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THE OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES LXCLUS1VL ASSOC1ATKI) PRESS REPORT Vol. xxvi, No. CITY F'lITION OKLAHOMA CITY, THURSDAY, DF.CF.MUFR 3 1014 PRICE ONE CENT. F"""""1L1 '"1 i AOiylil l EE) Oi "WW(IW J"4 rft'l1!fcar'S,fsSvl I NSNB IRVIN COBB GETTING WAR NEWS? Al RESUME OFFE Secrecy That Has Covered Opera tions in Eastern Arena Since Kaiser's Troops Began Advance on Warsaw Is Lifted Enveloping Force Is BrokenCzar Loses Over Million ot the Nation's Best Men. London, Dec. 3 - For the first time since the German advance ou Warsaw was checked it was possible today to gain a clear idea of the military situation in the eastern theatre of war. Both Berlin and PetrogTad advices indicated that the Germans had thrown back the IniBsian enveloping force a. d the Germans are undertaking an energetic offensive fceraan military critics estimate the Ruaman losses in killed wounded, prisoners and death from sickness at 1 100,000, or one third of the. nation's best troops. London, Dec. 3 Riotinf broke out in the Belgium concentration camp at Zeiat, Holland, yesterday, according to the Het Volk, pub lished at Amsterdam. Dutch troops fired on the Belgians, killing six and wounding nine of them. No details of the occurence are as yet available This dispatch is sent to London by the correspondent of Reuters at Amsterdam. AIRMEN' BOMBARD KRUIT FACTORY front the Homme to the Alane ami in (.'luiuwigue "In the Argumtp. several attack on the pert of the enemy were repulsed and we made alight progris "In the Wm-vre illatrM firman ar tlllery evidenced a certain activity bul with Insignificant results "In I,orrnliie and (lie Vosgcs there In Berlin Measage Says Cannon Shop Waa lilt. Ilul Amount of Itanaft-'inotliltiK Important to ro,s,rt Iol Known iltarkrra Karapa. l-Olllloll, lSs ,'t A dispatch 1(1 the Exchange Telegraph company fnmi J The 1 1 ti K iit it ini-ssnge from Iter- , Uu to the effect thiil tin- Krupp fur tory at KHseti, dortnitiiy , wets iK.mlmnl ad yesterday hy hii aeroplane It 1h I ntlil thai tlif lotnhs were dropped! from tin" aeroplane on buildings devot ed to tin- manufacture of cannon The all men iwuiHil uninjured. The ex-1 tetlt of tilt' dlllllllk'C Was Hot KHi'lT tallied Al KTKIANS I HF.D IttYONKT In cai'ti rk ok ufl;hadf. Hiidast via Ixiiiilon, lec :t Tin' ! "'It J" of Itolgrade, raptured yesterday li) thr Austrian, was taken hy atonn ' nt tin- Nilnt of the bayonet. 'liie Ails ! tro llmninrlHii tnsiw iippr'KV'hcd tlie Hy from the west ami rushed 11m j uoienses Arter tlielr vli'torlmiM as HBiilt fhev marchiil Into the city, rliwr hilt loudly 1 W BE TME GST V ,-u.THH.tTO Al LT tORP WTWD 1 ' 'in I - Wi it i innnTrmni nr busu u&xmx uatc ph n rno Tvr rnuiLUMurt ur , r ,; dT mimm mt (it j ronimtwlunrrn and Tai Kffl mm mm a-wi ninf mwm MLUIIU I I lU I U 1 1 1 At the anKlmthm of UK u.u.ilrt.M.1 IIIML IILIlUllllU I ! AS STATE ill CONIES Oklahoma Citizens Responding Nobly to Call For Aid to Stricken People of Europe Telephone and Telegraph Companies Asked For Free Use of Wires to Help the Cause Donations Are Said to Be Large BAVONFTM STOP I'KISONUKS IN IIKITISH ( AMI' OI THKKAK IjincaxttT. Kim . I'll -I An al twi'pt to nih,io milde laxl nlhl hv :i thoiiHinul ( prlioiiers In Hie nm cvnlratlon ciimp here hum thwiirle I by irunnlt : ncmtiiI prlsmiert wr woiimlml by hayoncn. The rlnnleiol m fer arnnti"!! ami phoi'il In w .li taiy confinement. Hilly one in.ri mi MrloiiK lnjnnil. KINO OF F.N(.I.AM) VISITS HKINtl LINK IN KI.ANKKK- Umilon. !'. r. KIhk Oorxe ol FllKlinil. n ho llHH hi-en vInIIIiik (he JtillUh lines In I'l in leu. went oul li. the fin ii n line tmlnv, aiiirilliiK to e telPhoiif iniMsaKe to the Evcnlns NrwM from ChIhIh. MAISKK VISITS AISTKIANH AND MIIJTAKY HOSPITALS Iterlln, lux- :i. Kiiiieror William ventonlajr hail a i onfcreiico at Hrwlau with An-hilnlte Knilerhk, coiunianiler In chief of the Anatro llnimarlnn ar my. aiionllii)! to w teleiirani nKvlviil nt tenenil hiiiilipiurtera Archduke riiarlet KranclH, heir to the Aiiatrliiii throne mill lieneriil Von Hoetzendorf, chief of the general staff were prin nil Ijiter the eiiilHTur vlilted the mill t : i t hiiiihii lit Itrinlitii. At the aiiKsmtlou of thu uiiinirtiMtl hemlH of teprtmeiila, a Joint uni'tlii of the. Taipajtni' Kffli-lency LeaK'ie lUv. Gilnore Looked After That'-1 TZTJ iIIwuhmIiik the pi iMimHl bond laaue of : The telephone and telegraph companies were asked this afternoon to donate their services for the transmission of messages relative to the relief of starving Belgians in war-ridden Europe. A sub-committee composed of George Bohlberg, Father Urban De Haaque and Frank Foltz were appointed by the State Belgian Relief committee, at a meeting held this morning, to call upon officials of these compa nies and ask them to donate the use of their wires for the relief cause. The meeting was held in the apartments at the Lee-Huckin hotel of Governor elect R. L. Williams, who is chairman of the 8taU Bel gian Relief committee. Members of the committee called attention j to the fact that in Kansas and Missouri the telephone and telegraph companies nave donated tae use of their wires to members of the re lief committee of those states for messages relating strictly to the so licitation of funds and purchase and forwarding of suDDlies. It is hoped by members of the committee that the tame corporations, woicn operate id Ukianoma will also give the committee in this state equal facilities. Free service is desired so that the expenses of toe work of the oommittee may be reduced to the minimum, thus pra ttrviof practically the whole fund for the relief werk. CltliftM BeesMndlag. and ahoiild be forward!., k? Vmam Th paoplft of thft Mate are nanoiid H" 1 " puwlhl. emorduiff to ail Uu nobly to th call for aid for war-' """""n"" Trwumrw Hoiilbra Aa . . .... ..... !""" r load of flour er ohr ridden lMKlu, a.N,rdlng to (.rw. ,Iltr1bUt a la KHtl,er1 at any point HolUhwrx. prwldent of (h Aim Mill It may be atartwl toward New York lug oimpany of thla Hty and trraaur i City. er of the lleli;lan Hellef mmtnltteo. Shin of Hour Mr SoIiIIhtk maleil todai' that he haa The varioua mr load will not be I collected approximately irilHI tip to mohlllnil at n wntral point, aivordlim oaie ami mat money m coiuiiik in more to preamd plaiia, but forwarded from , rapidly eich day. Cp to noon tiHlay the towiui where KHlhered under auo jlliHi had Iuvti rwelvetl In the nialla. ervl.ili.n of tin- commltte'. A ablp to W eilnwday the nnilttanVN to the i he IomiIihI with flour and nrovlMlmia. fund Hinniint.Ml to WMiV Mr Mohi I (fathered from varlonx m-'tlonH of the Iwrx hiiN also been notified of law j Culled Statea will leave New York ( ilonaMotm of flour and clothliiK that City diirlnt; the latter part of Decern are iieini; minle In various wetlons of lr ' the atale to other niembeni of the com Tart of it For Himself, He TeHtified. SAVIMJS SENT IIKKI. $-40,000 for the coiiatrurtUxi of a new municipal water ayatem and the bet date for an elivtliHl on that qnea Uod. 1'he coiiiinlMslotiiTM Id thitlr reuuliu niettllug Tuesday tulod three to two 111 fufur nf lu.lillin' M.i ui.l ii. . lH.rut.1, also colored, of I Utla-r, took flirthor ()liciiH-.ln'lally on the the wltucxs sUud 111 hw 0WU bftaalf matter of the hest .lute, la lu Judge Hlilfielil a iimrt today, Where1 Th opinion of .1 H. JoliiiNton. he la on trial on the charge of 4ifc-tary of the league U that nettle uieiit puouiu 1H- rnii.ii lor winy ill uic yeiir. TUIm aeeiiw to coincide with the 'Hie Hev. J. , (illinore, former pa tor of the Klrvt HiiiUit church, Uunr . (vnlr) men lireak l p Alleged KilibusleriD Expedition Near (be Border. ItrowiiHvllle. Ic. H - I'nltod Stat" cavalry men hint night raptured nine heavily armed Mexlcana, part of an The ahlp will will under HiiiNrvlaion of William ('. Kdgar, eilltor of the Nnrthwwteni Miller, who la ftHalttlng In gatherttiif eontrllnitlons of flour turlilng a rehgloiia nieetliiK lit said he carnvil the guu for protetHlou. 'fu'! vtawa of Mayor i.rant, who haa ct Allen, Texas, whence they proceeded mlttee Within a few days he will give out a IUt of donatlona for publlca tlon. Mr Snhlherg eatlmatin that aev rral car loada of flour ami auppltcH I from millers In all the wheat growing have already been contrtluiteil al ! atiitee. The Oklahoma conmilttee ex though he him not yet taken an In ' ect to have lln contrthiitlona ready ventory of the figure that have lieeti for vhlpment In time to go to Belgium funilahed him by Tartnua memlHrs of , with this consignment. 'Ihl will re the nun mil tee. ipilre ipilik work on the uirt of the All ulilpmeiits of flour. provtMlont commltte.' ami all contrlbutloim muat mid clothing for the Itelglim Hellef ! I made within the next two or three flllul must tie NtHrlinl fur tlwilr ilnull I uiniIih In In Va X'.irk (n a.ieg.s, nnuuaiering expisllUoi, r , 1,,,,, j, time. twenty five The rapture waa made J arter a rhaae near Hidalgo, Texii The Mexlcana had gathered al Mc trial waa near lu clove when court preaned hluiaelf h- M'AMSH rRKTKNDKK J ll.Kl) IN I'ASTLK HY l HTK1ANS I'nrth, lcc. n.-The nebia'r Eclnlcr nits thai lam Jnliue of Hour i.... ii... ..u..iui. i.f..i....,i.. . ,i,i. ., ... ' . . 1 1 n ' Uoital aavlngM iluiaiHltii lu the haul of an ui'eiil to Ida iMirllHaiia aome tinier ago to able with 1 nil, if lu the war. Thla mine to the knowledge of A us trlan Ruthorttte and aa lion Julim Htm lu A nutria, he wiia plnced under rreat lu bla noole nt r'rohadorf. lon Jaime waa told flnn'lT he rould either remain a prlouera In Auatrla until the tnd of the war or leave tmj roitu try. Ho 1 now In Hwltgerlnnd. Oklahoma City I'oalnfflre Made le poaltory for SurpliiH ArrnunU In 200 Stale (itiea Muney tu llanka. The llklaboiiin t'lty Hstoffiv has U-i'ii lU'slgnalisI aa the depository for the surpluH Hiatal savings nssMpts of more ttian towim In the atate. It la oatluialed that tills will Increase the KNALIMI C'OMJMST AKMIF.N HKNt TO l.blYi r K0R TR-UMNU liOiidon. Iec S.--"Au)itrallan and New Zealand contingents had lieeo dlaemtarked In Hypt," aorordlng to the announceuient of the official bit reau." to aaalat In the defense tf Unit country and complete their training there. When thla trnlnltig Is ivmplot ed thejr will go to the front In En rot." ARTIL1.KKY 1)1 KL CONTINI'KH IN ITANUKR8 8AY FKKNf H Psrla, Dw. 8. The following offl t'lsl atatemeut waa laaued by the war department today: "In Belgium there la a lively artil lery fir directed against Nleuiairt, tn(J to the south of Tprea. Th Iniin dattons hare extended to the aouth of IXxmude. flee nboiit MN dully Among the I nlfifM ilestirontiHl In lliu Km! nf tnurnu to send Niirplua dciswlts here are Mil kogee. MeA tenter, Kl Iteno and Clare more. The di posits will Is1 remlttisl here and placed temporarily In hanks of thla city. Xulmisiuntitly hy order of the depart men t they wlil l dlstrllintisl among tiuallfted hanks In or iiiohI con vitdent to the comninnlty where the depoalta orlglnatH. Ist month the anrplna money nnlor funda reslviHl from other lamtofflcea of the state for di'iamlt with thla office amounted to $120,000. WI1J.IAMH' OI-lK.ST (iRAIU'ATK 1MKN NF.AR (T.NK RY MRK rittafleld. Maaa., lec X Hev In Addlaou Italian!, aeholar and iirenchcr died laat night In his ninety -third year. H had held professnrMilpa In Ohio State ('nlvertltv. Wllllama Co! litre, Marietta College. Lafayette -sil leg end Cew York ( tilverslty. !) waa Hie ohleat graduate of Williams. ril.ARI.KH C. HMINI AIT(HNTKI) AS HFT RKTARY TO BRYAN Waahlngton, Iter. 8. Charlea r ! Smith of New Mauiiwhlre hits Issui ap Trom tlie to the Homme there i Muted to serve teuiirarlly as private b heeu a violent bombardment, mr-1 x,",try to H.-retary Hryan. Mr tlcularly nt Alx-Nimlette. to the went ! f,"ll'h reemuiy waa a niemlier of of Iua, coii'.iiiIksIoii sent lo (he doinliili an re "Thi-ra wag giulet aloug the auUna I pulUU U aid la restoring ish.t there. ruljourued for the lusiu reoeaa. Assistant t'ountj Attorney llllprll aaul Hint In lib. opinion NoiUttUaJ hud cniiimlttisl sTjury during the trial, hill he nanus! uo mimes and wild he would Irate It to the Jury to decide about who bud done the lying- ! Judge oldflcld called the attention of the Jnrois lu Ills luslriictloiia to the fact that 11 In uiihittful for am one exivpt n peace offlivr to carry any pistol or other weapon -a long ll-t ol which Is enunieraUsI by the atiitiiles Into any public gathering. The siint which the defense endenv ored throiigliotit the trial lo eatabllau was that It was a business meeting and theiefure i-ould not la-consliler-sl a rellgn iin gathering This serum lo iimomit to little In the fare of the In RtruHluiis, na the law Is definite and niimos almost every isinnlvable kind of p gathering, from a party and a political mooting to giad service. I The court further Instructed tlo Jury that the penalty for audi an of , feline la fixed at not leas than $40 nor Iniore than $WK). or not lem, than Ihn nor more than twelve months In the county Jail, or Ixith. I The pastor'a grip, Introduced Into 'eonrt, oontiilneil nearly everything I needed by an ordinary man lu travel lug through the oountry, from a Itlhb to a hlg black hnndhsl, blue barreled j 4JI, as It waa deacrllieil bv wlrneaes. !On the stand In his own defense llev ;(Jllmore testlfiiwt that Mra. Ulltuoro had roiieatedly urgwl him to carry the gun a a firoteotlon j CUmore waa a.-ipilttwl by the verdict jof the Jury at 2:.'t thla afternoon QUARANTINE IN NKW MKXIfO AGAINST ALL LIVESTOCK Kanta Ke, N. M., Dee. 8,--( lovenior Mcdtonald tislav declared In fore a sweeping qunrnfitliie against llve- an elei'tlun as soon aa Miealhle AKI) MAN (ilUH.ES KRAR WITH SMKH ItKLL; IT IT.F.KS being In favor of to the Klo tlrande. that the party of ltexrta IndlcaUi tweuty five was merely airt of a uiuch larger aggrcgu lloll. I KEgl) IS AITOINTKD tYelrh Iteaigniaea llobart Man First Assistant In Insurance Conimlasioii er'a tlffire MrComh In Dallas. Worland, Vyo., I'ec. 8.- Mis-ting a large blink lsar while carrying sup nll.Mi mi I,, iru l,,i, L li, i. uli,ui 'Ia,l" Worliind, Isildly chargisl r"1,0,,,, nerHll) silt Washington. Iec. 3 Conditions In the City of Mexico as late as lust th animal. Worland waa unarmed and he violently clanged a sbeep lsll. The la-ar hesltiilisl for an lliatant, lort for the tltnlsT at top sisssl ami climbed the first mailable tree. Wor land kept It Insd for severs I hours, dangliig the hell whenever It allowed a dlapaadtlou to (Mine down. In the hos aome one would aiaa hy with a gun. lsfactory In tislay'a report to the I state department Conaul Slllliiiiin statisl no further moleatatlon of for elgners hss iscurreil A dispatch by way of Rl Paso, yisleriliiy, statist Provisional Treat , denl t.ullerrer and lieneriil Villa bad entered the city KlUlinau's ri'tsirt. ts'llevisl to have tasn aent later made' no reference to the entry. When be last sinv the la-ar It was allll In the tree l'hta totvu Is named (,KIY Ctll'NTY FARMKRH after "Iiad" Worland. utvT iirniuii . n..i L . . ... n r. irr.i iij lin.r.l.'1 .1.1,1 Clili'kashn, tk., Ne.'. 3 Crady comity fnrmers, issslally those In tereated III hog raising, will organise Fair and roiitinoed raid; freexlni hii assoclntlou In the effort to enlist lemperature. Friday fair and aome-1 g"teniujMit abl In stamping out hog cholera ' An THE WEATHER what warmer, 7 Wf?l H m f;?'5o ) a. 111 B2 10 a 111 :u 11 a 111 40 U' 110,111 ,...4.'l 1 i 111 4H P 111 N) .'I P tn 50 The southern disturbance la mov lug slowly eastward over the Oulf stntes and haa given general preclplta tlon lu Texas, the lower Mlss1sslipl valley and soiitheiuitarn dlatrh ts aluce W Hlnewlny mornliiK. The rainfall has Is-en heavy In purta of lioulalana and ArkiuiMaa. The "low" that la off the North I'aclflc roast haa caused light reins In lltitlsh Columbia, Washing ton, Oregon. Nevada and northern California. Light rnlna have also fall st.s k Imis.rtRttatna Trom all atnte 1 eu In tlte lower lake region, Ohio and and Mexhi. Iss-ause of the fiait aud HI Ijiwronr valleys aud New Kng month dlaMNNA. jIUiiiiL , . llisnriincs' Conimlsslouer A I, Welch has iipsinlisl J li Heeil of llobart as third asistmit I'otnndssloner Mr Htssl will assume his dutlisi Friday. 11. K loung, formerly third asaistant, has Iss'ti made first assistant. Aa these lire ( Viiiinilsslouer Welch's aelcctlou there will ts no change tn the offhst contingent when be U'gliui mi Ills new administration e r if..i, 1. 1...- v. ...j..-. ,,ns jiLin pHrtnienl hud not sissini aiiuniy wor lor liie liepari tnent. la at prment In I 'alias where be It making an einmluntlon of the Wee tern Indemnity company of Pallas Mr McComh will continue to do actu nry work for the department. LAW IS BROKEN 1 M MI MAN IWtiusp Inspeitioi Department Had Not Complied With Regulations. iM'iiver. las'. (KF.AT liF.RMANY AND IKKLAND IWs'auae bla da oiuplbal with the law. he did net feel like prixwsllng against mine f r -in a u and fire laiaaea for negllgeni'e and other offenaea against the Colorado mining cisle, said J Mines I inlryiiiple, chief atale luspec asms'latlon will In formed Coniswisl of cltireua of the county, and It will be the purxse lo concentrate efforts to pretenl any (kin slide attack In future frmn (tie ills ease It Is ts'llevisl that the goiern nieiil help can lie obtalmsl If the proMT showing la made here TWO MF.N KM.LFD HY TRAINS NF.AR DI RANT IN ONK YVFFK Iiunint. k Ihsv X Two men with in a wis'k have Ishui klllisl bv trains on the Kitty, near here The latest accident was (hut In which A J West was run over and fatally hurt. Went, It Is said, with his win were ridding n freight train from Oallaa lo tlielr home at Wagoner, when the father fell from the car onto the track. Hoth his legs were cut off close to the hlw. lie was taken ! Atoka where he died msin after The son witnessed the ais'bbati. 1 tor of cisil milieu, at the aeiiuid day a ON MAI'S lilYF.N NOUUKKN hearing In an luteetlgallon of the coal inluers' strike, before the liuluatrtfll relalloua coniinlstdoii luspis'tor Halryiuple explained ttiat according to the law, mine Northern France, lec 8 - A former guard al a Herman ciMuviitration ramp who lias liecn raptured and liniught 1 here liiHine deleted I, says biweekly bulletins have bisn printed In four liitigiinges and aold to llrltlsh, Krenrh. II. Ii.lui, un.l llnuul,,,, irU, The hulletln has already rei-onbsl , " ''W'1" nj eMenaL the fall and dotruot1on of' Paris, the lntheat, Dalrymple aa Id the X,.,.,s..,g of U.ndou, as well a. the j ot U" Uld " Ni.ihlen death of the Car of llusala. "tieratora. Now It U luld ou tlm A map of Knrope Is shown and the,'. 0," h" w ords, I Ires t (lermaiiy and Ireland, foretueu and other executive should be certi fied men. They were uot. bernuae examlnatloim had ln held, there ! scrnwlisl acriata the Itrltlsh lalea LAMAR OITLTY; SFN1KM FI) TWO VICARS IN I KNITKNT1ARV New York, I ie 3 - - lavlil mar was found guilty of Imiieraooatlug Keprewiitatlve A Mitchell I'aliuer of IVniiHylvanla, for the pmise of de frauding J V Morgan and comaxny. nuil the Cnltisl H tn tea Stis?l corpora t Ion. lie was Inimisllntelv Nenteiicisl to two years In the federal pvultauU arr al Allaaia. Uurg. of toe working fun. Ft F.N DOZEN NOW AWAIT KLECTRWXTION LN ARKANSAS Fort Kinlth, Ark., f njc. a The nmn Iwr of men awaiting electro titUm Id the Arkanaaa atate penitentiary tn lncrease.1 to twelve when (hrvetnof ten). W Ilavna ant January 14 aa the date of ?xemtton of Clarence Hewelu of ltellcvllle, Illaw. and Joaeph strong, i-ontlctisi of Um murder of J. B. Thompaoii, an aged atocakMpac SI