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The Troy herald. [volume] (Troy, Mo.) 1873-1890, April 17, 1878, Image 1

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VOL. 13.
NO 10
aU.SO a Yor la AdvaBon .
Local new l( aearoe.
Probate Court Isatlll in teuton.
The en1or editor ! to St. Louie.
Garden "truck" le growing fluejy
The owere are blooming In the
Oh, what lovely evening! for uoc
'turnal perambulations.
A great many atrangere have been
in town the past two weeke.
Mr. Walton Perkins and Jae. .Me
Leilan left (or St. Loula on Monday.
The email boy looke longingly to
ward! the home of the little mud oat.
The merry Jingle of the dollar-of
our progenitor! la heard faintly In
the dlitauce.
Nearly time for tho advance agent
of a drone to bo along, but don't gel
excited, boys.
The proverbial bench that adorns
the front of businei! houiea It mow In
Lad lea1 Serge 8hoea 65c.
Men's Plow Shoes, warranted whole
atnek, $1.60.
Ladle' Grain ana Calf Shoes $1.25
and $1.60.
Woolfolk ft Hand.
"Let her sleep," nas tho exclama-
mation of the old gout (innocently
calling to in I lid tho beautiful song),
when he found his wife In an uncnu-
acloua state, the result of ton many
inhalations at the chlorolorm bottle
to alleviate lire pangs of the head'
Chicken "cholera" le a mysterious
disease, and baffles the skill of the
most learned. It coinus on at night
generally, and by morning the fowl
is so reduced that It Is not visible to
the naked eye. At least, some of our
friends' chickens have boeu thus af
fected, County Attorney G. T. Dunn went
down to St. Louis on Monday, we
uudorstaud, to be In attendance at
the.Uulted States Circuit Court, In
tho Interest of the county In her bond
suit, which is 10 bo presented to the
court for hearing sometime during
the week.
We call attention to the extensive
advertisement, Including a price-list,
of Messrs. II. 11. ft J. W. lliggin
botham, of Louisville, In this week'a
Issue. These gentlemen ofier rare
inducements for trale, and especially
to farmer, by way of exchanging
merchandise for produce. Their
price-list shows them to be dangerous
competitors lit the management of
Woolfolk ft iland have in the last
few days replenished their already
extensive stook of Spring Goods, and
aro in constant receipt of bills, filling
up the vacuum that Is made by thoe
who appreciate their taste and Juilg
ment in the selection ol merchandise.
These gentlemen buy tbelr goods lor
cash, at reduced rates, and keep the
largest stock In the county, and testl-
moulals can be iound at to the econ
omy In dealing with them from any
of their numerous oustoniers.
Doputy Sheriff A. O. Snethen
tarted for Jefierson City yesterday
in charge of the two prleoners con-
vioted at the last term of the Circuit
CourtElla Gibson, sentenced to a
term of twenty-two years In the state
penitentiary ae an expiation of the
barbarous orinie of lufantlelde, ard
Eph. Pollard, the boy who killed
Beverly Porter, it Moseow, In De
comber latt, and indicted tor murder
In the first degree, but the crime wae
reduced by the evidence to man
slaughter In the third degree, conse
quently he received the mild punish
ment of a term of three years.
If yon want a Suit of Clothee of
ihe latest style and. beat make, at the
ry lowest arise, go to
WooLroMC ft Maud's;
There arc many people who think
they eonld conduct a law ease, preach
a sermon, attend a patient, almost at
well as the lawyer, preaeher or doc
tor could; but there It no one who
hat the slightest doubt bnt that he
could get up a better paper than the
editor ever does. If one of these be
nighted moriate would bnt try It. It
le no easy matter, I can assure you.
During the absence of the Junior at
Louisville, the Bcnlor was unexpect
odly celled to St. Louis, and no one
wae left to guide the Interests of the
Herald office. What a happy chance
to exercise women's rights and do
man's work, and receive the eame
blessing an editor Is apt to receive
Walking down town, Isawaruna
way team, and hore wae one local
Item already. No damage done, ex
cept to the mules, which were badly
Mrs. Mary P. Jones, of Louisiana,
Mo., favored the people of Troy with
quite an Intellectual treat In her two
lectures. The first one was dellv
ered on Ihe 10th, on the subject t
George," and It Is sale to say that
we aro enlightened now on points
new to us In regard to the Father of
his Country. The lecture abounded
with wit, and the mimicry of tho
epread-eagle style of Washington
birth-day orations wat inlmltablo
Illness prevented Mrs. Jones from
lecturing on her , second an
nounced evoning, and It wae post
poned until Monday. Then an ap
prcclatlve audience assembled to hear
her lecture on "Temperance." This
rather hackneyed subject was well
troatod, and was closed with a well
rendered recital of what occurs lu the
"little ealoou around the corner.
Mre. Jones may feel pleased with her
success in this place, for Troy Is slow
to clamber out of the old ways of
life, and a lecture by a lady wae an
innovation her. We wish for Mrs,
Jones abundant success In Ihe field
she has chosen, and cordially recom
mend her to lecturo commlltoes de
siring something now.
The Temperance meeting held on
the evening of tho 9th was aa large
and enlhuaiastloaa usual. In the ab
aeuceof the president, Dr. Ilult, Mr
McDonald presided acceptably. The
exercises were opened by an address
by Mr. Fisher, who gavo an lllustra
tlnn of the moderato drinker, as
ahowu by hit friend Jlmmte Wood
run". Misses Ida Noel and Fannie
Parker gave very acceptable recita
tions. Mrs. Ellen Woollolk surprised
her many friends by ber rendering of
a poem representing a sailor on a lost
ship. The finale was exquisitely given.
Mr. N. C. Dryden delivered one of
hie characteristic speeches, which
brought down the house on several
occasions. It was listened to with
the Interest It domanded. The meet
ings will continue every Tuesday
evening, and all are Invited to attend.
Now that there le a new board of
trustees lor the town, wouldn't It be
a good Idea to begin work by Inaug
urating a hog law ? It would sava
our gardens, and at the ssme time,
our tempers, for It la vaatly distress
Ing lo witness the destruction which
one or two hogs can make, and hold
our peace. Good city fathers, we
priy you attend to this,
Mrs. MoIHe Norton, wife of Mr.
Porter Norton, died on the 12th, at
tho resldenc of. her father, Mr. Cskr.
The funeral took place Sunday from
ihe Preabyterlan church, and waa
largely atteuded. The eervicea were
Impressively eonduoled by Mr. Bum
ham of ihe Baptist chureh.
Dev. Mr. Wllkle hae been called and
accepted the pastorale of the Presby
terian church, of Troy. The raanri
frlendt of Mr. and Mn. Wllkle will
be glad to welcome them again, to our
town. Ills first sermon will be
preached on the irst Sunday In May.
Born April 10tb. to the wife of
Will II. WHIs, a boy. Fine, of
eoiirte, and 10 Ibt In weight. That It
the chronle condition of boy-babies
but,.the poor Utile girl-babjee, of
whom ao little It tald, will rcjMgtjber
It all tome day,
Rev. Mr. Armstrong will begin a
protraeted mealing at the Christian
ohurch, on Friday evening.
Mr. A. B. Klllt informs tho ladlet
that he wiK deliver warm breud and
rolls regularly every evening at Ive
o'clock. .
Captain Jamtseti of the Pren,
Louisiana, Mo., sayt he hat been
thown a Spanish coin of the date of
1770. I have one that Is a little older
than that, bearing date of 1776. So
U Is over acentury eM.
After passing a tleeplett night,
culling these Item from the Inner
chaiubora of the brain, and then to
find the Junior at hie poet, waa re
ally too bad. But aa It waa too bad
to waste to much tweotnett on tho
desert air. In these Items must go
anyway. S. McK. F.
Woolfolk Hand
will pay St.
Loult prlcee for Wool.
A few daya ago a 'hone thief who
had satiated his equine taste by de
voting to his own use a flue animal,
belonging lo one of the cltlaene of
Pike county, Ills., being hotly pressed
by hit pursuert. forrled Ihe Mlstlt
slppia little below Cap-au-Grls, by
swimming the hcrseln the rear of
sklfl, whero ho waa securely seated
lie Is said to have patted through the
southern portion ol Monroe, and
forded Culver In the neighborhood
of the Chain, thence southward
through St. Charlca county.
Woolfolk Hand are selling
20 yds. Calico lor $1.
white Corded and Igureed Piques
Laities' Cotton Hose 60 and 76c per
Ruches 20c dozen.
Ladles' Corsets 26o.
Mr. T."w7ilwnTMr. CM.
Hamilton have gone to St. Loula to
replenish their aprlng slock of goods.
This smacka ol enterprise by our lo
cal merchants.
Strayed From the underalgned on
March 81, 1878, a sorrel horse, 16 1-2
hands high, mane lay on left sldo of
neck, left hind foot white, In good
condition and 6 years old. Any one
knowing ol the whereaboute of the
sstne would confer a favor by drop
ping a line to Capt. Colbert or,
tf 8. 8. Bittick, Troy, Mo.
Mr. W. C McFarland loft on Mon
day to be In attendance at the War
ren county circuit court which con
vened this week.
Dr. Emanuel Block, of St. Louis, le
n the city on a visit to Ills relatives.
the family of 8. R. Woolfolk.
Mr. David Copnnhaver, of Pike,
waa In town Saturday andgivee most
favorable accounts of Ihe wheat proa
pact everywhere he haa seen. In this
section wheat Is splendid, and tha
outlook for all klnda of fruit It the
best known for years.
Wo saw a gentleman being carried
by in a buggy the other day, hla head
bandaged til around, and thinking he
waa somebody just out of a bloody
combat we Inquired and discovered
It wat our peaceable and innocent Mr.
II. Wilson, who was, returning from
Louisiana where he bad had a aurgl
cal operation performed.
Mr. Freeman, of Troy, thr clever
agent ol Shul it' nursery haa been In
this vlcluty the peat week tupplylug
our clllxeni with fruit and oriiaiueti
Mr. Wllllo Prewllt, of Clarksvllle.
It visiting relatives and friends. In
thlt region.
Mrs. Myen returned from St. Louie
Sunday and brought back the lateat
atylee In the millinery line.
Thanka lo Mrs. Usrtlett for a ean
of lomatoea and Mrs. Johntou for
can of peaehee.
Mr. John Motley, oi Pike, waa in
town tbit evening.
Farmera are preparing ror eorn
Mr. W. T. Thurmond, ef tho Sir
M, ax rlyedthtre late thlt evening on
a tliu to nil brother, and family. .
The community wat again para
lyied a few daya since by the inform.
atton of another one of those unfor-
luiiaiv Biisncin' eras oes mas strains I
me uusiness nervo or me country, inei
failure of the firm of B. 8. Crews 4? I
Co., hardware deelere of Troy. Thlt
disaster le virtually an appendage of
the failure of C. W. Parker ft Co.. an
account of which waa given In our
last week's issue. However Ihe I-1
nanclal condition ef the Arm of B. 8.
Crews ft Co., Is much better than
that of C. W. Parker Co., at has
been ascertained by a carelul exam
ination of the booka of the respective
Arms, and It Is believed by those who
are acquainted with tho tauts that the
first named firm will Le able to nearly
llquidato Its entire liabilities. The
Indebtedness of Mr. 11. 8. Crews, vlr
tually the firm of B. 8. Crewa ft Co.,
as a partner in the old firm of Parker,
Crewa ft Co., es near as can bo at
present arrived at, amount a to aome
$10,000 or 17,00, and the available as
sets to some $10,000 and his Individ
ual liabilities to tomo 90,000 or $7,000,
supported by uotca and accounts that
are supposed to b, . available to the
iiiuuiii vi .uuui o,wv. it win ua
readily perceived that If even sixty-
five per cent, of the funds of Mr.
Crows can be reduced to possession
his creditors will not suffer. Mr.
Crews has not yet inado an assign-
ment for the benefit of his creditors,
but has signified his willingness to
surrender his entire estslo lo the ute
tf Ihote who havn trusted him, re
ceiving for his own uteouly what the
exemption lawa will give him. and It
holding tho property now, virtually
subject lo the order of hla creditor.
Mr.-Crews is a young, act! vo business
man, and his inlslnrtunee will be
regretted by all who admire bus
iness nervo and untiring energy
In view of his retention of the con
fidence and ciedtt of those who know
him, wo predict an early revival of
hla business.
When are the Murphys going to
make n raid on our town ? We fear
the organisation, will buret up before
It reaches here.
We regret that we have no public
safe; however we think li infer lo
keep our nionoy lu our pockets.
Howard 8. Parker has our regards.
On i druggists when not proles
i.. .-,. i.ii i ,H ,
eioiially engaged Indulge In a game of
Texas inoasles has been raging
hcre-"Uncle Will had 'em bad."
Ourachool commenced last Mon
day wllh Mra. Curtis aa. teacher. We
anticipate that the patrons will be
well pleased with the new teacher.
l'rol. Ragsuale mane ua a visit a
few days slnco. Wo congratulate
ourselves on being so highly hon
Messrs. Mnoro Chewnlng are
erecting a fine stablo In the
rear ol
their drugstore, on 1 Ig seet.
Dilly JJirkhead mounted a young
horse, a few daya ago, with a tin
bucket in hie hand, at which the
horse became frightened and gave
Ulllyatoss. lie came to .he ground
head first, and now carries hli arm In
awing and mourns the losi of
good deal of akin about hla faoe.
The Siiilths, Dawkina and llopet
have more than they can do now.
Attention, Grangers, If you please I
N blow your nose and don't yoa sneese,
'Till 1 this story do relste
Concerning the waya of human fate.
fit with anguish and beating heart,
That I this story do Impart,
But let us In humiliation knsel
Vo lighten the grief ws so keeuly feel
It l ue let of all mankind
Te meet reverse undaaasd i
Our loss la xrsat grsat indeed,'
This death oosurrsd far want of feed.
From Saturday 'til Monday mora
This noble hlrd had no eora, :
Oa the first of April at 8 o'dosk
We lest our best Shanghai cock.
.WonKolk ft Hand
will give you
more Oeedp lor your mnney than any
oinir aoute in tae couuiy.
Woolfolk ft llead will Hi.
Louis quotations lor Wool. '
It. D. Walton. Km . laalMMj n
Nmp,rMIC,,i Wcativllwow fat or-
day evening last.
An election for eleven director! to
ttrve the ensuing year will-be held
t rarmerf and: eehaniet' Bank.
Troy, Mo., on Tuesday, May 14th,
187 at 2 o'eioek p. m.
M. W. Pbrkins, Caibler.-
At A. B. Ellis' a-rocery
ttore you
can mi
Best Coffee 412 lbs. for 1.00.
Coffee A Sirgarftl ilbt. for (1.00.
Beat Tea, per lb., tl.OfA
Soda, 3 lbs. for 16 cents.
ror uasn.
Hit. On and after Ihe 1st of No-
veinb.-r. 1877, 1 will deliver milk at
80 cents per gallon.
DYES. Aanl 19. 1H7. In Iflllwniul. im
the wife of Ueorge K Oyer, a daughter.
DUDLEY. Starch 31, 1178, trillion f.v
Bt. Louis Republican plsasecopy.
MOORE. Una mils wiat of Trnv. th.
4th nt., of an aQcetlon of the long. Mri
""ft. Mow 'le of Joseph Moore,
aged 3 years.
Though afflicted through life,
Mis knew not de.puir :
But trusting In Ctirfi-t.
E're constant lu prayer.
Believing thst Jesus.
The nilKbty, the blessed,
Would come and relieve her.
And take her to rest.
. Walton & Avery.
'Will nrartlrn In all tho ennrl. nt th. iihk
Judicial circuit and the supreme court of
too mate.
W. S. HCTT. M. D. M. M. McLBLLAX, M.
Offer their nrofesiilonal nnirM tn tb..
cltlxent of Troy and vkinltv. I). Hint
will nny especial attention to Anil and Rec
tal Diseases, such as. llemorrliolds, JfUtulu,
Will cractlce In the Uouru of th lath
dtelal Circuit. Cfflre In Uunk.
i i in practice iii inn VfOuriR oi me nineireniN
judicial circuit and In the Miperlor couruif
.l.tt . - I ... I r . . . . ...
the state.
I VB..B " V.
Office In the Rank bulldlnir. .1. w.
Leilan. Commissi oner of fulilii- Ki-hnnl.. .i .
Creech, Iste Public Administrator and Pros
ecuting Attorney. Isb7-T.
I n. h. morton
Particular attention given to coBtroversii
I . aa a .& aa a.. -- -v . .
Uf coitectlns; sll kinds of notes. hius.lL. at a
l-enwwolile commission. Office In the feawV
ludlcial circuit. Collections promptly at-
teauea lo. umc over nrnrj'i snoe lasn.
U. T.
Prosesutlng Attorney ler
Are now prepared to de all klaet ofreri
in mis una.
"W Bay for Omatl
, " A
CwSaie Mi CiaiMlsM 49w1i
el rtca. t
0potl ttntton orlv-
H Ali WORK W AnnAlTa5D.

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