Newspaper Page Text
770 ii SHELOfl.'J GETS OVER LME levant Reiki For :f!Pinir V'.-'f J'V,V. Arhlnf, II urn tog An J Swmty Pmt j fvitmliti of Oil- x-f?vfnfooi bath, 1'mckQ 24c pny mot, i ULL II PIOII i I I i I I I H II III I I il? Ill r.vBIIIIPBB ,. Ill "XT' A -"N r; " r ) For off Foot ' TrenMj 110 Ml OF ' ' t- -; 4 ,', ! v r FOR T, TOl'EKA 10(1,00(1 I'AStOli TKAYKIJS ' MIf i:S IX LAST . In order to jrlv antoir.oblU- t aors t)fti Idea of the horse power of their marV.fli, as shown by the A. 1 and "A. yi. system of ratlnt;. Colonel A. N. fLee-rs.fl, highway commissioner, has prepared a table Eivnii; the horve power of a number of popular make 3918 model oars. A took is now be ing prepared by (Colonel l,eecraft. which will Rive the horse itower of every make of oar as shown, by the A 1 and 'A. M. system, but it will be everal days before it is off the pre; ' i According to the new road law, jt. cmobihs a" taxed according to tnMr hoise 3owtr as shown by the A, mid A. M. ostein awl not by" thefr advertised horn jiofc'ef. 7n tJiosi cas es the system' adopted by the Etaie fives the machine a lower horse pow er than is advertised, .. '; ,:, -,,'.',. Hating and Taxe. f The statement prepared Saturday Jy Mr. Iee:ra.ft follows: ' Adv. A.f.. THREE VEARS K'me HC tit Prim Tft pwsens a; . w . I 18 I .9 "nii.-1 ? 52 J-35 5.5(1 iTMIllsr ii 51 174 f.'iS fKe 40 SS )') rii.-itnieni .... 4S . I ITiS ?. IjfiiiilWr ..... 37 27 1M5 S.TS (Cliivrolet M ?1 K7S S. ivtrnrur 31 ?ft I'.tM 5n Fnl ......... 4' B.W Franklin ..... Ji 4l " HuIm ...... 4 . S !;" 75S HiiptiK'Wi ... a n i-'W Krit S ' JHhkw'!1 ...... 25 .' J. il"llt) ........ 1' IV. - Ovvrland ..... 7 ' . 3 1 .V". I'u.'imnt 4 4 ' J':?i' 1 '.' JfcTS ;i JS I'miiKK St S i:5' &.B0 fteicU " S I?: 4 Hon 40-45 31 . lSVf. 7.74 ,An V' 11 ! S.Tt M'ttdebclcn- .. W f 143 7.55 ,VIte .. . 40 1WS 7.5 -Rtiiton 4S . itt.a Jtethmal ....t 65 S4 ?KI . . Km If You i . OTITIS Foo are trouUnrl with heartburn, irasea and av diHtrened feeling aftT eatnis; take a y..f1 Dyspepsia f L S" Tablet-. laefureantl firfw(4i meal and'you will t obla.xiiruaipt relief. KuM only by us,25c j. . . Gray's Drug Store. '" SEE THE ME1SEY tCE TEA ctAssts at the National COFFEE AND TEA HOUSE, Topeka., June 29. When 1 Dr, Charles .M, Sheldon returns to To- peka October 1 to become pastor oi" Central Congregational church, again ! he will have traveled more than lOfl.000 niiles, during the three years lie has been -enyayt d iu lecture' woik. Ir. Sheldon's ' itinerary has Indiuifd a trip through New Zealand and AusT tralia in th iutrsts of the New Zealand Alliance, similar to the Am erican Anti-saloon (league, ana !. Orttt miles is a member of the t'lv ing Squadron, which closed a 3'7-day campaign at Atlantic" City on June 7. Dr. Sheldon wnt two weeks In Tepeka , following the tlose of (he strenuous campaign. ITe Is now at rVankfort, Michigan, putting on the fiuishing touches to a new book, "The Brotherhood of .Man," which will be published in the fall and read to the congregation of the Central Congregational church on successive Sunday c!?ingfi. 1 Speaks Well for Railroads. While in Topeka Dr. Sheldon told of his experiences with the Plying Squadron in its tarn pal gn tor nation al prohibition. During the 237 da traveling, meetings were held in 231 towns inclnding the capital cities al every state in. the Union. The sched ule required that tr.eetings be held t 2:6 ollock in the afternoon and at S o'clock in the evening. n no in stance was it necessary for a meeting to tie postponed because of speakers it pean well lor tne rauroaus d WM DrimnriIy reBDonsiI).e for tlie the United States that su-h a feat brcaki nR UD of tae homc 0I R n . M r- could be accompiished," said Tr. ,; . ,n..a '..nnitn. j I i.'U u . aa.ti( n.v i v i t.v Sheldon. "In to instances trainf. teslimony whi(h jjartin gave yester were helcf for na. Once this was,aV aftnrnnnn wlien his divorce snii !i i! f acinic ; Here Is a quality food to put In the basket food that hils earned its good name through merit that Is kept up with a firm hand, if it were possible to make foods bearing the Supreme trademark better Morris would. , . , . Tv TTTl 1 A .- K.JVI II: roducts are Ideal for outdoor occasions- Supreme Rolled Ham, and Supreme Eggs, to boil hard. For every day use at home, ue Supreme Ham, Supreme But- ler, supreme Uacon, Supreme Lard, Supreme Canned Meats. . Thousands of conscientious dealer sell Supreme Food Products. Find the one near you and stick to him. lie's a good man to know. n ' "It't AlwayiSaf to Say Suprtmt" i ' OKLAHOMA k TX;E liliE AKSr AM. HI LKS; UinUvR:s'VqiI' TO TELL Aui f L1J 8fLty SUNDAY S REVIVAL ES DIVORCE SUIT for A regular morning operation of the Dowel puts yon in fine Bhape for the day's work. If yon mlrs it yon j- uncwnionanie ana cannot pat vnu iuu your tnoTements. For all owel srrepularltK JiKRWN'E is the rcmeay. it purines. BtTenirthens anri rerulates. T'rice 60c. Fold by Owl unig wore." done by tlie Santa T"e in Mew Mex ico. Traveling by night and eating at any time is good for the health, ac cording to Dr. Sheldon. Plenty to Eat; Shy oh Sleep. against Ola Martin was tried before Judge Hood in the county court. ' Mrs. Martin, before their marriage in Cheyenne lant September, Martin told the court, posed as a deeply ro- ligious woman . Shortly afur Hilly ifls tip Time. ' What, a Messed thing is sleep, said tiie tired Tahoter. Tes, answered the society man who overheard him, I don't think I nmbi 1 in eUhl inirt, additional :kt day "We kad cnty iime for two meals j Sunday opened his revival services in Bsnaily, including one after we had (this city he Buggested to his wife that finished our work early In the morn-(she accompany him to the services. mg. We ate what' we wanted, not! "Billy .Sunday is a counterfeit, jus trying to diet especial!-.-," Dr. Shel-I'ike you," Martin said his wifa told don said. "Onr main troubte " was h'inl hen h? mentioned the evangel lack of sleep. I have not caught npl,sta name- A row followed, which vet" I finally !(-'d to their separation and the The most enthusiastic receptions divorce Buit received by the Squadron speakers were in me .cities navtirg the nomst Teething names aiways have a hard saloons. Dr. Sheldon naa ed Peoria. time of it when this process occur II!., Chester, Pa., and Iouisvillfl, Ky ln oot leather- They not only have as examples. Tbe Squadron m at Bfw. r i nfH" f ms,bn1t the i stomach Is disordered, bowels loose Terre Haute junt after Eentem-e had and ttw hoiy nneomfortahle. The been passe4 On the city officials fofjbest help you can give, the little tsuf' f lei tion frauds, and the "statements VcrT 'Mfc S BAItY BUXiR. It nade by Hying Squadron speakers V"" fur ftomailcl'. oools and oui: ( v lets the bowels and helps digestion. hzaitsPuntiil Pure, trancparcnt vc2c tillz oils make pure transparent KIRK'S Soap Skps fnadc from tr.ltnil fats tre cot so r ;ifor the ckfn:tf)lr lather does not C :;!?y rinse 2uay. 1 ' Cc3 to'jt sfjie&y Jap Hose (3tucrs3fid rinses. Icaviaa te sUia clean tr.d$oft." Vcrr Dearer Sells tt inai tne saloon was at tlie boiium oi the trou hie piet . with a . hearty re sponse. ..,-.,,.... ,., , Spoke to Ware Than Million. The three tilvMons' of the Hying Fqaadron spoke to a total of 1.531,000 leop1e. "More than half of these were men, Dr. Sheldon stated. The tutal tost of ihe camiiaign in round numbers was $200,000. of which $17.",- was contributed by people who at tended the meetings. After seeing'the almost universal rentiment for prohibition, Dr. Shel don Is confident that the United Hales will be dry In a comparatively lliort time. The Squadron started Its activities September 30, 1W-1. At the time nine rtates were in the dry column. By June 7. n., this num ber had been doubled. ' Jr. &beidon rpoke ajipreciatively of toe treat3;ent of the Squadron by lbe newsiojiers. Only one pajier, tho Huffalo Courier, e brewers' organi rr. Sheldon said, was unraif In In report. "B :ores of newpa;ers went on record during our meeting againsl carrying liquor adrertiements aftfr ihat data" J Price "Sc and irtc per bottle, Sold by Owl Drug Store. MAN HANGED. NOTE TELLS OF THIRTEEN MURDERS Birmingham. Ola.. June 2!. . Syd Jono-u WS3 hanged in the county jai! jard here. He left a note in his cell in which fie conTe's.ted responsibility teen murders. Two of his victims were white men one a Mobile and Ohio brakeman and the other a Minnesota deputy sheriff. The others were ncroes. 'Jones, in his letter, nimed anon his victims Thomaa Thome son, This Bennett and Lleputv i?herlf!f W. S Moseley of Crawford, Neb.; Shay White, Thomas Ehav and Sam tc of Monterey, Citl.; J'aitie Qunrgo, a Ifc lean, in Fort Vin;'ale, X. M., and John 'Utllejohn, an Indian in fheri dan, Wyo, Th't unnamed railroad brakeman he cuid iie killed in Boyd "I am sorry I n laxed getting Illch- a'd Moore. September 12, I'li.'," Jones wrote. . "Just one inor would have made an even number." Oklahoma City, , Okla., June 2. 'rtflMU-ah was one Jimidred and fort. three years of age when she becmae a 'timm-; and John the Baptist'a mother was one hundred and seven years old at the tihie'of his birth," spoke Lawyer t-ee . WfUon in opposition to the motion br Attorney J. 8.. Rosa lit Judge K. D. Oldfield's court yesterday. Ross represent Dr. Arthur A." Will In the $2i),S00 aiaTpracltce' suit brought by eipna h. henyon. He asked that the woman give her ago at the time an operation wan performed hfch la ul leged to hnvu tlep'rivtM her of woman hood. ' 1 ...... "I was a woman of fair proportion foimily fentnres, symmetrically prrtpot tinned, prepossessing .in - disposition maimer and demeanor and was 'favor ably Impressed with marriageable: men of discriminating judgment and gfeai wealth, leads Mrs. Kenyon's ptitioB n part. ' ..: "We want her io give her age at the time the operation was performed,!' spoke Lawyer Ross. "We 'will 'have som expert ', testimony and must know her age, colilinued the lawyer. "Especially, we want to know how old she was at the time she was favored ! by men of great wealth." Judge Oldfield sustained Ross' mo- thir- tion which forces the woma nto dis close her age. Always beat the Signature TO WOMEN WHO OVERDO monsanfls of American women In our homes are fiaiiy 'sarrifieln? their lives to duty. In order to keep- the nomo nriii and attractive, the child e uresseu anu tidy, women ov erdo. Soon u weaknesn or disnlace- ment is bronght on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, ror forty years Lydra E. iWnk- ham'.s Vegetable Compound has prov ed a bor.n and a Messing io women in this condition, bv restoring their systems to a normal healthy coal.' lion. Why don't you trv it? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Something "to Smile At' Try to smile, said the head of the il. j ar.ment ntorn. ' liok nt yonder. 't rk. no is always smilinr He finds it easy to smile. Ha selln Chicago ... ace powder to pretty girts. 1 sell I'lilladeljihia St. Louis .. Pittiburgh , Roston . . . .Vew York . Brooklyn . . , Cincinnati . . j. "I Don't Feel Good" tt n"i?'haJ !ot of P60!'1 tell US, Usually theu: bowelsonty need cleansing. Will do the trick and makeou feel fine. We know this nositivelv. Tt tonight. iSold only by ua, 10 cent Gray' Drofl Stor. dS 8 ... SEVEN RULL5 FOR HEALTH J'tinch the bag five minutes morn ing nnd night. Do tho military cclting-iup drill. Stand up straight. Don't slum, in your chair. Chew your fond Keep your teeth in perfect condl lion. j Don't eat too much unless you ex ercise a great deal. mm kmc L-ii t i , know k l'' ... ... The iwmllputmiMt i tmiff fnnti nt to rettrodnce tlie lovely model1! f A that have bc n simplified for her, however, an to. use thtrn ijtlie tf 1 ": decoration of Iier hmKclHjlilflilictii!. ?Tne pussibilitujs oi 'viS i- iters," "corners'' and .-"snuarea"' are endless. . .Thoy call bcsM not Beautiful Bird Embroideries for tlouseheld Linens i The new bird embroideries are so Vtautlf ut that 5 one should remember - whether the credit lor them belongs to tho Auduboiuans, tlie nature r ;..-; tists or to the advocatei of oriental trimmings. Bnt this Is anite impussible since nobody teems to know anything very definite about ft, .. ' , . ' 1 he needlewoman i tutc content to rcprnnnce me iovviy niouw , ni-ff loVelv talkie covers, bureau and r.;aa! fcm also for wmdow curtains, bedspreads and nvcrS aitd lingerie cushifiU't, in fact, almost any piece of i'v.uscBold linen.'1 A S.iir otAwin btd- -,;rfds worked till -ftrovi'd ith tliis SMsit boriet of liirrtj wctitt) kc ty ocnatTftri. -. ihe pattern enn be re :-'.?d: many timo, and ilia sprvat's cut long enough so that they, may' go ever the iiiow& . .r Bird . embroideries have been cBuiv nf. verv ; rcligion .ly until now, bc-c-Kiifr of tri gtcnt amount of work il;' cntaii. It will be noticed in this -patl'tit.' h-nu'ver, that tlie vexatious ,"k;1s Ol 1ir.l embroidery have itcn v'iminaicd ivi'.irout affecting tho beauty cf the ifsijn. The' feet and tiawf-, iitways the despair of tlie irlexperi :"ocd needlewoman, arc omitted, lcav i ig many possibilities in outline work. In fact toe etittr.' pattern ir.iv be '..worked in blue, delicate reen or rose- rp.o.-ed threads lr outline stitch, if rtf-siicH, - Long-ana-short stitclics or jKca-higton work hxik particularly well on the. bead and wings, and these arc nei't-er difficult nor slow to develop. Jl'ablc covers of linen, crash snd loosely woven goods look handsome embroidered in colors. A special study of the i.ature of the bird and constant observation of the model while at work ?.ri necessary to si.cccss, however. Inland monograms, ;ttiis"'tiwtan'ce 'the Vifcadt which com bine with best cffc:t are deep and light 'gray, black, white, dark and light brown. In beginning the wing, start .frirtn. the ' miik-rmost feathers, pro ceeding with the next after the first arc done. If done in satin stitch the 1 work will have to be paibled. Use two shadrj of -gray fur the wintry dark i gray for the tail, bhek for the ej'es, I and two shades of brown for the head. ' The back anil beak arc also effective in brown, while the cheek and chin are finished in dark fray. A sugges ri"i of white hmoraj the fmtheM and about the eyes .k always in good taste. ,i he embroidery pattern dlustrated arid 'dcfcrled hfrm. together 'with W0 cithers covering all pos.-ndc n-es, are included in the ''Innovation l-.m-broidcry I'atti rii Outfii" now teing presented by this newspapw, as exi plaipcd 4'kcwherc in tr.ese columns,' 'J in making a talile cover the pattern may be worked simply in One corner to form a ' distinctive lookirur souare effect.. Above the birds t monogram might be. added, as it is considered the last word m fashion to tjive the per sonal . atmosphere to Unrivi of all kinds .through the mediiiir, of init Ij K FEDERAL M mem , '""vr-iw nuvVVin I mD Standinj ot tne Team. CSTHORIA For iniants and Chfldrea 5 j In Use For Over 30 Years of Cf (N WORLD OF SPORTS HaMfei8Kaii;asissii NATIONAL LEAGUE '. ' JS x k si St h a k a a St. Louis . Kansas City Chicago , , . I'tttilujsh .. Xewark , .. Brooklyn . . . Baltimore. '. . Buffalo ... . W. ,.37 ..'Si i-.Sti ::' . .:!. , .3D ..29 .21 L 20 St 4.1 Pet .017 .Z'M ..634 .-3 LI. Mi A & WESTERN LEAGUE. a iSX9!9tSaiiea!8a11SKt standing of the Teams. Des .Molues Topeka ... Denver ... ' Omaha ;... Lincoln Rioux City Wichita ... St. Joseph . ! Ti ...:M .....23 .....29 ,....30 -24 . U 21 2T 2.'i 27 '. 2 33 32 S3t Pet " '.Wit) '..5 IS' ..'17 .421 ;.S .411 Indianapolis Lwiisvilte ,, Kansas' ,"ty Bt. Baul ... Milwaukee Cleveland ,. .Minneapolis Columbus . . Standing of the Team. "'."-" ;' w. l, .;.42 2." .w.33 ,.'.:..t2 .-,.30 .'...2.') .....!S ...'.JS 32 S3 , 33 aa 34 3S I'ct. .627 .sos .4 '13 .478 ,47-i 4m s n a vi e & tt x x H WESTERN ASSOCIATION 5J Kws-wKEiR'HsmsaaHai Standing tt th Tem. ouiiaing of the Teams. olhrr buttons to old grouches. Yes We Have It S'v; And we bonct!y believe that Hair 'Tonic is the bet hair tonic on the market lt)c a botUe. Sold ouly by us. Cray's Drug Star. Fruit jrtrs r..c. tie. to?. 90 n o. Caps tic. 2'e. 2. " Rulber le, Sc Ceorg" CanU Crocr). are ScigMuUy smootn, fragrant ' an3 tefircsfiino;. They can'l i'rtc, parch or leave any 6npklSant cir retty aftcr-taH. ' ' .' Cimeh ttc blended choice Turkish kni cfiofce Uornestic tobaccos, more to your liHn z thin cither kind of tobacco ssioktf! straight I Compare Car.tcU, puff by puffi with any cigarette in the worli 7esf your taste, then you'll under stand why me.i everywhere prefer them, No pre autre Gr coupons. because cost of tobaccos blenJcd in W. L PcL ..31 ' 23'' ";90 . . 30 6 , JV3U .33 29 , ;5S2 .29 26 .527 :iS 29 .491 4 23 ; 2S .431 ::7 . 31 , -.4 .0 .23 .'.ift' ' '.425 Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy, Denison , Miii'kosee Sherman Oklahoma rarfs ... . fort Smith Tulsa ... McAlester Wty " W. ..44 v.SR .'.3 ..s ..34 ..23 as 32 37 37' 3S 49 Pet, .629 '.533 .527 .4S6 .479 .472 .33S K'. AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Standing of tne Team. Chicago , . . Detroit ... Bo-ton ... .Vew York .... Washington Cleveland ., St, iLouls Philadelphia W. L. Pet 43 2l' X72 .....28 2;; .wM .....32 ' '22 ".593 .;.:;..3i ;s' . .523 ....29 27 .518 .....23 99 .3157 .....22 3S .C7 ...22 30 ' .Sfil NEURALGIA PAINS STOPPED nd1 nnm iu Biuier nose ag- .onizing nerve pains In the face, heart. This Is a remedy that overv famllv ! a,,ms' shoulder. :-hest and back. Just shonld be provided with, and espec- ? Wly a few drPB soothing Sloan's lally during the summer months.' (;ininlpnt; lie quietly a few minutes. Think of the pain and suffering that Yo" wi" et 8U('h wllef and comfort! a ust be endured when medicine must 1'if ani the World will look brighter, bo sent for or before relief can be (Sct a -bottle today. 8 ounces for 25c, obtained. This remedy Ii thoroughly iat a" Druggists. .Penetrates without reliable. Ask anyone who has used , rbhlngr. ' '. ' . '..,,: j it. Obtainable everywhnre. For volome, texture and color Sun Gold gives the best results. ' ..--.- , r. r , . , , .. Good v!nsar doz., oranges Cash Grocery. 'c gal., lemons lie 12c doz. George' The Guthrie Tent & Awnini! Co. GUTHRIE . 113 SOUTH SECOND St! " ' PHONE 663 MANUFACTURER OF 6T0RT AND OFFICE AWNINGS TE NTS. s7dDLHERCYURTA,N9, " HOUSE TEN TsT H A R NE S3 AND BSSI Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain' Liniment, "I have u.ed Chamberlain's Lini ment for.Rpralns, bruises and rtieu instic iiains.5 and the treat benefit I have received iiivtiflpB mv iwviin. these cigarettes prohibits tbcfr osc 'aending it. In the highest terms.' Camel's -n in for tOr, tf ymrr aulr ram ' tuppy r9, erd Ifh for Qmparnage or S 1.00 far a cur (on of tm ttmekint 2 (JO -gartt), mnt pfuar mfftutJ. afmr tmmhiig mm futt kuvm you arm mot &Mghtm4 mnlh CAMf.LS. rtfurm thm othrr mutm we!.- and u wiit refund Uitijr and pmmtagm. . K. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wimlon-Siikm, R. C writes 'Mr. Florence Sllfe, Wabash, lnd. -If you are tronbled with rben niatlc pains you wli certainly be pleased with the prompt relief which t'hamberlain Unlment afford. Ob taluable everywhere. Sun tioift ror Itghtbreaa, biscuit pies anfl pastries. ' . THE HOT SUN OF SUMMER CAN BE OFFSET BY USE OF THE - , COOLINO EFFECT OF A HEILM AN AWNING " ; " TRY THEM. GET PRICES AND THEN GET RESULTS. THERE IS NOTHING SO SATISFYING IN HOT WEATHER i AN AWNING, . . i i