Newspaper Page Text
E& I WiSM THE. ft RE CROW THiS -I 6oTt WANTS fc CLASSIFIED THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma State Cap , ital (March 8, 1911.) Official Paper of Constitutional Convention. Official City and County aper. NOTICE TO SUEaCHBERSL In the event of delivery being im ported, or paper being rolled, twisted o piiitllated, subscribers are urged to make immediate complaint to the business office la perion, by telephone or mall. , Mall subscribers should examine the address on tbe labtil of their paper, It ihows when subscriptions expire. When you rmlt the label Is changed, if not, notify this office. It you wish your subscrlntiou discontinued write tho office, otherwise tne paper will ta continued. Tn changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES , On Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. " TERMS CASH. LYour advertisement on this cage will b seen by mors than 20,000 people. - . 324 Ws Oct. lIH&lMMSSSBaSBIS H U .s L. Billings, dealer and ft US shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells 31 H Water Shipments made to any K poiut In the United States. BiPtone 629. Res. 123 North Broad. & IIHtKiiisiilCaHiaXM f V "" " n ' i 1 ..' '' " ' TOWEL SUPPLY Towels and aprons of all kinds fur-i nlshed at very reasonable prices. Sea before you buy. J. D. Crays. 11 J. C. STRAW Q, Attorney. at-Law . Jfi Has oponed an office in tbe !S K Dewey Building, Comer Dlvis-55 IK Ion and Oklahoma , avenues, iK Room 9, Guthrie, Okla, He will $ K practice in all the courts. 3t I WHY NOT GET RID OF" TUB OLD FURNITUR'B BY PLACING A FOR SALIC .. .. AD IN THE- LEADER? .. j 8 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS ML SlffM! ' Transfer audi Stag 2 Phone M. laXISIXXKKi:K 'si S: M Sli M 58 3C M i . , THE OKLAHOMA STATE BANK 41 ft Deposits protected ,by Guaran ty Law. Interest on time deposits Si H Safety Deposit Boxes. Fireproof V aulls for. rent. Money to loan. Vt K X -OS K m K jf i& X M - W Ssf MX XXX U J6 X X Jfi 5S X Vt 3i ' K J. B. FAIRMELD Established 1889 ' ' Phons 20 H Transfer, Coal, Wood and Stor ag. Receivers and Distrtun'ors !4 M of car lots. Goods pack d, stored sxd shipped. 407 West Harrison. KXtatS(iSXS5iKiS SS!E XltnX ' XXX V ' K KK S js " a 5V H K . K K K & 'M 5S ?i K 35 at W.' M. BRONSON, Pres. L- D. BRONSON, See. and Treas. " M The Oklahoma Mortgage and Trust Company, (Inc.), Guthrie. - R fit FARM LOANS: Lowest. Rates. Interest and principal paid at our office. Phons 806 Black Building, m apisiaiia'Baisiiaiai!iai M DOME MAfiVW'lNiuriNIO A'BITOFGOOD LUCK! v I , , . . I "Pt 1 r' 1 ' A - l... . MftrtfctER. MAMfiL. CLASSIFIED SITUATIONS WANTED HKh,bij JlAitvEJl would like sewing by I ho day. 301 S. Capitol Blvd. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED One or more ladies from every city and town in tho South to go with us to the San Francisco Expo sition. All expenses paid, special train, twenty day tour during August, every convenience furnished, person ally conducted. Not a contest. Write today for- particulars. Southern Woman's Magazine, Nashville, Teun. FIVE BRIGHT, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. C01, Omaha, Neb. GUARANTEED salary to trustworthy woman or man this locality lo dis- (tribute hosiery direct mill to wearer. Position permanent. No experience All or spare time. For complete out fit and particulars, apply International Mills, Inc., Dept. A, Norristown, Pa. WANTED MALE HELP, WANTED Boy to work in roo-m. Oo-Operative Puib. Co. press MEN, our illustrated catalogue ex plains how - we teach the barber trade quickly, mailed free. Write Moler College, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED A boy IB or 17 years old ' who wants a good home and chance to learn a good business. Must be a hustler and no cigaret smoker, Phone 1135 or address Box 607, Guth rie, Oklahoma. LADY or gentleman, fair education to travel for old established firm. No canvassing. Salary, $936 per year, payable weekly, pursuant to contract. Expenses advanced. Address, G. M, Nichols, Philadelphia, Pa., Pepper Bldg. I WILL PAY any honest man up to $50 monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to day. Voorliles, Desk 149, Omaha, Neb. $S0 MONTHLY and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents, permanent. Jap American Co., Chicago. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED- Agents make 500 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards." Merchnnts buy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren St.,- Chicago, III, ACTIVE AGENTS Something new. Sells on sight iu every home, store, office and 'cafe. Sanitary cork. For milk, liquor, catsup, etc. Opens nnd closes in bottle. Lasts a lifetime. Big profits. Sanitary Cork Co., Suite 2217, 220 Fifth Ave., New York City. LEARN TO WRITE photoplays. Make $10 to $100 each. We teach you how. . Write for particulars. Minne apolis School of Photoplay Writing, ftox 1776, Minneapolis, Minn. Is it ror ten it want columns. Try Tbe laer I I i II v A S X- I X" 1 1 I - . . I v r" - h v , - y 'in 1 . 'it in' v Vj THE CUTITRTE DAILY LEADEN. MONDAY. JULY 101.1. V FftST okIs oviee. r- 4-K) iwuli ) hNT To fete, j f I EJefe ar4-iU.6tvi ? CLASSIFIED SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN Tbe easy selling side line is our 10c and 13c hosiery; sold direct to retail dealers at low prices and all freight paid. Ooodone Hosiery Mills, Kansas City, Mo. bat.msmv.M wanted: all retailers; ab solutely new. All territory vacant. Convincing talkers, experienced or otherwise, make from $15.00 to $50.00 daily. Address quick, giving age, ex perience, present occupation, territory wanted. E. L. Woidnor, Iowa City, Iowa. SALESMEN WANTED Limited num ber of high class salesmen to carry exclusively our line of bank supplies and advertising specialties in protect ed territory. Bankers Supply Iowa City ,lowa. SALF.M.vir.N Make big commissions selling otir new advertising premium proposition to merchants. Sella every where. Demand unlimited. Sample: free. Universal Mileage Co., 1 Van Duron St. , Chicago, 111. PERSONAL. jADV. 40, Wealthy farm owner would marry. A-Box 35, League Toledo, Ohio. LtllfKH! Ank v..r llmtil.l fc .loh-,rr. tMIln, the IMnmnntl Itrnntt. l-i -'s e;rs lj,n as THku no ntUvr. 'hl,' IMitin.,1,,1 lfunit P1IU Hru Ruld by Drugglulti evor M 1,,'rv. CUT THIS OUT for HICK. Send birth date and 10 cents for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Prof. Raphael, 499 Lexington Avenue, New York. MARRY If you are lonely.1- The Reliable. Confidential,- Successful Club haB large number of wealthy, eligible members of both setxes, wish ing early marriage. Descriptions frte. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. 264,6. LADIES When delayed or irregular use Triumph Pills; always depend able. Relief and particulars free. Write National Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis. CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. Let us furnish you a Sanitary Garbago can and keep it clean for you. Phone 4G4. Dead animals mu3t be removed at once. Law is strict on this. Did It Ever Happen C A. w,uX wl tV(f I Co ... ..Tax (?mj$tt. my ' C m is cmTKiNLy?" rf'LSi (2 CLASSIFIED FARMS WANTED , WANTED A good farm. I am look ing for a good farm to rent, either ear.h or shares. Have teams and farm machinery; married, ("'an give bint of references, including present land lord. Address "Farm," care Dally Leader office. rOR RENT. TOR RENT (iood 4 ro-rn house; good barn and cave. C'Jeap. In quire at Leader Office. FOR U-'CNT Four-room house at 515 Fast Warner at $S per month, Darn and storm cave. Phone 153. FOR ItKNT A 3-room house, furnish ed, and a fi-rooin house, unfurnished. 512 Fast Vilas. FOR JtWNT Closo In, one or .rt,ore rooms. lOvery home convenience'. ise. of phino. :H9. :n : v.. viias. 1 Mi on e Oil 'RENT Pas turn Tor nurses, in quire S:"H VV. Mausur. FOR RENT 110 N. Elm, if,-room mod ern house. $S.n) per mo. Close In, desirable location. Geo. M. Frostier. j , 38 T. C. VINSON. A The time to take icare of the M M hair is while you have It. Elw- it is trio Face and Scalj Massage. s jscaip 'treatment a specialty, a M Hair cut, 25c. 119 So. Firsti street. Stop In for a scalp i fi treatment n 1 'OR SALI'WScholaraH.rn" -' in Capital City llusiness CoIlee."'Leader Of fice. NOOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids will bo received at the City Clerk's Office ii; to the 10th day of July, 1915, for printing- office sup- 1 lies for tiie City Commissioners and City Clerk. List of supplies can fcef had by calling at the City Clerk's Cffice. 11. N. DUNHAM, City Clerk. FOR SM.E Defiance c'jeclc pro- tector cheap. Leader office. Mall e" st Tne Ladoi office; price $1.00. To You? By - It C WITH -b ( TS CLASSIFIED FOR SALE. lMl'UOVLD 400 A., part, bottom, rail road switch, crop ami possession, $ii,j!)0. Leslie Land Company, Leslie, Arkansas. F;U SALE A good fresh cow, cheap Call at 1710 K. Springer. FOR ALK lloiso and buggy. En quire. 517 T. Warner. Phone 380. FOR SALl-2Scholarsliip ill Capital City Business College. Loader Of fice. FOR SAI.F Going to leave at once; good household furniture for sale, must lie sold by Thursday. 10!) !!! West Oklahoma. F.Jilt KiVI.K -.Good :i lit li cow, .fre.ih i .' tlii:i mantli. also I yearling heifer ealf. Potli excellent "lock. (loinjr nway reason for spiling. Pimne 1210 J. FOR SALE 10 Encyclopedia, almost ne.. Address II. E. C. Care Lender. Cheap. i 'Cimarron River below high water FOR HAl.E Piano, practually n' .-u,ru throughout i. e.iuiae In Sees. Will sell (heap. See Barn hart,, the 22, 2.'!, 24. 20, 27, 2S, 29, ;:3 and 24, in cowrcto man at Concrete Works, lUyrwp. m k. i;0. 7 E. Also Section ltd, end Warner. ITwp. 17, N. 1 E. Section 10, FOR SALE Prepare for a full busi ness course. Tiie Capital Citj Business College offers fine opportun ity. Get scholarship at Leader office, Rgo. 6 E. Section 36, Twp. 13 N. FO.R KALE Two neat cottages, each;,. , , ,., , .,, Ta,n M . ...1 r li.. 1 - m' ' " both, (an sell an improved 40 A. Can sell an Imiiroved 40 In Ark., 4 Mi. of railroad, half aiilo of town, on R. F. D. and Tel. line, only $1,000.00 on terms. Buy now while property is at rock bottom .prices. Wo have hundreds of bargains. Garrett, room 9, f 1 G Va Kast Okla. Avenue. PGR ISAiIjE A good 320 acres of land well located and only 10 miles from the center of the City of Guth rie. There is a loan of $1,500.00 on this farm, and for a few days we can offer the equity for $1.000.00.-Just com-a in and look over our .bargain sheet. M. Garrett, llOVs East Okla-1 homa Ave. LEADER WANTS BRINGS RESULTS Have The Leaner nenverea. 5! rnn Mort. M. Burger. Drawn for. this paper By il&lSr A TkTHHV CLASSIFIED WAN I tu MISCELLANEOUS. H. M. ADAMS Attorney and .Votary, ('halt. Is nail Kara; Loans, '.teal KKtaie, ami Insurance. Houses lor Rent. Office over Lank of C.'.mme: l:one 414. lies, phono ee. 1 1 1 '.I. First puhli.slied in The Daily Leader, July 1, 1!H5.) NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS FOR LEASING OF PUBLIC LANDS FOR OIL AND GAS PURPOSES. Noliee is hereby given that, the Com niiH.sioners of tho Land Office of Ihe Slate of Oklahoma will receive sealed ibid:-) Ml the office of (he Secretary, at four o'clock P. M., on the 4th d:iy of August, 1915, for the leasing of the lands described herein helow for oil and gas mining purpme:;. Said lands lo he leaned under nnd (Wllllin Hie laws of the filale or Okl.i volumes or KnTiKi'1,,m'- rhl"' !'. Arlicl S. Seellona 7195 to 7203, towit: All that, port ion of Ihe bed of tho Twp. 12 N. Rge. 4 E. Section III!, Twp. 1 12 N. Rge. 4 K. Section lfi, Twp. 12 N. Rge. 5 R. Section 26, Twp. 12 N. Rge. 5 E. Section 1G, Twp. 12 N. Itgn. fi E. Frc. Section 3fi, Twp. 12 N. I . , 1-. Rge. 4 E. Section llli Twp. 13 N. Rge. 5 E. Section 36, Twp. 13 N. Rge. 5 E. Section lfi, Twp. 13 N. Rge. fi E. Frc. Section 3fi, Twp. 13 N. Rge. fi E. Also SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 Sec. 18; and NE 14 of NW 14 and W. 1-2 of NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 of Sec. 19, Twp. 15, Rge. 17; 100 acres. Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified check or bank draft upon some bank In Oklahoma in tho sum of $1(000.00, made payable to tlio Com missioners of tho Land Office, and de posited as earnest money to Inan're the execution of the lease and the furnish ing of the bond as requirrd by law and tho rules of the said Cnm..r!.Plon- ers in cases of award under the tonus of the bids. ; , All bids must bo on forms furnished y the Commissioners. Tho royally must bo 12 1-2 per cent of both oil nnd gas, together with such cash bonus as may be offered. For full Information and form of bid, and rules of bidding, addroas O. A. SMITH, Secretary. mil J Car! 'E? L. Mallard and Ilollie L. Attorhcys-at-Lnw, ' to announce Unit I bey have formed n partnership for the g-neral i.rac tlee of law uuiler Hie firm nai.m r BALLARD & MASON At Guthrie, OIla. Officd rooms 0 t 10, Gray Building. Do IS Electrically Phone 79 For Anything Electrical Your Patronage Solicited TEH lf IC J. MATER, Prop. SERVICE S TATION j ' 1 J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor BIG SALE On Tailored PALM EEACH SUITS Any Pattern for ; if -at- ETZ The Tailor Come in and be measured 109 South Division Phone S09 Try a Leader Want Ad j Phone 75 3 Lines, 3 Times, 25 Cents. Grabbed a Hot One Off tho Fen&o.