Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE GUTTIPJE DAILY LEADER. TUESDAY. JULY 27, 1915. GEORGIA. CHIEF EXECUTIVE III ED KILLS TEN CENTS A COPY SELF AFTER ssiif pa . E .'i MIST ri otj 1 MM i Ml PI 9 W Vaf vr M " w m m w M I- i Fe ft t I Instruments of Torture ALL GCCD NEWS-STANDS BKB.582'SS less than $700.00; the librarian last fk , , COMMUNICATIONS. X year was a college graduate from one J& Jb's 18 tSKSSSSHi11' tlie nBt northern college. Now j tho new board, namely street cleaner The Lead?" not rpon-i!W- for cm- A. E. Williams and a negro preacher, -.T-rrr JPnXt i. W. Jones, have, over the protest of tiiiid. Th real nwie at me e m. (h(1 thij.,j,,.r hired two women must be given.) - to do the work formerly done by one Indignant Over Alleged Library Graft, librarian. Dear gdltqr of the Leader: I'leuse Do the tax paying white people mean allow me apace In your valuable paper to aland for this extravagance and to say a few things concerning the useless waste of the people's money? fight amopg the negroem about Excel- Let us bring sonie force to bear upon nlor yuary. Some gay this Is a negro this hoard and tho city commissioners fight and whites should stay out of it, to have one of thcHe librarians dis put I do not think so. Who Is going missed and the expenses of this insti t'O pay the fiddler? We white people lutloii cut to what (hey formerly were, must pay the bulk of the $000.00 'they Let us assert ourselves" to tho -iTiit. are asking for for the expenses of th Ihut the uKro olif leans will know ensuing year, i find from the records that the tax payers, are not going -to that Exceliiior ran the pant year on. pay thiii for their uerviceg lo lhel i'il 5m uwm 1 riV-XJL5 There time spent rounding by the fond proverbial golden spoon m Ins mouth; she winds Itis little fingers around the accompanying silver rattle. Of course, his Tiny Majesty accepts all this as his natural due, for he is a royal little tyrant, and nothing can be too pretty for him, nothing -cao be too dainty. Much admired are hand-embroidered booties. One pair in par iticular ij decidedly beautiful. They arc made up of a spray consisting of mar guerites and foliage. A large marguerite centers the pattern, and on either I ,ile' u a spray composed of foliage, thea follows another maigueriie, and ltcr vbat small curved sprays, lending sn arustic linish to the deign. Tik pattern worked in all white jBribroidery. Uuttoubolc and latin stitcbM are the only ones used in em Ibroidermjr the shoes. The buttonhole jtitch is very easy to accomplish. It is worked in tK i.inds without a hoop. Uofd the linen fo tliat the cuter edge cl the scallop is toward toa, bring the needle op on the outer edire, tlutw Jhe siBc to the lighf and bclovi the cter edge of tie wallop. Jiut the nce tfle down at the inner edge and up at (the outef edg, r!a to he point where Uie scraie a first inserted, so that the trthch, shall be straight up and idown. The work ts to be done from Ml A ffafct. Another waytof rawing jheca!iT f war tjin lirrf with a tJlaits "iitch'! t:h runs 'lati(Vri-.c tpi the f xttcrn, aqd afterwards co'kt (the clK'.n stitch iith the bt'ttonliole 'I ! fThm mftUn a'ttrll tmtiU t, VitHnn- I iftow stint), is best worked ly i:f fthe Loop t k (fif work trecii'fl 'yen and true. Kun the! Krofih the linen and bring the UrrM . fflp Hi gov tnl of the form a; th: Si ic;t-i; tJx left-hand bide. Carry ;:r .:. fljireM etraipht ex ross and 'ui the fr- 1 jfiajthr04.jli iti the r.ybt I ! e '",1 rT .' 5 An entirely new idea in publications that made sophisticated1 New Yorkers sit up and gasp. That's :fh&hewir AMERICA'S CLEVEREST WEEKLY Your newsdealer has just received a fev copies cf the handsomest number ever issued by a humorous weekly in this country; Get yzzsz while his supply lasts. For Ilia Mujesty Kind Baby is nothing too good for the baby. No in adorning the little person, or sur mm with llio hrautitul is ever eruugeu and careful mother. She slips the I side. Bring it tip again close to the first stitch and carry across parallel to the first stitch, and continue in this manner until the stamped outlines are covered. The embroidery' pattern illustrated and described herein, together with )U0 ethers covering all possible uses, are included in the "Innovation Em broidery Fattern Outfit" now being presented by this newspaper, as ex plained elsewhere in these columns. Anything' daintier than these little shoes would be difficult to conceive. und added to the daintiness is solid comfort.1 There is nothing about them to pinch rr bind the little feet, and yet they give much more support to the ankles than the crocheted woolen socks, muib tibfton is used to tasyn t'nt.n, ami ii lined with soft flannel tlicy c;.r! he worn during all seasons the vi ar. 1 lone, renrt arm old bleach linen are the materials prin cipally employed in tlie development PO'.jIICS The !"-t -.''1hic1 to follow in pro- v:i!:tHi' o vlil fur the baby is to se i, ct a v.'K.lf set in match .-that is, to ." t;:,c ; ttcrii (or working several i;rl.s i; unit, u in a5 p..issi! jr. A set ill -.rKl if everylbins: !aliy -vvrr an t lee m ,oiv imi up to ivn i f'.r ire cmriage. i : . ! t . campaign. ... ,. . .,. They can not argue that they are giving better service at the library for the present llbarians are not able to do the work of the librarian. The library is kept open only nine hours each day. Why should two women be hired to work the short period of nine hours? The aervice has fallen off till there are not over a dozen calls a day. Think of it, two women to wait n a dozen people- Can we as tax payers afford II ? The librarian's daughter seems to do all the work. 1 suggest that those old ladles be fired and th,e girl be hired. Let any one who thinks $900.00 is not too much, call at the library and he will see that $10.00 per month would be high wages for thi present librarian and assistant. I know wha I am talking about, be cause 1 have been there und seen for myself, lieing dark Bkinned they no doubt thought 1 was a mulatto. To bpeak the plaiu truUi, the negroes of iiutlirie have no library now, for a lilwary Is well nigh useless, without a competent librarian. To prove the trul It of my statement I invite all I lie Intelllgout people of (Julhrle to call at Excelsior library and Insist on being served by the librarian or assistant librarian. The i lly eom- inlsHiouera ought to call this week :id neo what the negroes have to put up with, 1 hope the excise hoard will make some investigation of this mat ter before voting away the money of the tax payers. The members of the excise lioard should also visit the library. M. M. King. A TilXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel circs diabetes, weak and 'ame backs, rheumatism, and all Irregularities ot the kidneys atld bladder tn both men snd women Regulates bladder '.roubles In children. If not sold vour druggist, will be sent by ma'.l on receipt of $1.00. One small bottle Is two months' treatment, and sel dom fails to perfect a cure. Send I i,i testimonials from this and other metes. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. LouU Mo. Sold by drug gist. Adv. fflicT Tais war he 'MM LEO FRANK MIHedgville, Ga., July 27. (William Croen stabbed Leo. M. Frank in the prison heie because he feared the prison wculd be attacked by a mob bent on lynching Frank, he told Gov ernor Harris. The governor came iprt) with a omuiitte of legislators to investigate prison conditions and to get Creen'a. statt i.ent as .Frank's assailant had said he would tell his -tory only to the governor and B. P. Haraday, of Macon. Jlaraday has not been in Georgia since the attack. If you feel "blue." ".No account." lazy, you need a good cleaning out. HKKifl'NK Is the right thing for that purpose. It stimulates the liver, tom s up Die ftoinach and purifies the bcwels. Trit e .".Oc. Sold by Oh I Jinig fctore. ! VISIT i HUNK rmso.v i" ism AT Atlanta. Ua., July i". Moved by the sights lie saw when be inspected the slate prison farm at Milledgeville, Coventor Harris has announced thai he Intends to pardon many of the con victs con rined there. Governor Harris cajne into personal contact with the prisoners, many of them bedridden. others on crutches and some In the last stages of disease. The governor was deeply moved and tears fell from his eyes as he exclaimed. "Thi is pitiful, und 1 am going to pardon a lot j of these men!" Governor Harris showed deep emo tion today In discussing conditions at the prison. Poor fellows! Some of them have been at the prison farm twenty-five or thirty years. Their former friends and associates have forgotten them. It is worse than being dead." said the governor. "I asked some of them if th--y wanted their liberty when they could remain at the farm and be sup ported by the state. "That word 'liberty' has a stronger meaning to some of these men than it dues to outsiders, and in reply to my question they would say, 'Oh, Gover uor, we just want to be free again; we promise not to be a charge on the state if released.' "My heart bled for those poor crea tures," said the governor, with tear rolling down his cheeks. "Can I turn down these unfortunate people? Noj I shall lend tuy efforts to saving many of them, and so long as I am within the law and not defeating the ends of Justice I shall seek to alleviate their suffering and restore them to their families." Governor Harris stated he would send a special message to the legisla ture thin week on conditions at the prison, urging radical reforms in Ihe state prison sytftem. In every home wnere tuore Is a baby there should be n boltle of iMc PUB'S lUAIIIY ELlXI!lt. It may he needed at any lime to rrect sour stomach, wind colic, diarrhoea or summer complaint. 'It is a whole some remedy, contains no ojiium, morivhlne or injurious drug of any kind. I'rice L'je and f0c per Jjottlo. Sold by Owl lung Store. OIL FIELOS Plf.MIEST EXPRESS RATE IN STATE OHt en. OkU. July 27. tin addition to paying five cents anule, passeng er rate, the oil field miople also pay t!ie heavtost express rate in tho state HO cents a hundred. The railroad company acts as its own express con- pany also, everything belns trausfer red from the express companies that Daily Bathing I Wlffl KIRK'S RSSE Soap is a health civina habit which you' will enjoy. Because this pure soap lathers and rinses so quickly, only a few moments are needed to "Start the Day Rteht" Vou enioy your break fast and "feci fit" for tbe day's work. Try it foraweek. You'll see. your Dealer Sells It r ---, jp"-t r n- .ttivi-vi 'Until the year 1914 those things were used to wear out Clothes and Women. The woman worked o hard that ! win continually crippled in th baxk. and the clothea were worn and tuiu In -.914 a nun discovered by adduiK certain oil to regular aoap In td boiler, that any kind ot fahne weuid aoon let go all dirt and ataina. and that rubbing was unneceiuary. The tlflthrl were white, oit, ideal. The cili he combined In a w-k etlfli and culled it Magic Washing Stick i Each utick fa for five whinf. The j.hce Is tiiree eticka for 2ic. Co-f-ii oi a alick is ahaved up wit., the soap, put in the boiier that's alt. Wo fnori back-breaking, lothe-wesnng. rubbt-ar on wMshbOdrd. washing macint W ax.ything of tlie kind. tfo. .4 Days Art Mad Joy Day FIFTEEN WASHINGS 20 CTC. Far lea IBM Sc. a day vsa ear , he-tirs uu. Me nr ctethe. feu yur iedints, van tin Tear leek. Use ene stick, fire waahinga. and it net elated rv5c W1U. BE RETURNED. ' .4 ri-rst tlfi mt to try MatneWath i of Stick mnd now I am mluuiattie abovi it- y dealer oxpM to km it go tcocun $H U easst'y." MRS. B., Ttxa: u B. Richards Company, Sherman, Texas. Oklahoma Distributors: T. D. TURNER & CO., Guthrie operate over connecting roads. For ninety days, the morning passenger train from Jennings to Oilton has been delayed anywhere from a hai hour to an hour In order that the heavy express shipments for the oil field might be rebilled at the rate cl 00 cents a hundred for the eight miles between t'.ie two towns, with a mi'n'-rum charge of 25 cents. The Oil Fields & Santa Fc railroad com pany, which boug'it this road, oper ates it. This is a subsidiary of the Santi Fe system. If You are troubled with heartburn, gases and a distressed feeling after eating take a DTaPb,et 3 behire and ufier ear b meal and vou will obtain prompt relief. .Sold mil v by iw,2.r)e Gray's Drug Store .Salesman wanted at once, giv reference first teller. A. L. Brawn City. Beauty More I han Stun Deep. A beautiful woman always hat good digestion. If your digestion is faulty, Chamberlain's Tablets will del you good. Obtainable everywhere. IE OF K State Superintendent R. H. Wilson ha3 been asked to name s&r.e Okla homan to participate in a contest for a $.",000 ta-'h prize offered by wealthy eastern capitalist for the best "code of morals for use In char acter education in American schools and homes." The purpose of this "morality cod contest" is to determine what moral ideas intelligent public opinion be lieves should be inculcated in the nation'3 chilren and youth, according to the letter Superintendent Wilson received from Milton Faiivhild, un der whose auspices the contest will be conducted. "The contest has been arranged in Btrict accord with the ethics of tho educational profession," Secretafy Fairchlld said in his letter to Sujier- intondent Wilson. "The doner in sista that his naxe be kept unknown; for ho is not after publicity. The text books which will result from the contest will be published by some of the regular national publishing con ccrns." The name of the code writers will be announced as soon asi all are des Ignated, so that persons in each staf may help their contestant by offering advice and suggestions! There will be ju t one participant in each state Superintendent Wilson has not de elded who he will appoint. "I Don't Feel Good" That is what a lot of people tell ua. Usually their bowels only need cleansing. will do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. Take one tonight. tSold uuly by us, it) cent. Cray's Drug Store. IU.V. JOHN ki i;u, 1IJ. ai hit or coin i:ns II All. Kansas City. Mo., July 27. Despond ent over family troubles and sickneas, John Kuehn, 45 years old, a preacher of tue Evangelical Synod of North America, shot and killed himself yes terday noon in the Eairview hoi. 'I at i::01 Grand avenue. lie used a revol-: rer. One shot penetrated bis head bent, d the ear and the other entered his body below the heart. He was : deR.4 when officers called by the hotel proprietor. Mrs. Kalherine Carlson. hroka into the room. Several empty j beer end whisky bottles were found in! tu. room. j ; note left by Kuehn explained he ' trod suffered so much sorrow and trouble since his wife's death twoj years ago that he Intended killing him-' self. The note also contained tbe in-' tormation tnat ne nad been a min ister identified with the Evangelical Synod for the last twenty-one years, and that he had just come from Port rthur, Tex., where he had been for ds months. Mrs. Carlson, at whose hotel he had jpen claying for the last three weeks, ;aid Kuehn had been doing nothing lince his arrival in town. For two lays, she said, he bad been out of unds and had not left his rooin. He efused all food offered hint yester y. Kuehn's note gave for reference the name of the Rev. Henry Vieth, 643 Orville avenue, Kansas City, Kan. Mr. Vieth said last night he had not known the Rev. Mr. Kuehn personally, lo declared, however, that when uehn left his charge at Herndon, Kan., last fall, he was sick. Mr. Vieth was under the impression that Kiiehu lad been drifting since his wife's1 lealh, two years ago. j Kuehn carried a mileage book issued y Hit? Southwestern Clergy Bureau vhich entitled him to reduced rates on 11 railroads "through the South. When you feel lazy, out of sorts ind yawn a gotd deal in the day time, you ran tharge it to a toi-pi 'iver which has allowed the H,v,ste.uii to sset full of iinpurilies. Ill0)!lil-M' :urea an disoraers produced by an 'naetive liver. It strengthens - ha argun. cleanses the howebt and puts 'he sysleni in good healthy condition. Price -jOc. Ktild by Owl JJrua Mtoro. MANY SEEK JOBS HELD . Of IN DROWNED (By Associatetl Tress.) Chicago, July 27. One hundred nen applied for work at the Westrn Electric plant today to take the plac es of employes drowned Saturday, but none were hired. The pol'c'e 'lis perked the crowd. A lazy liver leads to cn-onlc dvs- pepgla and constipation weakens the hole system. Doan's Regulets (35c jer box) act mildly on the liver and ' els. At all drug stores. TOWEL SyPPLY owels and aprons of all kinds fur nished at very reasonable prices. Sea heforo you buy. J. D. Crays. The Guthrie Tent S Awning Co. GUTHRIE 113 SOUTH MANUFACTURER OF 6TORT AND OFFICE AWNINGS, TENTS, PORCH CURTAINS, PORTABLE HOUSE TENTS, HARNESS AND SADDLERY. THE HOT SUN OF SUMMER CAN BE OFFSET BY USE OF THE COOLING EFFECT OF A HEILMAN AWNING TRY THEM. GET PRICES AND THEN GET RESULTS THERE IS NOTHING SO SATISFYING IN HOT WEATHER AS AN AWNING. . 1 e . . , i 1 1 Itt adiTiliuir to dill' CiYi forniji and, oilier Pacific t'luist rales we have low round trip tickets to all ('olorntlo resorts ineliuliiit; Denver -1S23.20 Colo Spri Pueblo $24.40 Trinidad d'ootl for return up to and htejiidiii" October 31st. Anyone contemplating a summer trip please call Phone 9 M. N. COCHRELL M J. C. STRANG, Attorney-at-Law ! 9! Has opened an office in tbe J3 M Dewey Building, Corner Dlvis- VS SClon and Oklahoma avenues, 19 R Room 9, Guthrie, Okla; He will SI K practice in all the courts. 18 A' X ?S X !fi H ! 28 H a t. c. vinson. m . The time to take earn of toe M K hair is while you have it. Elec- X !K trie Face and Scalp Massage. M K Scalp Treatment a specialty. 3 K Hair cut, 25cf 119 So. Flrefi M. street. Slop lu tor a scalp f SI treatment. H LRAHKU WANTS KUINGS KESULTS CHRIST! AN COLLEGE And conservatory of Music A Junior College for Women. .Sixty ofif lb ye;if. J Historic old collet?; K':it' d in a "f ity lins business is ".tin-at ion." Si'hooid of IMuat ion, il n.--ic. Art, K::; ri's-ion, Home Kronomios. 20 ('oIlfKi'-i-'"1'111 instruct or, ft largt luild ings, r'-;i'-re rampus tor outdoor Kpnru. Home r;i re. Ktir yar lKok H-dtr.res MRS. I.. V. ST. ivsiJetil S60 College puce, Columbia Mo. LOGAN COUSTT ABSTHACTCO ION DEO ABSTRACTER INSURANCE SURETY BONDS FARM LOANS Phone 151. Office Rear Logan County Bank. S3i3cKSSafiIEE, HOTEL Rates $2.00 MODERN COOL CLEAN Under New Management, Newly (Remodeled and Thoroughly Ken avated. In Central Part of City. Bigger & Howard, Props. SECOND ST. PHONE 568 Y t I .1 1 -J terf t tf