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f 1 S 3 9 x S ! c E 3 2 5 8 ! s D O c r uJOAHOMA CITY TIMES. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1917. ti' 1 J ,iuim. ,. i . ji ii:.:h; : '., J'.i 'i ! ;i.;; . i.:i' H I,:. ,r . . ii.r i..i ., .. -. .. ..ii.. lii::..:H:!;.!.;:;'r,!;;; ,,.v i; M 1 ''Ji l liiwtiMifrjyiiijjlriHitiiWMiiifiijtililiMtl' 1 ! S P J. - H I .L.ii : : 1' I i 1 OSAGE 1 M if!. ''."; i- " . '"T Hi i" "i'" " , kin hh-1; 'ii: '- ::i! ; !'l- li'lillil'-iX-!:,;!' Ill ,.,1 . ,.:.,:...:. v, 1 ! :M1.!I Mil;; ,:t;- '!"! a: as r hi - H'l, "I Li ,.JilW Mf I'V TH ,0, r I T " i 1 1 r ntitir,!:: .vi'.. i ''1... , a i .. 1 ;!i '-;?r;: -.,1' i d:i' i run irn ,: . I'll 1 ' . 1 ! 1 1 1 M"" i.'irjTr ..rr .-1 -'i ..H'in;ii.'UT :. til.", J "111 ii:"'; ;i' "fl - !( : " :nrui! 1:iV fM:?: TMI'F r itH i'f' :Ji kiM iUUimh UG ' Witt i! iU-'ii;'',! ik'w.1 Li; bi:'ii;:r:i 1 hit life WTO 'if" W Uinicie Sam Says:- "0 yQJST KIMIE id" The government needs all the oil it can get oil and its refined product!, gatoline, greatei, lubri cating oil, etc. It needs oil for iU aeroplanes, its army automobiles and truc)cs, the "tanks" it may build and other units of the great American fighting machine which is either in France or on ita wav In tka v tv great battleground. Already the government is compelled to buy oil from Mexico the entire output of the American field ia Insufficient to fill our needa at home and abroad. , ' So Uncle Sara haa thrown open the great storehouse of the Osage nation, Osage county, Oklahoma. Proof that he wanta oil and wanta it QUICK la found in the fact that a condition of the lease is that a well must be drilled to the Mississippi sand or to paying production before that depth within nine months from date of lease. This is covered by a bond, and yet no bond U really required, since the presence of oil in rich quantities in the Osage nation ia o well defined that every oil man who is lucky enough to get a lease will be anxious to start drilling at once and push It just as hard as he can. There has never been any doubt of production here. Some of this land has already been leased and the one-eighth royalties have been "sufficient to keep every Osage Indian In comfort. Government restriction ia all that has ever kept this field from being developed like Cushing, Healdton, Electra, Burkburnett and the others. The United States government la a mighty careful ward and he doee not wish Indian lands to be suddenly drained of their riches. But the national crisis presents a suddon need and now the bars are down. i An Osage Lease Is Like Buy Before November Money in Your Pocket 12 at Prooont Prlco Tt OwfM v tb H eh tat Indbua n flfuraa tirtn hi b pA at tin right 1 which thty reilv from tri oil on thnlr Th nrodur.rt ct aan tlinaa thla murk. With only third of th oounly undar annini juna 10, 1117, I,I4J.,I barrels with mr minion dollar. Trila drllllna baa anr.a trantaa oy tna uovvrnmant and boan waiting "with I hair tonguai hanarlng CiHXAT CHANCE. Tha tfnltad Stat fa Oorarnment haa laaa.a wlU ba aoM at publlo auction Not mil of in inaiari Aganpy, I'awhuaKa, cm la. Thla ia a nnd.rful optxirtunlty to gat and our repraaantatlvaa will M ngnt on fall. Tha valu of tbla land la oh own aartk. Oil bag mad thm gv Th a you aoma laa of tha wondartu) Incom rooorvallon. A ad thla la only royalty. laaaa Uiara wm produoad during tha year a dlaturaamant lo tha Indiana at nearly bean dona on a blanket lua.e of 114.000 known aa tha Koelar Iraaa, (Ml man have out ' for mora leaaca and now cucnea tha decided to releaaa 11, WW) acra. Thaaa ember It at tha offloa of tha Bupdrintanl- pradurtlre territory at raaaonaMa prlo' tha ground when tha auctioneer's gtre by tha fact that at a prerloua aia of '"1' C?"tT,J?M CJfMT. t14 WM J?r aoartar aeoUon, The Henry (HI Company lua.eni Oypay OllPonipany, Hi T.Oflg for twa quarter aeotlona, and other equally high premium ware paid. Note that thi"e prloes were plj, not by , amateurs but by xpfrlonaed oil ma who luiow tha value 0 a leaaa. Under th4 OugaWU: fUllnaj wf ar permit lad to buy leasee up ta .(( aorea and we ehall reftrd the aeeurlng of this lease as eurrly a profit a though we) found a guaher. This means that slock In our company will be worth more after this goremmttnt auction sale November It than it Is now. You maae your money gj farther by buying now befora tha raise romra. Wa hare se aside the aunt of tlOO.OOw to spend on leases at this big govern merit sale and werxllsve It wlU prove tha beet all money we rver spent In our lives Our experts have thoroughly studied tha field end era alreadr know ln whih quariar muuna wa aiiaui tnu uiiun. ntr iniimeie snowifnge ua a gTW anTamage. vine single wail 01 i.uus tiarrrw would bring us a year; so you caa see this la a real oil opportunity. conditions will give' In fltu.m $1,650 a Year to Evory Ongq Hao, Woman and Child Tracr.dou$ Oichcs of Osago Oil Lands Little did the Government dream the wonderful favor it was conferring upon the Osage Indian Tribe when It moved it from Kansas to the hills of Osage county. Th, discovery of oil In Immense quantities haa made thla land worth more than any farm. ' The Osage Indiana., without any effort on their part, have become the richest Indiana in the country. The Gov ernment payroll contains the namea -of 2,240 Osages, and among these ia divided $10,000 a day in oil royalties. This means that oil to the 'amount of $80,000 a day ia being produced. In addition to this are large auma from the periodica sale of leases. The last such sale brought $900 for every Indian. Every Indian man, woman and child receive $405 every three months, or $1,620 annually. The average Indian family, consisting of man, wife and five children, has an oil income of $10,940 a year. Sixty-eight thousand acres previously released by the Government have produced MILLIONS OF DOLLARS or both the Indians and the lessees. In ten years oir production in this rich county increased from four million to over nine million barrels, and experts aay that the field haa been scarcely scratched. ft n IU1 80 Acres in Cement Other Splendid Bets In a previous a4ertiemtnt we announced that our lease were so scattered thi no matter where tomeone else found production we would have a lease nearby in order to take advantage cf it HEItE IS THE PROOF OF THAT STATE MENT: Since that advertisement was printed tha Forttuig Oil 4 Cm Company brought in a thirty million cubic (ert gasser in the Cement field and cauted a stampede of oil icouti looking for leases. The well wit drilled upon the advice of Doctor O'Hern, a geologist of national reputation, whose scientific research was respon sible for making many millions in the Cushipg Oil Field.' We considered his ,d vtca wtll worth following and when the Fortuna welt came in thrre we were with a 00-acra least In Caddo county. This promises to be a big producer. 340 ACRES. ELECTRA, TEXAS. Bought last March by our president for $15,000 spot cash. It is on the Culbertson extension of the Klectra field and thera art SO derricks within sight of our lease. There are four sands and both shallow and deep well production is to be found. We are drilling on this lease. 1,000 ACRES, STEPHENS COUNTY. Eighty acres of this offsets tha well of (he Producers Oil Co. and that company ha asked us to name our price for the offset but we refuse to sell. What's good for the Producers' is good for OUR stockholders. Just as quickly as we can get rigging and casing on the ground we shall put down a wall here. Read this list of golden wealth surroundning our acreages: Healdton field. Carter eounty, 65,000 barrels; Electra and Burkbur pett fields, Wichita county, Texas, 5,WJ,951 barrels; I'etrolia fields, Henrietta km i tier In! Field Where 30,000,000-Foot Gasoer Just Camo In scattered over the Entire IVJld-Coirllnont Flold 1 TilE OSAGE OIL k REFINING CO., , Herskowita Bldg Oklahoma City. county. Texas. 340857 barrels ; Fo oil and gas fields, 6,000 barrels oil, 90,000,000 cubic feet gas; THE WORLD'S BIGGEST GASSEK: Big Keys welt, 50.000,000 cubic fret gas; Loco, Ihinean and Lawton gas fields. Many other wells now drill ing in Stephens, Comanche, Cotton, Jefferson and Carter counties. 690 ACRES, CARTER COUNTY. In the great Fo pool, surrounded by pnv doctlon greatest gasser In Oklahoma. At least 20 completed and drilling wells in this section which promises to rival Healdton. 5W ACRES, PONTOTOC COUNTY. Tha first well in this field produced 2,000,000 cubic feet of gas in 50-foot sand and the same iompany has shown its confidence in the field by putting down seven other wells. The' Oklahoma-Texas Syndicate has a I5,0i)0,0()0 cubic feet gas well in S. E. quarter, section 36, and the Tidewater Co. drilling in the same section is reported to have found traces of oil. The Cummings Oil U. has an 8 barrel well and a 25,000,000 cubic feet gaiser The Mascho property, Sec. 3, Twp. 4, N. R. 7 W., recently sold for $100,0u). W consider our Pontotoc lease a valuable property. BESIDES THE LEASES ABOVE NAMED, WE ALSO HAVE THE FOL LOWING i 27 acres, Pushmataha county 4.044 acres, Pittsburg county o40 acres. Love county; 881 acres, Haskell county; B.4V0 acres, Mi Curtain rounty; 410 acres, McClain county; &M acres, Comanche county; 500' acres. Cliocta county; 6S0 acres, Lr Flora county; 1,734 acres, Kiowa county; 1,270 acres, Atoka county; 477 acres, (irady county; 2J7 acres, Blanie county; 3,505 acres, Latimer rounty; 240 acres, Seminole county. SEND COUPON TODAY 25,90Dnrrel Refinery n nn,.hsr source of treat profit to our stockholders. Just as qiilebj as sufficient ?I.h h!:" "u'd1u me lt prsotluable we ahall build a IhorouJhTr "odeVn re- ss sn eaample this shoul.l earn too to t.b(M) percent divfdands and tha tiroflt la SUWl -money corning In evay day the refinery runa. , , V" Huu,r ?X.r,nn,,r?pMinu.M bMn f,u,n maanlon to tha falrv-lias tales af oil millions There la the familiar siorr of J. r Ooerten of Tulsa wha sterted wlU uumty in rWliiinf uil ''r " ,n?,n ''' mmn ho hM ,, TJ Ponr City Refinery started five yMrs ss;o snd now has assets of over a mil lion OolUirs The Vfii.kosee plMit, etartliig with a few thousand dollars Is no worth s-vsrel millions The eklmmlna at Lawlon paid for lUelf during U flrat to days of Its operation. " ,U.rr'.. HlnrUl'-,who wrh at least lf,n.fno .000 startsd alt yoars aa with a very limited capital. He Is hsed of tha rennertas. The Teiaa Oemoany In one yeer pel dividends JM times the amount of Its oapltal stock. " , iinlh-!l,l"h",,l nJl..!l',nl!n' 'Ud with tf.OM and now haa assets ol a million dollars. In addlllon there are aoors of smell refineries smttered throurt T Okla homa, Ksnses ana Tessa whlrh are making tremendous dividends for their atoolfcoldsrs. There can he no dmibt of eontlmied proflta eeaiisa there Is more eruds at Uuu lla. reflnerlra c.n hsndle, and MIKM OIL I RHN( rfMTID KVWRT HAT. tur refinery will five first rail to handling our own siitasjt nit wa shall aiao Buy erude oU on tha usen iarket aad ralaa It forthe profit. , TITR OS ACE Oil J Fleasa send ma your prospectus describing your teases and your preparations for developing same and building a refinery. Also explain regarding the Osage Indian land which you contem plate leasing. Name. Address. Postoffice. On winner In the wre-hot Omrc leane or in any of our other 45,000 acres of leanes will make your stock worth $10 to $100 for $1.00. Our officer- thoroughly undt'rntand the oil buainefw. We have drilling operation under way and as quickly as poiwible after November 12 we expect to utart drilling on an Otage lease. This company is backed by ample capital. If we struck a dry hole we have plenty of money to drill more wella until we do find production. That'i why we will finally Bucceed THE LAW OK AVERAGES IS BACKING US. This Btock is now selling at $1.00 per share and may go up at any time. We are quite Bure it will go up as Boon an our representative notifies ua that we have secured a good lease at the Govern ment sale In Osnge county. So the money-saving thing to do is to make your investment NOW while the price is at par. The Osage Oil & Rtevimg Co. Herskowitz Bldg. Oklahoma City RF.FINTNG CO.. s Herskowita Bldg., Oklahoma City. In enclose $ , payment for shares of common, fully-paid, rum. assessable stoock at par valua $1.00. It is understood that pttrchasa ol this stork entitles ma to shart In all profit made from present letset and also from leases which may ba made In tha Osage Indian territory and also from tha re finery which yon arc planning lo build. . Name.. a MSee Addre it .''-el A'ti ) . '..S' i , A V , v.,'7 y "a-t A -i 1' '. ' i - T A..', V :.' Jfn ' ."'..' I Postoffice. ifllMltlllltMIIIMfllttlttlllMHItirMIIIIIIMIIItllltltllllttlinilltlllltlMlllllMIIIfttlllt 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 Illllllllllllllllllll 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tl 1 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mil 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 M It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 HI 1 1 1 1 1 If 1 1111 fit 1 "TrTffrri-rriTnrrnnnnnnnnnnonnnnn