Newspaper Page Text
If 'i TILE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, THURSDAY. .JULY i;, 1013. PACE TURKIC et Quick You Must usy if you want one or more of those $7.50 Palm Beach Suits for $4.7."). The .fS.50 grade costs you .$.").7" ; $5.(K) tropicloth suits now cost you only $I.7.". Any Palm IJeaeh Pant in the house costs you only $2 There's no use feeling the heat this sum mer wlien you can practically notion; buy good cool suits for Olus Shirts "VVe have a few dozen $2.00 grade Olus Shirts the kind with the tail turned into drawers, which we are going to close out at half price. They cost you now one dollar. Night Robes One lot of $2.00 tan, blue and Faultless night robes at half price. IM11K 71 TTTiTKT The Only One Prlr. Clothbr In Guthrie. Iff CHICHESTER S PILLS TM1C JU1AMUMV I1UANH, A (0 " F r tkitilt far l urantf IMHa in Hvd and tiutd nwlaUic boxes, Murd with Ribbon. 1 ab no (mr. - II uy tl yw tiv. I. iHAlioNI Hit AAU 1'iUA w a& yettt. knmvmt best, Safest, A lwyRiit l S0iD EY DRUGGISTS EVlRWHS n a as W a & w ir tS TOPICS OF THE ' i v K ! TOWN AND 8TATE. JB Jfi H S a Wrrt. Johnstone, Dead. Col. William Johnstone, one of the leading republicans of the state, died Wednesday at Bartlesville. Stenographer Wanted. A first class stenographer who would like 2 or 3 weeks work should phone 403. Want Glossy Black Hair? A late discovery to turn gray hair to a pure brown or glossy black and at the same time strengthen the hair CHRISTIAN COLLEGE And conservatory if Mule A Junior College for women. Sixty-fifth year. Historic old college. Located in a "city whose buBlness is education." Schools of Edunatlon, Mus ic, Art, Expression, Home Kconomlcs. 20 college-trained Instructors, i large build ings, 20-a-re campua for outdoor sports. Home care. For year bonk address MRS L W. ST. CL.AIR-MOSS. President 560 College Plce, Columbia, Mo. Scalp Treated, Shampooing AND Hair Dressing AT BATH HOUSE BEAUTY PARLOR and prevent, dandruff, is now on the market. It is harmless and a greal hair tonic. It is called Q-lBan. flair Tonic Kd Nichols of the Eagle (Drug St ore has a limited number .of boltles tin hand. Try it. i.Mnny C.ulliile people have used Q-fBan and are ;d- lighted with .the results. Muskogee Man Dies of Injuries. W. E. May, a grooer, who .last Fri day was injtirecl liy jumping onto a pitchfork while leaping from a bay- mow, dk?d today. .The prongs of, the fork entered his back a depth of eight inches. Farmer Kills Himself. Near Dempsey, Joseph Howard killed himself with a shotgun, the load lodging near his heart. He was a farmer. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "About two years ago II had a se vere attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Buford, .N. D. "I became eo weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlain s ollc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and with in two days I was as well as ever.' Obtainable everywhere. 10 DARKEN APPLY SAGE TEA A few applications of Sage Tea and bulphur brings back its vigor, color, gloss and thickness. LOGAN COUNTY ABSTRACTCO BONDED ABSTRACTER INSURANCE SURETY BONDS - FARM LOANS Phone 11. Offloe Rear Logan County !. Common card en snee brewed into a. heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautitully dark and luxuriant, re move every bit of dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Just a few Applications will prove a revelation if your hair is fading, gray or dry, scrag- gly and thin. Mixing the Sage Tea ami Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get tlie rwidy to-iise tonic, conting about At) cents u large bottle at drug stores, known its ''Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Comiouiid," thus n voiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we nil desire to retnin our youth ful appearance nnd attractiveness. Hy darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it does so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a spoiuie or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning nil gray hair have disappeared, and. nfter another application or two. your linir bernnies beautifully dark, flossy, soft and luxuriant, u'or salt uy owl Drug Store. NOTES AND PERSONALS OF SOCIETY I W i K ; Si X . K r. im:hsoal am im:i. x y. & x x ; x k w : : sk x x x Lenor Burks Phone 25 The higher the state of civilization the more completely do the actions of one member of the social body in fluence all, the ,rt aifil -the b'ss pos sible Is 11 for-hrty toueVian to 'tin a wrong thing without interfering more or le3 with the freedom of his fellow cltitena. Huxley. . , (Thursday. Middy lilnusn ClubMiss Maurlno; lOwciiii. Bridge Club- Miss' Louise Hill. Friday. Amlcllla f lull Mrs. W. J. nibbetia. K. Q. V. Club Miss Ethel Liehhnrt. I Saturday. Kooncy Mooney Shah Club Mrs. I W. H. Heer. I Phi Delia Gamma Club Miss Louise Bierer. Wedding Anniversary. I Yesterday. July fourteenth was the wedding anniversary cf Mr. and Mrs. Tom Welch and of Mr. and Mm. P. W. Lintz. A number of their friends who knew the date car-. ried out a icomplete surprise, In the form of a picnic supper which they i i brought with them and served on the 'lawn .at the home of the Welches, on East Cleveland avenue. 1 I Those present wer Mr, and Mrs. IJntz, Mr. and Mrs. Welch, Mr. and , Mrs. tj. W. Rejahl. (Mr. and (Airs. J. ' I Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Beyer and 'Ray mond Hover left this morning lor Michigan, where ihey will spend sev eral weeks. iMissrs Ellen Ilranson and l.enore lliurke have goue 1 Enid io nprnd n'everul iIiivh- with Mrs. Harold K. Welch. Mif .l.ctlm IliirtlH Is visiting Misses Mis-ies tlwemlolyn ami Winifred Yates in Oklahoma t'ity. i.Misa Kathorine Volz r.r Dklahom.i City will spend the week-end , iMhts Virgil Taylor's guest ?1ioh. 'K. .lone; is here from Enid f .E3 today, on business. Basil Wood knwa today. ing la down from Ton- W. gal It. Ki'y is husim'SB here from Terry Mrs. C. E. Cotteral and son John left last night, for di'.: kasha where they will vinit for a week with . the family of. Mrs. Coiteral's oldest twin, Edwin. A Cough Remedy that Relieves. It's prepared from the healing Pine Balsam, Tar and Honey all mixed In a pleasant, soothing Cough Syrup called Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Thousands have benefited by its use no need of your enduring that an nnvinp Cnneh nr riKktmr a, flancerous E. Paymal, BlrS. J. E. IWoodworth, 1 Cod ft0 ,to your dealer, ask for a Mr. D. M. Hunter, Mrs. J. .1. Neel and i2.rc original bottle Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar Miss Certrude Neel of Oreensburg, 'Honey, start using at once and get na or your n ougn anu oia. Pa Mr Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soehl. Webb iflaker and Miss Rock Girls With Nina Bronson. The Rook club girls spent Wednes day aftornoon with 'Miss Nina Bron- Ison. iNine guests enjoyed the game with the club members. Top score was made by MI, ses Jessie Kellogg and (Marion Bllllngsley and low by I Miss Ruth iRlnehart. A color scheme of yellow and white was .carried out in the decorations and in the ice course which wa.-served after tne ga:ie. The Jnvited guestsf iror tne afternoon Included MisseB 'Mary Douglass. Doris Oaffney, Hhec Wal ton, Mary Clare Petty, Flora Adler. Adelaide Lutz, 'Marion THllingsley, Louise 'Burke, Josephine Wyatt. Mar ion 'Wei ton and Catherine and (Mar garet 'Dean. Next Wednesday, Mfea Georgia West will .be hostess to the club and in the future the Rirls will play five hundred Instead of rook. Bridge Club. Miss I.cuise Hill was hostess to her bridge club, this morning. There! were two tables of the club members and guests, who 'were Misses tlx)tiise Bierer, IH-enriettU i;bll Jones of Eureka, Kan., and 9liss Mill's house greats, Mies Helghena MaoT.ean of Kl Reno and 'Misi; Kthel Hxvngslreth of Caldwell, Kane (Miss Beatrice 'Lew is was awarded the club prive and Mies I.ongstreth the guest prize. An ice course was served aCter the games. The next club meeting wnion will be in two weeks will be with Miss Muriel Van Hoozer. Unpaid telephone bills for the month of July are past due. If not paid by 6 P. M. of the 35th, service will be discontinued. Pioneer Tel. & Tel. Co. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Cver 30 Years Always bears rtf? ' '."" Signature of Ourant In Town. W. A. Durant, more commonly known as "Bill" was In Guthrie last night on official business. It is Du ' rant's duty to travel oer the state on railway trains to see" thai they are run according lo law. For hU services he draws $10 per day from the slate. I nn n h TTTTm'nTTTW!r'4KTrrn-.w',.'5 xuj u i ii 1 1 iiirzsrr- a5, M Hi v -twwf r?5.u,jr., c;4 i ajam-w isctc wraMiwi '"i" 1 1 1 N imam m$b IP tic a "Each morn a thousand Roses brings" OMAR mwmm a a 'y 5 5' TURKISH BLEND ;M: - TURKISH BLEND CIGARETTES To blend successfully Turkish and domestic tobaccos in a cigarette requires the very greatest skill, experi ence and knowledge. Otherwise the blend is rough and catches the throat. The delicious smoothness and mild ness of OMAR permit all-day-long enjoyment for this one perfect blend of Turkish and American tobaccos makes OMAR the most delightfully refreshing smoke in the world. Sinopi, Ephesus, Ismit and Serres yield this richest store of fragrant Turkish leaf to OMAR. The mellow est tobaccos from our own sunny Southland give life, snap and sparkle to the blend. All the enjoyable quali ties of Turkish and blended cigarettes are united in OMAR, with the distinctive zest and relish that its own wonderful blend gives to OMAR alone THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 20 for 15c . mm la The W. C, T. U. meetings are called until after (September 1st. re- Misses Cecil and Vera Allen went to Arkansa.3 City. Kan., this morning to spend a month with their aunt, Mrs. George Howard. Birthday farty. Mrs. 15. S. Rexroad gave her son Maxey and'feur little playmates, a party last evening, in honor of 'Max ey s tenth birthday. Tne retresu- ments were served In the outdoor :anna parlor In the .beautiful DacK yard at the iRexroad home and IJoyd Martin carried out the large pink cake with Its ten : candles. J.ucile Stagner and Doris Rexroad served the luncheon to the boys and joined with them in their games during the evening. will relieve your indigestion. Many people in this town have used them and we have yet to hear of a case where they have failed. We know the for mula. uld only by us 25o a box. Gray's Drug Store. WAiNTiED A "Janes Genealogy." There Is an unbound copy in Guth rie. Want to buy it. Mrs. R. iRltter lioff, 150 North th St., Newark, N. ,T. Children Cry fOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A. LOCAL MOMENT Band plaice. concert Friday night at usual rainera! water treatment at Municipal hath. The casing ground. for the well Is mi the "'Hob" Myers, well known (Santa Fe officers, is reported to be iulto ser iously ill at a hospital In Topoka. The Civic League is after the 'logger with a sharp stick. A boys' idea of a thoroughbred dog is one that, can kill a cat. Going away? follow you. Just home. Have The ll.eader like a letter from Benefited by Chamberlain's Liniment 'Last winter I uned Chamberlain'! Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiff ness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say t:iat l never used anything that dil me so much gocd." 'Edward Craft. .Elba, iN, . Y Obtainable everywhere.. ,. NOT-ICE. .1 S. C . flail will mange in 1be jjeneii-1 roal estute business; also has ngewv fur the famous Maxwell ar. Fee or phone him for the best automobile trade for the moiiey. Of fice over Smith's Confectionery Piiruie U!7. I'npuid telephone bills for (he month of July are past due. If not paid by 6 P. M. of, the 15th, service will be uiscontinued. Pioneer Tel. & Tel. Co. Marion Forsythe is in Guthrie to day i from Madill. He will take the urn? m mm vim TROUBLE OHMDY j ' i ;" 'j . - , t , ; Feet Broke Out Badiy. Became Inflamed. Caused Lor,s cf Sleep. In 3 Weeks Well. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AMD OINTMENT , i ?. - i '"Tien ou- Hi tie girl was one niunth old weuicti lu have uu iu hin. all ovt lnr IhkJ'. Hot feut cominciittxi, tu break out badly, and Iifr haruls hnAit out a UmU Hi ; t'i't cot very b:ul I fiat her to nails Uv;in,e ft'jslrti arut of fhm caiiif ..if. t ho t)rkitiK y'.it . ftai uitt would hwcnit Int'anu'd auid festr. U wtuHl vans UtM of ttJfCp for "iht wduUI awuki a:i 1 vry. "I tfot a rukc (f CutU-uru s;j and a t4 of utit.ura oiirtmt'nt. It wa ou!y aluut iliiw wkrt till h a ualn. " .Signed i Mm. V. J Siauldiny. Alpbareita, iia., ypj. IT, loir,. ' Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-1 Kln Bk on rwiucst. Ad dress pot-t'ard 'Culirura, Drpt. Tp B Ud." Sold throughout the wurt3. 0h Pure Aluminum, 10 quart Preserving Kettles; guaranteed for 10 years, or tale Friday; only 79c. each. Burke's Camp meeting will open at Mineral Wells Park July 22 an dcoutinun until August 1. With old Sol burning things up at the rale of 98 degrees, things In Okla homa are sizzling. The casing for the Cimarron Valley oil well Is here and actual drilling will he resumed Monday. Good afternoon Postmaster Olsmith; good-bye Mr. X. McCoy. However, 17 years is a long time. Klberta peaches are selling at $2; per bushel at Carthage, Illinois, ac cording to Dr. Wyatt. Petersen's stock here is being sold out. The unsold stock will he ship ped to .Hutchinson, Kan. REWARD of Two .Hundred dollar offered for evidence upon which felony, conviction .of any person shall he secured for renting a building to a liquor dealer after 17th Inst. iEvl Uence tc be furnished undur contract with this organization with otlpula lio.i that uoihlns shall be paid for conviction ot liquor dealer on same evidence. Address Dox 91 C Cluthrie, Okla. This July 11th,' 1 The (Jmhrie Civic League.,!.; J. Parker, President; Mrs. Ilettie 11. Leonard. Secretary. Beauty More Than Skin Deep. A beautiful woman always has good digestion. If your digestion is faulty. Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good. Obtainable everywhere. : The alleged Nichols' frame-up at Oklahoma City is progressing slowly. One woman backed down at the 11th hour and refused to commit perjury. For any Itchiness ot the kln, fer skin rashes, chap, pimpjes, etc., try Doan's Ointment, 60c at all Orug stores. ... ' in P. lies for UNION SUITS 50c Exceptional good val- oros weave ana uaiuriirfan. onh- Fifty Cents. SLEEPING GARMENTS Watch Your Children Often cliildren do not let p' ents know thev are constipated. 'J'hty ear some thing distasteful. They will like Kcxall Orderiies a niild laxiitive that tastes like sugar. Hold ouly by us, 10 cents. Griy't Drug Store, We carry the famous Carlsbad Sleeping Caraents. None bettor to be had ' " ----' NIGHTSHIRTS .50 to $1.25 PAJAMAS........ $1.00 to $1.50 SPECIAL FIBRE SILK SOX - Made with Lisle Foot and Top 20c a Pair 3P air for dug . i- . .. ctnnii IIB IPlyLSi III DULilL