Newspaper Page Text
r Si JL le BLACK BOX By E. PHILLIPS OPl'EKIIEIM ; la light arid roypty. .. Yu aremro lie--", haii utjc'ii troubles may liiivft bdi'.n. Yo.i say that yon have nioic), mid if you nrj hneh." she :tr.!i! -d. dropping her voice, "you need not go alone." , ' - , lln patted her hand nffectlountrly, but thorn wus something a little forced about tho action, ; . "Child," lip said. "It is m hard to make you understand. I might lose myself for a few minutes, it is true, ovor jcaclrr. Perhaps, een," ho add ed, "veil fcoln mi in fanrnt- lm! yf'then there would bo the nwnk L Auttmr of "Mr. (7rex of Monte C'nrIo,v " The i'anished Mtt&s ttil.rr," "TneMghted H"ny,'tc Niwt-I(rl imm tfv morion plrfitr drama of (he lomc nm prntlnrrd by tStm (ihou iirufilm trom tiie motion picture vtjoducliua ' , t 3 18 (iiwrtcht. u-is. ty JUa Wood.) SYNOPSIS. fN V'ii'iil, Itijiti ti (j It ii !.' ,:,.,rft:, lr.-Mii.i-..i.-m ni Hii,!-P vr- I'n- 'I, ltl.v.t-r of ih.u in tiilr'VuK n jut!-.-e ? muni-ntr of Ia'ixI Afcli r. !v hut jiif.t lan . i-My ;.-?.-;(. tutu a my?,i-n- Hi,M.-P -vr-lii::,'!. Jn n l.Mi.i.M-i l.ltt iil i ir AfJ'ii ii:1k gar,,1-?! to :un ntl ijv, KhwI.rUn nrut a Itvlr.K (rr'iltir,,, half wnelwv, half mnfl. fl"irv"l ty tire. In Ma rt-,;ri.--- b.-ivr- Rj-rti-'lr, t lji:.-H Iwjx.s iwil,-.,itjfnr. ti,,lv, sl,rir. ti I'V a tutir -f nrm-I'-'-fH Vuviw, Lii,ru. imrt l.tiora, l;l. ar-:-it,-1-ur,l:.i. HutJpn. ; rrni. tl1 jifiiirnr's mtv nift, (' n j..n:,l. muf1r. Tbf tw t' ii'',s fj fifif.tiir in un'';ni!y fniiin. f'rfilK Is il'fjp.-'.l, luit ct" o 10 F-nfilnml, ' .. r; i .. .1. t i ort.l lh J-:''' -s -.r fr.UW !;rru Ird Anlvtvi;:h is lr,ur4'T'rfi ly lit? H imj. ("r.-.;;J c;;!'!!rr3r 1' rrf Qtw.n -i:!il I'.s j.'.ity fnilon-, ami lirrum! (nlu tsvf dffti r1. Thy .im -npnir4ft hy M.riryi-. ase;iirt w;ih Crni ilvlrrnptiv rtkI lurn Mm ever ta in pprTfrffr rrf-n- h in Kn 1A)V feon Tt' ( fhftwtj il''' thirty across thn Sh'Xif-'an lino. ; TONGUES OF FLAME. CHATTEa XXVtll. i "As I c.mi in," he esrplainpd, I "that mtm bad his knifo raised to stab J the fiirl. You don't allow that sort ! :'. : " w lot tbitiR, do yon, fir.To.T' ) From the shadows of tbft lrPh on I The two cowboys linked their anus the f. rtbfr rrtr (t i- river. 'isr tiirousli Josp'e and led him off toward with strained-, rjres v-atehd Quest's i the door. Hrvi,-j 'e 't iv 1- -n rea;h Lerrja, ! "The Btranper's right, Joso," one of Wafrhra him rtniec to the bnnX tocia insisted. You can't carve a girl . -i I at Bight I sleep, and when I slecn I f , , ,, rest, and when my eyes are opened in j common and ttiosi of the foiflny ,,r, ,,. ',, , , -. , . t.. .j. .I . . . , , , , KiorolUR- the weijrht comes back awl Pits tt.-Hin my heart, and ' the Ftrcnplh Kcems to pass from my limbs and the will from my brain."- J'.er eyes were soft and her voice Bhodk a iHUe fls She leaned towards htm. Something in his helplessness had kindled the" protective spirit In her. , ''lias life been so terrible for you?" she whispered. "Have you' left be hindbut no! you never could hnve been really wicked. You are hot vbry old, nre you? Why do you not stand up and be a mm? If you have done wrong-, then very likely people hnve j done wrens thincs to you. Why should 'you brood over these memories?' V.'l.j--- What are you looking at? AVho ' are these people?" The professor, with Quest and Long ! uddoiiiy appeared round tho cor- S'ho notie.ed at all merely laughed at the Rfrl'e futile Rlnifislea. Josh's arm wfl already raised with the Jmlfo in bis hand, when a sudfiefi blow bniUftht a ye!! of pain to Ilia Hps, The: knife fell clattering to the floor. IIo sprRng up, bis ryes red with fury. A mnn had entered the door from behind and waa standing within a few feet of h'm, a man with long, pale face, dark eyes, travel-stained, and with the nir ot a fiictlive. A flood of incoherent (ibiire. streamed from Jope'3 lips. He i-tooped lor the knifo. ilarta threw herself upon him. The two cowboys who bad been dancing suddenly Inter vened. The girl screamed. "It was Jose's fault!" she cried. "Jope was mad. lie would have killed me!" ... . ... I T ' V 4 ...'ii '5.-:--- -V, NTN U 11 Take a bottle1 home with you. You will be surprised how useful Penina is in the familv, for little ailments like INDIGESTION, COLDS, CHRONIC COUGH, LOSS, OF APPETITE, t W iff!," HBBSHBISJHiaiaMMHBH ' NATIONAL LEAGUE ! K B a M H Silk Q 9) H K MM a THIRTEENTH INSTALLMENT j Crais faced tbem all with sudden I with ! r, wmt.d u;.:.l !.- had l"tl her on to hw burse. Tben fid turned slowly arounl and tared the one coun try in J' vr,r'd tVr" fret il m a. h S'lli poc-'bie f f birn. Ir' loelui Ii'o the wall of darknos, penetrated only at one spot by a Uttie-biase of l!t?M. Bloii;', with tin arm t! rru-'i the bridle of Bis horre, be limreti towards Jt As he drew nearer and d' i'iver"d Its source, a UMitated The itgnt ' can: thriii"'i the i" cirt'.ir.i d 'T dows of a saloon, three kug, yellow shafts illunjintOns the sturitcd shrubs and sandy i-laces. Crate kept In the shadow between them and up In company."' The girl clutched rt Craig's arm, "Eft down here, please,"' she begged. "Wait." She dif appeared for a moment and Wne back with a glass full of wine, bieh she set down on the table "Drink thifj," r-he invited.. "And thank you for savir-g me." Craig emptied the glass eagerly. "I just happened to be the first to ece him," be said. "Thev aren't quits v ild enough to allow that here, are they?" " (Men. sane? The girls do not like me! The men do net care," she do ej.ired "Jose took me by surprise, ner of the buiiding. They walked towards Craig. He shrank back iu his : pl-ce. ' I "If tlioiw aro your enemies," the girl cried, fiercely, "remember that they . cannot touch you here. I'll have the 1 boys out in a minute, if tboy dure- ta -try it." , : - . . j Craig struggled to bis feet. Ho made. no answer. His eyes were fixed ujKra the profcEsor's. The girl passed her arm through his and dragged him Into the s.iloon. They passed Jose in tho doorway. He scoffed' at them.. '. V '. j "Say, the. boss will fire you, Marta, j If you waste all your time with that Yankee," ho muttered. ' Marta drew the rod rose from the twwm of her dress and placed it in Craig's buttonhole. Then she led him without a word to a seat. "If these men try any tricks in Four Ribs Broken," Pronounced the Professor. "Sb Cannot Be Moved '' . ' ' for a Week." ., -r1 ' - '': side of tho border. You're sate ia J Jfttlo party, on their return, eagerly. long as you like to utay." Craig nodded gratefully. ' ' "All tho same," he said, I fear that I must go. drew little nearer. From inside ho could hf.r t ( tf a mi tl ougb, .or X would have killed him. piano, the twartglutr of a gni'ar, the l:ut who ere you, and where did you ' raWe of glasses, the uproarious snout- '- come from? ' lug of txpm. the ahnll laughter of "I have just crossed the border' ho: Vi.tnei T'lot'i'J it -i ,-n1 'h- 'anf rtplied. t ' ! hoc ito'e relnrtT-.f'jr a b"p r,a-f ! She nodded understanding!?. Craig Mstcneil once more wearily, !t ""Were they after you?" was bone he loi'.ged for to lunch "Yes! with a warrant for my ar and rest. The very thought of tho rest!" place sickened b.isi. Even when he j She patted his hand. rewhed the door, he hetitaied and in- j "You are safo now," Bbe whispered. stead tti entering stood back amongst ; "We euro that much for. a t'uited the shsdows. If orily he coald find Plates warrant," and she snapped her - Buy other fort of shelter! j slim fingers "You shall stay with ns ' Inside, the scene was ordinary '. for time. We will take car' of you." enough, There was a long bar. against i He sighed wearily, which were lounging half a dozen , "typical Meslenn ce-wfimicliers. There Back ti the earap, a rpirit of devilry was a email tpace cleared for dancing, j had catered fMo- Ung Jim and bis at the farther end of whleh two jr- mates. A taetiecs remark on the part formers were;!;ig weird but v- D- one o' th deputies bad set alteht lie-merit Kiii-ric. Three girls v-ere dsnc- ibe HDtolderir.g tire of resentment ing with cowboys, nr.'. ungracefally which the cowboys had all the time eansMertug tlie rtate of the &r and 'Ml aeialnst them. At a word front the fpnqtier lisc.v-is' In the nine'e. t-mr Jim they were taken by surprise One of litem the firettirst stptd ' and tied to the wagon, obr'uptly and pushed her partrer away I The deputies spluttered with rage from her. and fear. Shot rained about them and "Yon bare drunk too much, Jose!" j the canvas of the wagon was riddled. Hlw exclaimed. "You cannot dance, j Suddenly they all paused to listen. Yob tread on my feet and yon iean j jh0 sound of a horse's slow footfall against me, I do tint like It I will KtlH heard close at band. Presently dance with you another night when Quest appeartd out of the shadows, here,- she said, "there 'It be trouble." Almost at that'- moment they all . three catered. Long Jim nodded to Craig Sn friendly fashion. , j "It's aft right, cookie," hi told tbem. "TVm't you look so seared. This la just s Pit of parleyvous business, that's all ' : The professor held out a piere or j paper. He banded it over to Ciulg. "Craig' lie announced, "this is a', dipach which I found in Aflguez ' with my letters, ft is addressed tc The professor coughed. "I am suro, Craig," he declared, "that you have decided wisely." j Crals looked gloomily away. "There is nothing else for me to do," ho said. "The child must be met and looked after. Besides, I am sick of Jt all.. You may as well know tho truth." - I "Why not now?" Quest suggested, softly. . "In New York," Craig replied, "and not before." Quest and the professor exchanged meaning glances. "Very well," the former decided, turning away; "In a week from today, Craig, I shall expact you to report at the professor's house." They left the room together. Long Jim lingered by Craig's side. "Those guys have been scaring you some, I guess," be remarked. , "For get 'em, cookie. They cun't touch you here. Of course. If you go to Netv York it's your own show" "I knuw that," Craig replied, gloom ily. ' : ; One of the girls passed her arm an hour ought to do It, the boys sy." j They walked outside to the camp, where the"'cowbor" were ' UnUnlng their breakfust. I "Say, boss," one of them callod out, "you're not making that 8:30 train to New York?" "Why not?" Quest asked, quickly. "It's only three-quarters of an hour's ride, is it?" "Maybo not," the other replied, "but as it's eight now, your chances ain't looking lively. Kind of overslept, , haven't you?" , ', , "' " '"' Both men glanced once more at JVI UARI VI .v.i. ...... K n. ,.. via . VlI-i back with a little oath, v ' "Our watches have been set back I " he exclaimed. "The Hands again!" Y For a moment they looked at one another, dumfounded. . Then Quest moved towards the corral. "Say, is tltero any quicker way to the depot?" he inquired of the cow They heard his question indiffer-' ently. '.':-' -v ' "Mfty dollars," QueBt continued, "to anyone who can take me by a quicker route;"- '". .'.'!,.;:'.','. f. ';,.',:, -,. " One of them rosu slowly to bis feet. "Waal,"' he observed; "fifty dollars would come In kind of handy. Yes, 1 1 reckon I can cut oft a mile or two for . you." ".:''. ' , . "Fifty dollars for you, then," Quest replied, oi' they hurried towards the horses, "and an extra ten tf we make I the train. y - They galloped oft into the distance. The cowboys jnished tbelr breakfast nna went off to their 'work. Laura stole out from her tent and started off in rather a shamefaced manner for a OF SPORTS Chicago Philadelphia St. Ix)uis . . . Pittsburgh . Huston '..,.'. Brooklyn , .'. Now York , . Cincinnati . . the Teams. - ; W. L, Pet ...! 21 .571 ...27 ' 21! " .551 ...30 ; 28 .538 ..24 ' 3 ' MO ..24 , U ,483 . .24 J7, ,471 ..21 25 ' .437 ; .20 26 J35 S AMERICAN LEAGUE, '- ausisieiki8iisittMKH Quest at once came and sat by ' her side. ... t " i' "Where's Laura," he asked, "and the wspectorr , V i . 7 waIk- Presently Lenora opened- her "rili..-n She smiled and pointed to the ri8.!v, ShA .. .t..h- Clllca8 ;!ng ground bebitid tbem. In the , faint hand for n'e w'ntch suddenly she ?oston moonlight two forms were Just vlsi- t up In bed wUh a mte excIanlatlon Detroit " A.. . On the table by her side was a small New York -Vh h,. . h w h. , I black box. 'She took off the lid with Washington cblred. ;a,m6st as badly as 1 07.nT.areW.Ut, Lenora." ' , , . i . . iPhiludp nhtt . , , . ' " . . rooisl Tongues of flame w l cross She laughed at him. Her face km 0M.-lfc "u. ... rr" j , , . Guest'e path. He will never reach the a little drawn with pain; but her eyes depot u K , 'i. ' Standing of the Team. through Long Jim's. you, bet under the circumstances you ' " ' , ' , , , u .,-n i , . , , , , . ' He . hesitated, look ng out of the trill scarcely wonder that I opened it. , , L " . ... . You bad better resd -'f . window. Then he shrugged his shout- bed. Then she staggered to the open ing of the tent. - -- V u ."Laura!" she cried. ,'; : There was no one there. The Cow boys hnd all gone to their work, Laura had passed out of sight across the gered to tiie cook wagon, where the St.. Chinese, cook was sitting cleaning "Listen!" she cried. ' "They are Jn I mc9 danger, the three men who have gone off to the depot! If you'll ride after them, I wilt give you a hundred dol lars: Give them this,' she - added, ! Buffalo holding out the scrap of paper, ' '? j . , The Chinaman shook, his head. ' He W. L, Pet Chicago J4 2Q .C30 Boston' ... 28 18 '.09 Detroit .:( 22 .07 New York 26 23 .531 Washington .. . 23 24 -.Ml Cleveland "... ......20 20 .408 'Philadelphia ... ....19 S3 '.303 St. Louis , 13 ' 34 :358 H8ta3:iai8inSiBHi4 , FEDERAL LEAGUE M Standing of tha Tsams. Kansas City ' j Pittsburgh iBrooklyn j IN'ewark . I Haiti more : Craig -accepted the table form and read it through slowly to himself: ; To John Craig, Care Prof Lord Ash Ic'gh, Yonkcrs, New York: Yaur sister died today. Her daugh ter Mary sails on Tuesday to Join you in New York. Pfcsse meet her, COMPTON, Solicitor, London. Crait .ant for a moment as though atari ned. The girl leaned over towards him, "Are thoy trying to take you on a warrant' rbe whispered "Remember, "I'm tired of tbose guys," he re- you are sober. Co avi-y, pi.-ase " j t.arryirig Lenora in his arms. Her cavalier swayed for a memofit ! tnrwrtl tin bis fert. Then he looked down upon her wifh an evil glitter in his -yp8. He. was tall and thin, with a black mustache and yellow, unpleas ant looking teeth. "So you vlil not darice any longer with Jns-r be ruiit"T'-d. "Verj- w!l va rhali j!r:nk with him, then Laura "Lenora!" ehe cried. "Is she hurt?" Quest laid her tenderly upon the ground. "We had a spill at the bridge," he explained, qntckly. "1 don't know whether Craig loosened the support. we nr-np lr.i.ra uhn following. lld i.i s titruirrtt one oi looro jtuie j l VM t0 Rct ),,,r oat cf lne riVer. tables. Lirtm. you rhali drink wtneT ."ni,- r,if .' The professor came ambling from , t?je teat where be bad been lying. He j etooped at once over Leflora's still un i conscious form. "I do not want to 'dr'r k wine with yon. All that 1 wSuh is to be l-.-'t ulone." the girl Insisted, curtly. "Co and plr.y cards, If J'ou want to. Thers Is I'lctro over then-, and Ivk -o. Tcr li.ipm you n.ay win some mon!y. They, eay that drunkards tave all the luck." Jope leered at ber. "Presently I will play card?," be aid. "Presently I will win all the'r money and I will b-iy Jewelry for you, Marta stones that look like diamonds and will sparkle ia year neck and in yci'jr hair." Hlie tHrtted disdaitifully away. "I do not want your jewelry, Jose," f declared. lie cauglit her suddenly by the .wrist. , "Perhaps this is -what you want." be cried, as be stooped down to kiss ber ' ' ' ftiie swung ber rirht band rovtid und i truck hitn on the face. He stag- "Hear mo!" bo exclaimed. "Dear rac! Corpo, come!" 113 passed bis hand over ber side and made a brief examination. "Four ribs broken," fce pronounced. "It will be a we k, at any rate, before wo are alio to move ber. Nothing more serious, so far as I can ate, Mr. Quest, but she'll ne d nest arid all the. comfort we can give her." ".Say, that's too bad!" Long Jim de clared. "If you've got to stay around for a time, though, you can have tiie U-nts. Wo boys can doublo up any- where, or bunk on. the ground. That's right, ain't it?" ho added, famine aruund to tbe cowboys. There was a little grunt cf acquies cence. They carried Lenora to tho largest of the ten's and mudo her as CHAPTER XXIX. i,:s-u for lrmtm-Tjt Th(-;e was ; r1 f!..t.h wM, a ,bord ttrourh the , comlurtablo as powlblo. tan of his cheek. Th- n be drew a lit fl n-;.rer jo bi r, et.ii lef ire he could c-iriipe bi;d pasred bis long arm iiin-imi bir b.-J;.'. lie drew t."r to tiie Jilaeed by the side of be wall. Ji-t, b f: L,i.:-i played with the kuil. ( Mk b. It "VtM, lt'ie f'i'l tbi art," b.e iaid, bkV Virf'y. tnust pay f.t -tbat biovv ti.t be Bfr.ud" be wcr.t en, an be On- the knifv aeiof.s bis 1 a(h--r liree b. "A 1 t'-le P'-ratrb fe nM ..ur th.-ik, re! It if but t!e Vrsnd f i our n:-.;'rr. a 1t" toi-'-n from J. t-t--,-'.!-. row. I tt!- M ;i-!-rii-k!" ! TU flcl el rug I -d .ioi-iir, bat J,i.o fir i'i, iii'-i: 1I3-1-. m: t 'A I ' W A Vl S t'.MNu hi t L'l-1 Tho ir! dr;tr a low etool over to tai-.:'s side. He was sitting in a roukh chair tilted back &i:.iiist tho adobe wa'.l of the saloon. "As tin d as evert" she asked, lay li;g ber hand upon liis for a moment He turned bis head end looked at her. "Always tired," be answered, list ieftsly. rib msde a little grimace. "i'-Jt ycu pre so ttrange," she pro-iw!-2. "U-r tin- biiio tb r" are the t'.':ii-n tars. Ti.ty would take you to w rue of our beautiful cities, where ail LliADivlt WANTS iKINCi KiLL-'i4 - "V : . ' i " , , t , i wVi.. - . . r.,'." j ' fv , ." r- " - , , ... , ' i v . i ;i," - ' , , - f ' r f -; . i ? f V . , I - -.--... f.-, -at i - jl i ' marked to Cralg,. Ith a grin. "Ouess question tor a guest," he remarked, I'll stay hero for a bit." ""j ''but if you want to know, our new j Craig was left alone for a few min- Chinese ookie is there." .,''- utos. suddenly Marta glided In and sat by hia side. Her eyes were flash ing with anger, j "You know what they said, those .' two, as they passed out?" she whis pered, hoarsely, "1 heard them. They are going to board the 8:30 train tomorrow morning. 'The darit mart turned and snid to the other: ! 'If he is not on that, we'll wait till we were very soft "I wonder if you have it very bad-' ly," she murmured. - ' ' - He held her hand for a moment. "I think you know," he said. "As they talked they heard the coyotes barking in tho distance. Pres ently Laura and the inspector re turned. ," ' r ., .' "Nice cort of a nurse I am." the former grumbled. "It's all the fault of this man. He would keep me out there talking rubbish." ' They sat round the opening before Lenora's tent till the moon was high in the heavens. Quest, who had been on tho outside of the circle for some: little time, suddenly rose to his feet and crossed over to the cook wagon. Long ' , 1 UD . . ,'uuu ,f . " , KKSK!SSS3CSHK!eS Jim. who was sitting on "the steps. ""T. " ", tT5 ..,'- K ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, a giancea up a time sunny. - . . ' i r ; ; : " ; WW. in(.io ..v t "v cau rme. niissee, ne saia. Lenora . looked around helplessly. The camp was empty. She staggered across towards her, own horse. r, ,, .it , "Come and help me," she ordered.' i'he ' Chinaman came unwillingly. They found her saddle, but he-only, j jxuiisvllle ' I Quest nodded. 1 . - J gazed at tt in a stolid sort of fashion. "Sorry if I seemed abruDt." he 1 "No ean D," he said. f'Missee oo apologized. "You've been' very good can ride. Better go back bed."' ''' to us and I'm sure we are uncommon- Lenora pushed him on one side. W. L. Pet 34 22 .607 29 31 .5S6 29 24 .538 30 26 .53-11 28 C6 .519 26 .26 .500 20 3J .317 ,20 87 .351 Quest asked. Long Jim removed his pipe from his teeth. . j;- - ; ' V. ."'"'' 'That don't sound none too civil a , . : ' - . , . , " ." He s gone to- New lork, or goini find him Once we get him in New tomorrow morning." Jim replied: 1 5k: .e 8 ".r mnn.' . . . n't think he's o powerful fond o ly obliged to you,' Jim. 'The only rea- With a great' effort Shd 'managod to soil T esked the question was that 1 reach her place in the saddle. Then saw a face in the door -there and it ahe turned and, .with, her face to the gave trie a start For tt moment I depot, galloped away.' The paint was thought it was Craig back again." j excruclnting. She could only keep lie s gone to- Mew lorn, or going Standing of tha Team. v ' , ' ' W. L. Pet Indianapolis ..35;- 19 .643 Kaiuaa City '30 23 .5-57 jlAiuisvllle ... 30 $i .6-59 at. Paul,'. ......25 26 .490 Milwaukee ... 24 8 .462 Cleveland ... 22 231 .410 Minneapolis ..... ..22 GO .421 Columbus ...2l 33 .3J8 A little exclamation of anger broke from Craig's lips. The girl caught at his arm. ' "Don't go," she begged. "Don't go. There are plenty of places near hero where you can hide, where we could go together nnd live quite simply. I'd work for you. Take me away from this, someWhTe over the hills. Don't go to New York. They are cruel, thoso men. Thoy are hunting you I can see it In their faces." . Cr?ig shook bis head sadly. "Little girl," he said, "I should like to go with you along that valley and over the hills and forget that I had ever lived In any other world. Put I can't do it There's a child there now, on the ocean, nearer to Now York every day, my sister's own child and no one to meet her. And there aro the other things. I have sinned and I must pay. My find!" The room suddenly rang with Mar ta's shriek. Through the open win dow by which .tiiey were sitting, . an arm wrapped In a sernpe had suddenly hovered over them. Craig, In starting back, had JiiBt escaped the downward blow of the knife, which had buried-, Itself in Marta 's arm. Sho fell back. screaming. "It's Jose!" she cried. Tho beast!" - I powerful fond of your company that he'd come round here looking for it" . , Quest strolled off again and glanced I at bis watch as he rejoined the little group. j "Well," be Said, "I think we'll turn in. Seven o'clock tomorrow morning, : ' inspector. Jim's sending one of. the boys with us and we shall catch the Eastern Limited at the Junction." t "This open-air life makes me sleepy," be confessed. ,,-,. "To bed, all of us," Quest concluded, turning away. i ' '' CHAPTER XXX. Quest awoke the next . morning, stretched out hi3 hand and glanced at the watch by tho sido. of the bed. . It was barely six o'clock. He turned over and dozed again, looked again at half past six, and finally, at a few minutes to seven, rose and made a hasty ' toilet Then, In the act of placing his - watch in his waistcoat pocket, he gave a sudden start. By its side, half cov ered by the handkerchief which he had . thrown upon tho little 'table, stood a ' small black box! For a moment he was motionless. Then he stretched out The brute! hanl' removed the Ild arid drew l out the usual neatly folded piece of To ... ..V '.. . - .1 r ; r-r-r- A WESTERN LEAGUE. ! SI standing of tha Teams. - - - W. L, Pet. iDes Moint-' -.28 13 '.'609 Topeka' '.. 27 li .600 Denver ... ...23 19 .548 Omaha ... .i"24 21 MA ', Lincoln 2 a .5,12 ' SI: Joseph 19 26 .422 Sioux City : .17 23 .37H j Wichita 17 - ' 34 , .333 If you nave the itch, don't serabch. It doe.j not cure the trouble and makes the skin bleed. Apply iBAL LAItll'S SNOW LINIMRVT. Hub :it In gently on the affected parts.- 'It relieves Itching instantly and a few applications removes the cause thus performing a permanent cure. Price 2.-,c. r.Oe and SI .00 per bottle. Soli by Owl Drng Store. ' "In a Week From Today I .Shall Ex pect You to Report at the Profes sor's House." "! Have Sinned and I Must Payl" you don't need to go unless you want to." Craig shook his head. - Craig swung to his feet, furlouo. !PPw.. - , . - - s? . Iine Jim: enniimr' .tVouf hla " Even time fights you. It lose that ' fiun. At that moment the door of tho Voa may lose-The Hands.' " salfon was thrown open. Jose came" u,'st Ior moment was puzziea. reeling in, his serape over bis shoul-1 Thcn be hurried Into the next tent, der, a drunken grin on his face.' He j where the professor was sleeping staggered" towards them. j peacefully. "Jose, yen beast!" the girl called ' Say, professor, whats the time by out. and fell iack, fe'ntlag, "Ttila Ik KOTnr' nnftA ftiffnririt " I . . .. . , . . t 1 nere was ttm sound or a revolv "Leave me for a mo- all(1 .,, I must talk to these ; o.n with a cry aerwa tho sanded floor. . chronometer from under his pillow, he explained. cient. Marta. people." Ehe sllrpcd regretfully away from bis sidi: and out into the darkness. He PHt with bis eyes fixed upon the cablegram. Then he turned towards Quest. "Fate seems to be too strong for me," he. admitted. "Leave ine alone and I promise you that 1 11 go t once to New York, settle Mary's fu ture and then maKc a fuil difflosure." Jim touched him on the shoulder. , "Kf-ii- ii.ln r," bo told him, "you ain't u Call to leave i.-ere unions you Waiit to TIiosc' dep-ith-s don't go this your watch?" Quest asked, shaking r him gently.' -. - reeled backwards and t i no inoressor sat up ana arew ms Oklahoma, City Tulsa McAlester Jith 'th'ntst big smoking gun Into this fc"5lt and caught Craig by tbo arm. ' , "Say, we'd br fter get out of this, cockle?" be muttered. . . minutes past, maybe." 1 Quest nodded. ' "That seems all right," ho declared. They hustled out Apparently Jose."1'11 expliiln inter, professor." was unpopular, for everyone seemed I berried"out' into Ftench'e tent only 'Anxious 'to have tbem clear away, and found tho inspector Just drawing "I'll get you Into the camp quietly." . on. his shoes. . .... '.', Long Jim. muttered. "You'll bo safer , "French," what's tbe time?" he .de- thero for tho night. Then you can tneko that 8:"0 In tbe morning." 'Lenora, with her bed dragged to tho opening of the tent, greeted tho i j I 'Three minutes past seven, or I thereabouts," French replied, yawn ing. "I'm coming rigb( along. We've got lots of time, Three-quarters of UiAl'Lit WANTS BiCl.NCd IiESlTLT3 IJ2.JJEii WANTS SRINC3 JlESL'LTS herself In the saddlo with an effort I Yet all the time that one sentence was ringing in her head "Tongues of renis I flnmp!" Rho Irnnt Wiring, nrnnnri DnT. I iously. Suddenly the road dropped sherm,J from a little decline. She was con scious of a wave of heat In the dia- Paris ... . tance she could seo the smoke rolling Muskogee across the open. She touched har , j.-ort ' sinlth norse wun me quin. i ne spot wmcn she must pass to keep on the track to the depot was scarcely a hundred yards ahead, but already the Are seemed to be running like quicksilver across the ground, licking up the dry greasewood with Indeed a flaming tongue. She glanced once behind, warned by the heat Th3 Are was closing in upon her. A puff of smoke suddenly enveloped her. She coughed. Her head began to swim and a fit of giddiness assailed bar. She rocked in her saddle and the pony came to a sudden standstill, faced by the mass of-! rolling smoke and flame. I "Sanford!" Lenora cried. "Savei me!" j The pony reared. She slipped from the saddle and fell across the track. (TO 11 n CONTINUED.) HaMMMNHKHBSHfUKl IK WESTERN ASSOCIATION 1 ill K-R-aS-KJCHJSasiSISHHS eianamg or tne Teams, r. " . W. lt IPct ,.39... fil . M0 .3 , 8 .567 ,.03 30 . .62 .31 2 .517 .30 30 .500 .28 62- .467 .27 33 .450 .21 43 J333 A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney J end bladder troubles, dissolves gravel cures diabetes, weak and 'ameliacki, rheumatism, and all irregularities oi the kidneys nnd bladder In both men and .Women. .Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold ")y your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of S1.00. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and sel dom fails to perfect a cure. " Sedd for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive C.lreet, St. Louis Mo. Sold by drug- LEADER WANTS BULNQ RESULTS' LEADER WANi'3 BRINQ RESULTS tists. Xi' :i j f( ft