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THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1915. ' IAOE TUKV'.v. NOTES AND PERSONALS OF SOCIETY cS i I LL IUI ' Ft 5 Mem s and Y 9 oun ems Lsnor Burk Phont 245 Genuine Palm B each Suits More than 150 Genuine Palm Beach Suits in all the different shades, light and dark colors, all sizes regulars, stouts and slims will be ready for your selecting tomorrow, Saturday morning, at a Suit U u D o D This announcement will prove a pleasant surprise to the many men of Guthrie who refuse to wear other kind of mid summer cloth ; w i nL C rt nlA wrr rrtr'm or wp find we have too many Palm Beach Suits-They must sell. To make a quick cean- jj UJ KJl 111C & LI 111b lVJi. W HiV gwuij, i.v pwa All $7.50 Genuine Palm Beach Suits for a Suit All $8.50 Genuine Palm Beach Suits for a Suit All $5.00 Tropi Cloth Suits for Tib a Suit Q All $3.50 and $3.00 Palm Beach Pants for a Pair One Palm Beach Suit is not enough. Two or more are necessary. At $4.75 a Suit a man can economically own 3 or . Just think, of it! A Genuine Palm Beach Suit made by the best tailors of America for Only a Suit Do not put off getting your size while we have all sizes-from 32 to 50 waist at fast 5 a Suit This price will create the Biggest Palm Beach Suit Sale" that the state of Oklahoma ever had All $1.00 Palm Beach Hats and Caps 7C All 50 ct. Palm Beach Caps cts. 1 Th, Only One Price Clothior In Cut tirle. If you would bo joved as a com panion, avolil unnecessary criticism upon those with whom you live. Sir Arthur Helps. -1"'I'U aAOA0iun P oiiauvjiti sokhuv qui.) HW 1U) ll"US Xouoow iouooM 0))oX)N OIJJH ssilM 1U) "A O "A UoixvH noiur KJW H'U.) aVl 'N aiUJta qnu ju-n a.uoi;) XUPMJ Newly Weds Return. Mr. and Mrs. Moyd Leonard (Rulli Sexauer) returned homo lunt night j from their wedding trip to Kansas City. Afternoon at Fancy Work. A very pleasant iil'tenwm was Spent by the members of the Openoreky club at the home of Mrs. n. J. Os borne at 419 Kant Cleveland aveuue, yesterday. Fancy work was the diversion Tor the afternoon urn! dainty refreshments were servod by the houless and her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Wood worth.. The quests), bc'sUles the clut uieniberu, were: Mrs. Mary (Jregory of Oklahoma City, Mrs. J. W. Woretell, Mrs. Wm. Sexauer and her SueBt, Mrs. Anna Bauer of Brooklyn, New York. Tho club adjourned until Thursday the 22nd when the final ses sion for the mummer will be held. It will he a picnic at Mineral Wells park. Miss Edith Hill and her guest. Miss Strong went, to Oklahoma my tnis mrirnlnir. Miss Strong will visit friends in Kl Reno before returning to her home in Caldwell, Kan. Yesterday morning they were the guests of Mrs. f. D. Taylor at breakfast out at the Cimarron, as was Miss Louise, Hill and her guest, Miss Ethel Longstreth. Pleasantly Entertained. The D. M. C. club was delightfully entertained on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. John A. Clark of North Vine street. As usual, tne acveruoon was devoted to crochet work and an ice course was served later. Mrs. U. T. Mansfield and Mrs. E. A. Roberts were special guests and the club members present were Mesdames E. 0ook, J. T. Owens, Garuett, Frank Gatcuell, W. A. Suddarth, J. E. Douglas and J. S. Shearer. The next fleeting will be in two weeks but lust, where, ia as yet undecided. Mrs. G. H. Stagncr and children, Dorothy and Herbert, will spend the weekend with Mrs. Stagner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W111. J. Long, near Carney. ' 9 Lawn Party. A merry crowd of young people were the guests of Miss Mary Johnston at a pretty lawn parly at her home on North Maple street last evening. Various games featured the evening and an ice course was served by Misses Florence Hawkins and Mi'dred Joan- slpn. The guest list ( inciuueu me I L. C. club girls, Misses La Feme and Violet Harris, Hazel Pennock, Bernice Buck, Leta and Leora Haws, Rebecca Gray, Agnes Burst, Marie, Douglass, Zela Seaton, Ethel Liebhart, Esther1 Barnes, Esther Judge; and Lloyd Swearingen, Bert McKean, Bert Hulme, Paul Meyette, Herbert Wilber, Robert Douglass, ples SmltJj, Otho Douglass, , W .,nfl W . J'ennocK, 'Harry Coughlin and Raymond Mc Nulty. ,, AMONG the other oak dresses we have a few bird's eye maple and chlf foneers, late Btyle; rugs to match at Collar's store. Both Women are Washing, Was This Woman Right? Which Way Do You Wash? WHILE one w LE you can tell what woman is tliitnc, you would never that the woman reading was dump; a bi'lter job of washing than the other. Sti. 1h not wearing out hrr clothes on a washboiird or nmrhine nor wearinir out ler buck unci hcnltli. She in witte tn Magic Washing Stick Nriturril oils ronthinrnt in a wnx like Bluk, erh iitick ilivUted Into five Scr tionn. One him Hon in diasolvmt with the soup and the clnthcs nre bnllrd In thebnllr. Mnlc Washing Stit k opens the texture ol the cloth iind the dirt come out without a tinute rub. All kindn of clothes are bo wtmhed. The bnby'B white clutheh, nil white clothe:, the colored, clothes, the hosiery, all ere clemiNed nlike, find hettrr elemiHrd than il you rubbed and tubbed and wore and tore. Bout of all, the Mneic WnnhlnR Rtirlc wornnn will hnve her Vvnh on the line in hull the lime the other wnmiui will require. She will My young and Irenh and be enjoying lite lonw nlu-r the other woniMii hau worn herself out. " Yuu will never make the wmnen he lievt rhnt jfvu You mutt actually gn into their houtw and do a washing tu pi we it and then they think you. tricked them, until Mtrf if vent I times." Maictc Wanhlna Stick rontnins no lye, nor alkali, nor cnuMic, nor other harmful thtnc. Your rot le.nornnt help will not damage your clothes If you make them use MiRie WushlnK Stick. It takes out oil terrors, all fear, work, worry and drudRery. If it does any of these thine you want to know it and you can't know It until you try It. Wash Day Arm Mad Joy Day FIFTEEN WASHINGS 30 CTS. t ar lea than 2c. m day yon aav two hours time, you saw your clothes, you mvs your (eelinga. you navs your looks. Use on stick, five washings, and II not eJatod your a3c. WILL Bfi Rt fUHNLO. A, B. Richards Company, Sherman, Texas. SSL Oklahoma Distributor!: T. D. TURNER & CO., Guthrie. Jl LOCAL MOMENT "Very little trouble in collecting the dog . tax these days," said ciiiet of LOBi COUNTY ABSTRACTCO BONDED ABSTRACTER INSURANCE SURETY BONDS ? FARM LOANS Phono 11. - Offle f -9a County " Police Mitchell today. "All dogs will , tho' road levy. be killed that have no tag after Aug. 1st." Hand concert tonight. i.iigh weeds in' the city are dij appearing; the ."chain gang" is busy. Antonio Arena, an Italian, was ar- J rested last night at Oklahoma City , on a charge of assault on a 50-year- j old girl. J Cotton and corn will also he bum,)- j er crops. Good roads and bridges are esscu-j tial to the growth of a city and. county. It I false economy to cut! "Tho patronage 'for residents of Logan county and Guthrie has beon exliauted. No more appointments Scalp Treated, Shampooing AND Hair Dressing AT BATH HOUSE BEAUTY PARLOR will be made from Guthrie,, was the announcement made from tho jjo'.y ernor s office today. That sets a few of the boys under tUe table. More .than 1700 ex-confederae soldiers in the state have applied for pensions under the new state law. Plums as la'ge as peaches are on th market, the product of Logan orchards. Ten new cars have been orderaJ by 'Logan county farmers since Juty 1st. The county commissioners have made an estimate of f 1,000 for wld 0W8'. l" . , . t.l.m . ErewstT aluo going over to consult regarding her baby .Madge, who suf- fors really with her head. Crescent New s. ' Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith, of New York City, who have been v i a -ting Mr. and Mrs. V. C. 'Smith ol 201 K. Okla., left for Bradley, this morning. 'Mr. Smith will visit the Panama Kxpoaltlon in tho Interests of Alex Hamilton Instllute, N. Y.. and 'Mrs. Suiith, will visit poiuU in the southwest before re turning to New Yoili in August. , J. riem Smith and family have returned from a six weeks' visit with relatives and friends at Caldwell, Kansas and vicinity. They spent a very delightful time. The funeral of 'Mrs. Oliver, who died Monday, at Crescent, was held this afternoon. Miss Irwin is visiting Mrs. James Ilolliday, Jr., at Crescent. and child doing nicely. t Con. Con. Member Appointed. John C. Major, member of the con stitutional convention, has been ap pointed appraiser for tho Bcboul'laud department. Major county was named after him. Man Injured by Train. Jim Rosamond of Konawa, 27 years of age, in attempting to board a mov ing tratu at Roff, fell, receiving In juries that may prove fatal. F0IEY GBHAKriC TABLETS Keep Stomach Sw.ei-ljvirAcave -Bowels fctiiuliir Si W SS KSJiKJKKSBlSlSHKHt & TOPICS of the' a K, TOWN AND STATE. Si KKKtlSSISBBaiaRSt Assessed Road $30,000. The local street railway system was assessed 130,000 by tlio state board of equalization, Thursday. Robberies Numerous at 0. C. Robberies are. numerous at Okla; noma City, according to (he (la,Hy papers there. Birth Announcement. , Horn: To Rev. and Mrs. P. T. Schoen at Pleasant Valloy, Thursday evening, a 10-pound baby boy. Mother CHRISTIAN COLLEGE And conservatory of Mu.le A Junior College for yvomen. Sixty-fifth year. Historic old collese. Lrficuter? In a "city wliosn buslni-ss is education." Schools of KdiiCBtlon, Mus ic, a ri, expression. Home Kcononilos. 80 ooiiie-iraineq instructors, S large build ings, 20-aere cumpua for outdnor Bpoits. Hume caro. Vor year book address MItiS. TV W. BT. OT,AlR-MO,SH. Prouldent 680 College Place, Columbia, Mo. Save The Baby Use the reliable ' HORL1CKS ORIGINAL . altcd Milk Upbuilds overy part of the body efficiently. Bndnrocd by thousands of Physicians, Mothers and Nurses tho world over for more thai) a, quarter of a century. . Convenient, no cooking nor additional rhilk required. Simply dissolve Id water. '""Agrees when otber foods often ML Sample free, HORLICK' S, Racine, Wh. SSfftio Substitute ls"Just asGood" e HORUCK'S, the Original THE GEM MATINEE EVERY DAY. 1 Friday, July ath,. Warry Kerrigan, the popular screen star has a novel part in the 2-reeI Victor drama "The Oyster Dredger." Everybody loves handsome iWarry KerriKan and in this elever play he has a novel dual role. iFirst, as a poor picturesque oyster dredger, then as a young man of wealth and fash ion. All the boys will envy him and all the gtrla will adore Mm. lEvery one will enjoy this picture. 'On liis Weddlug Day." Nestor comedy, Saturday, July 10th. , Animated Weekly. Marie Walcamp and "Wellington. Playter In a real ring feature, "The Circus Girl's -Romance." .Ison S reel. A happy combination of a most romantic love story, real circus life filmed from a circus, and those won derful scenes you always get when during Warle Walcamp and a few of the Universal's wild animals appear together. A raging, roaring lion Is a principal character. This l,s a playi with a punch. Se it sure and bring the family. fci PERSONAL AM) LOCAL , THE ii si fftnj 3 0 w ', John Dean Bpent yesterday in Ok lahoma City on business. , ! 'Elmer tfrantz of Alva spent yester day with Guthrie frhmds. i Representative, Amos Kwing Spent' yesterday In Oklahoma City ou Jusl Mr. and Mrs. Marley Cmitli lct Thursday for Burden, Kan., where they will visit relatives for two weeks. - ,Chas. Williams was struck by lightning and killed, near Crescent, vyhllp harvesting. , Claude Bitterly returned to ftish ing last evpning. ftr several days' visit In the ily. He says Cashing is growing rapidly. 't- c TtrctL'atpr flnd rhildrpn j celebrated the fifth In Guthrie. Blrs.j! j TO-NIGHT TTTK T.TPt! T.TTJT! A 9 if T.nhi'n viWInr.inn fcatiir. .; ing 'Lottie Briscoe, Arthur V. Johnson, Leon Kelly and Howard Metehel- It certainly is a real everyday ale story, and you should see it. IN HGH SOCIETY Another one of those great u Ham and Buo comedies. If you want to laugh come FOR HER PEOPLE A Single reel Biogranh pro- J dulion you will enjoy. Our Act Powell and Juno in unique dances and re stricted songs, pleased everyone last night. Come out to hear them tonight. 5 and 10c