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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
THE (JUTIfR UZ DAILY LEADER, MOND V V. JUXE 21, j o Smith & Barnes j$ Sgg, Jfefei , O40' i 'lUr- pJ' tf? ? a M-SUH I tj is fiM4S() P slid i ai J n cnc c ths highest . 'ViAf?;i - J '5Wlf A 7 os uwirx - , " ' ? ff ,ra manufactured by 1 J)P HMfc M o 3 .Rar,r, Piano ft 11 iCTWuff 1 HUfC iJlUfi UN M -A 1 ii H MM III Us W X 1 j1 A VX15 il a ( P 9 X n ff H H J W ' r.. l t t w V. K-.l Jf 1 . ' lf J ! , " : F I JLf I ' m XI 111 I f V m U II N fl tWi I?3 I I I. "! MM. Iwjh it j sin , iStr ( 3 Bought by the Colossial Crowds Congregated Today to Participate in this RECORD BREAKING 1 c ON THE DOLLA V Liming J , Irr.g tc',re hf r, cnlnj hour people tcgan to rfsrmble. l S our store v,-,0 jC,y v(ti, trroliomi ffetinng. surgirtg mus of i-iiinnnity. The vast multitude of anxious bargain-seeker crowded Into the tor with a rush and crush and within a " f w mruSrs tnr wluile fcuilairg w-s a w irdrg mass of acttvity, enthusiasm anu buying excitement. It's onct in a life time that a stock or such tremendous magnitude is thrown out in a gigantic Disposal Sale like this. It's no wonder we were swamped'.' Over i? , PC un wotth of new s.f!s puree inJotled in this sacrifice. ' V.'haiever you neud i nthc music line C3ii be purchased during this sale at prices that will astound . you.' v . t ,, TO TjIS PUBLIC: We toc-t-t these pianos. They are coming t daily. We must them as fast as they come in. TMa means sevsral thousand dollars' worth of business a day, but we must sell regardless Of price or terms, they must all go at Mm it e. Net c pi mo can rrir orsoH. We are placing on sale brand new upright pianos as low as 597.00 on terms of $1.50 per week, with free stool and Scarf. We will ship these pianos anywhere within a radius of 600 miles and pny'tho frri-ht. Wo pay R f ,,e ore wiy to P4,t d trn cuc'.om,rs within a radius of 200 milts. If yeu li.'C out of town you have the same privilege of o' one of these high grade pianos at the ridiculously low price we are selling them at, as though you lived 'rlltt lii Cvsliirii-. Nrv.-r bi -rt. r-fvf-r .gun Vk It another tu h a s?le occur in the state of Oklahoma. Never aga.ft will you be offered new, full sie, upright pianos at $97. This sale has created the greatest sensation of any sale ever held in tho U. S. Cw8 in r, 'd 'C-'tli- plnr.o- v have and the prices and terms tney can be bought at, and you will understand the' reason, Ccme 'today. This very minute while the thought is in your mind. " " Ar BILL WILL . SEND A GOOD PIANO HOME. $L50 A WEEK WILL KEEP IT: vm m mmm 1 wr-:' halk " 4 ! ,UP $c5o ffer.o $oC0 iivrJbl 1 1 I'iM1''. h-MXr: .V;1 1,:',n: ilE-- malk HKlM?l . nttJii I $1 t&'$& f-qJJy $285' Sj5f ' ifi 'Mbb saal 1LM l Jli:!f Pfe' ? 'WEEK p,,, Ik? ' .ayer P,ano . M ' W B v eek Hm coodPradt f.j ,VT;rr . Mm ri.--' - ..week . ip. y . k2i p,a s' -o I&sesJ Kfet - ... - ilis teyiii SsiIg Cannot last Forever, in a Few lays if Will be a Irif of tile Past, I ' J COME 1W! WT WAIT! ' : I H vo- t'9-jplfpipL p nn .'. pf rh 'a a'&Sffei :P Kill' I XX Trf" lli' ' . We will not sHi'to j-,i:,no tli--;W,'r tlioir n,m'nt. '. ' IJy' '. '"' TE R IjJ E. ' OPENING EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK --r!r ', ' ' r';':: '''F'f' I