Newspaper Page Text
DAILY e A JL J A. WliCE FIVE CENTS. EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY, DECE3IBEK J 2.1896. VOL. XVI, NO. 225 JOS'IUA S. KAY.WI.US, lll!-:-3IDENT; ul.y.ssi:s s. STtr.VAKT, cashier: ATA JL JL El Paso, Capita! and Surplus H. L. NEWMAN, Banker, W. H. AUSTIN, Cashier. H. El Paso, A General Banking !f3f" Me x ioan Bullioa Bought. Money and Exchanje Bought and Sold. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOLt II 10 XT. C. R. MOIIEHEAD, President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vice Pres. State National Bank, Established April, 1881. A legitimate banking- business transacted In all . n all the cities of the United States bought at par. Mexican Dollars. fes THERE ISN'T ANY GUESS El J"' About our shoes, they are made "upon honor," by manu facturers whose reputations are not for sale. We've got faith enough in these shoes to stamp our name on every pair, and we are selling them at half usual profits. 1L W & SOjST, Shoe Dealers. i Boast Which We Rightfully Mate ! Nothing- hut the hest MENS' WEAR is to he found ou our shelves and counters. We will not deal in SHODDY GOODS. WE HAVE IT0 USE FOB THEM. From Now Until the New Year we will Give Great Re ductions in all Lines. Come and See for Yourselves. Go mm Mall orders receive prompt attention. IS2.501 N E W $2.50 ALWAYS SOMETHING ISTET- Having adopted a new system of guaranteeing1 and insuring watch repairs from this date, it will cost you only two dollars and a half to keep your watch in PerfeGt Order For CDlJ. "yLI- No matter how badly broken it is or what acci dent may happen within the year, I KEEP IT IN ORDER. ITou. Pay Once and ISTo More If the watch is worth repairing." 1 & Xffc - -7'1-,D?'-S'- 3 3 x; CWATll i.h5 jiiinmuttirristin: &:a,55 fntvw'fr?'iipr'?'A3&- c$,.&o2' mito-Mj'S EC- e u a J jHnmm':,Y,rA.-.-r , frsm of 0V)'fAJ.'ii f,tr .'( una' Td wrirtrt 'a m ittl I NameotMv't. , G I No. Fac-bimile of my guarantee given with each watch repaired. This does not inciude case; I also except Howard and fine Swiss watches from thj above price, but I make the charge proportion ately as low. Don't Pay rom Two -to Twenty Dollars el to keep your watch running when for two fifty you get an absolute guarantee by .A.. EC RICHARDS, "Watclies &d Diaanoxicls, yiHlX-. PASO DK. KING, SPECIALIST, nrnnrc Jl l IULO, Kl CONSULTATION 'uso ami CATARRH TlX UTERINE DISEASES U NX AT L' It I. I ;S HA K" : K r! m in v -t tn-- BLOOD BiK'li :is Sor3 r i i r dtr nw t re i inn nn il ' 'I "Alii Trent, Ml ) i .- I N : i 1 A I ( 'I I'.K of i !U:o T. inch :n Sow r i i r ir, I'l.-crs S r; t.ut i. i in )i t' it', in tli-t Joints ru;idliy disijo:ir uu d.p nw t re it lil'-ll. !il .t -ii'i'in:i M-vt 'L" ii is (i u.t ';nr i;i rurh' RECTAL DISEASES, PILES uae of tiie kni f,. or t li.r .la ti runs riiiMii.s -tti l It I wit hout a- y detention from busi ness Kbit ii hi U I'c.r.ti .nol'tie U livcls iioslrivclv CTItK. Uae of the knj or ot Iit la ;i ro nss Kitnl;i U cr.r-tti 'ii ft!" I 'n- I PRIVATE DISEASES NiT'-'u is Ke'ii (I men ' N ATCK h II -;H A (i'tVOl'.lUluEA '.LKK I', r Ii i.'TL'KK I'osliiveiy CLUED ApTC Kor Syuantom rthinks. satisfactory reu-ts Guarauteeci tLiroujlj my perfect VY it I I U system of corresuudeace m. w. flournoy, vice president jos. f. Williams, asst. cashier. rSUAM U D ATI i exas, 8125,000 L. NEWMAN, Jr. Ass't Cashier Texas Transacted. Business Gold and Silver J. C. LACKLAND, Cashier RUSSELL, Asa't Cashier. J. H. its branches. Exchange Highest prices paid for WORK MUNIJY BLOCK - &. (f. . . ... . . . - - ..(WWW - TEXAS "m ('nuicl-' of HI ouse AND EXAMINATION l-UOOV ss. Tb - l-t'i'st methods for the NEKV i: I'ZiOt-TK.VriON. Kallittif of the I'...-.s-li i! A.fiisUir:itlon. L hetiitlOD i on ; o.-.-ti In wo-" in. . M- i'O IAICY or Tr K TIAKi iosltlvt-ly u .ii is riot v -I'iintr H-l. .vim'. Internal Kxtir- i.:il a;i I i.'h !ti io it i ve'y (J U kK.i without the Ity. 1 M IK ")H. In vonns anfj middle I'U'' ii t'i-i M VN'H)")!'. rest.-.r- l. t'N- A J Looks all right and is all right to look at, but when you taste it you wish you had kept it simply as an ornament. We have a fresh lot of Jl'ICE - HEAVY ORANGES Fresh from the sunny clime of Mexico where sweet things grow. The sight of them will make your mouth water. We also have a full line of seasonable fruits - - FRESH. CANNED AND EVAPORATED We can't reccomend our t Ycrk State Pure Cider too highly. Write your I orders or come in person t and you will get the best f attention and first-class groceries at J. B. Watson's The Grocer, Phone 151, Cor. San Antonio and Stanton Streets J-Joliday Presents. Not "Wow Cheap." but "How Appro priate," and being so appropriate, not so very dear. READ THIS LIST FROM TOP TO BOTTOM ! I BELTS. Mexican CHATELAINES, Carved IN CARD CAES, Leather POKE BOOKS. L ETC., ETC. Washburn and cheaper Grades of Mandolins and Guitars. MEXICAN DRAWN PI. Standard and Domestic Sewing Ma chines. Mexican Opals, Onyx and Zarapes. COIMBU AND CRESCENT BICYCLES. Indian Baskets and Navajo Blankets. Eastman Kodaks and Films. Mexican Art in Silver and Gold. A. B Chase and J. and C. Fischer and Sterling Pianos. RE'D THIS LIST FROM BUTTON TO TOP ! l G. TO COMPANY Music Store, Bicycle and Sewing Ma chine Depot. THE INS AND OUTS. Going1 and Coming: of El Paso People and Others W. II. Tuttle is confined to his room with cold aDd fever. Herbert J. Bishop visit to San Antonio. left today on a John Pryor passed through the city today for San Francisco. S H. Buchanan went down to San Elizario this afternoon on a hunting trip. Dr. Koberson of Canada who has been visiting with Senator Sandford's folks in this city, returned north today, to the land of ice and enow. Dan Parks leaves for Los Angeles where he will take a position with the Pullman company. Dan will be much missed in local bicycle circles. Major A. C. Braxton, of Ojo Calien te, has been up to purchase bupplics. lie intends erecting do n there a ten ton smelter at no distant day. General Freight Aeent F. H. Kings ley of the Pennsylvania road arrived with his family this afternoon on the G. II. en route" to Red lands, California for the winter. The party are occupy ing a private car. The Las Cruces foot ball team arriv- 1 ed this noon and was met at the depot by conveyances in charge of soldiers, which carried the visitors out to the post for this afternoon's foot ball game. Krwin Tears, a prominent young bu&ioeEs man from Denver, is at the Pierson. He tried other hotels in town and preferred the Pierson. Oflicer Heroic! says he found kerosene oil thrown on the front and rear of the south Oregon street bhauty tbat was lired last night. The St. Clement's parish ladies will hold a bazar next Wednesday in the old shojting gallery cn San Antonio street. Ladies' and gent's sterling silver backed combs $1 00 each. CjEO. W. IIk kox & IJlXSON, Bronson block. "The Jewelers." Ayer's Pills, beintr comnosed of the essential virtues of the best vegetable aperients without any of the woody or tibrous material wbateveV. is the reason why they are so much more effective and valuable than any other cathartics. The Lest family physic. 22A lbs. sugar 1.(0 cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 with purchase of $4 00 other groceries. Pearce, -01 Stanton St. Telephone 20(i for window glass, per hanging-, sitrns. etc. EL PASO STEAM LAUNDRY, Telephone 47- pa- 1 BANKRUPT SALE! . 1 1 will commence to sell (Regardless of If j Cost) at the old PL Ivayser & Co. stands linear the Postoffice, the entire stock of H g Hats, A Splendid Opportunity to lay in IFOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS !l 1 GOODS THuuiiuutuiiu ujujuuiittuuuuiuiuuuiautt uiiuuiuimuiuiui mauiiaiuiuiK IN EL PASO. Tucson Restaurant Keeper Who got into Trouble is in this city. There is weeping, wailing and e-nash- ng of teeth in Tucson over the depart- re of the proprietor of a new restaur nt on CoDgress street, says the Star. notice, put on the door JLuesday vening, says repairs are oeing maae the kitchen ana business will be resumed in the morning. This is hursday and"the tnorninir is not yet,"' that is for the restaurant. Conflicting tories float around on the gentle zephyrs that play with one's whiskers, the substance of which are about as follows: Mr. Wallace came here from Albuquerque and on last Sunday morn ing opened a nicely and newly fitted restaurant for the public patronage, a goodly share of which he received. 10 verythingr seemed lovely for his ven ture until Tuesdav evening-, when the aforementioned notice was posted on I the door. Since then nothing has been served to the hungry patrons, and thus it is explained to a Star man by one who is supposed to know: "You see all the arrangements were made for Wallace and be opened up with very promising prospects last Sun day, as you know. He left his wife in El Paso, and after getting- things go ing he wrote or wired her to get some money out of the bank in El Paso and come here. He cii not hear from her and decided to go to El Paso Tuesday night. He did so and said he would bend money by telegraph to pay the bills that were pressing. His wife came the night he left and is here now with out funds, having only gotten a small amount oi-r. of tbe bank, a large portion of which she used on a visit just prior tocoming here. He continued to El Paso and nothiug has been heard from him since, and he has told so many conflicting tales one is puzzled which to believe." "Don't he know his wife is here and her circumstances" ask the Star reporter. ilYes, he ought to surely by this time," was the answer. Anoth er man says that he has only gone after additional fixtures, a range, etc., and will return and open up again. The latter lacks any idea of confirmation from the manner in which the closing was done. Which is correct and what, are exactly the facts cannot now be said, but a heavy, murky air of suspi cion hangs over the entirety that makes it look strokey. A passenger leaving by the T. & P. the other afternoon asaed the conductor if he had any rooms on the train where a feller could go to be.d when he wanted to. The conductor said there was the Pullman: there were rooms in that where the man might have the sought fnr H.-elns'nn -'What's a Pullman?" j asked the passenger. This took the ' conductor's breath away. But after hooking the granger carefully over said he guessed the tourist sleeper was about his t-iz.', and he had better go there. The passenger went and ap pear ed to be sitislied. Conductor M -Hugh, of the Santa Fe had a close ca'l the other day. He was s anding ou the track at the A. lfc P.. iur.ction when he chanced to look ut hist in tiin; to see the hack end of the A. vV- I'., switch engine's tender bearing; down on him Mr. McIIugh does not think it was over two feet awav. He had presence of mind to step baek just as the tender grazed him. A second more, and he would have been run over and cut all to piec.'S. Conductor McITugta, of the Santa Fe, exchanged with Farnsworth yesterday and camB down f'-om the Silver City run. He says 'here is not a bousa to rent iu Silver City. onday, IDeceiii'ber . Goods, Men and Boys Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Shoes, Trunks, Blankets, MUST REGARDLESS OF George Parker, A VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT. New Addition to the Sisters' Hospital Completed. The addition to the Sisters' hospital is practically completed, and gives the sisters most excellent conveniences for their work. The chapel extension has been finished, and will be dedicated next Tuesday at 0 a. m., with high mass by Father Pinto and other special exercises appropriate, to the occasion. The seating capacity of the chapel has been doubled and will comfortably ho'd now perhaps 125 people. The finish is in natural woods oiled, and the walls and ceiling have been covered with elegant paper in light drab tints with a frieze of wreath work in darker and harmonizing hues. The three chande liers were presented by young men in town, and other Catholics have contri buted to the adornment of the place. The altar firish is attractive and Wil ton carpets to match the walls will be laid through the center aisle. It is an elegant little chapel, and the sisters take just pride in showing the visitors through it. The new addition gives other and much needed conveniences. Suites of rooms are thus provided for the ac commodation of sick sisters from other latitudes who may be sent here to recuperate during the mild winters, and twelve sisters can be cared for in the new infirmary. The verandas have been carried around so that the in valid sisters can have the benetit of the promenade and the sun, only this section of the verandas is separated from those frequented by the lay patients. A range as large as the one at Fort Bliss has been set up in the basement. It is ( feet square and is equipped with all the latest improve ments. The ovens are especially con venient and commodious. The cellar has been cemented and will be parti tioned off for the various conveniences needed. The cost of the entire addi tion is a little over SFS00O. and the sisters are very proud of the increase of their plant, and the economical manner in which the money has been expended. In time they intend build ing a north wine to the hospital, the counterpart of the south wing. The, entire institution is a model of neat ness, cheerfulness and quiet elegance. Breaking' "Em in. The street railway company is breaking in a new lot of mules, and the Mexican drivers are having a fine time of it. One Aztec stands in the center of the platform holding the reins, while there is a compadre on each side of him each hanging onto a rope as if for dear life, the ropes being fastened to either side of the bit in the mule's mouth. When his muleship yanks to the right, the gentle aid-de-camp on the left of the charioteer, hauls in his ribbons, and Mr. Mule is pulled around into the prop r path: and the converse of this proposition holds true when his tmib shi) swerves to the left. It is an animated picture, especially when the inule tries "six ways for Sunday," and has the three artists behind him jump ing all over creation and shouting in Tomochi, Tarahumara. Yaqui. Ixieu atacoatln, and other dialects that ob tain to the south of the Bravo. The passengers enjoy the scene for a few moments; but after the mule has tried j mg the advantages of the trolley svs to climb over the car, through the car tern. When this system was introduced and into the nearest second story into Salt Lake City, ii-.'ople would not window, with the three Aztec artists after him, the delay becomes just a trille monotonous. Call and see those beautiful Dresden candle sticks and shades: latest things out. Geo. w. Hxcicox & Hixson-, BrcfaWu WoVU. "Ttte 'JVwVlc'ra.,, Etc. Etc. BE COST SCENIC FORT BLISS. An Electric Car Line Would Bring- the Reservation Within Easy Reach. If wheelmen only realized what a fine bicycle path there is between the cemetery road and Fort Bliss there would be wheelmen chasing up and down there a good deal. The county and cemetery roads are in excellent condition so that it is cement road riding all the way. Two bicyclists made tbe distance between the reser vation and. the S. P. railroad track in about six minutes last evening, and got down into town in about twenty minutes from the time they left the edge of the reservation. The evening view up there is beautiful. The jagged hog-back of the Samalayucas shows up against the southern sky in the most grotesque way, while below them can be 6een the misty outlines of part of the Candelarias. The western hills and the mountain spurs adjoining make an attractive sight in the setting sun as the deepening shadows make more noticeable the parts 6till lighted up by the sun's diminishing rays. Then the lessening beams play hide and seek with the straggling clouds of all hues and shades, and as tbe sunlight fades; away, there is cot that dead, leaden pall that marks the twilight of northern climes, but a rich plum color growing deeper" and deeper with intensifying crimson shades until ere one realize? it,; the daylight is gone and the bright stars are smging their nocturne, as nature lies peaceful and still. As the fading sunlight struck the Hucco tanks last evening, the great rocky knob seemed to giow like the blending tints of ruby and amethist, with shades ol lavender and deep purple playing over the face of the great p'ain between. It was a lovely sight: and then the air is so much better than down in the city where the "wheels of commerce" keep the dust a flying all day. El Paso people don't realize what an attractive spot they have so close at hand in the Fort Bliss reservation. It is suggestive of a great park, and which will be made the more beautiful as the size of the garrison is increased, and the government expends more money there. It will not b- until there is an electric car line running out to the re servation, that the place will be ap predated as it should be. It will be a lovely ride out there from this city when this much needed enterprise has been inaugurated. The oars might start from the junction of El Paso and San Antonio streets, run down the county road to where the first road turns off to the left, and then up the bench in a direct line to the reserva tion. The rue need not be over fifteen minutes. Electric lines are cumins' to bn a necessity in this city. It has been noticed that people do a great deal more riding and trafficking in a town where there are electric roads running out of it. An electric line might with profit bo built down the county road in the direction of Ysleta, to be gradually extended to that poii.t: and another line might well be built up through the smelter, and when the great rcservo r is built, extended to Anthony. If the matter is agitated and kepi before the public, something will he dene ere long. As it is, Kl Paso is way behind even little Lis Vegas, which is eri tv- Dellevo it was to he '.tie success that it proved to be, us the fesMve e'ectric mulo was the sole motive pow.'r at that time, and comparatively little riding was done. But the. inccase in struct car traffic was marvelous when the electric lines were started. TW R. Ki Vijoto ear has rtturaie'd. Silks, 3 Valises, 3 3 a Supply If SOLDI ent. Hotel Pierson Sunday Dinner, 6 p. m. "White Mushroom Soap Raw Oysters Celery Sliced Tomatoes Pickled Beets Queen Olives Chow Chow Roast Canvas Back Duck Cranberry Sauce Rare Roast Beef Horse Radish Roast Venison Dish Gravy Pear Fritters Wine Sauce Maccaroni and Cheese, Italian style Broiled Mutton Chops Snow White Mashed Potatoes Asparagus Points Spiced Yams ; taweet Sugar Peas Corn Bread I Ice Cream CocoanutCake Layer Fruit Cake Spanish Cake Home Made Pumpkin Pie Plain Strawberries Mixed Xuts American and Edam Cheese Oranges Apples Sweet Milk Ice or Hot Tea Java Coffee Jersey Cream St. Clement's Music. Morning Opening Voluntary: Ada gio in A, Haydn: Offertoire: Adante in G, Weber; Closing Voluntary: March in Eflat, Bruche. Evening Opening Voluntary: "All Glory to tbe Lamb" (Last Judgement), K""' ' , ' SV' t'n r , iU PomP0 ln D Gounod. opuur: unerioire: Adanta in flat. ntary: Allegro It is often a mystery bow a cold has been "caught. "The fact is.however, that when the blood is poor and the system depressed, one becomes peculiarly lia ble to diseases. When the appetite or the strength fails. Ayer's Sarsapar illa should be taken without delay. Shedd will have some more of those guaranteed "Overland" wheels in soon, and say, he is almost g-iving them away, if you want to save money, see him before buying, it will be to your interest. 22i lbs. sugar $1.00 cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 with purchase of $4.00 other groceries. Pearce. 201 Stanton St. Glaze finished cabinets $1.50, platinums $2 50 per dozen, at 11. R. Photo car. Absolutely Pure. A rrchni of tinar bd.k:ug powder High-st of all leaveninc strength Latest TJ S (J vernment Food Iiepcrt KOYAfc B 4 BXJrti POWDER CX Mew Ko? lip