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r 3The Guthrie daily Leabek CUMlfled want will tell, r7f are I trad pr rant it There art Classified want will bargains In want section. trade or rent It. Thers bargains in section, VOLUME XLIX HOME GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, WKl )KS )AY, ,1 ULY 21, 1915. PRICE 2c POLICE FIRE III MOB WHEN Oil STRIKE STARTS FIVE THOUSAND FltEXZIEI) WOUKEIIS ATTEMPT TO BREAK INTO WOKKS ONE STRIKER IS KILLED REMINGTON AMIS STRIKE GAINS GROUND; WOMEN URGE MEN ON (By Associated Press.) New York, July 21. There was otlng In the plant of the Standard Oil ICompany today, when a mob of strlk ers encountered - the guards. The police .say that five thousand men ,were engaged. One rioter was 'kille Fifty persons, including the polk and rioters were Injured. " The fact that the Tidewater plant of the Standard Oil Company is operation today, seemed to anger th strikers, who understood that the strike was to extend there, and thi is believed to have caused the attack The uniformed police of -IBayonne bore the brunt of the attack. They were statldned just outside of the plant. When the rioters rushed, the I police drove them .back. Many police were hit by stones. pieces of slag and shots fired at the officers. The police fired one volley ovor fhe heads of the crowd. This, hov" ever, halted the' attack only for a moment, and then the order was giv- , ftn to fire, again, jut this time to aim low. . Strike .In Arms Plant Growing. Bridgeport, July 21. Strike calls have resulted in machinists throwing down their 'tools in a number of Bridgeport shops. The labor; leaders claimed today that they had taken one hundred and ten additional men from the two plants doing work for the Reming ton Arms company, and that pickets succeeded in keeping eighty men from work at the new plant of the Remington company. Also that cjne hundred men "on the night shift at the Union (Metallic Cartridge Co., had struck. ;..-' ,, Groups of strikers have twice besii dispersed by-the police without In jury. Many' women are among the Jitr,ikers, urging them on. Clothing Workers Return to Work. . CSew York, July 21. Attorneys for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers pf America this morning announced that thirteen thousand of the twenty one thousand members of the union who struck last week returned to iwork today following an agreement with the manufacturers by which un advance from twelve to fifteen por tent in wages was made. The others, he added will return as soon as the necessary formalities are concludod. .Coal Strike Off In England. London, July 21. .Work in the South Wales mines will be resumed immediately, both sides promising the government to exert every effoit to -make up for the week of idleness. WOMEN ALLIED AGAINST ENGLISH SPARROW PEST ARROGANT AND FILTHY VAGA BOND WILL BE EXTERMINAT ED IF WOMEN r. WAY Among the problems tow being ag itated by the civic Improvement de partment of the city federated clu'os Is the minimizing or abolishment of the 'English sparrow nuisance. All classes of home owners in Guthrie have long ago declared the little bird a filthy, noisy, arrogant, vicious va;ia- ond. The federal bureau of blo'o'jv has recently Issued an Interest!? j ulleton on the English sparrow. Af ter years of careful investigation the bureau announces that, while there are a lew favorite traits about the sparrow, yet his actual damage ov ercomes all of these many, many tines. He is very filthy; he Is of very little benefit, and most of that is of a questionable character. 'lie destroys tne nests of all S"ng birds, Is a vicious fighter of every. thing that he can attnek. Ho eats oung garden plants and destroys j many valuable flower beds. Hlo Is pugnatious and a most prolific breed er. In fact, the government bureau de clares that If our fong birds are to live In peace In our parks and lawns me must "makft an end" of the En glish sparrow. 'Experience has demonstrated that GREAT INVENTORS WILL THE UNITED STATES NUMBER 3 IS NOW SEC OND PETROLEUM STATE ; y - - If - !W, I TESLA F ( ' Hi W I I Wtn ' sX W ! ' U y . V 7 V REALLY GREAT f OLD PARENTS IN riton-:ss()it iti:ni cm:s IIISTOKY to iti:i OIT :oxtkxtiox LEAD TO VICE AND CRIME l)ISi:s AI L To WAIT I X in. (ii: or ao iu:i oiti: "SINLinXCJ" These are so:re of the great In ventors, who, after consultation witl Thomas A. lEdison, iSecretarv of tin Navy Daniels has called to save the United States should she go to wai with a foreign nation. The seKretan has published a letter to the wizard of 'East Orange, N. J., in which he rnlla ir An.n.l i . ..o niiicmuii inventors to or ganize and offer suggestions which (Washington, July 21. (Production of petroleum last year was the great est In the history of the country, 290, '3.12,535 barrels. Final figures assembled and made public today by the geological survey how that the total output, 263,762,- 513 barrel.-?, were either marketed or 'jsed in field development and 24,550,-1 may be used to better the navy. uiw barrels neid in storage. The mar-1 vi me various persons the secre- ket output showed an Increase of 17,-1 tary has considered for the work In 16;W3 barrels compared with I191i, I "and, it was understood that he was ut a loss of $23,006,173 in value. nost anxious to secure the services California retained first place as I ' lEdison as a submarine expert, of an oil producer with Oklahoma a Wright as his authority on the aero- close second. Wycrclng and (West Virginia, respectively, showed the iine anu or Henry Ford as his ad iser on the practical application of 11 sorts of Inventions and, incident ally, as a general "efficiency doctor" or the navy. 'Xone of those named will be limit id to any particular field, .according io officers In touch with the navy secretary's plans, but It was ac nowiertged that Secretary Daniels regards the submarine and the pro- ilane as the two things calculated to play the most important part in the sea warfare of the future and is es peclally desirous that they receive the most thorough attention by the new board. greatest relative cline. Increase and de- in m Ell H Oil fill! ID ER II U 1 1 Scores of Guthrie men left here today for Paden, where the firs.t well In that field will be shot this evening. It is reliably reported that agents of the Prairie Oil and Gas Company have made six other locations and the field will be fully developed at once. Tom Jenkins will put in a store. The indications also point to the development of the local field here at once. The Miller well, eight miles '.north, is down :1,000 feet and will be pushed. The Ostrich Oil Company will start a well eighteen miles north west of here about August 1. OIL OPERATORS OF EAST SIDE ARE BUSY HERE MANY LEASES ARE BEING TAKEN FROM LOGAN FARMERS BY BIG COMPANIES SH SOLDDniTK HUB 8 IDT I IS LAID U IL1S TD SUFFRAGISTS ROAD WAS HULT IX 1853, WEXT TO ItECEIYEItS IX 1911 (By Associated Press.) St. Louis, mo., July 21. All rights and property of the Wabash Hallway company, a twenty million dollar cor poration, sold under the hammer for eighteen million dollars to a joint re organization committee of the roads' cieaitors. 'ihe sale by foreclosure was to satisfy a forty-one million dol lar mortgage. A few minutes before the sale a New York trust company filed a federal court suit for one and one-half million dollars rental bill for cars and equipment. The Wabash Railroad company went Into the hands of receivers r,;i Decem ber 18, 1911. The receivers were an- IVOSIEX XEGLECT NOME A XI) 1IISI5AXI) TO IITMHEH "C.U'SE OF WOll EX" (Xew York; July 21 "The crusade for equal suffrage is doutless a cause for the drop in the birthrate," (Mrs. Carroll Beckwltli, wife of the noted artist, declared. She is a loyal worn- the (Hy Associiiled Press.) ISan iKrancisco, July 21. Contrary to popular belle's that early marriag es are parti "l ;o conducive to mor tality, C. Ij. Ited field, of Chicago, ad tiresslng the International Purity congress here today, deciurod that they were more conducive to immor ality. The biographies of the great men of the world, particularly the 'moral and religious reformers, furnish evi dence, he said, that great men were the sons of old parents who had done much work. Confucius, who was born when, his father was 71 years of age; Buddha, whoso mother was 45 when he was born; 3Iobo, whose three generations of ancestors span ned 185 years; and King David, who was the son of Jesse's old age, and who became the father of Solomon when 52 years old, were some instanc es he cited. In ontrast, In this age, in this country, he pointed , to. th wide spread practice pf marrying young so young that in many states grooms in knickerbockers and brides in short dresses were even recognized by law, and said: "I say to you, positively, that these child 'marriages are laying the foun dations for new sources of vice and crime. A campaign of education on the question of early marriage is urg ently needed." "Perhaps some of you think that to thus delay marriages would be to largely Increase the Immorality among th'e unmarried. Heretofore you have based your judgment in Buch matters on common sense, but I am telling you now that there Is a sound scientific reason, heretofore overlooked why such marriages are an injury to the race. The injury Is not to those who marry, but to those who come after them. The product of those early marriages is the first step in the production of those forms oi vice wnicn we have upon our shoulders to eradicate. "I am not asking that all marrlag?s be delayed to the age of 25 or 33 years. That may or may not come In the future when we know more than we do now, but at present I am j asking that we put a stop to the ft . - MtuIN ItLLS Iflfni IPPrCICTIDir ur n,TT,n lll llLJId llULL Arm pillUb nrnnn btlfMUNALUU PWE POLAND ALSO TAKES EXCEPTION TO OP TIMISM OF MEMBER ON NINE MONTH'S TERM i limn issue wiui the members of the school board stated that t-nough money was in night to run the citv aruiKiis ror run nine months" said Or Melvin. member of Cie board to nay. ir tne citv mni ii,,ni-,i u- ompelled to pay the expeiiFea of die separate schools of tlie citv 1 ulte confident there will not be enough money to run (he schools for full nine months" he added. "I was surprised when II learned that the county attorney had made such a rul ing." Willi reference to six teachers resigning fro.r the high school f.-mni Dr. Melvin said: i hp leacnevs who are qii'ttli'T are loins po beraiiyo tlicy in; 'e( hotter pay olFow'iniv. Tho-e who (nimhl st year .iiv' w'rn -v!'! wot tor. h the coining term lire I'rnf. firccno. uneB ernian, Cermnny and history; Klcan lilakelv. I'Jnglish and Oeometrv; 'i'. .Mel oiiulck. Science; J. 1. AVhlt- ycr, history, mathematics, hook- Kceplug and coin :r on law; Pearl ile. English. All are Bplomlfd teachers Td the school board as well a:i thf pupils are sorry to see them go." ine scnool term for 1!)l,"-Mi will ,fl gin September 20th. SLAVS I IJS It VIEAT AS I.WAD- S OX WARD TO VW FULLS INTO .. FIVE HI XOHEI) OF ITALIAN CHEW SAVED; SLIL IS DESTROYED 'fly Associated Press.) London, July 2 1. Rumors of the rail of Warsaw are In circulation ier today, but the latest communi cations from both sides Indloate that '.he Austro-German rush towards tho Polish capital has been slowed down. Tho Russians continue to lose ground but apparently the campaign has not yet been brought to a decisive Issue. The most Important success noar reported by the Germans, has ben won by General Von WyoWch, south of llvangorod. v This was a surprise attack. -Wlndau la now In norm on hands and the Teuton forces are within thirty miles of Riga. . urwing will begin in the Carter well Thursday morning. The 3200 feet of casing that will be used In the well is now on the ground. The 8 Inch casing will he pulled and the 6 Inch substituted. The No. One Oil company of Tulsa has taken tho con tract to put. the well down to oil sand It will be drilled to at least 3500 feet Native In Flanders. and farther if necessary. losses in Yprcs. It Is now down to the 1800-foot level. ,tnern Campaign! Italians ad: There is now plenty of capital behind vflnce after vigorous fighting in tho the test, and the promoters hav hsonzo section. large amount of good adjacent leases. Submarines: Russian torpedo boat Drilling will be pushed as fast as destroyers sink TO Turk sailing ves- The War Movements. Eastern Campaign: Five cities imt Warsaw topple when Germans as- sault. ... ' Western Campaign: Enellah ars Germans admit possible. marriage of children a stop to that kind of reproduction which breeds the mentally and morally unfit' an suffragist and a member of Twilight Steep association. "Small families are a sign of the j rebellion of women against political l conditions, not a cohscious rebellion, w. L. ROBBINS IS but an instln:tive one. Jt is no sex now GAME RANGER strike,, such as has been conteniplat'-l ed by some radical leaders of fem-j' Oklahoma City, Okla., July Jt.-W. 1nine thought, hut on Instinct to spare L. Robbins, former deputy sheriff of tnuaren tne struggle of growing up. Muskogee county, has been appointed BOOZE CASES DISPOSED OF IN COUNTY COUR A Jury in county court late yester day evening brought In a verdict acquittal In the case of Tom Jenning Royal hotel porter, charged with sell ing liquor in violation of law. The jury was out less than an hour. 'Mckj Beasiey, a.eo charged' with Belling booze was found guilty and was assessed a fine of $50 and given a Jail sentence -of 30 days. IBeasley runs a resort at the old Windsor stand on West d-Iarrlson. A jury Is now out In the Buck Baily case. Bailey is also charged1 with selling liquor. "DRUG NET" NARROW MISSES GUTHRIE GIRL GUTHRIE BOYS PUT FORMER FRIEND IN BAD; POLICE AT O. C. ACTIVE sels. (Dardanelles (So reports. Five Hundred of Crew Saved. liarl, Italy, July 21. OTve hundred members fr the crew of the Italian cruiser, Gouseppe Garibaldi, sunk by an Austrian sub-n arlne Monday, were saved. iProbably fifty were drowned. The survivors say the "vessel was attack ed by three submarines. The war ship opened fire and it is believed, sunk one of the subs. Italians are Victorious. Rome, July 21.-leavy fighting at Isonzo, in front of North Triest, to day, resulted in material gains, the Italian government officially... an- . nounced. ' German Allies Sweep All Before Them. - . London, July. 21. The 'seemingly . ' irresistible march ot the Auslro-jv , anan armies is winning for them towft.',f alter town in Russian Poland and fa.. omer territory through which stret ches the thousand-mile battle front in the east. Two pivotal points In their drive In . Poland have been turned by the Teu- on Pa. Rleht.) Oklahoma City, July 21. .Seven more or less "prominent citizens" o nirid and coping with, conditions that game ranger by State Game Warden I 0klahoma ity' nnd a banker antl a THE WEATHER L M A I B Mi ,L ,1 i II c '4 L v'tv.raa II III I lf I SZTi i That prominent oil men of the state ueueve un biiu gas unuerue iogan a county, is evidenced by the recent activity by the Prairie Oil company, I McMan Oil company and No 1 Oil company In securing leases in the eastern townships of this county. The Prairie people now have two automo biles working In Bear Creek and Cimarron townships. TJie other com panies have representatives here and pointed on petition of the Wcllnrbtain in a man-nlane an(1 man-admin- George Noble. Robbins will 'have ' lawyer' oth weU known in E1 Ren0' house Air Brake company which had rserei! government. : headquarters In company which had claim of $18,000 against the rail- (Cnnttnued on Pnsrp Elcht.) "FATTY" GAINS AND JOIE'n, ALLEN BUAIPED FOR W: "1 DONT BEE WHY THEY CALX. THEM 8LEEP1N' -PORCHES PER 1 ITR1ED ONS OP THEM THE OTHER .NIGHT AN' BETWEEN THE CATS! 'AN' DOOU IN THE NIGHT AH THEl 11IRD8 AN' MILKMEN 1$ . THBl IURLY MORNIN' I DIDNT,VE4 i throughout the county securing leases. john Anen and "Fatty" Gaines, two walls. do tar noinmg is paid ror leases 0f the "profession," were fined $50 nfhor than (ha nosoorv 1 1 malr ' . ui;" , -";.r; ;,. :i , m ponce court last nl6ht on allen to be named u,uU,uB ouu kuus win uui ub pam cnarge of selling booze. The men until after the field has been proven. were conducting a resort in the old Farmers generally, recognizing that,' Reeves' brick building on West Har it means much to have a good com-rison. Chief Mitchell made tho It is not probable that the men will appeal the cases. In this connection It might be well to add that there Is not a single government license held in Logan county. porary phase. I am convinced that ot the state. He is the last of three twhen this country shall have suffrage rangers to be appointed. for women there will iollow a notable ' ee In the birth rate. That will sig nify thafc women do not fear the Vorld struggle for their children when they, themselves, have a hand trolding the conditions outside the ,home, as they have within the home pany back of them, are giving leases. Miss Ellen Bronson of Guthrie, is the guest of Mrs. J. R. Hamlll, 11 23 West Main. Enid News. Oklahoma CUv nri 1 were enmeshed late Tuesday night ' "I sincerely believe this is a tern-' jurisdiction over the western portion ' by the dragnet which Chief of Police Nichols is spreading over the respest able part ot the city in his campaign to drive vice south of the Rock' Island tracks. Two girls, Inmates of the place, were also taken. All' were ar rested on loitering charges and mint H ' of them were released on $11 ap pearance bonds. , , The raid, was, . madefy Chief , of.j, ,. ronce ifMcnpJs , ana: i'Jainclothesmen Jim Carter and A. A. Gordon, on ap artments at 50!Hi North Hudson ave nue shortly after 11 o'clock. T-vo big livery cars standing In front of The new road grader, recently pur chased by the city for road work, ar rived today. "Work will begin Mon- A3 CREEK ATTORNEY ( day morning on the bad roads in the city," said Commissioner Mitchell to day. "The roadway at Mineral Wells jthe P,are- wpre loaded with the pris park will be plowed up and graded oners- The proprietress of the place (By Associated Press) Washington, D. C, July 21 Secre tary Lane has recommended the reap- luuuuneni ot juugc K. u. Allen as tribal attorney for the Creek nation and this fecommendation will be ratified. and possibly macadamized," be added. ( This work, however, will not begin until after the close of the camp meeting now going on there. was absent when the officers came. No liquor was found, although many empty bottles were lying under be Is and tables. Some of the men arrest- 1 eft r (By Associated Press) .New Orltans, La,, July 21. Tair tonight and Thursday; moderate temperature (ConUoued on I'm.' Eight)