it . ,lr 11 e are to mainiaia ;eaeo. and duty t0 SiH, that ihe buildia? resula Rafesuard the interests of our Heo- tions are so modified as to nrohibit Pie. we must to prepared to defrad'the renting of houses unfit tor human our-ehes us not forget as tlie habllation. na-ion is. so also are Its.fovernni.nt.t ;;. tiocaur.e of the fart tbat nearly its public, its army and iis'navy." :0ne!:ali of tho i::1.0D, ..i!hi fm-n ;tnbereulo.sis in 1913. occurred anions ConstiaatlM Cored Ov.rnlnh " '"; ho institute I A small dose of Po-Ho-Uix tonisht atoat '!"r'1 "r i:'10 population, -ao and you enjoy a full, free, easv bowel should strongly the enactment mou'tnent m the morning. Xo jtrip- and ehforcrmont of laws for the re ins, for I'o-Do-LaTc is Fodaphyllin 1 j.... .... : I (Mav Apple) without the srine. Po- ' iocs 01 I to-La ' orr-cts the cause of Consti- 1Iulustrial I!re- I "ut ion by arising the Liver, increas- ' Among special nieasures to be taken In tfie flow of bile. Itile is iNature's for the prevention of tuberculosis by anliseptie in the bowels. With prop- , ,, , . . , r a j cunt of bile, digestion in li-lz """"i'ues. in-. Miner is perfect. So gas. no fermentation, emphasised the following: no Cor.sti,. ation. Don't he sick, nerv- "J. Compulsory notifiravion of en, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Jo- .nu thi, hc..i!i, ,.:. t ns the disease is recoirnized The hi'illh authorities should also resort Chi inn thai are arte-terf hvito '!ieeuon oi iie mime and per- worms are pale and sickly and liable s:niil , effects.-' ; especially upon the to contract some fatal disease, ilemlt of the patient or vacation nf Hie V IIITi-3 ( I;EAM VKit.MIPUGK ex- T,r,,n,i, 1 worms promptly and puts the child on the roaf! tn hortlth Trita 1 -'; per txtlla. riold bv Owl Drust ul wws against expectoration, coueh- Siore. lug into the faces of nersons. unit ihn pltals .asylums and public instltuiions, - ,..nd.e ,Me ino patient should oc-J Teething babies always have a hard cupyat. least a separate bed. use time of It when this nroeess oeenr THE FREE OFFER BY DAILY LEADER WHAT YOU GET FOR ,88c , More than 4G0 Patterna and ini tials, beiidea the I follawinf FREE article: Si t of f Em broidery Hooo, A.iarted NVetilei. Bodkin, StiWUei and complete in- Iru.cti6rt folder j illurtratip j latest) itches. The small in(rfxJuctory expense amount necessary to secure this out- ! a . j 11 tin n r nt mttKe3 u practically a rn&tu 4 A UNIQUE FEATURE I The Innovation Embroidery Outfit piitterns differ from others in that the same pattern can be used from 6 j to 15 times, each impression of tho design being sharp and clear. . j Discriminating; women will appro- date this money-saving feature of ; easy duplication when embroidering ,r napkins, towels, table doilies, hand kerchiefs and numerous other ar ticles where a repetition of the samj design is necessary. MAILED ANYWHERE FOR 7: ADDITIONAL GET rn NAVY IS SCORED AS UN-T - AND LAME BY MEYER (CONTINUED FROM PACE ONkui uy f,.r lack of )i,-n are nn-dti in iMexiio and elsewhere, and should he rt'.-idy for an emergency call 10 pre K'til the emjtij in'-nt of biitli'-siMiiS at xunhoat duty. Tie eo'i ;d ment of eiiHsii'd Uii'ii at KiHtre fialions and t -aiinni; uia-.hms has been ut down, vi! a dieiih-d lo: s of etfirb-ni'y; biid C-ally to Ue disconteut and iis erusfnit of tin men. "To eiiiiineraie the ships in the na vy am! iiitkt a li". of in-w eliiiis oii t.'iori,e.i sflves no idea tthati ver of the true eondi'lt'ii of the uaiy :is to Us rradim-K for war. Ship without si ate e:f ;iiil- um M-.d a aa w'itiioiit iiuiicj . a ad with no writ ;,n- j usaHt?..:i. ;i at ie navj i.,'-) lurtni' t will n'y inv'u- a i-:-;!Hs of thara in cent of war. "The slat-went of Assistant K'ere tary It oosevelt that we need IS W; j men, is undouini-diy true. " The c:ivy in deierieratinj for la k of men. The target practice this last year is to littur tluin it nas ten years ago More Men Needed. "Congress is ncciijent jn not hav ins established a national counc'i of defense, a general slaff, and at, or ganized naval reserve of .Vi,t):)H ex jicrien ej men. - 'in cilHn? ai'en'ion to these fects, I have no! done to for the ske of eriticizing 'ft present head of the navy, fnr :i;heiK-h J feel that he nuip! !.e held reionsihie fir the c' j ij'-d wndi'.imi of the personne'. i.nd ; t'u' deereas'-d effi ieiiey of .he n.i it the present tiu:e- y,-t the ia-k of .y d'-fia1te caial t-ollet for man- ; year, cxci-pt in the pi-neral hea'd THIRTY SIX FOR Si CENTS .Creat Benefiterf by Chamberlain's lr. Kine-s New Ut, 111!, are now , lerlain's Unf- .,...l.,.n .U, s..!c,r .-.atH white ptlK ,ti, atld v cat rt.n,.fll tt r. te n'll wltuaKlafsof wat- hAX r(,.;,vi julilirg mr rt.rm. , ,-iiv reilnn? Is an awrace dope. ,:ln,ym3 u , lbr, n;L.nst ,,rlim. I'j'v Slid td to tiifce. IJfecthe irs pir,.n, x. SIjfe Wabash. ti.d iff iu res-i:ts. Cheap and llHi ff fna . ,rollM,.rt wMt rll,.. , . . in:, ill to t).e. Oct a l-otl'e to- ,:i,;c iK,,na ,oa , c-rtainly be vljv. t..ue a d.;.e toni.:ht -your Con- ,.!,.as,.d aith the relief which ; i !; n Wli I rtliev.-din the. mors-,.l ilun,i,f.T;lns Ijntintnt affords. Ob-, iC fur r.jc, at a.) I'ruftisi. taiaable everywhere. j cfiest, we; eriiciate sour food, belch gas, or have ' heartburn,- flatulence, water brash, or flatisca. ' i : He tells us, to lay aside' all digestive aids and instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take, a tablcspoonftil in a glass of water before breakfast while it is effervescing, and f,,llinrm,-irA In ' Antmt ttiio , t,ir nil eparate eating and drinking utcnsilH. ln hot weather. They not only, have Weck. Wliile relief follows ihc first and neither receive nor rive kisses co,lten,i 'h painful guniB but the dose, it is important to neutralize the Caroleta and uute-iehil.o e... .1 ,,"la " ,s eisoraerea, Dowels loose ' acidity, remove the frai-makim; mass, ho carTi ft !r (n Wtl;11 0Br!l slloulJ and the body uneomforUble. The 1 start the liver, stimulate the kidneys no car.-, tor jn hospitals." . , best help you can pive the little suN I and thus promote a free flow of pure fArn. la M,.nwwa iitDv in ww I .1:..,:..- . Jad Salt is inexpensive and is made from tlie acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and sodium phosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with' excellent results. Yes We Have It And we honestly believe that S22 Hair Tonic .is the best hair tonic on tlie market "oOe abottlo. Sold only by us. : Gray's Drug Store jferer is aicOBE'S BABY MiJXI'U. It Kiii (vein uur siouiueu, coojs snu qUl- ets the bowels and helps digestion. Price 25c and 'Oc per bottle. Sold by Owl Drug Store, Sun Colu for economy. Is always the cheapest The best from your PrugTist now and cure your Constipation overnight. A lazy liver Jead3 to ehronie dvu- pepBla and constipation weakens the whole sytem. lloan's Regulets ("c per box) act mildly on the liver and Muls. At all drug stores. ' INSPECTION FOR PUBLIC JUNE CHERRIES The bis Mont Merency kind are now eady for market Will be de lhered to any part of city. Phone, call rural operator, get Meridian and ask for Wallace farm. No ..charge. Or phone orders to city phono 2M. J. X. Wallace. "2. The enactment of enforcement If you have the itch, don't scratoh, it doe,! not cure tho trouble and makes the skin bleed." Apply iBAI LAKH'S SNOW .LINIMENT. Hub it in gently on the affected narts. Ut SCHOOLS 'IS NOW URGED relieves itching instantly and a few applications removes the cause thus performing a penmanent cure. Price 2.'.c. 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Owl Drug Store. , donlist who ia doing a thriving Iufss. bus- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE J can not breathe properly even suck air as is usual in school rooms. . Such children are constantly dropping , out . f school because of discouragement ! Activities of Women. A society woman in Jaimn nnlv aim lick ot interest, often taking with spends: about 90Q. a year for clothes. them the handicaps that spoiled their i. ' . Ts- experience, to become' m turn London has a' Japanese woman -Miss iLaura Tygett in the first wo man to be elected a City ClerM In Illinois. , . The total membership of the Ladi- ' es of the Marcalioes of the World 18 now lSG.eM.'!. School girls In Berlin are compell-" ed to carry their books in a knai! tack on the back Children Cry " FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Sun Cold for Ilghtbrcna,' biscuits. pies and pastries. 1 r1T7?f I 7Ukmt Fear or Prejudice' ThL? superb volume, devoid of diplomatic deceit, uncensored by any power, neutral because true, fresh from the pen of America's best-known authority, can ha read without fear of confronting disagreeable prejudice by either American or foreign-bom. of any nation. ' ' Censored only by Willis J. Abbot for TRUTH and provable fact, it sweeps away all doubts bred of con tradictory reports. It is a revelation, instructive, edu cational and interesting- a strongly told story. Cut Greatly Reduced Exact Siza of Book, 8 s Wz j U , - . " : k t ; 1 p; , 'yxr 'IPX? . i I- 1 . ' i . , . - -,! '! v l - ? J, ' - - , H - s' : - ei, - i , J -' ' J , 'I j P i n ' v , ." - '') - ' 1 i : r - a t '-c . i , fjvi t r x 'i ' - ' - - - -o -i i g i i 4 . 3 t -V. VJm. JK-t-AuAa. -.-. avartjrf- . .ij-lia nat'sMiU n ..It fl ' I f ti '' ' ' The. hundreds of delighted readers who have already re ceived their volume of 'The Nations at War" are enthusias tically spreading the. news to friends in this citv rind "else where about the splendid, complimentary PRESENTATION BY A great favor will be conferred by acquainting friendn with (he value of this matchless work or, better st-il, by sending a copy as a gift of sterling worth mid lasting appreciation. This announcement clipped and mailed to f nVtida, relatives or acquaintances at distant points will enable them to avail themselves of this , presentation offer. 98c Only Required to Get This Book W orth 364 . Pages of heretofore im printed act : 20 : ' . Full page color plates 463 ; Uncensored photographs Depicting everything from The portrait of the assassinated Archduke Frederick. Arrest of the assassin in Sara jevo, llosuia, . - to Funeral pyres of tliousands of dead on battlefields. Gigantic hotvitzerj in battle. Undersea and aerial warfare. Tht Author Willis J.Abbot has already received recognition and re nown by his books "The Story of Our Army." "The Story at Our Navy," "Panama and the Canal," etc. , His marked ability of lucidly and truth fully presenting facts has given him great popularity This story of how the nations of Europe settled their long standing accounts is his masterpiece. The First Authentic Reference Account of the War from Unimpeachable Sources ""' ' Secured from authoritative sources knowledge which has been denied the public by censor ship since August, 1914. . This work dispels all clouds of doubt, rumor, diplomatic deceit and censored sophistries regard ing the appalling struggle con ceived by diplomats, nurtured by bureaucracy, maturing in-national' disaster and destruction. -, Necessary to Every Library Mail Orders ' By parcel post Include EXTTIA 8 cents within loO miles, 12 cents 150 to 000 miles ; for greater distances ask your postmaster amount to in- i liiiaiaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaMaaaawatwcai , How and Where to Get it ' Merely present 98 cents nt tho office of this newspaper, to defray incidental expenses and the cost of handling and Fecure this hand somely bctmd complimentary copy of the &).00 volume, "The Nations at War." Our Enterprise Appreciated . The- complimentary distribution of thi3 in valuable work is undertaken by this newspaper in the interests of its readers, and it con siders the "Nations at War" the only authori tative work of its kind thus far published UHUSlaii