Newspaper Page Text
J I5WCEK3 Begins Tomorrow rXOMORROW night at the theater named below begins the . I most fascinating story of love and adventure ever written. It is admirable, charming, wonderful, thrilling the kind of a photo play story, that will hold you spellbound that will send you away dee-lighted. It's the kind of a story he public has wanted to know and see for years. First time in pictures. Mag nificently wrought wonderfully photographed. Scene after scene just crammed with exciting incidents that will move you to the utmost. Arrange to take your family or best girl to the opening episode of this magnificent photo play serial tomorrow night. Thcn arrange 10 see every episode, every week. It's the finest, most romantic, most absorbing tale of love and adven ture ever conceived. See the first episode and you'll want to 6ee them all.. It's the supreme of beautiful serial photo play productions. Go tomorrow night and see the opening. Bring the family and friends, to . .,.4.. '..j. ... .... - . GEM THEATRE - TOO A ITS QUOTATIONS , , J H MARKETS BY WIRE CATTLE: . Kansas City, Mo., July 21. "Receipts 5500. '' Market, steady. Dressed beef steers, $9.75 to $10.10. Prime fed Bteers, $8.50 to $9.65. Cows and heifers, $4.50 to $9.85. HOGS: ; ' " Receipts, ' 7,000.' Market "10' to 15 lower. Hulk of 'sales $7.10 to $7.40. 'Top rrics' $7.15. vvhevt;:; Kansas' City, Mo., July 21. July I15 3-4, split. ScVlejnu'er $1.00. 3-4. PcceJCi'.'er $1.02 3-4. CO"i' Ju!y(.70 3-4. Sei'rternber 70 7-8, split December 01 ,1-8. - 1 GUTHRIE MARKETS. Livestock. Steers, prime, G to U 1-2. Caws,' 5 to '5 1-2. Heifersv prime, $C.OO to $6.50. Hogs, $7.25. Grain and Hay. Corn ,per bu., 95c. Wheat, per bu., $1.10. Kafir corn, per bu., 70c. Oats, per bushel, 35c. Prairie hay, per ton, $8.00. Alfalfa hay, per ton, $10.00. Straw (wheat), per bale, 15c. Straw (oats), per bale, 20c. ISran, per 100 lbs, $1.15. Bran, mill press, per 100 lbs., $1.25 Coru chops, per 100 lbs., $1.75. ' Kafir chops, per, lijjhlbfj., $1.50, ' Alfalfa meal, 100 lbs., $1.25. Cane seed, per bu., 90c. Hides. .-. Hides, green, salt, 10c. Hides, 'green, 9c. Horse hides, No. 1, $2.00. Horse hides, No. 2, $1.00 to $1.50. " Horse hides, damaged, 50c. Produce Live Poultry: Broilers, under 2 lbs., 15c. : Sp.'ings, over 2 lbs., 13c. Allltirouirti tlidllirUlllKiilWTotTHK 1IIC k ' COIN'. ntwlnfl In ferT plS'Wl. uwlrljlr ti7 ,"tioD and oTrpowr1nn trry oUir mo tion, th nnHToprinlT of the whol 1 loe. THK BKOKK.N COIN ! nnt mfrflT ehrmln lo. Morj, nther Irt T Uit Off whole bril lunt. thrilling, mMr plot If enrtirlned mil ty mrrl 111 tl-t tmonrlK.". truth, f iIHIIt ii ('iiuliiin whom tugUMtuid Uwt eiprxulon Hml IImK tlirough Iot. See The Broken Coin I verr Wuk The Photo Play Serial Suprem i 5 Episodes One Evert Wet GEM THEATRE 1 IPri L?nWffri..i.i. un' li '" 30 REELS Hens, 8c. Turkeys, No. 1, 10c. rurkeys, old iom. Sc. Ducks, 8c. Geese, 5c. 'Roosters, 5e. Eggs, 10c doz.j $3.00 case. Cotton. Bale, 8c. K PERSONAL AMI LOCAL K SS M ft K Si . SS Henry S. Johnston, well known Perry attorney, is in Guthrie today on legal business. Otis Wade, prominent oil operator in the Cushing field, with headquarters at Stillwater, is in Guthrie today. R. E Stobaugh Is here on business from Crescent City. "Crops certainly look good in the north part of the county," he said. Gordon W. Lillie is here from his ranch near Pawnee. ' 'X :k ' SS X '. 'A X. j& 2 LOCAL MOMENT k : : se as 33 s ss a a Neal Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Carter, is quite ill with an at tack of fever. Neal Humphrey, former clerk of the district court, is here from his farm. He is a member of the county jury commission. Farmers and other citizens have written letters to The Leader with reference to tho road and bridge esti mates made by the county commis sioners. The letters will be published next Monday. Practically every farmer wants good roads and bridges but they want good ones. The Leader would like to get expressions from every farmer In tho tounty; not necessarily a letter; just an expres sion. Threshing is in, full blast; the wheat is much lighter in weight than was at first thought. A new cement sidewalk " will be built in front of the birth house. The old brick will be torn up. Tommy Atkins, heir to three million dollars, was arrested at. Tulsa yester day on a "vag cliarge. Ed Lowther will organize an oil company to drill near his coal mines at Milton. The Holiness camp meeting is on at Mineral Wells park. Keg parties are becoming popular; but they are confined to the secluded places on the rwor banks. A revenuefoffioer is in Guthrie looking up evidence in a few boot legger cases. The government sleuth has 'been here for a week. xVuitor 'Milter. premier jockey of .i, will h neen in "Whining '.: T .vrif tnnlrhL reat . Miss Burgia Gregory returned home today from a six weeks' visit with friends in Oklahoma City, Springfield, Mo. and Sapulpa. LEADER WANTS BRINil RESULTS . Hawa i na Leaner fleuveiwi, oo mo. THB HiTTTniTR DAILY I.KAPKR. WKOXKSnAV, ,1V hV 21, 101." COTTON IS KING 2 III NATIONS NOW IT WAR UK10I.VV (il'XS BlitX 2,0(10 n vu:s 01 the stapli: K ACII DAY Kor warring nations, cotton is kins, and it is a cotton starvation, not a food starvation, that Germany fears, says the Scientific American. otton Is the principal ingredient by weight In all smokeless powders, which con- cist of nitro-iwlluloso of about .U2V& per cent nitration. More cotton is now being consumed In Uenrany for the manufacture of smokeless powd er than for industrial use. While the majority of Gorman gu,s are of about three-inch caliber, sn has immense numbers of heavy gun J business wi.rWl. of course, ihey have to . i f iKht the niojt powerful' ot nli the crlm- and howitzers ranging from four-inch j,' ,;.ust( ' caliber to 12-inch, and she has be.'n Tlic farmers are organized so that .-.' i,'..,. oin their com and wheat nn . be taken using large quantities of heavy art.i- i( a t.nS,i,.iU.y ;ice, but not so witu lery ammunition. The amount of oil. i ft a N'eeessiiv is the mother of invention, 'cotton used for every, round fired will '- ;;m,po,y ,,art..,l a war vprap well over four pounds. The o the Kansas n'-oducers a few years . ut,"'. a sroup of pioneer producers oi - expenditure of cotton in Germany is, Kllljz,,(i cneie sum Oil c nn;mny to therefore about four tia es 25,000 protect their properties and to build In l.iereioie. auuui u , the Middle West a real ind. pen, lent, pro- pound3, or 1,000,000 pounds per day. tiii-iii(4, r niiiir and markctlm? Icom That ligure does not include tlie'v-;- '"'-t to be amount used for small arms ammu- ThlH rom;)11v at times has been made , ,i,t P(ip,i for the naw or to travel a rocky road, but the Kansas mtion, that needed lor me navj, vhtw ttre of the stayinn kind and that used to make clothing for the hardships and persecution caused our . lenders to strive all tiio more dttermin cdly One million pounds Of cotton per Tlle rude. Bam oil Company built the .i,. i.'omn i.utoa if -,nn iiounds each """t three refineries In Kansas and ok day is 2000 bales ot ouu pounuh em iahmtt, Bum thp first indi'inndcnt pipe or TljO.OOO bales per annum, about line In the Middle West. Our pipe line , ,'. , .,.,,! t Is now completed and in nperation for one-hair the usual exportation of cot- 151 mi;s u rnlle(.ts. , jon,,,.,!, tnn in Gerniaiiv Germany's reserve in two states nnd in of ,,ur ml wel'.s. ton to ucuuaiij. ""'ii.iu ,i the lartier pcrcentaKO of our oil lands supply of powder has undoubtedly uli lease--. i ,.i ., v.,. thiu tlmp ami her The I'ncle Sam Oil Company built and been used up bj this time anu ncr )nu!ltHl)M the firs. ,umMiK future ability to Vage war for a long muttons direct to the people over Mh-- , ., siuri. Oklalionia and Kansas. II entered period depends on a regular suppii thls field ns a pioneer the first to dc- of cotton from the United States; for tyt tru.t .- thi, rid, dist.i. t in forty all other Rources of supply are clos- Tl(, competition The Tu.le Sam oil .Cmpanv pioneered and brave y ed to her. I uiaintaineil lias caused the -leoplo of tic England is making the most stren- Middle -l;fflui;( nous efforts to prevent cotton from n,ln aiM at a reduction In price of scv reaching Germany. She " ,K well that if the can Btoit these in- lienclnnen into slate and Inderal otic i wt.ii iuat ' ... and then struck at us with all it- ven on, norts Germany must bo .beaten witn- tt,1Ml al by ''U i.ils that Pnltnn la different fro'll Lotton is, no." in a year copper, another essential, in that con- per !s Indestructible anu remains m some form or other in the country into which it is imported, while cot ton disappears shortly after being manufactured. Moreover, copper cartridge cases n:ay be remelted and used over and over again. In addition. Germany has consider. copper ore within her boundaries, and can eke out her copper supply by smelting ores which in time of peace could not be profitably used. She must import cotton, however, not only to clothe her population and ar mies, but to furnish her men with ammunition, without which thair skill, courage and patriotism could not avail. (liP Mpsin(?e:vcciIiFeme mv 95 ' 5S 58 & A 8 TOPICS OF THE 8 TOWN AND STATE. SB K : x s: ssjssa : $ ' Big lncreaseShown. Secretary George A. mith tt the state school land commission issued a report Tuesday showing that the appraised valuation of school land in sales district No. 12 is approximately $o00,000 higher this year than in 19CS. The 1913 valuation, his figures show ed, Is ,$3,61,800, while the total n 1903 aggregated $3,22G,SS5. Selling the school land in the 112th sales dis trict is to be started soon, according to the present plans of the land com mission. Mutual Company Enters. The first mutual insurance co i:- tianv to enter the state under the terms cf the law governing mutual pencerns enacted by the last legis lature, was licensed Tuesday by the state insurance board. It is the In diana Lumbermen's Mutual Insurance company of Indianapolis: Alexander Has Money. Checks aggregating $1,500,000 were turned over to State Treasurer YV. L. Alexander today by the school land commission the funds representing the school land '-rash assets whlrh I'fomerly were in the custody of t'.ie 'commission but which by act of the Fifth legislature are to be held in the custody of the state treasurer, who has filed" a bond of $200,000 as -e- iuh'ed by law. Head Severed By Gunshot. I While playing with a shot gun in j the nbsenro of their parents f roni j To Investors: lined pi:pc!-r. lr.ii (1 I l'ur a Mini t time , 'ti II.. I h.l-. lit l."ll i.. il l:l 11 "f tills Bt.i.'lv I..!- .1. v. l.-l'-incnt'. l.n... k.-rs ni:iy iiSk: "If it is surli ii if.".l tiiiiiu. wily liiiiiiit iwi.pU' take II . '" Hul .t inki-M iiill'uo'.is nf .i.V.Iiir t up a crt'.il n:iii.i:u.l i-iiiniu'tiior ..: I .- .nl ni..n li.ily. A criis was broimlil almut a IV w in.mhs nii.i 1V this mi..ii.i v I l Hill it In in'luiii-ii to ,mi. tl'i'l!' K' "il in tin- liinii ihii-liliu? oil n.l.U 1'ri.i's of the r.'liiic.l pl.idurli . Iiwri'l iv.ncul tin- i'i'flnerli" mill cvit,' ll.liiK' I" ifil'li' (Line tn driw .nit nf tin' nil husiiUKS in-ervlniily but thi- t : 1 1 t . Tlio sunt,, and niitl.nial iifrii-inN it,. a ,-oiild l.liMK im.Ui'l' snU" HHi' a.l.t na tional anti-trust laws nrr .illur afrui.l of 4 lie polilloal pi'WiT of thi' tmst oi' too liM.-y at s.inu'thiiiK elm iitnl .-'o tin- trust linn' il rlt'iir fii'l.l. .Meantlin.' till' lalBi'l' part of tl! K'at Osaj;.! .N.ili .n oil anil tls fields Will xooii lie on the. mirlioli ViloeU. IJiirinn this crisis lnh Bi'"le v. an put down as low hh -bum'!. (!ine hat been tile Middle West and lulvum uistilels of the nation all i week, i'luile nil t sueh I t.e like eorii at f. wnt I"' .Ills lowered in ed in oth. , ,i t!ie same lies would r bushel or wheat at 15 cents per bn-.n I. The so-called Independent oil men are the bisi;est nni;e innkers ami the pnor tst oiiiinized body of i-itly. -us In the should have been our piv'teeturs in, , . ,,e,.s, illv,.,t,m.,t joum- als nnd np-lllt matfc.zinc-; tout are kimi the criminal rich to mislead the pub- li,. l.v f:,lse edil, nulls and news coin- mint In favor of the si'bemes of Ihe 'iill Street wolves have all al tunes opened their concealed batteries. Ittit Right is a niiithty warrior and thivuiKli it all The I'ncle Kam Oil Cuinpany lias continually increased its assets. It has thousands' of acres of oil and gas leases properly located In the bltr oil counties la Olilulioma nnd over fif teen hundred acres of deeded lands'. The Kicatest biKll urade oil field in the world is In Kanue 7 in Osukc, rawnee and Creek counties In Oklahoma. In the nun district in this -UanKC I our coni :,n.' controls two hundred acres of (Pedcd land and has nearly three thous and acres of oil anil as leases, m have locations now wueie onus suoioo be started in about fifty different ;dac- The blir bankj do not dare to extend reasonable credit to Tne t.'njlo bam on riomo, the little son of Sam Keith at:- sbL.ntaiu. discharged the wea"vi. The load struck t smail tistcr m tin. head almost completely severing it from tho body. The fan ily live ;it Lone Grove, 'arter county. Parsons Writes Cold Story to Friends. E. E. Parsons, who with his mother, Is making an extended tour of the Northwest, writes to friends here, from Lake Louise, Canada, stating that at that place the ground is cov ered with snow, and one of the leis ures of the place is that the sun rises at 3:30 a. in. and sets at about D p. m leaving oply about five hours of durk ness. Killed by Blow of Eoard. When Hob 'Newberry, 26 years ol.l grabbed Texas Jauk" CJeaiiuaire' horse at Dewey, the latter shovod him away. This angered v Newberry wlu slapped C'lemiihire twice, across the face and body with a knife. Cbr.n ishire started to run and when ho jaw Newberry wa. going to overtake him, lie hit -Newberry over the head with a board. Newberry dropped dead with h'.s skull crushed. lem ishre, who is 24 years eld, is h-Vd 'or murder. Money Suit Started I The Bank of Commerce of Perry to - day brought suit against Alexander Moir and others to loreciose iwo mortgages on farm laud in Logan county. "l. rule 4 1 in I ce on Saturday, I'nnipany our 1'oiniialiy Is fibl itiK tile IhK tll.ino,.,'! villi leal l.'etll. 'I'ilo t'.i:iiMny i pi"i,c tel. Wo j.i-.t won a re.ent meat vut.iiy I y llecilon from the Supreme I'ouit of tiie I nt.d Sta'.ci r. eiii .litiK our pipe liti''. This tctoiy makes Tiie l'u. h' Sam Oil Company 'pipe line the only exempt' ed pipe line fioin c:iinniou cairn r li iliil illes in tiie I'lllti'd Slates, and has . :iu ed the trust l i ab ltuioii tlx li -wl all. i. Us 'n Ihu big sue e.-s of our pan.v. lis only w eapon now is to 1 1 y to illli'l -fere Willi the Company raiMm; sulfl. ient capital to becouu' a bi by ln sinualloii in Its kept tress and hv Us w ri'i ltliiK clew i .inspirators and si'.in.b'.l molt. iters. The trusl wains to ).;:aii Ihe Osmte X II I i. ill oil lllld yas field.- of on ' million, live bundled u.'t'f and llii'li double thi' price of doiu. "tic Kas in iru'.'siil biillns i.t Kansas, All-i-soltri and Okiiiil'ima. A lioyerunii'Ilt controlled ie i e cX.'ile' in about einill'.'ll lllonlil-' on I'.Ml. of thl'j llsate Hesei attotl. Tile liule Sain (ill Coiiinaiiy has nil lisane lean' throi. Kb tilC center of the Osai.-,. oil and leel e of IJrt.lllO acr. s. We pt'H d in K,.lcial Court that liils lease was boueslly se. 'iiicd. lint it wa- Jurio'.l down ly y binh Kovcrnnieiit officii! who has sine,, appeared In several cue s f o.' the trust. Throe hi-h officials were branded l y our Company as oil trust tools botrayhm" their pulic trust and later unit the i.i terlor IVpartiuent. Tliese three wio ainotiK the eonspiralors that foimht thi lease to our Company and have pin -e mine into the open puy of the monopoly holders.' ti presetilinn ' every cotmrcss- VC flVI'l' 1 Ilt'CU UIOIKMOIO i- ional di-Uri'it under the Stars unit Stripes. We waul five thousand more red bcod ed Americans to remit from Sin lo each and join our Inile'.ieudcnl army we can soon stmt a national publicity cainpaicn that will protect our ureal OSilK-e leaa' It mil tile fixers for the triot. The Cncle Sam Oil Company contends that Hie sc'ii tary of tile Interior of Coin;, ess shall write in the validation of our -PHI .nod-acre OsaKO lease, and ill all oilier Indian leases. :l clause allthor-imu- tiie Clint..' (oiniiiis-ion of t lie dif ferent states where '.he -uodiii't is S"ld the light to fix tne price tj the people, on all oil and oil products a. d Has from this federal Kovern mi lit controlled lease. i'.cerv honest Knows l.iii coninion sense and right slop a tin t siah. H v ith a part of the loot secures and divides wit luoKiesslve newspapers Hut it would AOilld Interfere that the trust 1 certain fake nnd uli-lif- limit izink's that ' siiia. about the rights t ,n,. ",.,inl. neon e ' whom llley ate ie - InK paid to help deceive. We will furnish names of crooks in biuli office and the newspaper and ma ......... ..oi.... ,.r in., .oi iiml e:h monopoly i due 'lime wlien the luw fiuht starlsvhloi for the final protcciion of our ureat IJsaite lease. However we elm succeed we can pan dividends from our present proper ties when developed while wo are secur hiK th" validation of our tisane lease. WITHIN 7,000 FEET OF A 6.000 BAR REL WELL IHiiiilK' the past few weeks the (.'oni ..,,cie, i n'cnied bv warranty deed, a lie.,' thirds interest In MO norcs. in lit l.v ci nter of lb" township tnai c m neariv all of the K' t'uslinm' .s , a cost oi' sixteen tlniusanl tains dollars it has secured .'mother b ase c n -lieriuK with tl'is deeded land. KOtlnllliB for another property and th o from ! In H drills at me marteil. MAY SOON HAVE A 10.000 BARREL PRODUCTION. AVe have what indicates now thirty CHi) deep sand loi-ation.s n those two pro-ieiiies Pi the CiK-liintr rnslrlel. Soiin' 5 mill lo G.i.ilO barrel wells may he se cured on some of this property- Them are five producing oil sands In this ills trl' t. The oil is rich in gasoline. . ,, get rich o;ietnling Ihe siuni' wells In, our chances for gushers ill lie it i.'til'' d b" anyone who will visit this iirouert,'. there are nbuul twenty wells within a short .list c. A li."- bnli'"' well was diiii'd u b-w weeks ag la the siclinn that cornels' the section that contains our i"'w property. To make money von must Invest wherti money is being made. Tim ''""K 'J'1 has iiioiliii 'l nearly one hundred Million barrels of oil. We could h.iVi. purcluiseil tills ilNtiicl a f' W years nw at Irotn f...'i to Jin. nil per acre, Oklahoma and parts of lexa.-; tlM greatest oil field 111 America .Millions 'Suit For $3,090 Starts. Peterborough' Saving! bank of Illinois vs. O. 11. 1'Y'gan et al., i'J the style of a suit brought in district court today. The suit invjives a mortgage of $:i,01il). ' Many Men With Many Minds. Jttiymen in county court are rather of an independent turn of mind. So far two bootleggers have been stuck and one charged with selling booze disi barged. The evidence was prac- tically the same in all threo cases. The only difference being that dif ferent men sat on each case. Uncle Tom Under Tent. 'iiurk's I'ncle Tom's Cabin To., un der pavilion at Harrison and Divis ion, will give a performance tonight. Th" Burke show is popular everywhere. Eurk's- Shows. Laiiy, which maintains offices In Okla Iiurk's .hows are in town asia,,, The yellow cars of tiie uurus werej parked in tie big d'.tcli on vine sue i for two v.interi and aro familiar o Cuthrie people. WOMAN ILL "MOTHER" 1, 023 BOYS M GIRLS', j Oakland. Cal., July 21. With tiie j,ie;. Gf giving l.utiu ennuren a couu- try home where they can enjoy neunn ! and happiness, Mrs. Emma J. Mel- lotto, philanthropist, '3 preparing to purchase an immense ranch in this county, where shy will act as mother to the brood of a thousand. self - Mrs. I "I'm going to teach them reliance and self-respect," says Mellette. "They will acquire a vast amount of knowledge of human na- 'tnr bv mingling together" This Oil Stock August 7 Iiiim' nli' wtil he made, luia'' is c'.il. e.l H n nil c trl, Uei of II; a board i.t l ! sto, khoi been llta.le and Ulilli.ow 'I'lip I'nclt' Sail. Oil l om i -n.'.l. It Hi-, demon - -l,i ; t . .( e. t it -. '.1 rt.o.i l oe f ust. It Is onnirolc.t by en i -one it i ri ct.u -i. A 11 a re his. If n.,i wish t m- bine profit with principle and the 'in 'I ru-u .1 nd it i 1 .u.l'o'Y l:i Ihe Mid He West .1 .ill Willi a pie's company thai is KainlnK he p rout. lietle.iiiie.i Real Peo- 'ci'.' day. The opp.n r unities lor tiie moderate In e..tor me few and are becolnPm fewer eer.' da'. 'l"ae e,.nsiiirae' of the pow' ei'fnl rli li ii to monopolize all Ihe min eral ri'M.urces of the I'lllti'd Slate'. Ke. ;i 111.- people divided and force their in. .ney tut i the t t us: - cut rollc.l financial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( i i 1 1 -. Then pay the people on such f mills 2 I" I! per cent, while the loir I. inch will llteti ilcvelep tiicse rich icMHines ami lualo. ':. (.. .".a per cent. W'c ofti f the small man a chance to oe one of Ihe pr.. mot' I s nnd make '-'.". to ,'."l per cent. We bell ve it is belter to try nlel do so thing worth while than lo consent lo a small return and let the. bin bunch crab a!! tile liiif piolits. With our already bltf proiieily nnd liatl.ui il; iniztti.iil we can licit the low i a ll at their own Kane. You alone could do lull little, but combined ..Mill I'll, Olio st'lekllodiet S Villi fieeillHe a forceful part of an otKiinizi'd urmv that will succeed and pay a bin profit und le a Ices nil,- to the public In Ihe nation lust as It lias been and lis now In MIs s.iui), i ill la h.ima and Kansas. We do not wish to eticouniKe any one to ovr invest. There are probably Sn.i'cn fkuiiiij-- on this stock. This no tice will reach about I'll million renders. A CONDITIONAL DIVIDEND AT ONCE Tlic present stockholders may noon ac cept all the stick left; 2i;S,(iiHI,noo shares me now owned by ever 15,000 itockriold ers; :i:'.(iii'i.o'i'i are still to be Issued. There Is li provision in the charter that protects tho stockholders from oil trust control. He practical. America is the opportunity of tho world for the siiiull Investor. The Oklahoma oil fields con tain C'e real nionev inakliiK opport mil tics ..f America at the present time. With sutfieielit capital we can secure properties now that ill six moiil is could ot be holisht. Time Is money In these 'ileli oil fields. Wo me driving ahead, vvi-n i i start sis lo ten drills. Want lo Iher properties Hemic uicy .- Vance lul times. You will secure an n -lotiicn' back wllli your stock, which Is a conditional dividend. A blind man s.e that this company Is a win ner. If y ui lie.itate too loiiff the stock TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT ADVANCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7th. liuilicf Ihe past few weeks at a cod of over forty thousand dollars now prop- lie. h.ivo been seclireo llieonooK r"".. land and leases In nearly i"u SPECIAL STOCK OFFER The I'ncle Sam Oil Company. . remittance for Find amount designated below. . 500 SHARES .1,000 SHARES .2,500 SHARES $10.00 i $20.00 $50.00 (Name of (Hiieet City Respectfully THE UNCLE SAM OIL CO. By H. H. TUCKER, 3R., Pres. ' . (Address all letter a to tho Company.) ' KANSAS CITY, KANSAS j GOVERNOR "Bi" TELL5 'HIGH HNANCE" GUFF DON'T GO WITH CHIEF EXECUTIVE. PLAIN TALK DEMANDED - Oklahoma City, Okla., July 21. - "You're not going to run any high financing on us down here. If you do you will have to pay for it." Thus spoke Governor Williams to! Galen Crow, ot Guthrie, who appeared before the state board of equalization when the tentative assessment of the Public Service company of Atoka was being considered. The statement was ado alter Crow said the bonded in- ItiatJC ail.C-I V lun doiu mv. ..w..v. ... tlebtcdncss of the company was in excess of $1,000,000. The Atoka piant is operated by the Public Service com- operates public service utilities Guthrie, Atoka, Lehigh ch,ckagh(li coalgate and Vinita. The ! tentative assessment against the com pany's property in this state agreed on is $2,312,000. Crow was one of Williams' strongest porters in the primaries and geii- ral election. DID THE CHIEF DRINK THE WHISHT? Oklahoma City, Okla., July 21. 'chief of Police W. B. Nichols of this city has been named defendant in a lawsuit involving the question or whether the chief can legally seize j land hold a four quart whiskv ship- PAGE rcvfl iiillir of the Township Unit contain about all or Itie ureilt Cushion (Omhertl. The last of these properties was necure'I and by the middle of licet week the drill will be moved 111. Kltll-T two or Ihree welU Will be drilled t ii'ice. V will mkiii reach the fil'd oil pro.liielioii ittul ilia..' have s ittii" splelidl l weils In the I, nylon sand, which Is very iV.'h In lias.iiine in three or tour wnii:s. It, fori' v .ii know It the drills will S' down to the deep production where from .i 2 iHin to .'i.ooil tiiirrel well may iut thbi real oil ttock out of your reach fortver. The mlvertlsi d price of tills stw.l Will be advalicci tweiil.'.'-flve per cent 8atur- day, Augint 7. Your remittance mum start no! later than date to secure t.lo UtOelt before till' lldvatlce. Kit her send your remittance at (men or write quick for further particulars. tteini tuber 1 1 lo'cands are fiKiirinn o.i this sio. k. Tin re will be one srrHt rich uipolHllI of the Oil and Oas 'Monopoly, and Unit win b.. The Uncle Sam Oil Company. The company is organized and con ducted necordlllK t.) LAW. Wlockliold crs llvliik" rinht by our properties are the heavy ituest'irs. Several of the dire.-t-to Jl.", o.hi. mi and some from Kj.HOo.O' to ors have Invested III cash from JT.0i.Ki.tK f PCiinO.OO. This .iop,isition is nn open Ixiok. Wo take tiie public Into our confidence, l'o not waste your effort In some little con cern. Combine with an arm.- of invest ors Hint are bulMluK on a broad, nation al basis. Our chances are good to de velop a lti,"iMi barrel production In the Immediate future and then nave our great Osuwe lease, iiuch combined re sults would force this stock tip to a half dollar per hr. An advance to five cenu per ahare will make big mon ey for each ttockholder, If you have, the good judgment to dlBtlnttulsli a winner from a loser, the Kenuine from a. fko and right froi , wronn. you will not delay, hul secure a srcl block of. this stock at once. Advernslim space coiiien liiRli. , r we would fixniuli o much pi'Kif that a'! Luis 'tuck would be accepted by re turn mall and will Kindly aend you fur ther particulars or forward such partlc-iilai-H Willi your order for stock at this " The m oclt is non-assessable, and 'the ctnh payment toKctlier with your usree meat to remain loyal to Ihe company accepted bv the Company u ment. If Ihe :oinpnny approves you as a Btoekliold.'i'. It wantj none but loyal, patriotic. Illierty-lovlnit citliens an It" stocklu.l.lci-H. and therelore reservea tho rielit to approve or reject any subscrip tion to Its stock. U .you should not ho improved your money will be pruinplll U'tui nod to you. ' For Reference You can nine .j o... er of the bl Mercantile AKeticiui Kansas City. ' Special offer Ii Ji follows: at Kansas City Kansas. stoik as advertised per X opposite the , , .5,000 SHARES . . 10,000 SHARES ..20.000 SHARES $100.00 $200.00 $360.00 Remitter.) and State Address.) .submitted, ment after affidavit is made to tho effect that the consignee inteodrtl th9 liquor for his own use. The suit yM filed in a justice court by "J. Bell, A barber. Dell's petition charged the chief with "converting the liquor to his own use." During the past two months, since he took the office, Chief Nicholu has been seizing liquor shipments at the Express stations, and holding same ! until the consignee made affidavit that the liquor was intended for s own consumption. Demand for hi3 j lor was made by Deil he says on Jane 22, but that Nichols refused o deliver it to him. Actual damage in the sum of 5.32, the price of the "Quor, Is asked. Punitive damages In the sum of $10 are asked. . ' ' 0!d ipapeM be a Duncll at tae l.oaj" , er office. Have The Leader delivered, 45c mo. - 1 Tu Russia tie standard as regards height for military sen-ice begins at r. leet for infantry and 5 feet 3 inches for cavalry. Bright Eyes An active, healthy liver that never shirka it " work it reflected in your" eyea which sparkle and shine with the joy of life "; watch your eyea in the mirror and take " . Tuft's Pills at the firtt aign of duIU ' ncsa. At your druggiit, augar coated or plain. , mim ii nfnnri '" 1 1 j