Newspaper Page Text
THE TROY HERALD TROY, MISSOURI. TERMS: $1.60 IN ADVANCE. GfiXEItAL PARAGRAPH!). Haps and Mishaps. The flooring of aPrcshvtnrlAn church In Hudson City, N. J., gavo way one nigui recently, anu somo lony cniiuren were, some seriously. A iiauiiIdh n 1 1 1 HAnM 'I'm t n n n Tl,i . iunun mill, iivw AnujniUII, M. a., wan blown up the other day. Samuel Miller was killed. The shock was felt for several miles. A I'cntln nnrcnt at nrcenniuMn. Inil.. lately broke fhnnrm of his seven-year old boy with a club, becauso he. took n piece ui wiiiiiy wiuiuuv it'UTU anu uiviueu it Willi nis unbv Brother. Threo virtuous Chicago roughs at- utencu .in urn iiian wiium iney iounu nsn Insr on Sunday, and after knocklntr Mm down find Jumping on him. asked him if a iniriu Ultlll l lilUt UUblOT M1UU IU nan on aunuiiys. waiter nowe, or i'ortiand, sic., a Suarrel with whom recently led Ella atchelder to commit suicide by drown ing, ut Cumberland Hills, shot himself at me sumo pince a lew aaisago. At Mattlson, Coon County, 111., the other day, the elder of two boys by the Maun; ui if run, mine jliuying Willi nn OIU pistol, shot the younger through the brain, injuring nun rurally, At Klrkwood, Mo., an old gentleman named Humor arose In hls.slwn nml walked out of a second-storv window of ms rr-siucncc. no leu n distance of fif teen feet, breaking his backbone. He was not expected to live. A vountr daughter of Wllllnm Pall. resldln near Fulton Junction, Iowa, tried to kindle a tiro with kerosene. The Ilamcs communicated with the can, which burst, scattering the burning oil all over her pour, ueroro It could bo extinguished her ilcsh was burned to a crisp. Some department watchmen were be ing exercised at W ashington in the use ot tiro extinguishers, which they had strapped to their backs. One man failed to open tho vent of his machine, which oon made one, ripping it from top to bottom, shaking the man considerably and breaking his shoulder-blade. 1 WO men Who had robbed a. atom at New London, Wis., the other night, were subsequently captured at Shawano, and a vigilance committee of sixty citizens took them from tho Sheriff to the nearest tree, put a noose round their necks, and choked them till they confessed where the goods and money were. Isaac Logan was stabbed and killed with a pitchfork by Michael Kcarnen, at Linden, Union County, N. J., the other day. Logan was in a Held loading n wagon with hay when Kcarnen, who had been on a spree, came up and took the fork from him mid stabbed him three times hi the lower part of the body, in. lllctlnjf wounds from which ho died the same evening. Dr. Thomas Dudlev. First Assistant of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, at Lex ittgton, Ivy., recently committed suicide by taking three grains of morphine. He was about forty years old, and had been with the Institution nearly twentv years. During the past year or two he hail shown some evidences of Insanity, owing, It Is supposed, to his intimate relations with the insane and the Intenso application to his duties. James Gannon shot and killed his wife at Louisville the other day. His wife separated from him some years since AS ..A.m..... .. Ill ... . . 1. . . . tl uii uituiuii ii ui-ireuuieui, uut uannun ocrao up from NewT)rleans a month or two ago. and sho then caiuo back to him. She lived witli hhn three weeks, and again left him. Gannon went to tho house where his wife was staying, and, after some conversation with her, pulled a pis tol from his pocket, placed it against his wife's breast and tired. She died almost instantly. Gannon was arrested after a brief chase, and lodged In jail. Stephen Hood, a negro, has been ar rested at Cleveland, for the murder of his adopted son, a boy about twelve years of age, named Grcenberrle. Hood took his nephew and adopted son and told them lie was going hunting. After getting into the woods lie sent his nephew away to get some liquor. The boy, unable to rind a saloon, returned to And his uncle alone. He asked where his cousin was and was told that he was lost. Tho boy reported this to Mrs. Hood, who Informed the po lice. They, after searching about the place where Greenberrl was last seen, found his body burled about a foot under ground. The only mark of violence on the body was a dent on the right teaiple, as if made by a club. We have Just hoard of the attempt, made by a negro boy, to murder a child by burying it alive, la tho bottom oposite this place one day last week. It appears that the boy had for spite against Its pa rents taken the child and put It In a hole and then covered it up, all but its feet, when the family discovered him and start ed to See what he was ilolnir. Thn vniinc demon then took an ax and threatened to kill any one who should intcfere with him, but the courageous mother of the child succeeded in getting to the spot and dragging tho body from the ground in time to bring back tho life that had been nearly crushed out or existence. The negro made his escapo In a skiff which ho stole at the landing, and has not been heard from since. Washington (Mo.) Observer. School and Church; Over 1.300 persons In Geneva have toincd tho Liberal Catholic order under tljo lead of Pere Hyaclntho. Mls Jennio McKinstry. of Mattoon, Is a candidate for Superintendent of Public Schools In Coles County, 111. Mrs. Susan Willis, of Charlestown, Mass., has contributed $100,000 to the re lief of the Indebtedness of Carleton Col lege, Minnesota. The experiment recently made in Ohio of placing women at the head of all the schools below the high schools Is pro nounced a decided success. There are eighty-three women in the University of Ann Arbor forty-two In the literary department, thirty-seven in the medical, and four in the law. Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, of Elmlra, N. Y., announces that he will preach Stuv dav altcrnoons at Rldridtm Park, a heati. tlful resort two miles from the dtv. and that tho choir is to consist of a popular urass Danu, engaged lor the special pur pose of playing psalm tunes on the oc casion. Miss Clara M. Babcock, daughter of me pastor oi mo warren street unitarian Chapel, Boston, has passed through a regular courso of study in the Divinity School of Harvard College, and occupied nnr fiit tint', tiiilnlt a, n nuutif Unnii. both momliur and afternoon. Hhn In! tends to study a vear In German? before entering upon mo active wont or tno min istry. Ho V. Clarence Fowler, nnstor of thn Unitarian church In Laconla, N. H.. hav ing been taken suddenly sick one Sabbath morning lately, his wife occupied the platform and conducted the services In his piace. rue local paper says : "No one was aware of the change until she took her place and announced It. Sho conducted herself with tho modestv of a blushlno- school girl combined with the case and uignuyoi a puipit veteran." Personal and Literary. Mr. and Mrs. Ollvn T.ocrnn anil far r ranee in August, ana mean to stay mere two or three years. Paul Mornhv. It Is said, will tro tn thn I. . . .. Vienna Exposition to enter the chess con test tonne sz.uuu prize. Dr. Mary Walker was arrested In liaitimorc the other day for appearing In man's clothes, but was soon released. Tho statue ol William II. Reward tn te erected in Central Park. New Ynrir. will be In a sitting posture, and sixteen and one-half feet high. The London lady whom Joaquin Miller Is to marrv Is Miss Hard v. thn novelist, and daughter of Sir Thomas D. Hardy, loug employed In tho office of the Master of the Rolls, and himself a learned historiographer. Mr. Georce Francis Train Is laid nn nt Hamburg In Germany with chills and fever contracted while imprisoned in the Tombs. He has been conrtned to his bed room there for weeks and his condition Is represented as precarious. Tho old Walworth mansion In Sam. toga has n deserted look, being occupied only by Mrs. Chancellor Walworth, tho aged grandmother of Frank. She Is eighty years old. Her hair is silvered, but she Is still a fine-looking woman. Mr. A. T. Stewart is accompanied on his trip to Europe by his physician, Dr. Mercy, of Fifth uvcntio; but his Journey is for recreation, rather than health. Ho will visit l'aris, London, Switzerland, and Italy, and nerhans lnsoect tho Vienna Exposition. Atthefuncral of Mrs. Utlca V. Cluflln Booker, n sister of Mrs. Victoria C. Worn!. hull, In New York, there was no display, no crape, no indication f death about tho house. Tho corpse was attired in a pink wrapper, with lace encircling the neck and wrists, and was nuietlv burled with. out any of the usual "hollow mockery at- ......11 .1 1 , r i . 1 1 - veimiug uiBiuay luneraia." Odds and Ends. wThnwnv tn fnrmtf nil pftmmnn misnv. les Wear tight boots. A tnn nf hair anlla In ItiiflR.It fAn uia as much as a ton of corn. Lots of Now York school girls haunt the Tombs to get a sight of Stokes. Buttermilk is sold at restaurants in Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit and other places. Judy Judiciously distinguishes be tween the falsetto voice ana a false-set-o'tcuth. A Chicago attorney, well "versed" in tho law, has filed a bill for divorce In niyme. rrhn 111 nnnca nf thn IiaHaa. nnnl ment, now on the carpet, will prove nucurer vi nun ib tt too 10 cross we At lantic. A OnHtnm tullo .1.- times on learning that her little poodle ilnn l.n .1 1. . 1 1.111 I " "uu urou run uver auu Killed, mmmA MaV Va.I mail find ml.llMaii.l .viwmi una niuicaavu iUD death of three swans, and he says that uuuuui tucuEang oeioretney aieu. Hartford claims to have $13,000,000 besides upward of $1,000,000 in banking and insurance. The Hartford Insurance companies llfivn nnnfvlkiihiil OOO AAA .1. $100,000 for the detection and punishment of Incendiaries. At last a milk-and-water man has beeu found and fined. His name was Holt, he lived in Boston, and $200 was the pen alty for swindling his customers. New Jersey people don't say "liar" right out, but remark : " Sir, you remind uio oi my lamented brother, who could pervert truth with tho greatest of ease." It is believed that the compass of the ( .1 rV nf WAallttlfjrfnn urn a n W.wi.nI Vw thn steel on board. The power of steal com- nafiRtifl tllft f1oatrilnttn ft tvi M.nntliliia . bt. bt vr i , v. VW lliailjf UJ1UHO now-a-days. Graphic. . ie market is very well supplied with DfiniAfl. TllA tlnV Wr - that- nnmnn MrlU -------- vvv nviui uian vuuica vviu them this year is rather acid In flavor, and lin nl.n.u.1 1 a. n aivuKuusr unpleasant. xanoury A flAnflA. AMMA.H. 1. pPtaIn Jack after his capture, writes that, ... ...o uiuiuu, ma iauuvc vniei s appear- fpee would have been vastly Improved If 110 DRfl nnpn waano1 KaAim &a waa Ironed. The Enterprise, a Minnesota paper, WAS SI1M1 flu. thniiaiinJ .Ia11...Am myw Hivuoaim uuuwn uaiu- ages, and the Jury returned a verdict of seven cents. The plaintiff then tried to whir. Mm - ..... " ucicuuouii nnu was nau Kiuca. Foreign Items. MIIIIIVI v. wg ?h?JUylth the Pr,nce of .Wales dated back to 1000. Entylflfifl fa Tui(rtnn1tirv f a kn alavmail at the rate of emigration among her farmers. They prefer to crop out. It is stated that the Queen has given her consent to the marriage of Prince Alfred nml thn flnml riniho.. uia a i exandrowna. While thn Hhnh nil In Cnrrlon,! hv express command several noted prlze- ngniers appeared uerore him In Buck ingham Palace and exhibited their skill. He Was dellarhteil nrl Cha Ononn rfla. gutted. A St. Petersburg letter says four hundred and fifty German residents of nussia nave ic-ie in a noay ror the United States, because the government declared them liable to enforcement in the military Thn Prlnnn Tmnnrial will mf a hurst the ISth of August to receive the Bonapartlsts. To make more evident his assumption of tho position of head of tho family, the Empress will go to Scotland to leave him alone. The Chlselhurst cir cle Is extremely active in distributing me morial photographs of tho Emperor wtuuguuuii r ruuue. Lord Gordon Gordon. Gordon Gordon is nrobablv not a Innl in fact. His resonant and reverberating naino docs not appear at all in the British ddok or ncraiury. no encourages the designation of Milord ; but when asked in the New York court who his father was, ho replied, "Well, really, gentle men, d'ye know I haven't anvldeah: I never thoucht it worth while to in. qulah." " jjord" uoraon came to Minnesota In 1S70. direct from Scotland, where hn u very much wanted; and his first move was to deposit $20,000 with Mr. Wcstfall, banker, of this city. "Don't want any interest," lie said, In answer to a ques tion, " this is Just a llttlo pin monoy I haDDCll to have With mp. vnn knnur. ami a few thousand in Interest money Is noth ing to me. you know. I want a trusty friend; Hike you, Mr. Westfall, and! want you to Keep tms nine, really, you see. instead of carrvlnar it around in n pockets. I shall send to London for some money soon a million or so. Would came among us and deposited his pin muuey wuu jihukot nesuail. Ui course his lordly trcncrosltv was whUtwimi about ; how ho didn't really make any thing at all of being a lord, and how he refused to consider tho bagatelle of Inter est money lu a city where a loan of greenbacks brought one per cent, a month. Then he slyly laid his plans for a haul." Gordon bears a close rcsemblannn tn Sothcrn as Dundreary a smallish face; dark curly hair; no moustache; heavy -luuuon cnop" siuo wnisxers; a small nose, retrousse s a man of medium size, who gives the Impression of always com manding himself. In acquirements and power of execution ho seems to be a sort of Count of Monto Christo a good judge of men, and a supreme master of "con tingencies." He has a wonderful range of languages, and also of language, from the lowest billingsgate to the most elegant and flowery flights, from indecency, ob scenity, and profanity to the highest reacuis ot sentiment and philosophy. He has a sharnlv contradictory chnrauter In all respects. At times In business he is cool and far-sighted, striking right to the center of the mark, and airaln he is nuerllo as a school-boy ; sometimes resolute and strong, and again weak and vacillating; Miuieunies serious, unu airain volatile. The only clement of character in which he Is consistent is his entire lack of posi tive conviction. He was generally polite and even courteous during his short life in Minnesota, but he seemed to have no more moral purpose than a faun or a x utxiuiu upe. Ho had been In Minnesota only n four weeks When It was whlsnered around that he was planning a purchase on a grand scale, of lands along the Northern Pacillo road for a colony of poor Scotch Immi grants. The laud ofllccrs of the road inter viewed him. "Yes," he said, "I do covet a few thousand acres of your beautiful lands; not for myself I have more than enough for the remnant of my 'poor life; but For mo beloved sister, for tho gratification of her benevolence. Sho would like to pre seent to some of my old tenants lands in your free republic where they may rear their families in peace and plenty ; and to gratify my beautiful sister, I would liko to buy a few thousand acres not many thousand, you know say say say, about fifty thousand acres or so Just a little for my poor people." Then there was a buzz ! The office of tho Northern l'aciHe was agitated. Here was a Lord a Iord who spurned in terest money and he wanted a little bit of land fifty thousand acres, for benevo lent purposes! He vould like to inspect it. ot course, before nurchasinir. So they equipped a ciravan and led lilui promptly forth. It was the last of August when the princely rutinuo started from St. Paul to the Northern Pacific, under com mand of Col. Loomts. the deviser anil commander of the excursion. Can the glories of that caravan be told ? It was equipped for a Lord. There were half a dozen teams with a carriage for Milord, besides the omnibuses, ambulances, etc. There were twelve men to do the manual labor, with, a French cook and darkey waiters In linen aprons and white silk gloves, and the royal table was unloaded from the baggage wagons at every meal, and set out with fresh napkins, silver plato and. china unhappily chlnaware wimoui me uoruon arms. Ah. It was srorsreous I Every luxury that tho markets of Chicago, St. Paul, and Minneapolis could produce was there ; and all the game of the boundless prairie, from woodcock to buffalo. Champagne three times a day. For this creature was a Lord, you see a Lord as lofty and un- minuiui oi expense as Haroiu Bicimpoie. When the caravan had skirted Oak Lake, Milord wanted to see Fergus Falls, and When it had done Fersrus Falls, he Inn owl for Morehcad, and when It had digested Morehead, he yearned to visit the glimps es of the moon beyond the Red River. so on, ana on, the deluded Loomls press ed, ever rowelllng the sablo waiters, ever cajoling and reproaching the French cook, ever persplrinsr between anticipation and apprehension, "and sending relays ot mes sengers for more potted grouse, more cranberry jelly and more champagne. Meantime he studied the sphinx Milord, and concluded that he was a queer cross between tho lofty and the lowly ; ho was half lord and naif lackey; perhaps his father was an English Earl and his moth er an Irish chambermaid. In November thoy came back, half frozen. Milord had selected his fifty thousand acres in Otter Tall and Beaver counties. The Northern Paclflo Railroad Company footed the bills $15,000 for two months I Tiieat8urdfarcewasatanend. Milord Gordon did not buy the land for his noor tenants, and he never again mentioned his benevolent sister to anybody ! Afirw apoht THbunt. W..St2hton of Railway ai urn a t uiRinons Anair. We copy the following from tho Daven port (Iowa) Gautie of July 33 : The wrecking of the C, R. I. A P. Rail- ruau iraui near Aaair, too murder or the engineer and tho robbery of the safe, news of which was given tho pttbllo In yester day morning's Gautie, formed tho prin- "i wnu vi uuuverMMuu every wnere in tho city yesterday, and wo doubt not, throughout the country. Tho arrival of tho train which encountered the robbers was anxiously awaited. It was due at 7 a.m., but did not reach the Perry street depot until half-past three o'clock In the afternoon. It had box cars for baggage cars, while tho coaches were the ones which came so near being smashed in the wreck. One coach was devoted to forty r!hlt1pflA VAIlMl IdhB tt rialAafl.l ' . wMw.a, vwua v. WlVObUU lUITiH, A ....... u . t. I . . . , . . . ' jtiiu ncru uii muir way to spnngllCId, Mass., of whom more in another place. A crowd at tho deoot awaited thn train. every person on the irreat nhitiiorm hoi no anxious to see Express Messenger Bur gess or to Interview some passenger who saw the robbers. The fact was, there were but two gentlemen on tho train who camo In personal contact with tho rob bers, and thev were Mr. O. P. tailinn. worth and Mr. Matthew CUIre. both nf vriuaua uie lormor oeing man register clerk, and tho latter agentof tho C, R. I. c P., at Omaha, who were accompanying Mr. Killlnmworth'a account nf thn aft fair to our reporter was very Interesting. Tobegln with, ho said that the "express run" that night from Omaha was very light, owlnsr to the fact that there had been a Saturday night and Sunday nltrht run from Omaha on the C. R. I. Jk p.. elso the amount In tho safe would have oeen large, to do sure there were three tons of bullion gold and sliver bricks on me noor or ine oar, sturr that was hardly portable except by dray. Well, . 1. n . I I -1. .1 ... . . Am . a uiu umu icu mo uiuds on time, ana was niaklnir snlendld time when thn tnnm occurred. At that time the parties In the express car were Assistant Superintendent iMiyraj. Amen r ick, rjaggage roaster, and Messrs. Killlmrsworth. Burmwa nml Claire. Tho train had passed Anita, and was within threo mllna at Ailnlr. nlmn there was a sudden and slight slack of Bin-uu, uiiu uiu report m iire-arms outsido arrested their attention. Mr. K. says It sounded amid tho rumbling of tho train much like a package of Are-crackers. Bul lets pattered about Mr. Royce, and one grazed the side of Flck's head. In a mo ment more there was a violent concussloi, tho express car was lifted at one end, turned around, shoved forward, and timn careened at an angle of forty-five degrees, and stopped Its maneuvers. It did not tan completely upon its lower side. Of course packages went pounding to tho lower side of tho car, and tho Inmates wcro considerably knocked about and shaken up. They had hardly recovered their uprightness when Into the door on the lower side the one on tho upper be ing shut sprang a man with a revolver In each hand, and a mask on his face; he was the leader of the robbers, as was as certained afterwards. No sooner had he entered than he torn the mask fmm liU face. He was above medium height, was well built, red-faced, sandy-haired, and bad a vicious coutenanoe. Ho was dressed like a laborer, wearing bluo linen pants and coat of thin material. No sooner had ho entered the car than two other fellows tn masks appeared at the door with a revolver in each hand, which they leveled at tho heads of the Inmates. Tho scoundrel In the car did all the talk ing, and be commenced as soon as he was In shouting at the top of his voice, "Give us those keys," (an oath) "give us those keys or I'll blow your brains out ! Give us tho money" (another oath). "Where's them safe keys quick" (another oath), or some of you'll get killed 1" At the same time he pointed his pistol closo to the heads of the astonished listeners, "Where's the bullion give us tho bul lion." Then he shouted to his men: "Rush in and help 1 Come on ! rush in and help!" Some one told Burgess to give tho scoundrel the safe key, and ho did so. Tho fellow unlocked the safe, the men at the door telling the Inmates that if they stirred they would shoot their heads off. Tho chief robber seized a sachel belong ing to Burgess and crammed the safe packages into it, and as ho did so ho said, "Hero Isn't half an much ns wo want Where's that bullion, give us that bul lion 1" By this time ho was ,on his feet. Mr. Klllingsworth pointed to the bullion on the floor, saying "Thero it Is under your feet!" The robber replied, "Wo don't want them things glvo us the bullion" (an oath) "or we'll blow your brains out!" Then ho appeared to for- Sat all about the bullion, and asked If lere was any monoy in tho mail-bags. "No, not a cent," replied tho agent. Then the fellow put the revolver close to Mr. K.'s head, as he had before to Mr. Burgess', and said, "Hand out your knlfB " (an oath) " quick." Mr. K. sur rendered his knife. Then the robber picked up a mall sack: "That's for Chi cago, is it?" "Yes." "Is there any money In it?" "No." He dropped that sack, picked up another one, threw it down and asked, " Where's the other safe haven't got half enough money yet whero's the other safe?" Burgess replied there was no other safe. The man was an ignoramus at least about bullion. He supposed it was coin and that thero were bags full of gold in tho safe. He didn't bellevo that tho gold bars and sliver bricks ou the floor of tho car were anything bet ter than lead. At lost tho bold villain thought it time for him to leave. So he picked .ip Mr. K's satchel, containing register books, a package of letters, and a few private arti cles, and bade tho whole 11 vo to get out bo fore him, at the same time pointing hi revolver at two of them ana telling the men at the door to keep sharp watch. Out the five gentleme i walked, and then for tho first time get a view of the wreck. The chief directed them around the place where the em;ino lay, at tho same time expressing tho hope that nobody was killed they didn't want to kill anybody, all they wanted was money I He asked If anybody was killed and just then Bur gess saw the engineer sitting between the engine and tender, both on their sides. He went up to him, found that he was dead, and told Mr. l!oyce so. The head robber expressed sorrow, and really spoke as If he meant it, and repeated his re mark that they didn't Intend to hurt any-body. Then all the robbers w ent off toward their horses, which were hitched about a hundred-yards south of tho track, and, mounting them, redo away toward the southwest. They did not run to their horses, but walked In a deliberate man ner, and went across tho country Just as deliberately. Tho above Includes all tho main features of Mr. K.'s statement. He said the " whole thing did not last more than five minutes." and in fact, no nerson had Limn to recover from his astonishment before tho robbers were gone. It seemed Incred ible to Itlm that so much should have been said and done In so short a time. After Superintendent Royce and the rest had been released from surveillance, they had opportunity to view the situa tion. !he robbers had chosen a aaaA place for their deed and this and the way In which they ditched tho engine, were tho only evidence of smartness they gave. The locality was one of tho most lonely on tho whole line, and the place of operation was In a eut with the banks flfceen feet high on cither side, and was at the round ing of a curve, too. The way they man aged to throw the engine was to unsplke a rail, and remove a ilahnlatn at onn nnrl. and when the cngtno was within a few yarns oi mepiacetno rail was pulled to wards the other side of the track and thus the ensrlne would fall from. Instviul of to ward the scoundrels, who held the rope and were concealed among the weed in a ditch. The engineer had slackened speed a little on tho curve, but was still going at the rate of nearly twenty miles an hour. The engine and tender turned over Into the ditch, the front baggage car turned nearly across tho track with one end up tho embank ment, while the express car went crash ing against the baggage car, and then veered for tho embankment, left the track and turned on one side, as described above. The passenger coaches did not leave tho track ; tho forward trucks of the advance coach went off, and that was all. Now we come to tho other dolmranf Mia robbers we mean tho nrunks of the chnns In regard to tho train generally. The passengers there were three coaches ot mem neara me nring and snouts or the robbers and then, with tho nolso of thn crash In front, were all brought standing, and thrown about generally by the smash- up aneau. ino umnese ail lay uown nac on the floor, and were In that position when Mr. Claire went to them. Some of flic ni.umiMM !.. .I,n ,..iln b.ammaJ m.v jnomigwei MKI HIU until BWtfyvU. put their heads out of the windows, and tho scoundrels on the sides of the cut fired down and told them to stay In or they'd shoot. Several stepped out upon tho plat forms and were told to get back. Not liking the looks of tho revolvers leveled at them, they obeyed. A few got off at the rear, and started to run away, but the robbers called to them to come back, say ing, "We don't want to hurt you," and the nassenmirs returned and were told to get Into the car quick, which they did. There was ono plucky old gent, who got off the rear platform of his car and starteu towara tne engine ; a roDDcr told him to go back ; he told the robber to go to regions below, called him a damnable scoundrel, and cried to the passengers to " come out and go for the villains, and not let them rob the whole train." But no body was Infected by the old man's hcrolo conduct, and he stood and vented his In dignation at tho villain on the bank. The flrlnur was almost constant from Its opening until the leader gave the call to put for tho horses. Tho fellows on the banks kept tiring down the embankment, winiout taxing aim at anyming. Tne nassensrers told Mr. Killlnirsworth that one chap was drunk, and fired "with wauDiing arms," as they expressed It. No bullet holes were i omul in the coaches, nor their windows. After the smash-up, and tho robbers had gone, there was h general out-pouring of passengers. Some of the ladles, who had been frantic with terror, camo out pale as ghosts and still trembling and several of them wept like children when they heard of tho death of the engi neer and the manner In which Iih stood at his post. uoid watches seemed to be no object to the robber chief. Thero were four ot them In tho exnress car. with costly chains attached, on the persons of the in mates, but ho took no notice of them. nullum" was what he wanted. Tho pursuit of the robbers was carried out yesterday according to the plans tele graphed by Superintendent Kimball on Monday night. It Is probable that not less than nvo hundred men, a large number being mounted, were on the lmut for the scoundrels, yesterday. Up to a late hour last night no intelligence of tho capture of anv of them had been re ceived. The Women or the South. Unon a recent occasion in Washington. Judge Embry, in introducing a lady from Mississippi to an audience of ladles and gentlemen, paid the following handsome inuuie tu me women oi tne oomn. ne said: "Ladles and Gentlemen: Twentv years ago all tho Southern States were repre sented at this Capital by many of the loveliest and most accomplished ladles of America. They wore indeed the queens of American society in the highest intel lectual culture, and In more than princely bearing or oriental beauty. But war, with tho devastations that follows in its train, has, for more than a decade, swept with rebntless fury over all the fair and fruitful fields of the South. It has deso lated countless homes, curbed many no ble ambitions, crushed many bright hopes and anticipations, reduced to poverty and want thousands reared In affluence and wealth, and has hung the symbols of mourning throughout all that sunny land. This will not last always. Such a land, with such a soil and climate, and, above all, such a race of peoplo were not des tined by God and nature to utter ruin. 1'he South will rlso again. Her stricken and wasted fields will ripen again with their golden harvests, and her gardens will send the fragranco of their flowers over all the land. She will rise from her sorrow and humiliation, from her poverty and her ashes, because her very ashes will enrich her." A Buenos Ayres correspondent nar rates the particulars of the discovery; in a province of the Argentine Republic, of a wonderful gold mine, said to be the richest in the world. One-half of the alto of the mine has been sold, according to the narrator, for $100,000,000.