Newspaper Page Text
THEDAILY HERALD MONDAY, DKCKMBE117, 1806." THE TRAVELERS AGAIN IN TIIK LRAD. FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN Sl'C'ESS'O. Paid more money to claim? ants in Texas, during 1895, than all other accident corn pan, js combined. It is hard to tell which company does the most good. Horace 13. Stevens., Agent THE WEATHER. Owitbd States Wiatheh BrRF.AU I Kb PASO.Texas, UorcmliiT 7. IS'!. Local.Tlme 6:64 a. m. Barometer 'M J- Ttiermometer v.:.. Direction of wind " V 'lorityof wind per hour Weather - i'ir KtlulH hourc (lnchesand hundredths) C"i; lltshost temperature hurt 24 hours L.iiwt wmiKTBrnrf IwtM hours. 4" Vhat Metal Is Worth, illve. Lead Oouper Uexlcan pesos. Fl Paso " Juarei 6.'. 4 !7" 10 ?; 50 LOCAL AM) UiCNKKAL Go to rvin for window glass. Mining Location Blanks for Sale at This Office. EL PASO STEAM LAUNDRY, Telephone No 47. Ask for 'EL PASO TRANSFER," the best 5 cent C1GALI on the market. 'for Kent" and -'it 'Oins to Lei" placards for sale at this i.ttiee The be-t Mexican ana Havana eigars are uaue by the El Paso Cigar Mfg Co. Mining locatiou notices for sale at the Herald job office. B.ank leases for boutiesorsMrerooms. best form. For eale at EIerald job office. . . . For Over Fif y Yc-ars. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething It soUne toe child, softens the (rumi, allays all pain, cures wind cbolic, and is the best remedy for diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Pure Hygeia Ice. Made from distilled water. Ask your family physician or drusrifibt a9 to purity and'nealthfulnes8 of our ice; tel ephone 14. El. Paso Ice & Refrigerator Co. Dandruff ia an exudation from the pores of the skin that spreads and dries, foriuiDg ei urf and causing' the hair to fall out. Hall's Hair Uenewer cures it. Big Rail Shipment. A private business mtosage received from ao eastern agency today stated that twelve thousand tons of rails were to be shipped to El Paso, and the query naturally is, who are these rails fur? It is claimed they are for the White Daks road rather than the Corralitos, as the latter road is shipping its rails via Tampico. With the White Oaks road started, El Paso is bound to boom. Eramett Crawford post G. A. It. has elected the following oflieers for the year 1S!7: Post commander, Geo M. McConaughey: senior vice commander, P. M. Kenoe; junior vice commander, J. II. Ware: quartermaster, Geo. M. McConaughey; adjutant, F. E. Tustin; officer of the day, W. T. Kitchens, chaplain, F. D. Featherly; officer of the Uard, M. J. Lemmon. Ttie above officers will be installed at the hrst meeting in January. Dr. John S. McDowell, aged 40, of Chicago, died Saturday night at the tiister's hospital, from tubercular peritonitis, and was buried yesterday afternoon from the rooms of the Ca:fl well undertaKing company. Hsv. II. W. Moore preacued ttie sermon and a nuuijer of local physiciaus and friends fol owed tue remains to tne grave at Concordia. Toe deceased came here two weeks ago. The two revolutionists arrested at Shafierand Ysleta and wtio are w nt el bv tue AUXicau truvernment as Mexican ciuzui.s. were to be heard beiore Coiniri s-iouer sex o-i this after- uoon. '1 be rnamcsaie Simon lte:ile and Juau U.ji-ir o i'tie cases were con tinued to Dec. 10. Tnere was a ui etniir in A P. Coles' ullioe Sam da evenu.g, of pal lie? ii.tereslid in uai iu. JU'jw (Jiosoy h:s $6,IMJ bouu- lor y : tiuj; Lne i.',ut ralllo runU, (o see aouut paying that eiiue Nolih.utf Unue 5ev. ral ni'-mbers of the Pi Osb ter ian ctr.rcn arealrea ;y ;al . n-of tuiiUint; a u -w ctiui'cti eiliti'e. as toe present tst" ueture 13 pr.V;Ut: tm small lor ttie crowds Lbat tl ck lh. re on Sui days. The party who went up the valley re':eii'ly on a i- el sutjar Pecos pro- pect:ntr trip ri. turr, a yesterdav morn muud weaiu h id the evening to the City of Me.xwo. W H. D.ivis of 1 10 X Kansas street was unain maue haupy last Sunday evening witn another bouncing baby boy. 13 jtb motner and child are do.iiJ well. There will be a Y. P. S. C. E. social and pastor's reception tonight at the Christian church. 22 pounds standard granulated sugar for $1 at the El Paso Grocery Co., 112 E. Overland St. Jesus Cobos has deeded land in Clint to it. J. Carr for $150. The Ei Paso sutrar trust is busted and the El Paso Grocery Co. did it. Bucklenrs Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 6 cents per box. For sale by W. A. Irvln and Co., wholesale and retail druggists El Paso. A (-ouuudruni. . What i9 the difference between the temper of a horse and the cost of his feed in cold weather with a good blank et to keep him from catching cold, and ,i.v,t o hlnnirRtV The answer wi be triven free with each horse blanket purchased of the West Texas Saddlery Co., Corner Oregon and Overland fleets. Oil Heating Stoves. The "Orient" is still in the lead of all competitors. Al though still early in the sea son, they are selling rapidly. The "Orient" has become so well known that it is not nec- rtpnnw ti rlncorikn If horo in detail. It is a heater, an or- nampnt tn arw rnnm. and nan i nament to any room, and can be converted into a cook stove. No other light is need ed when an "Orient" is in the room. It is the handsom est and most popular oil heat ing device ever invented. Over one hundred now in use in El Paso; and they are cheap. Write for circular. Chas. F. Slack & Co., Grocers, Sole Agents. .vi .4i .A. H -.. .. IT VI AY ... 5i POSSIBLE You will not Find wlut you want for our store, but we want you to TRY ANYHOW! us" Wc are getting in new goods every i? are Koasonao e. T . , . . i i i y-v I y - 1 B TV. Ill Tiie Jevelers, III San Antonio Street, 4. 9 Bronson Block, BRIEF LOCAL'S. Hot cakes at Smith's creamery. Fresh oysters at Smith's c reamery. Juicy steaks at Smith's creamery. Strawberries at Smith's creamery. Typewriter paper at the Herald of fice. FOR Rest Finely furnished front room, OUD . uregou street. Fine linen typewriter paper for sale at the Herald office. Wrights' butter at Smith's Cream ery. Stoves and Steel Ranges; low prices. Momsen & home's. Try the bread made by the Dickin son Home Bakery. For sale A store front, plate glass enquire t us office. Two front-rooms furnished for rent, 310 Wyoming street. Linen typewriter paper. 500 sheets legal size at SI. 20 at Herald job office. Beautiful cottage dinner sets f4.75, China Palace, 211 Sin Antonio St. Home made cakes, pies and dough nuts at Smith's creamery. New upright piano for eale cheap. Call at room 120 Sheldon Block. Shedd does th- best repair work in El Paso and always guarantees work. Irvia & Co. are receiving an im mense stock of Holiday goods call and see them. 22 pounds standard erranulated sugar fo - SI at the El Paso Grocery Co., 112 E. Overlaid St. The best is cheapest. The "Amer ica'1 is tue best wheel on earth. Shedd is agent. 22j lhs. sugar $1 00 cash. 2o lbs. sugar $1 HO wilt, purchase of SI (K) other g oci r:e.-. Pea c-, 201 Suintou St. El Pa.-o Fuel Co. , are '"The" agents fur tiie. ceb-braieu Ceriiilos White Ash and antti- rsite eoa's. Succ ssors ' Cerrilios Coal It- R Co. Phone 110. Thurher cna!, tho best fo- grate and healers, at SO.iiU p.-r ton. scruene l and oeiivertd. Office at. Putt!- roy's Trans fer Co. Ptioue is Chas. D. Freeman, Agent. George Hero d arrt sfed last ni-jht, a couple of Mexicans from the smelter for smuggling m-scal from the old country. Tho commissioner will attend to their ca-es. O'Brien Coal Co., are agents for "CcrrihosCoa!.'' We tell the celebrat ed white ash and anthracite at;d make a specialty of screened lumps for do mestic uses. Phone 8. Major Mc.Glennon sues W. E. Kendall in the district court for trespass u try title. W J. Harris sues D. T. Hoskins for the saui'i reason. The K. of P. lode No S2 sues Otis ' urner on a promissory note and foreclosure of lien. Mrs. G. C. B Itobinson of Mesa av enue, had a cangerom fall the other evening in not noticing the depth of the S'anton street ditch as she stepped oil the sidewalk: and has buen laid uo for two or three days with a badly sprained ankle, yhc is now able to be up. A reception will be given tomorrow night in the Y. M. C. A. rooms to ltev. 11 W. Moore, the new Presby terian p;ir-0'-, and it is hoped that the p-'Ople of El Paso will be there to extend the eordiai hand of welcome to this talented and powerful preacher of the gospel. The evening wiil be made interesting with a musical program. While the night shift on the Corra litos road were work'tig the pile driver Saturday night, down near the over head crossioir, una of the guy ropes gave way, and the whole ou lit fell. The driver was smashed in the fall, and Powers .V Buchanan in this city were notified in hot hato to ship at once the uarts necessary to duplicate the OroKen pans oi me luaciinie me pieces were sent down at 12:20 this I morninsr, and the pile driver is once more singing its song "with a dull and (eickeoiog thud." C. C. Tanner & Co Successors to Rffnr vou buv see the Tliey Combine (QJXIIOFL ? Cleanliness, Cheerfulness. 310 EL PASO ST- ADELIA SCHUTZ, Teacher Of Piano' And Harmony. Ft Terms Enquire at 217 Myrtle Ave. or Francisco Street. 119 San DR. C. 0. BKOWJbi, DENTIST. Rnnm. 2 mnrt 4 Mundv lrw a Holiday or Wedd ng Present at day and our prices to say the Least r O I i ivr f K I 4& X ' ' - I El Paso, Texas SUNDAY SERMONS. AS PREACHED AT THE DIFFERENT CHURCHES. The Local Min'sters are Doing Much (tOjiI iu Upholding the Spiritual Welfare of EI Paso. The Presbyterian church was packed again yesterday at both services, nd Rev. Mr. Mocre, the pastor, maj certainly feel gratilied in real:z ny that El Paso people are appreciating the force and power with which he is preaching the word of God. He preached yesterday morumg from the text, ''Looking unto Jesus, tne director and perfeetor of our faith, who for tne joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of God,' Hebrews XI1:2. Tne speaker said : The turning point of the life of a man or woman never occurs at any particular age. We do not necessarily lind it at graduation from school or college, or at marriage; but rather from that moment when one is su denly tired with some grand idea which stiugs aud stirs him to the core, to the center of his life, and spurs him to action that directs his entire life in certain well defined channels along strongly marktd lines of experience. Words have forct as they emenate from men in certain conditions of mind, the force being the greater as the person is moved by soin--stir-ing thought o- emotion. Wnen Paul spoke tne words ol the text he was deeply moved, and the inspiration that lilled his mind, led him to so speak as to command the attention of the world. In all the brilliant galaxy of s ars, Paul saw but one, the star of Bethlehem, shining over the end of tht Christian s course that he is to run; so the apostle said if you wish to be a Christian, cast aside the weights that hold us back in the surroundings ol this world, and run the race that is .et before us. Christ is the leader, th perfeetor of our faith. God has called us into tho world fo a pui oose; and it is a memorable event in our lives when the thought conic into the mind, '"God has called me into this world for a purpose." This is thi dignity of manhood, the dignity o! womathood. Ihere is no such thing as chance ia this world. There not two people who look alike. You are born to do something no one else can do The. preacher here cited Rembrandt, John Knox. Martin Luther, each one of whom had worked to do what no one else on earth was able to ac compiish. Paul declared, "1 am not ashamed of the gospel of Chris?," and he went forth to stand before Kings and sanhedrins, and to lace mobs, and a Christian empire was started which shall never wane. The men who be lieve God is behind them, can cot be put down. They will succeed, accord ing to their belief, in the promises of God. Belief thatGod reigns will make a man victorious, strong and courage ous. There are many people who can trust God in the sunshine, but when the clouds of adversity come their faith and belief weaken. But let us bear in mind that no matter bow many clouds may at times surround the church of God, the bible tells us no weapon or tongue not even the gates of hell, shall prevail against it. The sneer of the intidel shall never prevail Nations may come and go, but the church of uou win stanu triumphant lor Cod is watching his own The speaker told a touching story as illustrating how Christ, uied for us, and a realiz itioa of that fact would help us in many a temptation. What a great thing it is to realize that Christ is at the end of the course ready to place on our he:uls he crown of rig hteousii"ss, the crown of life as a reward for successfully running the course. Place your ht p where it may be tuned in harmony with the divine will. The reason why people fall in this world is because they have hothing to light with. Biild stately and strong and beau'iful the ladder with which yon rise in the spiri tual world. Mr. Moore was particularly strong in illustration and ane"dote, and referred to the first Mrs. Judson, who left her Massaehusets home at 10 for missionary life in Burmah, with a force of pa'.his that brought tears to the eyes of a HJ. H. Vogeley Electric Oil Healer. Convenience, number of his congregation. AT TRINITY CHURCH. Rev. J. T. French preached to a full house last, night in Trinity from 1 Timothy IV: 8, "For bodily exercise little; but Godliness is p'-elit-able unto all things." In his opening pryer, the preacher deprecated the cruel and abominable sport bull fighting that had opened up that day in this vicinity, and prayed that the young people might be ;tihietic.d against, any counteuanc'ng of this sort of thing In his discourse the speaker said, the principal thing with many these days -cerus lo be how to get rich. Paul saj s to Tim thy tell those people over there that bodily exercise, the mere temporal thiuts of this world, profir-eth little; for the Jews thought that by the worn of their hands they could acchieve salvation. !3o the apostle was anxious that Tiin-ithy should show it was Godliness rather than bodily work that availed a man. To many people UoJline-s is a dead language, but to the chr.stian it is a living language Tell mj what loveliness is and I will tell you what Godliness is. We are Godly when we uopreciaie God and try to he like him. When we admire G d we are Godly. Tne mere knowledge of God does not mean salvation, for even tho devils believe and tremble. We mu-t Know him suirituailv. Godliness is grac and love of God in the soul. We can j uot be godly and sit by idly. Godliness means obedience to Goi in this ii.'e. j The speaker caused a smile here by remarkir.g that if a m in's wife said ho was a Christian he was very liable to be Tho speaker also showed how it was the greatest business policy imaginable to uccept the o;Ters ol salvation through a risen L-tci: ana how godliness was proti,abie in a business way as in every other kind of way. Take Christ as your partner auu you will be successful. THE Y. M. C. A. Rev. Mr. Bovard, of Albuquerque, addressed the Y. M. C. A. yest -rd ay- afternoon, speaking from II Peter I:o-S, '"Add to your faith, virtue: and to virtue, Knowledge, temperance; aim to temperance, patience; and to tiaueriee, rodlinesr; and to godliness, bi-otnerly Kiudlienss: and to brotherly kindness charity." Tho speaker said in pari: We are not to be merely contemplative iu the christian life. The christian should be an active factor in life, and this sorip'ure in Peter o ithn.s the pathway of general endeavor as well as those lines of experience coming more ilirectlv f om God. This a tiling to your faith is putting things into a vessel. Add richness and poer to what we have in Christ. Add to you'- faith virtue: that is a purity coming tnrough courage; it is tiie heart of a man putting himself forwaru for Christ: and who gives the devil no place iu his life. Add to virtue, knowl edge. We must p ssess saucttieu powers of body, mind and soul for Christ: all with a view to tho unfold ing of the glories of God. A man should lose no time, but should give as much of it as he can to the cau-e of his maker. Add to knowledge, temperance. There are other things temperate be sides refraining from drunkenness. There is temperateness in lauguage, in temper aud other tnings. Aud to Godliness, charity, and brotherly uindr.t ss, to love. The secret orders tnink they have the truest type of love in their regard for fellow s clety m -n and it is a most excellent thing. But we add to that as a cap sheaf, the broad charitable love as manifested towards the world in Christ Jesus Wc can't present Christ to men if we have uot that love. A BICYCLK ARRIVAL. J. Harrv Hr.nvn of Pho -nix ia Tl is City Altera Kile ofok; 31i,cs. J. Harr Brmin, 1 f r'hoeu.x, a noted wheelman and representative of the Cyclii g We.-t, arrived iu this city last evening, tifier a ride that covered 04(13 mlies since April 27lii last. He will be in this c !y aud Juarez until Wednesday morning, when he once more hits the road ea route for his home in Arizona Mr. Crown left Phoenix April, 27, and toured on h s wheel tnrough Cali fornia to Portland and into Washing ton: then' e east along the line of th Union Pacific road through southern Idaho to Salt Lake City, thence sout h over the Green river desert in Ut. h to Grand Junction. Colo., thence, along the Broad Guae loGlenwood Springs, Leaeville, Sal. da, and ttie canyon of tl.e Arkansaw. 10 Pu -hle.; thence to Den ver, and fast lo Kiia-as City along tin; line of the Kansas Pari lie: thence souh Via Spring lield, Mo., down through the nation lo Den'.son, and thence along the line of the Texas & Pacific' to El P.tso Mr. Brown found ninej miles of D & It. G. track washed out in the grand canyon, but pushed through ou his wheel, all the s-wne. At Kansas Cby it was his intention to ride through to Chicago, but fout.d it so cold that he gave up the attempt and turm d south. In smit heas; ern Utah he was held up by tramps, but by a show of his six-shooter s.ood the fellows olT. lie, also found it convenient to show iiis teeth on one or t'vo other 1 occasions, and thus saved himself from 1 molestation. Mr. Brown sas it is' : altogether too risky for a rider to start j olT on a tour without a gun In Texas , ! he was struck at by a tenuis! cr who interfered with his passage, and the! teamster was requested to get down aud j lignt but he wouldn't, j Brown hroke down ut Sherman, and ; had to lay oil' for ten days to repair his wheel and replacp a worn out lite ; The left branch of his handle hir broke, on nim near B g Springs, but he fixed up a wooden splice that worked all right. Brown has a pitent. fluid with which he loaded up his tires so that tho cactus t horns had no terrors; for him. In fact ho show d a IIi:i;.r.l reporter his tires chocKeu lull of thorns but 1 hey had given him 1,0 trouble. 1 1 say s that one rea-on why tires are rutted by soul anti-puncture preparation is because these preparations are made of aspha'tum and gasoline, and ashphaltum wiij rot any rubber. Some B TJJP OT V w We h&va detmined to elo e out our RETAIL DE PARTMENT, and now offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS at a SACRIFICE Our assortment is large and complete and our friends and the pubi c are invited to inspect the stock and buy goods to suit themselves. SPECIAL ATTENTION ! Is called to the following' articles suitable for Holiday trade: Ladies Capes and Jackets, Silk Shawls, Woolen and Dress Goods, liamlkerchiefs, Blankets, Table Covers, Damask Table Sets, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Etc. Come over and inspect our goods. It will pay yon. e - A Bunsow & Co mmimmi ammiMmiuu luimmmuii imaiK riders have tried shellao and alcohol, but, the latter evaporates, leaving the i shellac to dry up and then it rattles i around in-ide the. tire, like so much j sawdust when the wheel is running. Mr. Brown takes the railroad bed generally, and in Utah found it beauti ful riding on the Rio Grande Western truekfas that line has been carefully ballasted for its entire length with heavy sand and gravel so that the rider made seventy miles a day on the Green river desert. Mr. Brown was out this morning with G orge Bovee trying t't local '.track, and is much pleased with it, tie is a good, iraniv looKing lenow, auu is making many friends here. j A .Military Concert. ! The weai her proven propitious ar- lir ay afternoon i-o the comma tiding ollieer at Fort Uiiss t j favor the puhli nt. the band down .vith a plaza con- eer rs the Lotificafon had been contingent upon the weather, and only a sieg e hr ef notice given at that, there was not much of a crowd present. The music, however, was very good, particularly the Uohemian Girl selec tion. The. men are all trained musi cians, ard their business being to play, they pl'iy, and they play well. The writer does not believe there is a better bard in the infantry service than tho 15th inf-mtry band. Two of the mi n. Leizt and Schlessingf-r. have been playing tenor slides with the McGinty Viand, aud their work is ap predated. The public wiil he pleased to hear the ISth's band again on the plttza. There are .'!",') car la ads of corn in the Santa Fe yards ready for shipment over the river. The New York court of appeals has decided against Archbishop Michael A. Corricritn. of Xevv York. who was i the defendant and appellant in a suit I which was won by Marie T Uppington in the lon er courts, whrreby she gained title and possession of thirty-two lots of I land in New Yo-k City. The property : is valued ;it 6U M00 and Mrs. Upting'cn .owns a ha f interest in the property, j j The Albuquerque Democrat, says that i a proposition is pending for a change ; of hands in the ownership of the New I Mexican. The estimated output of geld this vear from Califerria mines will be worth about t 000.OUO, as aglist $ 14, PliO.UeO last year. Seventy car the other day, Soence lb os , Kansas City. of she-'p were shipped from Kemal, N. M., by to Swift Nolan, of The mercury at Jacksonville. was down to lili Thursday. '21 pounds standard eranulated sugur for SI at the K Paso Grocery Co , 112 K. Overland St. The News reports twenty one ca of typhoid fever aud pneumonia Williams. Solomon ville is soon to have a Span ish paper. M"xicaii I iiivs. Correct Kegiish translations, lately revistU, i f tho customs tan IT, internal revenue, min ng, commercial, coloniza tion, p t'ent and laws concern i ng the acquisition 'iil cultivation of coll'ee lareis and other laws of interest to fori igners can be obtained from tho secretary of the Mexican consulate, (112 San Anion, o St., K! Paso. 'Sever il years ago I was taken with rhcuinati-iii. I w:is tol l that, my blood was in a bad com! i ! ion and I began ttikuig Iloo.l - S irsa partita Wnen I !-f" uovJM ! had t.ik n 1 hree hoi r o rhe 'in it ism . "' Armour, Toxa-'. Hood 's Pills are vegetable Pa'ticuhr Attention ! I S3 CALLiHD Winter Line Of OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR A nrl CI 11 TC I-LllKA I I VJ. P S f 1 U V , 111? OU. A H WHiTVER, Over Santa Fe City Tli-ltPt Oiios Notice of Assignee'? Sale. ut Thin Note is til tvlr, IZ en thilt .1.1 I'r 'i'iii 't t". Is 'ti :r n. ui , nt. i)i, w:,.T... ,,r II. K V- 'v o , in III l'.eo. Tcmis. I i!s.l nt ;ii 1 ! i i oiilci v to t lie IiIltIc sI I I i i i I. i- for c:ili il 1 t ii ' s - o.'I; . ti ' u re- a iul i -con tit - ii ml ol iter ;isets, tot lnc uili-if c.isli i. oney, he loiii'iiiLrto tiie tir i of M. Knyser X ' 'o ' 1 re serve liie l-lii lit to rej ct ;i - v Mini aM bids. M. H. lii "iKs, Ahslynee. Ex. Paso, Texas, Nov. oo, JSl'ti. Fla., X f IMPORTANT! Why It Is That I Have Done so Large a Busi ness This Season. Guess? T. H. SPRINGER, Corner Stanton and St. Louis Street, El Paso, Texas, The Acknowledged Cheapest Dealer in House Furnishing Goods in the Southwest. We have just received two cars of upholstered Foekers. Bed Room Furniture Sirl R-q n:? x.-ki Dining' Chairs. And we are receivir.g daily a full beiectea ov me personanv. vnich this market. JET. i-'urmture, Crockery and Carpets. Corner of t. Louis anG Stanton Streets, EIj PASO rX'2C.5. yTSpecil Attention to out cf town trade. 309 El Paso Street, Opera -'ouse Block. New and Second-hand JFni-nit-ure And all Kinds of House-hold Goods. FL'RSITCRE EXCHANGED. TWO GOOD FIRE-PROOF SAFES FOR SALE. Agent for Household Sewing Machines. Pr oscar Wilkinson, I.itp resident snrpenn F.vo. Ear, Xo:e and Throat Hospital, New (Jrle uis, La. Fi iict're confined to Eur. No o A; Tlu-.-ati otliee limits !':;; i a in to 1 : l n, 4 m. Cons j 1 1 11 1 ion t ree to in 1-1- ro"i Sinl'-iis.m KO'tM -, Kt; vopfsF Mr K ". -.. -. -i.v ,; .jT????"f?r;?1fc?35f? Owing to the success we have had the past week with our special sales, we have conclud ed to continue our SPECIAL PRICES FOR .- T 1? WT7 1? i II J1. Lj V ill ill I -vs.. if es 1 sy? t at : A'i x i 'v I. Curtice Bros Blue Libel Corn, Scans for SI 03 Curtice Bros Kirly June Peas, S cans for 1 00 Curtice B-os IU fugee S:ring!ess Beans, 8 cans for. . 1 00 Curtice Bros Boston Baked Beans, 3 lb cans, 8 cans. 1 00 Curtice Bros Boston B.iked Beans, 1 lb cans, 7 cans oO Curtice Bros Kxtra Sifted Peas, best quality, 5 cans 1 00 Curtice Bros Bice Label Peas, extra line, equal to the bts; French peas. 21b cans, 4 cans for... 1 00 Curtice Bros Littie Gom Peas, very Sne quality, 4 cans f r 1 00 Curtice Bros Soup.-: Oxtail, Mock Turtle, Consom me, Julienne, Vegetable, Tomato, Mut'cn -:- .. -j -in. 1 Tc1? -5-! ... i .f.. --. Broth. Ieef: regular Curtice tiros iiiue i,at ei 2 hlf pint bottles i ! Strictly standard California tomatoes 7 cans for50cts w J , , . , w w IT I m IVIVIIVIUIII . UUI UUI u J J LO I i4 J! California standard table fruits: Peaches, Pears, Ap-T ii ncois, DiacKDernes, m o cans ior 5i.uu. packages Lion Coffee O 1 A peciiils -. Good (ion lVwiit-r Tea, ntnhr vim 33 Mrpilv z: oil li'iiliiv Gua Powder Tea, i In -id cent-i per i ouud. Jii h'!'ii B'-eaiil'ist 'lea, rcirnia' p ice .'13 lOlliltl. w c(.,;ii,. i ...... in., v 1 y !i lia loiiihuilsiHriwiiiiil. jUT pun ml. j'ri t ii'J III fll 1 we m: l.e In vto.-L hi I i ,'l mi . t 'i 'I "iimI li-.,. : f ti net 1 i- on nei ' 1 evi'rvt lilne We , C Illldl.U' I'.venlel v. 1-111 f.' r This M :p;) e-i unity io i : y t i '. sti!;,!y ot r,,c o II' per cent 1 h ll what oil uii' our n su re it v iL rAISU UK0CEKV ..t AfA K-rK: -ri ill live l.-.l,e,l I-,,,,,, i r for li s tli Id V I v:i ii ipiot we i-an t.ny A''- 3- 2i JL?iii. ii.irjLji'l. i 9 V3v OVER THE 1 RIVER. 5! furniture consisting nf Rnt.fnn and "--, "iig lauica, stock of China and ranev eroods will far surpass anything- seen in Dr. A. J . Mi- IDIDZSTTIST1. tioom : Bronson Block. Office hours, S:30 to 12 a. m.. 1 :.10 to 5 p. m. -r 17" T A AT1 '" 4- price 25 cts: reduced to 20 Catsup, : 2" cents. pint bottles, 4o cents; 4t SPECIAL ! ureen uaes, tffg r ants. & $1.00. In Teas: cents per pound, rcduocl to 22i e-nls o:? regular price 75 tea's i?r poimil, reduvd ceafs n:r luiuni reiluc.d to 22i 11 il ' r ..4. regiilar pirn 50 els pea jioiiui, reduced (o 33 reals urr poaad, reduced h 1 emls ii - -. . il rrv on 1 V to reiine Ki i iN V. so he '" . s ,if 1 lie best U .1 Aji I tviy I'lsi'ivlirrii v iTi,T, a td fTrfnm-v. .V-.. ?jl? price, WX,. fun to -lit per cent and the ;i ' . 4; vi wi .ti fBBON. s 1?U UU1 IT JJXl 1 kl