Newspaper Page Text
0 fAflffi-Fnmf r II E DAI h L E V tu Hi BY LELIE Q. NIBLACK Published from The Wly Lender bull-i-in, Went Irarrlson avenue. nd entered at the Guthrie postofflce an second clas mutter. MEMBER .OF ASSOCIATED PrSS$ DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATE '-I"r monjh. b carrier ... .".''v '- EKLY) LEADER : ' ;.. l.oo One ear .... New . York .-MUcni N, M. , Bhatlleld. Special Agency, .hl-ago iff Ice: N M. Sheffield Aenry y ! Leader reserves' the rlBUt to reject - ,lt advertising matter that It may deem Jr(fttjr and not apeotdlnK to tontrart Tha trader U not rennonslbla for ad. artlf-ann.nU' ordered or discontinued ly telephone. ' Cai:ifor society' meetings, caidx ( th-inks, obituary nc-tlocs. resolutions, so elecy and church socials, lecture notics. mills for church meetings (except Sunday ' sermon) are' considered as advertising and Will bd charged for. Business office: No. 109 W. Harrison. Composing- hd Fresa rooms. No. 107 W. Barriwtl. . Editorial rooms, No. 107 V, W Harrison,. To,, reach, all departments phone extension 78. "' Hava-The leader 'mailed to your ' a'ddreaa bafpra leaving ,-oij your? vaca tion; Jiiat like a ; ettefi.fom,Iomf. J Xddreaa thariged aa often asdeslred4 . " Um-CA- jJu.ftl.rtli tiHtion " .tn Ao fl)tff toe '.aaaie'j predicament as the small bor who shot off all hi firecrackers before "toobn.' swr.; .6jPha T8plf5p .rad'uA'ff (per-f T?bttlly: Biirprisod at-.tle ' .aVewlngiy vast number of employer who nevet aeem to have heard of Beta Eta PI. -., ...ra-i : - ..-.-!-' a The Krupps no doubt regard a bread' cast upon the water the con tribution of seven and a half million - dollars recently .made to the German war fund, i ''.:: i . The announcement that about one- ' tcntU pf. tlie .the cpuntry'i total popu-1 (M.Hnn lives In New. York, I'hiladei- phia and Chicago gives 'new )ertin . .. ' ..(.1 tr.n,i1,.1in' ency to me w- r, trd; what fools these mortals be. , ' ' - ' jl s "J :" : A Minnesota 'minister explains the, A Minnesota ium r ' Ile ' "i. more of, less general tendency to lie by ay!ng that truth Is too common- ' plaew for sensation-loving people; ! infrequently ntore' .cn.sat?onl, ' than any Ho whLh even the Imagina - " tlon of a Mnnohauaen ould concelva. Mackensen", the hero of the latt?t - Oerman -victor J.' U sixty-six, havlnfi beta bOrn In Saxony ot a plebian , family In 1S4!).', .He entered the armv a a private apd In ,the Franro-iPrus-.llilWK -ar of 1S70 was ..vii:e-watci-v ipelster, or1 a corporal "In the tSrm of our Bervice, IHb mame has brought forward the' Burmlse of Scotch 'de-' S scent but he Is of pure though low ly Tectonic lineage, his ancestors having been ga all farmerB for many generations.,- . , i" mi 1 1 -' "The large New ' England concern which annoijficcB that It? employees , Iri Jhe'lNiltoonal Guard will .receive , full pay for the two weeks they will lie engaged 'in "nld'.''nianettvtrfs ssta la -"harsvc oT--pafrirjUsmr i'publlc nlt aBfnltjswyed.,. seU-ltitereSt whlih should find Imitation evorjS where In fitTi coliDtrv. Apart frdnl 'the question oT preparedness for na llonal ttftjttMr)f d etb-ichj m&n: ,1.1 essentlaTtHdyiWy .jpf 'rppc(t. and . lifei 8t hp U , w,hWu , the big ''iMHK-Sa"'Mntefests 'are most largely ""ro'iicc'rlled 'and It - lv tliese interedt which ihould Le x-xpei'lally gciieroup 1b ltt encouragement and support. ;'; KEEJ YCKJR EYE PEELED. . ' ' iVatcb out' f(r the nian who Is try Ing o fake the j"jy out. of life. Ten to one be is a reformer for revenue ' only. wjo I tcjlag to make thini-s i. -. -appear wor. e tlian they really are- ' "In oitler to make a place for himself , ,. nt the public pic confer. 'He'll get : up an organization to ffcM something - ' -. liat gives pli usuro ; to others VA: wh'riHep h's dant lns. such ae tlx; f;tI.v.cjlttS fVlkicVflJ' r. l'la.vtng. cards, wliicli snaylie boiup ot -tno luatrons .'''H'W-or:-playing lwll. iqs-tlalty on J,,,,.14,- ,',r ...linvi Alii in , ... :i. . ' - ;whb:ji.ruijii;inal. healpv. human liei;ie;i Indulse. Tile first thing such a muir dof-s lt"gO-to- the rapltol -to lire-! a Mean Tiick. rent tlS'-'Ub.-fVe it a bill by wqlcH - e played a good one on the en ;tiifi'Jritf'k fb V,A. ' bii' en joy limit. u4 my." i'-tfll "'irf8' 'p-rohfbiteU: 'He Is always trjlng to prevent sonie-J thing. Did you ever see this kind of reformer trjing ti ho ve a bill passed that, would enable iieople ib .n.uiy Hif. .-.ever, n.s soie luea is io force through the legislature of the ckr nouncil a blue law to make oth- Br people live according to his ideas, ' to' Prevent the parage of laws .n - troduced by other people who may er or troduced by other people who may ts ail ..uia'-i wlth.losln:;, "' pleasuring J'here Ispn fl,!; .In. these rod blooxtyiP day fof ,". The i-pasty-Taiy-d; co i piexiun na -gone ' of st fci Jnd l!ie ruddy 'plow ot health tlitit c are JlVJtn the IjM w ii. The brainy man w.iuan-,hi loves life and ..good things b-fr rt.At.;l!.,-4.-ytter citizen if far t hair t hjVbu title and (H'lfltih ti former who isjH-fQ.'Jmliig for a lining or to make other people aa miserable as himself. ' " f m, I-' ' VALtlt OF PflEPARElblJlESS. , Anoint Klrlklnh;iWii( of OermaiVy iilniott tfii'urlOBS .fore thouglifid irepai;in'fTvdiriB:U) be ious found In the recent statement of Mr. W. A. 'tfflftf'ij relati'a,atfiil"ie nK the' t4itA4 ur !( J- u 11.1 ... Jk.iiWL '.r. many htd "umtlf.iffm annual sup ply of copper produced In the United States, or as much as all the rest of the worid"-iHTg?oSr"J&tflii that period German pwrcluises amounted to six hundred i llllon pounds a year, and the foniuM S-enatoi rronw Mon tana .polnti '5m 4hatSa im possilile for Cermany to ihave used a! this In her Industries, she must 'r.,p leen lioardlnR It. as she would ijroli. ogalii'st't'iB'oflifitry of war, And hMMJ4sI tliflWUJjiinewf pref-aredncKrh" "erved Germany in ooil .atoad.j;! ,the 4ar ' that W'ar yfje'has been enabled oon only' io diffentl ftVcty Inch of her territory, Viricf! aci-'y!.the. -war Into it he rnom'y'B-'feaohtr Jn tlriklng f contrast 'rltll ,ii,;il'lie -evpeiience of Gernittay'retKlnie ,(iilvhare euf,- Jfered .uniWiWartli- ''igreUtt losses. l. treasure, -rernioryjaim -men they were not prepared to fight when hoattlifltuMiiHUt B0 . viouBl jWll.Cw-r,t, these United states in particular would du well to Xr anfHf-fi being I,. 3 t,rliJ warJ tra-:.i,rtajn oath of VeV m. e l'loily and safety and the surer giiarautee ot lie'ace with 4 all the world 'When 4'ynjff'S. l;sv. out. M: xtnlff . -t 'vvnen 4yt"S"5fl "M. .-av i-Jand yaw itifym df'al" In uptime, yon fUifyvliarge U ' lorpid i,.ftkl allowed lafc.wt to ct fllir inpuHikM..-i.l5lt,ir.VW cures aft". u,hA,rs pr'iHliwed by an lnacllv4!s. jft stre-ngtliens that organ. ,,clii)i?.'t4lie boXcla -and suits . M hahy.6ndition. pricc TiAolly jQwl l)rug Store. ' f 1 ' AftRArsf vVERSEV , m wVs-"5S :St at' . VVERYiN'sFOI YOU, ,les' a-wearln' fnr you All the time a-fncliii' blue; 'VisMti' for j'ii wpnderin' when You'll be conijn' home ugin. Ki'stlcss don'jj k.iiiAv.Avbtvt'. to do. .Tes' awearyln' for you. IU;om'K)nesomo with your chair Fm!pt-5.iythe fireplace thero; .Tes' can't stand the sight or it! (In outdhors and roam a bit; Uut l.fiaYvoods js loncKom:-, f io Jes n-wearyin' for you! iwl "ili( oninie wind, with soft caress, 1 ike the riiHtliu' of your (Irons; r.losKtSlit faHlnT to tho ground 'Portlyf Mike your fojitstel's. sound; Violets like your eyes so iLlue if i-i-earvlng for you! -..-vsl Mju-iiinV conies; the birds awa'k'e, lgp ojsing so for your sal'e! lint there's sadness in the nbtes That .I'tyuo trillin' from their throats, S!i,aiVi.ti feci your absence, too Jcs' a-weuryii' for you! rCv'eiilii'Aomes; 1 miss you more? ,.j When the dark glooms round the door frffinii'is' like you ortisr be . There' Ho open it fir nic! - Latch-fwes tinkin"; thrills me thru Sets m-iytwearyin' for yon. Jcs' a-wearin' for )ou All ttH-"1iina a-fcoliu' blue; V ishia.-to.-a-l)"-"'--''1 You'll he comln" home agen, i:cstles8-,-.n't1!iiiV wfvt.m. Ao .cs' a-w,arotin' for, you!, ... .... FranV L- Stanton. .. , i. i i....,.,t ihut fire ,1 .C-' Jfin. nflfri'pr itchr Khonld' l:Ilu'4iild ln.-iP,ly t llly ar,, pousonous. ,r,lIJil-",i..ui' ,s.NOW IJ-XlMfcXT Counters. l(S antil-Uc -and DOISOU U IS LULU . ii.,.. Pi-lpo '' .c. '0c and Sl.DU bottle. Sold by Owl'Dmg St-Jre. "How so?" "AlloTT' "'I'll! "'"" taitwre to.OO'l pair or honie-a-am si ss. ' " "' ' I .. ,i'-i '; '-. ;:,.,' ueneiiica oy wa"u,. u "iast winter I used C.iaiul;erlain S iLinlm-ntr-fi-i1' -fl-i iw-fHtii iwins. siiff- n-'sa and sorem ss of the knees, and fa" conscientiously say that 1 never ;S obtainable everywhere. (Obtainable everywhere. Til k r, ut m n e daily iaUdek, satuki ) a y, .utly's. inir. BELGIAN TRAINING SHIP; YOUNGEST CADET 1 I rt I I I ; . - - : 1 1 I , -f.. -CJ V J e: . v .... i J ''tlnnsui-, r-jrat-.jL . I . . .. j . : .1 . t 6:? Air 8a'- T4 C'opyitlted'. American Press Association. ' ,- 'Before the war broke out Belgium used I'Aveuir e.,i a training ship for offl.ers of the merchant marine and kept her anchored ln Antwerp, When tlie 'OqrAanj came, however, the ship was ordered to Havre and the iBel Ijlftni government' decided to discon tinue Jthe merchant marine training anil sjje was sent to'Xew York, where :iiwr,w rn- iii iTho fi,-ui of a Glasgow workman charged with interfering with' the output of mun- Itionsj was dealt with several)- by the local court. ' The workman, James AItliall.. waa-hB,raed- with atwanHH Ing another workman because he was turning out too .aany shells. me coilri's sentence of three months, at hard inlinr was nr.-nniiianled hv the fo'Hoving .statement: ''Although you uj'e making 22 cents an hour and hftve constant work, you iU'e IJidil'g fault with a. fellow-work -in un because he Is doing .his duty to hiH courtry in its hour of agony. This assaiux. was committed by you to In timidate him fro:);, doing his work like a man. If this happened think that, is hard ly possible you would, ha-ve been taken out, put up against a wall and sholV The same thing.- would ihave happened in Kninuc. . I am sorry it cjjaijub'eoije to you here." JU-rlitt.-jyEhOt .war hai -Jiki' 'mtghV'be t earned nas deveiopea an "artillery ear especially amijng, t ne soiuiers iu ibis - branch ' of the -service, which 'iiables them to judge accurately what kind of a shell Is being fired at them, and vfliet'.ier or not it Is aimed at their battery or at some other spot Man" live.;, have been saved by this grad ually developed oral alertness. ""t"!k 'artillerist, explains fn officer, who has been in the field for months, is ' able almost instinctively to tell whether a fhell is headed for his battery or not. The :i en have learn ed to pay not the slightest attention fWn'r - S'Br,n'u - ,ttw" - r W" Didi &WlJ,.i;'atiaS i 'i'1 l is , tome other battery or position. ... ..nnfniiiiiir nnlse of r. - r;;'-"7 ' f. I T., ;llie . ; arHuerisi e-nir uimi-ij, squad tendifi'g it bsually Is divided in- to two urouns. one of which listen for the shells of the opponents, and give the warning to dive aT3s Bslt."Si1iaitiTsMia,Ity'' 'awi-Bsf---o fcImft. lack ct the guns. T'.:e men learn to His neighbors called bim crazy, but talk with pauses between each word, he left a stable full of cows that broke listening "Wantima for the tell-tale the recoil, niAlrfg butter by the ton. whlsfle of the dangerous shells. an' f ill bad UUs picture printed in the "Only in the case of the. small field Squeedunk Weekly Sun. He had cadnon. fired at a range of, say 2.000 v arils. Is It imiiossihle to hear tne shell in time to dive into the secur!- to help him load his hay. The nelgh tv of the sheltering "understand." bors fairly snorted when they saw the Thtse sheHs have raohed their mark the so,d'o,Hhein .discharge. . r 4 'a . ..... i be , has Just .urrhed,. ciiaugo commerce. 'T7"Ue Belgian tiag stni flies over her and whatever profit she makes " now (js a freighter will be tnrned. ovtif tfi Uie government. JDt the 'forty cadets formerly cn the ,ship lhirty-tfiYeare now fighting t. the (Belgian arhiy;"' The ship will load wlih' oil anJ safifor Australia. to kW'a y ' ..- .... " ' fnimzl WMk Y ' The 1-i rntiinrtpr flat-Ira eclorv . . , . - ' guns on the other hand gives just enough warning so that the men can nia';e one dive. There Isn't; one frac - ; tlon of a second to be wasted, but by - - liauU(,mjibi) . nritlllPI'IsL, jaq..8il,ye.K fit R himself. I The big l(pwltzers, .however, give ' nearly half a" minute's' warning. Asl ' the officer puts it, one can hear the shells fro'is these guns, and still cut von are not rowing any this sum off a slice of wurst and take a swal- mer." ' 3 ' low from one's "field bottle" before seeking sheller. The shelter in this case must be a genuine shelter, con- slut Ing of about, three layers of heavy wood, and two yards of earth and stone. Else the shelter and artiller ists are cone. Through the ageneyfi;(jij "JWiul sche Wurerbund"' in Constantinople, an appeal has gone out throughout Germany for JGecnian l,ltrfjiji w hich may be placed at the disposal of the Turks. i "The TurkfBa3'8'lKkMeal, "like their army, will be advanced in cul ture after German pattern." Ger mans therefore Ate' QfcXe'd' io give their support to the move to supply Turkey with German literature. 'Itj is hoiK'd ami -expected to ''establish j reading rooms in Constantinople .at j which German books will be obtain able. ' - a if.iv n,.i. in,i in itvn- nepsla and constipation weakens the Sprains, Stiff Xeck, Backache. Xeu- whole systetfi. Doan's Itegnlets (.Kc ralgia, Rheumatism and for most on nrr imri net mllillv nn thp Hvpr and ergencies. One 23c. bottle of Sloan's .els. At all drug stores. 'ii ?A&W'rfi'f W-tV"- IttWi'r- .... . (.1 all Ins lue. lie Uidu t nave cl,,w,li- nn,l n.,illior linil liin u-tf.. "'. ; . V r - uiu run wn,i miuiji .um uiipmcoa uuu made the wheels gd round, and left a healthy fortune when they put him under ground He was always taking newfangled notions of making farming pay. lie even oougiu a iooi macninc bloomin' thing; said Bill would never dng! Bill d.dn t say a single word, an' diiln't care a darn 'bout whu,t they : .til, fcr slick as grease, bis bay went in the barn un hour before a thunder storm came snlltn' out that way and caught his neighbors In a pinch and spoiled their new mown hay,: Hill's neighbors put their 'milk in cans, and set 'cm In a tank. Bill skimmed his milk with a machine and turned It with a crank. . Smith chops tils fire wood wlrtiBn ijkI!lll used; soma gasolin j fjn?ij siibi' hundred cords a day wisSfu'BiAlK'fcifiie machine To day l)$!'f 'W i-IUos In a car' and dresses'Vp ii silk .Smith's wife. Titles in a wagon' and keeps on sklnmiifig icilk. Taykjir Courity, Ky., Enuuiref. If you fod! . ';Wue," "No acfcounf," la?.y, you need' 'a good cleaning out. HbRHIX'B is the right thing for that puruose. It stimulates the liver, tones ' dp-if jtomi!h; and purifies the bowels ' 'Price Gdc. Sold by pwl Drug Store. . : , : ' BRILLIANTS. as The moBt onerous slavery Is to bo a slave to oneself. Seneca- Elegant as simplicity and warm 'As eestacy. Cowi-ier.. , ., .."., He silent or let thy words '1k worth TroTe'ihaiiBil!nee'0Pythagoras.- compound for" BlnsP tbeV toi -liwllnei to By damning those t-hoy ltafno mind to. , -r-Butler. '. - ' ' '';'UF ' die' who meanly odnilres ' a mean thing is a snob iperhaps'. that i ft oaf definit'dion of the.' character. Thackeray. In shame there is. no comfort but to bo beyond all 'bounds ol shame. Sir' Philip Sidney. ' V-'' Hesolve to be thyself, and know that he . Who finds himself, loses bis misery, 'Mathew Arnold.' Nono are so fond of secreis as those who do not mean to keep them such persons covet secrets as aspend !thrlH covets money, for the -purposo of circulation. Oolton. Your Couah Can Be Stopped. , Usine care to avoid draughts, ex posure,; sudden changes, and taking a treatment of Dr. King's 'Xew Wscov ery, will positively relieve, and in time will surely rid you, of your otmh. '-The first dose soothed the . lrrItatlon'ek')ur Cough;' -whiSS" stops in a snort umc. ' ur. .-ruu-gB Xew Discovery has been used suc cessfully for 45 years and is guar anteed to cure you. Money back if it fails. Get a bottle from your Drug- - , j ... i ' frlst.: It costs only a mile uuu n in llell 3'" 80 nich- 1 H R H E 8 B S B 11 H SS BB M BITS OF BY-PLAY 28 H S5 J5 M X 111 .. Heavy Load. "Last summer you were quite th hampion oarsmaTl of the place But No; I'm engaged to a 200-pouitd girl this year, j Seems Strange. 1 here's little in a name, I'm sure, Tht'ji'ghout this earthly -.whirl.; . For instance, take the manicure; She always is a girl. A Long Range. - "Madam, could you gimme any old clothes? I'm looking for work?" "I haven't any old 'Clothes, but here & something that may be useful to Fssist you in looking for work." What is that mum?" ""A pair of old opera glasses." Srid to Be Cool. "This scientist states that all veg etables contain heat units." "I suppose the cucumber is an ex ception." A MEDICINE CHEST FPB 55c. tin this chest you have an excellent remeuv ior loomacne, inuists. Liniment does it all this boicausi. these ailments are symptoms, not disease, and. are. paused rffjn aratinfl':v.n-agon. If jou doubt, ask those Nvho ifSKP'S'oan's 1if.i?twent. "o.or better still, buy a 25c. bottle and prove it. All Druggists. , .. ,, . . , ISBKKBBBiiSBSBMBI H SCPIPTURE. X 'A X Proverbs 6:1-10. son attend enfj my My wisdom. and bow thi-e ear to n,y undcrsUnd - li.a. That thou ma.vest regard dires-V . .. ... ',ii, and that tny lips- may aeap, :mu it- 1 1 l; i i For tre lips of a strange woman i rop as an h neyeomh. and her mouth is smoother than oil. o.. 'A to KittApW-tVnrTnvnnd sharp" as a two-edged swerd. ' 1 Gut in s the Opi H Air in the Gobi Shade That's the place to do your summer ironing, and see how simple it is. J ust at tach an Electric iron to" the nearest socket or receptacle. - A good plan is to have an extra outlet ' on j our porch. Most likely you have not forgotten the hot days of last when with even the windows pen, the - warm . - sovlri .made" ironiiur unbearable. IJeC'iis 'I send out an Electric j I ooTo'o 31 d Vi ""..i. 'V, V I''-- ::'.--ir :J '' I d'.ui:- vjl 'v jk av js, a, I (Light Co.) I I m 1.1. -a I 1 ClCpilUilc 111 B SB I LJ II V wtWA - t N VI :i!or feet go down to death; her de:i andlng that you stick to your own ill-! 8 take hold on hell, l.tiff, on the 'ground that ."neltJier Lest thou shouidest ponder tho paHi borrower nor lender be, for loan oft jf lire, her ways are moveable, that loses both powder puff and your good thou const not know them. ' complexion," But beware!(' ( The re- Hear me' pow therefore, O ye chil- ( former is abroad and notli-fotT -Is sac-dt-en, and depart not from the words w unacr ')!ls-'d.eirast4(lng sand. til my t mom ii. Remove thy way far from her, airl come not nigh the door of her honsa. Lest thou give thy honor unto oth ers and thy j cars unto the cruel. Lest strangers be filled with wealth; aiwi thy labors bo In house of a stranger, thy tiie Feel 'languid, weak, rjn down? Headache? Stomach "off?" A good rexedy is Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist.' Price $1.00. . Consider The Powder Puff. Verily the days of our most sacred an(j advertisements for husbands Institutions are numbered." AllWar invalids in many cases were flesh is as grass, with the lawn mow- neVer so plentiful as at present. Many er coming over the hill. The latest women exhibit an irrepressible desire cry is "Down with the powder puff!" to get married right away and appear Think of it, girls! You whose shiny j to be quite unconcerned about the noses, under the protection of the kind of husband they get. ( . powder puff, have been turned up In lndividaully women who want" to get derision at wind and sun.: You who have made surreptitious journeys un- der the auto ioUlo lap .robe or the vantage o fthe unusual situation. The overhanging table-cloth to the place more or less shady matrimonial ot mvsterv where reposed the' little, agencies are making hay .while tho first aid to beauty. You who cling sun 8l,iC8- "PParently. Btop at with a drowning grip to the little wad notnl ln oriler to t,,rn Kton.blo of down and powder with which you.pfnnlB' , , , , I Thus many have In some manner, dalntilv cover your freckles and de- ' .- i ,'fecured the names and addresses of , T1!lle 8 aermineo ea r,, ' women whose nUBb8n,la have been 5U d3 WhCn laVmak: 'killed at hte fronL and Intrude upon takes away your powder puff, andUic(r gr,tf wUh brazcn otfcrs of gef. f.maa vnn in stunpar unoowdered and , . . . . . .. - r- unprotected before a gaping and unfeeling publlcT But, peinaps, n won t go that far! Braver men than mere law-makers have quailed before vour Dowder- and, puff ball. iinei health commissioners, o far, are but tf'. Iron for a free trial.1 9mn JdIjjoGl)! ufiSrijjrl ' ' ; iisisiMiaiiamaiiiaaaami 1 OOSBTnjSiJSl - - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ; CASXO R I A Berlin, July 2. The war has given a sudden and uupreccdentea impetus lo the "marriage brokerage" ganie. married at any cost arc not tho only ones, however, who have taken ad ona nUsuanus. i ne men ior tne most part are men adventurers( but in few cases are invalided soldiers, either anxloU8 for a nome or beguiled Into Iettlng their names be used. ' ; Bart The Leader delivered., 46c mo,