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PAGE TWO TITE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, TUESDAY, JULY L0, lf)1. J THE 1915 TYPE IDEAL AMERICAN GIRL F -.?afr?Vrt? I '''V I CM IS I i. WW "World. tt--'- 1 M OB W rvnnerfid than all the WW ever made, love n-vcis an oui.mira mm even the peasant eirl may find herself suddenly raise J to the highest of earthly positions. Swift as light, powerful as fate, hriliirif? with emotion nnd brimful of exrifc !ng incidents, THE BROKEN COJN fairly carries the spectators right olf their fcet intv the xeabni of breathless romaw-e. " ' Fearless Kitty Grav, t!ie brave and beautiful heroine, becomes a universal , favorite from the first moment shoapfx'ars on the screen. Free from improbable, blood-curdling ,ituution. or .litntirk boneplay, oH erf mere clap trap fteri'.tion'lltimi, it i.yet lull ol rral r.i.blood life and realism. ' ' Crammed with eiciting piod,.. full of power, animation nnd irtrong convincing action, emiplrd with ureal hcurt-ihioblunK niury by Emcraoo llbugb. pu.t maater of aoul-stirrnig fiction TttB BROKiN COIN i ll ol liecw. . . i 5ce Tiie Broken Coin s i 77i Photo Play Serial Supreme iS Episodes One Each Week , AT THE GEM JULY 22 i mil wy UNIVERSAL) Mlsf Coy -"Oh, wha' beautiful flowers! There's still a little dew on mm." His 'Nibs (absent mlndedly ''I linow but I'll pay it tomorrow." I One Seldom Called. "What sort of place do you intend to visit llils summer?" "I want ollltudo. I'm going to a 1 hotel that U built on a bluff. "My frlmid, the Average siuiimor hotel Ih not only built on a bluff, but Ih run that way." 'Birmingham Age-Herald. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens tho whole system. Doan's Regulets (25e per box) act mildly on the liver and .s. At all druR stores. ' I .. T I. Y -,,. ioucr iiiif lor bbto hi iiib mjcuk tJUDER WANTS WW RESULT! offic Price SSn. S for fl.OO. OUR PUBLIC FORUM i i IV. F. A.Vanderlip On The Business of Banking Tho farmers of this nation to come Into tholr own must study business. We must, as a class, understand the' fundamental principles that underlie every Industry, its functions to society and Its relation to agriculture, for there can be no intelligent cooperation without under standing. Mr. F. A, Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, when asked, "What is a bank?" said in part: ' "The first and most familiar function of a bank is that of gathering up the Idle money of a community small sums and large, and thus forming a, pool or reser voir upon which responsible persona may draw as they bare temporary use for money. It Is evident that this makes large sums In the Mgregate available for the employment of labor and the development of the community1, Jlut much more Is accomplished than the use of the money actually deposited in the banks, for by the use of drafts, checks and bank 'qotea the efficiency of money is multiplied several times over. A very large business, for example one of the great beef packers, may use very little actual money; on one Bide of its bank account will be entered the checks and drafts it is dally receiving from everywhere in payment tor meats Vhlle on tle other side will be entered the checks it draws In payment for .cattle, etc., its only use pf money being for small payments, to labor and otherwise, If there were but one bank In a community nnd everybody paid all bills by drawing checks on that bank, and everyone receiving a chek Imme d'ately deposited it in the bank, the amount of money in the bank evidently would not change at all and the entire butiiucss of the community would bo settled on the books of the bank. And the situation Is but slightly changed whan there are several banks, for they dally exchange among themselves all the checks tb'T receive on each other,' which practically offset themselves, although the small balances are paid In catth. This Is called 'clearing and In evory large city there la a 'Clearing llouae' whore representatives of the banks meet dally to settle their accounts with each other. . A bank is constantly receiving from its customura, particularly those that ar shipping products to other localities, drafts and checks drawn on banks in other cities, which it usually sends for deposit to a few correspondent banks in the central cities with which It maintains permanent accounts. In thla war these scattered credits are consolidated and the bank draws upon those accounts in supplying customers with the means of making payments away from borne. As each local community sells and buys about the same amount anroaa in the course or a year, these payments largely offaot each other.' It Is evident that the banks are very intimately related to the trade and industry of a country. The banker Is a dealer in credit much more than a dealer In money, end of course his own credit must be above auestiou. He racnanges nia credit for me credits acquired by the cuKtomers. and lends credit for their accommodation, but he must conduct the business with such Judgment that ha can always meet his own obligations with cash on demand. This U the essential thing about bank credit, that it shall always be the same, as casn. - j)Ti:i ciiiNKsc sn: ki:h it i'I'ihty coxemr-ss makes STAItTJXG STATEMENT skveTimel Most toilet and bath soaps must be rubbed and rubbed to set a lather, particularly when the water is hard. KIRK'S S02P - lathers ' instantly and freely In hard or soft water. rinses away like magic; leaving the skin coftand perfectly clean. - your Dealer Sells It : .mss 35 R 33 M K A S K IS, R H if JS X ? COMMUNICATIONS. K K IB XL W K 35 Si m 3 K K & X For if Pi R3 f in (By Associated Tress.) San Francisco, July 20. The go ial land moral conditions in China were 'reported upon today at the ninth 'In ternational I'urity congress by Kee 'Ow.vang, of Tientsin, China, former ly consul RPtieral at San Fr.m?isco, who deplarpd'tbe fact that In ailojit :ni? western Ideas, China was also ae .ulring many vices that exist In the t,vest. Among other things he said: '"The habit of smoking cigarettes 'la be-'o.i Inx prevalent anion? many of our boys and girls in China. m'1- j ;rpns of dollar worth ,of cigarettis ; .ire Imported annually, and to clie'ik j ;ha growing habit, an anti-cigarette j society has been formed, consisting of Influential men of China, such as Dr. Wu Ting Fang, and much la fcb ! V achieved tarough their efforts." Referring to the" 'opium evil, the eakor charged that this vice, whi :h was "forced on us by JCngland, arid 'ttcouraged by her," was still being perpetuated by British exports of opium to China! although China hor icit had awakened to ueh a point of determination to s(amp out the opium wil that she even Imposed capital rmnlHhu ent for opium crimes. "But," " he continued', "China can not stamp out this evil uiiless she ,ias tho help of "'iCngland, AfioHe co.i sont we' liaye. hot 'been able 'to' ob tain. Sinco'tlio rapid' suppression'' of the cultivation of'tho poppy in (jhi ria, the Itrltlsh government 'has gain ed enormously tnrougu ine importa tion' of opium IntChf'ia,' because tho value of thlB blood-sucking' drug has risen from three to five Hundred !er cent. Dr. Ciintile, an English auth-l or,' estimates that China has so' far, I nade a sacrifice of $.1 T3,'22i5,0ft0 In or. ler ' to get rid of tbis drug while . !reat Britain,' as Bhown by the re-! 'eipts from the Indian treasury, pa ado a sale of opium to China am Hltiting to $77,000,000 within the mme period. xncrerore, we appeal o'the world and most particularly, tJ the nation who has forced this ter rible curse on our' people, for as- dstance and support in our effort3 to nilminate this" greatest of all ' evils that have undermined the social and noral Conditions In China. "IC'hina has accomplished 'great re forms 'during tho hist decade. Slav ery has been abolished ih many parts of the country. Foot-binding is no longer practiced. Laws have boon recently rawsed to jirohibit the prac tice of polygamy. The people lia 'e r nott- developed among themselves a .- Beauty More Than Skin Deep. national 'unity and consciousness for J1, but"ul ways has , . .. good digestion. If vour digestion Is tlio weirare of the country. Such a faulty, Chamberlain's Tablets will do national sentiment China has never you good. Obtainable everywhere. cherished ' before. iBehlnd It, there . '(The Leader It, not repon-ilMp for con trlhii:!on appearing under this head. Anonymous coinniuni-atlons wllj not be Dririt(d. The raft name ot lnu r.uii. Hunt be fitven ) Saya V, T. Is a "Bully." ' Leader: When I was a ' boy, we used, of course, to play n ar- bles at the village s.hool house, and there was a big Herman "lump" of a boy that would blunder into tlu rins, and break our little marbles with a big one that he had. I don't like to marbles out with his big cowhide boots, and generally manage, to give us one on the shin?, in tending, with tell his name, for ho U now an es teemed friend, but he would kick the an expression like "uh-uh" that he did not mean to do it. fane day, cm of the. smaller boys laid hlm'out with a blow l'ro:ii a piece of rail of the old Virginia worm fence, and then he unit his tricks temporal' ll.v. :' ' "' '' '". ' ' 'in' the same' way the German naval authorities claim they can't see our flag 'on a vessel and thougb I don't mean to advise the president,' yet " believe, if ho could manage to take Von Tirpitz alongside the head a few times with a piece of fence-rail, that V. T. could see the stars and feel the stripes. The old German boast "I:h bin ' eln ' Prensae', konhs't sie :i:eino farben?!)' and we could retort with, "Lain" an American, do you know my colors?" John H. Bishop. i . . ' ; ' 1 y v , ' y i K , M i !kv" v : " r-A v - i f Some People Love Back-Breaking Wprk Vou know lots of good ' wonien-forki .ctuall IIU. to trll .bout tl hrd work th.y do. They don't czr for n.iin. tnd oches, tl:ey don't ear. for tn. b.ckbroiiltlng etoopinK over wmhbo.rde. We dlMovcrrd t!it by;qmWnlng cer. tain oil. witli tl.e ar l . WB,h boiler that the clnth t-.tture opened up, ietfioofall Sirt eti" "" "quired no rubbing. The ., oils worn combined in wnn liko Btlrts, round, nbout eeven Indies lonj by one Inch in diameter ond divided Into five portion., each portion enough for the average wu.hinf . "After a two vcrfcn vaihinq had eoj trrtrrt Iiwii 0om,pe(l nde thtwuthinq. So itr cil 4T.i7c IJ as.'iina Sttck. I did not put tht 'temftftoonf in tlm tup put ovt the bigqeti, whitest' and elsoneet. ' . !,.,'.. i . The Wash Board and Wash ing Machine Have No Place in Modern Washing. , When you enjoy better health, freedom from Wkochra "! munolea, you laiiilli t the old method of tt-aring up clothes an4 tearing'a Jiealth. Wtuh Day An Mad Joy Day FIFTEEN WASHINGS 28 CTS. For lea. than 2c. day you ay. tw hour, time, you aav. your oiothea, you ave v-" tealinca, v.u aav. your look.. . Ua on. stick, five washinna, and it not ' elaled viur 23c. WILL BE KEIUKNED. A. E. pichrds Company,1 Sherman, Texas. .Oklahoma . .Distributor; . . J.., -Turner S, Co., Guthrlf, . " Jt WCCTFRM LFiCUE. '.2 of the jury of distinguished artists i the nation. who selected Electra, Goddess of; MISS CASSASA AND Prosperity, Miss Florence Cassasa,; DB MILO. the winner of die nation wide beauty Venus competition, is the ideal type of tho j d'J Ar.ierican girl of today. Miss Cassasa ' Height 5.4. is Junoesque in stature and possesses Weight 12- those dcliKlitfiil proportions that art-i Neck 12.5. ists seldom find. ! Chest .....33 Miss Cassasa's claasic features will i Chest, full 35.1. W an eagerness for uplift and a new I . ... Interest' in the moral attitude of'tho PfcACHES FOR SALE. Carman earlv ' neaches' liwlnnu nnd people as a whole' toward public pro!,-, ma ccntg the busho, loins, iwnat i.nina na3 acconipiisneu. socially, ahd politically, within 'the' fjist few Years, has aroused the wond er and admiration of the world. What she is callable of doing Will he more marvelous, uft slie is full of hope nnd V'Jgor. ""There are great opportuni ties and possibilities in the future for the youngest of republics." be reproduced more than one hundred million times during the national trade building campiign which ful minates In Electrical Prosper!' y Week, Nov. 29 to Dec. 4, 1915, and which will be celebrated in every city and town in the country. The movement was , set in motion by the electrical interests which are members of . the Sqcty for jElectrical Development. These concerns have investments of more than $3,000,000,000 and aim to Waist .... '. 2fi Hips .... Thigh .... Knee , Calf , Ankle Upper Arm . . . . Fo.-c Arm Wriot Slipulder Foot, length . . . Arm, stretched 3S 22.5. 13.8 13.2. 7.4. 12.6 . 1.5. 5.9. 34.6. 8.9. 63 . ago of dec-,x5K&isaaawsit.sfii' ; blessing to . Standing of the Teams. VENUS , W. L, Pet 'Ilea .Moines S3 27 .663 i M:ss I Denver' 3 31 -592 i Cassasa Lincoln 45 7 J549 5.8 ' Topeka 43 38 .531 133 Omaha 43 391 .524 12.9 Sioux City 31 47 .397 34.7 Bt. Joseph ....' 31 48 .392 37.4 (Wichita 29 511 . .363 28 j ........ s9.i ; K.S a,Kb;as3aaK k: 23.3 E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Y. 14.4 ;KSH!K5SS.'SJH!5.!E 14.1 j 7.6 13.1! 9.9 I3t. iPaul . 5.8, Indianapolis Standing of the Teams. tlJ WORMY-- ' ' OF SPORTS ,. "s, sj s Sj "S as sss R an s.s & m :t FEDERAL LEAGUE K S5K23iaS'i(S S K ? W. 50 ...47 37,6 Kansas City IS ....44 ....38 ....34 8-9 IMinneapolis 69 K ' 'AMtRICAN LEAGUE.' US 35 55 9? . Standing or tne Teams. at the Strung farm cast of city.Vf .pick tlicni. ' " ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' pwn niu i..m'tjm wwmt nt.n ijiyj jg oioiiuing of the Teams. .2!) 4i' 39 40 .11 lioston 51 (Chicago S3 Detroit .'.'.' . SI Washington 41 l.Vew York 42 St. Ilxmis 30 (Philadelphia 20 ' Cleveland 2S ' 3 W L Pet. jg & Kansas City '...48 33 .593 .'Chicago ;48 31 .SS5 St. Louis 45 35 - .5(13 Pot. Pittsburgh 43 -B7 .538 .G38 Newark .43 40 .518 .G24 'Brooklyn 3ti 48 .420 .i;,22 L3uffa!o 36 ijl .'i!4 ,5'10 Baltimore -30 49 .380 Cleveland . . Louisville . . 'Milwaukee . .'Columbus . L. 3.8 138 43 42, 43 60 44 ..52, , fct .568 G53 .617 .512 AM .451 .436 .395 NATIONAL LEAGUE SI fSK'x?K:ry;gr8SKBfF'Ha,3 j Standing of tne Tiama I :. W L, Pet (Philadelphia 43. 3 .'ojiJ iChicago 43 371 .638 (Brooklyn ... 43 37 .538 New York ..38 38 .500 (Pittsburgh 39 41 .488 (Ht. Louis ,...'..41 43 .48'8 iBoston ... . . . . . . . . . 38 i43 .409 rCJncinnatl 32 4 .427 N llniiikT hard work in a bent or stooping position puts a stitch In the buck thut is painful! If the muscles have become strained, you can't get rid of it without help. T''e great ppm't rating power of iBii'IiLARD'S SNOW LlNTMElNT will appeal to you most strongly at such times, because It is .the very thing you need. Trice , '50o and.$J..00 per bottle. Sold ty i tirug More. n -rr- i Wlii in li m n -.... i -, id 7 Phone636 Piersol Ice Cream Co. Trade Picking Up. I see our traffic increasing." '"How so?" ' I.cif Ei'lt son landed shores, sailing from there 1,000." Well?" ' And I, nutiie last week auotlu-r ship from , Iceland arrived. I,ouis ville Courier-Journal. with Iceland l. on these ill the .'ear. You Can Enjoy Life Eat what, you want and not be troubled with indigestion if ypu trill take a before and after eaeb niaal. Sold only by ut 2Ao a boi. Cay' Drug Stw. XTONE but the bravest of JJ women would dare such a feat as leaping in the I dark from a window fciyh up irom tne ground. None but the strongest of men could succeed in the hcr- cclean task of catching her in his outstretched arms as she fell. If you beiieve it to be impos sible then the only wav to be come convinced is to see it actu ally done. Kitty Grav, the beautiful heroine, locked io a darkened l'.nnu Hill lll itLMlllULUr ilJL J by her daring leap for lilr, ' advances one more stag i ,!'. i.rt criir.' ddii f ; ,n If. I VJ -.1- VA lliJU JJIW- . . KEN COIN. ' (,1 See every episode of T TS . thi? breathless story of .1 ive and adventure. See Kitty Gray, the beautiful heroinSL a favorite wherever she is seen. in, etevy .home wuere tiiere Is a habv here should lie r. bottle of l.Mc GliivS m.-VBV ELIXIR. It may be needed at any time to .correct sour stomach, wind chlic; diarrhoea or summer complaint. It is a whole some remedy, contains ro opium, morphine or injurious drug of any kind. Price 25c and 50c per ibottle. Sold by Owl Drug Store, .512 When you feel lazy, out of orts .... ,ni yaWn a good deal in the day-, , , .311 time, you can charge It 'to a torpid liver which has allowed the system to ' If you fee! "blue," "So account," get lull or impurities. IIIOHBIMS lazy, you need a' good cleaning .out. cures all disorders produced by an HURBINE is the right thing for ihat inactive liver. It strengthens that j purpose. . It stimulates the llvdr, organ, cleanses tho bowels and puts j tones up the stomach 'and purifies the the system in good healthy condition, bowels. Price 50c. Sold by Owl Price SOc. Bold by Owl jbrug Store. ; Drug Store, ' " K WESTERN ASSOCIATION 33 The Guthrie Tent S Awning Co. GUTHRIE 113 SOUTH SECOND ST. PHONE 568 Standing of the Teams. MANUFACTURER OF'STORT AND OFFICE AWNINGS, TENTS, PORCH CURTAINS, PORTABLE HOUSE TENTS. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. v , - W. ' L Pet : 3 flieiiison " S r,:"; .Oklahoma City 55 12 j '" f Muskogee '.t0- 43 ,639 I iSherman . . '. :..V 4t .527 5 Tulsa '..'. ..47 10 Fort Smith .15 ;4: .170 J .Paris 15 10 .1"0 ijj McAlehtcr ... .'..'...32 .3;M& fec THE BROKEN COIN Every lleek The Photo flat Serial Supreme IS i'puoJc On fatft H't Stings or bites of insects that areu followed by swellings, pain or itch- J Hlg SUOU1U UtJ LIl.'Hli..U JllUIllllUV 0sT j they are poisonous. BA1,LABD a & l SNOW .lNLMKNT counteracts the vl i urtlinti It l txilli Bifisnt!i nnd hi j healing. Trice 25c, SOc and $1.00 per botile. Sold by Owl Drug Store. GEM THEATRE . r 1 mi i V' UN IVEPSAL FOR SALE Trcpare for a full busi ness course." The Capital City; Business College offers fine opportun-I ll. u. hntnrcliin ,.l t ,.l.,r ,,f,-l.- I H THE HOT SUN OF SUMMER CAN FF OFFPFT BY USE OF THE COOLING EFFECT OF A HEILMAN AWAIiNG -i ( 4 TRY THEM. GET PRICES AND THEN GET RESULTS THERE 13 NOTHING SO SATISFYING IN HOT WEATHER AS AN AWNING.'"4' ' ' '- vovt tr.i ii. 'At