Newspaper Page Text
TMKUtfiPIfME DAILY T.KADtfl.V FRIDAY. JULY PA ,1015. PAUE. TWO SSEHSBKHnaKTi Children Cry for Fletcher's IUGHT BY.PM RESULTJNi PWSfSnBl n. - - ytn ': -sm snmwu, . . arw & 110 1 TARE SALTS FOR IMF IUMWAR W l mi ilTIO DEATH HI YOUR' RACK HOR ET3 . ( i i "ON) josh' ivi; n:o iu sowtoh that mi 1 1110 'SIZ ' i V-:'i.::;i t v ; - s! us: A i:-shi iurr A vows Wli.!. Kill. (lO.WKT ox siwit , Wo Should Drink Lots of Water and Eat Less Meat, Says Noted Authority en Kidney Disorders Recommends a Spoonful of Jad Salts In Glass of Water Before Stcyistown, Pa., JulySO. Joulrw. Kcdullu, Mo., July HO. "If Joliu L. Colliding Keeves lives In Shade tjwu- Is pardoned It will Just be a Breakfast to Stimulate Kidneys and Eliminate the Uric Acid tMc 8c!J ! rneat Mcltes the kidneys, they become overworked, get sluggish, ache, and foil like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy, the bladder is irritated, find you may bo obliged to seek relief two or three times during tho night. VUea tho kidneys clog you must help them flush oft the body 'a urinous waste or you'll bo a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery la the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick- headache, dizziness, stomach gets spur, tongue coated and you feci rheumatic twinges when the went her is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a Ublcjpoonful in glass of water before ship and has three pretty daughters, belles of the neighborhood. Reeves :a hn Inventive genius. Hut let Joshua toll the story: "This," he 'said in demonstrating un Invention, "is my latest contrap tion. Kor a long time I have know: that there wa.i too mu;h klsain' go ing on when thou girls of mine hut! Iholr fellows here on Sunday nights. Ilut I couldn't ketch 'fin at It, so I just rigged up this little machine, an 1' now I know a thins or two." So say-ing, Joshua pulled from the partition between tho parlor and din ing room of his home what looked like a pine knot.' ' t call this a resonator," said Josh-, ua. "It ketches and increases Bound., When there Is any kisaln' goln' on la' the parlor the sound floats througn this machine and I hear It all. Jist breakfast for a fewr days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous si';"1 is mado from, the acid of grapes and leuu.',', combined with lilhiu, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidueys and slimulute them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. , Jud Salts is inexpensive, cannot injure, makes a delightful effervescent lilliia-witer drink nbbli everyone should take now and then to keep the nuSKln kisB0- like the w,nds Mo'!n' arrer't' kidneys clean and active. Drnmmta Iipm snv in November. with n they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is onty trouble, , . i ' unction of whether Jones or I shoots llrat when 'we meet," said fuovtier Sheriff' Mel, T. Henderson of Pettis county today, after he learned ef forts were being made to liberate the man who killed A. i.M. Alackby, owner of a -ah line, in 110-1 Joue.i was sentenced to serve, 12 years. The killing took place In a strike of K. & T. railway car men. Jones was a car man. According to Henderson, he, Mack cy and a man named Savage, also, ft car nun, wero "slated to go." "Our fate was sealed as a result of a card game," Henderson said. The game, it is alleged, was played on the agreement the loser was to do tho murder. Jones lost, Henderson declared. The killing of Mackey followed. common kissln" cn the cheek or ne.c',i and it was framed to. "get" the sher. sounds' like the D. ' & O. train- goln iff when he made the arrests, so Hen o;er Turkeyfoot crossin,' and long, dcrson declares. "I didn't make the which doubtless had to do my escape, he said. IN WORLD OF SPORTS milMBHIHRBIBSl 4 NATIONAL LEAUUE. 81 XXttftRXFIS:- Standing of tn Turns. C8IHKHilSlliSSIlBBi 4 WESTERN LEAGUE. busnenng of the Teams. W. b. Pot PUN.uiolimla 50 38 .531. I' 4i 41 .6jt j Boston .17 41 .5M1 Plluturgh ... - 45 41 .fu i I'hicago 43 43 .BOO New York 41 4S .KS Stt. 'ltnl 44 4i .47:1 Cia.nmutl ;ia 51 ,41 1 V " Mi ii in. i. iwmm n h :k r. :-e : :s k 5 s ss ss w a 1 w. l. .ret Tie Moines IHi S2 .6 Denver ... ........ .15.1 35 .WK! Topeka 18 15 .ol1. Lincoln '17 45 r .511 Omaha 48 IS .4SS Sioux City 3S 1I .4J7 juichlla ...J!" SI .407 i St. Joseph ...3d m . r. $ 1 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. A. ; Ui x i"i s at ia V AMERICAN LEAQUE. a r r. r; JB KX US is tnnuin0 of th Team. H'oton ... 57 S2 f;iil.-o ... 57 S4 tVtrolt & 5 5Vthingtoa 46 45 Nw York i 46 St. Louta 37 54 Cleveland 34 5ti PaiUdelptla 31 59 : t. V:v. . , !u i'.;ittai oils innea; ol!a Kansas City !,onlsvillo .. iC'w eland .. fanillng of the Tcaros. W. U , , 57 40 meat and served his country for near ly three years, being houorably ills charged upon June 10, 1865. After Ills service in the army lie re turned to Lee county, Illinois. Vpon November 8, 1867 he was married to Kllza C. Runchey. To this union was born five sons and three daughters. In 1871 he went to Dickinson coun ty, Knnsas .and took up a homestead, from which ho and his wife reared and educated their children, sending them away to school as they finished the work in their local community. Because the children decided to cast their lot in the new and growing Ok lulumia, he in order to have his home near them moved to Oklahoma 1n i'lM and has since resided at Guthrie. ' "I've got the machine that tells as what Is goin' on, but what i need now Is a machine that will tell ma how to stop It." ; '.! "Jones has tojd me to my face and also told citizens of iBoonvIlle that he hoped to live long enough after he was liberated from prison to kill mo," continued Henderson. "SutU being the ruse, 1 am going to re prepared for htm if he Is given You Or No One Else caws to be bold. Vet that is what will I hanpeu if your hair doosuutstonfalliiut I M' liberty. I sincerely hope Gov, out. ' ' ' i -M Jv;,.t.ra -m nn uninl. tho iiarilnn.n SfeSS Hair Tonic ' ia our ('iion is't-'.ip best liair tonic on J he a&rk - . -M n'f r 8Q cents. ' ' Gray's Druo Star f i u 5EH; t.'t'I ItjiLliiU.M CBHT. OWE ' At his first trial Jones was sen fenced to be hanged. The case was taVen to the supremu court and he got a new trial. A liange of t cnue was takefi to lkiouville, where. In July, l,'.r;.'J, h was senU'ueed to servo 12 years in prison. Ill health is said to be the grounds for the application for pardon. Shanghai, July 29. A great ty P'iooii srrang up at midnight last night and is still raging. The I'nii- I ivt .61 J "-"Milwaukee M'J Columbus .50 !!CK8SSIir!l vj WESTPRN ASSOCIATION . ,50 ..36 ..37 43 ,4 4 4S CO 49 51 5S lit .5S Ml was always unpretentious In his j, j states cruisers Saratona and Cin- hiims but ever straight forward and jdnnatl felt the full force of the storm m tgotlc and one to be emulated forTi,e Saratoga's anrhors were holding but the Cincinnati was slowly .4s; ,4.r 311 aiHklHHKIiBBB)l FIDERAL LEAQUE IIIIIIBIBS IBIIt tanking et tha Teams. W. L, Pet Chicago 153 3 .'57 i Kaatuu City 52 40 ,5r, St. tiOuU 5S 4S .517 IPittaburgh 50 42 .5," pieirark ,...4S 4t .:zi Urooklyn 44 7,3 .451 Buffalo 42 54 .43;:! 'Baltimore ... 34 . 5i .36!. j Standing of the Team. j W. L tenlsou 63 40 Muskogee 57 46 Oklahoma City 5 4S Sherman ... .'.6 4S Tulsa 51 45 Paris 4i 7 5 Port Smith IS 57 McAlester ... 38 70 hii most scrupulous honesty In all .i.'.nlinas. He was a member of the '' Methodist church, having enjisted to do his Master's bidding over twenty, five years ago since which time lie ' has ever shown a positive Christian character, ever mindful of love and i i duty. 8 One son, Oliver C. died in 1890. & . rr,.m illness contracted while away at school. His wife and sons, Robert A., George W, and John E.. and the dangltters, Margaret, I.ida and Agnes O.. reside in Guthrie. One son. Charles R., lives in Oklahoma City. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. S. Pit longer of t he First M. R church, assisted by Rev. A. B. .53". Nicholas. Chaplain of the Guthrie .47 ' o. A. R. Post. Hody was taken to .157! Dickinson county. Kansas, his former ( 3i.t home, for Interment in the Hope eeme-j' Pot. XCi .55 1 ,55 1 ,53S drift ing and preparations wero made to get the cruiser under steam. Great damage has been done ns.iore. Most of the trees along tie Bund were blown down. A large sieauier is ashore at Garden 'Point. launch es, yachts, pontoon, sampans and cargo boats are being ground to matchwood against the wall of, the Uund. SUMMER ACHE? AND PAINS. A backache that cannot be e.vplain ed by having "sat In a draft" is more than likely the result of disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills prcmot- ly relieve backacye, sore or stiff muscles and joints, rheumatism, and sleep disturbing bladder ailments They put the kidneys in sound, heal thy 'condition. Sold everywhere. ELKS HOTEL UNDER . , Hi 11 FREE ADVICE -TO SICK WOMEN Sick hnadacha, biliousness, piles and bad breath ara usually caused by ac tive bowels. Get a box of Rrxall Orderlies. They act gently and effec tively. Sold only by us at 1!) ceuta. Gray's Drug Star. K OBITUARY JOHN GAFFNEY. Xj X K K 'A T. X T. S X Vi K X X M John Culfney was born la Ireland June SI, 1S3. and was summoned to his heavenly mansion upon July 28. 1915. Cpou August 8, lSi'.I, he enlisted in the Civil War, bavins: eulisted in Company "1" S!)th Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers. He became corporal then serpeant of his rcgi- tery ut Knterprlse, Kansas. There Is No Question but that indigestion and the distressed feeling which always Roee with it can l,e promptly relieved ry taking a i Dyspepsia ' Tablet before and after each meat. 2oc a box. Cray's Drug Stor. CALOMEL IS MERCURY! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER' LIKE DYNAMITE CMT1C NBHHIET-PMHI Suggestions. We have leased the Elks hotel, aud aro ready to give the best service that lis possible for a hotel in a town no larger than Guthrie. J We have thoi iughly cleaned and renovated all parts of the building and we invite our guests to inspect our kitchen after which everyone will agree that ours is the cleanest hotel kitchen in this part of Oklahoma, and , we guarantee our meals to excel anv 1 nOUSandSMaveoeen Helped t hers to be had In Guthrie for the Uv Common Sense same price. Our rooms, 50c and $1.00. Our meals, r.dc, with special rates by the week or month. J Do not be misled by any little one horse "shebang" which may adopt the name of The Elks aud hang the sign in front, but the original Elks hotel is doing a good business in the same old place, under the management of H. Howard, who is an experienced hotel man and satisfactory service guaranteed. Special atteution to transient trade. Earnestly soliciting your patronage we are very respectfully, BIGGER & HOWARD, If. HOWARD, Manager. Women suffering from any form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with .ha woman's privato correspondence de partment of the Ly dia E. l'ink ham Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered hv ii.KtAV4 woman and held in atrict confidence. A woman can freely win ol her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established, a confidential correspondence which has extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confi- Dodsoi'i Liwr T&ne" SUrts Your Iter Better Tkai Cilomsi vi Dmil Jilivatt ir Mt Ym Sick. bilitat to nel Take no more oii-k-enfBg. liaiiinJ eatomef lwii htliiim or cons.ipl-d- lin k a i' work! Oioaiel it mercury or qickilver whick causes nw-rwis cf . Caioail. h- it eoiu into eontait itk aoor bile crashr ink t, brwtkiiik' it up. Xhia i wIk'U jou tivl t3mt aful Mum and cranipitu?. If j"t ro ht: f ish and -"all km-kl out," if ur itr la torpid and bowels nnipil or fOM fcvt liad.l!p. dicxiBPW. coaled longuf, if breach i IkiJ or stomach sour juM tnke a Ppoorful of Imxiiil.M Dod- tia'a.liTSftJsi49 B7 64ucivt I Los Angeles, Cat.. July 30. Alton It. Parker, democrat ie candidate for,i. ,ii in l'MU. who was on his way i.l:.v from Ixis Angeles to San Fran-! dntiai ietUn t0 Ret out of their pos- Isco, said In an interview before his departure that President Wilson would be nominated. "As the situation stands today," he President Wilson, it seems, will Hcrr's mr tiinrantro Vi in nnr drug tin ami p.H a (ll ent ltlle ot U1 n's l.ier l,i". luke ,.H,nful tJ ii 'gi t and if it. d-sn't trnlhlen n rijht up and uii.U- on fvl fltic nd vigorott lv auiriiiiig 1 wan! u to go snjj IWsoa-s I.ivcr Tone i ilvt r-f ii:ir thr renominated on the democrat tc sale of calomel Uvauo it i rral Iim-i ticket. I am very sure that if tie re mctivine; eutirrly ej'tal!e. tlu-r.-for it lmm!ntion were tendered hiiu be e:, Mliv.l,. or nuke yi -uk. I without hesitation, un- 1 gunrni.t'V t'wit on., sjioonfMl ol I V.I "' ., ' I.iw r T"i;e will put mir luesisl- less something unexpected should hvr to work aud Ichii y.'iir hweij ot ,rn j, r ja thdt nr titlr tid ouisli;wt.l it, ( , -- hiih i rl'.-'.:My onr n-'t, ui an I tn'k j ir.e toii feci itn-rMi t puarswtce '! ' . , n lx.ttJc of D.M.a I.U. T Tone .1 "eauly Mop. 1 han n PP- i-.. .,..;t,. .ii,, iic A beautiful woman always has . ...r.. u ..,;. M,;i,ir.n it i. ' aood digestion. If your digestion Is session, as tha hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest J Out of the vast volume of experience wnicn uiey nava to nraw irom, It is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be jrlad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address I.ydia E. Finkham Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Mass. Every woman oucht to haxo I-ydi E. IMnkhani's 8(-pa(ro Teat Book. It is not a book for reneraJ distributiow, as it is too expensive, it is free and only main . i.mhp ro,wt, i.n -- , rxprnsiTe. u is ires and only harmless; d,-u't grW acd tliey like it, faulty. Chamberlains Tablets will da UbtAfnabl bv niRlL Writ far Jeftt;J.i8ic jyou good. Ubtainaoie eTerywnera. 1 1 today, J ; sj Aisc Y-U FEELING FIT? Do you envy the man or woman ot untiring energy, strong body and hap py disposition? Alt these depend up on good health, and good healih is Impossible when the kidneys are dis eased. Foley Kidney Pills help the kidneys cat but poisons that cause backache, rheumatism, and other symptoms of ' dangerous kidney troubles. Sold everywhere. The Kind You Havo Always Jionglit, and tvlikh Iins been iu iiso for over QO years, lias borne tho signature ot ' ' ' ' - and has been made under bis per- ! X yj-STU-M- soiutl hiipcrvlsion since its infancy. 4.SXi&JU- 'Allow no one to deceive you In this. , All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-tw-tfood " are but lixperiwents tUnt trUlo witli, and ondaiifrer tlio lieiilth of luiuuts and CliHdrcn Experionco against lixperiiaent. is CASTORIA Cufitorta Is a, barmless snbstitnto for Cnstor Oil, Tare gorlo, Drops and Hoothiiijf Syrups. It is pleasant. It cimt.itn.s neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo substance. Its atra is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms aud Allays Feverishness. lr more than thirty years it fins been in constant iiho for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Tccthinjr Troubles and Diarrhoea. It rcjruliites the Stomach and Uowels, , jiwduiHatetj tho Foid, givini? healthy and .natural sleep. ., ? 'llu Children's a'anacca Tho Mother's Friend, genuine; CASTORIA always ) Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years1 E The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAUR COMPANY, NW VOK CITY. mm Lovvly Curtain for a Girl's Room - The girl who is not interested in lovely fur nishings for her mom is a domestic heretic, for in no way is the home influence so strongly tm-p'-.;i:izcd th.'ii in pleasant ..urrouinliiigs. This docs not iniolv that thev must be expensive, for some of tlir dainfWst brdrooms ami boudoirs, that have been con ccivccj have, been islad at n'.ost moderate cos!. , . , , . r'.vcrytliing d. pcnils upon the ingenuity anil industry 'of the girt "herself or her mother. Simple decorations may be employed which count for much and are casv f carrv out. The lsirdcr jho-wn here lends itself charmingly to t lie adornment of plain or dotted muslin curtains. The leaves are worked in solid satin, the petals filled in with French knots or zilT3a MM ,ij-. seeding and the little circles in eyelet on solid satin embroidery. Used only along the lower edge of the curtain or 'cpeated on the sides, it is attractive :;nd requires hut little time to accom plish. If dotted muslin is used, the dots should be very small, not more than broidery Pattern Outfit" now being presented by this newspaper, as ex plained elsewhere in these columns. J This design can also be used a al decoration f r counterpane and bed , alauces. the former made of breadths ' of muslin, joined with lace insertion and a single row of the embroidery T.e-e'ghtii of an inch in wiametcr. and j worked down cither side. wcil spaceu that thev will not inter- fore with the working of the embroid ery. Any preferred color can be used : t';:it is one of the charms of the dec cation. ?o that ii is a very si-nple niat Ki to ctriy out any, chosen Colyr ic' t.iu:. The embroidery patiarn illustrated is'-'1 described herein, together ' v illi o:hrrs c.-ci in1 all posihh u.v.s, ,.. ;. ;.;..!ni;c i, to the "Innovation tiri- If linen is used great care must be exercised with the wrong side. When the fabric is belli up to the light all the imperfection on the wrong side will show through. The idea of transpar ency must be kept in mind all the time in working curtains. An entire bedroom set worked V-'ith this design would not take lontr to make and wouh! cenainly prov; mostr delightful a anv season of the eer. JWITS. The Guthrie Tent S Awning Co, I GUTHRIE 113 SOUTH SECOND ST. PHONE 568 MANUFACTURER OF STORT AfMD OFFICE AWNINGS, TENTS, PORCH CURTAINS, PORTABLE HOUSE TENTS, HARNESS AND SADDLERY. Can Sell Your Second Hand Car. The Daily Leader can sell your auto mubile. If you doubt, it, call at the business office aud you will be ion viuced. The Icader has sold a num ber of sccoud band ars reecutly aud can sell yours. Try it. hmm Ifsi mm m I I ! ' b" . in i in is il l r I 1 4;7' f"" fpi !f;M - f St-' FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS fOH BAvSACUti KIJNET AM9 6t.A0 6ti THE HOT SUN OF SUMMER CN BE OFFSET BY USE Or THE COOLING EFFECT OF A HEILMAN AWNING TRY THEM. GET PRICES AND THEN GET RESULTS. THERE IS NOTHING SO SATISFYING IN HOT WEATHER AS an awning. Myi'jirn ' I